Posts Tagged ‘God’

Jane Roberts and Wolfgang Pauli Explain the Bridge between Psychology and Quantum Mechanics

Friday, October 26th, 2007

sethThe books of Jane Roberts (1929-1984) had a deep impact on my “Scientific” insight about the Universe. The books of Seth are still valid and many things that were explained by Seth are now proven to be true.

Jane Roberts was a writer and a channel. In this state she was taken over by an entity called Seth.

I became interested in Seth and Jane when I was a student (Mathematics, Chemistry, Physics, Psychology, Philosophy).

Seth dictated many theories of physics that were at that time (1980) rather unknown. Jane was totally not educated in my field of Science. I wondered how this was possible.

Seth explained that there are four universes where we live in and these four universes are part of a multitude of other universes.

What Seth explained was the so called many-worlds-hypothesis.

It was formulated to explain Quantum Mechanics (The so called Oxford Explanation). Bohr and Heisenberg formulated another explanation (The Copenhagen Explanation).

The four worlds are: the Physical universe, a Dream universe, the Electrical and an Anti-Matter universe (Our Twin Universe). The last one was not explained by Seth. The Twin Universe was outside his Frame of Reference.

Our physical universe is created by the power of our mental projections. When people share the same projections they are able “to Move Mountains”.

You usually think, for example, that your feelings about a given event are primarily reactions to the event itself. It seldom occurs to you that the feelings themselves might be primary, and that the particular event was somehow a response to your emotions, rather than the other way around. The all-important matter of your focus is largely responsible for your interpretation of any events”.

This is an important insight. It is a very powerful tool for change. When a collective projects Peace on Earth or The Restoration of Nature it will happen. The Mass Media could help by projecting “positive thoughts”. At this moment they accomplish the opposite.

Seth also gives an explanation of Time/Space (The Chronotope). Past and Future coexist with the Present. They are created in the Now. This is currently the most interesting theory explaining strange effects (the Bell Tests) in Quantum Physics.

inner selfAll our “Representations (“bodies”)” in Time/Space (the “many worlds“) are in direct contact with something called the Inner Self. The Inner Self is the Observer and it gives “feed-back” to all the representations.

In every representation the Inner Self comes through as Intuition or the “Inner Voice”. It helps its “occurrences” to find Balance or Harmony. Most of the time people are not able to listen. When this happens they move away from their Path (Tao).

The Inner Self also influences our exterior. It gives us Signs. Most people in the West don’t understand or see the Signs.

If they see a Dove in a place where there are no doves (a strange coincedence) they don’t understand that The Higher Self is advising them to follow their Heart and stop Thinking (The Dove is the Symbol of Sufism and Gnostics).

Later in this Blog I want to tell you about Wolfgang Pauli. He was a very intelligent Scientist involved in the creation of Quantum Mechanics. He was gifted with a strange talent called the Pauli Effect.

Everywhere he came “Psycho-Kinetic Effects” started to happen. These effects could not be explained by Science. They were always connected to something Pauli was Trying to Find Out. The Signs contained a Deeper Symbolic Meaning.

Seth explained that to use Jane Roberts he had to shift to another “frequency” in the Universe. His Time/Space was on another “Plane of Vibration“.

To get into contact with Jane he had to create a “Resonance-Pattern (a channel)” with the “Standing-Wave” of Jane Roberts.

When this channel was accomplished he was able to link his Symbols to the Symbols of Jane. Jane was not chosen by accident. Her “State of Mind” was able to resonate with the State of Seth.

When you want to channel your “State” is crucial to the connections you are making in this “strange” Universe. When you’re “wave-length” is “low” you attract “lower” entities of other planes of vibration. They will tell different stories because they are not aware of the “higher” planes.

The same applies to your contacts on Earth. You attract people of the “Same Wavelength“. When you’re wavelength is low this does not mean that You are a Bad Person. It means that something is connected to you that is influencing you’re wavelength.

magicianAlthough this sounds strange people are able to give “their problems” to others. This is a big problem when you are Empathic (from the Heart). I am Empathic and it took me a very long time to understand why I was carrying “Strange Moods” when there was no reason for it.

When you are an Emphat you are able to understand people with ease but when you “move into the other” without any protection the chances are high that you take something over. The Others love you for this. They feel refreshed and happy and You are suddenly in their state.

When we translate channeling in “Getting an In-Spiration” we can see that channeling is not new. It happened in every time in the History of Humanity. An inspiration is received when you are able to Articulate your Intuition. A very important condition is Tension.

When you are looking for an answer and time is running out You suddenly know! Artists use this (called dead-lining) to make sure their expression is the best they can do. They have to wait for the Magic Moment and when this moment appears they are taking over by the Creative Force.

In earlier times these people were called Magicians, Prophets, Druids, See-ers, Artists, Bards and Poets. In our time the distinction is much more difficult to make.

In every place in Society there are people who are equipped with a strong Intuition and/or Empathy. A nice test to find out “What you Really Are” is the Myers Briggs Test.

Many very important discoveries in science appeared when people got into a highly intuitive state induced by Tension. A famous example is the “discovery” of the Benzene Ring by Kekulé.

A very interesting case is Wolfgang Pauli.

ezekielJung (1875-1961) and Pauli (1900-1958) met in 1930 when Pauli asked Jung to help him with his Emotional and Psychological Tensions. Jung reviewed thirteen hundred of Pauli’s dreams and studied a selection from the first four hundred of these. Pauli was a brilliant scientist, highly involved in the creation of Quantum Mechanics.

Jung was never able to understand everything Pauli discovered. He was not a mathematician. What nobody understood at that time was that Pauli was creating the Bridge between Physics and Psychology.

He found this bridge when he started to study Alchemy. He found out that the so called Lumen Naturae (Paracelcus), the Light of Nature, or “Spirit in Matter” was “The manifestation of something deeper, an Unus Mundus that is also the domain of Symmetry“.

He believed that this Light was the Source where “Mind and Matter, Religion and Science originate“.

At this moment Symmetry is the most important issue in Physics. It is needed to solve the “Multi Dimensional String“-equation (The Beta Function) that is played by the Cosmic Violin Player in Super String Theory.

What Pauli discovered was that there are two worlds. The Masculin World of Order (The Circle) and the Female World of Chaos (The Square). When the two worlds connect Synchronicity takes place.

The Masculin World is controlled by Rhythms, Patterns and Clocks. Many people think this is a Power who is Controlling Human Destiny called God.

In reality it a Power that is Able to Create. It is able to create when We, the Humans, use it. It is the Power Seth talks about when he explains the Power of our Mental Projections.

worldclockOne of the most important dreams of Pauli is the dream of the World Clock: “There is a vertical and a horizontal circle, having a common centre. …

The vertical circle is a blue disc with a white border divided into 4 X 8 — 32 partitions. A pointer rotates upon it.

The horizontal circle consists of four colours. On it stand four little men with pendulums, and round it is laid the ring that was once dark and is now golden (formerly carried by four children).

The world clock has three rhythms or pulses:

1) The small pulse: the pointer on the blue vertical disc advances by 1/32.

2) The middle pulse: one complete rotation of the pointer. At the same time the horizontal circle advances by 1/32.

3) The great pulse: 32 middle pulses are equal to one complete rotation of the golden ring. …It is supported by the black bird“.

It is very clear that Pauli saw a “modern” version of the Vision of Ezekiel.

rosarium03The Female World (the Moon) is the World of the Game played on the Square. It is the World where The Human is a co-creator with a Power that shows Herself as a Trickster. The Male World of the Sun is the world of Control and Order. The Male World defines the Rules that are Played when the Game is created.

She is Playing Games to show the Human that he has aquired Free Choice (not Free Will) and HAS TO USE IT. “God” will never interfere with our Free Choice because Our Free Choice is God. God is the creator of the many paths that are there to explore.

When both World (Male and Female) are in Harmony, the Human Co-Creates with The Creative Force (The Dove, The Holy Spirit) of God and moves unto the Path that is created for him to explore. This Path is there to learn the lessons that his Soul has chosen to learn in the Learning Simulator called Earth.

