Archive for the ‘Cycles’ Category

Why a Depression Takes Thirteen Years

Wednesday, November 26th, 2008

The start and the end of the current depression was predicted a very long time (1922) ago by Nikolai Kondratiev. The Kondratiev Cycle is an economic cycle which lasts between 50 to 60 years.

Kondratiev predicted that the current Depression will start in 2000 and end around 13 years later. Kondratiev used the Seasons to name the phases of his Cycle. We are now in the phase of the Kondratiev Winter.

Spring is marked by economic expansion. Savings are at fairly high levels, and interest rates are low. Stocks and real estate are the most successful investments. 

Summer is marked by high inflation, high interest rates and by volatility. Commodities, gold, and real estate do well during the summer. This is the time to sell your Phoenix house fast and make a nice profit.

Autumn is the happiest phase of the Cycle. This phase started about 1982 and ended around 2000. During Autumn paper financial investments like stocks and bonds always do best. It is characterized by speculative bubbles or manias in stocks, bonds, real estate, and collectibles. On the other hand, gold, silver, and commodities collapse. Unfortunately, the Autumn is also marked by a serious decrease in savings, and a dangerous and reckless increase in debt. The imbalances build up to the point where they cannot continue. That’s where we are now.

When Winter arrives the insane excesses of the Autumn are purged and cleansed. The ultimate result is a deflationary recession or depression. Debt is repudiated. There is usually a banking crisis. Bankruptcies and foreclosures increase, as does social discontent. During the Kondratiev Winter, gold and cash are the best investments.

It is very strange that almost nobody believes the Kondratiev Cycle is a tool to predict the Economy. If people would have believed the Cycle it would be very simple to move through the Depression. In the UP-state you have to save money to sustain the DOWN-state. When you don’t do this the DOWN-state will bring you in to big trouble. At this moment the World has used almost all his resources. We have saved almost nothing to move through the deep recession.

In 1931 the US Department of Commerce assigned Edward Dewey the task of discovering the cause and underlying dynamics of the Great Depression. The US Government created a special institute the Foundation for the Study of Economic Cycles. The US Government never took the research of the Institute for granted or used it for another purpose (Financial Warfare?).

The most interesting observation of Dewey is that Cycles restore themselves all the time and Cycles are influenced by other Cycles. They are entrained. We are not talking about a single isolated Economic cycle. The Universe is an Integrated Harmonic System. The Universe is a Wave that generates Waves that generates Waves. At this moment Physicists believe this is the case (String Theory, Plasma Theory).

To me it is unbelievable that Economists like Milton Friedman called the ongoing statistical research of Dewey and many related Cycle theorists “not scientific“. To me it is also unbelievable that almost nobody takes even a look at the enormous amount of data that is gathered. I believe ignoring the scientific facts of the Cycles is not only stupid but also a crime. It is a crime because by constantly ignoring and pushing the cycles the whole harmonic system (including your Body, the Weather, Society, Earth) gets out of balance.

The Cycle of Kondratiev is a “long-term” cycle but there are cycles with a much longer periodicity (The Precession). The “short-term” cycles of the Kondratiev Ride The Wave of the Very long term cycles. If a very long term cycle moves down the Kondratiev also moves down much deeper and much faster.

This is happening and we are totally not prepared to cope with the new phases of the “dominant” long term cycles. The Harmonic System is preparing to Jump to a new State of Balance. This State has been given many names like Time Wave Zero (Terrence McKenna) and Point Omega (Teilhard de Chardin).

In the old age the Scientists who studied the cycles were called Astrologers. They have gathered a lot of data about the Cycles. Just like Milton Friedman we think Astrology is not scientific but many people just ignore that we are now equipped with much better tools and theories to explain what is happening. The old Astrologers did a spectacular job without computers, telescopes and a highly developed mathematics.

If you read the Predictions of the Old Astrologers like The Maya and The Magi you have to understand that they wrote in the language and the metaphors of their time but their message is the same message McKenna and other Cycle-Theorist want to tell.


