Posts Tagged ‘electro magnetic field’

Over Veerkracht (Resilience) (in Dutch)

Monday, April 2nd, 2012

De leer van de thermodynamica is in de 19e eeuw ontstaan uit natuurkundig onderzoek dat werd uitgevoerd om de efficiëntie van de stoommachine te verbeteren. Inmiddels heeft deze wetenschap belangrijke wetten over het Universum ontdekt.

Volgens de thermodynamica beweegt de energie in het Universum op de lange termijn zich van een onmogelijke extreem hete situatie, de Big Bang, naar een toestand van extreme kou en een hoge waarschijnlijkheid, de Big Freeze, waarin alles netjes uniform verdeeld is. Het universum beweegt van extreme chaos naar extreme ordening.

Energie stroomt daarom altijd van hoge (chaos) naar lage temperatuur (orde). Vrijwel alle energie op aarde komt van de zon in de vorm van electro-magnetische straling. Met behulp van deze zonnestraling transformeren planten, algen en bacteriën simpele chemische structuren in complexe biomassa (chemische energie). Bacteriën en schimmels breken deze structuren weer af waardoor de cyclus wordt gesloten.

Biomassa wordt door de rest van de organismen op aarde direct of soms veel later (olie/gas/steenkool) geconsumeerd. Het consumeren van de primaire zonne-energie vindt plaats in voedselketens waarin de organismen ook zelf weer worden geconsumeerd.

Vanuit ons menselijk perspectief interpreteren wij het consumeren van de participanten in een voedselketen als een competitie (“survival of the fittest”) maar we kunnen het ook zien als een uiterst flexibele keten van chemische reacties die worden uitgevoerd in bewegende zichzelf reproducerende chemische fabrieken.

 Energie is de mogelijkheid om iets in beweging te krijgen of te houden. De opgeslagen (potentiële) energie in de aarde wordt soms in meerdere stappen omgezet in beweging (kinetische energie). Tijdens deze omzetting gaat er altijd warmte verloren (dissipatie, wrijving, weerstand, erosie).

De energiestroom van de zon wekt door de rotatie van de aarde stroom-systemen (flow-systems) op. Stroom-systemen hebben een boom-structuur als de stroom van een punt naar een oppervlak of een volume gaat. Een voorbeeld zijn het weersysteem en een meanderende rivier-delta. De longen en de bloedvaten in ons lichaam hebben precies dezelfde opbouw omdat hetzelfde proces ook in ons lichaam optreedt.

Volgens de Constructal Theory van Adrian Bejan verbeteren de stroomsystemen zich steeds opnieuw en dat doen ze door gebruik te maken van de permanente slijtage (dissipatie, wrijving, weerstand, erosie) die de stroombeweging veroorzaakt.  Uiteindelijk vindt er altijd weer ergens een doorbraak plaats in de meander.

Adrian Bejan heeft de Constructal Theory volledig analytisch afgeleid uit de wetten van de Thermodynamica. Hij  beschouwt het principe van de verbeterende stroomsystemen (“construction”)  als een Hoofdwet van de Thermodynamica. Volgens hem is ontwerpen niet een intelligente actie maar een volstrekt logisch gevolg van de werking van ons Universum.

De stroom van onmogelijkheid naar uniformiteit, van hoge onwaarschijnlijkheid naar hoge waarschijnlijkheid gaat gepaard met allerlei tussenstadia waarin de bestaande structuren de nieuwe structuren de weg wijzen.

De doorbraken in de meanderende stroompatronen maken beter gebruik van de huidige mogelijkheden maar de oude paden behouden lange tijd hun functie. Hierdoor is een stroomsysteem niet afhankelijk van één pad en is daardoor ook bestand tegen calamiteiten (bijv. een sterk verhoogde regenval in het stroomgebied van de rivier).

Het systeem waar de stroomsystemen onderdeel van uitmaken bestaat uit Machines (Constructal Engines) en Barrières (Brakes).

De machines en de barrieres zorgen ervoor dat de aarde niet te warm of te koud wordt.

De machines zoeken de weg van de minste weerstand, optimaliseren de stroom, bouwen structuren op, slopen de barrieres, produceren kinetische energie en minimaliseren de slijtage. De machines slechten het pad naar de Big Freeze waarin alles gelijk zal zijn en alles stil zal staan.

De barrières bevatten potentiële energie, leveren de weerstand om de minste weerstand te vinden, slopen de machines, optimaliseren daardoor de dissipatie en produceren een maximale hoeveelheid straling met een hogere golflengte als de binnenkomende zonnestraling die de aarde weer verlaat.

Produceren (Machines) en Consumeren (Vernietigen, Slijten) houden het wankele evenwicht van Moeder Aarde in stand.

De evolutie van ecologieën, steden, organismen (wet van Kleiber), talen (wet van Zipf), organen (de longen, bloedvaten), sporten en technologieclusters voldoen aan de Constructal Theory.

In 2002 hebben Holling en Gunderson het boek Panarchy: Understanding Transformations in Human and Natural Systems gepubliceerd.

Panarchy bevat een integrale visie op de evolutie en de adaptieve cyclus van  de constructal engines die men ecosystemen noemt.

Panarchy is ontstaan door het combineren van ogenschijnlijk conflicterende theorieën. Die theorieën leken conflicterend omdat ze betrekking hadden op de verschillende fasen (Zie Plaatje Phase Space hieronder) van de adaptieve cyclus die een ecologie doorloopt.

De combinatie van de vier mogelijke fasenruimten levert een op-en neergaande cyclus op waarin op een zeker moment een sprong (bifurcatie) wordt gemaakt naar een compleet nieuwe ruimte. Nadat deze sprong heeft plaatsvonden stopt de dynamiek van de oude ecologie.

De meest herkenbare fase is de Exploitatie-fase (B).  Dit is de opgaande lijn waarin de ecologie een hoge mate van orde bereikt en overschotten (Potential) produceert.

De vier fasen van de Panarchy Cyclus voorgesteld als een landschap met een rollende bal

Aan het eind van deze fase neemt de potentie af en wordt er van alles gedaan om de levensduur van de ecologie zo lang mogelijk te rekken (C -Conservation). In deze fase zijn de structuren verouderd geraakt en zijn er op allerlei plaatsen reeds alternatieven (bypass) ontstaan die beter passen op de huidige vraag naar beweging.

De ecologie is in de conservatie-fase vrijwel tot stilstand gekomen en besteed al zijn energie aan het onderhouden  van zijn eigen structuur.

