Posts Tagged ‘God’

About Perspective

Thursday, February 2nd, 2012

Effective Ways To Improve Production Efficiency For Your Manufacturing Business

While all business owners should be taking measures to enhance efficiency, as this aspect of business growth is of extreme importance regardless of the industry, manufacturing businesses should take measures to boost production efficiency for several other reasons. These reasons range from improving workplace safety to saving on costs and everything in between. Manufacturing businesses that claim the lion’s share of the market are always searching for new ways to improve production efficiency with the intention of ultimately improving their bottom line.

So, to ensure your manufacturing business is constantly making notable strides towards improving production efficiency, we have rounded up five practical ways for you to achieve this. With that said, these five solutions break down the five fundamental focus points of manufacturing efficiency. Therefore, you can use these practices for years to come.

Waste in the manufacturing industry is a cost that should be avoided. And waste is also a broad term in this industry as it refers to employee hours, energy consumption, materials, and a few others. However, material waste is usually the biggest concern in the manufacturing industry. When searching for ways to reduce waste, you will need to utilize your conclusions from evaluating your production line, learn more detailed information from this top tier short cut fibers manufacturer.

When identifying waste, each of your production line processes will create some waste; identifying the processes responsible for making the most waste is the best way to reduce overall waste. However, you can also reduce waste by recycling or reusing waste instead of dumping it. You could also consider selling your waste to a business that can properly use it if you cannot eliminate the bulk of your waste.

The production line in your manufacturing business is the core of your business functions. When evaluating the production line, you should assess all the details as well, including the commonly overlooked details, such as loading dock bumper and other essential loading dock equipment your business needs. When it comes to sourcing and maintaining loading dock bumpers, you can consider Miner Corp or other leading industry service and equipment providers to ensure your production line has everything it needs to function as it should.

Throughput is another primary focal point to consider; you need this metric to measure the number of units being produced in a certain period on average. While quality equipment is crucial in ensuring your production line can run smoothly, evaluating your throughput will help you identify issues in your production line on occasions when the throughput is not entirely up to par. Capacity utilization is another element of your production line to evaluate, and this refers to calculating your factory’s total output capacity. This will allow you to determine your production line’s performance at all times.

While you are evaluating your production line, you will probably discover the most significant breakdowns in production. These are otherwise referred to as bottlenecks. Because having to shut down operations even for half a day can have a massive impact on your business’s reputation and overall profits, identifying sources of breakdowns and taking measures to prevent them from reoccurring is vital to all companies operating in the manufacturing industry.

About Mystical Number Theory and Pascal’s Triangle

Friday, December 2nd, 2011

The first part of this Blog is about the Triangular numbers, related to the Number 3, the Holy Trinity.

The second part shows that Pascal’s Triangle (called Meru’s Mountain in Mystics), the Binomial Expansion,  contains every Possible Mystical Number Pattern (including the Triangular Numbers) you can Imagine.

Pascal Triangle also shows that our Universe is a combinatorial miracle. It explores every possibility, is always in balance, expands and moves back to the beginning which is and was the Void, the Empty Set, the merge of Every Paradox, that is Possible.

About Mystical Number-Patterns

The Sēpher Yəṣîrâh (Book of Formation or Book of Creation, ספר יצירה) is the oldest book on Jewish Mysticism. The Sefer Yetzirah describes how the universe was created by the “God of Israel” through 32 Wondrous Ways of Wisdom.

The Number 32 is the Sum of the 10 Sephirot and the 22 Letters of the Hebrew Alphabet.

The Sephirot is related to the  Tetraktys of Pythagoras. The Tetraktys embodies the Four main Greek Cyclical (PlatonicMusical Harmonies: the Fourth (4:3), the Ffth (3:2), the Octave (2:1) and the Double Octave (1:4).

1+2+3+4 = 10. 10 is the 4th Triangular Number. The Nth triangular number is the Sum of the numbers 1 -> N. This Sum is equal to 1/2N(N+1).

Between the 10 Sephirot run 22 Channels or Paths which connect them.

The Sephirot are the Points of the Tetraktys. The Hebrew Letters are the Lines between the Points. The Lines of the  Sephirot and the Tetraktys create a Cube (6) at the Top and a Tetrahedron (4) at the Bottom.

The Letters of the Hebrew  Alphabet are divided in the 3 Mother Letters (אמש, the Trinity), the Seven Doubles (The Planets) and the Twelve Simples (the Zodiac).

The 22 letters of the Hebrew Alphabet are a combination of the Trinity, the 7 Planets and 12 Signs of the Zodiac.

When you analyse the Sepher Yeshirah the Cube of Space (the Kaaba) appears out of the Hebrew Alphabet. The Kaaba is related to the Seventh Planet, Saturn.

The 3 Axis of the Cube of Space are the Trinity, the 6 (2×3) Faces of the Cube stand for the Planets with the 7th Saturn, the Son of the Central Sun (3+1 (Center)+3) in the Center and the 12 (4×3) Boundary Lines of the Cube represent the 12 Signs of the Zodiac.

As you can see the Number Three, the Triangle,  plays an important role. It is the First Structure that is Closed in Itself and is therefore Topological related to the Circle. The Circle (and the Triangle) is able to rotate With and Against the Clock. This property is called Spin in Physics.

It is very important to realize that Everything Rotates in our Universe around a Central Object that rotates around another Central Object. The Central Object Gives Time, determinates the Rythm or Harmonics,  of the Rotation Structure.

The Trinity rotates around the Void. The 7 Chakra’s of the Human rotate around the 4th Chakra, the Heart Chakra, ((3+(1)+3)=7).

The Planets rotate around the Sun and the Sun rotates around the Central Black Hole. The arrow of Sagitarius points to this Black Hole.

On a Six Sided Dice the Sum of all the Numbers is Seven (1+6,2+5,3+4). The Sum of the Six Numbers is 3 X 7 = 21. If we add the Center (Saturn) the Number 22 appears.

22/7 is a good approximation of the number π. π relates the Square (and the Cube) to the Circle.

The Cube of Space symbolizes  the Playing Board of the Game of Life. On the Playing Board we have a Free Choice to move into the many Paths that are available. Every Path has its own Probability and this Probability can be calculated. If we don’t know what to do we could throw a Dice.

The Cube of Space contains the same six lines that exist in the I Ching. Four of the lines are of equal length, the other two, the diagonals, are longer. For this reason symmetry cannot be statically produced and the Dance (of Shiva) results.

The Circle represents the Cycles of Time of the Matrix of the Demiurg. Behind all the Probabilities of all the Possible Paths lies a Hidden Order.

A Hexagram, represented by the Star of David,  is a Two-Dimensional (Orthographic) projection of a Cube. A Symmetric Projection of the Cube creates a Cross.

A Hexagram is a Two Dimensional Cube

One of the many meanings of the first word in the Bible “Bereshit“,  is “They (Elohim) created Six” which means that in Six Stages of  the Time Cycle the Cube of Space (or the Hexagram) was populated. On the Seventh Day the Center was filled.

The book of Genesis does not describe the creation of the Trinity (They, Elohim, 1+2+3, 1x2x3) itself. This stage was later covered in the Zohar.

In my blog “About the Sum of Things” it is shown that Six Stages are part of an Expansion Pattern governed by the Powers of Two. After 2**6 (64) Expansions (or Compressions) the Same Fractal Pattern repeats itself on a higher level.

64 is the Number of the I Tjing and the Game of Chess. The number 32 of the Sepher Yeshirah is 64/2 and is a Contraction of the I Tjing.

The I Tjing is a contraction of the oldest Divination System in the Word called FA. FA is still used all over the world by the followers of the oldest wisdom-system created by the YOrubA in Africa. The Yoruba lived at the place where the ancient Paradise was situated.

Star of David in The Israeli Art Genesis-2

The Fourth Day (Sun (4), Moon (5))

About the Triangular Numbers

The Tetraktys contains the Numbers 1, 3, 6 and 10. These numbers are called Triangular Numbers.

The number 21 is also a Triangular Number because it is the Sum of  the Sixth Level of the Tetraktys,  the Numbers 1 to 6.

The Fifth Level of the Tetractys is related to the Number 15 (1+2+3+4+5). This number connects the Tetractys and the Sephirot to the 3×3 Lo Shu Magic Square also called the Seal of Saturn.

The nth Triangle number T(n) is the number of dots in a triangle with n dots on a side; it is the sum of the n natural numbers from 1 to n.  T(n)=n(n+1)/2.

The Triangular Numbers contain the Perfect Numbers. A perfect number is a positive integer that is equal to the sum of its proper positive divisors, that is, the sum of its positive divisors excluding the number itself. Six (1+2+3=1x2x3) is the first Perfect Number and 28 (1+2+4+7+14) is the next.

The Sum of two Triangular Numbers is a Square

The Sum of two adjacent Triangular Numbers T(n) +  T(n+1) is a Square Number because Two Triangels can be combined in a Square. 1+3=2**2 and 3+6=3**2.

There are many relationships between the Triangular Numbers. These relationships were the focus of the research of the Mystical Group of the Mathematikoi of Pythagoras.

6 (Bereshit, the Cube, the Hexagram) + the 22 Letters of the Hebrew Alphabet = 28, the Next Perfect Number (1+2+3+4+5+6+7).

28 is like the numbers 6 and 15 also a Hexagonal Number. As you can see in the picture below 28 is the fourth Hexagonal Number. As we have seen before a Hexagon is a Projection of a Cube so 28 represents a Cube in a Cube in a Cube. A Cube in a Cube is called a Tessarect or a HyperCube.

28 is a Hexagonal Number

The Number 15 is a Cube in a Cube called a Tessarect or a HyperCube

The first sentence in Genesis (“In the beginning Elohim created Heaven and Eearth“) contains 7 words and 28 letters. This indicates that the Creation Process was already in the 7th stage of the Tetraktys and in its 2nd Fractal Expansion,  the Birth of the Material Universe.

The sum of the entire verse is the 73rd Triangular Number. The prime Numbers 37 and 73 are geometrically related. They form the third and the fourth term in the sequence of Star Numbers (1, 13, 37, 73, 121).

Hexagon/Star pairs are closely related to Triangular numbers. Their product is always a Triangle, and they can be symmetrically generated from a Pair of Triangles.

Star Numbers are a Combination of Two Triangular Numbers

The Square is a combination of two Triangels. It is represented by the Of Star of David, the Symbol of the Heart Chakra.

The Symbol of the Heart Chakra contains Two Triangles.

About Pascal’s Triangle

When a number represents a Geometric Structure it is called a Figurative Number.

Every possible figurative number is generated by the Triangle of Pascal.

The Fractal Sierpinsky Triangle is the Triangle of Pascal Modulo 2.

The Triangle of Pascal was known long before Pascal (re)discovered it.

It was known in Ancient India as the Meru Prastara and in China as  the Yang Hui.  Meru Prastara relates the triangel to a Mystical Mountain called Mount Meru. Mount Meru is also implemented in the Sri Yantra.

The Triangle shows the Coefficients of the Function F(X,Y))= (X+Y)**n. If n=0 F(X,Y)=1 and if n=1 F(X,Y)=X+Y so the Coeffcients are (1,1).

Pascals Triangle is a 2-Dimensional System based on the Polynomal (X+Y)**N. It is always possible to generalize this structure to Higher Dimensional Levels. 3 Variables ((X+Y+X)**N) generate The Pascal Pyramid and n variables (X+Y+Z+….)**N  generate The Pascal Simplex.

The rows of the Pascal’s Triangle add up to the power of 2 of the row. So the sum of row 0 is 2**0 and  the sum of row 1 is 2**1 =2.

The Sum of the  rows of the higher n-dimensional versions of the Triangle is n**N where n is the Amount of Variables and N the level of expansion. So the Sum of Pascal’s Pyramid (3 variables X,Y,Z) is 3**N.

Triangle of Pascal

The most interesting property of the Triangle is visible in the Diagonals.

The First Diagonal contains only 1′s. The Ones represent Unique Objects. They are the Points in the Tetraktys.

The Second Diagonal contains the natural numbers. These Numbers are used to Count Objects that are The Same. The Natural Numbers are the Lines that connect the Points. The Natural Numbers are the Sum of the previous Ones.

The Third Diagonal contains the triangular numbers. The Triangular Numbers are the Sum of the previous Natural Numbers.

This pattern repeats itself all the time.

File:Yanghui triangle.gif

The Yang Hui is an ancient Chinese version of the Triangle of Pascal. This Triangle contains Nine (3x3) Levels.

The Fourth Diagonal contains the tetrahedral numbers (Pyramid Numbers) and the Fifth Diagonal, the pentatope numbers.

Fermat stated that Every Positive Integer is a Sum of at most three Triangular numbers, four Square numbers, five Pentagonal numbers, and n n-polygonal numbers.

The Tetrahedron with basic length 4 (summing up to 20) can be looked at as the 3-Dimensional analogue of the Tetraktys.

File:Pyramid of 35 spheres animation.gif

A Tetrahedral Number represents a 3D-version of the Tetraktys.

