Archive for the ‘Philosophy’ Category

About the Trinity

Monday, December 29th, 2008
machine fowler

The Computer of Fowler

The first fully programmable computer was Designed by Charles Babbage in 1837. Babbage failed to get enough money to Build his Analytical Engine. It was never build.

The failure of Charles Babbage delayed the creation of the current computer for about a 100 years.

Nobody knows that Thomas Fowler Designed and Implemented a completely different and simple wooden computer in 1840. The big difference between Babbage and Fowler was the Number System. Babbage used Base 10. Fowler used the Balanced Ternary Number System.

About the Ternary Number Systems

The balanced ternary number system is created by balancing Ternary (Base 3) Numbers around the Centre of the Number Line, 0. A balanced ternary number is a combination of negative and positive ternary numbers.

The balanced ternary number system is a very special Number System because all the basic mathematical operations, addition, subtracting, multiplication and division are accomplished by the application of very simple operations based on very special symmetries.

Symmetries are the foundation of Simplicity, Beauty and Elegance. The Engine of Fowler was a very simple and beautiful machine made out of wood.

In 1958 a Ternary Computer, the Setun, was build at the Moscow State University. It was never used.

About Number Systems

When you want to represent a number you can start with base 1. The number 13 is represented by thirteen “1′s, “1111111111111″.

Of course you are free to use other symbols to represent the number “1″. When you want to represent 13 goats you could use 13 goat-like symbols. When you want to represent many goats the sequence of goat-like symbols becomes very long.

The next step is to group the goat-like numbers. You could group them in binary groups (11 11 11 11 11 11 1), ternary groups (111 111 111 111 1) or in every other group you want.

In every case you have to assign new symbols like “1″ → “-”, “11″→ “=” and “111″ → “≡”. The number 13 becomes “≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ -”.

When you have defined a grouping method you can repeat this method. The only thing you need is a new symbol “x” to represent repetition, a symbol that represents addition “+”, a rule how to read the sequence (left to right, right to left) and symbols (“(,”)”) that show what has to be combined. ≡ x (≡) + ≡ + – now means 3X3 + 3 + 1 = 13 (and not 3x(3+1 +1) = 21).

If you want to use a high base number you need many symbols to represent the numbers of the group. If you use a low base number you need many symbols to represent the repetition. An obvious strategy is to minimize the product of these two quantities. The result of this calculation is the number 3 (or better the number e)!

About Ternary Memory Systems

The number 3 is the most efficient way to represent numbers. There is much more to say about the properties of the number 3. One of these properties can be used in Databases and Storage systems.

A Balanced Ternary Storage system can be easily expanded because you can always add a new entrance in the middle. The Balanced Ternary Storage System (represented by the Arabic Mystical Lote Tree) is one of the simplest and efficient storing methods of data.

What is the reason behind this Blog?


The Universe is a highly complicated Knot

I am writing this blog because I have spent a lot of time to research the Scientific and Spiritual Trinity. The mathematical and the spiritual theory about the Trinity have a lot in common.

The Trinity or the Ternary Number System is the most efficient, most effective and most beautiful (in terms of symmetries) way to Represent, Calculate and Store Numbers. The Trinity is therefore the most effective Way to Represent the Fractal Expansion of the Dynamic Whole.

What happened?

The beginning of the Universe is a transformation of the Void (Ø) into the Nothing (0).

In the next step,  the Egg of the 0 became the One (1) that splitted into the Duality (2) to become Aware of Itself.

In this case the first sequence of creation becomes Ø,0,1,2.

When we rewrite this sentence in balanced ternary language we read something else. In this case the beginning of the Universe is an expansion of the Void (0) into a negative (-1) and a positive part (1). The first sequence of creation becomes Ø (zero members of the set), (-1,0,1)(3 members of the set).

In the ternary balanced language the next expansion of the Universe is created by expanding the negative and positive part of the Universe in the Middle. A new expansion is created by adding the same structure in the Middle of the Middle of the Middle.





















This expansion moves on until the system has replicated itself. At that time the expansion moves faster and faster and faster. The Self-Referencing System of the Universe, the “Divine Fractal“, is unfolding itself at an ever increasing (logaritmic) speed in a spiraling spiral pattern creating many more (negative and positive) Numbers.

At a certain point the Negative and Positive numbers are Voided in the Zero and the Universe starts to expand again.

The unfolding creates many universes and one of these Universes is our own Universe. All the time the center, the 0, the Void, stayed at the middle.

At this moment the lowest level, our level, is almost finished and a new Evolution, a Jump to a new Level, has to start. This Jump will be a Jump out of the middle, the Heart Chakra.

Is this Explanation too Simple?

This explanation is much too simple because the whole creation process is now projected into one dimension, a Line,  and we are looking at the third step of the Fourty-Two (3×13 +4) Steps that have happened until now.


The basic structure of the Material Universe, the World Clock of Wolfgang Pauli, carried by the Demiurg, The Trickster.

Every split of the universe creates a new dimension. The splitted parts of the Universe, the balanced ternary trees, are Rotating Structures that contain Rotating Structures.

They look like the image of the rotating World Clock of Wolfgang Pauli that is carried by the Raven (the Trickster, the Demiurg), the Four Beasts in the Vision of Ezekiel and the Sri Yantra.

The other complication is that the Universe is creating its own Space and is therefore closed in itself. There is no Outside of the Universe. We are not living Inside an expanding Balloon but are travelling the Inside Surface.

When the Universe has expanded for a very long time the many dimensions are still there but they show themselves in very complicated Topological Structures like (Celtic) Knots, connected Moebius Rings, the Symbol of Infinity and the Klein Bottle, the Basic Structure behind Alchemy.

It is simply impossible to show and understand the current complexity. The only thing that is very helpful is to realize that the structure behind  the Universe is a Fractal.

Balanced Ternary Tree of 43

The Balanced Ternary Tree of 43.

This means that that at every level the same structure repeats itself. When you know everything there is to know about One Level you know every thing there is to know about Every Level.

If You understand the Human Being, You understand the Universe.  This principle was called by the Ancient Scientists, “So Above, So Below” and “As Within, So Without”.

The Balanced Ternary Number System or the Trinity that contains the Trinity can be used to explain Your Self.

