Archive for the ‘Biology’ Category

Why are all the Bees dying?

Tuesday, March 4th, 2008
Haagen-Dazs is warning that a creature as small as a honeybee could become a big problem for the premium ice cream maker’s business. At issue are the disappearing bee colonies in the United States, a situation that continues to mystify scientists and frighten food-makers.
That’s because, according to Haagen-Dazs, one-third of the U.S. food supply – including a variety of fruits, vegetables and even nuts – depends on pollination from bees.It is now estimated that nearly half of Italy’s 50 billion bee population died last year. Meanwhile, the situation in the U.S., where up to 70% of honey bees have already died, is far worse than in Italy. The worldwide bee epidemic has also hit France, Germany, Britain, Brazil, Australia, and Canada.

Bees are responsible for the pollination of fruits, nuts, vegetables; such as, carrots, cucumbers, broccoli, onions, pumpkins, squash, apples, blueberries, avocados, almonds or cherries. Many animals and insects are dependent on these products. In the end the only thing that is left for us to eat is grain and seafood.

The wheat supplies around the world are at their lowest level in thirty years and the demand for seafood is also much bigger than the amount of fish that is produced. The effect is a permanent rise of the prices. At the end only the Rich people (We) are able to buy food. The rest of the World has to find other solutions. Don’t you think this will create a lot of conflicts?

Scientists are “mystified” by what they call Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD).

 Bees use the sky and the earth’s magnetic field to navigate. They communicate this information to their mates by the famous bees’ waggle dance on the honeycomb. Researchers at Landau University in Germany designed a simple experiment. They exposed bee-hives to the radiation of DECT-stations. Of course they also used a control group that was not exposed. For two microwave-exposed hives no bees at all returned. To one hive only six returned.

I think it is strange that a simple explanation is not accepted. When bees vanish there can be only one reason. They move out and are unable to find their way back. Because their navigation system depends on “the sky and the earth magnetic field” there must be something wrong with this field.

 Honeybees are one of the most sensitive indicator species for all the environmental pollution and dangerous technologies we perpetrate.

When honeybees disappear, we too, shall follow in due time.I have written more than once about the big changes that are taking place in the Magnetic Field of the Earth. Some changes are caused by external influences (the Sun Cycle) but most of the changes are caused by ourselves. We are polluting the sea, the earth and the sky.

Not only the telecommunication-industry is producing electro-magnetic pollution. The Military (US, Russia, China) have produced very powerfull Electro-Magnetic Weapons. This network is build by the US-Army is now covering the US. It produces so called ELF (Extreem Low Frequency) waves. It is proved that these network change the Magnetic Orientation with 10 degrees. ELF networks are also capable of influencing the Emotions.

I know that the policy-makers are aware of the problems. They know already for a very long time about the hazards. They don’t know what to do because we are now about a 100% dependent on the “mobile”-infrastructure. They don’t want to admit they told “lies” to the public.

It is a well known fact that when many people are compromised they just wait and see and hope for something that will save from a downfall when everybody starts to realize we are moving into a fatal disaster and they knew it all the time (!).

Not only the politicians are not acting. The users (Civilians and Soldiers) are also watching and using their beautifull gadgets. They are addicted and don’t realize that electro-magnetic infrastructures are also killing the Immune-system and affect our Emotional States.

The Military don’t mind about this. Destructing the Enemy is their Goal.

When you read this Blog please realize that You are again informed about a new step in the Destruction of Your own Environment.

If we go on this way we will be sick (Auto-Immune Diseases), poor and hungry (Shortage of Food) in due time.

 We will be poor because the financial system is crashing because of the spectacular amount of financial speculation. Speculation in Commodities is one part of a very big picture that shows that the Financial Industry is gambling on a very large scale. Speculation is one the most important factors for the rise of all the prices in commodities.

Sometimes we have to stop something and start all-over again. I am afraid we have to stop mobile communication almost immedeatly and move back to the old way of telecommunication using cables. I am sure we will find low-intensity solutions for Mobile Communication. There is really no need to send Movies and Pictures by the mobile network.There is abundance of Glass Fiber!