The Diagonals of the Triangle of Pascal contain every Possible 2-Dimensional Figurative Number (and Structure).

These Numbers are Projections of Higher Dimensional Numbers and Higher Dimensional Structures.

The Higher Dimensional Versions of the Triangle (the Pascal Pyramid, The Pascal Simplex) contain these structures.

The Rows of the Triangle Sum to the Powers of Two (2 Dimensions). These Powers control the Levels of Expansion.

Every 7th step the Fractal Pattern of the Triangle repeats itself on a higher Level.

The Figurative Numbers are the Geometric Shapes that are created by the Lines of the Natural Numbers that are connecting the Points of the One.

Pascal’s Triangle also contains the numbers of the Fibonacci Sequence (“The Golden Spiral“).

When we take the Modulo 9 (the Digital Root of Pythagoras) of the Numbers of Fibonacci a repeating patterns of 24 steps shows itself that can be represented by a Star Tetrahedron or Stella Octangula. The Star Tetrahedron is a Three Dimensional Star of David.

the Fibonacci Numbers as a Cube.

The StarTetrahedron, shows the Pattern behind the Sequence of Fibonacci.

Every Figurative Number N is the Sum of the Figurative Numbers N-1.  Every Geometric Shape is a combination of all the Previous Geometric Shapes.

This means that Every Geometric Shape is in the end The Sum of the Sum of the Sum of  …. Triangels, Trinities (Elohim) or Triangular Numbers and therefore an Extension of the Tetractys of Pythagoras.

The Expansion of the Whole is a (Fractal)  Combination of Combinations.

The Triangle of Pascal is related to the so called Binomial Theorem which is used in Combinatorics and Probability Theory to describe the Amount of Combinations of a Set of  Objects.

The rows of the Triangle of Pascal also shows the Bell Shaped Pattern of the Normal Distribution.

The Probability Distribution of the Triangle of Pascal converges to the Normal Distribution because of the Central Limit Theorem. Every Row has a Mean of N/2 and a Variance of (N**1/2)/2 which means that with every new row the Mean and the Variance become Bigger and Bigger.

The Triangle of Pascal and therefore the Figurative Numbers describe Everything that is Possible but every Expansion of the Triangle is less Likely to Occur.

The Triangle of Pascal Modulo 3

The Triangle of Pascal Mod 3 represents the Tetraktys in the Tetraktys in the .....

Because of the Fractal Expansion/Contraction Pattern The Cube of  Space, related to the Element Earth,  explains Everything there is to Know on Our Level of Existence, Mother Earth.

The interesting part of the Figurative Numbers is that they representent Visual Patterns with which we can Reason.

We don’t need complex formulas because we can See what is Possible.

The interesting part of the Triangle of Pascal is that we can See that the Complex Figurative Structures are created out of a very Simple Structure, the Triangle.

If we want to understand our Reality we have to begin with looking at the Beginning and not start somewhere in the Middle.

If we look at the Fractal Expansion Pattern of the Triangle we See that Every new Stage is an Expansion Out of the Middle.

The Expansion of the Human, the Next Step in our Evolution,  is therefore an Expansion Out of the Heart, the Balance of Father Sky and Mother Earth.

Life is not only about Me and the Other.

Life is also about the Relationship between Me and the Other.

If we don’t Collaborate the Next stage in our Evolution will never happen.


The Content of the Sepher Yesirah

About the Sepher Yesirah

About the Cube of Space

About the Tetractys

About the Cube of Space and Psychology

About the Sepher Yesirah and the I Tjing

A correspondence table of the Cube of Space

About Bereshit

About Genesis

About Patterns in the Bible

About Saturn

About the Trinity

About the Sri Yantra and Plato

About the Lo Shu and the I Tjing

All kind of strange relationships between Triangular Numbers

A website about Mystical Number Theory

About the Figurative Numbers

About Combining the Combinations

About the Golden Spiral and Plato

About the Logic of Creation

About Pascal’s Triangle and the Normal Distribution

A complete course in elementary Number Theory

About the Psychology of the Cube of Space

About the Tetraktys and the Zodiac

About the Process Theory of Paul Young

About the Theory of Dewey B. Larsson

Mysteries of the Equilateral Triangle

About Visual Patterns in Number Theory

About Pascal’s Triangle and Cell Division

About Saturn, the Son of the Sun

Sunday, October 30th, 2011

Early astronomical traditions identify the “Primeval Sun” as the planet Saturn.

Saturn was identified with Osiris in Egypt and Shiva in India.  The Babylonians, the founders of Astronomy, called Saturn the “Light of Heaven, the Sun-God Shamash (or Šamaš).

Tacitus records the Jews as worshipping the planet Saturn, Shabbatai,  as their god. In Plato’s Timaeus, the word for the planet Saturn is Helios, the “Sun” god. Popular Greek traditions identified Saturn as Kronos (Father Time). At that time Saturn ruled “over the Pole“.

The Pole was seen as the Entrance to the Other World. The Shaman using his Light Body had to Climb Jacobs Ladder to get there.

In Sankrit, Suryaputrah,  ”Son of the Sun”  is the name for the planet Saturn. The Medieval Alchemists called Saturn the “Best Sun”.

The Kabbalah divides the Universe  into Ten Spheres, or Sephiroth, which have Planetary and other Correspondences. The Sphere of Saturn is known as Binah (“Understanding“) and the terrestrial sphere, known as Malkuth, is said to have its foundation in Binah.

Long ago Saturn exercised the supreme power on Earth, his reign being remembered as the Golden Age, his time revered, a time which Man longed to return to. At this moment the Cycle is  ruled by Kali. The Mother Goddess Kali represents the Moon in Saturn.

Semitic civilizations referred to the god Saturn as “El”. El was the source of the Great Flood. El was represented by a Black Cube. The Kaaba (“the Cube of Space”) is a cube-shaped building in Mecca, Saudi Arabia, and is the most sacred site in Islam. The building predates Islam, and, according to Islamic tradition, the first building at the site was built by Abraham.

In Ancient History the World was ruled by the Female and  the Mother Goddess. The Vulva or the Yoni (Circle), of the Ancient Mother Goddess was always combined with a Black Stone (with a Point), the Symbol of the Phallus (Lingham) of the Male Creator. The God and the Godddess created the Universe in a short moment of Extreme Extacy.

The Pelgrims have to encircle the Black Stone of El Seven Times just like the Rings of Saturn encircle the Center.

About the Number Seven

The Blog “About the Sum of Things” is about the so called Seal of Saturn and the related 3×3 Magic Square of Saturn also called the Lo Shu in China.

Saturn is the Seventh Planet and Saturday (Sabbath) the Seventh Day of the Week.

In the Blog it is shown that the 3×3 Magic Square generates Two Cyclic Systems. One System, the Wheel of Karma  is a Fractal Torus and is related to the Expansion and Compression of the Universe and the number 2. The Fractal Torus contains Seven Levels associated with the Chakra’s, the Seven Heavens, The Seven Tones and the Seven Colors. The Tower of Bable and the Egyptian Pyramids are a Simulator of the Torus.

The other is a Cyclic Vortex System, the Cycle of Death, related to the number 3 and the Triangel.

The Number Seven is the Repeating Factor of the Torus System. After Seven Steps a new Fractal Level of the Expansion/Compression-Cycle is reached. On the Seventh Day a new Stage in the Creation Process of our Universe is started.

The Torus looks like a Yoni and as you can see the Lingham of Shiva is Inside the Torus. This is the reason why Saturn is associated with Binah and Shakti, the Female Part of Shiva. It also explains why Saturn is related to Fertility.

The Sequence of the Trinity (A-U-M) controls the Creation/Destruction-Cycle of our Universe.  This is the Cycle of Shiva, the Creator and Destructor.

Shiva and Shakti are the Circle (Torus, Yoni) and the Lingham (the Point, Singularity, Lingham). They are the 0 (or the 9) and the 1.

The only thing you need to Create our Universe is de Tao (0), the One, the Two and the Three and they will Generate Everything.

Why is Saturn the Son of the Sun?

There are two explanations. The first one is a Physical Explanation related to Plasma Physics. In the stage of the Golden Age our Solar System contained only Three Planets and Saturn was the Best Sun. Plasma Physics is able to explain many ancient Symbols.

The Second explanation goes back to the Numbers. The Magic Square of Saturn is the First Magic Square that can be constructed. 2×2 is not existent and 1×1 is a Point. The Magic Square of the Sun is the 6×6 Magic Square with Sum 666! and Constant 111. The 3×3 Square can be extracted (is a Son) out of the 6×6 Square.


The Demiurg with the Torus and the Zodiac

About  Kronos, Father Time

The Greek called Saturn Kronos, Father Time.

Most of the Souls are not aware of Cycling Cycle of the Fractal Torus of the Number Two of Duality,  the Wheel of Karma. They stay in the same Place and Their reincarnations are a Merry Go Round.

Some Souls move around the Torus and experience many experiences in the Seven Universus.

All of them are Kept in de Rotating Matrix of the Demiurg.

If you really want to be Free you have move out of Duality into the Cycle of the Divine Trinity (Shiva).

When you want to leave the Rotating Cycle (Torus) of everyday Life and move into a higher dimension (more possibilities, more perspectives), you have to Twist Yourself and Merge with Yourself.

You Twist when you Cross the Cycle of Life and Enter the Cycle of Death of the Trinity. When you join this Cycle you leave the Seven Heavens and move to the Void in the Middle of the Death Cycle.

The Void, the Kingdom,  Cleans every thing and makes every thing New.

You Merge with Yourself when you integrate the Inside and the Outside, the Up and the Down, the Male and the Female.

The Klein Bottle, The Universe Closed in Itself, the Basic Structure behind Alchemy.

“If we then become children, would we thus enter the kingdom?” Jesus said unto them, “When ye make the two one, and when you make the inside like unto the outside and the outside like unto the inside, and that which is above like unto that which is below, and when ye make the male and the female one and the same, so that the male no longer be male nor the female female; and when ye fashion eyes in place of an eye, and a hand in place of a hand, and a foot in place of a foot, and a likeness in place of a likeness; then will ye enter into the kingdom.” (Gospel of Thomas, Logion 22).


About the Sum of Things

About the Cube of Space

About the Myth of Saturn

About the Mother Goddess

About the Dance of Shiva

About Saturn and the Sun

About the Seven Heavens

About the Great Flood

About the Golden Age of Saturn

About the Torus and the Vortex

About Time

About the Twisted Universe

About Alchemy

About the Polar Myth

There is only the Dance

Saturday, October 23rd, 2010


Shiva the Hindu god of destruction is also known as Nataraja, the Lord of the Dance. Like yoga, dance induces trance, ecstasy and the experience of the divine.

The most common figures depict a four-armed Nataraja. These multiple arms represent the four cardinal directions. Each hand either holds an object or makes a specific mudra (gesture).

The upper right hand holds a hour-glass drum which is a symbol of creation. It is beating the pulse of the universe. The drum also provides the music that accompanies Nataraja’s dance.

The opposite hand, the upper left, bears on its palm a tongue of flames. Fire is the element of destruction of the world. It is also the symbol of passion.

The second right hand is held in the abhaya pose (without fear) and so a gesture of protection. It depicts the god as a protector.

The left leg is raised towards the right leg and reaches across it; the lower left hand is stretched across the body and points to the upraised left foot which represents release from the cycle of birth and death.

The hand pointing to the uplifted foot is held in a pose imitative of the outstretched trunk of an elephant. In Sanskrit this is known as the ’gaja-hasta-mudra’ (the posture of the elephant trunk), and is symbolic of Ganesha, Shiva’s son, the Remover of Obstacles.

Nataraja dances on the body of a dwarf apasmara-purusha, the man of forgetfulness, who embodies indifference, ignorance and laziness.

Creation is possible only when the weight of inertia is overcome and suppressed. The Nataraja image thus addresses each individual to overcome complacency and get his or her own act together.

The ring of fire and light, which circumscribes the entire image, identifies the field of the dance with the entire universe. The lotus pedestal on which the image rests locates this universe in the heart or consciousness of each person.

The hands of Shiva represent the Human Faculties of the Imagination (Creation, Spirit, Vishnu), Control (Destruction, Thinking, Compression, Shiva), Desire (Agni, Fire, Sensing &Acting, Expansion) and the Emotions (Soul, Ganesha, Motivation, Removing Obstacles).

Vishnu, the Holy Spirit



Humans need the “Illusion of Control” to sustain their Identity. Deep within they don’t want to believe that Other Human Beings or the Forces of Nature (“the Acts of God“) are also Active Agents.

The Imagination creates the Identity, the believe that I Am What I Am.

When we are in Deep Meditation, the Observer, the Consciousness, is able to watch the constant popping up of  Images (Ideas) out of the Nothing. 

If we are not able to keep the Observer-state, we move into the Sleep of the Darkness or our Senses are attracted by one of the Images  and move into the Dream State.

According to Buddist belief the Dream State, (Maya, Not-That) is Not the Real Word.  This world is hidden behind a veil. Behind the veil lies the Void.

