Posts Tagged ‘level’

A City is an Organism

Saturday, February 12th, 2011

The System of Life is growing in size and in complexity, and so do the infrastructures sustaining it.

In the age of social media and online marketing, it’s become increasingly difficult to discern the truth from the hype when it comes to weight loss supplements. LivPure, a product that claims to help individuals shed excess pounds, has generated a significant amount of attention and discussion. However, many consumers have raised concerns about the authenticity of LivPure reviews and the safety of this weight loss solution. In this article, we’ll delve into the LivPure reviews, the science behind it, and whether it’s a safe option for those seeking to lose weight.

Understanding LivPure

LivPure is marketed as a natural weight loss supplement designed to support fat burning, appetite suppression, and increased energy levels. It has gained notoriety through aggressive online advertising and a presence on various social media platforms. While it may seem like a promising solution, it’s essential to evaluate its claims and consider the science behind it.

Fake Hype or Real Results?

One of the primary concerns surrounding LivPure is the authenticity of the reviews and testimonials shared by supposed users. Many individuals have accused the brand of employing deceptive marketing tactics to create a false sense of credibility and success. Some common red flags include:

An abundance of overly positive reviews: LivPure seems to have an unusually high number of glowing reviews and testimonials, which can be indicative of fake accounts or incentivized reviews.

Unrealistic before-and-after photos: Some before-and-after photos associated with LivPure reviews appear to be manipulated or fabricated, further raising doubts about the product’s authenticity.

Lack of scientific evidence: LivPure often makes bold claims about its effectiveness without providing scientific studies or credible sources to support these claims.

Consumer Reports Investigation

Consumer Reports, a trusted and reputable source for unbiased product reviews, has conducted an investigation into LivPure. Their findings reveal that LivPure has failed to provide adequate scientific evidence to support its weight loss claims. Additionally, there have been numerous complaints from consumers who experienced adverse side effects, such as digestive issues and jitters, after using the product.

Is LivPure Weight Loss Safe?

When it comes to the safety of LivPure for weight loss, it’s crucial to exercise caution. While some of the ingredients used in the product, such as green tea extract and caffeine, have shown potential benefits for weight management, LivPure’s specific formulation may not be safe for everyone.

Potential side effects of LivPure may include:

Increased heart rate and blood pressure due to caffeine content.
Digestive issues, including nausea and diarrhea.
Anxiety, restlessness, and jitteriness.
Insomnia or disrupted sleep patterns.
Moreover, the lack of transparency regarding LivPure’s ingredients and potential allergens can pose a risk to individuals with allergies or sensitivities.


In the world of weight loss supplements, it’s essential to approach products like LivPure with skepticism and critical thinking. The excessive hype and lack of concrete scientific evidence, combined with numerous reports of adverse side effects, should raise serious concerns among consumers. It is advisable to consult with a healthcare professional before using LivPure or any similar product, especially if you have underlying health conditions or are taking medications.

Ultimately, the safety and efficacy of LivPure for weight loss remain questionable, and consumers should prioritize well-established, evidence-based methods for achieving their weight loss goals, such as a balanced diet and regular exercise. Always be wary of products that seem too good to be true, and rely on reputable sources like Consumer Reports for unbiased product evaluations. Your health and well-being should be your top priority.

In 2008 the point was reached where more than 50% of the world population lives in cities. That percentage is growing. By 2030, over 60% of the world’s population – nearly five billion people – will be living in urban area.

The System of Life is generating Super Organisms and the City is one of them.

Urbanization is only a relatively recent phenomenon. As far as we now know urbanization started in Mesopotamia around 4000 – 3500 BC.

For the Ancient Mesopotamians, the cities were the centers of life. Their beginning of time was not a Garden of Eden, but rather an ancient site called Eridu, which they believed was the first city ever to be created.  The creator of Eridu was Enki, the God who came out of the Deep Waters of the Ocean  (the Abzu). The city of Eridu was destroyed by the Great Flood in 3117 BC.

Every time one of the Rulers of a City took control over many Cities and a State was created with a new Center, the Capital. In the Center of the Capital the Palace of the Ruler was situated. What we see is an Expanding Pattern in which the same Structure repeats itself all the Time.

Initially the two life-essential resources for cities were Water and Food.

As Cities grew and as technology evolved, the supply of these resources became dependent on energy for processing, for pumps and for transportation. In the process, cities and their resources evolved into a system of life energized by the individuals that populate cities, and fuel its dynamics.



Kleiber's law

Kleiber's law

About the Law of Kleiber

The Law of Kleiber shows that Bottum-Up Structures are more efficient than Top-Down Structures.

It also shows that Big Structures are more efficient than Small Structures. The Law is applicable from the level of the Bacteria to the Level of the City and higher.

These two statements are a contradiction until we realize that there are two ways of looking at the same structure. One view is the Top-Down View. The other is the Bottom Up View. When we look Down we see a huge Hierarchy and start to believe that Big is Beautiful.