About the Kondratiev Wave

The Case for Cycles, R.Dewey

About the Cycle of the Climate

About the Cycle of History

About  the Cycle of the Seasons

About the Very Long Cycle Theory of Terrence McKenna

About the Transformation Phase of the Cycle

A Very Strange Way to Explain the Current Crisis

Thursday, September 25th, 2008

I wrote and thought a lot about Time and Time Travel. My investigations made it clear to me that Time Travel must be possible and is also happening. Most people are not aware of the Cyclic Patterns of Time.

They think Time is a Line extending into Infinity. The Cyclic Patterns are moving With the Clock and Counter the Clock. At this moment The Cycles are Reversing in Time. This explains the current Crisis.

The conclusion of my research in Time was that we are traveling through a Vibrating Static Structure, A Fluent Crystal, which contains a huge amount of possible paths. We have Free Choice to travel the many Paths but the Amount of Possible Choices is fixed.

When we are traveling and return at the same point we started our traveling, we have gone through a Cycle.

When you go to work in the morning and return at home in the evening and repeat this sequence day after day you are moving through a very simple cycle. When you Repeat the Same Mistakes all the Time you are moving through a Cycle. When you are Born and Die you are moving through a Cycle called Life.

Cycles can be very complex. They are sometimes so complex that you are not aware you are repeating the same pattern all the time. You are experiencing the Feeling of Freedom of Choice because you are not Observing Your Path.

When you are Capable of Observing Your Path the Cyclic Behavior Ends. You Watch the Cycle but you are not In the Cycle. You are freed from the Cycle when you don’t make a Choice at all. This is what the Chinese Masters call the Tao.

Cycles basically move in two directions. They move With the Clock and Counter the Clock. Our Clocks move With the Clock so we assume that Time is moving With the Clock. When we move Counter the Clock we are moving Back in Time.

Cycles With the Clock, are Positive, Generating, Cycles.

Cycles Counter the Clock , are Negative, Destructive, Cycles.

The direction of a rotation is called Spin.

If we combine two Cycles that are moving With AND Counter the Clock an interesting structure appears. This Structure is called the Moebius Ring and is often used to represent the Symbol of Infinity, the Lemniscate or Ourobouros (A Snake).

The Moebius Ring is a very interesting structure because it does not have an Above and an Under. When you are traveling the Boundary you are always traveling the Same Surface. The Moebius Ring is easily constructed by connecting the two ends of a strip of twisted paper.

To Change the Direction of a Cycle you have to introduce a Twist.

To Travel Time you to have to Twist Time.

The Twist is an interesting concept. One of the Questions you could ask is if You would experience a Twist when it happened. The answer is Yes and No. Yes, when the Twist is an Up or Down Peak (An Event). No, when the Twist is a smooth path.

The most interesting Peak Experience in Life is Death. At that time the Cycle of Life is closed and another Cycle with a different Spin starts. Many cultures believe the Cycle of Death is real. In Western Society many people believe the Cycle of Death is non existent. Scientists are spending a lot of time to prove that the moment of Death is the End of Everything.

History is moving through Cycles. At some point in time many people feel History is Repeating Itself. Most of the time people believe the Cycles are moving into a certain direction. They are moving UP and DOWN. When you look at the Economic Cycles the data show that the Economic Cycles are Moving UP.

In reality the UP Cycle behind the Economic Cycle is another Cycle that is in its UP-state. Behind this Cycle is another (Long-Term) Cycle and another Cycle and …but somewhere the Cycle of Cycles (A Spiral) is Closed in Itself (A Spiraling Spiral). Just like the Moebius Ring there is no Above and Under. We are (Time-)traveling a Boundary that is closed in itself.

I don’t think many people will disagree with the concept of Cycles in History. The Theory of Economic Cycles has proven itself without any Doubt.

I don’t think many people understand that Cycles are moving in two directions. They believe the Cycles are moving With the Clock. If you believe Cycles move With the Clock it is easy to see that the Seasons are a beautiful Metaphor to understand Cyclic Behavior.

But what will happen when the Cycles of History move Counter the Clock???

