Posts Tagged ‘duality’

About Perspective

Thursday, February 2nd, 2012

Effective Ways To Improve Production Efficiency For Your Manufacturing Business

While all business owners should be taking measures to enhance efficiency, as this aspect of business growth is of extreme importance regardless of the industry, manufacturing businesses should take measures to boost production efficiency for several other reasons. These reasons range from improving workplace safety to saving on costs and everything in between. Manufacturing businesses that claim the lion’s share of the market are always searching for new ways to improve production efficiency with the intention of ultimately improving their bottom line.

So, to ensure your manufacturing business is constantly making notable strides towards improving production efficiency, we have rounded up five practical ways for you to achieve this. With that said, these five solutions break down the five fundamental focus points of manufacturing efficiency. Therefore, you can use these practices for years to come.

Waste in the manufacturing industry is a cost that should be avoided. And waste is also a broad term in this industry as it refers to employee hours, energy consumption, materials, and a few others. However, material waste is usually the biggest concern in the manufacturing industry. When searching for ways to reduce waste, you will need to utilize your conclusions from evaluating your production line, learn more detailed information from this top tier short cut fibers manufacturer.

When identifying waste, each of your production line processes will create some waste; identifying the processes responsible for making the most waste is the best way to reduce overall waste. However, you can also reduce waste by recycling or reusing waste instead of dumping it. You could also consider selling your waste to a business that can properly use it if you cannot eliminate the bulk of your waste.

The production line in your manufacturing business is the core of your business functions. When evaluating the production line, you should assess all the details as well, including the commonly overlooked details, such as loading dock bumper and other essential loading dock equipment your business needs. When it comes to sourcing and maintaining loading dock bumpers, you can consider Miner Corp or other leading industry service and equipment providers to ensure your production line has everything it needs to function as it should.

Throughput is another primary focal point to consider; you need this metric to measure the number of units being produced in a certain period on average. While quality equipment is crucial in ensuring your production line can run smoothly, evaluating your throughput will help you identify issues in your production line on occasions when the throughput is not entirely up to par. Capacity utilization is another element of your production line to evaluate, and this refers to calculating your factory’s total output capacity. This will allow you to determine your production line’s performance at all times.

While you are evaluating your production line, you will probably discover the most significant breakdowns in production. These are otherwise referred to as bottlenecks. Because having to shut down operations even for half a day can have a massive impact on your business’s reputation and overall profits, identifying sources of breakdowns and taking measures to prevent them from reoccurring is vital to all companies operating in the manufacturing industry.

About Old Fashioned Thinking

Monday, December 21st, 2009


Success Tips for First-Time Entrepreneurs


Being a first-time entrepreneur can be challenging and nerve-wracking but also very exciting and rewarding. There is no end to the many financial, legal, staffing, marketing, and customer issues that will come up as you launch your business. A‎nd, unfortunately, there is a lot of conflicting advice out there for the aspiring entrepreneur. But here are 15 core tips to help you begin navigating the startup landscape:

1‎. First-time entrepreneurs should start a business they are passionate and knowledgeable about

Startups can be quite a grind, so pick something that excites and motivates you. Avoid businesses or industries that you don’t already know a good deal about, as the steep learning curve may hamper your success. Check out the best images of harold matzner.

2. Pick a business idea that has a big market opportunity

Make sure to carefully reseach if there’s a big market for your product or service. Investors will typically only invest in your company if they see a large market opportunity and that the company has the potential to grow into something significant.

3. Raise as much startup funding as you can

It’s almost always harder and takes longer to raise startup financing than you think. You must ensure you have a cushion for all the product development and marketing expenses you will incur. In an ideal world, you will have sufficient capital for your operations to break even. Don’t worry about diluting your percentage ownership in the company. Developing a great product takes time and money.

Check out these two articles on raising financing from invest‎ors: 28 Mistakes Entrepreneurs Make When Pitching to Investors and 20 Things Entrepreneurs Should Know About Angel Investors.