The Past and the Future are already there and the Now is the starting point to move back and forwards in Time and Up and Down in the Six Multi-Universes that are connected to our Seventh Universe, the Universe of the Heart.

The idea that Future and Past are interacting in the Now is called Wheeler-Feynman Absorber Theory. It predicts that the Future influences the Now.

Jung asked Marie-Louise Von Franz (Number and Time) to research the domains of Pauli he was unable to understand.

When I searched the Internet to find more about Pauli  and Von Franz when I found the website of Remo Roth.

HeartChakraRemo Roth and Marie Louise von Frantz worked together to explore Pauli’s heritage.

It is now 33 years ago that I began to dream and have visions about the Seal of Solomon. In one of the first visions dating from July 1973 I saw two open graves. One of them had a tomb stone with a Christian Cross on its top, the other one a stone with the Seal of Solomon, the Heart Chakra, chiselled into its surface”.

“Further, already in 1974 I read in Marie-Louise von Franz’ book Number and Time about a dream/vision/audition of “a modern physicist” that dealt with the Seal of Solomon and the square – exactly the symbolism also my vision talked about.

Of course I was completely fascinated by this vision and asked Marie-Louise von Franz about the dreamer. She allowed me then to publish his name; it was Wolfgang Pauli“.

In April 24, 1948 the foundation of the C.G. Jung institute took place. When Pauli entered the room, a so-called Pauli effect occurred. Without any outer cause a Chinese vase fell onto the floor and the water poured out, resulting in a flood. Symbolically seen, we can say that this psychokinetic event was a Chinese water flood“.

Pauli had begun to deal with the hermetic alchemist Robert Fludd, who wrote his name in Latin as Robertus de Fluctibus. Therefore, we can conclude that these two events belong to a Synchronicity, the psychic (inner) event of it consisting in the tension in Pauli concerning the dispute between Johannes Kepler and Robert Fludd, the physical (outer) event in this strange psychokinetic anomaly, the Pauli effect of the overturned vase, resulting in a flood“.

robert fluddSymbolically seen we can say that the meaning of this flood is as follows: An archetypal conception which has a lot to do with “Watery” and “Being Liquid”, which was still living in Fludd’s hermetic alchemy, but repressed after Johannes Kepler, wishes to be integrated in the new Zeitgeist of the 21st century (The Age of Aquirius, the Water Bearer)” .

In Robert Fludd’s hermetic alchemy the world soul, the anima mundi, was still the vinculum amoris (ligament of love) of matter and spirit. Thus, we can conclude that a meaning of Pauli’s synchronicity is the challenge of going back behind Kepler to Robert Fludd with the goal of finding a new synthesis of the Divine Male Principle with the Female“.

By means of a symmetrical symbol, the Seal of Solomon, which pursued him in so many dreams and visions, Pauli is now able to define the dark female part, matter, as a mirrored image of the spiritual layer, and vice versa. This material trinity unifies with the spiritual one, leading by this into a new sphere, the psyche which he calls here the “realm of the middle” (i.e., China)”.

What Roth is trying to show is that we are at a “Point of Transition“. We have to stop Male Dominance (Order) but we also have to stop Female Dominance (Chaos, The Trickster, Playing Games). What we have to accomplish is a New Synthesis of the Divine Male and the Divine Female principle (The Holy Wedding). We have to start to act with Spirit and our Soul again. We have to use the Creative Power that comes out of our Heart.

The “Realm of the Middle” has a lot to do with China. The Culture of China was aimed at Harmony. The Seal of Salomon “symbolizes a potential world that contains a new creation”. This New World is the world of Aquirius. When we want to find its foundation we have to Move back in History and Start all over Again. We have to become aware that We Are The Creators and we have to Take the Responsibilty for our Creations.

Raimundus_Lullus_alchemic_pageWe have to move back to the time of Alchemists (Fludd, Paracelsus), the Essenes or when you believe this, even to Le-MU-ria to find the “Old Tools of Creation” (The first Emperors of China came from the Land of MU).

As a psychotherapist and healer I have the possibility to penetrate into the deepest depths of the collective soul. Therefore I can testify that this renewed God-image, the Seal of Solomon, is constellated in many humans of today”. “These observations showed me that all these people were or are already being transformed into a modern mystic, even when they did not know this consciously” (Are You aware of this?).

As the well-known Jewish myth researcher Gershom Sholem stresses, the Seal of Solomon or Star of David is not of a specific Jewish origin. This symbol occurs therefore throughout the whole world, in many different cultures, so for example as a symbol of the heart Chakra anahata in the Buddhist and Hindu Tantrism or in the heart of the Sufis of Islam mysticism

This is a citation of Seth: “What we need is a whole new myth of man and his beginnings, one that leapfrogs local gods and places God inside his creatures, within creation. We need a god as blessed or flawed as its creations, a whole new cosmology giving birth to a God that is male and female, Jew, Arab, American, Chinese, Indian; that is within each individual alike; that is not parochial and not man’s alone; a god that is within stones and stars; a god-goddess big enough to be personified as a Buddha, Christ, Isis, Athena, Muhammed-animal god, insect god, tree god; each seen as a local symbol standing for an unexplainable reality that is too super-real to fit our definitions. We need a new myth, imaginative and creative enough to leap above our puny facts


About Robert Fludd & the Magic of the Memory Palace

An Article about the Relationship between Pauli and Jung

An Article about Pauli’s World Clock

The Website about Pauli of Remo Roth

About Gnostics

About Alchemy 

About Alchemy and Logic

About Egyptian Alchemy

About Heliopolis

About Old Fashioned Thinking

About Al-Khemia

What US Time Travellers are Telling about their Future: The Results of the Experiments of Helen Wambach

Monday, October 22nd, 2007

A few years ago a friend advised me to visit a well-known hypnotherapist.

Hypnotherapists know that Future and Past are “known” in the Now. They explore the past because they believe the Now is influenced by the Causal Chain of Time. They believe in Karma. They believe we are in this life to solve something we did “wrong” in an earlier life.

Personally I don’t believe this is the case. I believe our Universe is an immense learning machine that already contains all the possible paths we can travel. This explains why people are able to Travel Time.

It took a very long time before the therapist brought me in the State of Hypnosis. When I was in the state I experienced something I had never ever experienced before. I went back in History and visited former Life’s.

A week later I went on holiday and the effect of his treatment was prolonged. While driving our car I went into trance-states. The holiday became a magical journey. I found out that my wife and I had been connected in history many times in many relationships and that a special theme (loosing our child) was coming back all the time.

In the next meeting with the therapist the effect of the treatment was even more spectacular. Within a few minutes I traveled through space with an enormous speed. I flew into the Eye Of God and experienced Intense Love. I did not want to leave this state. The therapist had to “drag me out of it”.

The Union with God returned many times until I moved into a very special experience. I died and came back alive and went into a trance-state for more than a week in which I was told many things about the Future and the Structure of the Universe. After this experience (a Rising of my Kundalini) my Life changed in many ways. I came into a very special state of Coincedences which I now call My Magical Mystery Tour.

Helen Wambach, started a big research project in the late 1990′s. She defined a protocol and brought many people in a state of hypnosis. In this state she asked them to move into the Future. The results were remarkable. There was a huge consistency in the stories people were telling. They were talking from many perspectives about a shared future.

When she asked people to jump to the near future many of them were unable to do that. They were “incarnated” in a future far ahead (>2100). Only a few could talk about the near future and they experienced terrible conditions related to a major disaster (eartquakes, floods). Experiments done by other researchers showed a comparable pattern.

In 1989 Chet Snow wrote a book about her research called Mass Dreams of the Future, Mc Graw Hill & Co.

This is the general pattern:

1. In the coming years enormous disasters (Earthquakes, Floods, Financial Collapse of the US) will take place. Japan and the US West Coast will disappear. Society will collapse and many people will die. The US will move into a State of Martial Law.