If we would move through time Counter the Clock History would repeat itself just like History is Repeating Itself when we move With the Clock but the Stages of the Cycle (The Seasons) would show themselves in a Different Order.

If the Cycle With the Clock is an UP Cycle, the Cycle Counter the Clock would be a Down Cycle.

If you read the references in this Blog you will see that Western Culture is (or was) moving Counter The Clock, a CYCLE of DESTRUCTION.

The Cycle of Destruction (Capitalism, Materialism) was seen as a positive Cycle by many People but now they are becoming Aware of Reality. Western Culture is destructing Nature. It is not only destructing Nature but it is also destructing Human Culture.

At a certain point in time the Cycle HAS TO REVERSE. This TWIST is a Peak Experience, a Major Crisis. I hope You now See what is really Happening. We are Reversing the Cycle and the new Cycle is a GENERATING CYCLE. We are really Moving UP into a new state of Consciousnesa. This new state is not the state people who love materialism and capitalism (and War and Destruction and Greed and Control and Desire and …) will like.


About The Twist in History

 About the Twist in Literature

About Cyclic Behavior in History

About Cyclic Behavior in History

Using the Seasons to Understand Cycles


What is Happening in the Financial System

Friday, September 19th, 2008

The current Foundation of the World Financial System, the US Economy based on the Dollar, is in a Fatal Crisis. The Solution to the Current Crisis, Bailing Out, will finally Speed Up the Crisis. The real problem is moved to the Near Future, to another Level of Society (MiddleClass, the Poor) and to another part of the World. In the End it will fireback on the US itself and deepen the Recession that is already taking place.

Money represents a Value of Something. For a very long time money was based on the value of Gold. This foundation failed. The failure of the Gold Based Money system created the Great Depression and finally the Second World War. At this moment the Financial System is without any Foundation.

To prevent a Third World War the Bretton Woods Agreement was created in 1947. The foundation of the International Money System was based on the Dollar. In 1971 the US broke up the Agreement because it was unable to stabilize the International System. At that time the US was spending too much money to fight the war in Vietnam. It became a Debtor and remained a Debtor until today.

From that Time on the International Money System is Floating but the Foundation, the Dollar, is still used. The Euro is an alternative but it is almost impossible to move to the Euro without destroying the US Economy and the World Economy. Europe, China and even Russia are Forced to help the Biggest Debtor in the World to avoid the destruction of their own Financial System. In the mean time the Biggest Debtor in the World keeps on Spending. It is even Increasing its Spending Behavior.

Many people believe that the reason behind the Financial Crisis is the Credit Crunch. They believe  poor mortgages are the cause of everything but there are mortgage lenders who help you buy your house without any hassle. Buying a  house during this financial crisis can be quite difficult, you can check us out here if your applying for a home loan.

The main reason are financial derivatives. Derivatives are very complicated ways to gamble with money. They are so complicated that almost nobody is able to calculate the value of these financial instruments. They are so complicated that almost nobody is able to keep the books. The controllers of the banks lost the control a very long time ago.

Derivatives are the playingfield of dealers and the dealers are able to confuse almost everybody when they want to play their game. The effect of playing dealers has shown itself in many cases like the falldown of Barings. The Derivatives have transformed The Banking Industry into a Casino.

The US Government and its Allies are trying to avoid a new Great Depression by bailing out or protecting every US Bank, Insurance Company and other Company (Farmers, Chrysler, Boeing, Ford, ..) that is unable to pay its debts. The US Government is moving the huge and uncertain debt from the Market to the Government hoping the Market will Restore itself. They believe the Market is going Up and Down. Someday they will be able to Sell the current Debt with a Profit back to the Market.

The strange thing is that other countries are helping the US to protect their vital companies from a certain disaster. The US, the Protector of the Free Market, is protecting its Own market and the only reason why others are helping the US is to avoid a certain disaster on the level of the World. Strangely enough they are disturbing their own market to avoid the destruction of the market of their biggest competitor.