We also have to stop all the large scale “experiments” with Electro Magnetic Fields that are going on in the Weapon Industry. There is no need for more advanced highly destructive weapons. 

About Genesis

Sunday, February 17th, 2008
A very interesting principle that helps to shape education is the principle of Genesis. The principle of Genesis can be seen in the development of the human fetus. It follows all the stages of human evolution but the process takes nine months instead of millions of years.

The most interesting scientists that researched genesis can be found in Russia. They lived in the time of Stalin and tried to cope with Marxism.

Their names are Lev Vigotsky, Yury Lotman’s (the Semiosphere), Vernadsky‘s (the Biosphere, now called Gaya) and of course Bakhtin‘s (the Logosphere). All of them felt that we are reaching a new “jump” in the genesis of our “systems” (thinking, living and commun-ication).

Vigotsky believed in the Genesis of Education. To educate a person we have to teach him all the important stages in the development of a certain science. The only thing we have to do is detect the Major Events or “Jumps” or “Phase Transitions” so we can speed up the process.  

Vigotsky argued that the human evolution is largely connected to the development of tools. If we want to learn more about the Major Jumps of  human culture we have to look at the genesis of our instruments including our “tools of the mind”.
The other important issue of Vigotsky is Context.
People learn when they are operating in the same context the science is applied. The major learning process is Exploration, making mistakes and learning from the mistakes.
Education is only successful if the teacher stretches his pupil a little bit. He (or she) has to Push (Challenge) the learner into a higher State of Understanding to make the next step and to explore a new territory of Understanding.

Bahktin, Vigotsky, Vernadsky and Lotman all believed in a Cyclic system that suddenly moves to a new level. At this moment we would classify their science as Chaos Theory.

If Bahktin, Vernadsky and Lotman and Vigotsky are right we have to prepare ourselves for a new step (Gaya, The Semiosphere, The Logosphere, The Internet).

This step will bring Cooperation on a New scale, Earth.It is not very clear if the new cooperative structure will guide us of if we will guide the structure ourselves.

I think the first thing is happening. We are already confronted with the ”New Wave” and the Wave is increasing his strength. It will “Blow Away” all the Old structures like a Tsunami.

If we look at human cultures the same pattern is visible. We have-to move (!) to certain stages to reach the next stage of development. We cannot enforce Democracy on a culture that is in the stage of the Kingdom or the Tribe.

The same happens in the field of economics and the market. The capitalists are enforcing free trade but they protected their own trade when they were in another stage of their development. We have to accept that the development countries are able to protect their trade because we (the West) did the same thing long ago.

About the Hormone of Love

Sunday, February 10th, 2008

hormone of loveIn the near future we will have many technologies that will allow us to modify and assist our emotions and reasoning.

In this blog I want to tell you what is happening in the area of the chemical engineering of the human body.

Science is digging deeper and deeper into the structures that matter most in our body. The most interesting substances are called hormones. It is now possible to make these hormones on a large scale.

One of the most interesting hormones is the Hormone of Love. If everybody would take a dose of it everyday we could create peace on earth.

In Nov 20, 2007, James Hughes gave a lecture with the title:  ”Virtue Engineering: Applications of Neurotechnology to Improve Moral Behavior“.

In his talk Mr. Hughes suggests that the introduction of coffee was one of the factors that started the Enlightenment because at that time people started to meet and discuss in coffee-houses (“the foggy ale that besieged our brains, while coffee was the brave and wholesome liquor that heals the stomach, makes the genius quicker, relieves the memory, revives the sad, and cheers the spirits without making mad.”).  

The coffee-houses at that time were called “penny universities” because of all the free newspapers. They were also classless. Working men and men from the middle class could go and have a conversation together.

A much more interesting subject in his speech is Love and Compassion. The most important chemical substance is oxytocin. Oxitocin is a neuroactive hormone that is released during breast-feeding and during orgasm.

Paul J. Zak and Ahlam Fakhar (Neuroactive hormones and interpersonal trust: International evidence, Economics & Human Biology) have investigated the relationship between culture and interpersonal trust.

They went to 32 countries, tested the amount of oxytocin in the blood of people then looked at a hundred different variables to see which ones were correlated with the amount of oxytocin in their blood.