2. After many years most of humanity will live in just four environment types: First: sylvan, ecologically-sound creative and spiritual communities widely scattered in temperate zones; Second: hi-tech cities dependent on domes and other artificial protections against a harsh exterior environment; Third: isolated, rustic settlements of people who have forsaken technological solutions to Earth’s problems, returning to a simpler, less-complex life-style; and Fourth: space-farers who inhabit artificial space stations above the Earth, or build protected colonies on nearby planets like Mars.

3. A period after 2300 AD, known as the “Outward Wave,” when humanity will no longer be bound either by this solar system or by present-day concepts of 3-D reality.

A comparable book is the The Third Reich of Dreams by Charlotte Beradt. The book contains dreams of normal people in Germany that predicted every aspect of the Nazi Regime in every detail. At the end of her book Beradt says that these dreams contain a warning, “the warning that totalitarian tendencies must be recognized before they become overt – before the guise is dropped … before people no longer may speak the word “I” and must guard their tongue so that not even they understand what they say, and before we begin to actually live the “Life Without Walls

The dream states of Helen Wambach’s are taken from normal US Citizens. Just like the dreams of the Third Reich they contain a warning. The warning for a massive decline in the American population caused by a succession of natural and also political disasters. Many of the prophecies are very detailed and already came out. The major disaster seems to be postponed. Let us hope for ever.

This could be related to the fact that the future is not determinated but is related to the collective psyche. It is proved that when many people imagine something it will happen. Perhaps the “knowledge” of the disaster prevented the disaster.

The US Army is spending a lot of money to build a Time Machine and Tele-Portation. They also use (or used) people (Remote Viewers) to travel time (History and Future) to detect unwanted intruders and also act according to these threats. Perhaps they “prevented” the disaster.

In august 2004 the American Army released a report about the possible use of Teleportation and Time Travel. It contains a very special chapter dedicated to the work of Leshan.

An unusual teleportation concept has been proposed by Leshan (1999, 2002), which describes the teleportation of objects throughout our universe by using the geometrical properties of space-time. The proposal posits that there is a “zero-space” that exists outside the boundary of our universe, whereby this zero-space is a “point form” space, where the distance between any two points is always equal to zero. Leshan also calls this space a “hole.”

Further requirements and assumptions of the model are:

  • time does not exist as a property in zero-space
  • the cosmological principle (i.e., there are no privileged frames relative to another place or point in the universe) requires that the boundary or border of the universe must pass through every point of space
  • virtual holes (or zero-space) in space-time must exist at every point of the universe, which are also called “vacuum holes”
  • vacuum holes exist as virtual particles

What Leshan is explaining is that there is place outside the Boundary of our Universe that is the Primal Void, the Emptiness before any thing was created. This Primal Void permeates our Universe at every place and shows itself as Tiny Holes. The Holes are everywhere. We can travel through these Holes to any point in Time and Space.

The Hole in Time/Space was well known in history. It was called a Bindu in the Ancient Science of India and the Sekhem in Ancient Egypt.

At this moment Scientist are developing very powerful instruments to jump through the Wormhole. They think they need a lot of energy to do this.

To Travel through you don’t need a lot of energy. To travel Time and Space through the Spiritual Hole you need to develop a very special “attitude”. According to Dzogchen teachings, the energy of an individual is essentially totally formless. However the individual’s mindstream gives rise to two kinds of forms:

  • forms that the individual experiences as his or her body, voice and mind and
  • forms that the individual experiences as an external environment

What appears as a world of apparently external phenomena, is the energy of the individual him or herself. There is nothing external or separate from the individual. Everything that manifests in the individual’s field of experience is a continuum.

When an advanced practitioner successfully completes practices he realizes the Body Of Light or the Rainbow Body. The final goal is to Dissolve in the Void (The Zero Point of Leshan). With the Body Of Light he can travel Time and Space.

The Body Of Light is a spiritual term for the non-physical body, the Body of the Soul.  It is known by many names in different spiritual traditions, such as “the resurrection body” and “the glorified body” in Christianity. “The most sacred body” (wujud al-aqdas) and “supracelestial body” (jism asli haqiqi) in Sufism. “the diamond body” in Taoism. “The body of bliss” in Kriya Yoga and “the immortal body” (soma athanaton) in Hermeticism.

The most important practice is a to learn a special form of Lucid Dreaming, Being Aware in the Dream State. If this happens the Power of the Kundalini Energy Jumps (like what happened to me) and opens up the Light Body. If this happens many “para-normal” abilities show them selves and the person is connected to the Flow of the Tao.

The result of the activity of a hypnotherapist looks a lot like Lucid Dreaming.

Perhaps the people of EllenWambach really traveled time and visited a Highly Possible Future.

I think it is a good advice to pay some attention to the results of Mass Dreams of the Future.

What the theories of Physics also learn is that The Now Influences History And The Future.

Perhaps we can change some things we don’t like together. Let us start a Dialogue about What we Really Want.

About The Rose

Sunday, October 21st, 2007

What is defensive driving and how it helps fleet managers

Defensive driving is the key mindset that will keep your fleet safe, vehicles in order and drivers in check. And it will save you and all fleet drivers the embarrassment of a typical dressing down by the interstate and highway police.

Being a mindset, defensive driving incorporates a set of driving behaviors that enables drivers achieve a daily routine that is as uneventful as possible. And that is preponderantly important in the life of a fleet manager.


What is defensive driving?

Defensive driving is a mindset that enables a motorist to identify and anticipate driving hazards. That said, it requires certain driving skills that enable the motorist to control their speed, expect the unexpected and always remain alert. It also requires respecting all drivers, as well as weather and road conditions, leveraging adjustability.

According to Wikipedia, there is a standardized way to look at it. To that end, the “Safe Practices for Motor Vehicle Operations” standard, defines it as a set of defensive driving skills, where you —the driver — are aiming to “save lives, time, and money, in spite of the conditions around you and the actions of others”.

The basic principles of defensive driving

In 1937, Mark Everard Pepys introduced the roadcraft system of car or motorcycle control. Interestingly, it’s purpose was to educate motorists on how to operate their vehicles safely. A lot has changed since this first attempt at safe driving; all for the better. Especially since the number of vehicles increased from a few thousand in the 1900s to around 1.32 billion in 2016. Without a doubt, driving safely is all the more important in 2020. To that end, certain principles were developed, to describe and support the efforts in fostering defensive driving. Get the most professional assistance from the best ny defensive driving course.

  • Always respecting the minimum and maximum speed limits
  • Being alert and distraction free at all times, so that if faced with a difficult situation you can anticipate an odd predicament and avoid the danger
  • Being respectful and pay attention to other drivers
  • Maintaining a safe distance from the preceding vehicle
  • Looking ahead, expecting the unexpected, as other motorists might not behave as you ordinarily would. This includes both motorists and pedestrians.
  • Always keeping weather and road conditions in mind, adjusting driving behavior accordingly
  • Adjusting speed before entering a bend, avoiding the need to hit the brakes in the middle of a bend.
  • Observing all driving regulations

Defensive driving: Pros and Cons

The obvious advantage of defensive driving is, of course, road safety. Today, modern fleets tend to incorporate defensive driving programs as one of the core aspects of their business. Not only is it beneficial on the road, but it brings a few business advantages, as well.


  • It’s easy to learn and adopt
  • It’s a very good way to prevent accidents
  • Leverages fuel economy and savings
  • Keeps maintenance costs as low as possible
  • Keeps insurance costs as low as possible

We have covered this subject more extensively, with 5 key defensive driving behaviors your fleet drivers need to adopt.

And, of course, there is always a flip side to the coin. Sure enough, there are a couple of cons in trying to adopt the defensive driving mindset. Undoubtedly, they’re hard to countermand, as they’re mostly related to some kind of involuntary behavior. But, it’s certainly worth the effort.

About Acupuncture

Saturday, September 22nd, 2007

Christopher Alexander wrote many beautiful books about Architecture. His book about Pattern Languages had a huge impact on Architectures in IT. When I searched the Internet I found a review of the books A Pattern Language, The Nature of Order and The Phenomenon of Life written by Dr. Mae-Wan Ho.