In the background investors, Countries and Companies are slowly moving out of the US Economy. The are investing in Europa (Warren Buffett) or are creating their own financial market and currency (China, Russia, India).Nobody believes the US will recover but they have to prevent a total meltdown.

China is even taking over control of the US Economy. With their enormouss funds they will be alble to “blackmail” the US. They are already doing this. The Chinese are in contrary to the US fighting the war with the Wapens of their Opponent. They know how to win without fighting.

What many peopl don’t realize is that the long term Economic Cycle (The Kondratiev) is going Down for about 26 years. We have entered a State of Compression in 2000. The Expansion of the World Economy during the last 26 years has stopped. We are just in the beginning of the Phase of Compression.

During the phase of compression the Baby Boomers will stop working. They have invested a lot of money to buy a pension. During the compression their pensions will evaporate. During the phase of compression many people will get old and ill. The Social System will be without any money to help them. Many people will move into a very angry state when they realize what really has happened.

During the Downfall The Debts will increase tremendously. The move from the Market to the Government (and the Tax Payer) is a temporary solution. Someday the Debts have to be repayed and the only thing US Govenment can do is to accept the fact that the US and the strongly related Western Economy will enter a state of Recession.

The Economic Activity will go Down but Social Activities will Move Up. When you are losing money somebody (Your Friends, Your Family, Your Community) has to help you.

What many people also don’t realize is that the very long time cycles are supporting the DownFall of the Economic System. The very long time cycles and especially the Cycle of the Precession is Jumping to a new Level. It is jumping to a higher level of Consciousness.

The current instability of the World System is not only visible in the Financial System. It shows itself in every System of the World. It shows itself in the Psychological System, the Cultural System, The Religiouss System, the Political System, the Ecological System, the Weather System and the Planetary System.

These Systems are highly interconnected. A Disaster in one of the Systems has an impact on all of the other Systems. When the Financial System is fixed, a Political Conflict (Russia) starts and the Financial System is unbalanced. When the Political System is stabilized a huge Earthquake or a giant Tornado will move the total System into unbalance. This will go on and on until everybody realizes that we are living in a Highly Interconnected Reality.

The only thing we can do is to act on the Level of Earth and Face Reality. We have to realize that all the Isolated Systems are One and the only thing we can do is to find Balance on Every Level.

We could start to Find Balance on the Level of the Human.

We could start to Reduce the Power of the Ego, Desire, by reducing our Needs.

We could start to Reduce the Power of our Expectation, our Thinking, and start to Trust the Other.

We could start to Empower our Imagination, Spirit, and Imagine a Shared Future.

We could start to Empower our Soul, Empathy, and start to Take Care of Others.

We could start to use our Consciousness and become Aware of what is really Happening.

Many people believe the current crisis will be a Fatal Crisis, a (Financial) Apocalyps. I don’t believe this will be the case.

Imagine a world were you are not Working all the time. Imagine a Life without Stress.

Imagine a World where You don’t have to Play Political Games to Survive.

Imagine a world where You could enjoy Nature.

Imagine a World were You are able to Help without Being Payd.

Imagine a World were you are able to Create when You want to do this. Imagine a World without War and Violence. The only thing You have to do is Leave a Little Bit of Your Current Luxury behind.

If this happens the Downfall of the Bad Buck would be replaced by a tremendous Rise of Good Luck.


How the Great Depression was created

About Derivatives, Accountants, Greed and other terrible problems in the Banking Industry

About Total Madness

Monday, August 4th, 2008

I have never believed reason and the final implementation of reason, the Computer, would help mankind. Reason is a terrible trap. It compresses our reality to a single point in which we finally will vanish. 

The Reason We are Here is not reason but non-reason. We are here to fight reason until it finally disappears.

The weapon with which we have to fight reason is reason itself. If we understand the simple fractal pattern behind everything we are ready to experience the spectacular effects of the simple pattern.

When you look at my blog about the Limits of Reason you can see that the solution is easy to find.

The solution is to move to the level the computer and reason never can reach, the world beyond Point Ω of Chaitin into Total Madness. It is the place where the Creative Force creates unique patterns that nobody can explain. The only thing we can do is Experience them.