Tijdens de langzaam opgaande lijn van de Exploitatie-fase neemt de verbondenheid en vooral de afhankelijkheid (Connectedness) tussen de participanten onderling enorm toe waardoor de ecologie steeds kwetsbaarder wordt voor verstoringen.

De constructal engines in de ecologie gaan steeds efficienter samenwerken wat ten koste gaat van de diversiteit en de variatie in de ecologie.

De ecologie kan verstoringen opvangen totdat de  verschillende paden nog niet zijn dichtgeslibd maar een verstoring die alle paden tegelijkertijd raakt is dodelijk.

Op het laatst wordt de Veerkracht (Resilience) enorm op de proef gesteld en kan het gebeuren dat de Ecologie volledig ten onder gaat (Release) of na een grondige Reorganisatie weer aan een nieuwe levensloop kan beginnen.

De resilience van een ecologie wordt gemeten door de snelheid te meten waarmee een ecologie zich weer herstelt van een verstoring.

Volgens Panarchy beweegt een Ecologie zich op verschillende schalen en plaatsen en kan op die plaatsen in verschillende fasen verkeren waardoor er allerlei soorten van interactie mogelijk zijn. Hoe hoger de schaal hoe langzamer de cyclus verloopt. Hoge schalen dempen de fluctuaties van de lagere schalen.

Een snelle lokale reorganisatie kan zich plotseling heel snel verspreiden (een lopend vuur (Revolt)) terwijl een langzame geleidelijke ontwikkeling (een organisatie) een snelle ontwikkeling weer kan dempen of tot stilstand kan brengen (de organisatie van de Brandweer (Remember)).

Panarchy is een Zelf-Refererend Cyclus-Model dat bestaat uit Vier Fasen en (minstens) drie Schaalniveaus.  De panarchische golfbeweging bestaat uit twee stappen n.l. de  positieve weg Omhoog naar de Top (exploitation, conservation)  en de negatieve weg Omlaag naar het Dal (depressie, reorganization).

Op een bepaald moment kan de golfbeweging zich splitsen waardoor een nieuw (ander) niveau van organisatie optreedt. Deze sprongen doen zich volgens een vaste regelmaat voor.

Als we kijken naar terminologie en inhoud valt het op dat er een groot verband bestaat tussen Ecologische-, Economische- en Persoonlijkheidstheorien. De natuur, de economie en de mens lijken onderhevig te zijn aan dezelfde wetten.

De theorie over de Menselijke Natuur heeft erg veel weg van de Theorie die wij over de Natuur zelf hebben ontwikkeld. De mens is een zelfstandig bewegende ecologie, een stromend stroomsysteem waaraan een groot aantal participanten deelnemen.

Bacteria wisselen DNA uit

Die participanten hebben zich in de loop der tijd verenigd omdat een samenwerkingsverband veel efficienter bleek te zijn dan een solitaire ontwikkeling.

In het begin bestond het samenwerkingsverband uitsluitend uit simpele chemische fabriekjes, bacteriën, die genetische ontwerpinformatie (DNA) van hun fabriekjes uitwisselenden. De eerste fundamentele stap in de samenwerking van de bacterien was de statische spons. De mens heeft erg veel ontwerp-informatie gemeen met de spons.


Later gingen de organismen bewegen en waarnemen. Hierdoor gingen ze als individuen samenwerken met andere organismen die genetisch op hen leken (zie Genetic Similarity Theory).  Het uitwisselen en combineren van ontwerp-informatie ging gewoon door (sex).

In volgende fasen ontstonden er hogere ordeningen, zoals lichamen die lichamen konden bevatten (huizen, steden, vliegtuigen, onderzeeboten en auto’s).

Op dit moment is de (grote) stad het hoogste niveau van koppeling maar niets houdt de “Constructal Law” (of de Entropie) tegen om een ordening te gaan scheppen op  het niveau land of aarde.

Dat betekent dat er nieuwe slagaderen moeten komen om de ontwerp-informatie en de energie die tussen de grote steden gaat stromen te faciliteren. Overduidelijk is dat het Internet de basis vormt van het zenuwstelsel van de aardse informatievoorziening.

De thermodynamica is een statistische theorie. De kansverdeling van een Systeem wordt de Entropie van het Systeem genoemd.

Om een kans te kunnen berekenen moet je de kansruimte (de Phase Space) bepalen. Die bestaat uit alle mogelijkheden.

Het aardige is dat je niet hoeft te beschikken over kennis van alle combinaties van alle componenten van een specifiek systeem om erg veel te weten te komen over een kansruimte.

Je kunt gaan spelen met willekeurige componenten (a,b,c,d,e,….), de combinaties in een matrix stoppen, gaan tellen en patronen zoeken in de getallen die er dan worden gevonden. Je bent dan bezig met de statistiek van de statistiek of beter de waarschijnlijkheid van de waarschijnlijkheid. De mogelijke patronen worden beschreven in de Driehoek van Pascal.

Wat dan blijkt is dat er achter het patroon van Pascal weer een patroon zit (zie plaatje).  Dat patroon bevat wederom driehoeken en het is zeer waarschjinlijk dat er achter de driehoeken weer driehoeken zitten. Driehoeken in driehoeken in driehoeken in…. noemt men een fractal, een zelf-herhaling.

De  (on)waarschijnlijkheid is eigenlijk heel mooi en vooral ook simpel geordend en komt voort uit een zichzelf herhalend patroon, de Drie-Eenheid, dat in iedere godsdienst op aarde voorkomt.

Wetenschap en Godsdienst gaan uiteindelijk over hetzelfde.


Over de Big Bang

Over Thermodynamica

Over Constructal Theory

Waarom een stad een organisme is

Waarom de genen bepalen wie we aardig vinden 

Over Pan en Anarchie

Over de Wet van Kleiber

Over de orde achter de wanorde (Over de Driehoek van Pascal)

Over de Uitgebreide Driehoek van Pascal

Over de drie-eenheid.

About Entrainment

Thursday, August 26th, 2010

In 1665 the Dutch physicist Christiaan Huygens noticed that two pendulum clocks in his room tended to Swing in Sync. The same happens with fireflies, cardiac pacemaker cells,  menstrual cycles, birds in flight, walking, dancing, circadian rhythms in animals, quantum gravity theory, dialogues and people in a crowd.

Two connected Systems always Entrain because Every System in our Universe Vibrates and is connected.

birds in sync

Birds in Sync

When the Parts are  connected, the Rhythm of the Whole controls the Rhythm of the Parts.