They found a very high correlation between the level of oxytocin and the level of cooperation in a culture. You can imagine that the US was not high on their list.

Oxitocin is the hormone that manages the food intake of the body. When your oxitocin-level is low you are hungry. It explains easily why people that are “without love” eat too much.

Vasopressin has the opposite effect.  So when you want to stop eating too much you know what to do. You can take vasopressin or find a friend. When you don’t eat enough, leave your friend.

Oxitocin, the “hormone of love“, highly influences the nervus vagus. This nerve influences the rhythm of the heart.

It explains why a “broken heart” or “being in love” changes the rhytm. To solve this problem you can take beta-blockers. They turn you into a very rational being and the feeling of love will disappear.

The chemical structure of Beta-blockers has a lot in common with vasopressin. When we look deeper we see that vasopressin and oxitocin are part of a deeper structure. They are part of a “family”, called the “molecules of emotion“.

There are many more interesting stories to tell about the relationship between hormones and our behavior but I want to address the most important subject of the speech, the future use of chemical substances.

One thing is for certain we are using chemical substances all the time. They are part of the food we eat and the liquids we drink. We drink coffee and alcohol and every piece of food we eat contains something that affects us.

At this moment we are getting increasingly more evidence what the effects are of all these chemical substances. Somewhere behind them is a simple structure with complementary chemical structures (peptides) that trigger many processes in our body.

When we know this structure we are able to control the behavior of everybody. We could even put them in the drinking water to enhance cooperation or the opposite.

We could put them in a spray and every boy could easily seduce a girl (or vice versa). This is no joke it was already done by the US Army in wartime and there is no reason to suppose that they will use chemical substances when they need them.

The most important question is how far we want to go in controlling people. If the research that is performed at this moment succeeds we are able to control the virtue of everybody.

We are able to let everynody act according to “ethical rules“. They have to be formulated by somebody (government?). It is not clear what these rules are about.

If we provide every body with its daily dosis of oxytocin we will live in peace for ever. The weapon industry and the army will not like that. They will be out of work!

If you read the whole speech you will see that Mr Hughes is very concerned about all the developments that take place in human engineering.

He even wrote a book about it called Citizen Cyborg: Why Democratic Societies Must Respond to the Redesigned Human of the Future.

I don’t think he has a solution. The only think I hope is that people drink a lot of coffee when they start to discuss this issue and that people of with low levels of Oxitocin are excluded or constantly hugged by the others.

About Self Reproducing Systems

Monday, November 12th, 2007

Many people who are Out of Balance seek the help of a Therapist. There are Thousands of approaches available on the Market. Nobody is able to tell what therapy suits You.

Eugene Gendlin started to do research to find this out. He came back with his own therapy called Focusing. He discovered that every therapy works when the “patient” is able to Focus.

They focus on a very subtle and vague internal bodily awareness – or “felt sense.” When the patient treats his “felt sense” with “care” and an “interested curiosity” emotions and memories come back. When the memories and the feelings are accepted the patient feels a relief in the body (In-Sight).

Felt senses and reliefs are produced in a sequence. The patient changes but the changes are small steps. This is very different from other therapies where the patient HAS TO change something.

I want to explain Focusing with two theories.

The first one comes out of Second Order Cybernetics. It was created by Varela and Maturana. Their theory was named Autopoesis (Self Reproduction).

Just like the bacterium in my blog about The Work of Rodney Cotterill every organism has to renew itself. Every part of an organism is replaced during a certain period (a Cycle) but the process of replacing the parts has to take place in such a way that the organism stays alive. The parts (of the parts of the parts) are taken out of its environment and the “waste” of the organism is given back to the environment.

When the environment changes the Autopoetic System has to adapt. It is unable to adapt itself directly. It adapts in small steps related to the Cycle Time of the autopoetic (sub-)System that has to adapt itself. Everything is related to TIMING.

First the Scientist thought that the Body was run by one Central Clock in the Brain. Recent research shows that every part of the body has its own clock. Many clocks operate on a daily basis but there are also cycles that take a (Moon-)month or longer (Seasons).

When an organism has to adapt to a new environment (and this could simply be another person) it can take months before there is a new balance.