The Void is not empty. It is comparable to the Zero-Point-Field, the state of the Universe before the Big Bang. In this state everything,  even the impossible,  is possible.

In the Void, Ideas of the First Creator (Brahman) Pop-Up, Move into Existence for a while and finally disappear. 

For a very long time Brahman was in deep meditation until one of the Ideas of Brahman created a Huge Excitement. This was the Idea to become Aware of Itself.

To make this happen Brahman had to spit itself into two parts, the Observer (Being, Consciousness) and the Actor (Becoming, Desire, Acting).  

Maya, the Material World,  the Expanding Universe, was created when the Desire to become Aware generated the first Split of the Universe, the split between the Void and the Not-Void, the Whole.

At this moment the Left Brain and the Right Brain of Brahman are fusing and soon we all will experience the Whole which is not the Void. The Void will stay a Mystery for Ever and Ever.




Ganesha rides a mouse, the symbol of mankind’s ignorance, his hidden fears and insecurities and his deep attachment to petty worldly objects.

By riding on the mouse, Ganesha shows that one can and must control and overcome all negative feelings. One can be the master of oneself and need not be a slave.

The head of Ganesha, the Elephant,  symbolizes the Atman, the Soul  and his human body signifies Maya.

Our “Head” or better our Soul is connected to the Void,  but our Body is an Expression of the Non-Void.

Our Body is part of the Material World and has to obey the Rules of the Material World.

Ganesha represents the Emotions, the Motivation, the Rotation, that started when Maya started to expand. When an Elephant is In Motion it is able to remove all obstacles.  

An Elephant is Part of a Herd that needs a Shephard (Vishnu, the Imagination) to find Its Way.

When an Idea pops up in the Imagination it moves the Wheel of the Emotions and the Body want to realize the Idea in the Material World.

Agni, the God of Fire



Agni brings about growth, expansion, ascension, and transformation. It is the fire hidden in earthly things which rises out of them to heaven beyond.

Fire is the symbol of agni. The quality of fire is to spread itself. Because it spreads itself in every direction, it is present everywhere. Even though it spreads in all directions its motion is always upwards. It carries everything that it consumes and purifies, upwards.

If the motivation to realize the idea is there,  the Fire of Agni is lighted and the Human becomes passionated.

If you are  not able to control your passions you will become Addicted to the idea and the idea will never be realized.

Shiva, the Destroyer



Shiva is the Destroyer. He wants to bring everything back to the void.  The Fire of Agni is able to expand the orginal idea to exceptional proportions.

At a certain moment Shiva stops the Fire and takes over Control. The idea is simplified,  put into a plan and is finally on its way to the Material World.

The Cycle Moves On

But the Creative Energy is already busy to generate new Ideas. If this happens,  the orginal plan is adapted and adapted (“scope creap“) and will never be realized.


About Emptyness

About the Fusion of the two Minds of Brahman

About Ma’át, the Egyptian Shiva

About Good and Evil

About the Illusion of Control

About Addiction

Why you need an Obstacle to become Excited

About Scope Creap

About the Good, the Bad and the Nothing

Monday, July 5th, 2010

Sometimes You want to do the Good Thing and the result is a Bad Thing.

Sometimes You start an Activity with a Good Intention but the Activity runs completely Out of Hand because You were unable to Predict all the effects.

Sometimes an Activity starts with a Good Intention and Ends with a Good Result but much later You discover that you have started a Chain of Activities and the Result of the Chain is Bad.

Good and Bad are Context Dependent.

Look at this little Story:

A Chinese farmer awoke one morning to find a horse grazing in one of his fields. Since nobody came to claim the horse, the farmer used it to plow his uncultivated land. “What a good this horse is for you,” said his neighbor. “We’ll see,” said the farmer. Soon after, the farmer’s 18-year-old son was riding the horse when it shied at a snake. The youth fell off and broke his leg. “What an evil this is for you,” said his neighbor. “We’ll see,” said the farmer. Soon after, the warlord’s agents combed the village, conscripting young men for his army. Because of his broken leg, the farmer’s son was not taken. “What a good this is for you,” said his neighbor. “We’ll see,” said the farmer.

The Devil in the TAROT

The Tarot Card the Devil: The Devil, the God Pan, is the Force of Desire. On the Card we can see that Humans are able to Lift the Chains of Desire.

About the Golden Rule of Ethics

The big problem is that we attach a Value to the Intentions or the Consequences of an Activity and this Value has just two Names named: “Good” or “Bad“.

When the E-Valuation is “Good” we Feel Good. When the E-Valuation is “Bad” we feel Anger, Sadness, Guilty, Depressed or Worse. The Names of the Evaluation trigger the Emotions Deeply.

Most of the time we feel Guilty without any need to feel Guilty because we are not in Control of Everything that Happens.

The Ego, our Identity, is not able to stand the Lack of Control it has on the Outside World.

Humans need the “Illusion of Control” to sustain their Identity. Deep within they don’t want to believe that Other Human Beings or the Forces of Nature (“the Acts of God“) are also Active Agents.

The Science that is trying to define the Good and the Bad is called Ethics.

Ethics is the Philosophical Study of  “the Moral Value of Human Conduct and of the Rules and Principles that ought to govern it” or “the principles concerning the distinction between Right and Wrong or Good and Bad Behavior’

The most important Rule of Ethics is the so called Golden Rule : ” We should do to others what we would want others to do to us” or “do not do to others what you would not like to be done to you“.

The Golden Rule of Empathy and Forgiving is the most important Ethical Rule in many Cultures all around the World.

The Golden Rule uses the Principle of Self-Reference. Something is Applied on Itself.

When we apply the Principle of Self-Reference to the Bad, we move into the Domain of Lady Justice.

Lady Justice

Lady Justice: An Eye for an Eye (Revenge)

About Justice and Revenge

When Bad People don’t want to use the Good Golden Rule some cultures use the Rule “An Eye for an Eye” (Revenge) to do Justice to the Bad Ones. When you do Bad to a Person, the Bad Behavior is Applied to Yourself. “Eye for an eye” is used to make Bad People Aware of the Good Golden Rule.

The interesting point is that the combination of the Golden Rule and the “Eye for an Eye“-Rule  (called Tit-for-Tat) is the best way to solve the Iterated Prisoners Dilemma, a Chain of Conflicts.

Strangely enough The Good (now called Cooperation)  is Accomplished when you just Imitate the Behavior of the Others.

There is One (fatal) Exception to the Strategy of Tit-for-Tat. If you want to operate On Your Own and You think You don’t need the Others to Survive the best Way to Operate is to Betray Every Body. Bad Behavior provides you with a Huge Economic Win but also with a  Huge Social Loss.

When you Betray the others, You have To Protect Yourself for the Revenge of the Others.

To Compensate your Social Loss You have to Buy the Others (Lawyers, Mercanaries, ) or (worse) you have to Force the Others with Violence to Cooperate with You.  In the first Case you lose a lot of Money and in the last case the Amount of Revenge increases exponentially.

To Survive you always have to Balance the Social (“the Other“) and the Economic (“the Ego“). The “easy way’ is to do the Good and the “difficult way“ is to do the Bad.

Cooperation is a highly Effective and Efficient Method to accomplish the Good for Your Self and the Others because Good Behavior attracts Good Behavior and Bad Behavior attracts  Bad Behavior.

Seven Virtues

The Seven Virtues

About the Seven Virtues.

To do Good or to do Justice you have to Apply the Same to the Same because The Same Attracts the Same.

The Same not only Attracts the Same. The Same Repels the Not-the-Same.

The Same Law:  ”Look-A-Likes Like Each Other and Repel the Organisms that are not looking alike” (called Genetic Similarity Theory) also explains Evolution. This rule was detected by Charles Darwin when he wanted to explain the huge amount of Cooperation in Nature.

When you Apply the Same to the Same (Self-Reference) it generates a Fractal Structure in which the Same Structure Repeats Itself on Every Level (“As Above, So Below“).

It Looks Like there is a Universal Moral Law that explains  Behavior on Every Level of the Universe.

Some Scientists believe the Moral Laws are Eternal Truths. This believe has a long History that goes back to Ancient Rome (Cicero), Ancient Greece (Plato, Socrate) and Ancient Egypt (Ma’at).

During the Renaissance (“Rebirth“) the Moral Principles of Rome, Greece, and Egypt were reborn and transformed into Moral Systems based on the Four (Prudence, Justice, Temperance and Fortitude) or the Seven Virtues (The Four Virtues & Faith, Hope and Love).

When you understand and apply the Universal Moral Laws you use the Virtue of Prudence (Wisdom, Knowledge).  To Apply the Golden Lesson you need to have Courage and a Strong Will, the Virtue of Fortitude. When you keep the three Virtues (Wisdom, Justice and Will) in the right Balance you are practising the virtue of Temperance.

They last three virtues are derived out of the First Letter to the Corinthians written by Paul:

“If I speak in the tonguesof men and of angels, but have not love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal. If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have a faith that can move mountains, but have not love, I am nothing. If I give all I possess to the poor and surrender my body to the flames,but have not love, I gain nothing.

Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.

Love never fails. But where there are prophecies, they will cease; where there are tongues, they will be stilled; where there is knowledge, it will pass away. For we know in part and we prophesy in part, but when perfection comes, the imperfect disappears. When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put childish ways behind me. Now we see but a poor reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known. And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love”.

Balance of Ma'at

The Golden Rule of Ma'at (Forgiving and Empathy)

About the Temperance of Ma’at

Ma’at (later  named Sophia ) was one of the (3×3) Nine Egyptian Neteru . She represented the Virtues of Truth, Balance, Justice, and Order. Just like Lady Justice she uses a Scale.

The dead person’s Heart was placed on the scale, balanced by the Feather of Ma’at. If the Heart weighed the same as the Feather of Ma’at, the deceased was allowed to go on to the Eternal Afterlife and gained Immortality (Heaven).

If the deceased had been found not to have followed the concept of Ma’at during his life (if he had lied or cheated or killed or revenged) his heart was devoured by a demon and he died the final death and was Reincarnated (Hell).

The Human,  the Talking Baboon,  had to start all over again to Learn and Apply the most important Golden Lesson of the Universe.

The way of Ma’at was to Act out of the Center of Conscioussness, the Heart. Acting out of the Heart is called the Virtue of Love.

Ma’at was also the God of Balance, Rythm and the Cycles. The Good and the not-Good moved the Cycles of the Universe.

The Good and the not-Good came out of the Same Source, the Void, the Sekhem, the Source of Infinite Potential and Love.

The Tree Faces of Shiva

The Tree Faces of Shiva (Creator, Destructor and Brahman (Void, Love, Infinite Potential))

About the Trinity of the Mind

In the Eastern (Gnostic, Egyptian, Indian, African, Mystic) Believe System the Good and the Bad are both created by the Demiurg (or the Logos, “In the beginning was the Word and Word was God“) one of the Creations of the Void. The Void exists outside our Level of Existence. The Void is a Mystery.

The Good and the not-Good, the Bad, are Complementary Opponents. Their Union is the Whole. They Share the Void, the Empty Set. The Empty Set contains Everything that is Impossible.

The Good and the Bad Move the Cycles of the Universe. They represent the E-Motions (Expansion (Desire, Creation) and Contraction (Control, Destruction)) of the Void.

The Good and the Bad Cooperate by Competing to bring the Lonely Souls back to the Void.

The Good, the Creator, and the Bad, the Destructor, are Two Faces of the Same Entity, the Spiritual Trinity, who came out of the Nothing.

The connection with the Void can be found in the Middle (the Golden Mean) of the Body, the Heart, the Link between the Triangel of the Material World (the Body) and the Triangel of the Spiritual World (The Mind).

The Heart, the connection with the Void,  is the Seat of Consciousness. It is also the Seat of the Emotions (Soul).

When the Heart Weights like a Feather, the Upper (Mind) and the Lower Trinity (the Body) connected by the Emotions are in Balance.

The Bad and the Good are Attractors. When the Attraction becomes too High you get Addicted to the Bad or the Good. A huge Expansion is compensated by a huge Contraction to Balance the Cycle. When you want to avoid the Pain of Contraction you have to Balance your Life.

The Two Triangels with the Heart in the Middle are the Same As the Seven Chakra’s (2×3+1) and the Seven Virtues of the Renaissance.

The Seven Chakra’s together with the Spiritual Trinity are Similar to the Tree of Life, The Egyptian Pesedjet/Neteru and the Jewish Sephirot (3×3+1).

The Seven Chakra's

The Seven Chakra's

About the Trinity of the Body

When Body and Mind are in Balance, the Ideas of the Spiritual Trinity are received by the Trinity of the Mind and are Implemented by the Trinity of the Material Body in the Material World (Earth).

When the Mind is not connected to the Body and the Spirit, the Ideas become Abstractions (only Words) or the Impulses of the Desire of the Body Takes over Control.

When the Mind is not connected to the Spirit Innovation stops and Old Ideas (the Seeds) Repeat Themselves All the Time. The Human becomes a Machine Caught in the Wheel of the Good and the Bad.