The transformations of the seperate parts takes place in two steps. In the first step the variance of the frequencies of the parts is reduced but the oscillators remain incoherent, each running near its natural frequency, until a certain threshold is crossed. Then the oscillators begin to synchronize spontaneously. The effect is somewhat like the outbreak of synchronous applause after a magnificent concert.

To make the transformation possible the Parts have to adjust their behavior. They have to move with the Rhythm of the Flow of the Central Clock. At the end of the transformation from isolated Parts to the Whole the Parts are the Same. They are Copying each other.

When people are copying other people they lose their identity and move into a trance-state. The same effect can be accomplished with hypnosis.  When people are in a trance-state it is easy to manipulate them.

About Copying

Humans are Copiers. When we look at the Science of Coupled Oscillators it becomes clear that Copying is not an intentional act. People and other Systems are more or less forced to copy others when the frequencies of their systems are within a certain bandwith.

When people are close and are focused on a shared target (a soccer match, a concert, a conversation, a dance, a common goal) the human parts start to synchronize and become a Crowd, an entity that starts to act on its own.

About Communication

The word “communion” means “becoming a union“. All communication arises through Synchronization. All communications are dances that coordinate the rhythmic processes shared among the engaging systems.

Communication is not a transmission of information, but rather a coordination of behavior among living organisms through Mutual Structural Coupling. Just like the Crowd, a communication, starts to live a life of its own, when the exchange of the vibrations of the conversation starts to synchronize. This happens within seconds.


In the 1960’s, William Condon of Boston University School of Medicine pioneered the empirical study of communication as coupling. In the microanalysis of a few seconds of film he was astonished to find how the voice and bodily movements of speaker and listener were coordinated within intervals as short as 20 milliseconds.

Condon introduced the term entrainment to describe the coupled behavior. He noted that: “Communication is thus like a dance, with everyone engaged in intricate and shared movements across many subtle dimensions, yet all strangely oblivious that they are doing so“.

Coupling begins with getting the attention of other organisms, or more accurately, with distracting the organisms from other engagements so they are able to discern and respond to this engagement.

When the Oscillations of two Systems are outside a certain bandwith it looks like the most powerful system takes over control. The frequency of the synchronized system is a mean and when big numbers and small numbers are added the small numbers simply disappear. This situation is called an Overload.

Overloads are able to kill small systems because the small system is unable to cope with the huge pertuberations. People with a Dominant Personality are able to force (to entrain) Dependent people to copy their behavior.

About Synchronization

A System of N coupled different oscillators creates a very complex almost unsolvable mathematical problem. In 1975 Charles Peskin formulated the conjecture  that Systems would eventually synchronize even when the parts are not identical. In 1990 the conjecture has been proven by Strogatz and Mirollo.

Systems of Coupled Oscillators show four states called Phase Locking (Synchronization), Phase Drift (“Chaos“)  and Amplitude Death (“Order“). In the last state the oscillations stop completely.  The fourth state called a Chimera is a combination of a synchronized and a drifting state.

The most important issue to notice is the fact that the state of Amplitude Death is what we call Order. It is an exceptional state that can be reached when the exchange of information between the states is “compensating” the vibrations of the states or when the System is “compressed” into a Singularity.


Most Systems are oscillating (“Cyclic“) and are in a Phase Drift (“Chaos“) or a Chimera trying to reach some sort of Synchronicity with the other connected Systems. In Nature every System is connected to every other System because of the Electro-Magnetic (and Sound) Fields they share.

Systems of Coupled Oscillators behave differently when the connections between the parts are delayed. It this case highly identical parts start to behave as not identical parts. When a delay occurs the stable rhythm of the heart can suddenly stop, resulting in a sudden death.

About the Circadian Clock

In order to cope with and to predict 24-hour rhythms in the environment, such as light and darkness, temperature or the availability of food, most, if not all, organisms have Circadian (“Daily“) Timing Systems. These systems generate circadian rhythms in a wide range of behavioral and physiological processes.

For most animal species, a main circadian pacemaker has been identified in an anatomically defined location in or close to the brain. During the last years, however, it has become clear that circadian systems are complex and that additional oscillators exist, both within and outside the central nervous system.

The Peripheral Circadian Clocks are situated in the Heart, the Liver, the Lungs and the Kidney. These organs are the same “organs” that are used in Chinese Acupuncture which is not strange because the Aim of Acupuncture is to Balance the Electro Magnetic Field in the Body.

For a correct functioning of the circadian timing system, these oscillators should be synchronized to one another and properly phased to the environmental cycle.

Synchronization between the oscillators occurs via interactions or coupling pathways, whereas the light-dark cycle is used for synchronization to the outside world.

The most important mammalian circadian pacemaker is located in the suprachiasmatic nuclei (SCN) at the base of the hypothalamus in the brain.

From the suprachiasmatic nucleus, nerve impulses travel via the sympathetic nervous system to the pineal gland and inhibit the production of melatonin. At night, these impulses stop and melatonin production ensues and is released into the body.

In fish, amphibians, reptiles, and birds, the pineal gland appears to be directly sensitive to small amounts of light that penetrate the skin and skull.

In mammals, with increased development of the cerebral hemispheres, the pineal body came to lie deeper within the brain and indirect stimulation of the pineal gland by light via the retina came to be more important. The Suprachiasmatic Nuclei are connected to the Outer Eye and the Inner Eye, the Pineal Gland.

The Pineal Gland is called the 6th Chakra, the Third Eye (or the Eye of Horus), the Seat of the Imagination.  The Imagination, the Central Clock of our Body, is “in control” of all the other Clocks in our Body.

With the Help of our Imagination we are able to Cure and to Kill the Body.


Pineal Gland

About the Pineal Gland

The Earth is a huge magnetic sphere. The E/M field of the Earth varies in strength and consistency through the ages. Our bodies own magnetic frequencies and our bio-field patterns react to this variance of the Earth’s field.

The pineal gland is the principal structure in the brain that is directly sensitive to the Earth’s magnetic field. The Pineal Gland Senses the Field.  To sense the Field the Pineal Gland contains small calcite crystals.

Our bone structure Converts Vibrational Energy into Magnetic and Electric Energy. When the bone is bent it produces an E/M-field. This E/M-field interacts with the Pineal Gland and creates a Feed-Back Cycle.

The E/M-field of our Body, the Aura, is a combination of all kind of waves. A special type of wave-structure is called a Standing Wave.

When the E/M-field acts as a Standing Wave all the waves are in harmony and conserve structure. The Human body is in harmony when the total field of all the separate E/M-fields of the Body act as a Standing Wave.