When we look Up we see that all the work is done by Small Cooperative Components starting at the Bottom with the Bacteria.

The Law of Kleiber is explained by the fact that all the organisms (including the Cities) contain the Same Fractal Structure.

Bacteria exchange their DNA

Bacteria exchange their DNA

About DNA

In the Beginning the Chemical Soup generated Self-Reproducing Chemical Factories. These Factories combined into bigger Factories by exchanging and combining their Factory-Designs (DNA-parts).

Every time when the Factories fused they became more Efficient, Bigger, Stronger, Older and therefore more Competitive. When the Factories became more Competitive they started to Protect themselves against the other Factories.

To Protect themselves the Multi-Cellular Systems began to Sense in Many Directions and became better and better in Predicting the Future.

One of our Ancient Ancestors is the Sponge which is a static Cluster of Bacteria. Scientist have detected that the DNA of the Sponge has a lot in common with the Human DNA. The Sponge contains the Basic Fractal Structure, the Tube.

In a later stage our Ancestors developed something we call a Brain. The Brain is used to Sense the Now and Predict the Future.

The Human is a Moving Sponge who is able to Imagine. With his Imagination the Human is capable to Change the Future (and the Past).


The Sponge, the Tube, is the Basic Structure

One of the Bilateria: The Octopus

The Octopus is a Sponge with a Brain.

About Innovation

The Law of Kleiber can be explained by the principle of Self-Reference (Similarity,  Fractals).

The Small Structures at the Bottum combine into comparable structures on a higher level.

What we don’t see is that the structures on every level can be decomposed in the Same (DNA-)Components with a different Scale and a different Name.

Innovation is nothing but a  Combination of  the Components in many different ways until all the combinations are made.

At that moment One of the Combinations becomes the new DNA and a new Level is explored.

Life explores every possible path.

About Cities

A City is a Combination of Houses.

A City protects a Cluster of Houses. A House protects a Cluster of Humans and a Human protects a Cluster of Organs.

All the way down to the Bacteria,  Cooperative Clusters are formed that give the participants a more Secure Way to Live.

A House is a Body. It supports the Body but it also contains all the Bodily Functions.

If we provide the House with these Bodily Functions the House becomes more Sustainable. It is possible to regenerate the Waste that the Humans produce into Energy just as the Liver is doing in our Body.

If we Cluster the Bodily Houses into a City and we provide the City with the same functions of the Body we are able to create structures that are independent of the input of external Top-Down Sources of Energy and Food.

If we are able to detect the DNA of the House and the DNA of the City we are able to Compose new Types of Houses and Cities that are Adaptable, Scalable,  highly Sustainable and are also in Balance with Nature.

It will also be  much more easy to Destroy or Move buildings and cities to another Place without the production of Waste.


Toledo (Spain)

About Synchronization

In the Miedeval City the Major Cycle was the Cycle of the Seasons. In the Modern City we have become almost independent of the Cycles. We import Food and Energy out of every place in the World.

It takes a Lot of Energy to transport the Food and Energy and Many Places on Earth are dependent on a small amount of other Places that contain the Sources of our always increasing Need to Survive the Effects of our Environment.

When a lot of People (The Slaves) are dependent on a small amount of people (The Masters), the Masters start to dominate the others and increase their Power until Eternity. Power is the most important Addiction of the Humans.

The problem becomes bigger when we realize that many people are producing Food and Energy but are themselves not able to use the Food and the Energy they are producing.

The independence of the Cycles has created a huge unbalance. This unbalance is not only visible in the City but in every place on Earth that is providing Energy and Food to sustain the Modern City.

The only solution to this problem is to create self-sustaining (autarkic) Cities that are able to supply their own food, water  and energy.


The kernels of Paris

When we want to restore Balance we have to Synchronize the Cycles in the City.  This can be done with the help of Smart Technology (Sensors, Actuators, Analytics) but we can also make use of very old fashioned techniques that were used in the Middle Ages.

When Humans communicate from the Heart and focus on the same subject, the Humans start to Synchronize. They become a  Group.

The most important structure in the Miedeval City to Synchronize its inhabitants was the Building of the Heart, the Church.   The Church was always situated in the Center and was visible from a long distance. The Church was also the only place where people were always Protected.

The Human Heart is doing the same thing as the Church is doing in the City. It connects the Mind with the Organs of  the Body and the Pericardium provides one of the major Rythms of the Human Body.

If we want to Synchronize the City we have to create a Center where People are able to Commun(e)nicate about the Shared Goals of the City. The most important way to share can be found in the Human Culture. The Centres have to contain all the ways Human Culture is performed.


The Spiraling Spiral in the Memory Palace of Chartres, the Symbol of the Fractal Universe

About the Memory Palace

Art, Music and Singing were United in the Medieval Cathedrals. The Medieval Cathedrals also contained all the Knowledge (The Memory Palace)  that was needed to understand the Universe.