The second theory I will use is the theory of Wilhelm Reich.

I use a very large citation to prove my point. “In body psychotherapy, and more recently in neuroscience, sympathetic activity, has been seen more broadly as an indicator of an impulse or a feeling being stirred. The word sympathetic -sym pathos means with feeling. It is most easily understood as an upsurge – those feelings which are experienced as coming UP – anger, fear, excitement, desire, hatred – and which if expressed involve movement out, or towards, or in the case of fear, away from, an object. Sympathetic physiology increases energy and readies the body for action – so it is also about the need to do, express, act“.

Conversely the parasympathetic action is a concomitant of coming DOWN – disappointment, grief, shame, guilt, despair; and contentment, peacefulness, satisfaction – feelings which involve a decrease in tension, withdrawal of energy inward and tend more towards introspection. Laughter and tears are both usually a sign of parasympathetic activity”.

One way in which the body protects itself from emotional intensity is the development of chronic muscular tension, which dampens down both external and internal stimuli. Although sympathetic activity increases muscular tension, individuals with sustained high tension tend to have lower autonomic arousal than those with less muscle tension. Muscle tension creates a buffer, which reduces anxiety but at a cost – a loss of contact with oneself and others. It can be a negative loop that leads to loss of self-regulation”.

Too much muscular tension impairs health because it constricts and inhibits spontaneous processes in general (i.e. including feelings and thoughts), such as breathing, and the venous and lymphatic circulation, which are responsible for clearing the body of toxins. This repressed inner turmoil translates in the body as tension at every level (visceral/muscular/autonomic etc), including hardening and narrowing the arteries, as in angina, a medical condition which can precede heart attack.”

On the other hand, chronic parasympathetic activation, which correlates more with psychological collapse and depression, is not healthy either. Its characteristics are low blood pressure, sluggishness. The organs and muscles lack tone – in other words there is not sufficient tension”.

The reciprocal action of sympathetic and parasympathetic as part of a four-beat cycle: tension-charge-discharge -relaxation. This is known as the vasomotoric cycle, and is a holistic model embracing both psychological and physiological function”.

One image I have of the sympathetic is the coiling of a spring; the parasympathetic is the rebound back to a resting state. The part in between – the spring springing – is a crucial transition. In the coiled wire this action is governed by physical laws – the extent of its spring depends on fixed physical parameters”.

the inhibition at any point in the cycle means that something is not integrated – its split off but the person will inevitably start to wind down sooner or later – just because of the in-built homeostatic regulation. The split off remnants remain in the body as generalised or localised areas of muscular tension, pain, flaccidity or numbness“.

Well I hope you got the message.

We are Self-Reproducing “Machines“.

To reproduce we need to go through a Cycle that contains Cycles that contains Cycles (a Spiral).

To reproduce we need an environment that gives us the Food (Energy) we need.

We also need the environment to give back our “waste“. Our “waste” is “food” for other organisms.

When we are unable to move through our cycles we create a Reservoir. This reservoir is filled with Tension or the need to experience Tension. The reservoirs are situated in the muscles. The most important Muscles are our Organs.

The muscles are connected by an “Electro-Magnetic” wiring system. This System is the same System the Chinese use in Acupuncture. A needle releases the Tension. It removes the “block” and a new “flow of Energy” is started. Just like Focusing Acupuncture is not a “One Step Cures All“-approach.

In our current Society many people are filled with tension but when you are old the opposite happens (YOU are BORED).

At a certain moment the Tension Explodes and we act with Violence. Until that time we experience A FELT SENSE.

When we are Highly Tensed we create a muscular ARMOUR. This ARMOUR protects us against tension but it also protects us from THE OTHERS. We isolate ourselves even from the THERAPISTS.

If this happens the only thing you can do is DANCE or RUN to get into contact with your Body AGAIN.


About Stress

About Focusing

Why we Think with our Muscles

About Acupuncture

Why all Organisms are Moving Memories

Monday, November 12th, 2007

Rodney Cotterill explains a lot about the structure of very simple bacteria. What he shows is that even bacteria have Emotions.