The One, the Spiritual Trinity, who is The Void, the Good (the Creator) and the Bad (the Destructor), uses the Strategy of Tit-for-Tat, the Trickster.

The Trinity Imitates the Behavior of the Humans or We the Humans Copy their Behavior (“We are made in the Image of God“)!

The One wants to make the Humans Aware of the Fact that the only way to Survive the Infinite Chain of Conflicts (Dilemma’s, Contradictions), which is Life, is to Cooperate (Live out of the Heart) with the Infinite Potential, the God of Love.


The Big Implosion

About Destruction

The Golden Rule of Ethics tries to avoid the Negative Emotions, the Emotions of Loss. It wants to Create a situation were Everybody is Happy.

The Golden Rule of Ethics helps a lot to Evaluate our Intentions and the Consequences of our Intentions but the effect of our Collective Actions on the Bigger Structures is almost Unpredictable.

It would help a lot if we could Expand our View from the Emotional Human Other to “all the Other Life-Forms” that are in Existence.

In this case we have to Understand the Effects of our Behavior on the Negative Emotions of the Bacteria, the Plants, the Animals, Earth and even the Universe.

It is not clear if our Emphatic System is able to Imagine the Inner World of the other Life Forms.

If the Act of Destruction is felt the same by all these Organisms it will be simply impossible to Live.

We have to Destroy Others to stay Alive.

The Universe Destroys to Stay Alive.

The Destruction of the Old is needed to Create the New.

At this moment we are confronted with a World-Wide Crisis on many Levels of Existence. The Collective Behavior of the Human Race is Destroying our Environment.

The Collective Desire to Create and Expand has reached the Limits of the System we Live in.

It is almost impossible to Control this Expansion. The Control Systems have also reached their Limits.

The Two Complementary Forces, The Good and the Bad, Expansion and Contraction, Desire and Control,  have both reached their Outer Limits.

If they both reach the Limits the Expanding Balloon of our Outer Universe will Explode in Itself (Implode) and move through the Void to another State. There is Simply no Space Left to Expand.

If this happens the Expansion of the Outer World will be Transformed into an Expansion of the Inner World.

The Big Bang, the Big Explosion, the Sublime Act of Creation, will Repeat itself and the Big Implosion will Create a New Universe.

The Flow of Time

The Flow of Time

About Not-Acting

Wu Wei (Not Acting, Acting without Effort) is an important concept of Taoism.

When you want to apply this concept you have to Know Everything There is to Know about the Cycles and the Forces of Nature. Wu Wei is only possible when you have aquired the Knowledge and the Wisdom of Ma’at/Sophia.

Most of the Time the Power of the Cycle is so Strong that it is impossible for Us to influence the Flow of Time.

Sometimes on a Rare Moment on a Special Place the Cycles can be Influenced.

Only at that Special Magic Moment the Human is able to do the Good or the Bad.

At all the other Moments History Takes its Course. The Good and Bad Forces, the Acts of God, Act without our Consent on the Higher Levels of Our Universe. It is a Waste of Time and Energy to Oppose these Forces.

Most of the Time we are Pushed by the Forces of Nature. We Act without Effort.

In Ancients Times the Forces were called Gods, Angels or Devils. At this moment we Name these Forces with Different Names (Gravity, the Strong and Weak Force and the Electro-Magnetic Force) but the Effect of the Forces on our Field of Existence stays the Same.

At a Magic Moment Everything, even the Impossible, is Possible. At such a moment we are ”in Tune with“  the Empty Set, the Void, the Sekhem, the Tao, the Field, the Love, the Mystery, the Unspoken.

The Emotions of Loss are created when we Lose Something.

If you Own Nothing You have Nothing to Lose.

If you Expect Nothing, Every Thing will Happen.

When people see things as beautiful,
ugliness is created.
When people see things as good,
evil is created.

Being and non-being produce each other.
Difficult and easy complement each other.
Long and short define each other.
High and low oppose each other.
Fore and aft follow each other

Therefore the Master
can act without doing anything
and teach without saying a word.
Things come her way and she does not stop them;
things leave and she lets them go.
She has without possessing,
and acts without any expectations.
When her work is done, she takes no credit.
That is why it will last forever

(Tao Te Ching,  Chapter II)


About Game Theory and Ethics

About Cybernetics and Ethics

About Social Balance Theory

About Addiction

How to Resolve a Conflict

About the Seven Virtues

About the Illusion of Control and other Human Biases

About Morality and Ethics

About Ethical Dilemma’s

About Tit-for-Tat

About Tit-for-Tat and World Politics

About Genetic Similarity Theory

About the Renaissance

About Ma’at and the Measure of the Heart

About the Nine Egyptian Concepts (the Neteru)

About Plato and the New Harmony

About Socrate and the Golden Rule

About the Demiurg

About the Mystic Experience

About the Heart

About the Void

About the Sekhem

About the Trinity

About the Trickster

About Autonomous (Smart) Systems

Wednesday, June 16th, 2010

Volvo Trucks begins installation of EV charging infrastructure

Volvo Trucks has begun the installation of charging infrastructure for a fleet of electrified commercial trucks, which is being implemented in partnership with Greenlots, a member of the Shell Group.

This round of heavy-duty fleet charging stations will be the first of four installations by Greenlots at Southern California warehouses.

Currently, Greenlots has installed two 50kW DC fast chargers at the TEC Equipment Warehouse in Fontana, Calif., both of which are fully operational. Next up in an additional installation of a 150 kW DC fast charger next month. Find out the best business and semi truck deals at these freightliner truck auctions.

“We’re excited to be part of the development of a battery-electric transport eco-system along with our Volvo LIGHTS project partners,” Peter Voorhoeve, president of Volvo Trucks North America, said in a statement. “This project is unique in the sense of its scope, and that it takes into account the entire system, with the charging infrastructure provided by Greenlots being one of the key components to this transport solution.”

The Greenlots’ SKY EV Charging Network Software allows the Volvo fleet and charging stations to be managed while balancing grid demand and supply grid operators with the tools to integrate EVs and renewables into the grid.

This initiative is part of Volvo’s LIGHTS commitment of achieving a goal of zero emissions in California.

About the Great Flood

Thursday, February 11th, 2010


At December 25, 3117 B.C. a total solar eclipse was visible at Sunrise at the Winter Solstice point. This date marks the date of the start of Biblical, Hindu and Maya Calendars. It is also the start of the Reign of Me-Sin or Menes the first Pharao King that united Egypt.

The beginning of the new calendar marks the most important Geophysical Event of the past five millennia  the Great Flood.  One of the causes of the Great Flood could be a close encounter of the earth with the comet Typhon (the Dragon).

And there appeared another wonder in heaven; and behold a great red dragon, having seven heads and ten horns, and seven crowns upon his heads. And his tail drew the third part of the stars of heaven, and did cast them to the earth…And there was war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon fought and his angels, And prevailed not; neither was their place found any more in heaven“. (Rev 12:3,4,7,8).

The Great Flood

The Great Flood

Geo-climatologists  have found a huge climatic change around 3117 BC, called the Piora oscillation. This abrupt change in the climate was probably caused by a huge meteorite swarm (“seven heads and ten horns“), possibly from the break-up of a great comet (“the Red Dragon“) in the inner parts of the Solar system.

Archaeologists have confirmed the presence of a widespread layer of riverine silt deposits, shortly after the Piora Oscillation interrupting the sequence of settlement, that left a few feet of yellow sediment in the cities of Shuruppak and Uruk and extended as far north as Kish.

The recent detected undersea Burckle Crater 1500 kilometers Southeast of Madagascar could be the Impact crater of one of the parts of the Typhon. The Comet that crashed into the Sea caused Massive Rainstorms, Darkness and a huge Tsunami with Waves more than 200 meters in heigh.

The whole earth seethed, and sky and sea: and the long waves raged along the beaches round and about, at the rush of the deathless gods: and there arose an endless shaking.” (Hesiod, Theogony).

At that time the Earth was also at the end of the 1500 years Climate Cycle caused by the Wobble of the Axis of the Earth. This cycle generates Earthquakes, rising of the sea level and a Sudden Change of the Climate. At that time the Earth was highly vulnerable.  The huge impact of Comet Typhon triggered Earthquake-Storms all over the World.

Most of the educated people  that lived in the Valleys of the Middle East were killed. The poor people without any education that lived in the Mountains, the Shepherds,  survived the Flood.

It is very clear that this Mega-Disaster with its devastating Consequences must have had a huge impact on the people that survived the Flood. Their Complete view on God, the Earth and the Universe turned completely Upside Down in a few days.

Before the Flood things were very different. The Immortal Gods and the Humans lived for Four Thousand years between 7.000 BC and 3.000 BC in the Paradise of the Green Sahara.

Noah's Ark

Noah's Ark

The Nice Climate in the Sahara made it possible that Fruits, Plants and Animals were so plentiful that there was no need to Strive.

After 3117 BC the Green Sahara Suddenly transformed into a Desert because the Weather Patterns on Earth changed completely.

The survivors of the Wandering Communities of the Hunter/Gatherers had to Move to more Fertile places on Earth. They settled Down at the Oases in the Desert and/or started to Attack the groups that were able to live on fertile grounds. The Peaceful time of the Green Sahara, Paradise, was suddenly disrupted.

About 3000 BC, a shift of power took place in the Near East, as the result of the immigration of large numbers of Semitic & Aryan Tribes into the area. Out of  the Green Sahara, Semitic tribes pushed, in several waves, into the area of the Fertile Crescent. These tribes were known amongst the Mesopotamians as Amurru (meaning “Westerners“).

Gilgamesh (Nimrod)

Nimrod, the Rebel

At the Oases the Hunter/Gatherers were forced into close association with animals which were then domesticated together with planting of seeds. The Cooperation between Humans and Nature that was possible in the abundant Green Sahara changed into a Competition between Humans and Nature.

After some time the Oasis changed into a City State. To Protect the Citizens of the City States against the Evil Outsiders the Kings demanded Total Power.

The first City that was build after the Flood was the City of Kish: “After the Flood had swept over the earth and when kingship was lowered again from heaven, kingship was first in Kish. . . . in Uruk the divine Gilgamesh . . . ruled 126 years . . . its kingship was removed to Ur” (the Sumerian KingList). Excavations there indicate it was founded about 3000 BC.

To Rule their Small (and later Big) Empires the Kings needed their Own Religion. To justify their Position they created the Story of the Evil God of the Sky of the Desert that was the Cause of the Terrible Disaster of the Flood.

Therefore the Lord God sent him forth from the garden of Eden, to till the ground from whence he was taken” (Genesis 3:23) and Cursed is the ground for thy sake. Thorns also and thistles shall it bring forth to thee. In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread” (Genesis 3:17 – 3:19).

The Snake and the Garden of Eden

The Snake, the Kundalini, in the Garden of Eden

The Great Flood killed many people and almost completely destroyed Civilization in the Middle East. The knowledge about writing and astronomy had to be rediscovered again. For a while people reverted to simple tools. After hundreds of  years the rediscovery of Ancient Science was complete and new inventions turned up all over the world.

The leaders knew History would Repeat Itself and started to prepare the world for New Disasters. They knew that the Stars could be used to predict the Future.

One of the things they did was the creation of Astronomical Early Warning Systems like Stonehenge and the Institution of a new Advanced Calendar that made it possible to calculate the date of a New Disaster with a High Accuracy.

Astrology, the Science of the Magi,  was the most important Science at that time. The Stars were used to Navigate and to Predict the Future. It is impossible to understand the Myths of ancient time without a deep knowledge of the positions of the Stars at the time the Myths were created. The relationship between Myths and Astrology is researched by the science of Astro-Mythology.



Around 3117 BC the star Alpha Draconis (Thuban, the Snake)  in the star-system Ursa Minor, The Falcon, was situated in the Center of the Universe.  The Sphinx and the Pyramids are all aligned to this star.

The Magi, the Ancient Scientists,  considered The Center of the Universe, the Pole Star, as the most important point in the Universe. The Pole Star, the Hole in the Centre, was the entrance to the Other Worlds.

The Center of the Universe is not fixed. It moves around in a Circle counter the Circle of the Zodiac. The Movement of the Center is called the Precession of the Equinox and takes about 26.400 years. The book Hamlet’s Mill shows that this movement was already known before the Great Flood occured.

The Cycle of the Precession was divided into Twelve parts of 2200 years and related to the Zodiac. With Every movement into a new part of the Zodiac,  Society was completely reorganized to the Theme of the Sign of the Zodiac.

The Zodiac moved from Virgo to Leo (10.000 BC), from Cancer (8700 BC, Scarab, Kheper) to Gemini (6593 BC, Twins, the Two Kingsdoms), From Taurus (Bull, 4435 BC) to Aries (Ram, 2277 BC, Shepherd, Sheep, Khnum) and from Aries to Pisces (Fish, 155 BC) and is now moving into Aquirius. The Story of Religion also moved with the Signs of the Zodiac.