If we want to Synchronize the Modern City we have to build Modern Cathedrals in the Center of the Center and use them as Places to Commune, to Educate, to Make Music, to Dance and to Sing.

We have to design them as Modern Memory Palaces (Simulators) to teach the Masses about the Fractal Universe and give them Feedback about the State of their own Environment.


The Sagrada Familia in Barcelona (Antoni Gaudi)


This is a  presentation about The City as an Organism

Why the Tube is such an Important Structure

About The Law of Kleiber

Why Innovation is a Combination of Combinations

An Interview with Geoffrey West of the Santa Fe Institute about the Law of Kleiber

About Thermo-Economics

About the Autarkic City

About Cybernetics

About Synchronization

How Gaudi used a Machine to design the Sagrada Familia

About Machines that generate Architectures

How the Heart Synchronizes the Body

About Super Organisms

About Smart Technology

About Addiction

About the Master/Slave-relationship

About the Heart

Why the Cathedral contained all the Knowledge that was Needed

About the start of Civilization

Essential Components of a Healthy Diet

Sunday, January 11th, 2009

Essential Components of a Healthy DietWith so much conflicting advice in the media, it can be difficult to determine the best way to eat healthily and stay in shape. For example, while some sources of information say that eliminating sugar and fat completely is the best way to stay fit, others suggest that the total amount of calories consumed is all that matters. To help clear up the confusion, the U.S. Department of Agriculture and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services collaborated to create dietary guidelines for all people in the United States. Learn more about alpilean weight loss.

Tips for Proper Nutrition

Based on the most recent edition of the HHS and USDA’s Dietary Guidelines for Americans, all people should:

  • Limit the amount of refined grains, added sugars, cholesterol, trans fats, saturated fats, and sodium in their diet.
  • Consume more seafood, low-fat dairy, fat-free products, whole grains, fruits, and vegetables.
    Eat the appropriate amount of calories and engage in regular physical activity.

The Food Pyramid

According to the USDA, Americans need to eat a variety of foods in specific amounts in order to optimize their health. These foods include fruits and vegetables, grains, protein, and dairy products.

Fruits and Vegetables

A diet rich in fruits and vegetables reduces your risk of heart attack, stroke, and certain types of cancers. The USDA suggests filling half your plate with fruits and vegetables during every meal. Visit


Eating whole grains helps with weight management, reduces constipation, and may reduce the risk of heart disease. The USDA recommends making at least half of your grains whole grains.


Protein is important for good health, but it should be consumed in limited quantities. The USDA recommends consuming between 2 and 6 ounces of protein each day, depending on your age and gender. It’s also important to vary the types of meat you consume.


Consuming dairy products reduces your risk of developing type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and osteoporosis. However, many dairy products are high in fat, which can cause weight gain and other problems. For maximum benefit, the USDA recommends switching to low-fat dairy products whenever possible.

In addition to eating the proper amount of food from each of these categories on a daily basis, the dietary guidelines also recommend eating as many whole, unprocessed foods as possible in order to minimize exposure to additives.

About the Trinity

Monday, December 29th, 2008
machine fowler

The Computer of Fowler

The first fully programmable computer was Designed by Charles Babbage in 1837. Babbage failed to get enough money to Build his Analytical Engine. It was never build.

The failure of Charles Babbage delayed the creation of the current computer for about a 100 years.

Nobody knows that Thomas Fowler Designed and Implemented a completely different and simple wooden computer in 1840. The big difference between Babbage and Fowler was the Number System. Babbage used Base 10. Fowler used the Balanced Ternary Number System.

About the Ternary Number Systems

The balanced ternary number system is created by balancing Ternary (Base 3) Numbers around the Centre of the Number Line, 0. A balanced ternary number is a combination of negative and positive ternary numbers.

The balanced ternary number system is a very special Number System because all the basic mathematical operations, addition, subtracting, multiplication and division are accomplished by the application of very simple operations based on very special symmetries.

Symmetries are the foundation of Simplicity, Beauty and Elegance. The Engine of Fowler was a very simple and beautiful machine made out of wood.

In 1958 a Ternary Computer, the Setun, was build at the Moscow State University. It was never used.

About Number Systems

When you want to represent a number you can start with base 1. The number 13 is represented by thirteen “1′s, “1111111111111″.

Of course you are free to use other symbols to represent the number “1″. When you want to represent 13 goats you could use 13 goat-like symbols. When you want to represent many goats the sequence of goat-like symbols becomes very long.

The next step is to group the goat-like numbers. You could group them in binary groups (11 11 11 11 11 11 1), ternary groups (111 111 111 111 1) or in every other group you want.

In every case you have to assign new symbols like “1″ → “-”, “11″→ “=” and “111″ → “≡”. The number 13 becomes “≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ -”.