The Standing Wave appears when the Spinal Wave of the Vertebrae of the Body is in a special Alignment.  If this happens the Standing Wave of the Spine Resonates with the Standing Wave of the Earth. At that moment the Kundalini Rises and the Pineal Gland reacts with a Huge Mystical Experience.

About the Heart

The heart beats about once a second throughout your life. These regular contractions pump blood to the Upper (Head) and the Lower part of the body and are driven by electrical impulses from a natural pacemaker inside the heart.

This pacemaker, known as the sino-atrial node, responds to signals from the Central Circadian Clock situated in the Hypothalamus that changes the heart rate according to the body’s needs (“the action potential“), making it slower when resting and faster during exercise.The rhythmic contractions of the heart are triggered by waves of electrical activity that spread from the sino-atrial node throughout the heart muscle.

There are small fluctuations in the time intervals between beats that are fractal in nature, and a loss in this variability is a sign of cardiac ill health. However, a cardiac arrhythmia, in which the rhythm of electrical waves that drive the heart is broken, can be lethal.

A loss in the synchronized rhythm of the heart causes different parts of the atrial or ventricular muscle to contract at different times, undermining the pumping action of the heart. An arrhythmia therefore leads to the mechanical failure of the heart.

The propagation of excitations in heart tissue can be described in terms of travelling waves with a velocity of about 0.5 m s-1 and an amplitude given by the action potential. Since the action potential lasts for several hundreds of milliseconds, a single wave extends over a distance of about 10 cm. This means that a normal human heart is hardly large enough to contain a single wave.

In the heart the wave propagates around a circular obstacle. The wave repeatedly travels along the same path at a frequency given by the wave velocity divided by the circumference of the obstacle.

If the radius is gradually decreased, the frequency increases until the wavefront of a new wave catches up with the tail of the previous wave. If the radius is made even smaller, the wave is forced to adopt a spiral shape that continues to rotate around a central core. Spiral  Waves have been observed in numerous chemical and physical experiments.

The Wave Structure of the Heart resembles the Wave Structure of the Universe. This could be the reason why the Heart plays such  an important role in many Religions.

When the Wave Structure of the Heart is coherent with the Wave Structure of the Whole, the Rhythm of your Life is in Sync with the Rhythm of the Universe.

The Pacemaker Cells are called the Heart Chakra, the 4th Chakra. The Heart Chakra acts as the Balance Point for all the Chakras.

The Balancing Point is the Middle of two Triangels related to  the Head and the Body that rotate With- and Counter-the-Clock creating a Moebius Ring.  The Pineal Gland, the Central Clock, is part of the Upper Triangel of the Mind.

Spiral Waves in the Heart

Chemical Spiral Waves

Chemical Spiral Waves

About Cymatics

In 1967, the late Hans Jenny, a Swiss doctor, artist, and researcher, published the book Cymatics,  The Structure and Dynamics of Waves and Vibrations. In this book Jenny showed what happens when one takes various materials like sand, spores, iron filings, water, and viscous substances, and places them on vibrating metal plates and membranes.

What then appears are shapes and motion- patterns which vary from the nearly perfectly ordered and stationary to those that are turbulently developing, organic, and constantly in motion.

When Jenny experimented with Fluids of various kinds he produced Wave motions, Spirals, and wave-like patterns in Continuous Circulation.

These patterns are the same patterns that are produced by Coupled Oscillators. This is not strange because Sound Waves are highly comparable to Electro Magnetic Waves.

With the help of simple tools it is possible to Simulate the Creation and Expansion of the Universe.

We don’t need very complicated tools to observe the Whole. The Whole shows its patterns everywhere, even in your bathtub.

The Whirpool Galaxy

The Whirpool Galaxy

About the Creation of the Universe

In beginning the Void, the Zero Point Field,  rotated in Silence until a Huge Action Potential disturbed its Eternal Rest.

The Void was in a state of Amplitude Death until a Statistical Fluctuation, an Act of Creation, moved the System into a Chimera and later a Phase Drift.

Out of the Phase Drift Two Coupled Oscillators (Yin & Yang) appeared that moved With- and Against the Clock creating a Spiral Motion, a Vortex.

The Two Coupled Oscillators were each others Complement because two Coupled Oscillators are always Complementary.

After a while the Phase Drift generated Four and More Oscillators and Space started to Expand.

The pattern of this Expansion is governed by the Metallic Mean, which generates Fluent or Quasi Crystals. Fluent Crystals are the basic structure of the Electro Magnetic System of the Human. Scientists believe that the basic structure of our Universe is a Fluent Crystal, a Hall of Mirrors.

Quasi Crystals

Quasi Crystals

Space stops expanding when the Unbalance of the Energy of the Act of Creation is compensated by the amount of Oscillators (Strings) of Expanding Space.

At that moment the Universe will move into the State of Synchronization and all the Parts will move with the Rhythm of the Central Clock, the Tao.

When this happens the Universe starts to contract until Space has reached the Void.

In the last step the Oscillation will stop and the Void and Amplitude Death will appear again.


How bacteria entrain

Steven Strogatz: About Coupled Oscillators and Biology

A lecture about Coupled Oscillators

A presentation about Coupled Oscillators

About Engagement

About Standing Waves

About Hypnosis

About the Electro Magnetic Field in the Body

About the Cardiac Pacemaker Cells

About Cymatics

About the Heart Chakra

About Stress and the Action Potential

About the Zero Point Field

About the Metallic Mean

About the Hall of Mirrors

About the Logic of Creation

Monday, October 12th, 2009

To lose weight, a person needs to burn more calories than they take in. Some natural fat burners, however, may help the body burn more fat by increasing metabolism or reducing hunger.

To burn fat, a person cannot rely on a single food or supplement. They also need to reduce their total calorie intake and increase physical activity levels.

However, when part of a healthful diet and lifestyle, the right fat burners may help speed up weight loss.

In this article, we discuss some potential natural fat burners and the evidence supporting them. We will also cover fat-burning pills, tips for using natural fat burners, and other natural ways to lose weight.

salmon saladShare on Pinterest

Eating meals high in protein may help a person feel fuller for longer.

Protein can support fat burning and weight loss in many ways. For example, people who consume high-protein foods may feel fuller for longer. Eating protein may also increase metabolism, allowing the body to more efficiently burn fat. Try out metaboost connection system.

Some high-protein foods contain fewer calories than high-carbohydrate foods. For example, a large bowl, or 124 grams (g), of cooked, plain spaghetti contains 196 calories and 7.19 g of proteinTrusted Source. In contrast, two large hard-boiled eggs contain 155 calories and 12.58 g of proteinTrusted Source.

