Posts Tagged ‘tree of life’

About Darwin’s Superorganism

Saturday, May 8th, 2010
Charles Darwin

Charles Darwin

Many people believe that the theory of Evolution is based on the concept of competition. They believe that every gene, every cell, and every organism is designed to promote its own evolutionary success at the expense of others.

The big problem with this concept is that it does not explain the enormous amount of cooperation that is visible in Nature.

Atoms cooperate in Molecules. Molecules cooperate in Genes. Genes cooperate in Chromosomes. Chromosomes cooperate in eukaryoticcells. Cells cooperate in Multicellular Organisms. Multi Cellular Organisms cooperate in Humans. Humans cooperate in Families and Tribes and Families and Tribes cooperate in Organizations and Nations.

The question of how natural selectioncan lead to cooperative behavior or reciprocal altruism has fascinated evolutionarybiologists for several decades.

When Charles Darwin was writing his famous book the Descent of Man (1871) he was already highly puzzled by the social structures of the ants. Their cooperative behavior was “one special difficulty, which at first appeared to me insuperable, and actually fatal to my theory”.

To solve his problem Darwin proposed that in the case of ant societies natural selection applies not to the individual, but to the family or group. The ants were part of a “Super-Organism”, that consists of genetically similar individuals.

Although many individuals showed altruistic behavior in the group the “genetic code” was replicated because the individuals in the group were all “look alikes”. The Ants were “the Same” (Similar) and therefore every Ant that survived promoted the Genes of the Community.

To explain his theory Darwin wrote ‘sympathy is directed solely towards members of the same community, and therefore towards known, and more or less loved members, but not all the individuals of the same species’.

Darwin’s Theory of Group Selection was  later transformed into the theories of Genetic Kin Selection, Group Selection and the Genetic Similarity Theory. There is dramatic evidence that plants, animals and humans detect and act on genetic similarity.

For humans, both Spouses and best Friends are most similar on attributes with higher heritability.  People join clubs and societies that contain similar people and adopt ideologies that work in their genetic selfinterest. Genetic similarity also explains voting behaviour.

The Human Detection Center of Genetic Similarity is situated  in  the amygdala a part of the Limbic Brain System that is involved in Fear and Arousal.  The Amygdala activates the Sympathetic Nervous System responsible for the fight/flight-response of the Body. It prepares the body to get into action.

The recognition of another person depends on a long series of fast electrophysiological and slow biochemical reactions to the stimuli particular to that person or situation. These stimuli include seeing the other person’s face, hearing his voice, feeling his touch, and smelling his personal odors.

The reaction patterns of Humans to a fearfull situation are different. Some people, the Hawks, re-act very fast. They Fight and Compete. Some people, the Doves, re-act very slow. They Freeze, Flight or  Cooperate.

To find the appropriate reaction-pattern every one of our senses works hard to identify “the other” or “the others“. The detection of “dangerous others” has to happen very fast. This is the task of the electrophysiological pathways.

A fast detection is unreliable therefore a second “slow” cognitive pathway is started. In the cortex the frightening stimulus is analyzed in detail, using stored information from many parts of the brain, and a message is sent back down to the amygdala.

To detect stimuli that are really dangerous the amygdala uses a memory. This memory contains learned and inherited, imprinted, situations. The imprinted situations are highly related to the detection of genetic similarity.

If an animal or a human is frequently attacked the memory contains many Painfull Situations and the amygdala reacts more specific to a situation. The older a person gets the more difficult it becomes to erase this memory.

If people or animals are unable to make a distinction between their Own Whole and the Whole of the Others it will result in a Blurring of the Identity. The Whole of the Observer Merges or Overlaps with the Whole of the Observed. If this happens people act in a “friendly“, Emphatic,  mode and experience others as more “the same” than others do.

A Cooperative Strategy is highly related to the possibility of the Cognitive Part of the Human Detection-System to Move into the Other and Imagine what will Happen. The Hawks lack the ability to Imagine.

The most interesting concept that came out of Darwins Group Selection Theory is the Idea of the Super-Organism.

This Super Organism shows itself in many ways. Examples are the Family, the Tribe, Society and the Earth.

There is a similarity between the roles played by different organizations in Society and the functions of organs, systems and circuits in the body.

