Posts Tagged ‘point’

About Perspective

Thursday, February 2nd, 2012

Effective Ways To Improve Production Efficiency For Your Manufacturing Business

While all business owners should be taking measures to enhance efficiency, as this aspect of business growth is of extreme importance regardless of the industry, manufacturing businesses should take measures to boost production efficiency for several other reasons. These reasons range from improving workplace safety to saving on costs and everything in between. Manufacturing businesses that claim the lion’s share of the market are always searching for new ways to improve production efficiency with the intention of ultimately improving their bottom line.

So, to ensure your manufacturing business is constantly making notable strides towards improving production efficiency, we have rounded up five practical ways for you to achieve this. With that said, these five solutions break down the five fundamental focus points of manufacturing efficiency. Therefore, you can use these practices for years to come.

Waste in the manufacturing industry is a cost that should be avoided. And waste is also a broad term in this industry as it refers to employee hours, energy consumption, materials, and a few others. However, material waste is usually the biggest concern in the manufacturing industry. When searching for ways to reduce waste, you will need to utilize your conclusions from evaluating your production line, learn more detailed information from this top tier short cut fibers manufacturer.

When identifying waste, each of your production line processes will create some waste; identifying the processes responsible for making the most waste is the best way to reduce overall waste. However, you can also reduce waste by recycling or reusing waste instead of dumping it. You could also consider selling your waste to a business that can properly use it if you cannot eliminate the bulk of your waste.

The production line in your manufacturing business is the core of your business functions. When evaluating the production line, you should assess all the details as well, including the commonly overlooked details, such as loading dock bumper and other essential loading dock equipment your business needs. When it comes to sourcing and maintaining loading dock bumpers, you can consider Miner Corp or other leading industry service and equipment providers to ensure your production line has everything it needs to function as it should.

Throughput is another primary focal point to consider; you need this metric to measure the number of units being produced in a certain period on average. While quality equipment is crucial in ensuring your production line can run smoothly, evaluating your throughput will help you identify issues in your production line on occasions when the throughput is not entirely up to par. Capacity utilization is another element of your production line to evaluate, and this refers to calculating your factory’s total output capacity. This will allow you to determine your production line’s performance at all times.

While you are evaluating your production line, you will probably discover the most significant breakdowns in production. These are otherwise referred to as bottlenecks. Because having to shut down operations even for half a day can have a massive impact on your business’s reputation and overall profits, identifying sources of breakdowns and taking measures to prevent them from reoccurring is vital to all companies operating in the manufacturing industry.

The Relationship between Chaos Theory, Fractals, Lyapunov, Minkowski and the TAO

Thursday, November 1st, 2007

chaotic attractorChaos theory is the theory of Dynamic (Non-Linear) Systems. Dynamic systems converge to a state called an Attractor.

A fractal is a shape that can be subdivided in parts, each of which is a copy of the whole. This property is called Self-Reference.

Self-Referencial Dynamic Systems are represented by a Strange Attractor .

I want to start with a few citations of HUMAN DIMENSIONS OF CHAOS THEORY: Consciousness, Physiology, Perception, and Psychology by Iona Miller and Graywolf Swinney, ©1992.

Chaos underlies the ability of the brain to respond flexibly to the outside world and to generate novel activity patterns, including those that are experienced as fresh ideas (also fresh behavior, emotions, belief systems, mythologies, etc.).

Chaos results in meaning-laden perception, a gestalt, that is unique to each individual.

Chaos is implicated in human perception as a multi-sensory phenomenon. The controlled chaos of the brain is more than an accidental by-product, like “putting your brain in neutral.”

Indeed, it may be the chief property that makes the brain different from an artificial-intelligence machine. One profound advantage chaos may confer on the brain is that chaotic systems continually produce novel activity patterns“.

Research may reveal that assessments of personality or a personality trait over time generate data that leads to a fractal correlation dimension. Such evidence would confirm that personality or that a particular personality trait may be desribed as a strange attractor of associated behavior”.

In the article they apply Chaos Theory and Fractals to the Human. What they are showing is that Self-Reference (A Fractal) is the Result of a Chaotic Process.

Out of the Chaos of Creativity a Repeating Pattern Emerges.

Chaos is not total randomness, but implies an implicate, “hidden”, or occult order within the nature of reality“.

point attractorThe Repeating Patterns looks Chaotic but when we find the Right Fractal behind the Order in Chaos we can know where the Path is Moving to (the Attractor).

To dig deeper into Chaos we have to dig deep into mathematics. We have to dig so deep that the language becomes almost incomprehensible but let us have a try.

