Posts Tagged ‘Story’

Why Employees are the best Salesman

Thursday, April 3rd, 2008

The parts of most organization are not only internally disconnected by the trap op the Tower of Babel. The internal dialogue has stopped.

Most organizations are also externally disconnected to their primary source of wealth, the customer. If the organization of the customer is in the same state of confusion the problem seems to be unsolvable.

The solution to this problem is really easy. To solve the problem we have to leave behind the concept of the hierarchical organization.

We have to realize that an organization is a network of human beings and this network is connecting many organizations.

It is proven that every human on earth is connected by a chain that has a maximum of seven steps. When we look at a specialized network the amount of steps is much lower (in general three). Most of the managers don’t realize this.

The consequence of this shift in paradigm is that every employee of every organization is a potential customer and a salesman.

A programmer is selling to programmers, a trainer is selling to trainers, a manager is selling to managers and a CEO is selling to CEO’s. They all tell a different story but the story they tell is understood by their partners in the Network. If we are able to connect all the different stories by organizing a dialogue of understanding, a generic story will be created. Creating a joint story (a myth) takes time but it is not necessary to wait for the perfect story. Every story that resonates is a good story.

It is not wise for a programmer to spend all his time in selling. His main task is to program. The solution to this problem is to combine “working and selling”. When a programmer works in the organization of the customers, doing his job, he is selling. A good performing motivated programmer sells without selling.

A software package is easily sold if the employees of the company use their own tools and are enthusiastic about the use of the tools.

The consequence of this insight is that a software company has to use his own product all the time and focus itself on “doing joint projects”. A combination of employees of the customer and employees of the software company will speed up the dialogue.

A very important point is to create short-term and long-term feedback-mechanisms. We have to close the cycle at every level as soon as possible.

The effect of feed-back is that every action of every employee returns on himself when the cycle is closed. The employee is able to take responsibility, learn from his mistakes and improve his behavior. If this is done on every level, the organization will spiral. It will move up without loosing the whole.

Now we have to find out what connection will be the most effective. It is the area where we have to focus the efforts of the specialists in selling. Again we have to look at the cycle of business. We have to find the generator of business in society. If we find this generator it will propagate the package in every network if the myth of the package runs like a fire.

Everybody knows that the generator in business is the Small and Medium Enterprise (SME). Selling to SME’s is simple when you are able to convince the entrepreneurs. Big companies are also networks of SME’s. The priority of sales has to be given to the entrepreneurs in business. Most of the time they are situated in what is called the Business Unit in a Big Company.

To sell you need to talk the language (tell the story) of the Entrepreneur. The consequence of this Insight is that Sales People have to be former entrepreneurs in Business that are still acting in their network. These people are called charismatic leaders or boundary spanners.

About The Story of Your Life

Friday, January 18th, 2008

The term “story” originates from the word “historein” or “histor” meaning “to inquire” and “wise man, judge”. It is also related to the term “seeing”. A story was meant to give insight.

To create a insightfull story a special framework was used that was based on a cyclic-model. Creating a story was an art and story-tellers (bards) were highly professional people travelling around the country. Storytellers triggered the imagination of their audience.

There is another way of Storytelling. It is based on the Conduit Metaphor. In this case a story is something that is exchanged between people. It is a recall of a situation or chain of situations out of memory.

Stories of this kind can be used to give insight when we use the theories of Roger Schank. Roger Schank researched human memory.

He realized thet people learn when their expectation is violated. At that moment they are very open to the advice of an (older?) expert that made the same mistake and found another solution. Stories of experienced people can be used to teach not experienced people.

When people tell a story out of their memory they use a framework. They select and chain the situations in a certain way. When you analyze life-stories this framework becomes very visible.

The framework behind the stories can be related to the theory of Michael Bahktin. Bahktin showed that there are five basic story-frameworks (tragedy, romance, myth,..). When you use the tragic framework you act like a victim. In the mythical framework people play the roles of   kings, heros, magicians, fayries or other mythical beings. Jung calls these mythical beings archetypes

Goffman showed that people play a role in a play. Most of the people don’t know they are playd by the play. They are pawns. Behind every play there is a new play (a meta-play). Somewhere somebody or something is guiding or directing us in our lifes. Some people call this directing principle karma. It is very helpfull to know your karma. If you resolve this puzzle you are free to play the play to want to play. You have left the Matrix.