To agree with this we have to agree on a definition of the Emotions. Agreeing about “What an Emotion is” is one of the most complex discussions in Psychology. The discussion is so complex that there is really no discussion possible.

The simplest way to solve this discussion is to start with the meaning of the word Emotion. Emotion simply means “Movement“.

So an Emotion could be described as “Something that moves us” or “Something that shows to other People that we are Moved“.

We are moved by an Event, Something that Happens. Something that “Makes a Difference“.

An Event is a Change in our Environment or Context. This Context could be our Internal Environment (our Body, Pain) or our External Environment.

When you are a bacterium you are moving in an environment that contains Food. You need Food to produce Energy. The environment is not homogeneous. The concentration of food is different in the Space the bacterium is exploring. It even contains deadly food, Poison.

A bacterium like Escherichia coli  procures information by probing its surroundings, through the propulsion provided by its flagellum. In effect, this creature integrates incoming chemical signals during a few-second period of its travels, and adjusts its direction of advance accordingly. The integration is achieved through temporary chemical modifications to molecules located in the bounding membrane, which transfer nutrients to the cytoplasm, and also through changes to certain other molecules in the interior of the cell. Such integration is essentially a short-term memory mechanism”.

The bacterium is probing his environment. When he finds “food” he acquires “energy” and his mover, the flagellum, reacts. The process of intake and movement is a cycle.

The Cycle takes time (a few seconds, a delay, a Rhythm) and acts as “a short term memory“.  Memory is not stored in the body of the bacterium. The Memory of the bacterium is his Cycle.

When the bacterium finds Food he circles around. He is attracted to the Center. When he finds Poison, he moves away. When he moves away his flagellum rotates anticlockwise.  When he is attracted his flagellum moves with the clock. The bacterium shows spiraling behaviour.

The Bacterium LOVES Food and he HATES Poison. In between he is EXITED (Chaotic). He starts to Probe, to Explore, his Environment to find Food (Love) again.

The Emotional State of the Bacterium is a 100% correlated to the State of the Bacterium itself.

The Bacterium Is His Emotions.

When the Bacterium could be AWARE of all his INTERNAL states he would need many words to explain his emotions to us.

When we could show the bacteria that his states are “just” related to a few EXTERNAL states that are related to “the amount of Food in his environment” he could reduce THE AMOUNT OF WORDS to DESCRIBE his emotions to a few.

Cotterill shows that in time many new features (mostly Sensors) are added to the Organisms that followed the Bacterium in the process of Evolution but the basic structure of the bacterium stays in place.

I cite:

The ultimate evolutionary product was the brain itself, though there is not universal agreement as to why this structure actually developed. One obvious view is that it served to gather the sensory organs and their interneurons into a single unit, an alternative idea being that its precursor emerged at a primitive stage, as a device for coordinating the two sides of the body“.

The peripheral reflexes can act independently of the brain, but they can also be coordinated and sequenced by it. The main point to be grasped here is that the brain’s primary purpose lies in the need for inhibiting peripheral reflexes, when particularly sophisticated sequences of muscular movements have to be executed“.

The Brain is not Thinking. It is inhibiting Thinking.

We think independent of the Brain.

The Brain is INHIBITING our thinking when we want to override the Action Patterns that are stored in our Bodily Cycle.

We want to override our Experience when something happens and the Event is not related to our Goals.

Goals are related to Expectations and Expectations are something we, Mammals, are able to “calculate“.

We, the Mammals,  are able to create an Image of the Future. By the process of Abstraction we are able to generate “schema” or “actions patterns” that are imaginary.

When our Goals are violated we are just like the primivitive organisms able to permit the current movement, switch to  another, or stop altogether.

Just like them we have a choice but our choices are not only applicable to the real world.  We are able to switch between the real world and other worlds. The underlying system is comparable it just works on another level.

We, the organisms, are Moving Memories that ARE our Emotions. We are all looking for Love (Energy) and when we are without Love we start to Probe to find it again.


Why an Event is not a Collision

About Deleuze and Events

About Deleuze and Ecology

Thinking with our Muscles: About Mirrors, Spindles and Acrobats

Sunday, November 11th, 2007

bacteriumIn 2002 Will McWhinney was writing his never finished book Grammers of Engagement“.