A citation out of More than Synchrony: Chaoticity may be necessary for conscious brain functioning (Juergen Fell ea): “Indeed, estimation of nonlinear EEG characteristicslike dimensions and Lyapunov exponents revealed a pronounced decrease not only of complexity, but also of chaoticity during unconscious states like deep sleep”

 ” Sufficient dynamical complexity of brain activity, seems to be one more necessary condition.

Without chaoticity our brains might be unable to switch immediately between different oscillatory patterns and thereby different modes of operation”. 

A citation out of Some Thoughts on Time, Quantum Mechanics, Geometry and Free Will (Linas VEPSTAS) : “The strange thing for us is, we live in this hyperbolic Minkowski space, but we don’t seem to notice much positive Lyapunov exponents in our lives.

 Other than that nature all around us seems to be fractal and self-similar … other than that, we don’t notice.

I sometimes wonder if the quantum-entanglement problems of quantum-mechanics are really some manifestation of life in Minkowski space, some deep connection we haven’t noticed just yet“.

The Lyapunov exponents determine the predictability of a dynamical (Chaotic) system. When we don’t seem to notice much positive Lyapunov exponents in our life we experience life as a “random” process. The main reason that we don’t notice the self-reference is that we are stuck with our own attractor. We are repeating our own patterns all the time and are unable to resonate with the pattern of the Universe.

When the exponents decrease Life become simple again. This happens when we dream. So dreaming is a way “to make things simple“, to “understand what is happening“.

Minkowski space is a four-dimensional space. It was used by Einstein to describe space/time (The Chronotope).

When Space/Time contains positive Lyaponov exponents Space/Time is highly predictable.

This happens when Quantum Entanglement takes place.

cycle attractorQuantum Entanglement (QE) is the Union of seperate Parts into a Whole. QE makes it possible to be in Two or more States at the same moment.

It even makes it possible to Unite with Everything.

QE gives us the feeling that there is something that is connecting us to an Entity on a Higher Level.

When QE happens we are in the AND-state and experience a feeling of Harmony.

When we are not in the AND-state we are in the OR-state.

In this OR-state there are Four “Fractal Attractors” possible. They also give us a “feeling”.

We feel we are Stuck” (Point-Attractor) or

we feel we are “Going Round in Circles (Cycle-attractor)” or

Spirals (Torus-Attractor).

The most Attractive Fractal Attractor, the AND-attractor gives us the feeling that “We are in the Flow (Tao) or in The Now (Chaos)”.

Our Universe is “looking” for Quantum Entanglement. This state of Harmony cannot be perceived in our current 4D-Reality (The Minkowski-Space).

According to Tiller our Unconsciousness connects to another 4D-Reality that is highly related to what the Scientists call Dark Matter.

Out of this Reality The Force of Life (Chi, Prana) is moving into our Body.

If we look at the current state of our World it does not feel as a Strange Feeling that we have to connect to the Force of Life again.

Connecting to this Force is Difficult for us (and me).

Strange attractorThe knowlegde about it is hidden in old “Mysteries” and “Magical practices“.

Many people don’t believe in this or even don’t want to believe in it because it is connected to the Dark Forces.

Strangely enough the Force is also connected to Dark Matter.

It seems we need to enter the Dark to find the Light.

We have to fight and embrace our Dark Shadow (Jung).




About Chaostheory & Evolution

About Chaostheory & Psychology



About Mapping

Friday, August 31st, 2007

Many people think I am a very intelligent person. I am able to solve very complex problems in a very short time. In reality I am a normal person. I use a trick. The trick is called Mapping.

I map a complex unknown domain to a well known simple domain. I solve the problem in the well know domain and map the solution back to the unknown domain. When I do that the unknown domain becomes simple again.

The well-known domain I use are the Seasons of The Year. People don’t believe the Seasons are a representation of the world we live in.

About a year ago I discovered the reason.

Everybody in the West believes the theory of reasoning of the Greek philosopher Aristotle. The theory of Aristotle is called causal reasoning.

I use causal reasoning when I am writing this article. I need causal reasoning to convince you. The only way to convince Western people is to use causal reasoning.

What I will show you is that causal reasoning creates many problems that are unsolvable. To solve these problems you have to move to another way of reasoning. What Western people don’t want to accept is that there are other and more effective ways to reason. The other way to reason was used before Aristotle was born.

This approach is more than 2000 years old. It originated in the Middle East (China & Persia). Western people don’t accept this. They are trained to believe that the people that used these “more advanced” approaches were stupid. They believe “The West is the Best” in everything.