What can you do?

When you want to use story-telling as a tool to educate please understand that some people are telling the same story again and again. They are pawns and not experts. Experts are hard to find.

When you want to plan interviews the 80/20-rule is applicable. 80% of the stories you collect are about failures and not about solutions or new inventions. 

When you want to apply storytelling remember that all the stories that have to be told are already available. They are available in myths and literature. Use one of the many old stories and bring them to our time. 

Personal stories are a variant of old stories. The most interesting persons to look for are the Mythics or the Heroes. Joseph Campbell has collected and analyzed the meta-myths.

If you are looking at your own life-story try to find the play or myth you are playing. Try to find out if you are pawn in a play and determine who is your director.

Find out who or what is calling you to go on a Quest. Don’t resist the calling. In the Quest you will learn a lot about your self. In the end you will find the Grale or another tool humankind is waiting for.

Please remember that Heroes are never awarded. Others will take over your invention and claim succes. Don’t bother about that. They are still played by the game of competition. Once in their life (perhaps 1 minute before they die) the will know their own calling.

Leave the play and create your own play. Live a unique life-story and inspire others to do the same. Use the toolmaker methaphor.Explore and create new tools. Share your inventions with others.

About Mind Control

Monday, November 26th, 2007
Milton Erickson

Milton Erickson

Milton Erickson (1901-1980) was “the best therapist that ever lived“. He was an expert in “non-verbal” behaviour. He learned when he was young that people could say “yes” and mean “no” at the same time.

At that time he discovered that body language and tone of voice was telling another story than verbal language. The first part addresses the Unconsciousness. The second addresses the Mind.

Erickson was able to tell two stories at the same time. One story was a fascinating story that had nothing to do with the problem of his patients. Within the first story he emphasized sentences with his tone of voice that contained suggestions that solved the problem.

Later Erickson discovered there were other ways to deceive the Mind. The Mind needs a predictable future. When there is no predictability it searches all the “libraries” of known situations to find an appropriate action-pattern. When the mind is “extremely busy” the door to the unconsciousness of his patients opened and accepted what “nice guy” Milton was telling. Milton started to confuse his patients.

When your Mind is confused you enter a trance-state or a dissociation.  When you’re expectation is extremely violated you enter in a permanent trance-state (a dissociative trance disorder).

Milton always confused his patients a little bit. Without even knowing they went into a trance and the suggestions of Milton always went through the Open Door. Milton used self-induced trance-states (auto-suggestion) to listen better to his patients.

The Mind of some of his patients was very clever. It knew that Milton was using a Confusion-Trick and simply blocked the door. Milton was a genius in finding new tricks. He admired the problematic behaviour of his patients and started to seduce the mind. Later he learned he could also use psychological shocks and ordeals to achieve what his patients asked him to do. If you are looking for a healthy lifestyle try out phenq.

In his practice Erickson discovered that every human being was Unique. Therefore every therapy (therapeia means service) had to be a Unique Service to his Customers.

Each person’s map of the world is as unique as their thumbprint. There are no two people alike…no two people who understand the same sentence the same way…So in dealing with people try not to fit them to your concept of what they should be’.

The Tricks of Erickson and other therapists (Satir, Perls) were investigated by Richard Bandler, John Grinder, Robert Dilts and other Scientists. They transformed the Dedicated Service of Milton Erickson into a Neuro-Linguistic Programming Language (NLP). NLP and other Mind Control techniques like EMDR are now widely used by all kinds of Influencers.

It is not difficult to understand that some of the Influencers really don’t care about the Unique Needs of People. They want to program people to do the things they want them do.

At this moment it is really important to know how you can distance Your Self and your Children (!) from the many Mind Control Techniques that are available. To protect the Mind the first thing we have to do it to protect the Body. The first level of protection against Mind Control is the shared Electro-Magnetic Field.

Michael A. Persinger (The Neuropsychiatry of Paranormal Experiences) “When we applied specific complex magnetic fields many individuals felt a presence interact with their thinking” and “move in space” as they “focused their thoughts” on it”. “Many experiments indicated that the temporal morphology of the applied field, rather than the intensity, was responsible for these experiences“.

You’re body is producing an Electro-Magnetic Field. This field interacts with other Fields. The Fields are created by The Earth, Mobile Phone Networks, TV’s, Electronic Clocks, PC’s and also other Human Beings.