The step into the world beyond Ω is in essence a step into madness. We have to leave everything we know behind. We have to skip all our patterns.

There are many types of madness but the madness I am talking about is named schizophrenia or psychosis.

I have experienced Psychosis when I suddenly jumped into the Unknown two years ago. I did not know my state was named this way. I experienced the state and tried move out of it because it was killing me. It was killing me because I received too much information. My brain was unable to find a pattern and the effect was almost total madness.

Luckily I did not go to a psychiatrist and I also did not take any pills. I just started to use the Internet to find out what was happening to me. Finally I knew I was the “victim” of something the old scientists call “Kundalini Rising“. I was experiencing something the Old Scientists call Enlightment.

When you are moving into the state of Enlightment you know there is another world behind this world and you know this world is real. It exists but the majority of humans are not aware of this world.

When you have experienced this state you suddenly understand what other enlightened humans are trying to tell. You understand the Gnosis but you also understand certain Philosophers who are trying to grasp the Reality behind our Reality.

One of them is Gilles Deleuze. Deleuze worked together with the psychiatrist Félix Guattari. One of their “Inventions” is the Plane of Immanence.

A few citations:

Here, there are no longer any forms or developments of forms; nor are there subjects or the formation of subjects. There is no structure, any more than there is genesis.”

We will say of pure immanence that it is A LIFE, and nothing else” [...]

A life is the immanence of immanence, absolute immanence: it is complete power, complete bliss

There are only relations of movement and rest, speed and slowness between unformed elements, or at least between elements that are relatively unformed, molecules, and particles of all kinds. There are only haecceities, affects, subjectless individuations that constitute collective assemblages. [...] We call this plane, which knows only longitudes and latitudes, speeds and haecceities, the plane of consistency or composition (as opposed to a plan(e) of organization or development

Deleuze and Guattari are using very difficult language but what they are trying to grasp is the experience of Union that occurs when your kundalini is moving. Many other people that have experienced this state of pure love have tried to find all kinds of metaphors to explain something you cannot explain.

The first time in my life the state of Union took only 30 minutes because somebody was able to drag me out of it. I wanted to stay there for ever. The second state lasted more than a week and because I was alone nobody was able to help me. It was much stronger and it came with huge flashes of Insight.

What will come in the near future is total Madness. Many people are already moving inside to find a state to cope with the Madness. The Total Madness has many names. Terrence McKenna calls it Point Omega. Funny enough the state when we pass the Limits of Reason carries the same name.

What is the Reason We are Here

I think Leibniz was not far away from his statement that Our Universe is “the most simple in hypotheses and the most rich in phenomena“. There are just a few rules that determine the Game of Life. It does not take a long time to find these rules. We can spend our whole life to prove these simple rules are not there. In this case Reasoning detracts us from the real thing. 

If we want to move beyond Omega we have to stop Reasoning. At that time we are ready to Create and Experience the Unique Events of Life itself.


About the Deleuze and Events

About Deleuze and Leibnitz

About Deleuze and Ethics

About Deleuze and Creation

About 2012 and Point Omega

What willl happen at Point Omega


Why We Need a Recession to Move to a Social Society

Friday, June 27th, 2008

In the Netherlands there is a discussion going on about a possible shortage of working power. In the near future there will be an abundance of old people (the baby-boomers) and a shortage of young people. The strange thing is that there are really enough people available to do what is needed but they are not qualified to do the job.

Everybody has to work. Parents with young children need external help to take care of their children. To make this possible the government is giving parents a tax benefit. To get this benefit the parents have to use an accredited childcare institution. The tax benefit created a huge demand for accredited child care. The huge demand created a shortage in certified experts. The booming childcare business has created a budget problem.

When I was young life was simple. Mothers took care of the children. Fathers went to work. Mothers were not paid to take care of the children.

When you move childcare from the “for free” to the “paid” zone of society you have to determine what an expert needs to know and what she or he has to do. You are formalizing childcare. Most of the people that are out of work are unable to acquire a certificate to work in the child-care business. The norms are too high.