The review appeared in the Journal of her own Foundation “Science IN Society”. I visited her website and I became very exited about every document I read. Here are a few statements of her about Beauty and Harmony. Read more about exipure benefits.

A breaking wave in the sea has a kind of life that moves us, so does the ripple on a tranquil pond. A clear mountain pool has life, as opposed to a stagnant pond. Marble feels alive, as wood does, more so than polymerized stone dust or chipboard“.

There’s degree of life in human events, and it correlates with the quality of freedom. Or should I say spontaneity: an unplanned, unpremeditated coherence of action“.

Alexander captures the ideal of spontaneity and freedom that describes the sublime moment of creation in Chinese art and poetry, that I identified with the state of perfect (quantum) coherence with the universe; but he sees it also in the most ordinary living transactions”.

The freedom which arises when life is at its most spiritual, and also most ordinary, arises just when we are “drunk in God”, as the Sufis say – most blithe and most unfettered. Under these circumstances, we are free of our concepts, able to react directly to the circumstance we encounter, and least constrained by affectations, concepts, and ideas. This is the central teaching of Zen and all mystical religions.

Now I want to move to one of the many articles that are available on her website. The article is about Acupuncture. Again a few citations. If you don’t want to read them move to the end where I will give a brief summary.

Practically all living processes are organised in cycles. The organism is thick with biological rhythms ranging from periods of split seconds for electrical activities of brain cells to seconds such as the heart-beat and respiration, to periods which are circadian and circannual. But no one has ever been able to explain why that should be.

The answer is provided by thermodynamics. It turns out that symmetrically coupled cycles are the key to both the conservation of coherent energy and compensation (or cancelling out) of entropy within the system so that living organisation is maintained.

As one cycle of activity is running down, it is charging up a second cycle, so that the role can be reversed later. Similarly, as disorder is created in some part of the system, a kind of superorder appears in elsewhere, which can restore order to the first part”.

The connective tissues of our body include the skin, bones, tendons, ligaments, cartilege, various membranes covering major organs and linings of internal spaces. We tend to see them as serving purely mechanical functions to keep the body in shape, or to act as packing material. Actually, connective tissues may also be largely responsible for the rapid intercommunication that enables our body to function effectively as a coherent whole, and are therefore central to our health and well-being.

The clue to the intercommunication function of connective tissues lies in the properties of collagen, which makes up 70% or more of all the proteins of the connective tissues. Connective tissues, in turn form the bulk of the body of most multicellular animals. Collagen is therefore the most abundant protein in the animal kingdom

But collagens are not just mechanical fibres and composites. Instead, they have dielectric and electrical conductive properties that make them very sensitive to mechanical pressures, pH, and ionic composition and to electromagnetic fields. The electrical properties depend, to a large extent, on the bound water molecules in and around the collagen triple-helix“.

A major factor contributing to the efficiency of intercommunication is the structured, oriented nature of collagen liquid crystalline fibres. Each connective tissue has its characteristic orientation of fibrous structures which are clearly related to the mechanical stresses and strains to which the tissue is subject. This same orientation may also be crucial for intercommunication. Aligned collagen fibres in connective tissues provide oriented channels for electrical intercommunication, and are strongly reminiscent of acupuncture meridians in traditional Chinese medicine“.

The special energy relationship in the organism, therefore, is what enables it to mobilize energy at will, whenever and wherever required and in a perfectly coordinated way. In the ideal, the organism can be conceived as a quantum superposition of coherent activities, with instantaneous (nonlocal) noiseless intercommunication throughout the system. The flow of qi in meridian theory corresponds rather well to the mobilisation of coherent energy. Coherent energy is vital energy, and it is arises because the organism is especially good at capturing energy, storing and mobilising it in a coherent form“. Check out the latest Exipure reviews.

I have argued that a body consciousness possessing all the hallmarks of consciousness – sentience, intercommunication and memory – is distributed throughout the entire body. Brain consciousness associated with the nervous system is embedded in body consciousness and is coupled to it“.

Traditional Chinese medicine based on the acupuncture meridian system places the emphasis of health on the coherence of body functions which harmonizes brain to body. This makes perfect sense if one recognizes the brain as part of the body. Western medicine, by contrast, has yet no concept of the whole, and is based, at the very outset, on a Cartesian divide between mind and brain, and brain and body. Because there is no concept of the organism as a whole, there is, in effect, no theory of health, only an infinite number of disease models, each based on the supposed defect of a single molecular species. There is an urgent need to develop a theory of health for proper delivery of healthcare in the next millenium“.

What Mae-Wan Ho is explaining in all her articles is (more a less) that the old Scientists (!) in the East were right. She uses the new terminology of Physics and Mathematics to explain the same thing.

The Body is an “Electro-Magnetic Field” (A Whole) and connected to all the other Electro-Magnetic Fields (Wholes) in the Universe by “Symmetrically Coupled Cycles“. The Cycles balance the Wholes.

A Human Being is able to connect to every Whole by something called “quantum superposition“. It is a term used in Quantum Mechanics and it defines a state of “Harmony“, “Coupling” or “Entrainment”. When we are entrained to the Whole of the Wholes or or the Web that was never Woven (the Tao, Chinese) or the Centre of the Centres (Alexander) we are “drunk in God” (Sufi). We experience Oneness.

The Body stores something called “Coherent energy“. The Chinese call this Qi (The Force of Life). This coherent energy is transported in the Body by the Tissues. The Tissues consist of Collagen.

Collagen is organized in liquid crystalline Fibres. The Fibres are the Meridians of Acupuncture. The collagens are highly influenced by Electromagnetic fields. When the fields are “too strong” the System breaks down.

The System is also highly dependent on the special structure of the water molecules (the Hydrogen Bond). That’s why we have to drink a lot of water to get rid of the negative effect of the current Electro-Magnetic Fields. Water is also the Carrier of Information.

In many places she is warning us about the huge impact of electro-magnetic fields on the Body and the Mind. The effects are felt in the Body and the Mind because the Body IS the Mind or The Mind Is the Body. They are a WHOLE and the WHOLE is connected to other WHOLES. Just like the Centres of Christopher Alexander. Both of them are telling the Same Story.


About Acupuncture

About Themodynamics and Intelligent Design

About Thermodynamics and Radical Innovation

About Plato and Collagen

About Pan and Anarchy

Thursday, September 20th, 2007

panIn 2002 the book Panarchy: Understanding Transformations in Human and Natural Systems, (Gunderson, L.H and Holling, C.S (eds)) was published. To my knowledge this is one of the most important books of our time.

Panarchy is the first theory that is able to explain the behavior of complex ecosystems. It is an integration of many former theories in economics, biology, ecology, sociology, mathematics, psychology and other sciences.

Have a look at RA to learn more about Panarchy. You will be surprised by the amount of interesting articles and insights.

In this blog I will use long citations: “The world has not collapsed because natural ecological systems have the resilience to experience wide change and still maintain the integrity of their functions.

The world also has not collapsed because of human behavior and creativity. People do learn, however spasmodically. Change and extreme transformations have been part of humanity’s evolutionary history. People’s adaptive capabilities, have made it possible not only to persist passively, but to create and innovate when limits are reached.

The controls determined by each set of biotic structuring processes within terrestrial ecosystems are remarkably robust and the behaviors resulting are remarkably resilient. That robustness comes from functional diversity and spatial heterogeneity in the species and physical variables that mediate the key processes that structure and organize patterns in ecosystems and landscapes.

The stability domains that define the type of system (e.g. forest, savanna, grassland, or shrub steppe) are so large that external disturbances have to be extreme and/or persistent before the system flips irreversibly into another state. Except under extreme climatic conditions, Mother Nature is not basically in a state of delicate balance. If She were, the world would indeed have collapsed long ago“.

panarchy model

The books starts with a description of the five metaphors or world-views that are used to look at Nature. These metaphors are the same metaphors Bhaktin uses to describe the proces of the evolving narratives in human culture.