An External Electro Magnetic Field produces a Felt Sense“. This “Felt Sense” generates an Image. Images can be related to Words and Sentences and (by the use of your memory) to Situations in the Past.

Persinger was able to generate “frightfull” images like “the Man in Black“. Others were able to generate an experience of God. Some of the Frightfull Experiences were generated by an Electronic Clock that was situated very close to a Bed where a Girl was sleeping.

It does not matter if the Electro-Magnetic Fields produce real or unreal images what matters is that they can be produced and if they can be produced someone or some thing will produce them. On the lowest level we communicate by producing fields with a certain structure, morphology or geometry.

If you don’t want to be manipulated shield your body, your work-environment and your house for Electro Magnetic Pollution. This Pollution can be created by Systems (TV, The Electric Power System, GSM, …) and Humans who live in your Environment.

When they don’t clean themselves properly (wash your hands with water!) they take the “Pollution” with them. The most important time to be shielded is when you Sleep. This is the moment you are Very Open to External Fields.

The Most Important level of of protection against Mind Control is Language. The main trick of NLP and other Mind Control Techniques is to make use of Illogical reasoning.

Alfred Korzybski

Alfred Korzybski

Alfred Korzybski (1879-1950) knew that human beings are limited in what they know by the structure of their languages. Human beings cannot experience the world directly, but only through their abstractions (“The MAP is not the territory“).

Korzybski analyzed the Map Erickson was using to influence his patients. He looked for the Territory behind the Map. One of his many discoveries was another type of Logic.  In this Logic Yes and No are not exclusive.

He also investigated Time/Space. He saw that Humans are Time-Binding Structures. Humans are moving memories who pass information and knowledge between generations at an accelerating rate.

Korzybski developed a method called General Semantics. General Semantics is “a Self-Defense Kit against manipulative semantic distortions routinely promulgated by advertisers, politics , religion and your own reasoning(!!!)”. .

Beware of People who use Simple Sentences to explain a very Complex Reality.

They want You to Use Their Map of Reality.

Start Reasoning for Your Self and Develop Your Own Map.

Share this Map with Others.

Understand that the others use a different Map.

Define the Map before you start to Discuss.


The Neuropsychiatry of Paranormal Experiences

About EST, Landmark and Mind Control

Why the Emotions are a Felt Sense

Why Humans are Moving Memories

About Fusion and Con-Fusion

About The Crazy Experiment of Nikola Tesla and John von Neumann

Thursday, November 15th, 2007

teslaOne of the most influential inventors of our time was Nikola Tesla (1856-1943). He was specialized in “Electro-Magnetic Inventions“.

Tesla became a myth. He became a myth because he was not a “normal” inventor.

Tesla saw his inventions in his mind. He not only saw them he could even play with them in his mind to improve the design.

Tesla invented normal inventions but when the normal inventions were created he started to create abnormal and even absurd inventions.

He became the prototype of the “mad scientist“.

His main objective was to give mankind the opportunity to become God, The Creator.

This a part of a letter to the New York Times that Tesla wrote in 1908. If you read this Letter carefully you will see that Tesla has discovered the Source of Creation, The AEther.

According to an adopted theory, every ponderable atom is differentiated from a tenuous fluid, filling all space merely by spinning motion, as a whirl of water in a calm lake. By being set in movement this fluid, the ether, becomes gross matter. Its movement arrested, the primary substance reverts to its normal state. It appears, then, possible for man through harnessed energy of the medium and suitable agencies for starting and stopping ether whirls to cause matter to form and disappear. At his command, almost without effort on his part, old worlds would vanish and new ones would spring into being. He could alter the size of this planet, control its seasons, adjust its distance from the sun, guide it on its eternal journey along any path he might choose, through the depths of the universe. He could make planets collide and produce his suns and stars, his heat and light; he could originate life in all its infinite forms. To cause at will the birth and death of matter would be man’s grandest deed, which would give him the mastery of physical creation, make him fulfill his ultimate destiny.”

I want to focus this blog on one highly mythical story in the Life of Tesla. In this Story another “mad scientist” named John von Neumann appears.

vonneumannThe story reads like a science fiction book but many parts of the story are factual and even the facts are disturbing enough.