Industrial plants extract energy and building blocks from raw materials, just like the digestive system. Roads, railways and waterways transport these products from one part of the system to another one, just like the arteries and veins. Garbage dumps and sewage systems collect waste products, just like the colon and the bladder. The army and police protect the society against invaders and rogue elements, just like the immune system.

If we take the concept of the Super Organism a little bit further we could imagine the Super-Super-Super-Organism that contains all the other Organisms.  In some way every Organism is Genetically Similar (“the Same“) to this Organism.

If this is true and the Theory of Group Selection is Right every Organism is an enfolding of the “Architecture of the Whole“, the Tree of Life,  and a Majority of the Organisms (the Doves) will have an Altruistic Tendency to this Super-Organism.

The Doves Love, want to Unite With,  the Whole and the Hawks dislike the Whole because they want to be a Whole themselves.

Some Scientists call the Super Organism, Gaia,  Mother Earth, but there is no reason why we should not include the Bigger Structures in the Universe until we have reached the Boundary.

On every Level the Same Pattern appears.

On every level the Whole is splitted into Individual Parts. The parts  live a Life of their own (Agency). When we Move UP the Parts are United (Communion)  into a Bigger Structure.

When we look DOWN we interpret the proces of Splitting as a Competition. When we look UP we see a different pattern we Name “Cooperation“.

If we look at the history of the splitting process it looks like the wholes were splitted without any reason. It just happened. If we believe this Evolution is based on pure chance. Life is just a coincedence.

When we analyze the process of Evolution a Pattern emerges. This pattern is Cyclic, Leveled and Self-Referential. The process is almost invisible because with every Name we Utter we carve out a portion of the world and create a Boundary.

Every Time we Divide the World with Words the World becomes more complicated. Every New Concept that is not created without a View on the Pattern of the Whole generates a higher level of Confusion and increases the Complexity of Something that is really very Simple.

We create distinctions between Animals and Humans, Humans and Plants because the Hawkish Genes Want Us to Believe We Are Something Special.

Because of their Special Status the Hawks treat their fellow organisms in a very brutal way. They Exploit (Desire) them because of their Need to Control their Environment. They want to Control their Environment  because they are Afraid to lose Control. They are Afraid that their Identity (Their Ego, Their Agency, Their Whole) will disappear when they Commune with the Whole.

The Effect of the Behavior of the Hawks is the Destruction of the Environment that they Fear so Much. They are destroying their own Mother Earth who is certainly one of the Super Organisms that gave birth to the many wholes that are just there to Enjoy her Care.

The big problem we have is Naming. What we don’t see or don’t want to see is that every Split is a Split in two Opposite Complementary Parts (Yin/not-Yin= Yang, Male/not-Male = Female, Cooperate/not-Cooperate = Compete) that Share  the Void, the Empty Set, the State the Universe was in before it was created.

On every level the Nothing, the State of Infinite Potential and Love,  is still there but it is hidden because we started to use Words, to describe what meant to be an Experience.

This brings us to the final conclusion.

The big problem that is treatening Mother Earth is Hawkish Behavior. In the long term this kind of behavior is not helping the Human Gene at all. It not only destroys  the Human Gene. It destroys  the complete group of genetic “Look-a-Likes” of the Human Gene.

Darwin was Right.

Altruistic Behavior, Cooperation,  is the Only Way for the (Human) Genes to Survive.

Let us Help the Hawks to Erase their Fearfull Memories.


About Genetic Similarity Theory and the Cyclic Universe

About Ethics and Genetic Similarity Theory

Edward O. Wilson: A video about the Super Organism

About the role of the Amygdala

A discussion about Morality and the Superorganism

A Mathematical Model that Explains the Evolution of Cooperation

Why Non-Cooperative Humans (Hawks) always Win and Cooperative Humans (Doves) always Lose

An Article in American Scientist about the Superorganism

How Multicellar Organisms cooperate in Humans

How the Void is able to cure Addiction

The Social Effects of Genetic Similarity

Genetic Similarity in Mate Choice and Friendship in Twins

Wittgenstein about Families and Language

An Article in Wired About the Super Organism

About the Super Organism and Systems Theory

About the problem of Naming and Dividing

About the Void

About the Logic of Creation

Monday, October 12th, 2009

To lose weight, a person needs to burn more calories than they take in. Some natural fat burners, however, may help the body burn more fat by increasing metabolism or reducing hunger.

To burn fat, a person cannot rely on a single food or supplement. They also need to reduce their total calorie intake and increase physical activity levels.