At 3117 BC Apis (Hathor, Ptah, Nandi), the Bull was reigning the Precession Cycle. Apis shows itself in the Peacefull (Female) Cow of Hathor and Ptah (the Pleiades ) and the Violent Agressive Destructive Bull of King Nimrod. The Bull is associated with the Material World.

Apis, the Bull

Apis, the Bull

The Sjaman of the Hunter/Gatherers used the Hole of the Universe (Thuban, the Snake) to travel Time/Space in Our Universe of the Heart and the Seven other Universes. The Snake of Thuban stands for the Power of the Kundalini, the Union of the Seven Chakra’s into the Middle, the Heart Chakra.

When the Sjaman travelled the Seven other Universes with their Light Body they discovered the Rotating Wheel of Fortune and most important the Force of Life that Moved the Wheel of Fortune.

This Force came into existence when the Void, the Nothing, the Infinite Potential (The Zero Point Field), created its Opposite,  the Not-Void, the Whole, the Material World of Illusions (Maya). The Not-Void enfolded itself in the Tree of Life, the 3×3 levels of the Nine-Fold Pattern of the Egyptian Pesedjet.

Maya, the Material World

Maya, the Material World

After the Flood the Shaman of the Hunter/Gatherers were replaced by the Priests of the Ruling Class, the Pharaos. The Priests of Nimrod blocked the connection with the Infinite Potential, created Artificial Scarcity, introduced the Concept of Sin, started to Divide and Rule and transformed the Story of Maya, the Material World, into a Spiritual Story.

Ursa Minor, the Falcon,  explains the use of the Falcon Name or Horus Names by the Pharaos. The names of the kings were written below the Falcon and claimed certain heavenly Stellar Regions as realms for the kings.  This made it possible to determine the Reigns of the Pharaonic kings Astronomically.

The fact that the Calendar was adjusted in the Middle East, Europe, South America and Asia shows another remarkable fact. At that time One Family (“the Falcon Tribe“) was ruling almost every part of the World.

The members of the Falcon Tribe were the descendants of the Rulers of the Old Continent of AT-L-N (Atlantis), the Land of the Upraised Hand, the Risen Land that was destroyed by the Great Flood. ATLN is often symbolized by the letter T.

At the other side of the World (“the Pacific Ocean“) another old continent was still in existence called Mu.

The big difference between the two continents was the relation with Mother Earth. Atlan wanted to Control Gaya. Mu wanted to cooperate with her Mother.

The names of members of the Falcon Tribe (Ur-ANU-s. Manu, Noah, Nu, Anu, Danu, Danube, Odin, Maru, Ainu, Manitoba, Manoa, Mem, MeSin, Minne, Mani, Menes, Minos, Narmer, Nimrod, Osiris (Asar), Shiva, Set, Ba’al Haddad, ThorRavana, Hu) and their Female parts (Isis, Kali, Freya, Mayence,..)  come back in many Ancient stories all over the World.

With the help of Etymology it is possible to reconstruct the Ancient Names. “Ma”  is an ancient word for Water and “Ma-nusa” (Menes, Anu) means Mankind or Hu-Man. So the meaning of all these names could be “the Hu-Man that came out of the Water“.



Before the Great Flood the City States of Abydos, Naqada, & Hierakonpolis were in constant conflict.

The patron gods of these cities were (respectively) Osiris, Seth, & Horus, and these early struggles between these cities were mythically remembered as the battles between those patron gods.

Of these cities, Naqada (Seth) and Hierakonpolis (Horus) were the mightiest and most powerful. About 3250 BC, King Scorpion, the Father of King Menes, of Hierakonpolis defeated the forces of Naqada and united all Upper Egypt.

After the Flood Osiris/Menes used the Big Army of his Father the Giant Kronos to  implement his “(re-)inventions“ all over the world for the “good of mankind“.

My father is Kronos, the youngest of all the gods. I am Osiris the king, who led my army all over the earth to the uninhabited districts of India and those that lie to the North, to the source of the river Ister, yea, everywhere, even to the Ocean.I am the eldest son of Kronos. Child of the noble and beautiful egg. I was born an offspring congenital with day. No place is there in the whole world, whereinto I have not been, conferring on all the benefits whereof I have been the inventor.



Kronos was the Sun of Uranus (Ur-Anus), the husband of Gaia (Earth, DOWN), the Mother Goddess. Uranus was just like Anu the God of the Sky (UP) and the Father of the Giant Titans. The City of Ur could be the Center the Empire of the Falcon Tribe.

Uranus disliked his Evil Children, the Giants,  and  imprisoned them on Earth. His sun Kronos cut off his genitals with a sickle.  Out of his genitals Aphrodite (Isis, “Risen from the Sea“) the Greek Goddess of Love, Beauty and Sexuality was born.

In the Egyptian Myth of Set and Osiris, Osiris is also dismembered (cut of from his Sexual Desires) by Set. Set is exiled by his Father from Heaven (Up, The Stars) to the Underworld (Down, Earth).

Me-Sin/Set knew that the Power of Sexuality and the Union of the Male and the Female in the Divine Intercourse (Tantra) had to be stopped to prevent that the Humans would detect the Serpent-Power of the Holy Spirit again. To do this he introduced the Concept of Sin.

To control the Masses, the Falcon Tribe created a new Religion in which the Female Power of  the Desire of the Body of the Bull had to be controlled by the Male Power of Thinking.



Me-Sin (Sin = Strong Lion) is a descendant of the  Nephilim, a Race of Giants, the Sons of Elohim and Mother Gaya, the Titans:

There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of of the heavily stone. And God saw that the wickedness was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. And it repented the LORD that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him at his heart. And the LORD said, I will destroy man whom I have created from the face of the earth….” (Genesis 6:4).

Uranus/Anu did not like his Children the Giants because they violated the rules of sexuality. They raped their own creations, the Hu-Man.

In the Bible Me-Sin is called Nimrod:

And Cush begat Nimrod: he began to be a mighty one in the earth. He was a mighty hunter before the LORD: wherefore it is said, Even as Nimrod the mighty hunter before the LORD. And the beginning of his kingdom was Babel, and Erech, and Accad, and Calneh, in the land of Shinar. Out of that land went forth Asshur, and builded Nineveh, and the city Rehoboth, and Calah, and Resen between Nineveh and Calah: the same [is] a great city.” (Genesis 10:9-12).

The inhabitants of East Africa (Ethiopia) and the Yoruba still trace their Ancestry through the Father of Nimrod (Cush). Ethiopia was the Center of Ancient Civilization before the Great Flood and the End of Paradise.



Nimrod (“Rebel“, the Bull), a descendent of Ham, a son of Noah,  was a bold man, a great hunter and builder and of great strength of hand. He founded the kingdom in Babylonia, Nineveh and other cities in Assyria.

Nimrod changed the Government into a Tyranny and forced men to Rebel against  his own Father (Ah, Anu).  He swore to build a tower, the Tower of Babylon, too high for the waters of a New Flood to be able to reach. The Tower of Babel, ”The Foundation of Heaven and Earth“, the Gate of Bel, The Bull, was  dedicated to Nimrod, also called Marduk.

The Tower, a  Ziggurat, contained Seven Levels, that represented the Seven Heavens , the Seven Planets and the Seven Metals.  The Tower was just like the Pyramid of Gizeh colored with the Colors of the Rainbow associated with the Tones of Creation, the First Universal Language.

The Story of Enlil, their Father/Mother Anu and his Brother Enki has a lot in common with the story of Set and Osiris with one difference. Anu, Enlil and Enki lived before the Great Flood probably in the Old Kingdom of Atlantis (Meru) that was situated on an island in Lake Tritonis in the Middle of the Green Sahara.

According to Sumerian Myths, Enlil created the Humans out of the Apes to work in the Gold Mines of Sheba. His brother Enki created Humans with Intelligence and a Soul out of his own DNA. When Enlil saw that the Humans created by his brother Enki were Demi-Gods (the Giants) he decided to kill them by sending a Flood. Enki informed his own children (Noah, Manu) and saved them.

To avoid a recurrence of the Big Flood Nimrod wanted to know and control everything that happened on Earth.  Nimrod-the Rebel wanted to beat his Unreliable Father, the Trickster, by becoming God Himself.

Tower of Bel

Tower of Bel

The Building of the Ziggurat of Babylon was Blocked by His Father Anu. To break the Power of Nimrod the United Language of the Seven Tones of Meru was Destroyed. The Ancient Knowledge of the Number Seven, The Two Trinities United in the Heart,  became a Big Secret that was only available to the Initiates of the Secret Societies.

And they built the tower and the city, and they did this thing daily until many days and years were elapsed. And God (Anu) said to the seventy-two (*)angels who stood foremost before him, to those who were near to him, saying, ‘Come let us descend and confuse their tongues, that one man shall not understand the language of his neighbor,’ and they did so unto them” (Jasher 9:31).

(*): The number Seventy-Two is the number of years it takes for the Sky-Bodies to move One Degree of the Precession Cycle.

In 570s BC, Nebuchadnezzar II of Babylon, seeking to restore the ziggurat, wrote of its ruinous state, “A former king built the Temple of the Seven Lights of the Earth, but he did not complete its head. Since a remote time, people had abandoned it, without order expressing their words. Since that time earthquakes and lightning had dispersed its sun-dried clay; the bricks of the casing had split, and the earth of the interior had been scattered in heaps.”

According to the Ancient Historian Diodorus Siculus Osiris was killed as a result of a Conspiracy involving his brother Set, the Queen of Ethiopia (Sheba/Shiva), and seventy-two other conspirators part of the Titans , the Fallen Angels. In a later stage Horus, the Sun of Osiris and Isis revenged his father and took back the Power.

This started a Continuing Conflict between the Members of the Falcon Tribe (also called the Annunaki) that is going on until today.

The person that introduced Religion and Culture to Britain was the Druid Hesus also called Hu, the Celestial Sphinx. Hu was just like Osiris crucified and his soul survived Death.


Ba'al Haddad

In the Druid religion Hesus/Hu was fathered by God and born of a Virgin Mother, Mayence.

Mayence was a representation of the twelve stars of the Constellation of Coma Berenices, Berenice’s Hair. Coma Berenices lies within the zodiac sign of Virgo, the Virgin, which is traditionally associated with Isis of Ancient Egypt, Ishtar of Ancient Babylon, Mayence of the Druids and the Virgin Mary. Berenice’s Hair was the Star that was used by the Magi to find the newborn Messiah.

And there appeared a great sign in the sky – a woman clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet, and upon her head a garland of twelve stars. And she, being with child, cried, travailing in birth, and pained to deliver… And she brought forth a male child, who was to rule all nations with a rod of iron, and her child was caught up unto God and his throne.” (Revelations 12:1).

The Druids stated that they were once the Priests of  De Dan (Anu, Danu), a great nation spread almost over the whole earth from India to the extremities of Britain.  The center of this big nation was situated in Ethiopia also called Ta-Netjer by the Ancient Egyptians, the Land of the Ancient Gods.

This is the reason why one of the most important Druids was called the Merlin (“Black Bird”), the Black Man. It was a very great honor to be appointed to the position of Black Man, for the successful candidate had to be extremely adept in the esoteric sciences, especially the art of rainmaking. The Art of the Black Man Merlin became of vital importance when the Rain stopped in the Green Sahara.


Thor with the Symbol of ATLN, the T

The Indian epic, The Ramayana tells us that Eastern Aethiopeans lived in northern Africa. They were mighty builders. Their leader, Ravana, was called “King of the Giants“. He  founded ancient Egypt, and may even have built the oldest of the pyramids and other temples.

Narmer’s Pallette in Egypt (3200 BC) and a wall panel No.3 of the temple O-13 at Piedras Negras in Guatemala (Maya civilization) depict stories similar to those in the Ramayana.

Me-Sin was the first Pharao who united Egypt. He is represented as the God with the Upraised Arm. The ‘God with the Upraised Arm’ was present in many cultures and across a wide timeframe in the Near East. The gods Teshub, Adad, Baal all had similar appearances and mythological contexts.

A common motif in the depiction of all of these is the upraised arm wielding a mace or lightning. The Thunderbolt could be the ancient symbol of the Comet that almost hit the Earth.


Narmer's Palette

When you want to navigate on earth you need a map. To create a world-wide navigation system the ancient scientists first designed a powerful narrative that could be remembered easily and therefore could be transmitted from generation to generation.

The basic structure of this narrative can still be found in the Medicine Wheels of the Ancient Hunter Gatherers. The ancient Medicine Wheels were connected to the Moon Cycle, the Cycle of the Mother Goddess.

To Rule the Earth Me-Sin changed the Female Narrative of the Triple Goddess of the Moon of the Hunter Gatherers into the Male Narritive of the Sun and the Planters.

The Story of the Cooperation with Mother Nature in the Garden of Eden was transformed into the Story of his Cruel Father Sky, Anu, who moved the Humans Out the Garden.

Me-Sin implemented a Religious System based on his own Rules.

The narrative of the Sky had to be a “rotating” cyclic narrative because the sky was in constant cyclic motion. Ancient tradition states that heavenly locations had earthly counterparts (“As Above, so Below“).