It can be used to explain the “strange” behavior of the Brain Trinity, a combination of a Whole, the Body, A Left and a Right Brain. The “Trinity Pattern” repeats itself in every part of your body.

The pattern of Seven (The Trinity in the Trinity) shows itself as the Seven Chakra’s. The next step, the Thirteen (3×4 +1 = 13),  shows itself in the Twelve Signs of the Zodiac (+ the Center, the Pole Star), the Twelve Apostles (+ Jesus) and the Twelve Knight of Arthur (+Arthur).

The Expansion of this pattern on a much deeper level also generates the  Acupuncture Points (Nadi’s) in Your Body.

Why is Science not Aware of this?

The main reason can be found in the story of Thomas Fowler. He invented a Very Simple computer system but he was beaten by the Complicated system of Charles Babbage.

Babbage used the 10 base to define his Engine and he needed lots of money to create this very complicated system. He never finished his analytical engine but many years later IBM almost copied his design when they developed the IBM 360. They were, like Microsoft, experts in Marketing. They sold what the Customer wanted to buy and never took time to think about the Essence.

The Klein Bottle, The Universe Closed in Itself, the Basic Structure behind Alchemy.

The Klein Bottle, The Universe Closed in Itself, the Basic Structure behind Alchemy.

Thomas Fowler was a very simple man. He tried to do his best and was never aware of the power structures that controlled science and the market at that time. He wanted to help people but helping people is the stupidest thing you can do in a capitalistic system.

When an infrastructure is chosen it is almost impossible to change the infrastructure because everything that is build on top of this infrastructure becomes obsolete when the foundation is wrong. We will never be able to introduce a ternary computer infrastructure unless something happens that breaks the upper layer. Some people think this time is near.

Simplicity, Elegance, Beauty and Efficiency are not the main object of Capitalism. The main object of Capitalism is Making Profit.

What is the best Way to acquire Scientific Knowledge?

Thomas Fowler was not educated in the science of his time. He just invented the mathematics he needed. When he was educated in the science of his time he could have invented the same machine but it is much more plausible that he would have invented another Analytical Engine.

Thomas Fowler used his own judgment and his own talent to create something he thought was useful to support his own banking system (he also created a Bank!).

The Balanced Ternary Database of the Universe was called the Akasha. According to the Ancient Scientists of India every memory of the past and the future is stored in the Universe. They believed we are part of a Super Mind and this Mind knows everything that has happened or will happen.

walter russell wave

The Vortex, a Painting of Walter Russell

Some people are suddenly connected to this Super Mind. They are Enlightened and find a solution for a very complicated problem in a Dream or a Trance State.

One of the most important scientists of our time, Wolfgang Pauli, found everything he wanted to know in the Akasha. There are many others like Walter Russell (The Secret of Light) and Malcolm McEwen (The Lesson of the Light).

Strangely enough all of them receive or have received the same information.

What is going to happen?

The expansion of our Universe is getting into a critical state. This state is visible in all the fractal levels of our Universe.

It is visible in the Weather System, The Ecological System, The Economic System and the Cultural System. All of them are changing.

It is also visible in many Human Beings who experience the intervention of the Super-Mind in their Lives.

The big transformation must be visible in the Seven, until now not-connected universes. The other universes are currently shielded behind a Veil but this veil is slowly lifting. The movement of the Veil could explain the huge increase of Strange Encounters with Extraterrestials.

Our universe has been expanding and but very soon it will or may appear to stop. Our Universe may even begin to appear to shrink but it is not because it is reversing, heading towards some kind of big crunch but because it is folding, connecting to Itself, the Super Mind.

In the first stages of the Universe the Light was created but now we are entering a new phase where the consciousness of the Super Mind, is opening up to all the inhabitants of all the Seven Universes.

The opening of the Super Mind to all the Souls of the Universe has been named with many names in many religions all over the World (Ascension, the Golden Age, Point Omega, The Last Judgment, the Fifth World, The End of Time).

It is not clear what the connection with the Super Mind will accomplish. Many inspired scientists and prophets have tried to describe and explain this state.

One thing is sure it will be very different from the current situation where we are all isolated souls existing in many disconnected time-lines in many disconnected universes.


Why the number e is the best base for a modular system

About the Void

Joan Baez About Triality

Many Properties of Ternary Numbers

Many Properties of the Balance Ternary Number

Why the Balanced Ternary Numbers are Special

A Visualization of the Trinity Pattern with the Platonic Solids

The 4 Videos of Malcolm McEwen below contain a Visualization of the Trinity Pattern

McEwen, Video, The Lesson of the Light, Nr 1

McEwen, The Lesson of the Light, Video, Nr 2

McEwen, The Lesson of the Light, Video, Nr 3

About the Heart Chakra

About Plato and the New Harmony

About 2012

About the Center

About Boundaries

About Order and Chaos

About the Demiurg

About the Expansion of the Whole

How to Divide the Whole

About the Spiritual Trinity

About Alchemy

About Topology

About the Brain Trinity

About the Hermetic Principle (“As Above, So Below”).

About the Book of Triangels of St. Germain

About Whole and Parts

Tuesday, December 23rd, 2008

The Whole of Reality is divided into many overlapping Parts. Most of the Humans look at Wholes and Parts (Smaller Wholes, Contexts) from a Static Perspective but the Whole is also a Dynamic Entity. The Parts are overlapping because many people don’t know how to define the right categories. Overlapping, confusing, part/whole relations are the sole cause of every conflict and war.

The Static and the Dynamic can be divided in two parts. In the first part of the Static we combine the Parts in a different way (Combine, Create). In the second part of the Static we define a Boundary around a part of the parts to protect the Territory (Control). In this case an Outside and an Inside is created.

The Dynamic can be divided in a Causal part (Time) and a Connected Part (Space). In the first part we create a Causal Network in the second part we create a Relationship Network (Social).

The Four (4) Parts of the Two (2) Parts of the Whole can be divided deeper and deeper. The Next division generates sixteen (16) Perspectives.

The big problem is to Name all the Division with a proper Term. Have a look at the Model Below.






Dynamic Whole
























































































It becomes much easier when the Names are substituted by Numbers. First we have to create a Number System. We use the same procedure.

We start with the Whole Numbers. They are used to Count. We could also use the Prime Numbers since they are the basic parts of the Whole Number System.

