Posts Tagged ‘trance state’

About Crowds

Friday, October 8th, 2010

The theory of  the Wisdom of the Crowd supposes that it is possible to create collective wisdom out of the combination of the wisdom of many disconnected independent intelligent (wise) individuals.

This theory has nothing to do with a Crowd. As you will see Crowds are not intelligent. Crowds are groups of people that are totally synchronized and act out of their collective emotions.

When people talk they move into a state of entrainment within a few seconds. The reason is the dialogue itself. If focuses the participants on the same issue.

When many people focus their attention at the same subject  (television, movie, music, soccer match, a ritual, ..) the same effect happens. Individuals in a crowd become the crowd.

When many individuals  are not focused on a shared goal they will never become a crowd. In this case every individual will go his own way looking for a “real” crowd.

Human beings want to be part of a crowd because a crowd is one of the most effective ways to generate a lot of personal energy.

Most people, the generators,  are energy producers. Some people are energy consumers. Extraverts take their energy out of the crowd. Introverts accumulate energy when they are alone and relaxed. It is not easy to entrain introverts.






Why Crowds give Energy

Entrainment or Trance is a state of the body in which the Left and Right Brain are synchronized. When this happens the Human becomes his Emotions.

Sociologist Randall Collins has called this interactive rhythmic entrainment the “hum of solidarity“.

As in an empassioned conversation, the synchrony of our rhythms forms an inaudibly low frequency, we hum. If you record such a conversation and speed up the recording a few octaves, you will hear it. Laughing together is a perfect example, often showing rapid synchronization.

Ritual practices (meals, parties, etc) help sustain these moments of solidarity over time. The local energy exchange is a fine-grained flow of micro-events that build up in patterns of split seconds and ebb away in longer periods of minutes, hours, days.

These local interactions combine, giving rise to another form at a ‘higher’ degree, a social emotion. Emotional energy is defined by Randall Collins as a feeling of confidence, elation, strength, enthusiasm, and initiative in taking action. And it is the giving and recieving of emotional energy that keeps a practice, an idea, a fad, a tune, and a people going.

Shamans and cultural leaders have known this for centuries and used rhythmic or emotional entrainment to heal, commune with, or even to brainwash and destroy one another.

The role of rhythm in trance music is largely in synchronizing an individual’s internal rhythms (heart rate, respiratory rate, blood flow, neural potentials) with those of others. And this is done by using a swift, loud, clear rhythm to drive everyone.

When people synchronize they experience a rise of their energy-level and this energy-level persists for about a week. That is why spiritual rituals are repeated every week on a Sun-day, the day of the Energy of the Center.

crowd in panic

How to control Moving Masses

Events that create a huge amount of emotional energy like concerts and soccer-matches attract huge amount of people. There have been many incidents where the movement of the entrained crowds has created many casualties.

People in crowds obey just two rules. Copy the other and keep a certain distance to the other.

The distance is a very important variable. When the distance exceeds the limit of the personal field, the personal fields merge and the personal identity dissolves into the collective identity.

At that moment the crowd starts to move on its own. The “leader“, the first person in the crowd,  becomes a very important person. When the “leader of the crowd” does not know what to do, the crowd will start to behave in a chaotic way. Experiments show that about 5% of the people in a crowd are “leading’ the crowd.

When you want to control a crowd you have to control the people that are in front of the crowd.

When you want to control a moving crowd you have to create a structure that guides the crowd (“way-finding”).  One of the most important mistakes is to create a bottleneck in this structure.

When the crowd moves into this bottleneck it will slow down the speed of the crowd and the distance between the members of the crowd will decrease until the crowd will stop at a certain point creating a “traffic jam”.  At that point people will be crushed.

When people participate in a crowd the Emotions of the crowd become dominant. When the crowd is attacked or is unable to find its way,  the negative Primary Emotions appear.

In  this state individuals are able to produce highly agressive behavior (Fight), extreme passive behavior (Freeze) or extreme avoidant behavior (Flight).

When the flow of the crowd is disturbed somewhere and the collective moves into the state of panic the bottleneck will certainly kill or injure many people.


How to manipulate the Masses

The predictable behavior of a crowd has been known for a very long time. This knowledge was used by intelligent “dictators” who wanted to use the masses for their own aim. Good examples are of course Hilter and Goering, his communications manager.

When they tried to move the masses, the mass media were in their infancy. At this moment it is possible to reach millions of people with ease. The ”leaders” of this moment know that they have to behave and talk in a certain way to entrain their followers.

The big problem is that crowds are unable to think so they have to simplify their message and emphasize certain “mantra’s“. The effect of their behavior is that the world becomes very simple.

The most effective way to influence the Crowd is to divide the Crowd into two parts, the In-Crowd (“we’) and the Out-Crowd (“not-we”) and to project everything that is wrong on the Out-Crowd. Hitler used the Jews but at this moment the Muslims are the most used “Out-Crowd”.

There is nothing wrong when Leaders use the Psychology of the Masses to move the Masses. The masses, the Sheep,  need a leader, the Shepherd. Without a leader they start to drift and will never reach the Promised Land.

When Leaders misuse innocent people of the Out-Crowd to increase their own power there is something terribly wrong.  These Leaders are criminals and should be treated this way.