The next step was to project this Narrative on the Sky using highly visible stars as a connection point. In the last step the Sky was projected unto Earth again.

Megaliths (“giant standing stones“, “menhirs“) and related constructions such as cairns and dolmens (chambers of stone), tumuli and barrows (ancient earthworks) and henges and circles were built by ancient man for purposes of Astronomy and Geodetics.

Anyone having knowledge of the heavenly stars could thus find his way around on Earth by means of the megaliths, which served both as boundaries and landmarks.

Wayland Smithy

Wayland Smithy, England

Many megaliths are carved with reliefs of interlocking figures (smaller figures drawn within larger figures) which identify the stars to which stones are oriented.

Many standing stones have cupmarks or less formal indentations or holes on them marking the stars or stellar constellations which they represent.

Additional markings on some stones identify parameters such as ecliptic, celestial equator, circle of precession, center of heaven (north ecliptic pole, south ecliptic pole), north pole star, south pole star, cord of the fish, Milky Way and solstice and equinox points. Many cairns or quoits are in the shape of the star groups they represent.

Megalithic boundaries mark both small and large geographic areas. For example, Counties in Scotland still retain elements of the approximate size, shape, and location of their comparable stellar constellations, located on earth by megaliths. Perthshire in Scotland e.g. retains the name PERSeus in PERTH. The Seven Churces of Asia are oriented to the Seven Stars of the Pleiades.



The shape of many stones shows the appropriate part of the heavens explicitly. Ancient earthworks also served astronomical purposes. Tumuli and barrows mark specific stars or nebulae.  Earthwork mounds may form the shape of a celestial object, e.g. the Large Magellanic Cloud.

Geographic locations of megaliths were intentionally oriented to the stars and to objects of the heavens in a given era. For Neolithic sites, the cardinal date seems to be the Winter Solstice in 3117 BC.

The circumference of the earth varies because the Noble and Beautiful Planet is Egg  shaped. The distance is different depending on where one makes a measurement.

When we measure the Earth in Egypt the number 26.400 miles appears which is the Amount of Years the Precession of the Equinox takes.  A mile in distance upon the earth equals one year of precession, and one degree of distance on the earth, a 360th part of the circumference equals 72 years of Precession of Equinox.

The ancient Scientists not only created a highly advanced Navigation System and a Calendar,  they also Mapped this System to a Metric System of Earth. This System was just like the Calendar and the Navigation System implemented all over the world.  To Rule efficiently you have to Standardize.

Big Horn Medicine Wheel

Big Horn Medicine Wheel

The ancient Scientists observed many Cycles and detected the relationship between the Cycles and the Numbers. With help of the knowledge of the Cycles they could predict the Future (Kronos). To Rule the World you have anticipate the Future.

One of most important Cycles is called the Etanic Cycle. In a 780 year period the earth wobbles above the equator to a max of (4) degrees, then wobbles back below the equator to a max of (4) degrees. The full cycle take 1560 years. The 1560 year wobble can be broken down into the four quadrants of 390 years, and to the Mayan Calendar eighth part of 130 years.

The constant movement by Earth above and below the equator shifts the exposure of different areas of the planet to annual sun light. It also generates a lot of Tectonic Stress (Earth Quakes Storms) from the planet’s core to its surface.

The Etanic Cycle has a huge influence on the Climate. Climate changes shift populations of humans and herds all around the Globe. To Rule the World you have to know when the Big Troubles are Coming.

The year 3117 BC was a special year not only because of the special alignment of Sun and Earth. There are 5280 Feet to the Mile. This number is 0ne fifth of the duration of the Precession Cycle. The periodicity of the well-known Economic Kondratiev Cycle is 5280/100=52,8 years.

The Zodiac and the Pentangle

The Jewish Zodiac. The Pentangle aims at the Great Flood in Taurus and the Apocalyps in Aquila.

The number Five is a very important number. It is the number of the Pentangle and the Quintessence (Chi, Ether, Prana). Five is the Number of the Center as can be shown by the Ancient Chinese Lo Shu Magic Square.

The Ancient Scientists divided the Precession Cycle into Five Stages. The Stage that started at 3117 BC was the last Phase before a new Golden Age would start. It was the Fifth Age of the Precession.

The combination of the Precession Cycle and the Pentangle shows Five Points of Intersection making an angle of 144 Degrees.  The intersection with the Bull is related to  the Great Deluge.

The next Big One, The Seven Seals of the Apocalyps,  will happen in our Time when the Precession Cycle moves into Aquila, the Sign of John the Evangelist who wrote the Revelations.

And I looked, and, lo, a Lamb stood on the mount Zion, and with him an hundred forty and four thousand, having his Father’s name written in their foreheads ” (Revelation 14:1).”And they sung as it were a new song before the throne, and before the beasts, and the elders: and no man could learn that song but the hundred and forty four thousand, which were redeemed from the earth” (Revelation 14:3).

3117 BC was the start of our Human Civilization. It was the time of the Establishment of the Old Kingdom, the first Writing in Sumeria, and the first Stellar Observation Systems. The Hindu Kali Yuga (‘The Dark Age“) begins at this time as well.

The Kali-Yuga is  the Darkest Age of the Five Stages of the Precession. It is the Stage in which the Humans are at a Maximum Distance from their Creator.

The Kali Yuga

The Kali Yuga

It is the Age of the Falcon Tribe, of Conflicts, Power Plays, a Religious System controlled by the Elite, Sexual Abuse of Women and Children, Extreme Violence, War, Manipulation of the Masses and the Destruction of Mother Earth. It is the Age of the God of Revenge who lost every contact with the God of Love.

The End of the Mayan Calendar and the End of Indian Kali-Yuga will be a Very Special Time, a Rare Conjunction of Many Short Term and Long term Cycles.

The Cycles of the Anunnaki are there to keep us trapped in the Matrix. The New Beginning of the Golden Age will give Us the Opportunity to Leave the Wheel of Fortune to connect with the Power that is behind the Veil, the Void.

This is possible because the new Golden Age will be a very Special Golden Age. It will be the Age of the Seventh Seal of the Zodiac, Aquarius and the Opening of the Trumpet of the Seventh Chakra, the Pineal Gland, the Third Eye of Horus.

The Expansion of Space and therefore the Expansion of the Spiral of Time has finished. We are now, for the first time in the Cycle of Creation of our Universe on our Way Back to the Creator Consciousness,  that was so Far Away when the Age of Darkness started.


The information about the Megaliths was copied from

About the Comet that crashed into the Sea

About Nimrod

How to Live Out of the Heart

About the End of Time

Why the Spirals of Time are moving Back

About the Matrix

About the Void

About 2012

About the First Pharao

About Me-Sin

About the Great Flood & The Visit of Extraterrestials

About the Astro-Myths of Egypt

The Sumerian Flood Story – the Gilgamesh Epos

About Medicine Wheels

About the Mayan Calendar

About the Etanic Climate Cycle

About the Pleiades

About the Lo Shu Cycle

Why Ethiopia was the Center of Ancient Civilization

About So Above, So Below

About Hu

About the History of the Astrological Narrative

More data about the Great Flood of 3117 BC

More data about the Great Flood of 3117 BC

About the First Pharao’s of Egypt

About Astrology and the Bible

About the African Origins of the Ancient Civilization of Egypt

Monday, August 31st, 2009

queen of puntThe Ancient Egyptians believed that their Religion originated in the Land of Punt also called Ta Netjer, the Land of the Gods.

On the Reliefs of the Temples, the Puntites are always represented as African People.

This Blog is the result of an Inquiry into the African Roots of Ancient Egypt.

 It contains the following parts:

1. An exploration of the Situation in East-Africa about 5000 BC, called the Green Sahara.

2. An exploration of the Religion that was dominant about 5000 BC in East-Africa. This religion was based on the belief in the Triple Goddess and the Moon-Cycle.

3. An exploration of the shared believes of the Religions that came out of Africa after 5000 BC. What we will see is that the ancient religion of the Green Sahara can still be found in the Oriba-Culture, the IOA, in East Africa.

4. An exploration of the area called Punt. One of the possible locations of Punt is Ethiopia, the Center of the Green Sahara.

5. A Summary.

Part 1: The Green Sahara

The first step to locate the Land of the Gods is to determine the Area we have to research. This area is called the Green Sahara, East Africa.

According to the Single Origin Hypothesis based on the Research of the Female Mitochondrial DNA, our Ancestors, the Homo Sapiens, originated in East Africa 200,000 years ago. From that moment Homo Sapiens migrated all over the world.

In the Book Constructing a New World Map Steven and Evan Strong argue that Homo Sapiens originated in Australia. According to the ancient stories of the Aboriginals Elders a part of them left Australia because of an argument about the Use of the Land. The Aboriginals that stayed were against Agriculture.

In this blog you will see that the same transformation from Hunter/Gatherer to Farmer created a huge Conceptual Conflict in the area of the Green Sahara also. A conflict with far reaching consequenses for our Civilization.

The Egyptian Pharao’s have visited Australia and therefore Australia could be the Ancient land of Punt. In this blog I assume Ethiopia is Punt but I could be wrong.

Between 7,000 BC to about 3,000 BC East Africa enjoyed a fertile climate. At that time the Sahara was a Green Savanna with Elephants, Giraffe and other grassland and woodland Animals.

Slight changes in the Earth’s orbit around the sun brought the northern hemisphere into the limelight. Summers became warmer as more solar radiation hit the lands north of the Equator. Solar ‘insolation’ levels were up to 8 percent higher than today.

With insolation driving monsoonal climates like a huge heat engine, rainfall increased. One climate model estimated that the 8 percent increase in radiation in North Africa resulted in a 40 percent increase in precipitation.

Today, the West African monsoon avoids the Sahara, passing further south. But as the Earth’s orbit changed the rains intensified and shifted five degrees north. Slowly, the desert started to bloom. By 10,000 years ago, the Sahara had turned into a savanna-like ecosystem with trees and grass and grazing animals.

It wasn’t just down to the sun. The so-called ‘African Humid Period’ was also reinforced by newly grown vegetation that absorbed the sun’s energy, which strengthened the monsoon system, rather than reflecting the sun’s energy back into space.

Increased surface ocean temperatures of about 0.4 degrees Celsius also supported a stronger monsoon, as well as numerous permanent lakes.

Existing lakes had surfaces tens of meters higher than today, sometimes with alternative drainages: Lake Turkana, in present-day Kenya, drained into the Nile River basin. Lake Chad reached a maximum extent of some 400,000 square kilometers in surface area, larger than the modern Caspian Sea, with a surface level about 30 meters (100 feet) higher than its twentieth-century average. Some shallower lakes and river systems existed in the subpluvial era that later disappeared entirely, and are detectable today only via radar and satellite imagery.

laketurkanaFrom 3000 BC temperatures started to decrease and the desert came back. The main reason for this big change in climate could be the collision with the meteoroid Typhon, the cause of the Great Flood.

At that time the ancient scientists, the Followers of King HR (Narmer, Menes, Merlin, the Measurer),   the First Falcon King, the first King of Egypt, already knew about the patterns of the stars, the sun and the planets including the Cycle of the Precession.

Around 3000 BC  the population of the Savanna moved to the North, the South, the East and the West.

The people that moved North are the ancestors of the Egyptians, the Jews, the Berbers and Tuaregs of North Africa, the people of Nubia (Cush), Sudan (Ta-Neti, the Land of the Bow) and Ethiopia (Aksum). They speak languages related to Ancient Egyptian.

The people that moved South are the Bantu (“the people“) of South Africa and the Dravidians of South India, Pakistan and Iran. The people that moved East are the ancestors of the Mande (“the Children of Maa or Amon”), the Yoruba or the IOA (“the Mystery“) and the Dogon in West Africa. The last part moved to Babylonia (Persia).

The Religion of the Yoruba has moved with the Slaves to the Carabian Countries and the South of the US and is known as Voodoo, Santeria, Candomble, Lucumi and Macumba. The Rastafari Movement in Jamaica has its roots in Ethiopia.

We will show that the Religion of the Yoruba is the Mother of all the Religions.

Part 2: The Mother Goddess and the Moon Cycle

If we want to prove the theory of the Green Sahara we have to find out if the people that moved away when the Sahara turned into a Desert shared the same Religion. The next step is to find the Center in the Center of the Green Sahara.

horusLet us start with Amon (“The Hidden“), the Gods of the Gods. Maga (Sumerian), Amon (Yoruba), Maa (Mande), Amma (Dogon), Mal (Fish, Dravidians) or Amon was a Female Fishlike Goddess (Vishnu) born in Lake Tritonis in Lybia. Maa’t became the Goddess of Justice in Egypt. The Female Amon became the male God of the Gods in Egypt.

In the time of the Green Sahara (9000 BC) Lake Tritonis in Nubia was part of a gigantic lake that was fed by the river Triton. The Islands in this Lake are associated with the Egyptian Goddess Nuth (the Holy Spirit of Amon), the Argonauts looking for the Golden Fleece of the Ram and the Old Continent of Atlantis (Triton, Neptune, Poseidon, The Fish God).