When you have defined a grouping method you can repeat this method. The only thing you need is a new symbol “x” to represent repetition, a symbol that represents addition “+”, a rule how to read the sequence (left to right, right to left) and symbols (“(,”)”) that show what has to be combined. ≡ x (≡) + ≡ + – now means 3X3 + 3 + 1 = 13 (and not 3x(3+1 +1) = 21).

If you want to use a high base number you need many symbols to represent the numbers of the group. If you use a low base number you need many symbols to represent the repetition. An obvious strategy is to minimize the product of these two quantities. The result of this calculation is the number 3 (or better the number e)!

About Ternary Memory Systems

The number 3 is the most efficient way to represent numbers. There is much more to say about the properties of the number 3. One of these properties can be used in Databases and Storage systems.

A Balanced Ternary Storage system can be easily expanded because you can always add a new entrance in the middle. The Balanced Ternary Storage System (represented by the Arabic Mystical Lote Tree) is one of the simplest and efficient storing methods of data.

What is the reason behind this Blog?


The Universe is a highly complicated Knot

I am writing this blog because I have spent a lot of time to research the Scientific and Spiritual Trinity. The mathematical and the spiritual theory about the Trinity have a lot in common.

The Trinity or the Ternary Number System is the most efficient, most effective and most beautiful (in terms of symmetries) way to Represent, Calculate and Store Numbers. The Trinity is therefore the most effective Way to Represent the Fractal Expansion of the Dynamic Whole.

What happened?

The beginning of the Universe is a transformation of the Void (Ø) into the Nothing (0).

In the next step,  the Egg of the 0 became the One (1) that splitted into the Duality (2) to become Aware of Itself.

In this case the first sequence of creation becomes Ø,0,1,2.

When we rewrite this sentence in balanced ternary language we read something else. In this case the beginning of the Universe is an expansion of the Void (0) into a negative (-1) and a positive part (1). The first sequence of creation becomes Ø (zero members of the set), (-1,0,1)(3 members of the set).

In the ternary balanced language the next expansion of the Universe is created by expanding the negative and positive part of the Universe in the Middle. A new expansion is created by adding the same structure in the Middle of the Middle of the Middle.





















This expansion moves on until the system has replicated itself. At that time the expansion moves faster and faster and faster. The Self-Referencing System of the Universe, the “Divine Fractal“, is unfolding itself at an ever increasing (logaritmic) speed in a spiraling spiral pattern creating many more (negative and positive) Numbers.

At a certain point the Negative and Positive numbers are Voided in the Zero and the Universe starts to expand again.

The unfolding creates many universes and one of these Universes is our own Universe. All the time the center, the 0, the Void, stayed at the middle.

At this moment the lowest level, our level, is almost finished and a new Evolution, a Jump to a new Level, has to start. This Jump will be a Jump out of the middle, the Heart Chakra.

Is this Explanation too Simple?

This explanation is much too simple because the whole creation process is now projected into one dimension, a Line,  and we are looking at the third step of the Fourty-Two (3×13 +4) Steps that have happened until now.


The basic structure of the Material Universe, the World Clock of Wolfgang Pauli, carried by the Demiurg, The Trickster.

Every split of the universe creates a new dimension. The splitted parts of the Universe, the balanced ternary trees, are Rotating Structures that contain Rotating Structures.

They look like the image of the rotating World Clock of Wolfgang Pauli that is carried by the Raven (the Trickster, the Demiurg), the Four Beasts in the Vision of Ezekiel and the Sri Yantra.

The other complication is that the Universe is creating its own Space and is therefore closed in itself. There is no Outside of the Universe. We are not living Inside an expanding Balloon but are travelling the Inside Surface.

When the Universe has expanded for a very long time the many dimensions are still there but they show themselves in very complicated Topological Structures like (Celtic) Knots, connected Moebius Rings, the Symbol of Infinity and the Klein Bottle, the Basic Structure behind Alchemy.

It is simply impossible to show and understand the current complexity. The only thing that is very helpful is to realize that the structure behind  the Universe is a Fractal.

Balanced Ternary Tree of 43

The Balanced Ternary Tree of 43.

This means that that at every level the same structure repeats itself. When you know everything there is to know about One Level you know every thing there is to know about Every Level.

If You understand the Human Being, You understand the Universe.  This principle was called by the Ancient Scientists, “So Above, So Below” and “As Within, So Without”.

The Balanced Ternary Number System or the Trinity that contains the Trinity can be used to explain Your Self.

It can be used to explain the “strange” behavior of the Brain Trinity, a combination of a Whole, the Body, A Left and a Right Brain. The “Trinity Pattern” repeats itself in every part of your body.

The pattern of Seven (The Trinity in the Trinity) shows itself as the Seven Chakra’s. The next step, the Thirteen (3×4 +1 = 13),  shows itself in the Twelve Signs of the Zodiac (+ the Center, the Pole Star), the Twelve Apostles (+ Jesus) and the Twelve Knight of Arthur (+Arthur).