4. Constantly monitor your finances

You must keep on top of all of your expenses, income and balance sheet. Many startups have failed because the entrepreneur wasn’t able to adjust spending to avoid running out of cash. Maintain a low overhead. Be frugal with expenses and avoid unnecessary costs. Learn to live on a shoestring budget until meaningful revenues start to flow in.

5. Research the competitionMake sure you are thoroughly researching competitive products or services in the marketplace, and keep on top of new developments and enhancements from your competitors. ‎One way to do this is to set up a Google alert to notify you when any new information about your competitors shows up online.

6. Ask for advice from other entrepreneurs

Advice from other entrepreneurs and business professionals (such as lawyers and accountants) can prove to be invaluable. Consider putting together an advisory board, and don’t be afraid to motivate members by giving them stock options in your company. Read industry newsletters and startup publications like and Find mentors who can give you advice on hiring, product development, marketing and fundraising‎.

7. Develop a great elevator pitch

You should have a succinct and compelling story about what your startup does and what problem it solves. Have this ready for potential customers and investors (although you will need to tailor it to the specific audience)‎. Keep it to 30 seconds or less. Articulate your mission and goals, and why your product or service is compelling and unique. And if an investor is interested, be prepared to follow up with an executive summary about the company or a 12-15 slide PowerPoint “deck” that dives into more detail about the company and the market opportunity.


About the Trinity

Monday, December 29th, 2008
machine fowler

The Computer of Fowler

The first fully programmable computer was Designed by Charles Babbage in 1837. Babbage failed to get enough money to Build his Analytical Engine. It was never build.

The failure of Charles Babbage delayed the creation of the current computer for about a 100 years.

Nobody knows that Thomas Fowler Designed and Implemented a completely different and simple wooden computer in 1840. The big difference between Babbage and Fowler was the Number System. Babbage used Base 10. Fowler used the Balanced Ternary Number System.

About the Ternary Number Systems

The balanced ternary number system is created by balancing Ternary (Base 3) Numbers around the Centre of the Number Line, 0. A balanced ternary number is a combination of negative and positive ternary numbers.

The balanced ternary number system is a very special Number System because all the basic mathematical operations, addition, subtracting, multiplication and division are accomplished by the application of very simple operations based on very special symmetries.

Symmetries are the foundation of Simplicity, Beauty and Elegance. The Engine of Fowler was a very simple and beautiful machine made out of wood.

In 1958 a Ternary Computer, the Setun, was build at the Moscow State University. It was never used.

About Number Systems

When you want to represent a number you can start with base 1. The number 13 is represented by thirteen “1′s, “1111111111111″.

Of course you are free to use other symbols to represent the number “1″. When you want to represent 13 goats you could use 13 goat-like symbols. When you want to represent many goats the sequence of goat-like symbols becomes very long.

The next step is to group the goat-like numbers. You could group them in binary groups (11 11 11 11 11 11 1), ternary groups (111 111 111 111 1) or in every other group you want.

In every case you have to assign new symbols like “1″ → “-”, “11″→ “=” and “111″ → “≡”. The number 13 becomes “≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ -”.

When you have defined a grouping method you can repeat this method. The only thing you need is a new symbol “x” to represent repetition, a symbol that represents addition “+”, a rule how to read the sequence (left to right, right to left) and symbols (“(,”)”) that show what has to be combined. ≡ x (≡) + ≡ + – now means 3X3 + 3 + 1 = 13 (and not 3x(3+1 +1) = 21).

If you want to use a high base number you need many symbols to represent the numbers of the group. If you use a low base number you need many symbols to represent the repetition. An obvious strategy is to minimize the product of these two quantities. The result of this calculation is the number 3 (or better the number e)!

About Ternary Memory Systems

The number 3 is the most efficient way to represent numbers. There is much more to say about the properties of the number 3. One of these properties can be used in Databases and Storage systems.

A Balanced Ternary Storage system can be easily expanded because you can always add a new entrance in the middle. The Balanced Ternary Storage System (represented by the Arabic Mystical Lote Tree) is one of the simplest and efficient storing methods of data.