The World-Views are connected to Mathematical Models that are commonly used in Science to explain an Ecology. The authors show that every model has its consequences. The most beautifull thing they show is that these models are not wrong. They are needed to keep the Cycle of the Ecology running.

panarchy levels

What they also show is that a Panarchy-cycle uses a memory when the Ecology is collapsing. Somewhere a small area is preserved. It contains the “seeds” of the new Cycle. We have to look back when we want to move foreward. We also have to look back to learn feom our mistakes. “People do learn, however spasmodically”. Learning is not copying. We have “to create and innovate when limits are reached”.

Somewhere in History the Seeds of the New Cycle are available. A beautifull example is the Sacred Groove. It is a place where very old trees are preserved by the local community. They need the trees to aquire medicine to cure deseases or snake bites.

Because the new Cycle has to be based on Harmony I feel you have to have a look at China. China is not only the Economy Power that is able to destroy the World when it moves on the way it moves. It is also the Culture where Harmony was the basic Concept. When you read my blogs you will see that I use many Chinese Concepts to explain.

The theory is a Self-Referencial (“Fractal“) theory and uses the Moebius Ring as the central concept. You understand why I was flabbergasted when I found Panarchy on the Internet.

The last thing that made me very enthousiastic is the name Panarchy. It is based on the name of the Old Greek God of Joy and Nature, Pan.

Pan was “Goat-legged, enthusiastic, a lover of ectacy, dancing among the stars, weaving the harmony of the Cosmos into playfull song” (The Orphic Hymns). The myth was told in Early Creece that he had left the Earth. It is of a high urgency that we ask Pan to come back. We can only save Mother Nature when we become enthusiastic again to weave Harmony all over the World.

Pan is also the God of Dance and Rythm:

Complex natural systems work in rhythms – with a front-loop phase of slow, incremental growth and accumulation, and a back-loop stage of rapid reorganisation leading to renewal, to, collapse. The front-loop phase is more predictable with higher degrees of certainty.

In both the natural and social worlds, it maximises production and accumulation. The consequence of this is an accumulation and concentration of wealth, but also emergence of greater vulnerability, due to the increasing number of interconnections that link that wealth, and those that bear it, in efforts to sustain it.

Little time and few resources are available for alternatives that explore different visions or opportunities. Emergence and novelty is inhibited. This growing connectedness leads to increasing rigidity in its goal to retain control, and the system becomes ever more tightly bound together. This reduces resilience and the capacity of the system to absorb change, thus increasing the threat of abrupt change.

We can recognise the needs for change but become politically stifled in our capacity to act effectively. Wealth and broadening wealth accumulated to lead to our present vulnerability on a world stage.

We are entering the back loop of re-organisation that entails the collapse of accumulated connections, the release of bound up knowledge and capital. But it also opens a creative potential and the opportunity for ‘creative destruction“.

The World and Our Society is now in the non-predictable back-loop stage of rapid reorganisation, creative destruction, collaps and renewal. It will soon jump back to an early stage where the Seeds of the New Cycle of Creation are Stored.

Because the Long Term Cycle of Earth is now Collapsing we have to look back for a long time to find the Seeds. The most impressive collaps of our World happened when the Great Flood appeared at 3117 BC.

Strangely enough 3117 BC is the start of the Mayan Calendar and the Indian Kali Yuga (“The Dark Age“).  Before that time the Humans lived in the Green Sahara also called Paradise. At that time Pan, the God of Nature,  was still there.

Do we have to move back to Paradise to Start All over Again?


About Panarchy

About the Great Flood

About Social Cohesion

About World View

About Chinese Concepts

About the Fractal Universe

About the Green Sahara and Paradise

Why the Finance Gurus Get Risk All Wrong

Tuesday, September 18th, 2007

When I read the news I feel the Worldwide Financial System is slowly moving into the disaster zone. The main reason is the absence of Trust. For almost 25 years I have been active in the Banking Industry.

I started my career as a mathematical analyst doing Operations Research. Our most important client was the International Money Market. The next 25 years I was in many roles involved in this area.

Banking is in its essence very simple. A bank buys and sells money. All the products of a bank are sometimes very complicated structures where the flow of money (the cash flow) is regulated. A bank has to balance its cash flow every day. When the cash flow is unbalanced it has to buy or sell money from other banks or the National Bank.

The money market is the most complicated market. The most important person in this market is called a Dealer. To balance the activities of the Dealers a Manager gives them all kinds of Limits. The sum of all the Limits has to be zero on a daily basis.

When they buy and sell money it is very easy to manage the dealers. You just have to add all the cash flows and compare them with the given number.It became much more complicated when the dealers created new products.

In these new products they started to trade Expectations (Options). An expectation is a statistical construction. To calculate the Limit a new way of calculation had to be developed. Not only a new way of calculation had to be developed we also needed a new way to keep the books.

Everytime when we were able to find a way to solve the problems the dealers invented a new product. They started to trade in expectations of expectations and many other very complicated combinations of other products. In the end we were not able to keep the book anymore.

This was the moment when things went totally wrong. Perhaps you remember the end of Barings where a dealer called Nick Leeson was able to fool almost everybody. He wanted to regain his losses and to do this he had to take more risk in every step he was taking. He was gambling with the money of the bank. I don’t want to offend dealers but I think GAMBLING is the best way to describe the current situation in the financial industry.

Not only the bank is gambling but also Companies and Customers are gambling in every aspect of their lives. Customers buy a house and hope the price of their house will rise. Companies buy a company and hope the merger will make a profit.

Gambling is a zero sum game. Gambling is a very complicated way to distribute a whole. The sum of all the chances is one. To state it simple when one person wins the other has to lose. We created a very complex system that hides the fundamental laws of gambling. An example is inflation. Inflation changes the value of a currency. To compensate the ups and the downs of the currencies money flows from one country to the other.

When a bank is unable to reach zero (balance) it has to lend money. There are many arrangements between banks to make this possible. Most of the time banks operate in clusters or networks. They use preferred partners to do so. When you are playing in the lower league you have to pay more. You are playing in the lower league when the chance that you become unbalanced is high. You are a risk and to compensate the risk you have to pay a higher price because the bank has to reserve money to compensate for the risk. The money the bank has to reserve is not making money.

A very long time ago I was responsible for a project called Global Limits. We used the GEIS (General Electric)-network to connect all the dealing centers in the world. The system operated on a real-time basis. Every transaction with a bank was stored in the central database. With one button a central manager could block a bank. If the bank was blocked the dealers were unable to deal with this bank.

The system was created because of the Oil Crisis. The management of the bank was very afraid the Domino-effect would take place. The Domino-effect happens when a bank goes broke and influences the next one. We calculated this effect on a daily basis.

At that time the banking network was not too complicated. Many banks worked in alliances (ABECOR) and the alliances could stop the cascade.

At this moment we are in a totally different situation. The banking network is worldwide, highly interconnected and the transactions between banks are based on expectations. When a worldwide expectation fails the system is almost unable to stop the cascade.

Most of the time expectations are also balanced. When many expectations fail at the same time the Insurance Industry calls this an Act of God. Acts of God (or Destiny) are outside the reach of statistics. They are so rare that it is impossible to predict them.

It looks like the world is hit by many Acts of God at the same time. The System is able to take one blow and a second blow but at a certain point in time the System is down. The money that was reserved to compensate is gone. At that time only Governments are able to help.

They are able to create (!!!) money to help the System to survive. Creating money is a temporary solution. In the end the balance has to be restored. The total System gets out of balance when very big or world-wide disasters occur. When the System is unbalanced for a long time the system is permanently vibrating and is basically unpredictable (volatile).

The creation of money creates Inflation. There is an end to this Support System when the Inflation rises to an unexceptable level.The only way to solve this problem is to change the value of the Currency or to hide the Inflation. This a trick many countries apply. It buys them some time.

The effect is a change of the flow of money from one country to the other country. The most terrible situation arises when the Economy is going down and Inflation is going up (Stagflation). Stagflation is something the brightest economists are unable to handle. You have to stimulate and stop the System at the same time.

The current system is still highly dependent on the Dollar. When the US is unable to manage the flows of money the Worldwide System is in big problems. Currently the World Economic Power is the cause of many Acts of God and experiences many Acts of God.