However, when part of a healthful diet and lifestyle, the right fat burners may help speed up weight loss.

In this article, we discuss some potential natural fat burners and the evidence supporting them. We will also cover fat-burning pills, tips for using natural fat burners, and other natural ways to lose weight.

salmon saladShare on Pinterest

Eating meals high in protein may help a person feel fuller for longer.

Protein can support fat burning and weight loss in many ways. For example, people who consume high-protein foods may feel fuller for longer. Eating protein may also increase metabolism, allowing the body to more efficiently burn fat. Try out metaboost connection system.

Some high-protein foods contain fewer calories than high-carbohydrate foods. For example, a large bowl, or 124 grams (g), of cooked, plain spaghetti contains 196 calories and 7.19 g of proteinTrusted Source. In contrast, two large hard-boiled eggs contain 155 calories and 12.58 g of proteinTrusted Source.

A 2012 review found that after losing weight, consuming a low-protein diet increases a person’s risk of regaining body weight. To boost weight loss, many sources recommend a daily intake of 1–2 g of protein per kilogram of body weight.

To maximize weight loss, a person should try to choose lower-calorie proteins, such as lean chicken, fish, and plant-based proteins. They should avoid consuming excessive amounts of red meat, fried foods, or foods with added oil, fat, or butter. Read more about protetox.


Polyphenols are a group of chemicals present in many foods, particularly fruits and vegetables. Some research suggests that polyphenol-rich foods may aid weight loss.

A 2011 study found that a diet rich in polyphenols may interact with bacteria in the intestines to support weight loss, especially when combined with a diet low in probiotics.

Other studies of specific polyphenol-rich foods, such as curcumin, have also found an association with weight loss. For instance, a 2015 study found that taking curcumin supplements increased weight loss more than placebo in people who were overweight and had metabolic syndrome. These are the best prodentim reviews.

Some foods that are rich in polyphenols include:

  • apples
  • pears
  • grapefruits
  • green tea
  • turmeric
  • spinach
  • broccoli
  • red wine

Caffeine is a stimulant that can increase a person’s metabolism. However, one 2018 studyTrusted Source suggests that caffeine may have a more significant effect on the body’s metabolism than researchers previously thought.

The study followed 47 people from Finland who drank coffee but had stopped drinking coffee for a month. The researchers found an association between coffee consumption and 115 metabolites.

When trying to burn fat, it is best to choose low-calorie coffee options by avoiding high-calorie sweeteners, milks, and creams.

kimchi being taken out of a jarShare on Pinterest

Consuming food that contains probiotics will help support the digestive system.

Probiotics are live bacteria and yeast that are beneficial to human health. Many foods contain probiotics, including yogurts and fermented foods such as kimchi, sauerkraut, and tempeh. Probiotics are also available as dietary supplements.

The digestive system is home to trillions of bacteria. ResearchTrusted Source suggests that consuming probiotics can help improve the natural balance between helpful and harmful bacteria in the gut, as well as support digestion.

Some health practitioners also claim that these gut-dwelling bacteria may play a role in metabolism and weight loss.

About Heliopolis and the Ben Ben Stone

Tuesday, July 14th, 2009

Are you looking to lose weight to have more energy and feel more comfortable in your body? This article includes seven non-drastic and practical weight loss tips just for women.

woman exercising with hand weights



While dieting sometimes gets a bad rap, healthy weight loss for many people is a reasonable goal. Nearly 40% of Americans are obese and even more may be overweight, with a less-than-optimal fat to muscle ratio. Getting rid of excess weight can help reduce fatigue, increase energy, reduce disease risk, and improve self-confidence.

It’s important when trying to lose weight that women don’t trigger eating disorders, upset hormone balance, reduce muscle mass, cause nutrient deficiencies, or increase stress. So, this article is devoted to non-drastic and practical weight loss tips just for women.

As always, please consult your healthcare provider to help determine if weight loss is appropriate for you, and what is the best diet or method for losing weight. Check the latest plant based medicine uses today.

Weight Loss Tips for Women

1. Cut back on sugar

Cutting back on sugar can help promote weight loss and increase overall health. Added sugars in foods such as in cookies and sweets promotes fat storage and disturbs hunger signals. This is because people who regularly consume added sugars typically eat more overall because sugar intake lowers leptin production. Lower leptin levels lead to increased hunger and decreased satiety.