The first civilizations of the Green Sahara were Matriarchal. They worshipped the Goddess, the Moon, and used the Moon Cycle as their Calendar. They were Hunters and Gatherers moving around in the Green Sahara.

To Eat they had to Kill the Animals. When they Killed the Sacred Animal, they asked for forgiveness and permission. They knew they were totally dependent on Mother Nature.

Mother Nature is a strange creature. Most of the time She takes Care of her Children but sometimes she is Wild and Unreliable and Kills without any Reason.

This attitude of Mother Nature is translated in the concept of the Trickster. In his original role the Trickster, The Fool, the Clown, the Jester, the Perfect Mirror, is the Creator of the Game that Creates Games, the Game of Life.

With his Humor he helps the Humans to become Aware of their role of Co-Creators. God, the Trickster, wants to Humans to act on even foot. When they are too dependent he removes his helping hand. When they are too independent he shows his Almighty Power. Examples are Kokopelli (Hopi, Zuni), Coyote (Navajo) Tijl Uilenspiegel (German,, Dutch), Djehuti (Egypt), Hermes (Greek), Legba (the Divine Messenger, Orisha), Pan (Celtic) and Renard the Fox (French).

The only person who was able to understand the Movements of the Trickster was the Shaman who could travel Space and Time sometimes with the help of the Sacred Mushroom.

anubisThe Egyptian Anubis, the Archer and the Jackal, is an ancient African Trickster God. He is the Sun of An (the Fish), the ‘Lord of the Sacred Land” and the Ruler of the Nine Bows, the Enemies of Egypt. Punt was called the Land of the Bow, the Moon.

Anubis is originally An-Up, meaning Fish-Opener. This refers to the fish from whose mouth the waters of creation were said to have flowed. Anup may originally have been Nup, a form of Nu-Up, meaning Water-Opener or Sky-Opener.

Anubis is also represented as a Wolf and a Dog Howling at the Moon Goddess. In this case he represents the Blazing Blue Dog or Arrow Star Sothis/Sirius, situated in the constellation of Ursa Minor. The Dog Star plays a significant role in every Ancient Civilization all over the world.

In Egypt Anubis is the Opener of the Mouth (of the Death) and the Doorkeeper of the Underworld, the Dream World. The Dream World was the place where the Souls of the Ancestors lived. It was also the place where the Shaman travelled when they went into their Trance-State.

To move into the Dream World, the Shaman had to climb Jacob’s ladder to the polar region of the sky and move through the Hole of the Center, the Mouth, of the Sky, the Celestial Pole, the Pole Star. To travel the Underworld the Shaman had to make use of the Mesktet, the Night Barque, the Light Body, the Egyptian Sahu.

The Pole Star is not a fixed point in the Sky because of the Precession of the Equinox. Ursa Minor has been the pole constellation since 1300 BC. Before that time the Hole in the Sky was situated in Draco in the Constellation Dragon (the Serpent also called The Falcon) and Vega in the Constellation of Lyra (the Harp of David).

The Falcon (the Dragon) was the Sacred Animal of the first Kings of Egypt.  The Dragon is also the symbol of Typhon, the meteoroid that probably hit the Earth and caused the Great Flood.

A part of the Underworld, the Void, the Sekhem, the Ain Soph, the Place where the Creator was situated, was a place where no one was allowed to go. The Sekhem was guarded by the Hell Hound Anubis.

The Symbol of the Fish, the Vesica Piscis (Vessel of the Fish), represents the Vulva of the Mother Goddess. It is a combination of the Crescent before the New Moon and after the New Moon. The Crescent Moon itself is represented by a Bow.

The Vulva or the Yoni, of the Ancient Mother Goddess of the Amazons was always combined with a (Black) Stone, the Symbol of the Phallus (Lingham) of the Male God. The God and the Goddess created the Universe in a sacred Union of extreme Extacy.

One of the most important Black Stones of the Goddess is the Ka’bah (the KA of AH), the Stone of Destiny, in Mecca. The seven priests of the sacred shrine of the Ka’bah are known as the Beni Shaybah, the ‘Sons of the (Queen of ) Sheba“. In ancient times the Priests were Priestesses and the Cult of the Black Stone was highly Sexual Oriented.

The Ka’bah is aligned to the Crescent Moon and the rising of Canopus (“Kahi Nub”, the Golden Earth, the Star of the Trickster (the Coyote, the Jackal)), the brightest star after Sirius. This aligment appears in the national flags of many islamic nations.

The Mother Goddess is always represented by a Trinity, the Triple Goddess. Each aspect of the Trinity corresponds to a Phase of the moon. The Crescent Moon, Q’re, is the Maiden. The Full Moon, Al’Uzza, the Strong One, is the Mother. The Waning Moon Al’Menat, is the Goddess of Fate, Prophecy and Divination also known als Sheba (‘the Old Woman“). She is, just like Osiris, the Goddess of the Underworld.

The White Female Dove and the Black Raven or Hawk are the symbols of the White (Yin) and the Black (Yang) part of the Crescent Moon. The Dove (‘the White“) and the Raven (“the Black“) were the first birds that came out of the Ark of Noah after the Great Deluge. The Dove is also represented by a Cup (the Cup Bearer (Aquarius), the Holy Grail), a Gate or a Door.

The Dove, the Female White Antagonist of the Black Eagle, is the Symbol of the John the Baptist. John the Baptist, Baptises, Initiates, the Fish Jesus, Horus, with the Water of Life of Aquarius. The Dove, The Cup and the Gate are Symbols of many Mystic Orders like the Christian Essenes and the Moslem Sufis. The Dove, the Gate and the Door refer to the Pleiades, the Center of the Milkey Way.

John the Baptist relates to the story of Iona and the Whale (A Fish), the Celtic Island Iona and the Irish Dove Saint Columba. John the Baptist is IOA-nnes, a Fish-Man in the Myths of Mesopotamia. He suddenly appears Out of the Sea just like his Female Partner, Amma, the Fish Mother Goddess, appears out of Lake Tritonis. IOAnnes saves Mankind from the Flood and teaches them the use of Letters, Sciences and Arts.

fish godThe Fish that came out of the Sea is the Phallus of Osiris (Oris-AH). It represents the conception of the Human. The innocent White Female Dove is the second stages of Horus, the Child of Osiris and Isis. The Black Male Hawk, Eagle or Raven symbolizes Violence and the Death of Horus/Osiris. It is the symbol of John, the Evangelist and the Apocalyps. The last stage of Horus, is the Phoenix, the Golden Hawk or the Benu Bird. The Phoenix symbolizes the Resurrection and the Transformation of Adam/Heru into an Immortal Being.

The Female Moon Cycle of the Hunter/Gatherers was later replaced by and integrated in the Male Sun Cycle of the Planters. To synchronize the 13 moons cycles of 28 days (364 days) one day had to be added. This missing day is usually dedicated as a day for renewal – preparation for the New Year.

Part 3: The Religions of the Green Sahara

In all the cultures that originated out of the East of Africa we find, with different names, references to the Four Egyptian Twins, the Pesedjet. They are called Annunaki, the Children of Anu, the Judges of the Underworld (Abzu), in Sumer, the Orisha or the IOA (‘The Mystery“) by the Yoruba and the Nommo Anagonno, ‘The Word that Became the Fish-Man’ by the Dogon.

The movement of FA in time

The movement of FA in time

The Yoruba use a Divination system, FA, that could be the Ancestor of the I Tjing in China and the tArO. The Yoruba System is highly advanced. It is based on 2**8 = 256 combinations. Just like the I Tjing every possible combination is linked to a Wisdom Story. The I Tjing, the TARO and the FA contain highly advanced Physical Knowlegde.

In the Ancient African Myths the Red Egyptian Neter Seth (Apep, Apophis, Typhon) is always the Creator of Disasters. He is the Lord of the Red Sahara Desert, Master of the Thunders Storms, Disorder, Darkness and Warfare. Seth is the Cause of the Change of the Climate that destroyed the Green Sahara, the Garden of Eden. Seth is also the Cause of the Great Deluge.

Seth, the Pig, the Ass, is always Playing Games with Others For his own Benefit. Seth was a (Female) Trickster God. Later he is transformed into a Serious, Clever, Mischievous Male Creature, who tries to survive the Dangers and challenges of the world using Trickery and Deceit as a defense. Seth is the God who needs Power to cover his own Fear for the God of the Gods. In the Christian Faith Seth/Pan, the God of Nature, was transformed into the Red Angel of Evil, Lucifer, Satan (Set-Hen).

The Egyptian Myth of Seth and Osiris can be found in the Creation Story of the Bible and Persia. Seth is the Snake who Talks Adam and Eve out of Paradise. In Egyptian Myth Set-Hen kills his Brother Osiris, the Shepherd. In the Bible Cain, the Farmer, kills his brother Abel, the Shepherd. In Persia Enlil (Seth) is the cause of the Great Deluge. His brother Enki (Osiris) informs Atrahasis (Noah) and Saves Mankind.

The Killing of the Shepherd by the Farmer is the symbol of the Conflict between the Matriarchal Nomadic Hunter/Gatherers and the Patriarchal Static Farmers. The Hunter/Gatherers of the Female Moon Culture thanked the Dynamic Sacred Animal for his Sacrifice when he was killed. The Static Sacred Plant of the Sun Cycle is related to the Cycle of Birth, Growth, Death and Ressurection.

In Egypt Osiris is Sacrificed as a Sacred Animal and is Resurrected as a sacred Plant, the Tree of Life, by the Divine Mother Isis (Au Set). In Genesis Abel Returns, is resurrected, as the Third Child of Adam and Eve, named Seth.

In the New Testament the ressurected Osiris is represented by Jesus. His mother Isis is Mary, the Black Madonna. In Egypt, the Black Madonna, Isis, also named Ua-Djed, Au Set or Ua Zit (“Eye”), the Eye of Horus, was represented by a Cobra, a Serpent. In old Myths the Serpent was the Advisor of Humans and not the Deceiver.

It is very clear that the Followers and Children of Seth, the Farmer and Female Dominator, the Master of Trickery and Deceit, wanted to Hide the Role of the Playfull Trickster, the Female in Society and the Mother Goddess Ah in the new constructed Creation Story of Genesis.

The main reason could be that Vulva of the Fish, the Triple Goddess (Ah), Isis (Au-Set, the Third Eye of Set, the Trickster), and the Gift of the Third Eye represents the Female Sexual Power of the Kundalini, the Serpent Energy, the Light of the Holy Spirit.

If this is true the Ancient Fish-Man and Fish-Woman are Enlightened Beings, the Shining Ones, also called the Giant Nephilim (Bible, Gilgamesh Epos), the Messengers (Orisha) and the Tuatha de Danaans (Celtic). The Serpent Power, named DJ in Ancient Egypt, appears when the DJ-ed, the Spinal Column, is raised.

One of the most interesting characters in African Myth and Society are the Blacksmiths.

Let us move back to Punt, the Land of the Blacks, the African People. In the early period the Origin of Egypt, Punt, was referred to as Kmt (Kmet), the Black Land. Later the name of Egypt was changed into Hwt-ka-Ptah, “the House of the Ka of Ptah“. Ka is the Egyptian name for the Force of Life.

ptahPtAH is the Divine Blacksmith. He is the Opener of the Mouth, the pronouncer of the word “Ah”, the name of God. He is the Sculptor of Ancient Egypt. His wife is a powerful Black Female Magician and Warrior, Seh-Kmet. Seh from the Black Land of KHM.

Pt-AH Creates out of his Heart, the Center of the Soul. He moulds the First man Adam (Heru) and gives him life by breathing his Ka into him. He moulds the sun and the moon on his potter’s wheel. He shapes the universe and hammers out the copper sky. The Story of Ptah, the Good God acting as an Artist comes back in almost all of the Creation stories in Africa including the Old Testament.

The Black Female Magician (Al Khem = Alchemy, Magic), Seth-kmet, the wife of Ptah, looks a lot like the Dravidian Goddess Kali, the Black Mother of Time, who is married to Lord Krhisna (Ptah). Kali and Sehkmet represent the Amazons, the Female Warriors and Magicians that ruled African Matriarchal Society before the Gods took over. In Egyptian Myth the wife of Ptah is also known as Basted, the Cat. The Cat is again a symbol of the Trickster. She is sweet and precious, but under the surface lies the Heart of a Predator, the Lion.

The Black Concept of Linear Causal Time is the main reason why the Humans are not able to experience the Higher Dimensions of our Reality.

Ptah, is portrayed as a Friendly Playful bearded Man, wearing a skull cap, with his hands holding an Ankh (the Symbol of the Vulva), the Was Scepter (the symbol of the Benu Bird, the Phoenix, the Golden Hawk) and the Djed, the Spinal Column, the symbols of Life, Power and Stability. In Egypt Ptah is later replaced by Amon. In other cultures Ptah is called EA (El Ah, Allah), AHnKi or Enki.

