Archive for the ‘Completed’ Category

About Mash-Ups

Thursday, December 20th, 2007
Another new hype-term is the Mash-up. A Mash-up is a new service, that combines functionality or content from existing sources.
In the “old’ days of programming we called a Mash-up a Program (now Service) and the parts of the Program Modules. Modules were reused by other Programs. We developed and acquired libraries that contained many useful modules.
They did not document the software and used many features of the operating system that interfered with other programs. The very old software programs created the Software Legacy Problem.
Another interesting issue that has to be resolved is Security. Mash-ups are a heaven for hackers and other very clever criminals.

When I look at the Mash-up I really don’t know how “they?” will solve all these Issues.

When everybody is allowed to program and connect everything with everything a Mash-up will certainly turn into a Mess-up. Many years from now a new Software Lecacy Problem will become visible.

There is one simple way to solve this problem. Somebody in the Internet Community has to take care of this. It has to be an “Independent Librarian” that controls the libraries and issues a Quality Stamp to the software (and the content) that is free to reuse. I don’t think anybody will do this.

Personally I think the Mashup is a very intelligent trick of big companies like Microsoft, Google and Yahoo to take over the control in software development. In the end they will control all the libraries and everybody has to connect to them. Perhaps we even have to pay to use them or (worse) link to the advertisement they certainly will sell.

To stabilize the software development environment we had to introduce many Management Systems like Testing and Configuration Management to take care of Software Quality.

The difference with today is that the software libraries are not internal libraries. They are situated at the Internet.

It took a very long time to stabilize the software development environment. In the very old days programmers were just “programming along”.

How to Make Sure that Everybody Believes what We are Believing: About Web 3.0

Thursday, December 20th, 2007

This morning I discovered a new term Web 3.0. According to the experts Web 2.0 is about “connecting people” and Web 3.0 is about “connecting systems”.

Web 1.0 is the “good old Internet”. The “good old Internet” was created by the US Army to prevent that people and systems would be disconnected in a state of War with the Russians. Later Tim Berners Lee and the W3C added a new feature “hypertext”, connecting documents by reference.

As you see everybody is all the time talking about connecting something to something. In the first phase we connect “systems”. Later we connect “people”. Now we want to connect "systems" again. We are repeating the goal but for some reason we never reach the goal.

In every stage of the development of our IT-technology we are connecting people, software (dynamics) and documents (statics) and reuse the same solutions all over again.

Could it be that the reused solutions are not the “real” solutions? Do we have to look elsewhere? Perhaps we don’t want to look elsewhere because we love to repeat the same failures all over again and again. If everything is perfect we just don’t know what to do!

There is an article about Web 3.0 in Wikipedia.

Two subjects are shaping Web 3.0. The first is the Semantic Web and the other is the use of Artificial Intelligence, Data- & Text Mining to detect interesting Patterns.

The Semantic Web wants to make it possible to Reason with Data on the Internet. It uses Logic to do this. The Semantic Web wants to standardize Meaning.

The Semantic Web uses an “old fashioned” paradigm about Reasoning and Language. It supposes that human language is context-independent. They have to suppose that Human Language is context-independent because if they don’t believe this they are unable to define a Computer Language (OWL) at all.

It is widely acccepted that the interpretation of Language is dependent of a Situation, a Culture and the Genesis of the Human itself. Every Human is a Unique Creation. A Human is certainly not a Robot.

The effect of a wide spread implementation of the Semantic Web will lead to a World Wide Standardization of Meaning based on the English Language. The Western Way of Thinking will finally become fixed and dominant.

The Semantic Web will increase the use of the Conduit Metaphor. The Conduit Metaphor has infected the English Language on a large scale. The Conduit Metaphor supposes that Humans are disconnected Objects. The disconnected Sender (an Object) is throwing Meaning (Fixed Structures, Objects) at the disconnected Receiver (An Object).

The Conduit Metaphor blocks the development of shared meaning (Dialogue) and Innovation (Flow). The strange effect of Web 3.0 will be a further disconnection. I think you understand now why we have to start all over again and again to connect people, software and content.

About Sociocracy

Monday, December 17th, 2007

Kees Boeke was the teacher of the children of Queen Juliana. In 1945 just after the end of the Second World he wrote a document in Dutch with the title “What have we learned and where to go“?