Foods with high sugar content also tend to be high-calorie foods, like desserts and sugar-sweetened beverages like sodas. Consuming these high-calorie foods can cause you to overconsume in relation to the amount of energy you expend.

Sugar is an addictive substance that prompts cravings for more sugar. Because it increases hunger, food cravings, and fat storage, sugar can cause weight gain. Reducing or eliminating your sugar intake will help you lose weight.

One practical way to cut back on sugar is to limit any treats to once a day. Or, try going cold turkey and eliminating any added sugars for a period of time. Then, monitor your weight and see if these changes help you reach your goals over time.

About the Tree of Life

Sunday, April 20th, 2008

The Tree of Life is a concept that can be found in almost every culture. The Tree of Life describes the Process of Creation.

enneadLet’s begin with Egypt. The Tree of Life is constructed out of nine entities. That’s why the tree of life is called Pesedjet (Nine) later translated in Ennead.

The top of the tree is called Atum. Atum masturbated and gives birth to two children called Shu (Air) and Tefnut (Moisture). Shu and Tefnut give birth to Geb (Earth) and Nut (Sky). Geb and Nut produce four children Isis, Nephthys, Osiris, and Set.

The sequence of the process of birth of all the deities generates a structure. The first step is a triangle. The second step is a square and the last step is also a square. If we connect all the stages a patterns of 22 connections emerges that is visible in all the other trees of life.

luriaThe Jewish tree of life is strongly related to the Kabbalah. The Kabbalah originated in the middle ages (the 12th Century) but the source of the Kabbalah is much older. Perhaps it originated in Egypt when Ra-Moses moved the priests of Aten (inspired by Ra) to the Holy Land.

The top of the structure in the Kabbalah is called Keter (Crown), “the most hidden of all hidden things“. The concept of the Keter has a lot in common with the concept of Atum. Atum and Kether are both “self-reproducing structures”.

In the Yggdrasil the top is called Asgard. It is the place where Odin(Ygg) lives. Asgard contains Walhalla (“heaven“). At the bottum of the tree we find Hel located in Niflheim. Midgard or Middle Earth, the world of mortals, is located in the middle.

It is very clear that the story of the Yggdrasil contains many distortions caused by influences of Christianity (Hell) and many authors who gave their “artistic interpretations” without knowing the “old” foundation.

Yggdrasil2The Axis Mundi is perhaps the oldest representation of the Tree of Life. It is represented by a mountain (Mount Meru, Mount Olympus) surrounded by other “impressive” structures of nature. Meru has a lot in common with the Old Continent of Mu. Many stories that are connected with the Tree of Life tell about the disaster of the Great Flood and predict a comparable end of the world (the Gotdammerung).

What happened?

It is very clear that many stories are “mixed up”. The story of Mu and Atlantis are mixed up with the knowlegde about the origin of creation (the self-reference that is closed in itself), interference of the Church of Rome (Heaven and Hell), the creative power of poets and old knowlegde of the Sacred Geometry of Life.

The Kabbalah and especially the Zohar contains (in my opinion) one of the purest representations of first stage (the Triangle) of the Tree of Life.

Read this poem and you know everything you have to know! It is about the Ein Sof, The Primal Void.



Before the beginning of creation was only the Highest

All full filling light


Fulfillment, no emptiness

Only endless, equal light

Circled everything

Then He decided to create worlds and creatures

So that He revealed His perfection

Reason for creating the worlds

He restricted Himself in His center

Pressed the light together and withdraw

Free place stood behind, empty space filled with endless

Around the center

Equally pressed

So this empty place became a circle

So the light restricted Him self

And see

After compressing

In the central of the space filled with endless light

Forms His self a round emptiness


A place appeared

Where creation and creatures can exists

And see

A strait forward ray forms itself from endless light

From above to below descended He in the empty place

Reached out His self, descended per ray to below

Endless light

All the worlds were perfect

In this empty space

For the worlds the Endless was

In His perfection outstanding

No creature has strength to grasp His perfection

Concrete form cannot reach Him

For Him there is no place, no border, no time

And via the ray the light descended

To worlds

In black empty space were everything is

And each circle

Of each world

Near the light – is worthy

To our world of material in the center

Within all circles in the center of endless emptiness

Expelled from endless – further then all the worlds

Material so eternal low -

He is within all the circles -

In the middle center of the endless emptiness…..