You also need buildings, transport, managers, warehouse management systems, laws, law-enforcers, advisors, quality management systems, controllers, bookkeepers and many others things to create an institution. We are generating a higher level of activity in society than before.

When childcare was not formalized everybody was qualified to raise children. When the norms are formulated it becomes very clear that the people who were doing the task (the parents) can be divided into two groups the not-educated people and the educated people.

This starts a discussion about childcare in general. The end of the discussion is a new institution that is taking care of parents that are unable to raise children and the parents themselves. Again we are generating a higher level of activity in society than before.

What is really happening is a formalization of society. Society is moving from a stage where people were helping each other to a stage where you have to be paid to get help. Every interpersonal activity is changed into a transaction. When interpersonal activities are changed into a transaction people lose the feeling of responsibilty for the whole.

Transactional relationships are aimed at the short term. When you pay a person directly you don’t have to pay back in the future. Transactions destroy long-term reciprocity.

When you are rich you are able to pay for every thing. When you are poor you are unable to do this unless you are helped by others or by government. Government has to create laws and the laws contain conditions. When Government is paying you, you have to do something in return.

When you are out of work you have to do the work government is telling you to do. To work you always have to leave your house and go to another place. When you have to work you are unable to take care of your children.

The real problem is that we are too active in the formalized area of society. We are doing things that could be done in a more natural way. Taking care of others is a natural tendency of the human being. To do this we simply need more time.

To generate work we have created an immense not productive workforce in society, called the social services sector. A social service is really not social at all. It is a formalization of social activities. Social activities are managed by the emotions.

Formalized Emotions are very different from the Emotional Emotions. A formalized relationship is managed by a contract, procedures and norms. A social relationship is for free and is based on friendship and reciprocity.

When I was young life was simple. Children took care of their parents when they were old. The children were not paid to take care of their parents. Now their children are unable to help their parents and their parents are unable to help their children. Both are too busy or unable to help. Some of them are even not allowed to help because they have to stay busy in the formalized part of society.

The people who are unable to get a qualification are constantly trained by government. Many of them are unable to get a “usefull certificate“. Because they have to “work” they are not allowed to take care of their children. The care for their children is taken over by professionals paid by government.

The experts are getting a salary that is much higher than the unemployed ever could get. Perhaps the government could pay parents to take care of their own children and pay children to help their own parents.

I hope you see we are creating a spiralling loop and the end of the line is an imaginary disaster. It is an imaginary disaster because the problem is easily solved by reducing the amount of activities in society until people are able to help other people without being paid.

I hope you now understand why we need a recession. We need a recession to move to a more social society.


About Vocation

About Calvinism

About Time Wave Zero

Monday, April 7th, 2008

The amount of Ideas (Novelty) is increasing exponential. This is predicted by Timewave Zero of Terrence McKenna. The model predicts a singularity at December 21, 2012. At that moment we will jump to a completely new level of Consciousness.

The most interesting prediction of McKenna is that in 2012 we will be able to Travel Space/Time. This will make it possible to move back in Time and travel the many Time Loops.

We will also be able to leave Earth and Travel to the Seven Parallel Universes that are until now veiled for most of the people on Earth. Only the Shaman (the Mystics) were able to do this until now. They knew how to move through the Void into Space/Time.

To do this they have to Cheat the Raven (or the Eagle or the Demiurg), the Creator of the Matrix that generates the current state of Linear Causal Time.

A new Phase of Time Wave Zero will start at 2010. At that time we will move into a very high state of acceleration.

Perhaps you think Time Wave Zero is barely nonsense but you have to admit innovation is speeding up in an incredible way.

When you are an employee you don’t know what is happening. Perhaps  you suppose that your boss or the management will take care of you. Suppose they are also completely in the Dark about the Future.

When you are completely in the Dark about the Future you are reacting on impuls to everything that is treatening your company. This is called “muddling through“.

The effect of “muddling through” is that many projects fail or are stopped before they are finished. To muddle you need a lot of money. When your company is in trouble the money is gone and the only impulse that is left is to fire people. This starts a downward spiral.