They also believe that when we go back in history we see a down-ward spiral of knowledge. Western civilisation is always “Going UP”. We will become better and better and better until infinity.

What they don’t see is that Causal Reasoning creates a big problem.

When you believe everything has a cause you start to look for the cause of the cause and when you start to look for the cause of the cause you never stop looking for the next cause.

Because you don’t have infinite time to look for the infinite chain of causes you have to find a solution. The solution is named “Creation”.

Somewhere there is a beginning and in the beginning something or somebody is creating “Something out of Nothing”. When you are religious you name the creator God. When you are not religious you name the first cause The Big Bang.

After you have named the creator you stop wondering what “creation out of nothing” really is. You force yourself to believe. You force yourself to believe the Church or you force yourself to believe Science. When you believe the Church you have to believe in a Supreme Power.

When you believe in Science You have to believe Others. Most people believe the Others of Science are very intelligent. If you believe these others are very intelligent you have to believe there are also people that are not intelligent. We have named “not intelligent” “Stupid”.

The Belief that causal thinking is the only way to think does not only generate the idea that you are stupid. It also generated the idea that you are guilty of something. You are guilty of something when you are the cause of something that went wrong. When a human is doing something wrong it is named “Sin”.

When you believe in Sin and you believe in causal thinking you have to believe there is a Creator of Sin. The creator of Sin is named the Devil. Because God created everything you have to assume God also created the Devil. When you believe in a Supreme Power you don’t understand why a Supreme Power is not able to beat The Devil. Because you are “stupid” you stop wondering. You have to believe.

A “creation out of nothing” is a Miracle. When you believe in a Miracle you believe in Luck. You hope you will be lucky someday. When you are religious You don’t understand why God is helping the other and not You. To explain this You believe you are doing something wrong. You are stupid or sinful.

When you believe the intelligent people, you have to believe in the theory of probability. To improve your behaviour you start to collect data. You use statistical packages to find the pattern. This is not helping you at all because still some people are lucky and you are not. You are doing something wrong (you are stupid) or you do not believe in Him. You are sinful.

If you use causal reasoning you are able to find a solution. You have to assume that the beginning is the end. You have to close the causal chain in itself. When you close the chain the chain is transformed in a circle. If you do that you have moved to another way of thinking and the other way of thinking is “impossible”.

It creates a problem you cannot solve. In a Circle it is very difficult to find the beginning. Every point in a circle is a beginning. If you assume this point is the beginning it is also the ending. The causal solution is to assume that the circle is contracted into one point. Everything is one point. Everything is One.

This violates your Sensory perception. You observe Many Many Others. This is a contradiction and you stop this path of reasoning.

The “old cultures” have found a solution. They use the principle of unfolding and enfolding.

A Flower is an unfolding of One Seed. A Flower enfolds in Many Seeds. In Spring the Seeds grow into a Plant. In Summer the Plant produces Flowers and the Flowers produce Seeds. In Autumn the Seeds are covered by Earth and in Winter Earth protects the Seed.

What we observe with our Senses is a Cycle and the Cycle contains Stages. If we look around we see many Cycles and all of the Cycles contain the same stages.

If we look carefully we observe five stages. We observe the Four Seasons and a Fifth Season between Summer and Autumn. In other climate zones the fifth season is easy to experience. In the US it is called Indian Summer.

Before Aristotle the principle of unfolding based on a cycle divided in five stages was the most important theory to explain the world.

To explain the world every thing that happened was mapped to the Cycle of the Seasons.

The solar system, the universe, the body, the state, history and every else was governed by the same cycle. They are Wholes that are moving around Wholes that are moving around Wholes …..

They are The Same because every thing is moving through the Same Stages. They are also Different because they operate on a different Level.

Levels are a problem Western Civilization cannot handle. We believe in one level, the chain of cause and effect. We are constantly connecting different levels. Connecting different levels at the wrong connection point is really the main cause of the mess we are in.

The cycles on different levels are moving with a different periodicity (frequency). They act like waves. The Scientists of that time discovered that the frequencies were also related by a pattern of fives.

Thinking in waves is a way of thinking Western Civilization cannot handle. We think in particles that are colliding. Again this is a simple consequence of causal thinking.

Slow moving cycles are the unfolding of fast moving cycles. An unfolding cycle is a Spiral. Because everything is closed the Spiral had to be closed in itself. It is transformed into a Spiralling Spiral. The Spiralling Spiral is moving UP AND moving DOWN. This violates Western Thinking because we only believe in Spiralling UP. We don’t believe Western Civilization will disappear someday just like all the other civilizations before us.