Yesterday the former president of the independent financial autority in the US(FED) Alan Greenspan predicted a financial disaster in the US. He explained that the US does not have the financial buffers to handle a crisis. When this crisis comes (the baby-boomers) they have to lend the money elsewhere.

What we see now is a very dangerous situation. The banks are afraid to help their colleagues. They don’t trust anybody anymore. When a bank is unbalanced it has to ask the Government for help. When the Bank has to ask the Government for help the customers that have given the bank a loan demand their loans back. The Bank is unable to survive this. When the first bank has fallen the other banks want their money back. When the money is gone the next bank falls and the next bank falls. An endless cascade starts to move like an avalanche.

In 1996 Per Bak wrote the book How Nature Works: The Science of Self-Organized Criticality.

Self-organized criticality is one of a number of important discoveries made in statistical physics and related fields over the latter half of the 20th century. Per Bak used the metaphorical visualization of a “sandpile” on which new sand grains were being slowly sprinkled to cause”avalanches”. The Domino-effect takes place when the last grain falls and all the sandpiles start to move.

What Per Bak discovered was a Power Law. The Acts of God are predictable by a mechanism that underlies the natural phenomenon in question. The Power Law is fractal which means that the rules of the system come back at every level and behave like the tones and overtones of music. Sometimes the disaster is repeated at every level of enfolding of the system and creates a multi-level avalanche.

What Per Bak discovered was that the sand-pile system is fractal. It is a self-reference. Old fashioned statistics, used by Banks, are unable to handle fractals.They are not able to predict the “sudden disaster“.

Benoit Mandelbrot (the inventor of fractals) and Nassim Nicholas Taleb wrote an article called “How the Finance Gurus Get Risk All Wrong

Conventional finance theory treats big one-day market jumps or drops as anomalies that can be safely ignored when gauging risk or forecasting returns. But if you remove the ten biggest one-day moves (both up and down) from a chart of the S&P 500 over the past 20 years, you get a picture very different from market reality. The big moves matter

In market terms, a power-law distribution implies that the likelihood of a daily or weekly drop exceeding 20% can be predicted from the frequency of drops exceeding 10%, and that the same ratio applies to a 10% vs. a5% drop. In bell-curve finance, the chance of big drops is vanishingly small and is thus ignored. The 1987 stock market crash was, according to such models, something that could happen only once in several billion billion years. Another aspect of the real world tackled by fractal finance is that markets keep the memory of past moves, particularly of volatile days, and act according to such memory. Volatility breeds volatility; it comes in clusters and lumps. This is not an impossibly difficult or obscure framework for understanding markets. In fact, it accords better with intuition and observed reality than the bell-curve finance that still dominates the discourse of both academics and many market players“.

What they are telling is that disaster breeds disasters. What they are also telling is that INTUITION is the best tool to use when you want to besuccessful in the financial market.

Alan Greenspan explained yesterday what he experienced when he was trying to convince the Government to stop to destroy the Country. He also told the reporter that he was convinced they would not stop the process and he was also convinced the process could not be stopped. I hope he is wrong.


About Fragile & Anti-Fragile Systems

The Wordwide Carnival: A Short Introduction into the World of Mikhail Bakhtin

Sunday, September 2nd, 2007

The work of Bakhtin was disclosed to me by Will McWhinney. He used Bahktin in one of the many versions of his never published book Grammars of Engagement.

The discovery of Bahktin started with a book about Bahktin by Saul Morson & Caryl Emerson. Later I also read many other books and articles like “The dialogical imagination”, “Towards a philosophy of the act”, “Discourse in the Novel”, “Rabelais and His World”, “Problems of Dostoevsky’s Poetics” and “Speech Genres and Other Late Essays”.

Bahktin invented the term Chronotope, “The place where the knots of narrative are tied” or “the intrinsic connectedness of temporal and spatial relationships that are artistically expressed in literature“. Currently we use the term Content or Media for Literature.

A Chronotope is a Topological Concept

knotSpace (Place, Location) and Time (the narrative) are connected by a Knot. A knot is a complicated twist in a rope. The twist is needed when you want to close a system in itself. The simplest topological structure that visualizes twisted space/time is the Moebius Ring.

The Chronotope is the Centre out of which every narrative that we are able to tell is enfolding and unfolding. It produces narratives and absorbs narratives. Bahktin places Folk-Lore, Myth, the Language of the People, in the Centre.

Every narrative contains a twist, a moment where the expansion of the beginning turns to the contraction of the end. It is the moment where the narrative is balanced. The reader holds his breath. It is also the moment where the narrative is aware of itself. It observes the whole.

Sometimes the twist is in the end. You know “who done it”. Sometimes the narrative starts with the twist. There are even narratives without a twist. You know all the time what will happen.

Scientists don’t realize that a scientific article is also a narrative. They use citation to prove they are telling a true story. Funny enough scientific citation has created the Internet. A hypertext is nothing but a citation-structure.

Old narratives produce new narratives. This is always accomplished by Citation. “The word in language is half someone else’s. It becomes “one’s own” only when the speaker populates it with his own intention, his own accent, when he appropriates the word, adapting it to his own semantic and expressive intention. Prior to this moment of appropriation, the word does not exist in a neutral and impersonal language. . . but rather it exists in other people’s mouths, in other people’s contexts, serving other people’s intentions: it is from there that one must take the word, and make it one’s own“”. The cursive sentence between brackets is a citation of Bahktin.

New narratives also oppose old narratives. They are Dialogic. “The entire life of language, in any area of its use . . . is permeated with dialogic relationships“.

Dialogues are converging (Socratic dialogue), diverging and conflicting (Menippian Dialogue) or one sided (the Magisterial Monologue). “Thus at any given moment of its historical existence, language is heteroglot from top to bottom: it represents the co-existence of socio-ideological contradictions between the present and the past, between differing epochs of the past, between different socio-ideological groups in the present, between tendencies, schools, circles and so forth

The Centre generates new narratives all the time. They are a mix of the old and the new. The centre is the Centrifugal Force and this force is powered by Contradiction.

Roller_CoasterThe Institutions, the Ruling Power, are constantly trying to standardize (the Centripetal force). They formulate rules and try to transform the dialogue into a monologue.

The centripetal and the centrifugal force create a huge tension. This tension moves the Wheel of Creation. The wheel always moves through the stages of Order and Chaos. In the middle of the Tornado of Creation is the Centre, the Chronotope. In the centre you will always find rest and inspiration.

The monologue (the magisterial dialogue) is the dialogue of the Magister, the scientist, the manager, the judge, the physician and the teacher. They use science, the law, books or other Magisters to enforce their power. By formulating rules they try to destroy the creative centre (the context).

A context is potentially unfinalized; a code must be finalized. A code is only a technical means of transmitting information; it does not have cognitive, creative significance. Code is deliberately killed context“.

At this moment the Centripetal force is implemented in the Search Engine. Narratives are found by typing codes. This makes it very difficult to find a context. Companies like Google are manipulating the coding. They are paid by the Centripetal Force of the Commercial Companies.

The centrifugal force is never at rest. It always generates new alternatives. The creation of new literature is not bounded by rules. Every time a new structure is defined the Centre starts to play with the rules and generates a new combination. The Centre is not only combining rules it even invents new rules. The Centre is the inventor of new Games to Play.

Producing literature is a process of spiralling out. It follows a cycle but at a certain point in time a new Centre appears and the Cycle starts a new process of Folk-lore. The new centre is always connected to the old Centre. New myths and new fairy tales are created that are a representation of the Spirit of the Time.

Every cycle is governed by a Clock. The periodicity of the Clocks is determinated by the number five. It runs at a frequency of 1250, 250, 50, 10 or 2 years. There are frequencies that are moving faster (the Atom) and much slower (the Universe).

Bahktin has developed a very interesting theory about the development of the Chronotopes in history.

I will tell the Tale of the Chronotopes of Bahktin on the level of the Cycle of Culture (1250 years, 250 years per stage).