A 2012 review found that after losing weight, consuming a low-protein diet increases a person’s risk of regaining body weight. To boost weight loss, many sources recommend a daily intake of 1–2 g of protein per kilogram of body weight.

To maximize weight loss, a person should try to choose lower-calorie proteins, such as lean chicken, fish, and plant-based proteins. They should avoid consuming excessive amounts of red meat, fried foods, or foods with added oil, fat, or butter. Read more about protetox.


Polyphenols are a group of chemicals present in many foods, particularly fruits and vegetables. Some research suggests that polyphenol-rich foods may aid weight loss.

A 2011 study found that a diet rich in polyphenols may interact with bacteria in the intestines to support weight loss, especially when combined with a diet low in probiotics.

Other studies of specific polyphenol-rich foods, such as curcumin, have also found an association with weight loss. For instance, a 2015 study found that taking curcumin supplements increased weight loss more than placebo in people who were overweight and had metabolic syndrome. These are the best prodentim reviews.

Some foods that are rich in polyphenols include:

  • apples
  • pears
  • grapefruits
  • green tea
  • turmeric
  • spinach
  • broccoli
  • red wine

Caffeine is a stimulant that can increase a person’s metabolism. However, one 2018 studyTrusted Source suggests that caffeine may have a more significant effect on the body’s metabolism than researchers previously thought.

The study followed 47 people from Finland who drank coffee but had stopped drinking coffee for a month. The researchers found an association between coffee consumption and 115 metabolites.

When trying to burn fat, it is best to choose low-calorie coffee options by avoiding high-calorie sweeteners, milks, and creams.

kimchi being taken out of a jarShare on Pinterest

Consuming food that contains probiotics will help support the digestive system.

Probiotics are live bacteria and yeast that are beneficial to human health. Many foods contain probiotics, including yogurts and fermented foods such as kimchi, sauerkraut, and tempeh. Probiotics are also available as dietary supplements.

The digestive system is home to trillions of bacteria. ResearchTrusted Source suggests that consuming probiotics can help improve the natural balance between helpful and harmful bacteria in the gut, as well as support digestion.

Some health practitioners also claim that these gut-dwelling bacteria may play a role in metabolism and weight loss.

About the Heart Chakra

Monday, February 23rd, 2009

Good nutrition is even more important as you enter your 40s. Here are some diet tips that women can follow to stay healthy and fit as they age.

In your 40s? Here are 5 diet tips that will help women stay in tip-top shape

In your 40s? Here are 5 diet tips that will help women stay in tip-top shape  |  Photo Credit: iStock Images


  • A well-balanced diet plays a vital role in maintaining your overall health and well-being
  • If you’re a woman and are over 40, you may have noticed that it’s harder to lose weight than it used to be
  • Making healthier food choices and other healthier lifestyle habits can help you stay fit at any age

New Delhi: As you age, it’s even more important to watch what you eat, because that’s one of the best things you can do for your health. Perhaps, your metabolism slows down, you begin to lose muscle, and your body undergoes a lot of changes as you turn 40. Women, like men, can struggle with weight and other medical conditions such as hypertension, heart issues, obesity, high blood pressure or cholesterol levels upon turning 40. But a healthy, balanced diet along with a regular exercise routine, good sleep, low stress can help you maintain weight and improve overall health and well-being.

Perhaps, it’s completely natural for women going through the stage of menopause or peri-menopause to experience a variety of emotions, whether it’s PMS, tiredness, anxiety, depression, or difficulty concentrating. But, eating right and making other healthier lifestyle choices can help you keep health problems at bay. Yet, knowing what to eat or which foods work best for you and your needs will help you stay healthy and fit way past age 40. Check these metaboost connection reviews.

What to eat, what to avoid to stay healthy and look fab in your 40s

Good nutrition is even more important as you enter your 40s. So, what should you put on your plate? Dr Alka Bharti, consultant nutritionist & dietician, Motherhood Hospital, Kharadi, Pune, shares some diet and nutrition tips for women over 40:

  1. Load up on fibre: Adding whole grains to your diet can help improve metabolism, prevent or relieve constipation. Foods high in fibre can aid weight loss. A high-fibre diet may help lower blood sugar or cholesterol levels, lower your risk of certain cancers, and maintain bowel health. Replacing refined grains like white bread and white rice with whole grains (whole wheat bread, brown rice, and oats) will help you get more fibre from your diet. Moreover, salads are a good source of fibre. Eat coloured salads – spinach, carrots, cucumbers, tomatoes, bell peppers, olives, or even raisins, oranges, and strawberries to stay healthy. These ingredients contain fibre, potassium, antioxidants, and vitamin C. Fibre also helps keep the skin elastic and protect it against the harmful UV rays of the sun. If you already have high blood pressure, eating more whole-grain foods might help lower your blood pressure. The Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) diet and the Mediterranean diet both recommend eating whole grains.
  2. Eliminate white stuff from the diet: Do you tend to eat those sugar-laden foods or have snacks or namkeens loaded with salt? Then, you are doing it all wrong. Beyond 40, it is necessary to bid adieu to the white stuff. Too much salt in the diet negatively impacts blood pressure because it causes the body to retain water. It is this extra water that raises blood pressure. You will be shocked to know that this, in turn, strains the heart, kidneys, arteries, and the brain. Give up fried, processed, junk, and spicy foods too. Salt is also present in high amounts in cheese, frozen food, and that yummy pizza. Eating a lot of sweets can be harmful as it can speed up the ageing process, cause high blood glucose, leading to diabetes. Not only this, other problems like heart disease, kidney or nerve damage can also occur. Say no to aerated drinks, sweets, ice creams, and chocolates. So, try to eliminate added salt and refined sugar from the diet. You can speak to your expert about healthier alternatives to added sugar and salt.
  3.  Eat foods rich in lutein: Cognitive problems occur as you age -memory issues, difficulty in concentrating, or confusion are some of the common problems. Opt for foods packed with lutein, a pigment that is present in many fruits and vegetables like green leafy vegetables and carrots. Eat spinach, asparagus, seafood, or snack on a cup of sunflower seeds as they are jam-packed with vitamin nutrients, including E linked to memory and vision. Visit—what-makes-it-number-one-testosterone-booster/article_521ae7d4-180c-11ed-a11a-d363dde7aa63.html.
  4. Say ‘yes’ to antioxidants: Want a radiant skin at and beyond the 40s? Then, don’t forget to include antioxidants in your diet. That’s because your skin loses elasticity and you may spot wrinkles, blemishes, and black spots as you age. Add omega-3 fatty acids in your diet to nourish your skin. You can eat salmon, sardine, and mackerel for this.
  5. Protein and calcium are must: Whether you want to stay strong, increase muscle mass, or reduce fractures and falls, include lean meats, fish, eggs as well as veggie options like beans, lentils, nuts, and grains, in your diet. Speak to your nutritionist about the quantity of protein that you must eat as going overboard with the nutrient isn’t a good idea. A lack of calcium invites bone loss, which increases during menopause because of the body’s natural loss of estrogen. Make sure you are eating enough calcium by eating foods like seeds, yogurt, almonds, figs, lentils, etc, to keep your bones healthy.