What is the reason behind this Blog?


The Universe is a highly complicated Knot

I am writing this blog because I have spent a lot of time to research the Scientific and Spiritual Trinity. The mathematical and the spiritual theory about the Trinity have a lot in common.

The Trinity or the Ternary Number System is the most efficient, most effective and most beautiful (in terms of symmetries) way to Represent, Calculate and Store Numbers. The Trinity is therefore the most effective Way to Represent the Fractal Expansion of the Dynamic Whole.

What happened?

The beginning of the Universe is a transformation of the Void (Ø) into the Nothing (0).

In the next step,  the Egg of the 0 became the One (1) that splitted into the Duality (2) to become Aware of Itself.

In this case the first sequence of creation becomes Ø,0,1,2.

When we rewrite this sentence in balanced ternary language we read something else. In this case the beginning of the Universe is an expansion of the Void (0) into a negative (-1) and a positive part (1). The first sequence of creation becomes Ø (zero members of the set), (-1,0,1)(3 members of the set).

In the ternary balanced language the next expansion of the Universe is created by expanding the negative and positive part of the Universe in the Middle. A new expansion is created by adding the same structure in the Middle of the Middle of the Middle.





















This expansion moves on until the system has replicated itself. At that time the expansion moves faster and faster and faster. The Self-Referencing System of the Universe, the “Divine Fractal“, is unfolding itself at an ever increasing (logaritmic) speed in a spiraling spiral pattern creating many more (negative and positive) Numbers.

At a certain point the Negative and Positive numbers are Voided in the Zero and the Universe starts to expand again.

The unfolding creates many universes and one of these Universes is our own Universe. All the time the center, the 0, the Void, stayed at the middle.

At this moment the lowest level, our level, is almost finished and a new Evolution, a Jump to a new Level, has to start. This Jump will be a Jump out of the middle, the Heart Chakra.

Is this Explanation too Simple?

This explanation is much too simple because the whole creation process is now projected into one dimension, a Line,  and we are looking at the third step of the Fourty-Two (3×13 +4) Steps that have happened until now.


The basic structure of the Material Universe, the World Clock of Wolfgang Pauli, carried by the Demiurg, The Trickster.

Every split of the universe creates a new dimension. The splitted parts of the Universe, the balanced ternary trees, are Rotating Structures that contain Rotating Structures.

They look like the image of the rotating World Clock of Wolfgang Pauli that is carried by the Raven (the Trickster, the Demiurg), the Four Beasts in the Vision of Ezekiel and the Sri Yantra.

The other complication is that the Universe is creating its own Space and is therefore closed in itself. There is no Outside of the Universe. We are not living Inside an expanding Balloon but are travelling the Inside Surface.

When the Universe has expanded for a very long time the many dimensions are still there but they show themselves in very complicated Topological Structures like (Celtic) Knots, connected Moebius Rings, the Symbol of Infinity and the Klein Bottle, the Basic Structure behind Alchemy.

It is simply impossible to show and understand the current complexity. The only thing that is very helpful is to realize that the structure behind  the Universe is a Fractal.

Balanced Ternary Tree of 43

The Balanced Ternary Tree of 43.

This means that that at every level the same structure repeats itself. When you know everything there is to know about One Level you know every thing there is to know about Every Level.

If You understand the Human Being, You understand the Universe.  This principle was called by the Ancient Scientists, “So Above, So Below” and “As Within, So Without”.

The Balanced Ternary Number System or the Trinity that contains the Trinity can be used to explain Your Self.

It can be used to explain the “strange” behavior of the Brain Trinity, a combination of a Whole, the Body, A Left and a Right Brain. The “Trinity Pattern” repeats itself in every part of your body.

The pattern of Seven (The Trinity in the Trinity) shows itself as the Seven Chakra’s. The next step, the Thirteen (3×4 +1 = 13),  shows itself in the Twelve Signs of the Zodiac (+ the Center, the Pole Star), the Twelve Apostles (+ Jesus) and the Twelve Knight of Arthur (+Arthur).