The Rational Numbers are the result of the operation of division. They can be represented by the harmonic series (1,1/2,1/3,1/4,..).

Irrational numbers (Pi, e, phi, sqrt(2)) capture the static relationships, the rules of the whole. They are not numbers because it is impossible to count with them. Irrational numbers can be constructed by combining the parts of the harmonic series;

Imaginary numbers capture the transitions (cyclic change) and transformations (change of form) of dynamic relationships.







Dynamic Whole
















































In the next part we have a look at a very old (5000 BC!!) Universal Rule System of the Whole Numbers. This System is called the Lo Shu. The Lo Shu is a 3×3 Magic Square. Every straight line of three numbers adds up to the number 15. The Magic, Every Sum of Three Amounts to 15, is the General Rule that keeps the Opposites together. It is a very Simple Rule with spectacular consequences.

The 3×3 Magic Square shows a very old wisdom, “Everything Comes in Three“. Two Opposite Forces are always balanced by a third Force, the Mediator.

When we subtract every number of the Lo Shu (Left) with the number in the center (5) a new Magic Square appears (Right) with a zero sum.

This Magic Square shows interesting symmetries:

1. The numbers (8,2), (9,1), (4,6), (3,7) have a zero sum. They are Opposites if we use the number 0 as the Center of the Opposites of the Whole Numbers. In this way we are able to reduce the numbers to five (0,1,2,3,4).

2. The numbers (3,2) and (1,4) add up to 5. They combine in a “strange” 2×2 Magic Quadrant. If we transform this quadrant to a base 0 (by subtracting 1), the Magic 2×2 Quadrant can be transformed into a Binary Quadrant (11,01,10,00) again with interesting symmetries. The basic forces are brought back to two, Expansion and Contraction (Yang and Yin, 0 and 1) with the “0′ in the Middle.

There are many more symmetries to be found in the basic Magic Square of the Universe but it is impossible to explain them all in this small blog. One of the most important symmetries in the Lo Shu is a Cycle. It helps you to travel the many possible combinations on every level.

The Old Chinese Scientists used the Symmetries of the Lo Shu to create a cycle called the Sheng Cycle. This Cycle is the Cycle of the Seasons but also the Cycle of the Body (Acupuncture), the Cycle of the Context (Feng Shui) and the Cycle of Astrology.

Below is a small part of a huge correspondence table that makes it possible to reuse the practice of one field  of Science (Nature, The Seasons) in a completely different practice (Medicine, Psychology).

If You are Angry You are in the Negative State (Counter the Clock) of the Spring State of the Sheng Cycle (called the Insulting Cycle) and you will have problems with your Liver and Gallbladder.

Something, an Idea You cannot Express, wants to Come out to expand in the Summer-State.

Perhaps You Have to start a Design but do you have a Plan?

What is the Whole You are Looking at?

What are the Boundaries?





























Lo Shu

Lo Shu

































Small Intestine




































Other scientists found many more relationships between the Lo Shu and Physics (Tony Smith), The I Tjing (Chris Lofting), The Tarot, Archetypes (Jung), Myths (Campbell), Historic Cycles (McKenna), Personality Types (MBTI, Enneagram), Left/Right Brain (Chris Lofting) and much more.

How to use all this knowledge

1. Always look at the Outside of the Boundary of the Context you want to analyze. If you cannot divide a Context in an Inside and an Outside you have done something wrong.

2. Always look at the Static AND the Dynamic part of the Context.

3. The Dynamic Part of the Context is related to a Cause/Effect-pattern (Time). Something is happening!

4. Look at the Social Dynamic Part of the Context. Entities, Objects, Roles, Humans are connecting the Time Lines. They are the Relations in your Static Model.

5. Always try to find New Combinations. If the Context is blocked it wants to move to another Time Line. Remove the Blockages!

6. If you want to analyze the Context one step deeper (16/25 perspectives, watch out, can you handle this?) try to make all the combinations that are possible. Use the Table in this Blog or create Your Own table (Fun). Read the PDF of Chris Lofting! Always use the Sheng Cycle!

7. Want to move much deeper? Use the Whole Numbers. Find Patterns (Irrational, Imaginary Numbers) and transform the patterns into Words. Use Fairy Tales, Myths, Archetypes, Music to explain the transformation.

8. Always Move Up in the Sky (Abstract, Fuse, Integrate) and Down to Earth (Implement, Try Out). Try to Unite what You have Divided. Keep an Overview. Reflect.

There is much more to say but I think you have enough food to digest.


Chris Lofting, How to Create Sound Categories using the I Tjing

 Tony Smith, About The Lo Shu and Physics


About the Expansion of Space

Tuesday, December 16th, 2008

expand spaceThe Universe, Space, is expanding at a constant speed, the speed of Light. If we try to imagine an expanding Space we imagine something, a balloon, which is expanding in Space.

When Space is expanding, outside Space is Nothing at All. Space is just creating Space.

Imagining “nothing at all” is a big problem for many people. They believe there are always Insides and Outsides.

Expanding Space, or Movement, is the Foundation of our Reality.

Space is creating all kinds of forms but Space is also a Form.

The expanding Space conforms to “geometric expansion rules” and many people will ask the question who has created these rules.

When we have established a principle we always want to know who has created this principle. When we have solved this problem the same question is asked again and again because it is almost impossible to imagine that a Dynamic Process is not caused by a Static Cause.

The Duality of the Inside and the Outside, the Static and the Dynamic have to be resolved on a higher level. On this higher level the Outside is the Inside and the Mover is Moving Itself.

At this moment many mathematical theories of Reality are constructed that are trying to avoid the “trap” of Duality. It is not difficult to translate their physical statements into spiritual statements. Spirituality and Mathematics are exploring the same domain, the Domain of Wholeness.

It all starts with The Light.

light wavesLight is something that is moving with the same speed as the expanding space, the Akasha, so expanding space could be seen as traveling Light Waves. Space/Light is moving with the speed of Light, c, but it is not necessary that the Light that is moving inside space is traveling with this speed.

When Light is not moving in a straight line the form of Light is changed and other structures (particles) are formed. The most interesting structures are complex cyclic structures (the Vâyu). They are the basic containers of the Universe.

Space is closed in Itself but there is an absolute boundary, the Edge of Space. This edge is a Mirror. When Light bounces against this Mirror it bounces back and influences the other Light Waves.

