The Movie the Matrix states an ancient belief that we are living in a Dream World.
In the old Gnostic version the Matrix is created by the Demiurg, the Creator of our Material Universe.
In the new version the Dream World is created by a Computer Simulator.
At this moment Physicists and Mathematicians are exploring the Concept of the Matrix and are achieving remarkable results.
One of these scientists is Reginald Cahill. He has developed a challenging theory called Process Physics.
One of the most important experiments in Physics was the Michelson and Morley experiment in 1887. The aim of this experiment was to discover the speed of the Ether. At that time the physicists believed space (ether) was moving. The result of the experiment was spectacular.
Michelson and Morley found that the speed of Light was a constant (now called c) and the Ether (Space) was empty and static.
Cahill (and many others) analyzed the experiments and many other comparable experiments and detected a fatal error. The fatal error was a scientific “script”, the theory of Newton.
At that time Quantum Mechanics was not invented. Cahill found what they were looking for, the Absolute Motion of Space.
The result of the Michelson and Morley Experiment was used by Einstein in 1905 to create his Special Theory of Relativity.
This theory has been verified by many experiments so almost nobody started to question the theory of Einstein. Cahill proved that the absolute motion of space is not contradictory to the experiments that verified the theory of Einstein. Einstein was totally wrong!

Albert Einstein
Everything that is, is Space itself and Space is generating Space. This statement is a “self-reference” and can be formulated as an iterative function Space (i) = Function (Space (i-1)) + Randomness.
This Randomness is the result of Quantum Mechanics.
Every Self-Propelling Extension of Space has a Free Will to choose a “direction”. This “direction” can be organized as a causal system in which case Time appears. In general “space” is trying to create a Space-Time that is the most predictable to give the objects in Space-Time a change to survive and grow.
Cahill found the “Function” and suddenly many disjoint fields of physics were united. Like every other big “paradigm shift” the theory of Cahill is officially banned.
Attacking Einstein is “not-done” because when the foundation of Einstein falls the new (old) Physics falls apart
The paradigm shift of Cahill is not really a paradigm shift at all. It brings Physics back to a very ancient track that was abandoned a 100 years ago.
What is happening?

Quantum Foam
Space now called Quantum Foam is creating Space. In this process of continuous creation every possible form is created.
Space is Relational, a connector of forms, and the connectors have a lot in common with the cells in our body. The fabric of Space is self-referential which means that the creative pattern behind every form is basically the same.
Cahill shows that the creation of space, the creation of the Stars and the Planets, the creation of the body and the cells is based on the same iterative process.
This process can be seen as the calculation of a very fast quantum-computer that is creating itself. Cahill has discovered the software-design of the Matrix.
The interpretation of the output of the quantum-computer is done by a conscious mind but the conscious mind is also the output of the quantum computer.
The feedback-loops in the cell-like structures of self-propelling space can be seen as a giant mind (a neural network) that is split in many (in)dependent minds. One of these minds is the mind of the Human but cells, the body, the brain, earth, our galaxy and the universe are also mindful.
What we are able to see depends on what we are able to see. If we want to look through the lens of Special Relativity we are able to get a long way. At some point we get stuck.
Our interpretation system is desperately trying to fit our experiments with our theory. We measure what we want to see and we are able to get a long way. We develop instruments that contain our current theory and we prove the theory we want to prove.
Is there an end to our Interpretation System?

Quantum Foam made out of triangles
Our interpretation system fails if we don’t see a structure anymore. At that moment we think our interpretation system is seeing Chaos but Chaos is non-existent. Chaos is an interpretation of something we don’t understand.
The Limits of Chaos are just like Space extending every time we embrace a new form. Our Knowledge of our Reality expands just like the creator of forms, space, is expanding.
There is a Limit to our Understanding. This limit is the smallest self-referential pattern that is able to generate every form there is. Finding this pattern, the Essence, is the Quest of Mathematics.
One of the most briljant mathematicians, Stephen Wolfram, the founder of Mathematica, a software package to program mathematics has spend many years, playing with his own software, to find this pattern. He even created a complete new science, a New Kind of Science, to explore this issue.
The mathematician Chaitin has proved that we, the Humans, are unable to find this pattern, with the help of programming languages and computers. He proves that we are able to get a long way but at a certain moment Time is going to bother us. We will simply not be able to beat the speed of the creative wave of ever expanding Space.
Is there an end to the expansion of space?

Quantum Foam
In our current thinking space looks like a bubble and bubbles can be expanded into eternity. The new forms of space are different.
The interpretation of space is changing and space could be expanding until eternity in a closed system.
Space could be bounded by itself. It is not impossible that space could find another form to expand again and again.
If space is creative and mindful it could create every space that is possible but we the Humans have no idea what this could be because we are moving behind space itself.
If we could become space itself we could imagine everything we wanted.
How could we move out of the Matrix?

Quantum Foam
We are a part of the consciousness that contains the consciousness that..
If we merge the splits in our simulated consciousness and merge the splits between our consciousness and the conscioussness of the other simulated consciousnesses and ….we could move out of the Matrix.
What are we doing in the Simulator?

Quantum Foam
The ancient Gnostic Mystics believed that Our Universe was created by the Demiurg, the Great Architect. The Demiurg was a “high level’ Consciousness who was allowed by the Creator (The Light, The Void) to create a Universe that would speed up the awareness of many “splitted” consciousnesses, The Sparks of the Light.
The Earth Simulator is a Learning Device and every Soul is allowed to enter the Simulator to (re-)play a Game.
When the Soul enters the Matrix his memory of past lives, other games playd, is erased (the Veil). On Earth we are playing the Games we have chosen. When you are aware of the Game you are able to move out of the Simulator to move to another place to play different games of creation.
What are the possibilities when you leave the Simulator?

Quantum Foam
Create Your Own Universe. You don’t need to be a Game Designer to do this. The Simulator is already in place and Old Designs are never repeated in the Multi-Universe.
Reginald Cahill, About the Michelson and Morley Experiments
Constructur Theory of David Deutsch
A lot of documents about Process Physics
An explanation of his theory by Cahill
About the Limits of Interpretation
About Leibniz and the Limits of Interpretation
How to Merge Your Consciousness