The Expansion of this pattern on a much deeper level also generates the  Acupuncture Points (Nadi’s) in Your Body.

Why is Science not Aware of this?

The main reason can be found in the story of Thomas Fowler. He invented a Very Simple computer system but he was beaten by the Complicated system of Charles Babbage.

Babbage used the 10 base to define his Engine and he needed lots of money to create this very complicated system. He never finished his analytical engine but many years later IBM almost copied his design when they developed the IBM 360. They were, like Microsoft, experts in Marketing. They sold what the Customer wanted to buy and never took time to think about the Essence.

The Klein Bottle, The Universe Closed in Itself, the Basic Structure behind Alchemy.

The Klein Bottle, The Universe Closed in Itself, the Basic Structure behind Alchemy.

Thomas Fowler was a very simple man. He tried to do his best and was never aware of the power structures that controlled science and the market at that time. He wanted to help people but helping people is the stupidest thing you can do in a capitalistic system.

When an infrastructure is chosen it is almost impossible to change the infrastructure because everything that is build on top of this infrastructure becomes obsolete when the foundation is wrong. We will never be able to introduce a ternary computer infrastructure unless something happens that breaks the upper layer. Some people think this time is near.

Simplicity, Elegance, Beauty and Efficiency are not the main object of Capitalism. The main object of Capitalism is Making Profit.

What is the best Way to acquire Scientific Knowledge?

Thomas Fowler was not educated in the science of his time. He just invented the mathematics he needed. When he was educated in the science of his time he could have invented the same machine but it is much more plausible that he would have invented another Analytical Engine.

Thomas Fowler used his own judgment and his own talent to create something he thought was useful to support his own banking system (he also created a Bank!).

The Balanced Ternary Database of the Universe was called the Akasha. According to the Ancient Scientists of India every memory of the past and the future is stored in the Universe. They believed we are part of a Super Mind and this Mind knows everything that has happened or will happen.

walter russell wave

The Vortex, a Painting of Walter Russell

Some people are suddenly connected to this Super Mind. They are Enlightened and find a solution for a very complicated problem in a Dream or a Trance State.

One of the most important scientists of our time, Wolfgang Pauli, found everything he wanted to know in the Akasha. There are many others like Walter Russell (The Secret of Light) and Malcolm McEwen (The Lesson of the Light).

Strangely enough all of them receive or have received the same information.

What is going to happen?

The expansion of our Universe is getting into a critical state. This state is visible in all the fractal levels of our Universe.

It is visible in the Weather System, The Ecological System, The Economic System and the Cultural System. All of them are changing.

It is also visible in many Human Beings who experience the intervention of the Super-Mind in their Lives.

The big transformation must be visible in the Seven, until now not-connected universes. The other universes are currently shielded behind a Veil but this veil is slowly lifting. The movement of the Veil could explain the huge increase of Strange Encounters with Extraterrestials.

Our universe has been expanding and but very soon it will or may appear to stop. Our Universe may even begin to appear to shrink but it is not because it is reversing, heading towards some kind of big crunch but because it is folding, connecting to Itself, the Super Mind.

In the first stages of the Universe the Light was created but now we are entering a new phase where the consciousness of the Super Mind, is opening up to all the inhabitants of all the Seven Universes.

The opening of the Super Mind to all the Souls of the Universe has been named with many names in many religions all over the World (Ascension, the Golden Age, Point Omega, The Last Judgment, the Fifth World, The End of Time).

It is not clear what the connection with the Super Mind will accomplish. Many inspired scientists and prophets have tried to describe and explain this state.

One thing is sure it will be very different from the current situation where we are all isolated souls existing in many disconnected time-lines in many disconnected universes.