About the Mathematics of the E-Motions

Monday, February 9th, 2009

The Emotions show themselves in the Feeling Component (Anger, Happiness) and the Bodily Expressions (Smile, Cry).

The Emotions are researched by many not communicating highly disconnected parts of Science (Psychology, Biology, Chemistry, Marketing,..). Therefore Science is unable to understand the Whole of the Emotions.

The Scientists don’t agree about the main components of the Emotions and the relationship between these components. They use different terms to talk about the same thing and use the same terms to talk about different things.

To understand the Emotions I want to stay out of Language and focus on the Mathematics of the Emotions. When we have understood the Mathematics we can find the right Words to name the concepts we have discovered.

I believe the Emotions were created in the First Step of Creation. At that moment, the Void, the Singularity, was splitted into Two Complementary Parts.

The first two parts of the creation have to Stay Apart. If they join they are voided and creation will stop. To avoid voiding they move around each other in a contradicting direction (with the clock, against the clock).

When two parts move around they create an elliptical (egg-like) curve. This curve contains a virtual center, the Center of Mass. This Center, the Third Part, is also moving.

During the Second Step of Creation the Kernel, The Trinity, the Atom appears. The Kernel is a Cyclic Pattern, a treefold Moebius Ring, of the Two Complementary Parts and the Center of Gravity now called Quarks.

The Kernel, the Self, is surrounded by a cloud of rotating Electrons, the Others. The Atoms combine into more complex Selfs (Molecules, Organisms). The Electrons, The Others, exchange information between the Selfs.

I hope you see that the Elliptical Cycle and other, more complex, Cycles are the Emotions.

The Emotions Are the Movement.

Every Object in the Universe takes part in a Cyclic Process. Sometimes this Cyclic Process has a very simple structure, a Circle, and the same Events come back all the time.

When this happens Life feels like a Merry-Go-Round. When the same Patterns comes back all the time the Human gets frustrated and the Negative Emotions appear.

When the pattern becomes more complex, Life is full of Surprises, and the Emotions change into Hope and Joy.

The Human Cognition is unable to handle unpredictable patterns. At that time the Expectation, the Calculator of the Future, fails and the Self loses the feeling of Control.

During their Cyclical Movement the Two and later the more than Two parts move towards each other (Like) and away from each other (Dislike).

They Attract and Repulse, are in Love, want to Unite, but just before they reach the perfect Union, the Void, they Move Away from each other and the Cycle Starts All over Again.

When Two Masses are Not Equal the rotating system changes its shape. When one of the masses is big (the Kernel) and the other is very small the center of gravity almost coincidences with one of the Parts.

The Earth appears to move in a circular motion around the Sun but in reality the Sun is also moving around the Earth.

The Human Emotions are determinated by the relationship between the Self and the Other(s). The Self and the Other(s) are circulating around each other and a virtual center, the Center of Gravity, their Relationship.

Everything Moves around Everything.

When The Self or the Other becomes too Big, the Shape of the Cycle changes. In this case the Self circulates around the Other (“Dependency”) or the Other circulates around the Self (“Dominance”).

To sustain a Relationship the Mass, the Weight, the Importance, the Value of the Parts has to be in Balance.

What are the Human Emotions?

The Human Emotions are the combined effect of many sometimes highly complex movements, Waves, in the Universe.

The Waves influence the Chemistry and the Electro Magnetic Field of the Body.

When the Chemistry of the Body changes Chemical Messengers are send to Balance the Body with the changes of the Outside Field. At that moment we start to Act and feel an Emotion (Fear). Later we rationalize this Action.

What Influences the Emotions?

I hope you see that the Human Emotions are influenced by Every Level of the Universe. They are influenced by the Big Structures (Gravity, The Moon) and the very Small Structures (the Electro Magnetic Field).

The most influential structure is the Human Self, the Mind. The Human Self is only able to stay It-Self when the connection with the Others in the Universe is in Balance. If this is not happening the Body starts to detoriate. The Kernel falls apart.


The Physics of Two Rotating Bodies

A Video about Two Rotating Bodies

About the Expansion of Space

Tuesday, December 16th, 2008

expand spaceThe Universe, Space, is expanding at a constant speed, the speed of Light. If we try to imagine an expanding Space we imagine something, a balloon, which is expanding in Space.

When Space is expanding, outside Space is Nothing at All. Space is just creating Space.

Imagining “nothing at all” is a big problem for many people. They believe there are always Insides and Outsides.

Expanding Space, or Movement, is the Foundation of our Reality.

Space is creating all kinds of forms but Space is also a Form.

The expanding Space conforms to “geometric expansion rules” and many people will ask the question who has created these rules.

When we have established a principle we always want to know who has created this principle. When we have solved this problem the same question is asked again and again because it is almost impossible to imagine that a Dynamic Process is not caused by a Static Cause.

The Duality of the Inside and the Outside, the Static and the Dynamic have to be resolved on a higher level. On this higher level the Outside is the Inside and the Mover is Moving Itself.

At this moment many mathematical theories of Reality are constructed that are trying to avoid the “trap” of Duality. It is not difficult to translate their physical statements into spiritual statements. Spirituality and Mathematics are exploring the same domain, the Domain of Wholeness.

It all starts with The Light.

light wavesLight is something that is moving with the same speed as the expanding space, the Akasha, so expanding space could be seen as traveling Light Waves. Space/Light is moving with the speed of Light, c, but it is not necessary that the Light that is moving inside space is traveling with this speed.

When Light is not moving in a straight line the form of Light is changed and other structures (particles) are formed. The most interesting structures are complex cyclic structures (the Vâyu). They are the basic containers of the Universe.

Space is closed in Itself but there is an absolute boundary, the Edge of Space. This edge is a Mirror. When Light bounces against this Mirror it bounces back and influences the other Light Waves.