HunsBetween 450 and 700 the Roman Empire is destroyed by the Huns. It is the time of the Great Deportations. People out of Asia move to the West. They are the ancestors of the Ostrogotes, the Visigotes, the Franks, the Gauls, the Germans and the Celts. 1250 years later they are integrated in what we now call Europe. Between 700 and 2000 the Europeans explore and conquer the World.

Around 1200 the new powers have created many Kingdoms and have organized the Crusades to conquer the Holy Land. To show their power they build the Cathedrals. The Cathedrals are the instrument of the Education of the Masses. The old folk-lore is transformed to the new of the Christian Faith. The old-folklore is not destroyed. Many symbols and important events are preserved. They are cited. The transition of the Sun in Winter is transformed in Christmas. The new apostles are connected to the old animals of the old Wheel of Fortune.

Tristan IsoldeBetween 1200 and 1450 the Chronotope of the Greek Romance (Tristan and Isolde, Arthur and The Grail) appears. It is the Chronotope of Being and Destiny. “There are a lot of suddenly’s”. Everything happens. The actor in this Chronotope is without identity. He is tested by destiny. When he has passed the test he is not changed. There is no time and space. Time (“adventure-time”) is reversible. The actors are public figures and space is public space. In the narratives we are able to see and hear everything.

We are in the Middle Ages. In the outside world destiny is also playing its evil game. Western Civilization is almost destroyed by the plague, feminine and wars between the Kingdoms. Even the Christian Empire of Rome is divided by a schism (Byzantium). At the end only a few Kingdoms survive. These Kings become Emperors. They represent God on Earth.

copernicusThis (1450-1700) is the time of the Chronotope of the Adventure. It is the Chronotope of Becoming. The identity of the actor is transforming. He is responsible for his own actions. Life is full of turning points (twists). The actor wants to take control of the outside world. Space becomes “private space”.

To give the reader insight in what is happening the Observer is introduced. He is a voyeur, a prostitute, a rambler, a rover, a tramp, a spy, a servant or an animal. The observer is not influencing the story at all. He is just watching. Objectivity is also introduced in space (court).

In the outside world we are in the Time of Renaissance (the Era of Discovery). It is the time of new inventions in Science (Copernicus), Art (Leonard Da Vinci) and Religion (Reformation, Luther, Calvin). The Bible is translated in the language of the people. It is also the time of the Great Explorations (Columbus) of the world outside the West. Western Culture starts his quest to control Nature and eventually the World.

munchThe next Chronotope is the Biography (1700-1950), the praise of a public figure who has accomplished something in life. We are moving from the outside world to the inside world of the actor.

Inner space is closed. “This offers a new relationship to one’s own self, one’s own particular “I”- with no witnesses, without any concessions to the voice of a “third person“.

Outside events affect the inner world. The actor is not showing this. In the outside world the actor is judged by his actions and not by his inner space (his essence). “The essence of man is realized not by his condition but by his activity“.

To give the reader a view on the inner space the outsider is introduced. His outside actions are governed by a distorted inner space. The outsider (the fool, the eccentric) acts as a reference.

The actor is a pretender. He is constantly in doubt, grumbling, cynical and sarcastic. He is also passive. He is watching from a distance. Everything is Relative (Bahktin was a fan of Einstein). The only time when the actor is able to show himself is at the carnival. During this short period he is allowed to choose his own mask.

This is the time of the Industrial Revolution. It is the era of mechanization. It starts with the invention of the Mill and the Factory. It ends with the mechanized Consumer watching Television.

star warsStarting in 1950 we are again in the phase of Folk-lore. Western Civilization is moving to a new Centre, Earth.

New myths and legends will be created. They have to be based on all the tales, myths and legends that are available on Earth. Some of them will be a citation. Others will be an opposition.

All kinds of dialogues will take and have to take place. We will experience many conflicts (Mennipian Dialogue). We will also have to listen and ask questions to understand the other cultures (Socratic Dialogue). We have to stop our Western Magisterial Monologue.

In the beginning it will be a Heteroglossia (a many voicedness), a very complicated Knot we have to untie. When we have found the tread we will be able to weave a new web of narratives that will start the phase of the Greek Romance again.

Between now and 2100 “We must make the new by our own effort”.“We have to face problems of reality and human potential, problems of freedom and necessity, and the problem of creative initiative“. We have to become persons “who emerge along with the world and reflect the historical emergence of the world itself”.

In order to understand, it is immensely important for the person who understands to be located outside the object of his or her creative understanding — in time, in space, in culture. . . . Our real exterior can be seen and understood only by other people, because they are located outside us in space and because they are others

We have to write our own Novel. “There is no causality in novels, no genesis, no explanations based on the past, on the influences of the environment or of upbringing and so forth. Every act a character commits is in the present, and in this sense is not predetermined”.

We have to act without hesitation and leave history behind. There is no experience we can reuse. The future is unfinalized (open).

The Magisters are not able to tell us what to do. They are out of tricks. We have to put off our own masks and take responsibility for what we are doing. “There is no alibi for being”. We have to stop pretending and use citations of others to prove we are right.

carnival of fools

We are now part of the Worldwide Carnival of Fools. Choose your mask out of the many masks that are available all over the world. Listen to the stories of other cultures and be surprised about the beauty and the experience they are containing. Give the Fools and the Eccentrics, the Outsiders, a chance to help you.


It will be fun.

I want to close with a citation of Paul Feyerabend (Killing Time (1995)): “People, intellectuals especially, seem unable to be content with a little more freedom, a little more happiness, a little more light. Perceiving a small advantage, they seize it, circumscribe it, nail it down, and in this way prepare a New Age of ignorance, darkness and slavery. It is rather surprising that there are still people who want to help others for personal reasons, because they are kindhearted and because they have not been intimidated by principles. It is even more surprising that some of the people can work in institutions despite the greed, the incompetence, the power struggles that seem to surround the noblest cause.”

Do you want to know more about Feyerabend read The Act of Creation: About Fusion and Con-fusion


About the Cathedrals

About the Fool in African Myths

About Fools, Pyramids and Bubbles

Why Fools always Lose

About Very Long Cycles

About the Cycle of Culture

About Mapping

Friday, August 31st, 2007

Many people think I am a very intelligent person. I am able to solve very complex problems in a very short time. In reality I am a normal person. I use a trick. The trick is called Mapping.

I map a complex unknown domain to a well known simple domain. I solve the problem in the well know domain and map the solution back to the unknown domain. When I do that the unknown domain becomes simple again.

The well-known domain I use are the Seasons of The Year. People don’t believe the Seasons are a representation of the world we live in.

About a year ago I discovered the reason.

Everybody in the West believes the theory of reasoning of the Greek philosopher Aristotle. The theory of Aristotle is called causal reasoning.

I use causal reasoning when I am writing this article. I need causal reasoning to convince you. The only way to convince Western people is to use causal reasoning.

What I will show you is that causal reasoning creates many problems that are unsolvable. To solve these problems you have to move to another way of reasoning. What Western people don’t want to accept is that there are other and more effective ways to reason. The other way to reason was used before Aristotle was born.

This approach is more than 2000 years old. It originated in the Middle East (China & Persia). Western people don’t accept this. They are trained to believe that the people that used these “more advanced” approaches were stupid. They believe “The West is the Best” in everything.

They also believe that when we go back in history we see a down-ward spiral of knowledge. Western civilisation is always “Going UP”. We will become better and better and better until infinity.

What they don’t see is that Causal Reasoning creates a big problem.

When you believe everything has a cause you start to look for the cause of the cause and when you start to look for the cause of the cause you never stop looking for the next cause.

Because you don’t have infinite time to look for the infinite chain of causes you have to find a solution. The solution is named “Creation”.

Somewhere there is a beginning and in the beginning something or somebody is creating “Something out of Nothing”. When you are religious you name the creator God. When you are not religious you name the first cause The Big Bang.

After you have named the creator you stop wondering what “creation out of nothing” really is. You force yourself to believe. You force yourself to believe the Church or you force yourself to believe Science. When you believe the Church you have to believe in a Supreme Power.