Because the Edge of expanding Space is a circle, The Light Waves move back in a different direction and create interference-patterns. Because space is limited and closed in itself one Wave of the Light, the Svara, is sufficient to create a complete spectrum of waves.

The Frequency of the Waves determinates the levels of Space. Conscioussness appears when something is able to Observe Itself or to Moves ItSelf. So every Level in Space is consciouss.

The interference of Light Waves creates “disturbances“. Some waves are starting to move in a cyclic pattern. Within these disturbances the Light is caught. They are rotating and rotation is linear speed transformed into rotating speed. The sum of the rotating and the linear movement is always constant.

The disturbances in space are influenced by the expansion of space. When Space is expanding the disturbances are extended until they break.

Ripple in the UniverseJust like a spring (a rotating circle, a spiral) breaks when the expanding pressure is too big. When the broken structures drift away from the “front-line of space” they are put together again. When this happens some of them are twisted.

Twisted structures (Moebius Ring, Klein Bottle, Knots) are forms with are different in behavior than normal cyclic structures like the Torus. They are without an inside and an outside, they are without a surface and they expand and contract in a different way. They increase the “tension” in space.

Space itself is expanding with a constant speed but the many different forms in space react differently to the expansion. When the resistance is increasing space is rippling (“zitterbewegung”) just like our skin is rippling when we get older. During the rippling phase, space expands by folding onto itself.

The wrinkles, ripples, buckles, bends, are the many appearances of energy and matter. They can again be visualized by a balloon with knots tied on its surface. Knots that are tied on the surface of the balloon represent matter, and surface wrinkles that emerge around knots represent the electromagnetic field.

The wrinkles and knots decreases the circumference of the balloon, and while the balloon is still expanding, the inner pressure, the torsion, increases until the Balloon collapses completely into itself. The pressure is so strong that space moves through a tine hole (bindu) in the surface (the Black Hole) of the Balloon and space expands at the other side of the balloon (the White Hole). From that time on “history” repeats itself.

The Universe is Breathing.

balloonsAt this moment we have developed a very simple theory. Space is the expansion of Light. When the Light bounces against the Mirror of the Edge of Space it creates Interference Patterns.

These patterns behave differently under the stress of the expansion and the stress of the expansion starts to interfere with the other moving structures in space.

If you read the Story of the Universe one thing makes the Story rather complicated. To explain expanding space the metaphor of the Balloon is often used but the geometric structure of the Universe is not a Balloon.

We are not living Outside the Balloon but we are living Inside the Balloon. Outside the Balloon is non-existent. We are not moving Inside the Balloon but we are moving on the Surface of the Balloon. The Inside of the Balloon is non-existent.

Mathematics has used the flat structure, the Euclidian Universe, to explain reality. In this Universe all the geometric theories of Euclid were valid although one of the postulates of Euclid, the parallel postulate, was in discussion for a very long time. This postulate states that two lines intersect when the sum of their angles is less than 180°.

calibiyauWhen people found out that we are not living on a flat earth they realized that the parallel postulate was wrong. The sum of the arcs of a triangle on a sphere is not 180°.

When mathematicians started to face the facts the Non-Euclidian Geometry was born and the parallel postulate was abandoned. The flat geometry was an exception. We are living in a curved universe.

The man in the street is not educated in the curved universe and many brilliant scientists who are operating outside the area of the exact sciences don’t have an idea about non-Euclidian geometry.

Non-Euclidian Geometry has had a huge impact on Science. The curved Universe is just like the “valid” postulates of Euclid an accepted fact.

If everybody would accept the “fact” of the curved universe and realize that every system in the Universe (also the Economic System) is always expanding and compressing we could anticipate the Waves of the Life Force, the Svara.

If everybody could accept that an always expanding system in our Universe always collapses in itself we could realize that an expanding economy wil create complex knots that cannot stand the tension of the expansion. The knotted, highly related, structures in our Reality are breaking and twisting.

They stop the expansion until the singularity is reached. At that time we will move trough the Black Hole and the White Hole in another Universe, Our Twin Universe.

The most interesting part is that it is possible to develop a theory of the Universe without any idea about the real Universe. It is a direct consequence of the postulates of Euclid. The only thing that is left to interpret are the results of the Geometric Theory of the Universe in our Reality. We have to find visual methaphors in our reality that look like the concepts of the geometric theory.

black-holeThe only thing that is needed to Accept the Geometric Theory of the Universe is to Accept the Postulates of Euclid. They are more or less self-evident.

They are Visible in our Reality, but still you never know if somebody is capable of finding a new exception of the postulates. If this happens the Geometric Theory has to be adapted.

Until now nobody has a clue. The axiomes of Euclid are still the foundation of Mathematics.

The Old Scientists stated that our Reality is an Illusion. The only thing that is existent is the Movement of the Void. The Movement of the Void generated the Reflection of the Void, the Expansion of Space, The Interference Patterns of the Light and finally the final compression into The Void.

They stated that the Universe is an expansion of nothingness and the nothingness is preserved in every state of the Universe. Every duality that is constructed is voided in the nothing.

Consuming is voided by Production. The Good is voided by the Bad. The Up is voided by the Down. Life is voided by Death. Everything wants to return to the original state of the Rotating Void.

If the population of the Earth is consuming to the extremes one day the opposite will happen and we will be consumed to bring back the balance of the void.

When we lend we have to pay back our debts to the Universe.


About Reflecting Waves at the Edge of the Universe

About Non-Euclidian Geometry

A recent Geometric Theory of the Universe

About the Moebius Ring, The Klein Bottle, Knots and Physics

About Heisenberg and the Rippling of the Universe

A very old Geometric Theory of the Universe based on the Upanishads

About Chaos

Saturday, December 13th, 2008

tornadoHumans are desperately trying to preserve their Identity. To do this they create Order.

Behind every Order is non-Order, Chaos, the creative, destructive, force.

If the Human Order is gone, psychologists, try to Unite the broken pieces of the chaotic Personality.

If the Banking System is extremely volatile Economists believe they are able to repair the System.

If the Ecology is chaotic Biologists are doing the same. All of them believe they found a way to transform Chaos into Order.