At a certain moment Tesla claimed a few things. He claimed he could create the “Weapon of all Weapons“. This Weapon would end All Wars. Tesla also claimed he could talk with extra terrestrials by an invention called the Teslascope. Later he claimed he could create Invisibility. Tesla claimed much more. When he was eighty-one, Tesla claimed he had completed a dynamic theory of gravity with this theory he could create anti-gravity.

The claims of Tesla about New Weapons, Invisibility, Anti-Gravity and even Time Travel attracted the US Army. The first goal was to create an invisible ship. In the experiment he would be collaborating with John von Neumann.

John von Neumann was a mathematical genius. Just like Tesla he was not a “social person”.

Von Neumann was the man behind the first computer (the Enniac), the Atomic Bomb and the H-Bomb. He was also highly infuencial in the field of Quantum Mechanics.

John von Neumann believed he could calculate everything. He believed that he could create an Artificial Mind. When he could connect this Artificial Mind to The Force of Creation he could create completely new things. He knew Tesla could help him to reach his goal.

In 1940 a full test was done in the Brooklyn Naval Yard. It was a small test, with no one on board the vehicle. By 1941 a ship was procured to do a full experiment.

EldridgeTesla knew that the mental state and bodies of the crew would be affected severely. He wanted more time to perfect the experiment. Von Neumann disagreed and the experiment was performed with a crew on board. Tesla left the project.

The result of all this became a legend called the Philadelphia Experiment. Tesla was right. He was right because Tesla always used his own body and mind in his own experiments.

The physiological effects on the crew were profound. Almost all of the crew were violently ill. They experienced tremors and other distortions of the neurological system.

Some suffered from mental illness as a result of their experience; behavior consistent with Psychosis is described in other accounts. Still other members were physically unaccounted for. They simply vanished and came back later in time.

Five of the crew were allegedly fused to the metal bulkhead or deck of the ship. Still others were said to fade in and out of sight. All of the crew-members experienced Time-Travel.

Later the project was transferred to Montauk. John Von Neumann became the manager. In the Montauk Project he wanted to create a Mind Amplifier.

The Legend tells us that he was able to do this. What von Neumann did not realize was that the Amplifier created a Hole in Time (a Portal, a Wormhole) and this portal was a Two-Way-Street. Others, Extra Terrestials, used the Hole to enter our Universe.

The story of Montauk reads like a science-fiction story and it inspired many Books and Movies.

Later the projects changed names (Phoenix, MKULTRA).

Everything connected to the Philadelphia Experiment, the Montauk Experiment and other Strange and Dangerous experiments is denied by the American Government.

The American Government was at that time controlled by Congress and Congress organized hearings. One of the most intensive research programs was performed by the Church Committee. It proved that the Army and the Intelligence Services violated many laws.

Many people don’t trust the Army. If you search the Internet it contains thousands of websites that contain facts and interpretations of the facts. Almost nobody believes the Government is telling the Truth. This is a very BAD SIGN. It decreases the believe in Government and its Actions to serve the Citizens.

People don’t trust the Army and the Government because every time when its actions are researched by Parliament many illegal activities are proved. They have aquired the expectation that the Government is always hiding something.

Because they don’t know the “real” facts they create their own theories (Myths). Many of these Myths are about Conspiracies. Somewhere behind the Government is an Evil Force trying to Control Everybody.

If you look at the major priorities at this moment (Mind Control) it is very difficult not to believe in a Conspiracy to Control Everybody.

The Army has developed neural implants to control the behavior of humans. The implants give direct input into the brain and make it possible for a Central Command Center to manage the behavior of soldiers. They are also used to control the behavior of animals (Sharks).

The Army has invented a Long Range Acoustical Device (LRAD) that can be used to control a crowd. It is able to induce high levels of pain.

Another technology is called Trancranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS). TMS uses Electro-Magnetic Fields to control the emotions.

These projects are all described in “US Electromagnetic Weapons and Human Rights” By Peter Phillips, Lew Brown and Bridget Thornton.

John Norseen, one of scientists cited in the document shows the long term perspective. “If this research pans out you can begin to manipulate what someone is thinking even before they know it.” He is like John von Neumann not interested in Ethics. He is certainly not a “mad” scientist – just a dedicated one. “The ethics don’t concern me,” he says, “they should concern someone else

Do you want to read more about the Ethics of Mind Control?

Do you want to read more about the Legal Implications of Mind Control?