We don’t believe the Spiralling Spiral works like a Clock. The cycles are moving in a highly predictable pattern. In the West we believe in statistics and statistics shows that every predictable pattern has its exceptions.

Every cycle is governed by a Clock. You are also governed by a Clock and if you don’t listen to your Clock you become ill. You get “out of rhythm”. Going “out of rhythm” is the main cause of all the Western diseases.

We really don’t believe Einstein. Everybody believes the Myth that he has failed. Many people don’t know that one of his pupils David Böhm found the solution. Einstein believed that “God is not throwing dice”. He also believed “God is a geometer”.

Although the new Psychics are showing that Einstein and Böhm were right and Niels Bohr (Quantum Mechanics) was wrong we are really afraid to believe this. It violates the foundation of Western Civilization.

We love the theory of Quantum Mechanics because it proves the world is a Miracle. People don’t understand Quantum Mechanics at all. Quantum Mechanics acts like a Religion and a Religion is based on the Mystery of “Creation out of Nothing”. Quantum Mechanics proves this is “really happening”. This gives us a good feeling. The foundation of Western Civilization is proved again.

We don’t want to believe that Civilizations rise and fall.

We also don’t want to believe is that long ago these civilizations were more advanced than our society.

What we really don’t want to believe is that they were destroyed because they fell into the same trap Western Civilization is falling. We don’t accept the lessons of history. We believe the old myths were fantasy stories. Just like the old civilizations we don’t see that we are now living in our own fantasy world. The fantasy of eternal youth and eternal life.

What we don’t want to believe is that the old civilizations even found a solution for this problem. The solution they found is not a material solution. They found out that the power of the human imagination is tremendous. When Western Science is proving this we don’t want to believe Western Science.

We are really very funny people! The solution for everything we want is round the corner and we don’t accept this solution.

Now I am able to explain my trick.

Step 1. Determine the level of observation. The level of observation is related to the periodicity of the cycle. An organization is often related to a yearly cycle.

Step 2. Determine the five stages in the cycle. Use the seasons. Observe carefully what every season mean to you.

If you want to reuse the knowledge of the scientists before Aristotle I advice you to study Chinese Philosophy. People with a mathematical interest have a look at Pythagoras or (better) Topology. People with a psychological interest read Jung, Will McWhinney or George Lakoff (!!). People with an interest in literature study Bahktin (!!). People with in interest in medicine study Acupuncture. People with an interest in Christian religion read the gospel of Thomas (The Essenes). People with an interest in Paintings have a look at Leonardo da Vinci. Physics look at Super String Theory and David Böhm (!!). Study Alchemy or the Zohar. Interesting philosophers are Erasmus and Schopenhauer. Lovers of music listen to Bach or John Cage. Cultures: Read Carlos Castaneda (!!). Study the Hopi’s, The Sufi’s, Zoroaster and The Mayas. Look at the Medicine Wheel. Study the old Cathedrals (Chartres!), Read Steiner, Blavatsky, Krisnamurti (a close friend of Bohm), Joseph Campbell (!) and Goethe. Read Poetry (!!). Last but not least Observe Nature.

Step 3. Connect the cycle to the cycle one level higher and the cycle one level lower. This shows the possible spiralling UP en the spiralling DOWN. The lower level of an Organization is called a Human. The higher level you could call a Value Chain (Cycle).

Step 4. Look for all the places where the Cycle is blocked or connected to the wrong level.

Step 5. Restore the Cycle and the Levels.

Step 6. Transform your observation in the language of the people that are paying you. This is the most important step. Carefully listen to the language. Everybody is talking in Seasons but we use many many words to say the same thing over and over again.

Step 7. Observe that most of them don’t follow your advice.

The reason? The solution is Too simple or/and Your clients believe in Luck or Destiny or/and They look for the Sinner and want to punish the Sinner or/and they Feel they are Guilty and Deny this or/and they want to use Statistics. If they do this they prove that the world is really very Complex.

Step 8. Try to explain them that they have fallen in the trap of causal reasoning. Tell them they are not Sinners or Stupid. Give them the feeling Life is meant to be a beautifull experience of the Whole.

Step 9. If they don’t follow your advide come back one cycle period later. The situation has surely increased in complexity. They need you again. Go to Step 1.

Do you want to read more about Cycles read the theory behind cycles (pdf). Sorry this document is written in the Dutch Language.

Do you want to know more about the Cycle in Litterature and Art?

Do want to know more about Reasoning and Logic?

Do want to know how Physics easily explains Acupuncture?