The Expansion of this pattern on a much deeper level also generates the  Acupuncture Points (Nadi’s) in Your Body.

Why is Science not Aware of this?

The main reason can be found in the story of Thomas Fowler. He invented a Very Simple computer system but he was beaten by the Complicated system of Charles Babbage.

Babbage used the 10 base to define his Engine and he needed lots of money to create this very complicated system. He never finished his analytical engine but many years later IBM almost copied his design when they developed the IBM 360. They were, like Microsoft, experts in Marketing. They sold what the Customer wanted to buy and never took time to think about the Essence.

The Klein Bottle, The Universe Closed in Itself, the Basic Structure behind Alchemy.

The Klein Bottle, The Universe Closed in Itself, the Basic Structure behind Alchemy.

Thomas Fowler was a very simple man. He tried to do his best and was never aware of the power structures that controlled science and the market at that time. He wanted to help people but helping people is the stupidest thing you can do in a capitalistic system.

When an infrastructure is chosen it is almost impossible to change the infrastructure because everything that is build on top of this infrastructure becomes obsolete when the foundation is wrong. We will never be able to introduce a ternary computer infrastructure unless something happens that breaks the upper layer. Some people think this time is near.

Simplicity, Elegance, Beauty and Efficiency are not the main object of Capitalism. The main object of Capitalism is Making Profit.

What is the best Way to acquire Scientific Knowledge?

Thomas Fowler was not educated in the science of his time. He just invented the mathematics he needed. When he was educated in the science of his time he could have invented the same machine but it is much more plausible that he would have invented another Analytical Engine.

Thomas Fowler used his own judgment and his own talent to create something he thought was useful to support his own banking system (he also created a Bank!).

The Balanced Ternary Database of the Universe was called the Akasha. According to the Ancient Scientists of India every memory of the past and the future is stored in the Universe. They believed we are part of a Super Mind and this Mind knows everything that has happened or will happen.

walter russell wave

The Vortex, a Painting of Walter Russell

Some people are suddenly connected to this Super Mind. They are Enlightened and find a solution for a very complicated problem in a Dream or a Trance State.

One of the most important scientists of our time, Wolfgang Pauli, found everything he wanted to know in the Akasha. There are many others like Walter Russell (The Secret of Light) and Malcolm McEwen (The Lesson of the Light).

Strangely enough all of them receive or have received the same information.

What is going to happen?

The expansion of our Universe is getting into a critical state. This state is visible in all the fractal levels of our Universe.

It is visible in the Weather System, The Ecological System, The Economic System and the Cultural System. All of them are changing.

It is also visible in many Human Beings who experience the intervention of the Super-Mind in their Lives.

The big transformation must be visible in the Seven, until now not-connected universes. The other universes are currently shielded behind a Veil but this veil is slowly lifting. The movement of the Veil could explain the huge increase of Strange Encounters with Extraterrestials.

Our universe has been expanding and but very soon it will or may appear to stop. Our Universe may even begin to appear to shrink but it is not because it is reversing, heading towards some kind of big crunch but because it is folding, connecting to Itself, the Super Mind.

In the first stages of the Universe the Light was created but now we are entering a new phase where the consciousness of the Super Mind, is opening up to all the inhabitants of all the Seven Universes.

The opening of the Super Mind to all the Souls of the Universe has been named with many names in many religions all over the World (Ascension, the Golden Age, Point Omega, The Last Judgment, the Fifth World, The End of Time).

It is not clear what the connection with the Super Mind will accomplish. Many inspired scientists and prophets have tried to describe and explain this state.

One thing is sure it will be very different from the current situation where we are all isolated souls existing in many disconnected time-lines in many disconnected universes.


Why the number e is the best base for a modular system

About the Void

Joan Baez About Triality

Many Properties of Ternary Numbers

Many Properties of the Balance Ternary Number

Why the Balanced Ternary Numbers are Special

A Visualization of the Trinity Pattern with the Platonic Solids

The 4 Videos of Malcolm McEwen below contain a Visualization of the Trinity Pattern

McEwen, Video, The Lesson of the Light, Nr 1

McEwen, The Lesson of the Light, Video, Nr 2

McEwen, The Lesson of the Light, Video, Nr 3

About the Heart Chakra

About Plato and the New Harmony

About 2012

About the Center

About Boundaries

About Order and Chaos

About the Demiurg

About the Expansion of the Whole

How to Divide the Whole

About the Spiritual Trinity

About Alchemy

About Topology

About the Brain Trinity

About the Hermetic Principle (“As Above, So Below”).

About the Book of Triangels of St. Germain

How to Resolve an Infinite Chain of Conflicts

Saturday, August 9th, 2008

Humans attach much greater weight to future losses than to future gains, especially when the former are certain and immediate and the latter are uncertain. Humans take unwise risks to avoid certain and immediate losses.