About the Good and the Evil

About the Fascist State

About Entrainment

About Trance

About the Left and Right Brain

About the Emotions

Randall Collins, Interaction Ritual Chains

How crowds behave in a public place

Why Crowds Panic

A Scientific paper about Entrainment and Religion

About Mind Control

Monday, November 26th, 2007
Milton Erickson

Milton Erickson

Milton Erickson (1901-1980) was “the best therapist that ever lived“. He was an expert in “non-verbal” behaviour. He learned when he was young that people could say “yes” and mean “no” at the same time.

At that time he discovered that body language and tone of voice was telling another story than verbal language. The first part addresses the Unconsciousness. The second addresses the Mind.

Erickson was able to tell two stories at the same time. One story was a fascinating story that had nothing to do with the problem of his patients. Within the first story he emphasized sentences with his tone of voice that contained suggestions that solved the problem.

Later Erickson discovered there were other ways to deceive the Mind. The Mind needs a predictable future. When there is no predictability it searches all the “libraries” of known situations to find an appropriate action-pattern. When the mind is “extremely busy” the door to the unconsciousness of his patients opened and accepted what “nice guy” Milton was telling. Milton started to confuse his patients.

When your Mind is confused you enter a trance-state or a dissociation.  When you’re expectation is extremely violated you enter in a permanent trance-state (a dissociative trance disorder).

Milton always confused his patients a little bit. Without even knowing they went into a trance and the suggestions of Milton always went through the Open Door. Milton used self-induced trance-states (auto-suggestion) to listen better to his patients.

The Mind of some of his patients was very clever. It knew that Milton was using a Confusion-Trick and simply blocked the door. Milton was a genius in finding new tricks. He admired the problematic behaviour of his patients and started to seduce the mind. Later he learned he could also use psychological shocks and ordeals to achieve what his patients asked him to do. If you are looking for a healthy lifestyle try out phenq.

In his practice Erickson discovered that every human being was Unique. Therefore every therapy (therapeia means service) had to be a Unique Service to his Customers.

Each person’s map of the world is as unique as their thumbprint. There are no two people alike…no two people who understand the same sentence the same way…So in dealing with people try not to fit them to your concept of what they should be’.

The Tricks of Erickson and other therapists (Satir, Perls) were investigated by Richard Bandler, John Grinder, Robert Dilts and other Scientists. They transformed the Dedicated Service of Milton Erickson into a Neuro-Linguistic Programming Language (NLP). NLP and other Mind Control techniques like EMDR are now widely used by all kinds of Influencers.

It is not difficult to understand that some of the Influencers really don’t care about the Unique Needs of People. They want to program people to do the things they want them do.

At this moment it is really important to know how you can distance Your Self and your Children (!) from the many Mind Control Techniques that are available. To protect the Mind the first thing we have to do it to protect the Body. The first level of protection against Mind Control is the shared Electro-Magnetic Field.

Michael A. Persinger (The Neuropsychiatry of Paranormal Experiences) “When we applied specific complex magnetic fields many individuals felt a presence interact with their thinking” and “move in space” as they “focused their thoughts” on it”. “Many experiments indicated that the temporal morphology of the applied field, rather than the intensity, was responsible for these experiences“.

You’re body is producing an Electro-Magnetic Field. This field interacts with other Fields. The Fields are created by The Earth, Mobile Phone Networks, TV’s, Electronic Clocks, PC’s and also other Human Beings.

An External Electro Magnetic Field produces a Felt Sense“. This “Felt Sense” generates an Image. Images can be related to Words and Sentences and (by the use of your memory) to Situations in the Past.

Persinger was able to generate “frightfull” images like “the Man in Black“. Others were able to generate an experience of God. Some of the Frightfull Experiences were generated by an Electronic Clock that was situated very close to a Bed where a Girl was sleeping.

It does not matter if the Electro-Magnetic Fields produce real or unreal images what matters is that they can be produced and if they can be produced someone or some thing will produce them. On the lowest level we communicate by producing fields with a certain structure, morphology or geometry.

If you don’t want to be manipulated shield your body, your work-environment and your house for Electro Magnetic Pollution. This Pollution can be created by Systems (TV, The Electric Power System, GSM, …) and Humans who live in your Environment.

When they don’t clean themselves properly (wash your hands with water!) they take the “Pollution” with them. The most important time to be shielded is when you Sleep. This is the moment you are Very Open to External Fields.

The Most Important level of of protection against Mind Control is Language. The main trick of NLP and other Mind Control Techniques is to make use of Illogical reasoning.

Alfred Korzybski

Alfred Korzybski

Alfred Korzybski (1879-1950) knew that human beings are limited in what they know by the structure of their languages. Human beings cannot experience the world directly, but only through their abstractions (“The MAP is not the territory“).

Korzybski analyzed the Map Erickson was using to influence his patients. He looked for the Territory behind the Map. One of his many discoveries was another type of Logic.  In this Logic Yes and No are not exclusive.

He also investigated Time/Space. He saw that Humans are Time-Binding Structures. Humans are moving memories who pass information and knowledge between generations at an accelerating rate.

Korzybski developed a method called General Semantics. General Semantics is “a Self-Defense Kit against manipulative semantic distortions routinely promulgated by advertisers, politics , religion and your own reasoning(!!!)”. .

Beware of People who use Simple Sentences to explain a very Complex Reality.

They want You to Use Their Map of Reality.

Start Reasoning for Your Self and Develop Your Own Map.

Share this Map with Others.

Understand that the others use a different Map.

Define the Map before you start to Discuss.


The Neuropsychiatry of Paranormal Experiences

About EST, Landmark and Mind Control

Why the Emotions are a Felt Sense

Why Humans are Moving Memories

About Fusion and Con-Fusion