One of the scientists he was communicating with was Rodney Michael John Cotterill (1933-2007).

Will send me an article of John Cotterill called “Cooperation of the basal ganglia, cerebellum, sensory cerebrum and hippocampus: possible implications for cognition, consciousness, intelligence and creativity” .

The article contains a systematic exploration of the Sensory-Motor System of all the organisms on earth noting that the underlying behavioral strategy of Earth’s creatures does not appear to have changed in the four billion or so years since they sprang from their last common ancestor.

In the body the motor output is supported by the underlying anatomy. The various signaling routes appear to converge on the frontal lobe’s movement-mediating areas, that is to say the primary motor cortex (M1), the premotor and supplementary motor cortices, and the prefrontal cortex (PFC).

The anatomical details show that the three main movement-provoking streams in higher animals function cooperatively. When the cooperative mechanism is working at full strength the result is overt movement.

The article shows what part of the system was added at what moment and what the effect was of this addition. Strangely enough Cotterill comes to the conclusion that we THINK with the SPINDLES in our MUSCLES.

Muscle spindles are found within the fleshy portions of muscles, embedded in so-called Intrafusal fibers. These fibers are walled off from the rest of the muscle by a collagen sheath. This sheath has a spindle shape. While the intrafusal fibers are wrapped with sensory receptors, their counterpart, are responsible for the power-generating component of muscle and are innervated by motor neurons.

In another Blog I already showed that the Collagen Fibers in our Body are exactly mapped on the Meridians that are used in Acupuncture.

The article of Cotterill is very difficult to read if you don’t know anything about the terminology of the Brain but the Schema’s (The Wiring) in the article are very convincing.

This is what Will wrote: “Rodney Cotterill (2001) presented an important integration of the research on the brain structure. His neuro-physiological work radically undermines any support remaining for the stimulus-response schema, replacing it with motor-environment-mind schemata of complex feedback loops. The complex of feedback loops enables one to “Know what one knows.”

Cotterill goes beyond this, writing: “The ability to know that one knows is referred to by psychologists as first-order embedding. Higher embedding, such as that exemplified by knowing that one knows that one knows, merely depends on the ability to hold things in separate patches of neuronal activity in working memory. This manifests itself in the creature’s intelligence, which also dictates its ability to consolidate existing schemata into new schema.” “This ability, labeled intelligence, is a unique feature of mammalian brains. Intelligence and reflection are explained as due to functioning of the web of feedback loops, both internal and external, that evolved in higher animals“.

What Will is explaining is that the connection between all the spindles in our muscles is a very complex feed-back system. This feed-back system is able to create higher levels of “Abstraction” by the use of “Self-Reference”.

The experience in our body is stored in Schema (Action Patterns). “A schema is a reproducible linking of motor-directing actitity to the optimal environmental feedback resulting from that activity, the reproducibility stemming from the fact that schemata are laid down in the available form of memory“.

The schema are learned by Copying the Behavior of Others. We are not only copying we are Mirroring the Other. This is exactly what people in NLP call Pacing & Leading.

Recent advances in the cognitive neuroscience of action have considerably enlarged our understanding of human motor cognition. In particular, the activity of the mirror system, first discovered in the brain of non-human primates, provides an observer with the understanding of a perceived action by means of the motor simulation of the agent’s observed movements.

This discovery has raised the prospects of a “motor theory of social cognition“. Human social cognition includes the ability to mindread, which in turn plays a crucial role in human communication.

Again a citation of Will McWhinney:

Pacing develops through a harmonizing across the spectrum of enunciations and responses. In human communication, rhythm orchestrates the voices, expressions, e.g., sentences, reception processes, rhythms of the body, demands for attention within and among the participants, and long waves of cultural accommodation across the whole set of conversants.  A conversation is effective when the pacing of each element synchronizes with the others: all the phonemes of a word need to be completely expressed before a speaker begins to generate the next word.  Interruptions in this flow produce stuttering, in speech or thought. The breathing must enable a sentence to be phrased, expressed on a single breath or broken in relation to its grammatical structure. The listeners simultaneously construct the sentences in their own neuro-muscular structure“.