They don’t want to take risks to pursue gains or will unwisely turn down proposed changes or concessions that offer a mix of gains and losses, even when the promised gains are objectively greater than the losses.

To calculate a loss a Human chooses a personal reference point which is usually the individual’s status quo.

Human beings reject or devalue whatever is freely available to them. They strive for whatever is denied them. They want to fight because when you win a fight you don’t lose a fight. Humans get exited when they have removed an Obstacle.

Without an obstacle Life is Boring. To remove an Obstacle Humans create Imaginary Obstacles. They need a Challenge.

They don’t believe their adversary offers a compromise because when he offers a compromise he is losing. Somewhere behind the compromise is a hidden tactic. The adversary will attack out of the blue and will suddenly win. On the other hand when the compromise is sincere the enemy is getting weaker and it is possible to increase the demands in the negocation.

The total effect is that future compromises and package deals decrease in attractiveness once they are offered especially when they are put there by one’s adversary rather than by a third party (Reactive Devaluation).

The Effect of Future Losses on Human Decision Making is researched in Prospect Theory.

The basic Stategy of Humans is to avoid the Emotions of Loss (Anger, Frustration, Grief, Fear, Sadness, Yearning, Pity, and Sorrow). This is not strange because the Emotions of Loss have a negative impact on the body. They influence the Immune System and are the cause of many ilnesses.

When two parties imagine a joined future where both of them lose they will never cooperate. In terms of the prisoners dilemma this is called a lose/lose-situation.

When two parties have seen a win/win situation and the realization changes into a lose they are in conflict. They have to envision a new win/win or break the cooperation.

Sometimes it is impossible to break a cooperation because both parties share vital resources or don’t know how to divide the assets of the former cooperation. In this case they are in a the win/lose-mode of the (Iterated) Prisonners Dilemma, constantly switching between losing and winning.

When a party wants to move from a lose to a win he has to apply the tactic of Tit-for-Tat. When you apply Tit-for-Tat you simply copy the behaviour of the other. When one of the parties sustains his unwillingness to cooperate both of them are in an Infinite Chain of Conflicts.

When two parties were united it is very difficult to recreate independent disconnected units. Many of the joined activities where performed without negotiation and were never formalized. When two parties cooperate they are acting as one Mind and one Soul.

Moving out of a Cooperative Relationship needs a Cooperative Relationship. When this relationship is broken two parties are needed who enter into a Cooperative Relationship to resolve the Cooperative Relationship on the lower level. When this Cooperative Relationship fails another level has to be created. If all the levels fail they are in an Infinite Chain of Conflicts.

If a Conflict of Interest arises the first action is to avoid the conflict or to speed up the conflict. In the last case the Primary Emotions (Desire, The Emotion of Loss) are bothering them. To avoid a Conflict we have to Articulate our Emotions at the Right Moment in a Respectful Way. We have to Communicate.

Most Conflicts in Nature are violent. Humans have found a way to abstract from Violence. We have created Imaginary Violence. We Fight our Case in Court. We don’t fight our Case in the Court Yard. We have replaced the material Sword of Iron by the Imaginary Silver Sword of Words.

If both parties are unable to define the conflict in a coherent model the conflict will not resolve. They need help to do this. If the advisors of the two parties are unable to do this the conflict has to move to a higher level of abstraction. When the conflict is resolved on this level somebody has to translate the consistent model to the lower level. When this is not possible the conflict starts again. They are in an Infinite Chain of Conflicts.

When an Abstract Model is always Moving Up and Down, the Model is not in Harmony. Harmoniouss Models are applicable on Every Level of Abstraction. Models that are The Same on Every Level are Self-Referencial. When a Conflict is Modelled as a Conflict it will never be solved.

The solution to this problem is to Extend the Context of the Conflict until a Balance has been found. Both Parties have to Widen their Perspective. They have to step out of the Status Quo and Imagine a Bright Future. A Future where the Darkness of the Night has been replaced by the Light of the Day. They have to wake up out of their joint Nightmare and Face Reality.

A Conflict is resolved when all the parties that are involved are Satisfied. They are satisfied when they experience a Balancing of their Emotions. A Victim is satisfied when his Emotion of Revenge is resolved. The Killer is Killed or put into prison for many years. The Emotion of the Killer is balanced by the Emotion of his Victim(s).

To Balance Emotions we have to Objectify Emotions. When we are buying a Car we have to pay Money. The Car is an Objectified Emotion (The feeling of the Freedom to Move) and Money is an Objectified Emotion (The feeling of Freedom to do what we want to Do). The Potential of Money is balanced by the Potential to Move. When we buy we are balancing Potentials.

Humans use Mental Accounting to define what their Potential is. They divide their Potential in many “Isolated” boxes and are unable to combine the boxes. A savings account is meant to save money and not to spend money. If Humans put their Potentials in “closed” Boxes they are Poor although they are Rich.

