Posts Tagged ‘chi. prana’

About Mayan Symbols

Sunday, April 6th, 2008

The roots of the Mayan civilization can be traced back thousands of years to the Olmecs, an earlier civilization that inhabited an area along the Gulf of Mexico. The Olmec date back to at least 4000 BC.

The Maya and the Olmecs achieved a spectacular understanding of astronomy and mathematics.

They used a very advanced calendar system that was able to predict the movements of the Sun, the Moon and the planets.

They were also aware of many other astronomical objects like star systems and the centre of the Galaxy. Time was viewed as an endless web of cycles within cycles, all connected by an infinite spiral, the Zuvuya (the Rope).

The Maya understood that everything comes from and returns to One Source. They recognized that each being is linked back to a larger frame of reference, Kuxan Suum, “the Road to the Sky Leading to the Umbilical Chord of the Universe“.

Their counting system is based on the number 5 and contains very advanced features to calculate with very large numbers. It also contains the number 0. The zero is represented by a picture of the centre of the Galaxy, the Cosmic Egg.

The Mayan word “ge” symbolizes the beginning, the source from which all life manifests. Ge represents the egg and the number zero. The spiral form of the G symbolizes the source of our existence, the Milky Way. The G stands for the “One Giver of Movement and Measure“.

Based on the letter G (or “ge”) words were constructed like ge-o (world), ge-ne (egg with tail), or ge-oba (cosmic egg). T (“te”) represents the tree of life, air, the wind and the breath of God (teol) and O(l) is the symbol of consciousness.

The Mayas also created a model of the body that is highly related to the chakras in India. It consist of “the seven powers of Quetzalcoatl“. The power that is used is called K’u (meaning Pyramid or Sun God).

K’u can be compared with Chi or K’i (China) and Prana (India). The place where the (K’u) enters the body is called K’u-L(vibration)-tan(place)-lil(vibration)-ni(nose) (kultanlilni).

If you compare the symbols of the Maya with other “old” symbols it is very obvious that they are based on the same “model”. It is the model of the cycle-in-the-cycle that is closed in itself (spiraling spirals).

Many scientists don’t understand how the Olmecs could gather the knowlegde they aquired. They can’t find the nessecary instruments.

In the “old science” the inside of the Human is a mirror of the outside. If you explore your consciousness you also explore the Galaxy. I know the scientists don’t want to accept this explanation. It is not based on facts and experiments.

Perhaps they could except the facts and the experiments of the Olmecs.


Secrets of Mayan Science /Religion by Hunbatz Men (1990)