Because the Edge of expanding Space is a circle, The Light Waves move back in a different direction and create interference-patterns. Because space is limited and closed in itself one Wave of the Light, the Svara, is sufficient to create a complete spectrum of waves.

The Frequency of the Waves determinates the levels of Space. Conscioussness appears when something is able to Observe Itself or to Moves ItSelf. So every Level in Space is consciouss.

The interference of Light Waves creates “disturbances“. Some waves are starting to move in a cyclic pattern. Within these disturbances the Light is caught. They are rotating and rotation is linear speed transformed into rotating speed. The sum of the rotating and the linear movement is always constant.

The disturbances in space are influenced by the expansion of space. When Space is expanding the disturbances are extended until they break.

Ripple in the UniverseJust like a spring (a rotating circle, a spiral) breaks when the expanding pressure is too big. When the broken structures drift away from the “front-line of space” they are put together again. When this happens some of them are twisted.

Twisted structures (Moebius Ring, Klein Bottle, Knots) are forms with are different in behavior than normal cyclic structures like the Torus. They are without an inside and an outside, they are without a surface and they expand and contract in a different way. They increase the “tension” in space.

Space itself is expanding with a constant speed but the many different forms in space react differently to the expansion. When the resistance is increasing space is rippling (“zitterbewegung”) just like our skin is rippling when we get older. During the rippling phase, space expands by folding onto itself.

The wrinkles, ripples, buckles, bends, are the many appearances of energy and matter. They can again be visualized by a balloon with knots tied on its surface. Knots that are tied on the surface of the balloon represent matter, and surface wrinkles that emerge around knots represent the electromagnetic field.

The wrinkles and knots decreases the circumference of the balloon, and while the balloon is still expanding, the inner pressure, the torsion, increases until the Balloon collapses completely into itself. The pressure is so strong that space moves through a tine hole (bindu) in the surface (the Black Hole) of the Balloon and space expands at the other side of the balloon (the White Hole). From that time on “history” repeats itself.

The Universe is Breathing.

balloonsAt this moment we have developed a very simple theory. Space is the expansion of Light. When the Light bounces against the Mirror of the Edge of Space it creates Interference Patterns.

These patterns behave differently under the stress of the expansion and the stress of the expansion starts to interfere with the other moving structures in space.

If you read the Story of the Universe one thing makes the Story rather complicated. To explain expanding space the metaphor of the Balloon is often used but the geometric structure of the Universe is not a Balloon.

We are not living Outside the Balloon but we are living Inside the Balloon. Outside the Balloon is non-existent. We are not moving Inside the Balloon but we are moving on the Surface of the Balloon. The Inside of the Balloon is non-existent.

Mathematics has used the flat structure, the Euclidian Universe, to explain reality. In this Universe all the geometric theories of Euclid were valid although one of the postulates of Euclid, the parallel postulate, was in discussion for a very long time. This postulate states that two lines intersect when the sum of their angles is less than 180°.

calibiyauWhen people found out that we are not living on a flat earth they realized that the parallel postulate was wrong. The sum of the arcs of a triangle on a sphere is not 180°.

When mathematicians started to face the facts the Non-Euclidian Geometry was born and the parallel postulate was abandoned. The flat geometry was an exception. We are living in a curved universe.

The man in the street is not educated in the curved universe and many brilliant scientists who are operating outside the area of the exact sciences don’t have an idea about non-Euclidian geometry.

Non-Euclidian Geometry has had a huge impact on Science. The curved Universe is just like the “valid” postulates of Euclid an accepted fact.

If everybody would accept the “fact” of the curved universe and realize that every system in the Universe (also the Economic System) is always expanding and compressing we could anticipate the Waves of the Life Force, the Svara.

If everybody could accept that an always expanding system in our Universe always collapses in itself we could realize that an expanding economy wil create complex knots that cannot stand the tension of the expansion. The knotted, highly related, structures in our Reality are breaking and twisting.

They stop the expansion until the singularity is reached. At that time we will move trough the Black Hole and the White Hole in another Universe, Our Twin Universe.

The most interesting part is that it is possible to develop a theory of the Universe without any idea about the real Universe. It is a direct consequence of the postulates of Euclid. The only thing that is left to interpret are the results of the Geometric Theory of the Universe in our Reality. We have to find visual methaphors in our reality that look like the concepts of the geometric theory.

black-holeThe only thing that is needed to Accept the Geometric Theory of the Universe is to Accept the Postulates of Euclid. They are more or less self-evident.

They are Visible in our Reality, but still you never know if somebody is capable of finding a new exception of the postulates. If this happens the Geometric Theory has to be adapted.

Until now nobody has a clue. The axiomes of Euclid are still the foundation of Mathematics.

The Old Scientists stated that our Reality is an Illusion. The only thing that is existent is the Movement of the Void. The Movement of the Void generated the Reflection of the Void, the Expansion of Space, The Interference Patterns of the Light and finally the final compression into The Void.

They stated that the Universe is an expansion of nothingness and the nothingness is preserved in every state of the Universe. Every duality that is constructed is voided in the nothing.

Consuming is voided by Production. The Good is voided by the Bad. The Up is voided by the Down. Life is voided by Death. Everything wants to return to the original state of the Rotating Void.

If the population of the Earth is consuming to the extremes one day the opposite will happen and we will be consumed to bring back the balance of the void.

When we lend we have to pay back our debts to the Universe.


About Reflecting Waves at the Edge of the Universe

About Non-Euclidian Geometry

A recent Geometric Theory of the Universe

About the Moebius Ring, The Klein Bottle, Knots and Physics

About Heisenberg and the Rippling of the Universe

A very old Geometric Theory of the Universe based on the Upanishads

About The Myth of the Big Bang

Sunday, June 15th, 2008

On May 22, 2004 an Open Letter to the Scientific Community was published in New Scientist. It was an open attack against the Big Bang Theory.

Many scientists that are proposing alternative theories and related experiments are simply blocked by the “Big Bang Mafia”.

The most interesting alternative to the Big Bang Theory is Plasma Cosmology. Plasma Cosmology uses the Electro-Magnetic Field as an explanation.

The big bang relies on a growing number of hypothetical entities, things that we have never observed– inflation, dark matter and dark energy are the most prominent examples.

Without them, there would be a fatal contradiction between the observations made by astronomers and the predictions of the big bang theory.

In no other field of physics would this continual recourse to new hypothetical objects be accepted as a way of bridging the gap between theory and observation. It would, at the least, raise serious questions about the validity of the underlying theory.

