About 2012

By Hans Konstapel March 15th, 2008, under Completed, Cycles

At sunrise on December 21, 2012 for the first time in 26,000 years the Sun rises to conjunct the intersection of the Milky Way and the plane of the ecliptic. This cosmic cross is considered to be an embodiment of the Sacred Tree, The Tree of Life a tree remembered in all the world’s spiritual [...]

About Subsidies

By Hans Konstapel March 6th, 2008, under Business, Completed

Around 1993 I became responsible for Subsidy Management at ABN AMRO. The whole thing started when the bank contracted a specialized company called PNO. I was asked to coordinate their activities in the Bank. First you have to write a proposal (estimate time (including advisor). When you get a subsidy you have to spend time [...]

Why are all the Bees dying?

By Hans Konstapel March 4th, 2008, under Biology, Completed

Haagen-Dazs is warning that a creature as small as a honeybee could become a big problem for the premium ice cream maker’s business. At issue are the disappearing bee colonies in the United States, a situation that continues to mystify scientists and frighten food-makers.   That’s because, according to Haagen-Dazs, one-third of the U.S. food [...]

Why the Old Magic is Still Possible: About Franz Bardon and Quantum Superposition

By Hans Konstapel March 3rd, 2008, under Completed, Physics

Until recently many people believed in Occult Powers. These powers are acting for the good (Angels) or for the bad (Devils). White and Black Magician used these powers to influence the course of causal time. Magic and Magicians have left the stage of History. The stage is taken over by fake magicians (like Uri Geller) [...]

About Free Will and Free Choice

By Hans Konstapel March 1st, 2008, under Completed, Philosophy, Physics

The Causal, Linear, chain of Time as a Flow is an Illusion.   We are Moving in a Network of Events with each “event”, having its own measure of location, and its own measure of time, with reference to other events.   We are living in a Universe where every point in Space is represented [...]

Why Traveling Time is Really no Problem at All

By Hans Konstapel February 27th, 2008, under Completed, Physics

Human perception is perhaps an illusion. If we understand how the illusion is created we are able to understand what is behind the veil of our senses. When people are is this state the quality of the “calculated” present lowers. It becomes more vague. This effect “proves” that we are part of a Holographic System. [...]

About the Holographic Principle

By Hans Konstapel February 25th, 2008, under Completed, Physics

Scientists think that Time is Natures way to avoid that Everything happens or happened at once. Time puts everything in a causal sequence. The big question is if we are traveling the only possible sequence. Is it possible to connect events the way we want them to be connected? It looks like that the answer [...]

About the Hyperdiamond

By Hans Konstapel February 21st, 2008, under Completed, Mathematics

The beauty of our Universe is highly related to what mathematicians call symmetry. A structure is symmetric when it is possible to find a function that maps the structure unto itself. A simple example is mirror-symmetry. In this case the structure looks the same when it is reflected in a mirror. Another example is rotational [...]