At the end of his analysis he comes to the conclusion that the main problem was Democracy. Before the Second World War the Democratic System was unable to solve the problems in Society. Members of Parliament were constantly discussing and blocking each others proposals snnothing really happened.

In this document he evaluates the period 1930-1945. It is impossible to translate the whole document in English. His analysis is impressive and sad to say very applicable to our current situation.

Kees Boeke proposed a new system called Sociocracy. Sociocracy is based on the practices of the Quakers. Just like the Quakers Kees Boeke believed that when people are inspired by the Holy Ghost or The Inner Light they will be guided to a state of “consent”.

His idea is to create “circles” of about 150 people and to close these circles in higher order circles when a decision has a big impact. Every circle has to take into account the higher good of the whole of all circles.

Kees Boeke formulated the basic Rules of Sociocracy.

1. The interests of all members must be considered, the individual bowing to the interests of the whole.

2. No action can be taken if there are no solutions found that everyone can accept.

3. All members must be ready to act according to these unanimous decisions.

Later the ideas of Kees Boeke were taken over by one of his pupils Gerard Endenburg. He applied sociocracy in his factories. Endenburg combined cybernetics and sociocracy.

He formulated new rules:

1. Consent governs policy decision-making. Consent means there are no argued and paramount objections to a proposed decision.

2. Circles are the primary governance unit. Circles are semi-autonomous and self-organizing. Within their domain, they make policy decisions; set aims; delegate the functions of leading, doing, and measuring to their own members; and maintain their own memory system and program of ongoing development.

3. Circles are connected by a double-link consisting of the functional leader elected by the next higher circle, and two or more representatives elected by the circle, all of whom participate fully in both circles.

4. People are elected to functions and tasks by consent after open discussion.

Sociocracy became a big success and has spread all over the world. It is, in my opinion, the best approach to solve the immense problems of our current time.


About Autarky

About Cooperation

About the Cooperative

About Cybernetics

About Resonance

Are we Heading at a Total Collapse of all Systems?

Monday, December 17th, 2007
When I finished my blog about the Great Depression in 1929 I wanted to write about the Great Depression of 2008. I was convinced this would happen again. I am not the only one. Many known and unknown people are warning about a worldwide economic disaster (a deep recession).

The Central Banks are pumping money into the market to prevent this to happen but to their big surprise the market is not able to use this money because the banks are afraid to lend money to other banks because there is no trust at all.

They want to revive the system but the system is in a very special and dangerous state called StagFlation. It is slowing down AND speeding up in terms of prices and the creation of money. Stagflation is something the Economist cannot handle. It is a Catch 22-situation. What you do, it always works against you.

Another problem is caused by the collective believe that things are going wrong. People stop to invest and to buy which generates a downward spiral. You can lower the interest rates to zero but when many people are afraid to buy they don’t need a credit.

The collective believe-system is the most important factor. When the Central Bank is lowering the rates it is telling two stories at the same time. The first story is that it is doing something to help but it also confirms the believe that something is really wrong.

The second story is more powerful than the first story. People don’t believe in the financial system anymore. It has destroyed itself. What the people need is self-confidence and a way to solve their own problems but The System that is there to help them is in trouble itself.

The only way out is that people start to cooperate without the “interference” of the big complex dying systems. The Rich could simply lend their money directly to the “poor” entrepreneurs. There are enough people available to create new businesses but they are simply stopped by the incomprehensible System that has lost its own Entrepreneurship long ago.

The Rich, the Investors, don’t want do this because they don’t know how to trust an Entrepreneur. They want to be helped by experts who really don’t know what they are talking about because they are way beyond the practices of real life. The experts live in a highly abstract world that is dominated by Models and Models have nothing to do with Reality. They are a product of the Imagination. To solve our problems we have to move back to Earth and become Practical again.

In a blog I explained to so called Domino-effect. When one domino falls all the domino’s fall. At this moment all the banking-domino’s are preventing the domino-effect to take place. They are afraid they will lend something to another bank that will fall.

The banks are unable to show their credibility because they are unaware of their own risks. The financial structure of a bank has become incomprehensible because of the very complex products based on expectations and the failing IT-Systems that are unable to show what is really happening. Everything is connected to everything. The financial community is a highly complicated knot.