Creating Chaos is not very difficult. One act of a small group of terrorists almost destroys the System of Society and the only way to prevent chaos is to create a higher level of order. One Act of God, an earthquake, a tornado or the outbreak of a virus, accomplishes the same.

Chaos and Order are part of the same System and we really don’t know how to unite the two perspectives on Nature.

When we want to keep Internal Order we put Chaos outside the boundaries of our own System. We move out of the chaotic city to the countryside to experience the Harmony of Nature.

We stop reading newspapers and stop watching television because we don’t want to see what is really happening outside. We don’t want to face the reality that the outside reality is a frightful, destructive place to live in but what is most of all frightening us is our own destructive part, the Shadow.

earthquakeSpace has always been the metaphor in which we project our Identity.

Our personality, our house, our job, our relationship, our culture, our country are protective boundaries but at this moment many of these protective boundaries are at stake.

The current crisis forces us to leave our home and our job.

The clash of the many cultures threatens our own culture and even our own country is gone because politicians are creating abstract countries that have no history and still no future.

The concept of Space is changing and with this our idea about our own boundary is changing.

Space is not a static state in which we live. Space is a dynamic process and is created and destructed. Space moves and because space is moving we are moved also. Every time a new order appears but we are not able to understand this order because we are caught in our own order.

A static personality is not able to adapt to the moving outside world. A personality who is not able to move has to stay at the place where he lives. A personality who is not able to be moved by what is happening is without Emotions and the Emotions are Chaotic.

The Chaotic Emotions are in direct contact with Space. They feel what is going to happen. They know when it is time to move but the Order of our personality is telling fairy-tales based on its experience of the Past. The Chaos will certainly change into Order. The Up will always follow the Down but Up and Down are Space-Dependent.

Many people are on the move. They know for sure that their Space/Time is not the Place to be. The order of our personality tells us that we have to protect our secure environment and create a protective or imaginary Wall.

EtnaIf somebody or something attacks our Personal Boundary our re-action is sometimes highly destructive. Our Order is much more important than their Order.

When we are aware of our bad intentions our Order creates a new fairy-tale to silence our Empathic Emotions. We are always able to find a very convincing explanation why we are the good they are the bad.

What we don’t understand is that our Chaotic Component, the Creative Force, is able to find a solution that is out of the existing order.

Mathematicians know for a long time that Order and Chaos are not their opposites. They are different states of the same function. Order and Chaos rise out of recursive or fractal functions.

Order and Chaos are created by an Order but this order is invisible to many people because they don’t know how to look. They look at the world with a view that was abandoned about 2000 years ago. Before that time people knew about the fractal pattern. They used many metaphors out of Nature to explain the pattern.

What is happening?

TsunamiThe fractal pattern is in its chaotic state and is moving to a new enfolding. The new enfolding will be very different from the old enfolding when you look at it through the old lens of Linear Space/Time but it will be a very old-fashioned State when you understand the Fractal Pattern.

What to do?

When the Script of Nature is its chaotic state you can do nothing. The Future is unpredictable when you use the old tools of statistics. They cannot handle fractal systems. In a Chaotic state The Past has no relation with the Future.

When the Script of Nature is its chaotic state you have to believe that Destiny will take care of you. You just Wait and See. If you run to the left order will appear at the right. When you run to the right order will appear at the left. There is no Place to Go.

If you don’t believe in Destiny you have to use the knowledge of the chaotic part of your personality, Intuition. The Intuition moves with the enfolding of the Fractal Pattern and it knows what to do at the right moment. It knows when there is a little bit of order in the chaotic movement and it knows where to go and what to do.

If you don’t believe in Destiny you have to use the destructive part of your Personality, the Creative Force, but you have to balance this part with your Empathy (The Emotions). Both of them emanate from the same Source.


About Dynamic Space

About Boundaries

About the Triple Goddess

About the Matrix

Thursday, December 11th, 2008

The Matrix

The Movie the Matrix states an ancient belief that we are living in a Dream World.

In the old Gnostic version the Matrix is created by the Demiurg, the Creator of our Material Universe.

In the new version the Dream World is created by a Computer Simulator.

At this moment Physicists and Mathematicians are exploring the Concept of the Matrix and are achieving remarkable results.

One of these scientists is Reginald Cahill. He has developed a challenging theory called Process Physics.

One of the most important experiments in Physics was the Michelson and Morley experiment in 1887. The aim of this experiment was to discover the speed of the Ether. At that time the physicists believed space (ether) was moving. The result of the experiment was spectacular.

MichelsonMichelson and Morley found that the speed of Light was a constant (now called c) and the Ether (Space) was empty and static.

Cahill (and many others) analyzed the experiments and many other comparable experiments and detected a fatal error. The fatal error was a scientific “script”, the theory of Newton.

At that time Quantum Mechanics was not invented. Cahill found what they were looking for, the Absolute Motion of Space.

The result of the Michelson and Morley Experiment was used by Einstein in 1905 to create his Special Theory of Relativity.

This theory has been verified by many experiments so almost nobody started to question the theory of Einstein. Cahill proved that the absolute motion of space is not contradictory to the experiments that verified the theory of Einstein. Einstein was totally wrong!


Albert Einstein

Everything that is, is Space itself and Space is generating Space. This statement is a “self-reference” and can be formulated as an iterative function Space (i) = Function (Space (i-1)) + Randomness.

This Randomness is the result of Quantum Mechanics.

Every Self-Propelling Extension of Space has a Free Will to choose a “direction”. This “direction” can be organized as a causal system in which case Time appears. In general “space” is trying to create a Space-Time that is the most predictable to give the objects in Space-Time a change to survive and grow.

Cahill found the “Function” and suddenly many disjoint fields of physics were united. Like every other big “paradigm shift” the theory of Cahill is officially banned.

Attacking Einstein is “not-done” because when the foundation of Einstein falls the new (old) Physics falls apart

The paradigm shift of Cahill is not really a paradigm shift at all. It brings Physics back to a very ancient track that was abandoned a 100 years ago.

What is happening?

quantum foam

Quantum Foam

Space now called Quantum Foam is creating Space. In this process of continuous creation every possible form is created.

Space is Relational, a connector of forms, and the connectors have a lot in common with the cells in our body. The fabric of Space is self-referential which means that the creative pattern behind every form is basically the same.

Cahill shows that the creation of space, the creation of the Stars and the Planets, the creation of the body and the cells is based on the same iterative process.