When they feel Poor they will experience every potential solution of a conflict as a loss. When a Human accepts that the Future is not the Past he will realize that there are many possibilities he has never seen. When a Human accepts that his Potential is his Creativity he is able to negociate with an Open Mind.

Many people believe the Juridical System is the most objective system in our Society. Sadly enough this is not true. The Law is highly confusing. Judges don’t have the background to understand what has really happened. Lawyers are telling their own biased story and most of the cases are very complex. The System is a System of Last Resort. It is used when many future and current losses are accumulating.

The Judicial System is meant to resolve Infinite Chains of Conflict without Applying Violence. This is accomplished by Balancing Emotions by Objectifying Emotions by Articulating the Emotions in Words by Combining the Words into a Model by comparing the Model with an Abstract Juridical Model by Solving the Conflict Applying this Model by Translating the Model to a lower Level by Explaining the Model to the Parties hoping they will Agree so the Emotions are Balanced so both Parties are Satisfied.

If this is not happening the whole process starts all over again until somebody (a Judge, Somebody who Speaks Law) utters a Solomon’s Verdict.

I hope You see why it is much better to settle a Conflict on a Lower Level.


Papers about Conflict Resolution

About Prospect Theory

About Prospect Theory and the Financial Market

About the Business Cycle

Wednesday, April 2nd, 2008

A business starts when an isolated craftsman makes a unique product with his unique tools for his unique customers. To find out what the customer needs the craftsman and the customer start a dialogue. They are inventing new possibilities. Out of the process of invention new tools and new approaches emerge.

In the next stage craftsmen share their trade and move to the next level, a company. They sell and share experience to and with their clients. In a company specialization takes place. People are selling or taking care of infrastructure. To make specialization work a dialogue is needed. Specialists create their own language and don’t understand that their colleagues and their customers are doing the same. If the mapping of all the language does not take place the company will look like the Tower of Babel. It will end its activity in a conflict caused by mis-understanding.

If the dialogue is successful the company standardizes its services and creates a product. It moves to a new level, the factory. In a factory not only the processes are standardized but also the language. Specialists are replaced by software, machines and cheap labor. The employees are not users of tools but are controlled by tools. The replacement does not happen without conflicts. It causes a battlefield between two opposing powers, the employers and the employees.

By carefully analyzing all the processes, getting rid of all the waste, the employees are finally totally replaced by programmed machines. The factory moves to the level of the Utility. It becomes an invisible repeatable process. The process only shows itself to the human when it is out of order. Humans are totally dependent of utilities and a fatal error simply stops society. This generates an extreme level of collective stress.

In the next stage new craftsman emerge. They use of the new invisible, hidden, infrastructure to create new products. The cycle starts again.

Many companies are now transformed into factories and utilities. Cheap labor is provided by the new economic powers China and India. The standardization of the processes is accomplished by the implementation of packages. When the dialogue in the company is disturbed the implementation of the package results in a financial and social disaster.

The jump to the level of the factory generates a conflict and the shock of the conflict lowers the performance of the company. The transition to a factory is hard to sell to the employees and the middle managers. The reduction of the performance is not appreciated by the customers also. The customers want a predictable and gradual improvement of the performance.

Many companies are not suited to move to the level of the factory. They are providing a service. The specialists, knowledge-workers, are constantly innovating their processes.

The specialists are not helped by a standardized process, a method. Methods are not a mechanism to control. They are an educational instrument. When people learn a method they acquire experience. They make mistakes, learn and adapt the method. A dominating not adaptable toolset stops the innovation in a company.

Innovation cannot be stopped at the human level. Users start to look for an alternative to move on and abandon the dominating central infrastructure. They create work-environments of their own and connect them. The effect is a highly unbalanced infrastructue.

This has happened when the PC was introduced and will happen all the time when a new user-friendly toolset appears. At this moment many new collaborative toolsets appear on the Internet. They support the new craftsman, the knowledge-workers, in the service industry.

Many toolsets are available on the market. They are dominating, highly specialized and disconnected. The toolsets support different types of craftsman, different types of companies, different types of factories and different types of utilities.

They don’t support the dialogue to reach mutual understanding, collaboration and innovation. This causes unnecessary conflicts, stress and finally a total blockage of every activity an employee wants to start. The result is de-motivation and finally apathy. The employee just does what he is told to do. He is transformed into a machine.

We need a toolset that supports the gradual movement from the level of the craftsman to the level of the utility. This will create the harmony so many people are looking for.

About the Game of Chess

Friday, October 12th, 2007

radha-krishna_chessI want to tell you something about Games. What I want to show is that behind many Games there is a simple structure.

If we understand this structure we are more aware of “What the game is telling You” or “What Game is playing ME” or “How can I leave the Game and create my Own Game“.