Many people are trying to comprehend the current situation but they are missing the right theory. Suddenly I remembered the Resilience Alliance (RA). They have created a beautiful theory to explain ecologies. It is not difficult to see that the financial system is an ecology.

RA has defined an adaptive cycle with four distinct phases: growth, conservation, collapse and reorganization. The cycle contains two major phases, the fore-loop (growth and conservation) and the back-loop (collapse and reorganization).
At that time an Innovation in Religion came into the World. This innovation can be summarized by the famous statement of Socrate Know Thyself. When we Know Our Selves we will be inspired by our Inner Light. Know Thyself has been translated into many practical approaches like Socratic Learning, Socratic Decision Making (Sociocracy) and of course the Cooperation.

The most important point is not to believe in the Apocalyps but to understand that a collapse is always followed by growth and conservation but on a new level. Believing in the End will generate the End. Our collective imagination is one of the strongest forces on Earth. Look for the signs of the new structure that will enfold out of the old one. Join people that are driven by Spirit and Soul. They are everywhere.

The back-loop is a rapid phase. During the fore-loop wealth is slowly accumulated and competitive processes lead to a few dominant species. The fore-loop destroys diversity. This is what happening in nature and it looks like the same thing is happening in other human ecologies. When most of the diversity is gone the ecology is highly connected and vulnerable to external influences. When something unexpected happens the total ecology collapses.

My feeling is that we are now in a state were many ecologies are collapsing at the same moment. They are collapsing because Nature is collapsing at an impressive speed. We are not heading for a Great Depression but we are heading for the Big Collapse.

The back-loop is a rapid phase. Suddenly the Weather changes with an incredible speed. Suddenly the Financial Market is evaporating and we are unable to do anything. Suddenly major conflicts start and we are unable to manage them with the current systems.

According to RA after the collapse the ecology reorganizes itself by jumping back to a “hidden” state that was stored in its memory a very long time ago.

How far back do we have to go in history to find our rescue? In another blog I wrote about the destructing cycle that was caused by a new insight that was given to the world by Socrate and the Buddha.

About Psychic Reading

Wednesday, December 12th, 2007

When you are a young child you don’t know that some people are gifted with a certain talent and others are not. When you are born with an unusual talent people in your environment don’t understand you.

Sometimes they even tell you that you are a “weird” person and you have to behave “normal”. When you are “abnormal” it is very difficult to behave normal. When you get older you find a way to hide your ‘strange” talent. You start to behave like “the others”.

When I was young I experienced that I could “read” people. At that time I did not know my talent was called “reading”. To me “reading” was “normal” and as a young innocent child I told people many things about their “inner life” that I could not know.I was gifted with more “unusual talents” like music and mathematics.

My talents were unusual because nobody in my family and my social context was “para-normal”, “highy analytical” or “musical”.

When you look at the scientific community “reading” is classified as “para-normal” and a huge part of the scientific community, the skeptics, are fighting paranormal abilities.

I never understood why they are fighting something some people are gifted with. They are certainly not fighting people who are talented in art or mathematics.

They don’t believe the talent of reading exists because they are unable to explain this talent. They are also not able to explain the talents in art or mathematics. To me they are “the same talent”.

They are all related to what I would call Intuition. When you are Intuitive you “just know” something but you are unable to explain to other peoople why “you know what you know”.

Some people even want to pay a lot of money when you are able to prove that you are “para-normal”. They arrange weird experimental environments and don’t understand that the talent of “reading” is highly context-dependent.

The talents of art and mathematics are also context-dependent. Doing mathematics in a crowded space is impossible.

I want to give you (and the skeptics) some idea how “reading (and mathematics)” works with me.

When you want to “read” you have to be in a certain mood. You have to be “grounded”, relaxed and “opened up”.

“Grounded” feels like having “a close connection to Earth”. You are “grounded” when you feel there is “something” streaming through your body.

This “something” creates the state of relaxation. The “something” is also the connector that generates the “opening up”. The “something” is called Prana, Chi or the “Inner Light”. I prefer the last term.

It is not necessary that the somebody you want to “read” is available in the space you are staying. It is also not necessary that the somebody you want to read is alive, You need some kind of clue to make the connection. Most of the time a name is sufficient.