This process can be seen as the calculation of a very fast quantum-computer that is creating itself. Cahill has discovered the software-design of the Matrix.

The interpretation of the output of the quantum-computer is done by a conscious mind but the conscious mind is also the output of the quantum computer.

The feedback-loops in the cell-like structures of self-propelling space can be seen as a giant mind (a neural network) that is split in many (in)dependent minds. One of these minds is the mind of the Human but cells, the body, the brain, earth, our galaxy and the universe are also mindful.

What we are able to see depends on what we are able to see. If we want to look through the lens of Special Relativity we are able to get a long way. At some point we get stuck.

Our interpretation system is desperately trying to fit our experiments with our theory. We measure what we want to see and we are able to get a long way. We develop instruments that contain our current theory and we prove the theory we want to prove.

Is there an end to our Interpretation System?

Quantum Foam made out of triangles

Quantum Foam made out of triangles

Our interpretation system fails if we don’t see a structure anymore. At that moment we think our interpretation system is seeing Chaos but Chaos is non-existent. Chaos is an interpretation of something we don’t understand.

The Limits of Chaos are just like Space extending every time we embrace a new form. Our Knowledge of our Reality expands just like the creator of forms, space, is expanding.

There is a Limit to our Understanding. This limit is the smallest self-referential pattern that is able to generate every form there is. Finding this pattern, the Essence, is the Quest of Mathematics.

One of the most briljant mathematicians, Stephen Wolfram, the founder of Mathematica, a software package to program mathematics has spend many years, playing with his own software, to find this pattern. He even created a complete new science, a New Kind of Science, to explore this issue.

The mathematician Chaitin has proved that we, the Humans, are unable to find this pattern, with the help of programming languages and computers. He proves that we are able to get a long way but at a certain moment Time is going to bother us. We will simply not be able to beat the speed of the creative wave of ever expanding Space.

Is there an end to the expansion of space?

Quantum Foam

Quantum Foam

In our current thinking space looks like a bubble and bubbles can be expanded into eternity. The new forms of space are different.

The interpretation of space is changing and space could be expanding until eternity in a closed system.

Space could be bounded by itself. It is not impossible that space could find another form to expand again and again.

If space is creative and mindful it could create every space that is possible but we the Humans have no idea what this could be because we are moving behind space itself.

If we could become space itself we could imagine everything we wanted.

How could we move out of the Matrix?

Quantum Foam

Quantum Foam

We are a part of the consciousness that contains the consciousness that..

If we merge the splits in our simulated consciousness and merge the splits between our consciousness and the conscioussness of the other simulated consciousnesses and ….we could move out of the Matrix.

What are we doing in the Simulator?

Quantum Foam

Quantum Foam

The ancient Gnostic Mystics believed that Our Universe was created by the Demiurg, the Great Architect. The Demiurg was a “high level’ Consciousness who was allowed by the Creator (The Light, The Void) to create a Universe that would speed up the awareness of many “splitted” consciousnesses, The Sparks of the Light.

The Earth Simulator is a Learning Device and every Soul is allowed to enter the Simulator to (re-)play a Game.

When the Soul enters the Matrix his memory of past lives, other games playd, is erased (the Veil). On Earth we are playing the Games we have chosen. When you are aware of the Game you are able to move out of the Simulator to move to another place to play different games of creation.

What are the possibilities when you leave the Simulator?

Quantum Foam

Quantum Foam

Create Your Own Universe. You don’t need to be a Game Designer to do this. The Simulator is already in place and Old Designs are never repeated in the Multi-Universe.


Are we Living in the Matrix?

Reginald Cahill, About the Michelson and Morley Experiments

Why Tine fills Space

About Tesla and the Ether

Constructur Theory of David Deutsch

About the Ether

A lot of documents about Process Physics

An explanation of his theory by Cahill

About the Limits of Interpretation

About Leibniz and the Limits of Interpretation

How to Merge Your Consciousness

About Boundaries

Friday, December 5th, 2008

chinese wall

Our skin, the sea, rivers and mountains are natural boundaries. They are just there.

The sexes, borders, the social classes, age, color of the skin and educational levels are Imaginary Boundaries.

They move in Space and Time.

They exist because Humans believe they exist. Boundaries are often created to Protect a Territory from an Outside Enemy.

When you want to create a Territory you have to Split a Whole and Surround the Piece of the Whole you want to Protect.  When you are Self-Sufficient you don’t need the Outside. The Fence becomes a complete Closure.

When you have to cooperate with the Outsiders you need a Hole, a Gate, in the Boundary.  The Gate is the most vulnerable part of the protective Wall. To avoid big trouble you have to Protect the Gate.

court of the lions alhambra

The Center of Power, the Palace, was always surrounded with a Wall and a Gate. The palace was protected by a Capital with a Wall and a Gate that was finally protected by natural or human made Boundaries (Walls, Fences, Stories, and Myths).

The Romans Emperors went even further to create and support “in-dependent” States that surrounded the Empire outside of its Frontier. The most impressive example of a protective system of Walls within Walls is the Chinese Wall.

When you are Outside the protective boundary you to have take care of yourself. To do this you need a Portable Personal Boundary (an Armour).

Of course the best way to solve your problem is to find help, create a new distinction (The Outsiders) and organize your own territory.

You can even do this when you are part of the territory of the Others by creating an Imaginary Boundary, a Culture. If you keep quiet “they” will accept you until you become a Threat. At that time comes you are caught within the Walls. A Protective Wall can suddenly turn into an Offensive Wall when you want to get out.

A Boundary is named a Set in Mathematics and a Container in Linguistics. When we cut a Set in two pieces (Sub-sets), the Boundary is shared. The boundary belongs to both sub-sets and therefore shares the properties of both Sets. When you split a Whole (1) in two parts four parts are created: the distinction, two parts and the Whole.

The Tao produced One; One produced Two; Two produced Three; Three produced All things (Lao Tsu, Tao Te Ching, 42).

The Boundary is not a part of the parts but it is a part of the Whole. When you investigate a Boundary you are able to find out what both sides of the equation shared before they were cut in to pieces. When we investigate the Reason behind a Boundary we are able to understand what happened a long time ago. When you combine all the Imaginary Boundaries you are able to detect the history of the spitting of the Whole of the Whole.