Why the number e is the best base for a modular system

About the Void

Joan Baez About Triality

Many Properties of Ternary Numbers

Many Properties of the Balance Ternary Number

Why the Balanced Ternary Numbers are Special

A Visualization of the Trinity Pattern with the Platonic Solids

The 4 Videos of Malcolm McEwen below contain a Visualization of the Trinity Pattern

McEwen, Video, The Lesson of the Light, Nr 1

McEwen, The Lesson of the Light, Video, Nr 2

McEwen, The Lesson of the Light, Video, Nr 3

About the Heart Chakra

About Plato and the New Harmony

About 2012

About the Center

About Boundaries

About Order and Chaos

About the Demiurg

About the Expansion of the Whole

How to Divide the Whole

About the Spiritual Trinity

About Alchemy

About Topology

About the Brain Trinity

About the Hermetic Principle (“As Above, So Below”).

About the Book of Triangels of St. Germain

About the Expansion of Space

Tuesday, December 16th, 2008

expand spaceThe Universe, Space, is expanding at a constant speed, the speed of Light. If we try to imagine an expanding Space we imagine something, a balloon, which is expanding in Space.

When Space is expanding, outside Space is Nothing at All. Space is just creating Space.

Imagining “nothing at all” is a big problem for many people. They believe there are always Insides and Outsides.

Expanding Space, or Movement, is the Foundation of our Reality.

Space is creating all kinds of forms but Space is also a Form.

The expanding Space conforms to “geometric expansion rules” and many people will ask the question who has created these rules.

When we have established a principle we always want to know who has created this principle. When we have solved this problem the same question is asked again and again because it is almost impossible to imagine that a Dynamic Process is not caused by a Static Cause.

The Duality of the Inside and the Outside, the Static and the Dynamic have to be resolved on a higher level. On this higher level the Outside is the Inside and the Mover is Moving Itself.

At this moment many mathematical theories of Reality are constructed that are trying to avoid the “trap” of Duality. It is not difficult to translate their physical statements into spiritual statements. Spirituality and Mathematics are exploring the same domain, the Domain of Wholeness.

It all starts with The Light.

light wavesLight is something that is moving with the same speed as the expanding space, the Akasha, so expanding space could be seen as traveling Light Waves. Space/Light is moving with the speed of Light, c, but it is not necessary that the Light that is moving inside space is traveling with this speed.

When Light is not moving in a straight line the form of Light is changed and other structures (particles) are formed. The most interesting structures are complex cyclic structures (the Vâyu). They are the basic containers of the Universe.

Space is closed in Itself but there is an absolute boundary, the Edge of Space. This edge is a Mirror. When Light bounces against this Mirror it bounces back and influences the other Light Waves.

Because the Edge of expanding Space is a circle, The Light Waves move back in a different direction and create interference-patterns. Because space is limited and closed in itself one Wave of the Light, the Svara, is sufficient to create a complete spectrum of waves.

The Frequency of the Waves determinates the levels of Space. Conscioussness appears when something is able to Observe Itself or to Moves ItSelf. So every Level in Space is consciouss.

The interference of Light Waves creates “disturbances“. Some waves are starting to move in a cyclic pattern. Within these disturbances the Light is caught. They are rotating and rotation is linear speed transformed into rotating speed. The sum of the rotating and the linear movement is always constant.

The disturbances in space are influenced by the expansion of space. When Space is expanding the disturbances are extended until they break.

Ripple in the UniverseJust like a spring (a rotating circle, a spiral) breaks when the expanding pressure is too big. When the broken structures drift away from the “front-line of space” they are put together again. When this happens some of them are twisted.

Twisted structures (Moebius Ring, Klein Bottle, Knots) are forms with are different in behavior than normal cyclic structures like the Torus. They are without an inside and an outside, they are without a surface and they expand and contract in a different way. They increase the “tension” in space.

Space itself is expanding with a constant speed but the many different forms in space react differently to the expansion. When the resistance is increasing space is rippling (“zitterbewegung”) just like our skin is rippling when we get older. During the rippling phase, space expands by folding onto itself.

The wrinkles, ripples, buckles, bends, are the many appearances of energy and matter. They can again be visualized by a balloon with knots tied on its surface. Knots that are tied on the surface of the balloon represent matter, and surface wrinkles that emerge around knots represent the electromagnetic field.