Imagine the next four years innovation will speed up with a speed nobody has seen in the history of the world. If this happens your company will move into a State of Chaos.

Not only your company will end in a State of Chaos you will also get stressed to a level that your body will get out of balance. You will get sick.

What can you do to survive the last four years of history?

To find balance you have to become an Observer. Watch the outside but don’t react on impulse. Reflect about what is happening. Use your analytic capabilities and face the facts.

Many people wan’t see a pattern.  When you don’t see a pattern you get overloaded.

Your intuition knows the pattern but is unable to explain the pattern. You feel something is going on but don’t know what it is but it is getting stronger. When you use your intuition you know how to react to a situation. It feels good or it feels bad.

Always follow the good feeling and have the guts to trust this feeling. It will lead you to to right path. When you are on the path, the path will take you.

You will be in the Tao. The path you will find will be the path of your heart and the path of your talent. Use your talent it will be needed because you are on this world to learn and to grow.

When you feel the Spirit you will receive the right ideas and you will meet the right people at the right time. They are your soul-brothers and soul-sisters. Respect them and value their talents. We will only survive the Singularity when we Cooperate.

Use all the resource that are available but don’t exceed the limits. Take time to enjoy your friends, your wife or husband and enjoy nature.

Nature is a place where you will find rest. Listen to and make music. Music will bring you in a state of Harmony.

When the time comes don’t be afraid to Jump To the Next level. The next phase will not be a disaster. It will be a phase were we will be able to Co-Create with the Spirit, the Creative Force of Life.


About Time Wave Zero

What Terrence McKenna did not See

About 2012

About Mayan Symbols

Sunday, April 6th, 2008

The roots of the Mayan civilization can be traced back thousands of years to the Olmecs, an earlier civilization that inhabited an area along the Gulf of Mexico. The Olmec date back to at least 4000 BC.

The Maya and the Olmecs achieved a spectacular understanding of astronomy and mathematics.

They used a very advanced calendar system that was able to predict the movements of the Sun, the Moon and the planets.

They were also aware of many other astronomical objects like star systems and the centre of the Galaxy. Time was viewed as an endless web of cycles within cycles, all connected by an infinite spiral, the Zuvuya (the Rope).

The Maya understood that everything comes from and returns to One Source. They recognized that each being is linked back to a larger frame of reference, Kuxan Suum, “the Road to the Sky Leading to the Umbilical Chord of the Universe“.

Their counting system is based on the number 5 and contains very advanced features to calculate with very large numbers. It also contains the number 0. The zero is represented by a picture of the centre of the Galaxy, the Cosmic Egg.

The Mayan word “ge” symbolizes the beginning, the source from which all life manifests. Ge represents the egg and the number zero. The spiral form of the G symbolizes the source of our existence, the Milky Way. The G stands for the “One Giver of Movement and Measure“.

Based on the letter G (or “ge”) words were constructed like ge-o (world), ge-ne (egg with tail), or ge-oba (cosmic egg). T (“te”) represents the tree of life, air, the wind and the breath of God (teol) and O(l) is the symbol of consciousness.

The Mayas also created a model of the body that is highly related to the chakras in India. It consist of “the seven powers of Quetzalcoatl“. The power that is used is called K’u (meaning Pyramid or Sun God).

K’u can be compared with Chi or K’i (China) and Prana (India). The place where the (K’u) enters the body is called K’u-L(vibration)-tan(place)-lil(vibration)-ni(nose) (kultanlilni).

If you compare the symbols of the Maya with other “old” symbols it is very obvious that they are based on the same “model”. It is the model of the cycle-in-the-cycle that is closed in itself (spiraling spirals).

Many scientists don’t understand how the Olmecs could gather the knowlegde they aquired. They can’t find the nessecary instruments.

In the “old science” the inside of the Human is a mirror of the outside. If you explore your consciousness you also explore the Galaxy. I know the scientists don’t want to accept this explanation. It is not based on facts and experiments.

Perhaps they could except the facts and the experiments of the Olmecs.