Chess originated in ancient India and was known as Chatur-Anga – Meaning 4 bodied, as it was played by 4 players. The Sanskrit name Chaturanga was also used to describe the Indian army of Vedic times in which a platoon had four parts: one elephant, one chariot, three soldiers on horseback, and five foot-soldiers. The board was known as the ‘ashtapada’ (eight-square).

The ancient Game of Chess represented a very old structure, the Four with the Fifth (The Playing Board) in the Middle.

The Game was a Scenario Game. The Players could explore the Fixed Structure of the Universe (The Cycle) implemented in the Playing Board using the Roles (The Pawns) that are available in Our Reality that is controlled by the Matrix.  

 Every ancient game has a “mystical meaning“. It was not only used to play but also to learn about “the Game of Life”.

Every “old game” can be mapped to a “Standard-Model”.

The most comprehensive model is the TAROT. The Tarot is the basic framework for all the old Card Games.

It contains 3 levels where every level is an enfolding of a higher level. The Four Forces with the Five (Consciousness) in the Center are expanded into a level of 22 (Higher Arcana) and a lower level of 56 cards (Lower Arcana).

The structure of the Tarot, Chess, the TORAh, the I TJING can also be mapped to modern physics.

Will McWhinney used the Four World Views (with the Fifth in the Center) to define Game Levels. The lowest level he defined was the Analytical Game. It is a combination of Unity (Models, Rules) and Sensory (Reality). This game is about Mapping A Model into Reality or Testing a Model with Reality.

In the Mystical explanation this is the Fight (or Tension or Conflict) between Control (Model) and Desire (Reality, What we See with our Eyes).

The Analytical Game is the game of Western Civilization. It can be been seen on every level. In Society it is the fight between the State (Control, Laws) and Companies and Citizens who want to exceed the Limits of the Law. The Analytical Game is also the Game of Competition and War (Winner takes all).

If you are Played By this Game you are Out of Control. You are driven by your Ego (Desire) and/or by the Fear to lose Control.

If You are Different there are two other forces called Spirit (Mythic, I AM, Imagination) and/or Soul (Social, YOU ARE, Empathy) that are playing a Role in the Game of Your Life.

You are playing the Game of the Market (Desire/Impuls vs Soul/Emotion), the Game of Politics (Soul/Emotion vs Control) or the Game of Innovation (Spirit/Imagination vs Action/Desire).

The highest Game, The Infinite Game, is the Game of Spirit AND Soul. It is the Game to Keep on Playing by Creating New Games.

At this level You are Co-Creating with a Spirit on a higher Level (I AM WHAT I AM). It is a Game without Words and Logic. It is the Game of the Gnōsis (Knowing and Being).

When the game of Chess was transformed into a game of Two Players it changed into an Analytical Game. The aspect of Cooperation (Soul, Green) and Creation (Spirit, Yellow) were removed. The Colors Red, Blue, Yellow and Green turned into Black and White.

I know many of you think this an interesting way to explain something but Imagine (Spirit) that this was done “On Purpose” (Control).

Imagine there is a Force (Ahriman, the Fear to Lose Control, Mind, Thinking, Air, Wind) that is cooperating with the force of Desire (Lucifer, Fire) to take over.

rainbowIt does not want his Expectations of the Future to Fail. The Fear to Lose Control changed the many Games Levels into one level of Play.

It changed the Spherical Field of the Multicolor Rainbow of Existence into a 2-dimensional Black and White World of Crossing Lines, the Plane of Cause and Effect.

It even made it very difficult for people who “Feel, Care and Love (Nurses, Priests)” and/or “See the Light (Prophets, Artists)” to make a living. Imagine You are equipped with one or even two of the faculties this Force is trying to disturb.

What can you do?

I am very interested in History. All my life I have spent a lot of time to find out “what happened”. One of my searches brought me to the level of Religion.

Religion is the game of Spirit AND Soul. It is about the Experience of Beauty and the Whole. It can be changed into an Analytical Game by enforcing Control, Telling people How to Believe.

magiA part of the History of Christianity can be traced back to the Cult of Mithras  and earlier the teachings of Zoroaster . The three Magi who came to see Jezus where of the faith of Zoroaster.

Founded in Persia Zoroastrianism is the world’s oldest religion (3500 B.C). Parsis, most of whom have made Mumbai their home, are the followers of this religion. Parsis can also be found in Karachi, Pakistan, and Shiraj, in Iran. Its founder, Zoroaster, was born in Mazar-I-Sharif in Afghanistan!

To understand more about Zoroaster I ordered a book called The Teaching of Zoroaster and the Philosophy of the Parsi Religion by S.A. Kapadia. This small book is one of the most beautifull religious books I ever read. The book is about Love. It is about the Eternal Love of Man and Wife, The love for Childeren, The love for the Sick and the Poor, the Love of Mankind and The Love of Nature.

In this book the Teachings of Zoroaster are translated into 3 simple statements:

Good Thoughts, Good Words and Good Deeds.