The wrinkles and knots decreases the circumference of the balloon, and while the balloon is still expanding, the inner pressure, the torsion, increases until the Balloon collapses completely into itself. The pressure is so strong that space moves through a tine hole (bindu) in the surface (the Black Hole) of the Balloon and space expands at the other side of the balloon (the White Hole). From that time on “history” repeats itself.

The Universe is Breathing.

balloonsAt this moment we have developed a very simple theory. Space is the expansion of Light. When the Light bounces against the Mirror of the Edge of Space it creates Interference Patterns.

These patterns behave differently under the stress of the expansion and the stress of the expansion starts to interfere with the other moving structures in space.

If you read the Story of the Universe one thing makes the Story rather complicated. To explain expanding space the metaphor of the Balloon is often used but the geometric structure of the Universe is not a Balloon.

We are not living Outside the Balloon but we are living Inside the Balloon. Outside the Balloon is non-existent. We are not moving Inside the Balloon but we are moving on the Surface of the Balloon. The Inside of the Balloon is non-existent.

Mathematics has used the flat structure, the Euclidian Universe, to explain reality. In this Universe all the geometric theories of Euclid were valid although one of the postulates of Euclid, the parallel postulate, was in discussion for a very long time. This postulate states that two lines intersect when the sum of their angles is less than 180°.

calibiyauWhen people found out that we are not living on a flat earth they realized that the parallel postulate was wrong. The sum of the arcs of a triangle on a sphere is not 180°.

When mathematicians started to face the facts the Non-Euclidian Geometry was born and the parallel postulate was abandoned. The flat geometry was an exception. We are living in a curved universe.

The man in the street is not educated in the curved universe and many brilliant scientists who are operating outside the area of the exact sciences don’t have an idea about non-Euclidian geometry.

Non-Euclidian Geometry has had a huge impact on Science. The curved Universe is just like the “valid” postulates of Euclid an accepted fact.

If everybody would accept the “fact” of the curved universe and realize that every system in the Universe (also the Economic System) is always expanding and compressing we could anticipate the Waves of the Life Force, the Svara.

If everybody could accept that an always expanding system in our Universe always collapses in itself we could realize that an expanding economy wil create complex knots that cannot stand the tension of the expansion. The knotted, highly related, structures in our Reality are breaking and twisting.

They stop the expansion until the singularity is reached. At that time we will move trough the Black Hole and the White Hole in another Universe, Our Twin Universe.

The most interesting part is that it is possible to develop a theory of the Universe without any idea about the real Universe. It is a direct consequence of the postulates of Euclid. The only thing that is left to interpret are the results of the Geometric Theory of the Universe in our Reality. We have to find visual methaphors in our reality that look like the concepts of the geometric theory.

black-holeThe only thing that is needed to Accept the Geometric Theory of the Universe is to Accept the Postulates of Euclid. They are more or less self-evident.

They are Visible in our Reality, but still you never know if somebody is capable of finding a new exception of the postulates. If this happens the Geometric Theory has to be adapted.

Until now nobody has a clue. The axiomes of Euclid are still the foundation of Mathematics.

The Old Scientists stated that our Reality is an Illusion. The only thing that is existent is the Movement of the Void. The Movement of the Void generated the Reflection of the Void, the Expansion of Space, The Interference Patterns of the Light and finally the final compression into The Void.

They stated that the Universe is an expansion of nothingness and the nothingness is preserved in every state of the Universe. Every duality that is constructed is voided in the nothing.

Consuming is voided by Production. The Good is voided by the Bad. The Up is voided by the Down. Life is voided by Death. Everything wants to return to the original state of the Rotating Void.

If the population of the Earth is consuming to the extremes one day the opposite will happen and we will be consumed to bring back the balance of the void.

When we lend we have to pay back our debts to the Universe.


About Reflecting Waves at the Edge of the Universe

About Non-Euclidian Geometry

A recent Geometric Theory of the Universe

About the Moebius Ring, The Klein Bottle, Knots and Physics

About Heisenberg and the Rippling of the Universe

A very old Geometric Theory of the Universe based on the Upanishads