Two Bodies don’t share a boundary. Even when the Bodies are in close contact there is something in-between, the Skin. When the two bodies are in love, they are trying to find the closest contact that is possible.

Solid entities are unable to share a boundary. The best they can do is to create a close contact. Solid entities are their boundary. Your Body is what You are. Fluids and Gasses adjust to their Boundary.  In a fluid and a gas we are still able to detect distinct entities (molecules).


In a fluid they are loosely connected. In a gas they are freely floating around. When you experience your Boundary as a solid, you are stuck. When you experience your Boundary as a Gas you have complete freedom to move.

It all depends on the Temperature of your Boundary. When you Interact with many People the Temperature will Rise. When you Isolate yourself the Temperature will Drop Down and your Boundary will turn into a Prison.

If we look at the history of the splitting process it looks like the wholes were splitted without any reason. It just happened. When we analyze the process a pattern emerges. This pattern is cyclic, leveled and self-referential. The process is almost invisible because every word (or name) we utter directs attention and carves out a portion of the world, a Boundary.

When we stop talking and erase the many imaginary named boundaries things become very clear. The world becomes just what it is.

When we use mathematics (no words, only symbols), things become much simpler (or more difficult for You).

Spencer Brown (About the Law of Forms) created a new Fundamental Mathematical Theory called Boundary Mathematics. In this theory he uses two concepts Empty Space, the Void, Non-Existence, and Boundaries or Distinctions. Boundaries are the result of a merger of boundaries or are created by splitting a higher level boundary.

When we split a boundary into two boundaries or merge two boundaries new forms are created. A splitted circle becomes two lines. A splitted Klein Bottle becomes two complementary Moebius Strips.

When we split the dimensions decrease. When we merge the dimensions increase. Merging and Splitting are fundamental forces of nature. When we split our possibilities decrease. When we merge our possibilities increase.


Two forms merge when they get into close contact (Communion, Love). A form splits when it is hit by another form (a Collision). When you cooperate the amount of opportunities will increase. When you compete the amount of opportunities will decrease.

When You create a Boundary there is always an Inside and an Outside. The Inside is the Indentity, You. The Outside are the Others. When we consider the Inside as the Protective Part, the Outside becomes its complement, a fearfull place. When we move Up and reflect we can see that there is no reason to fear the Outside. When we move Up we are always able to see the Whole. There is no need to create an Inside because of fear of the Outside.

A boundary is a closed surface. There are four basic closed surfaces, the Torus (a rotating circle), the Moebius Strip (a twisted circle), The Real Projective Plane (a merger of two Moebius Strips) and the Klein Bottle (a different merger of two Moebius Strips).

When you want to leave the rotating Cycle (Torus) of everyday Life and move into a higher dimension (more possibilities, more perspectives), you have to Twist Yourself and Merge with Yourself. You Twist when you Cross the Cycle of Life and Enter the Cycle of Death. You Merge with Yourself when you integrate the Inside and the Outside, the Up and the Down, the Male and the Female.

“If we then become children, would we thus enter the kingdom?” Jesus said unto them, “When ye make the two one, and when you make the inside like unto the outside and the outside like unto the inside, and that which is above like unto that which is below, and when ye make the male and the female one and the same, so that the male no longer be male nor the female female; and when ye fashion eyes in place of an eye, and a hand in place of a hand, and a foot in place of a foot, and a likeness in place of a likeness; then will ye enter into the kingdom.” (Gospel of Thomas, Logion 22).


In the beginning was the Void. If was full of Potential, Closed in itself, Totally Aware, Nameless, just a Boundary. The first split was the creation of the split. The Split immediately created its complement, The Merge because the Void is the Union of Complements. The next split created the Inside and the Outside.

The Void retreated in the Outside, the Darkness of Darkness, and gave the Inside, the Protected Boundary, permission to split again and again and again knowing that it would finally return to the Outside. The Splitting and Merging (Communion) of a Boundary and the movement of the Protected Inside (Agency) to the Dark Outside are all part of one movement, the final return to the Void.

The Tao that can be told

is not the eternal Tao

The name that can be named

is not the eternal Name.

The unnamable is the eternally real.

Naming is the origin

of all particular things.

Free from desire, you realize the mystery.

Caught in desire, you see only the manifestations.

Yet mystery and manifestations

arise from the same source.

This source is called darkness.

Darkness within darkness.

The gateway to all understanding.

First Line of the Tao Te Ching 


You are protected by a personal boundary, Your Personality. The personality behaves in the same way as other Boundaries. You, Your Consciousness, is able to Commune (Split and Merge), move to the Inside (You) and the Outside (the Other).

When you Protect the Inside with an Armour you will always be Alone. To communicate you have to create a Hole, A Gate. You often look through this tiny Hole into the Dark Outside World hoping someone is there to help You.

What You don’t realize is that The One is always waiting in the Darkness of the Darkness to open the Gate to the Void that contains the Infinite Potential, that is You.


Why an Event is not a Collision

Images of Splitted Boundaries

About The Law of Forms and Mysticism

About the Void

Monday, December 1st, 2008

Infinity is a very strange concept. It is a concept we, the Humans, are unable to imagine because our Reality is Finite. Infinity is created by a division by Zero. Multiplying Zero by Infinity could be Any Number (A/∞=0, 0*∞=A). Infinity-times-Zero is an unlimited resource, the Holy Grail.

The concept 0 is not (¬) “nothing”, the empty set (Ø). The number 0 is the result of subtracting a number by Itself (A-A=0). The number 0 is the symbol of, the Middle, Balance and the Absolute Truth (A=A, I AM what I AM).

Strangely enough the name “zero” given to the symbol of the concept “0″ comes from the Arabic صفر, şafira, “it was empty” and the Sanskrit śūnya “void” or “empty”. The 0 was empty, Ø, before it was created.

The symbol of the number Zero looks like an Egg. According to many creation myths the beginning of this world non-being, one point, Ø, expanded into an egg, 0 , that was splitted until infinity (-1, 0, +1).

When we use Topology we see that Infinity is “a state we will never reach” in a linear perspective. When we create a continuous mapping of the Circle to a Line extending from “negative infinity” to “positive infinity” the line of Infinity is the line that lies parallel to the original line. Negative and positive infinity close in one “impossible” point that can easily be reached by moving through the cycle but cannot be reached by a Line.