When the connection is made you have to make a distinction between two sensory systems. You have to stop you’re own system. This is the most difficult task to perform because you’re system is always interfering.

If you are connected to the wrong system you are “biased”. Reading works very well when you don’t know the person you are reading.

I “know” or “feel” when I have disconnected from my own system. The feeling “looks like” “being in the observer-mode”. You are looking at the world from a distance.

When this state is accomplished a “voice” starts to talk and you “see images”. The reading always starts with “hints”. “Hints” are words and flashes. A few seconds later the words and images change into a “movie”.

In exceptional situations you also feel emotions or are completely taken over by “the other”. If this happens you are “channeling”. I don’t like this state because I really don’t know who or what is taking over.

The House of Morgan or How the Great Depression was Created

Monday, December 10th, 2007
Black Tuesday

Black Tuesday

Black Tuesday, October 29 1929 a giant economic implosion took place.

This implosion was the official start of the Great Depression.

The  implosion took place because Something or Somebody was pushing the economy UP while it wanted to go down. An artificial Up-movement of the Economy is called a Bubble.

J.P. Morgan was highly involved with the introduction of Fascism in Europe and the US.

He believed that the major enemy in the World were the Communists.

He was befriended with Mussolini and Hitler and organized a fascists putsch in the US by his own private army, the American Legion.

The putsch failed. The legion was used as a recruiting base for the rebirth of the Ku Klux Klan.

Morgan organized the US Communist Party to create an internal external enemy. Morgan used many other dirty tricks to accomplish his goals.

The British Empire was the largest empire in human history. At the time of the Great Depression it controlled a quarter of the world’s population (458 million) and total land area.

The ruling class of the Empire came out of old families and was trained in special institutions like Eton and Cambridge.

The British Empire was based on the ideology of “Free trade”. “Free trade” was necessary to expand the markets of the British Factories. The factories needed raw materials, logistics and markets.

When a country or a person blocked the free trade the British Army removed the obstacles.

Free trade was organized in Trading Companies. They created strategic outposts. When the outposts controlled the region the British Management System (Law, Education) was implemented.

The main goal of the System was to keep the natives under control, and to develop them slowly, and along their own lines.

The British Elite was very practical. They were conservative men with relativistic notions about what forms of government suited peoples (or ‘races’) best. They didn’t go in for ideal systems.

They also knew they did not have the numbers of personnel to try to revolutionize her subjects so they always used local collaborators. They practiced the method of “indirect rule”.

The American Friends of the British Elite shared the commercial attitude of their British friends. They opened up new markets and protected their trade.

They even invented a new tool, Financial Manipulation. In every other aspect they were very different. They were highly ideological and therefore not practical.

They were convinced they were the carriers of the Best Ideology on Earth, Capitalism.Their first priority was to Destroy the Evil Empire and the friends of the Evil Empire, the Soviet Union.

In contrary to their British friends they were not interested in indirect rule. When an enemy was destroyed they left the country and were convinced everybody would embrace their System.

The Power of the House of Morgan was lessened by the New Deal of Eleanor Roosevelt in 1933. Roosevelt organized a Social Contract that gave more influencers the possibility to take part in the US Government.

The Financial Power of Morgan never disappeared. His group is still behind many influential financial companies (Morgan Stanley, JPMorgan Chase) and institutions like the World Bank.

JPMorgan is reincarnated in the person of Jamie Dimon (JPMorgan Chase). He is playing the same game as his predecessor and is behind many of the intelligent tricks that are now performed behind the scenes in Washington.

Is History Repeating Itself??

The Economy was bubbling because the Government was “pumping” a huge amount of money into the economy. Therefore it was very easy to lend, to spend and to gamble with money on the stock-exchange.

Many people gambled enormous amounts of money on the Stock-Market but on Black Tuesday they lost their bet. They lost their bet because suddenly nobody believed the Up-state would continue.

Why was the US Government pumping so much money into the Economy?

The strange thing happened that the major money pumping engine (the FRS) was controlled by the Government of the British Empire. The US Government was not involved. It was totally powerlesss.The British Empire needed money to maintain the backing of the British Pound (The Golden Standard) and the “old boys” network in the Financial Business just made a deal.