When we are Unable to Mirror we are “Out of Tune” and the dialogue stops. Mirroring forms the basis for Empathy and Language. It is also the main reason why Autists have a difficulty to communicate.

I end this blog with a citation of Ritchie produced in 1936:

At the suggestion that muscular movement may be intellectual I feel that there will be a stirring of indignation among the highbrows. They will say, “Why all these talk about acrobats and muscular activity? Granted that what the acrobat does is perfect of its kind it is not properly an intellectual activity, like the mathematician’s for instance”. In reply to this I should admit at once that what the mathematician does is much more useful than what the acrobat does; but is there any reason apart from snobbery for saying it is more intellectual? In effect the acrobat thinks with the muscles of his whole body while the mathematician thinks with – well, whatever it is he thinks with. Of course it may be that the mathematician does not think with anything but just thinks. Even if this were true, which is doubtful, I find it hard to see why thinking with nothing should be more truly thinking than thinking with your muscles. Because thinking is mental it does not follow that it is not bodily too“.

Cognitive Scientists like Lackoff, Nunez and Dehaene have found an explanation for the “Thinking of the Mathematican“. They are able to mirror, to entrain, to tune, to pace, to synchronize to the “Actions Patterns of the Conscious Universe“.

These Actions Patterns have a lot in common with Music and Harmony. Pythagoras was not the only one who talked about the Music of the Spheres. It also explains why Mathematicians are always (like me) in Love with Music.


About Mirroring

About the Emotions of Bacteria

About the Evolution of the Mammals

About the Tetraktys of Pythagoras

Why Mobile Communication is Generating Stress

Tuesday, June 19th, 2007

Today I searched the Internet and by coincidence (does it exist?) I found a small document about the dangers of Wifi. It is dated the 28th of April 2007. The most interesting part of this document is a poll. 40% of the voters are not interested in the answer if it is dangerous or not.

They don’t mind because they are addicted to mobile communication. People that are addicted to smoking would give the same answer. I don’t mind if I get cancer. I take the risk. Mobile phones are also creating cancer (and other things I come back to that later) but now I am getting very confused.

We are forbidding smoking because of this and we are not forbidding mobile communication.

What is happening?

The answer is simple. Cigarettes are not produced by government owned companies and mobile communication is. Government has invested billions in infrastructure and many companies are totally dependent on mobile communication. Millions of software programs use it. If we would stop mobile communication the country would come to a still stand.

Ok. So it is a strategic issue. We have to take the risk.

Yes but now I am getting more confused.

Cars are also a strategic issue but here we are advising and training people. So we could train users what to do to prevent the greatest risk. We could tell them not to put the telephone in their pocket or not to keep it against your ear or we could forbid mobile telephones for children or we could decide not to put the transmitters on houses where older people are living or …..

What is happening?

There are a few possibilities.

1. The risk is very low. Research is not telling this.

2. The risk is very high. This could be the case. The risk is so high that they want to prevent that everybody gets into panic. I don’t think so. The risk is high in the long term and not in the short term. To state it simple mobile networks create a high level of stress.

3. They don’t understand the risk. I am convinced this is the case. Scientists believe the human body is acting like a machine that is made out of parts. They don’t know what to do with a field. Parts are related to causal and short term thinking. Fields are related to wholeness and we cannot find one cause that explains it all. Stress is a field, a state, an effect. There are many causes and we cannot handle this with our Western Brain.

Now it is time to explain something.

I use material from a document called “The Holographic Universe, by RICHARD ALAN MILLER, BURT WEBB, and DARDEN DICKSON, Experimental College University of Washington.

A few citations:

The formation of a certain type of chemical bond known as the resonance bond (which is most easily seen in the case of the Benzene molecule) leads to a peculiar situation in which certain electrons are freed from a local or particular location in the molecule. These are then free to travel around the entire molecule.

The essential fluidity of life may correspond with the fluidity of the electronic cloud in conjugated molecules. Such systems may best be considered as both the cradle and the main backbone of life.

The biological activity or specificity of action of various molecules is intimately related to their structure or their exact three-dimensional spatial configuration.

A constant magnetic field can, in principle, affect the various processes in biological objects.