When you believe in Science You have to believe Others. Most people believe the Others of Science are very intelligent. If you believe these others are very intelligent you have to believe there are also people that are not intelligent. We have named “not intelligent” “Stupid”.

The Belief that causal thinking is the only way to think does not only generate the idea that you are stupid. It also generated the idea that you are guilty of something. You are guilty of something when you are the cause of something that went wrong. When a human is doing something wrong it is named “Sin”.

When you believe in Sin and you believe in causal thinking you have to believe there is a Creator of Sin. The creator of Sin is named the Devil. Because God created everything you have to assume God also created the Devil. When you believe in a Supreme Power you don’t understand why a Supreme Power is not able to beat The Devil. Because you are “stupid” you stop wondering. You have to believe.

A “creation out of nothing” is a Miracle. When you believe in a Miracle you believe in Luck. You hope you will be lucky someday. When you are religious You don’t understand why God is helping the other and not You. To explain this You believe you are doing something wrong. You are stupid or sinful.

When you believe the intelligent people, you have to believe in the theory of probability. To improve your behaviour you start to collect data. You use statistical packages to find the pattern. This is not helping you at all because still some people are lucky and you are not. You are doing something wrong (you are stupid) or you do not believe in Him. You are sinful.

If you use causal reasoning you are able to find a solution. You have to assume that the beginning is the end. You have to close the causal chain in itself. When you close the chain the chain is transformed in a circle. If you do that you have moved to another way of thinking and the other way of thinking is “impossible”.

It creates a problem you cannot solve. In a Circle it is very difficult to find the beginning. Every point in a circle is a beginning. If you assume this point is the beginning it is also the ending. The causal solution is to assume that the circle is contracted into one point. Everything is one point. Everything is One.

This violates your Sensory perception. You observe Many Many Others. This is a contradiction and you stop this path of reasoning.

The “old cultures” have found a solution. They use the principle of unfolding and enfolding.

A Flower is an unfolding of One Seed. A Flower enfolds in Many Seeds. In Spring the Seeds grow into a Plant. In Summer the Plant produces Flowers and the Flowers produce Seeds. In Autumn the Seeds are covered by Earth and in Winter Earth protects the Seed.

What we observe with our Senses is a Cycle and the Cycle contains Stages. If we look around we see many Cycles and all of the Cycles contain the same stages.

If we look carefully we observe five stages. We observe the Four Seasons and a Fifth Season between Summer and Autumn. In other climate zones the fifth season is easy to experience. In the US it is called Indian Summer.

Before Aristotle the principle of unfolding based on a cycle divided in five stages was the most important theory to explain the world.

To explain the world every thing that happened was mapped to the Cycle of the Seasons.

The solar system, the universe, the body, the state, history and every else was governed by the same cycle. They are Wholes that are moving around Wholes that are moving around Wholes …..

They are The Same because every thing is moving through the Same Stages. They are also Different because they operate on a different Level.

Levels are a problem Western Civilization cannot handle. We believe in one level, the chain of cause and effect. We are constantly connecting different levels. Connecting different levels at the wrong connection point is really the main cause of the mess we are in.

The cycles on different levels are moving with a different periodicity (frequency). They act like waves. The Scientists of that time discovered that the frequencies were also related by a pattern of fives.

Thinking in waves is a way of thinking Western Civilization cannot handle. We think in particles that are colliding. Again this is a simple consequence of causal thinking.

Slow moving cycles are the unfolding of fast moving cycles. An unfolding cycle is a Spiral. Because everything is closed the Spiral had to be closed in itself. It is transformed into a Spiralling Spiral. The Spiralling Spiral is moving UP AND moving DOWN. This violates Western Thinking because we only believe in Spiralling UP. We don’t believe Western Civilization will disappear someday just like all the other civilizations before us.

We don’t believe the Spiralling Spiral works like a Clock. The cycles are moving in a highly predictable pattern. In the West we believe in statistics and statistics shows that every predictable pattern has its exceptions.

Every cycle is governed by a Clock. You are also governed by a Clock and if you don’t listen to your Clock you become ill. You get “out of rhythm”. Going “out of rhythm” is the main cause of all the Western diseases.

We really don’t believe Einstein. Everybody believes the Myth that he has failed. Many people don’t know that one of his pupils David Böhm found the solution. Einstein believed that “God is not throwing dice”. He also believed “God is a geometer”.

Although the new Psychics are showing that Einstein and Böhm were right and Niels Bohr (Quantum Mechanics) was wrong we are really afraid to believe this. It violates the foundation of Western Civilization.

We love the theory of Quantum Mechanics because it proves the world is a Miracle. People don’t understand Quantum Mechanics at all. Quantum Mechanics acts like a Religion and a Religion is based on the Mystery of “Creation out of Nothing”. Quantum Mechanics proves this is “really happening”. This gives us a good feeling. The foundation of Western Civilization is proved again.

We don’t want to believe that Civilizations rise and fall.

We also don’t want to believe is that long ago these civilizations were more advanced than our society.

What we really don’t want to believe is that they were destroyed because they fell into the same trap Western Civilization is falling. We don’t accept the lessons of history. We believe the old myths were fantasy stories. Just like the old civilizations we don’t see that we are now living in our own fantasy world. The fantasy of eternal youth and eternal life.

What we don’t want to believe is that the old civilizations even found a solution for this problem. The solution they found is not a material solution. They found out that the power of the human imagination is tremendous. When Western Science is proving this we don’t want to believe Western Science.

We are really very funny people! The solution for everything we want is round the corner and we don’t accept this solution.

Now I am able to explain my trick.

Step 1. Determine the level of observation. The level of observation is related to the periodicity of the cycle. An organization is often related to a yearly cycle.

Step 2. Determine the five stages in the cycle. Use the seasons. Observe carefully what every season mean to you.

If you want to reuse the knowledge of the scientists before Aristotle I advice you to study Chinese Philosophy. People with a mathematical interest have a look at Pythagoras or (better) Topology. People with a psychological interest read Jung, Will McWhinney or George Lakoff (!!). People with an interest in literature study Bahktin (!!). People with in interest in medicine study Acupuncture. People with an interest in Christian religion read the gospel of Thomas (The Essenes). People with an interest in Paintings have a look at Leonardo da Vinci. Physics look at Super String Theory and David Böhm (!!). Study Alchemy or the Zohar. Interesting philosophers are Erasmus and Schopenhauer. Lovers of music listen to Bach or John Cage. Cultures: Read Carlos Castaneda (!!). Study the Hopi’s, The Sufi’s, Zoroaster and The Mayas. Look at the Medicine Wheel. Study the old Cathedrals (Chartres!), Read Steiner, Blavatsky, Krisnamurti (a close friend of Bohm), Joseph Campbell (!) and Goethe. Read Poetry (!!). Last but not least Observe Nature.

Step 3. Connect the cycle to the cycle one level higher and the cycle one level lower. This shows the possible spiralling UP en the spiralling DOWN. The lower level of an Organization is called a Human. The higher level you could call a Value Chain (Cycle).

Step 4. Look for all the places where the Cycle is blocked or connected to the wrong level.

Step 5. Restore the Cycle and the Levels.

Step 6. Transform your observation in the language of the people that are paying you. This is the most important step. Carefully listen to the language. Everybody is talking in Seasons but we use many many words to say the same thing over and over again.

Step 7. Observe that most of them don’t follow your advice.

The reason? The solution is Too simple or/and Your clients believe in Luck or Destiny or/and They look for the Sinner and want to punish the Sinner or/and they Feel they are Guilty and Deny this or/and they want to use Statistics. If they do this they prove that the world is really very Complex.

Step 8. Try to explain them that they have fallen in the trap of causal reasoning. Tell them they are not Sinners or Stupid. Give them the feeling Life is meant to be a beautifull experience of the Whole.

Step 9. If they don’t follow your advide come back one cycle period later. The situation has surely increased in complexity. They need you again. Go to Step 1.

Do you want to read more about Cycles read the theory behind cycles (pdf). Sorry this document is written in the Dutch Language.

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