The Government of the British Empire was controlled by an Elite. Lord Montagu Norman of the Bank of England and Benjamin Strong of the New York Federal Reserve Bank were of the same club. They arranged the Bubble.

Behind the Elite was one Very Important Person, J.P. Morgan. He was the sole owner of a small company called the House of Morgan. The House of Morgan held effective control of the American government for much of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. Morgan used the US central banking system to increase the ability to lend more money than he possessed. US Citizens paid taxes and their money was used to realize the plans of Morgan and his friends.

Morgan helped his friends (including the Bush family(!)) to get rid of their huge debts and to “buy” many important US companies (AT&T, US Steel).

After Black Tuesday the “friends of Morgan” held directorships in 167 industrial concerns, banks, railroads, and utilities. They controlled the most important media in the United States, including the New York Times.

About Memory

Thursday, November 29th, 2007

There are three types of memory very-short (sensory), short and long term memory. All the memories are indexed. Long-term memory is semantically indexed. The bridge between short- and long term memory is sleep.

When the body sleeps all the power of the Human Computer is used to index and compress the data that is gathered during the day.

Memory acts in two ways. It produces data when you want to retrieve the data and it produces data you don’t want to recall (remembering). Sometimes you remember something you don’t want to remember. It is even possible to remember something that never happened or to create memories about something that never happened.

If you read the previous lines in an observer-mode you will see that almost all the language I use is related to a “Computer Metaphor”.

Thinking about memory (and many more issues) is highly influenced by the way we build computers.

When we go back in time we find that memory was related to something called a Locus. A locus is a location or place. A beautiful example is a “Memory Palace“. You create a building and fill it with rooms and the rooms with attributes. Every room and attribute is related to something you want to remember. The technique of the Memory Palace produces spectacular results.

David Grove is a very innovative therapist. He discovered that the best way to help his patients was to ask 9 questions that would least influence the patient in their metaphorical journey. His technique was called Clean Language.

David has since developed his work through Clean Space (moving clients on by literally moving them around in space) and Clean Worlds (which explores the boundaries between spaces). When you use Clean Space you just map your Journey on a (Psycho-) Landscape and visit the LOCI you Feel you Have to Visit. When you feel you are at the Right Location you ask “what do you know now, from that space there? And the answer comes immediately.

The Sanskrit word Akasha means “Space”. According to a very old Indian theory we, the Humans, are not the carryers of memory att all. Everything that happens and will happen is stored in Space.

With the current knowlegde of Science we would say that Memory is stored in an Electro-Magnetic Field. The method of Storage is comparable to a Hologram. Almost nobody believes this is possible. I think they don’t believe it is possible because they don’t know “How it Works”.

Holographic datastorage is recently introduced in the Market. Everybody believes it will work. Almost nobody knows “How it Works”.

Humans are Funny Creatures. We are always looking for NEW LOCI and forget what we have stored at the OLD LOCUS until somebody asks us to stop and look around.

About Mind Control

Monday, November 26th, 2007
Milton Erickson

Milton Erickson

Milton Erickson (1901-1980) was “the best therapist that ever lived“. He was an expert in “non-verbal” behaviour. He learned when he was young that people could say “yes” and mean “no” at the same time.

At that time he discovered that body language and tone of voice was telling another story than verbal language. The first part addresses the Unconsciousness. The second addresses the Mind.

Erickson was able to tell two stories at the same time. One story was a fascinating story that had nothing to do with the problem of his patients. Within the first story he emphasized sentences with his tone of voice that contained suggestions that solved the problem.

Later Erickson discovered there were other ways to deceive the Mind. The Mind needs a predictable future. When there is no predictability it searches all the “libraries” of known situations to find an appropriate action-pattern. When the mind is “extremely busy” the door to the unconsciousness of his patients opened and accepted what “nice guy” Milton was telling. Milton started to confuse his patients.

When your Mind is confused you enter a trance-state or a dissociation.  When you’re expectation is extremely violated you enter in a permanent trance-state (a dissociative trance disorder).

Milton always confused his patients a little bit. Without even knowing they went into a trance and the suggestions of Milton always went through the Open Door. Milton used self-induced trance-states (auto-suggestion) to listen better to his patients.