The big bang is not the only framework available for understanding the history of the universe. Plasma cosmology and the Steady-State Model both hypothesize an evolving universe without beginning or end.

These and other alternative approaches can also explain the basic phenomena of the cosmos, including the abundances of light elements, the generation of large-scale structure, the cosmic background radiation, and how the redshift of far-away galaxies increases with distance.

They have even predicted new phenomena that were subsequently observed, something the big bang has failed to do.

Plasma cosmology is a theory generally attributed to Nobel Price winner Hannes Alfven that attempts to explain the development of the visible universe through the interaction of electromagnetic forces on astrophysical plasma.

Plasma is a state of matter in which atoms and molecules are so hot, that they have ionized  by breaking up into their constituent parts, negatively charged electrons and positively charged ions. Because the particles are charged, they are strongly influenced by Electro-Magnetic Forces.

Plasma is almost everywhere. At least ninety-nine percent of the known universe is, in fact, matter in its plasma state. The Sun is a giant ball of plasma.

Plasma in space consists entirely of ions and electrons, and is thus very energetic or ‘hot’.  Only when cooled does it form the matter to which we are familiar here on Earth: solids, liquids, and gases.

Because plasma remains electrically charged in space, it is influenced more by electromagnetic forces than gravity. In fact space, once considered mostly empty, has been found to be alive with plasma. Vast flows of charged particles have been discovered spanning hundreds-of-thousands of light years across interstellar space.

The influence of the Electro-Magnetic Force is highly undervalued in many areas of Science. A holistic view on the effect of these forces on many levels (Earth (Earthquakes, Weather)), The Human (Emotions, Memory)) is called the Electric Universe.

Recent interdisciplinary studies raise the possibility that the earth experienced a high-energy-density auroral storm towards the end of the Neolithic age, possibly peaking at around 3100 BCE, which human cultures have recorded in the form of petroglyphs, geoglyphs and a class of rituals and myths conveniently described as ‘creation myths’.

The spectacular lively shapes caused by the instabilities in the plasma could have been remembered by the ancients as gods, ancestors or dragons, whose mysterious antics in the celestial world constituted the destruction and creation of worlds.


About Plasma Mythology

How the Electric Universe is generating Earthquakes

About the Electric Universe

About the Electric Universe

Examples of Myths that are related to Plasma Effects are:

Jacob’s Ladder and the World Tree

 The Sacred Marriage

About Thundergods (Zeus, Thor)

About Free Energy

Wednesday, April 30th, 2008

One of the people that almost realized Free Energy (“Radiant Energy“) was Tesla. In 1899 he developed a Magnifying Transmitter at Shoreham, Long Island (Wardenclyffe).

He was “helped” by J.P. Morgan one of the biggest crooks in recent financial history. J.P. Morgan was not aware of the real purpose of the transmitter. He thought it would be a radio transmitter.

When Morgan found out what Tesla wanted he stopped his help and “suddenly” the transmitter was burned to the ground. From that time forward other financial backers were not to be found. Morgan was powerful enough to black list Tesla.

J.P.Morgan was one of the most influencial financial crooks at that time. Later he and his sun (same name) orchestrated the Great Depression and almost took over the power in the US with the American Legion. He also financed Hilter and Mussoluni. The House of Morgan is still very powerfull. It has changed its name to Morgan Stanley and has a huge influence in the World Bank

The creation of Free Energy by the way of a Perpetual Motion has a very long history. It always failed. The machine just stops because of friction. New approaches make use of Vacuum Energy and are Motionless.

The Story of Tesla and the History of Perpetual Motion are examples of a normal “Free Energy Story”. The machines don’t work , the machines work but are destroyed or the inventor is blocked or even killed.

Tom Bearden is propagating Free Energy from the Vacuum. His website contains many interesting “Free Energy Stories”. One of them is crucial to understand the real impact of Free Energy. It is a story about Antoine Prioré.

In the 1960′s and 1970′s, in France, Antoine Prioré built and tested electromagnetic healing machines of startling effectiveness. In hundreds and hundreds of strictly controlled tests with laboratory animals, Prioré’s machine cured a wide variety of the most difficult kinds of terminal, fatal diseases known today. Funded by millions of dollars, Prioré’s machines concretely demonstrated a nearly 100% cure of all kinds of terminal cancers and leukemias, in thousands of rigorous laboratory tests with animals. These results were shown to medical scientists as early as 1960″. “In 1974, a change of local government lost Prioré his government supporters, his support and funding were lost, and subsequent attempts to restore his technology into the public domain were viciously suppressed”

Prioré used the same concept to cure diseases! Free Energy from the Vacuum not only affects the Energy Business. It also affects the Medical Business.

The story of Antione Prioré repeated itself in my environment when I met a briljant engineer who was a top R&D manager of Philips Medical Systems. He re-invented the machine of Prioré and was totally blocked to implement his very cheap device that cured many diseases (including HIV). He was a Christian and wanted to help Mankind.

Why are all these innovations blocked?

It is very simple to imagine what would happen when we were able to produce Free Energy and a Simple and Cheap way to Cure Diseases. It would simply Destroy Western Economy and it would Destroy the Power Balance in the World.

Free Energy and Free Medical Care is a Disaster Scenario for many Big companies, Governments and Rich Investors.

It is the main reason why all the people that are busy with this issue are blocked, killed or ridiculed.

The History of the Perputum Mobile helps a Lot. Every time when somebody comes up with a proposal the Science Community will laugh. They laugh because the Inventor is simply not aware of the current understanding of Science. The interesting point is that many people in the Science Community don’t know what is happening in Science. They are all heavily specialized and are unable to understand what the others are doing. At this moment there is not a shared view, a common Paradigm.


Science is not blocking Free Energy. It can be proved that Free Energy must be possible. Science is also not blocking a Simple Cure for Diseases and other so called “Alterative Treatments”. There is Enough Evidence available. Almost Nobody is able to See the Total Picture of the Self-Referential Universe.

There is another interesting story to tell.

Many investigations in “Secret Operations” of the Military in Russia and the US show that they have accepted the theory and are using it to develop new advanced weaponsystems.

The Vacuum can be used to Kill and to Cure. It is used to create advanced systems of Mind Control and Weather Control. It will take a long time before the Vacuum (Chi, Prana, Ether) will be used to help Mankind. If it will be used we will have to pay a Lot of Money to use it. I think we have to wait until The Mind Control Systems are fully operational. At that moment we will believe everything they are telling US.



About Tesla and John von Neumann

About Tesla and Wilhelm Reich