Such electromagnetic fields normally serve as conveyors of information, from the environment to the organism, within the organism, and among organisms.

Electromagnetic forces can be used to change three fundamental life processes in mammals. These processes are (1) the stimulation of bone growth (2) the stimulation of partial multi-tissue regenerative growth and (3) the influence on the basic level of nerve activity and function. All these affects appear to be mediated through perturbations in naturally pre-existing bioelectronic systems. The organism’s bioelectronic system also seems to be related to levels of consciousness and to biological cycles.

Research carried out with organisms in fields lower or higher than the normal magnetic field strength of the earth inevitably results in deterioration and death of the organisms involved.

Consciousness may be seen as a frame of electrical charges in motion such as electrons bombarding a television screen; personality is a time series of these scintillating frames of consciousness. Personality becomes a reverberating input-output pattern of self creation seeking information or patterns of energy from the environment as well as from its own memories. The personality never recreates itself but creates only a close approximation which is accepted due to the principle of constancy as being the same.

Human beings are better seen as on-going, dynamic, shifting, changing, field entities (or field patterns).

We feel that many of the problems of society that are current today can be traced to our ignorance of, or refusal to embrace, this larger holographic electrodynamic reality in which we live“.

And last but not least:

Weather systems also have electrical and magnetic correlates. One can see a very positive contact or connection between electromagnetic phenomena associated with weather and the behaviour and health of organisms. A more advanced theory would connect weather changes and changes in the physical environment to behaviour and biological products attributable to organisms. More precisely stated not only does weather in a variety of ways profoundly influence living creatures, but also it is possible that living creatures can influence weather“.

What is happening?

We are creating a highly stressfull situation and it looks like the collective stress is generating stressy weather.

But it is worse.

The Russians and the US (and Chinese?) military are playing with the knowlegde of the Holographic Universe for 35 years. They are playing with electro magnetic fields. The article is written in 1972 and Transcendental warfare, the use of Electro-magnetic fields and Para-Psychology in the battlefield, is about using this knowledge. The people who are doing this research know how it works but they don’t want to reveal this because War is always related to Secrecy.

We are also in a process where the sun is moving closer to the galactic centre. This is creating an exponential growth of electro magnetic radiation. Not only the earth is warming but also the moon and the other planets. On the Website of NASA you can find all the facts.

The movement to the Centre was predicted by The Mayas, The Essenes, The Sufi, The Hopi’s, The Navajo’s and every other Spiritual Leader for a long time ago.

Citation:” Furthermore, this knowledge is not new. It is the main core of the message of the Spiritual Leaders throughout history. It is also discussed, in other terms, by many individuals who characteristically experience psycho energetic phenomena (e.g., psycho kinesis, clairvoyance, telepathy, precognition).

What can we do?

The people that experience “psycho energetic phenomena” know that the Light of Love can save us and The Light will help us if we allow it to help us.

The Spiritual Leaders framed this in a very simple message: Know Yourself and Give Love to the Other.

The message for the Part-thinkers is: Meditate, Relax, Take your Time, Enjoy your Lover, Your Children, Life and Nature.

Turn off your mobile phone.

Use Email.

Create enough time for yourselve and others.

Stop having long useless meetings.

Don’t make too much appointments.

Plan two days of free time.

Plan and act according to your plan.

Take a the risk and be spontaneous.

Do what you promise to do.

Evaluate if all the things you want to accomplish are really needed.

Don’t strive for perfection (the 80/20 rule).

Are we already in a very high state of luxury? Do we need more?

Is it already available somewhere (Copy and Think).

Can we learn from others?

Can we help others? There are many lonely old people that love to have a talk or want to spend some time in Nature. Imagine you are old? What do you want to happen to you? It is a very simple exercise and it is the same message as the Spiritual Leaders are giving only framed in another language.

You can also use the Golden Rule of Ethics of Emmanuel Kant (a well known philosopher) “treat others as you would like to be treated.”

Or to put it in the terms of the Field: Keep in Tune with your Environment.

Do you want to know more about this subject read How to Prevent a World Wide Disaster by Creating a Collective Infrastructure

Do you want to know more about Transcendental Warfare read Be Honest to Yourselve and Others