The Mind of some of his patients was very clever. It knew that Milton was using a Confusion-Trick and simply blocked the door. Milton was a genius in finding new tricks. He admired the problematic behaviour of his patients and started to seduce the mind. Later he learned he could also use psychological shocks and ordeals to achieve what his patients asked him to do. If you are looking for a healthy lifestyle try out phenq.

In his practice Erickson discovered that every human being was Unique. Therefore every therapy (therapeia means service) had to be a Unique Service to his Customers.

Each person’s map of the world is as unique as their thumbprint. There are no two people alike…no two people who understand the same sentence the same way…So in dealing with people try not to fit them to your concept of what they should be’.

The Tricks of Erickson and other therapists (Satir, Perls) were investigated by Richard Bandler, John Grinder, Robert Dilts and other Scientists. They transformed the Dedicated Service of Milton Erickson into a Neuro-Linguistic Programming Language (NLP). NLP and other Mind Control techniques like EMDR are now widely used by all kinds of Influencers.

It is not difficult to understand that some of the Influencers really don’t care about the Unique Needs of People. They want to program people to do the things they want them do.

At this moment it is really important to know how you can distance Your Self and your Children (!) from the many Mind Control Techniques that are available. To protect the Mind the first thing we have to do it to protect the Body. The first level of protection against Mind Control is the shared Electro-Magnetic Field.

Michael A. Persinger (The Neuropsychiatry of Paranormal Experiences) “When we applied specific complex magnetic fields many individuals felt a presence interact with their thinking” and “move in space” as they “focused their thoughts” on it”. “Many experiments indicated that the temporal morphology of the applied field, rather than the intensity, was responsible for these experiences“.

You’re body is producing an Electro-Magnetic Field. This field interacts with other Fields. The Fields are created by The Earth, Mobile Phone Networks, TV’s, Electronic Clocks, PC’s and also other Human Beings.

An External Electro Magnetic Field produces a Felt Sense“. This “Felt Sense” generates an Image. Images can be related to Words and Sentences and (by the use of your memory) to Situations in the Past.

Persinger was able to generate “frightfull” images like “the Man in Black“. Others were able to generate an experience of God. Some of the Frightfull Experiences were generated by an Electronic Clock that was situated very close to a Bed where a Girl was sleeping.

It does not matter if the Electro-Magnetic Fields produce real or unreal images what matters is that they can be produced and if they can be produced someone or some thing will produce them. On the lowest level we communicate by producing fields with a certain structure, morphology or geometry.

If you don’t want to be manipulated shield your body, your work-environment and your house for Electro Magnetic Pollution. This Pollution can be created by Systems (TV, The Electric Power System, GSM, …) and Humans who live in your Environment.

When they don’t clean themselves properly (wash your hands with water!) they take the “Pollution” with them. The most important time to be shielded is when you Sleep. This is the moment you are Very Open to External Fields.

The Most Important level of of protection against Mind Control is Language. The main trick of NLP and other Mind Control Techniques is to make use of Illogical reasoning.

Alfred Korzybski

Alfred Korzybski

Alfred Korzybski (1879-1950) knew that human beings are limited in what they know by the structure of their languages. Human beings cannot experience the world directly, but only through their abstractions (“The MAP is not the territory“).

Korzybski analyzed the Map Erickson was using to influence his patients. He looked for the Territory behind the Map. One of his many discoveries was another type of Logic.  In this Logic Yes and No are not exclusive.

He also investigated Time/Space. He saw that Humans are Time-Binding Structures. Humans are moving memories who pass information and knowledge between generations at an accelerating rate.

Korzybski developed a method called General Semantics. General Semantics is “a Self-Defense Kit against manipulative semantic distortions routinely promulgated by advertisers, politics , religion and your own reasoning(!!!)”. .

Beware of People who use Simple Sentences to explain a very Complex Reality.

They want You to Use Their Map of Reality.

Start Reasoning for Your Self and Develop Your Own Map.

Share this Map with Others.

Understand that the others use a different Map.

Define the Map before you start to Discuss.


The Neuropsychiatry of Paranormal Experiences

About EST, Landmark and Mind Control

Why the Emotions are a Felt Sense

Why Humans are Moving Memories

About Fusion and Con-Fusion