The tragic of the Circle is that we always come back at the same point:

We shall not cease from exploration

And the end of all our exploring

Will be to arrive where we started

And know it for the first time.

(T.S. Eliot).

To learn or to get new experiences we have to jump out of the cycle. In this case the circle becomes a spiral and we move from one level of circulating to a new level of circulating.

The big problem of the spiral is that we never will reach the end. We will never find what we are looking for. We keep on moving.

But somewhere on the circle and the spiral lies the “magical zero”, the connection to the void, the gate, the primal source, our final destiny.

The great path has no gates,

Yet thousands of roads enter it.

When one passes through this gateless gate,

He walks freely between heaven and hell


The empty set, Ø, is created by paradox, I AM AND I AM NOT.

To Jump out of the Cycle and the Spiral we have to find the gateless gate.

I am fluctuating between NO(0)-THING and The ONE (1)

I am a Wave.

I am the Void, Ø, AND I am the Egg of Creation (0).

I am a Paradoxal Paradox.

I move with the River to Join the Sea(∞).

Why God is a Topologist

Saturday, November 29th, 2008

god_geometry_bigSometimes I am getting very frustrated when I read spiritual books. I am getting frustrated because those books are a very complicated mixture of many other books that are also very complicated mixtures of other books.

The most complicated spiritual books are the books that use mathematical or physical theories to proof they are Right. The main reason is of course that mathematics and physics is complicated stuff to understand.

Mathematics contains the essence of Physics. You have to understand a little bit of mathematics to understand elementary Physics. The essence of Mathematics is Geometry. When you understand Geometry the rest of mathematics is just calculation (Algebra).

Geometry started as a very practical science concerned with navigation in space and the measurement of all kinds of forms. Soon the old scientists discovered interesting and unexplainable patterns. They discovered a hidden, sacred, structure behind reality and started to find ways to proof their intuiton was right.

It was not for nothing that Einstein believed God was a Geometer. Much earlier the Mystic School of Pythagoras tried to find the Sacred Geometry behind the Numbers to understand the Whole. At this moment Geometry has advanced a lot in relation to the old days of Pythagoras and even Einstein. Geometry is now called Topology, the Science of Spaces. In terms of Einstein, God was a Topologist.

To proof the theorems of Geometry the concept of congruency was used. Two figures are congruent if they have the same shape and size, but are in different positions or in more difficult language,  if they can be transformed by a combination of translation, rotation and reflection. When two figures are congruent they are “the same” and when things are “the same” you are able to prove theorems.

During the Renaissance to understand perspective drawing, two things are considered the same if they are both views of the same object. In the Renaissance the perspective, looking from a different angle, was added as a “the sameness”. Circles and ellipses became part of one class.

A “the sameness” has a lot to do with Identities and Wholes. When your view on “the sameness” changes you are able to identify a different whole. The new concept of the Perspective made is possible to “see” the Sun as a persistent object instead of an ever changing object.  

During the Renaissance the Sun became the Center of the Whole. The highly confusing worldview of the Middle Ages where something was the same when it really was the same object in reality slowly faded away. The external world became the world of the Eye, the microscope and the telescope.

Topology changed this view dramatically. In topology, any continuous change which can be continuously undone is allowed. So a circle is the same as a triangle or a square, because you just pull on parts of the circle to make corners and then straighten the sides, to change a circle into a square.

In the View of Topology the Sun is nothing but a small part of an ever expanding and contracting Universe. Topology transformed the external World of the Eye into the Internal World of Moving Water, Waves and the Emotions, the Felt Sense.  Topology is the Science that prepares the Way for the Water Bearer, Aquarius.

Topology is just like Geometry not only the science of space. It is also the science of transformation and transformation is also the essence of spirituality.

The major issue of Topology is the Contraction and Expansion of forms and again the essence of spiritual transformation is the Breath of God, the Holy Spirit. Topology has also a lot to do with Harmony or Symmetry and again Realizing Harmony is one of the major issues in Spirituality.

The interesting part of Topology is that you are able to do research on a huge scientific mathematical domain by exploring just one structure which is a representative of all the other structures.


The first object of interest are the Circle and The Line. It is not possible to transform a Circle into a Line without cutting the Cycle in one Point, Infinity.

In a circular, moving world, Infinity is non existent or every Point of the Circle corresponds with Infinity. 

This is an  interesting insight because  almost nobody doubts about the fact that the space we live is a Circular Rotating Space. In the World of the Circle  The very Small and the very Big are the Same.



According to the Physicists our Space is a much stranger Space than a Circular Space.

Our Universe is highly dimensional because the complicated symmetry of our Universe simply does not fit in a lower dimensional space.

The most symmetric object, strangely called the Monster, uses 196,884 dimensions.

We, the Humans, travel a small part of the Monster, because we are not able to see enough perspectives. A perspective is a dimension.

One of the most interesting subjects is Self-Reference. The most simple Self-Referential structure is a Circle.

Topology contains very special Self-Referencial Structures like the Moebius Ring and the Klein-Bottle. The Moebius Ring is a Space without an Outside. It is closed in Its Self. You always travel the same surface.

klein bottle

A Klein Bottle is even stranger. Its surface is Closed in Itself but it has no Inside and no Outside. It simply IS. 

A Moebius Ring exists in our 3-dimensional space.

A Klein Bottle needs 4-dimensional space. The Klein Bottle has a lot in common with a very old concept, the Ouroburos, the Snake who eats Himself. The Snake is a symbol for the Kundalini, the Force of Enlightment.

knotMore complicated topological structures are Knots and to give you a quick insight, the Universe is a Web that was never Woven, a beautiful Veil that is difficult to See when you are travelling a small part of it.

I know this small blog will not help to get an insight but I assure you that when you start to explore Topology You will encounter new Concepts (or Paradigms) that will surprise You.

Topology will  give You a still small but highly extended perspective on the Creation of the One that expanded in so many Harmonic structures.


The History of Topology

About our Limited Perspective and the Limits of Reasoning

About the Topology of Art, a Short Introduction to Bahktin

About Free Will, Time and the Monster

About the Moebius Ring and the Klein Bottle in Philosophy

About Self-Reference in Physics

About Knots in Philosophy

About the Klein Bottle