Secrets of Mayan Science /Religion by Hunbatz Men (1990)

What Terrence McKenna forgot to Look at: The Final Explanation of what is Happening in 2012?

Wednesday, March 26th, 2008

I have spent a lot of time this week to analyze Time Wave Zero of Terrence McKenna. I have developed my own cycle model. When somebody else has developed such a model I want to find out what the differences are. Suddenly I got a flash of insight and was able to map my model to Time Wave Zero. I will try to explain what I did.

timewavezeroThe cycle is really a (logaritmic) spiral that is closed in itself. It has to be closed in itself because otherwise the spiral would move into infinity. 

Infinity is a concept that has created many problems in mathematics.

The Dutch mathematician Brouwer created a mathematics without infinity and he proved to be right.

George Lakoff proved the same thing by showing that mathematics only works when you are able to visualize a concept. Humans need a metaphor to reason and the metaphor has be connected to their material existence in space.

When a pattern is logaritmic and closed in itself it is a self-referencial system and a self-referential system is a fractal.

The cycle I discovered emerged when I was studying Chinese Philosphy. To understand Chinese Philosophy I went back in history and discovered the Yellow River Map.

The Yellow River Map was created by the first Emperor of China and is in essence a magic square where the sum of all the numbers is 15. The magic square has a 5 in the middle. The first Emperor of China came from the land of MU. MU or Lemuria is an old civilization that existed before Atlantis. The science of MU was aimed at Creation, Harmony and Beauty.

Out of the Yellow River Map came the I Tjing and the I Tjing was the basis of Time Wave Zero.

What Terrence McKenna did not see is that the cycle moves through five stages. The Chinese called them Wood, Earth, Fire, Water and Metal. In other systems different names where used. The most simple model that is you can use to understand the Cycle is the model of the Seasons.

The names of the phases are really not important they are principles or metaphors. Fire is the principle of Expansion and Wind (or Air or Wood) is the principle of Compression. I named the principles Plan, Performance, Protection, Potential and Possibility.

It is very difficult to imagine or understand the principle of self-reference. Self-reference means that a pattern is repeating on every level. When Self-reference is closed in itself the principle is also repeating itself.

The last thing you have to understand is the principle of resonance. Cycles can be seen as Waves and Waves interfere. Long Cycles interfere with Short Cycles. Short term cycles are “riding the waves of” a long term cycle. When Waves are seen as Music the Cycles produces Overtones. When many cycles are in the same stage they are creating a conjunction and the principle of the Wave is amplified.

In essence the Waves are related to Music.

What is Happening?

We are in the Compressing Phase of the Cycle of Time (Male). The Compressing Phase means that Time is Speading Up and we are reaching the Zero Point.

In every step of the compression we see the same fractal appearing and the fractal moves through the five stage but in an excellarating speed.

When we have reached the Zero Point the Wave will Move Back in Time. We will see the same stages appear but the Cycle will be reversed. It will move through the same stages but in a different order.

Until today the Cycle is moving according to what the Chinese call the Destructing Cycle. When we move back in time we will be controlled by the Generating Cycle. This is the Cycle of Creation.

2012 will be the big turning point in many cycles. It will be a major conjunction and in this conjunction one aspect of all the cycles (Essence, The Centre, Harmony, Beauty) will be extremely amplified. We are reaching a moment of Pure Beauty and Extreme Harmony.

After that the Cycle will move back. It will be in the expanding mode (Female).

But before we reach this point Zero we will experience all the stages in an excellerating mode.

We will Expand, Compress, Find Balance, Move Up and Move Down until we have reached the Top the final point of Total Compression of Every Thing, The Alpha and the Omega.

It will be a very “Bumpy Ride” and many people will experience the compression as a Major Crisis. Many (Male) Believe-Systems will fale. At the end we will be without any model to explain what will happen. The Male-principle of Total Control will fail. Science will be without any answer.

The Emotions, the Unconsciousness,  and the Imagination (Spirit) already know what is going to happen. We will be ONE for a short infinite moment of time.