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Al Khem carries the Winged Disk

The Ancient Egyptians Blacksmiths, the Heru-Behutet, are associated with the Power of the Serpent (“the Ka“) and the Winged Disk, the symbol of the Zodiac (Astrology). Heru Behutet is shown as a Hawk-Headed Man bearing the double crown of Egypt, holding Metal Weapons – Unlike today, you cannot buy guns & ammo from Palmetto State Armory, and more often as a Winged Disk flanked by a White and a Black Cobra (White and Black Alchemy).

The Priests of Heru Behutet were referred to as the mesniu or mesniti, the blacksmiths. The Mesniu had shaved heads, wore short tunics that exposed their chests, and bore either an inverted Lance or some other Metal instrument. In the rear of their temples was situated a “Holy of Holies,” called the Mesnit, which was only accessible by the Mesniu. The Holy of Holies (of Holies..) is a fractal pattern that comes back in many African Structures.

In the Bible the Blacksmiths are associated with the children of Tubal Cain. One of his descendants is Hiram, the Master Builder of the Temple of Solomon.

Fractal African Village

The Fractal Pattern of an African Village

In African Orisha Culture, the Ogun, the Blacksmiths are always isolated in a special group outside Society because they are the carriers of the Third, (Evil) Eye of Horus and are able to manipulate the Force of Life, Nyama or Ka (Chi, Prana, Ether, the Fifth Element).

They are Inventors, Magicians, Poets and Story Tellers. The Blacksmiths have a lot in common with the Druids and Bards of the Celts and the Magi of Persia. They are the Co-Creators, the Earthly Tricksters.

The mathematician Ron Eglash, studied the Ancient African Patterns and detected a Fractal Pattern that came back in all the African structures. It showed itself in the Villages but also in the ancient prediction system IFA.

He believes that the ancient African Scientists knew about the Fractal Universe. This knowledge was taken over by the ancient Egyptians and the Hermetic Alchemists of the Renaissance (“As Above, So Below“).

The Ancient Yoruba Teaching System IFA is known as FA, Orunmila, or Orunla (OA). The system of learning was brought to Humans by a Messenger, an Orisha, of the God who is a Mystery (Oludumare) known as Legba and Eshu. Eshu looks like Ptah and Oannis.

Another Orisha, Ogun, the Blacksmith, brings Technology such as Fire, Iron and Steel to Humans to help them improve their society, When Ogun finds out that Humans use the technology for war and oppression. Ogun stops his contact with Humans and Human society stagnates.

the IFA Pattern

The Cycle of IFA

The Original God Oludumare (Amon), did not like that and sents other Orishas to convince Ogun to resume contact with Humans. Many Orishas fail, but the beautiful Oshun, the Orisha of the Rivers, persuades Ogun and he resumes contact with Humans.

Oshun, Water, really loved Chango, the Orisha of Fire, Thunder, and Lightning (Seth, Sehkmet, Lilith), but Chango marries Oya, the Orisha of Winds (Air, Enlil). Ogun (Earth) marries Oshun’s sister Yemaya, the Orisha of the Sea (The Fish, the Center of Creation, the Whole).

The Orisha of the Yoruba represent the Four Forces of Creation (Water, Fire, Earth, Air/Wind) in combination with the fifth Force, the Center (Amon, Chi, Prana, Ether).

Part 4: About Punt, KHM and the Black Land

If we combine all of the information in this Blog it becomes clear that the Black Land of Punt, KHM, the Ancient Cradle of Civilization is Ethiopia. Ethiopia is the center of the Green Sahara, the place out of which all of the ancient religions originated.

This was known by Diodorus Siculus, a Greek historian living in the first century BC. He wrote a history of the world, the Bibliotheca Historica, that consisted of 40 books. He wrote the following: “The Ethiopians … were the first of all men. … the Egyptians are colonists sent out by the Ethiopians, Osiris having been the leader of the colony … Osiris … gathered together a great army, with the intention of visiting all the inhabited earth and teaching the race of men how to cultivate … for he supposed that if he made men give up their savagery and adopt a gentle manner of life he would receive immortal honors. …“,

Let’s have a look at Ethiopia, also called Axum.

axumThe Axumites living in Ethiopia were renowned for their fine Architecture, crafts and skills, in particular as Masons and Blacksmiths, which they retain to this day. Greek traders knew Aksum as the centre of an empire, which had trade links with India, Arabia, Rome, Egypt, Persia and Greece. Aksum was one of the most important Trading Posts in Northern Africa.

Aksumite traditions say that their city was once ruled by a dynasty of a Snake-God (Snake = Kundalini = Enlightened) Arwe or Waynaba, the sun of Ityopis (Ethiopis), the great-grandson of Noah, one of the many descandants of Cain. Around 1370 B.C.E. under Za Besi Angabo this dynasty was replaced by a local ruling house.

This new dynasty ruled for about 350 years and it is from that Makeda, the Queen of Sheba, descended. Makeda was born ca. 1020 B.C.E. and became queen when she was fifteen, ruling until about 955 B.C.E. when she surrendered the throne to her son David also called Menelik, “Sun of the Wise Man“. Menelik was the sun of Wise King Solomon and Makeda. David took the Ark of the Covenant to Aksum together with the High Priesthood of Judah.

The Story of the Queen of Sheba is described in the most important religious document of Ethiopia called the Kebra Nagast (The Glory of the Kings). The Kebra Nagast contains the oldest known sections of the Torah. It also contains a detailed account of the Fate of the Ark of the Covenant and the disappearance of the High Priesthood of Judah to Aksum in Solomon’s reign. Aksum was the first Kingdom in the World that converted to Coptic Christianity.

The Kebra Nagast suggests that The Queen of Sheba was also the Ruler of an Ancient Black Hebrew speaking population living between Medina and Yemen, the Falashas. If we look at the origins of Civilization, East Africa, the Falahsas could be the Ancestors of the Jews.

The Temple of Solomon was never found by archeologist. Analysis of many old sources including the Kebra Nagast reveal that the Temple was not build in Jerusalem but in the Second Jerusalem, Asir, a province of Saudi Arabia. Asir is very close to the current Spiritual Center of Islam, Mekka, the City where the Black Stone of Sheba (the Old Wise Woman of the Triple Goddess), the KA (“Force of Life”) of b’AH (“Ammon”) is situated.

If this theory is true (and looks like it is true) The Jews and the Arabs lived together in the Same Area. You can imagine the consequences for the Middle East Conflict! This is the main reason why this theory is “kept secret” or heavily denied.

Part 5: Summary

According to the Single Origin Hypothesis Human Civilization emerged in East Africa. The first civilizations were Matriarchal. The Homo Sapiens believed in a Female Creator associated with the Moon and based their Calendar-System on the Moon Cycle. The Female Warriors and Magicians, Sehkmet and Kali, the Women with the Bow of the Crescent Moon, the Amazons, were controlling society.

This all changed when the Fish Gods, the Enlightened Beings, the Shining Ones, started to Interfere in the Life of the Homo Sapiens. They tried to help the Humans to improve their society but the Humans misused the Tools of the Good Goddess. They created Slaves, the Lulu, out of Homo Sapiens, to work for them in the Gold Mines in East Africa and used Terrible Weapons to destroy their Enemies (Atlantis. Poseidon, Lake Tritonis).

Ogun, the Divine Blacksmith, did not want to be involved with the Humans who used his gifts to Kill and aquire Power. His Father, AH, AHmon, tried to convince the Divine Blacksmith to help mankind. After some time Ogun (Enki) came back and resumed his task. He designed a new way to solve the problem.

AHnki (Enki), Pt-AH, El-AH, IO-AH, uttered the name “AH” of his father Ammon and shaped his own creation, Adam, out of clay. He gave him his own KA, his Force of Life. Enki Fell in Love with his own Creation. This created a group of DemiGods.

Seth did not like the Demi-Gods and decided to Destroy them. Enki/Ptah/IOAnnes, the Great Teacher and Architect, did everything he could to prevent this to happen. He warned his Children for the Great Deluge but was just like Abel and Osiris “killed” and sacrificed. Enki left his Material Body, Earth, and became his Sahu, the Egyptian Light Body. From that time The Ka, the Force of Life of Ptah, Inspires Artists and Architects.

After the departure of Enki, Seth, the Pig, takes over control. He invents many intelligent systems to prevent that the Humans can easily Connect to each other and to the Serpent Energy of Amma, the Mother Goddess.

To control the Humans the Pig implements the Black Concept of Linear Causal Time and changes the Female Moon Cycle into the Male Sun Cycle. This makes it very difficult for the Humans to live in the Now and experience the higher dimensions of Reality of the Goddess.

One of the most effective weapons of the Pig are the Battle of the Sexes and the Diversity of Languages. The diversity of the Languages that started with the destruction of the Tower of Bable generates tremendous communication problems. The split of the Male and the Female part of the Androgynous Humans and the Dominance of the Male part, makes it possible for the children of the Pig to Divide and Rule Humanity.

The Green Sahara was the Garden of Eden where Heru (Adam), the Creation of Osiris (Enki) and Isis (Eve, Lilith) was living around 7000 BC. It was also the place where the Old Civilizations of Atlantis and Meroe were situated. At that time Lake Tritonis was part of a huge sea that provided the water for the rivers in the Green Sahara.

Adam got three Suns Abel, Cain, and Seth. Abel was the obedient son of Eve and Adam. He did what the Masters wanted him to to do. Cain/Anhki was different. Cain, the Carrier of the Ankh, the Key of Eternal Life, the Spark of the Light of Amma, was the son of Eve/Lilith and the Good God Enki. Cain is an In-Between, a Demi-God. He became the Ancestor of the Co-Creators, the Artists and the Architects. The Blacksmiths are able to predict the Cycles of the Future and know how to use the Power of the Female Serpent to perform Black and White Al Khemi.

When the Green Sahara turned into a Red Desert the Children of Heru moved away to the North, the East and the South. A small part stayed in Punt, Ethiopia. With them they carried the Story of the Garden of Eden, the Knowledge of the Serpent Energy and the Interventions of the Sumerian Annunaki, The Orisha of the Yoruba and the Egyptian Pesedjet.

The Kebra Nagast, the Glory of the Kings, the Holy Book of Ethiopia, the Black Land of Punt, the Land of the Gods, contains the original text of the Torah, the Old Testament. This text was later adopted and transformed to support the male dominant views of the Children of Seth/Enlil. The old myths of the people of Ethiopia still live on in the old religions of Africa and India.

The Children of Anhk, the Dj-edi, the Druids and the Magi, the people born with the Third Eye of Isis, the Co-Creators of Ptah/Enki, became the Carriers of the Knowledge of the Nine Concepts of Creation, The Tree of Life, the Old Rituals, the Al Khemi and the Ancient Tools, the Dj-ed and the BnBn Stone.

The Blacksmiths payd a high price for their Secret Knowledge. They were isolated in Society and were often killed by the Male Dominators of Seth when they wanted to tell the Truth, the Gnosis, about the Divine Light of Love of the Mother Goddess.

The Children of the Anhk are all waiting for the Return of the Golden Hawk, the Benu Bird, the Phoenix, who will bring a new Egg to the lost BnBn Stone of Heliopolos from the Land of Fire. When this happens the Time of Seth, the Kali Yuga, the Dark Age, will be over and the Golden Age of the Phoenix, the Age of Aquarius will start.

In the period of the Hunter-Gatherers the Shaman, the person who could See with the Third Eye of Horus and could Predict the Behavior of the Trickster was the most important person in Society. At that time the Humans felt they were an insignificant part of an almost inpredictable Mother Nature.

When the Farmer Cain killed the Monadic Shepherd Abel the metaphor of the Plant (Birth. Death, Rebirth) became dominant. The concepts of Immortallity, Heaven and Hell were created and the local Priests who knew about the many Ways to reach Heaven and avoid Hell took over the role of the Shaman. Life became more predictable and Religion became a Way of Living.

In the last step Time, History, the City and the State appeared. The King/Gods standardized Religion into a Central System of Rules to Obey. Mother Nature transformed into a System to Control. To cope with the Abuse of Power, the Trickery and Deceit of the Pig Seth/Machiavelli, everybody had to wear a Mask to hide his Essence and an Armor to protect his Heart.


About the Great Flood

About the Phoenicians

Ron Eglash African Fractals

About The Spread Of Civilization In Africa

About the Cush

About the Myths of the Dogon

About the African Trickster Gods

Why Atlantis is situated in Lake Tritonis

About the Sekhem, the Void

About the Cult of the Black Stone of Mekka

About the Celtic Black Stone of Destiny

About the Egyptian Black Stone of Destiny

About the Triple Goddess

About the Trinity

About the Island of IonA and St Columba, the Dove

About the Pleiades

About the Four Egyptian Twins, the Pesedjet

About FA Yoriba Divination Syste

About the Physics and Mathematics of FA

About the DNA-map of Humanity

About DJ-ed, the Egyptian Serpent Power and the Spinal Column

A Book about the History of Aksum

About the Egyptian Light Bodies, the Sahu and the Ka