Archive for May, 2008

About Earthquake Storms

Friday, May 23rd, 2008

Many people today and in history (Nostrodamus, Edgar Cage,…) are predicting a Large Scale Disaster the Coming years.

There are two Major Issues, a Giant Worldwide Earthquake and the Collapse of a Big outside Object (Meteor, Planet X) into the Earth. This Blog is about Earthquakes.

Personally I don’t believe in the “Meteor” theory. A huge Solar Flare related with the Maximum of the coming Sun Cycle in 2012 is much more likely.


The Solar Flare will influence the Earth Magnetic Field and virtually destroy most of the current Infrastructures in the Western World. A Flare could start the “switch of the Magnetic Pole” and trigger Earthquakes.

The most predicted and documented Major Disaster is a Huge Earthquake Sequence in the Area of what is called the Ring of Fire.

The Ring of Fire

The Ring of Fire

This Sequence is started by Extreme Electro Magnetic and Gravitonial Effects (Tidal Waves) related to the Cycle of the Sun and the Movement of the Planets.

The Earth consists of a thin upper crust and molten lava, magma. The inner crust is semi-solid and hot. Like tidal waves, this molten lava is also influenced by tidal currents. The moment the high tide pull is more, it breaks open the crust and earthquakes occur. If the crust breaks completely, it results in a volcanic eruption.

The most potent quakes occur when the Sun, Jupiter, Saturn, and the Moon are in mutual potent positions like 0º, 90º, 180º, and 360º. The gravitational pull exerted on the Earth by this movement induces a change in momentum, mass and velocity of the molten lava, creating disturbances.

The Tidal and Electro Magnetic Waves start so called Earthquake Storms. The Scientist who discovered Earthquake Storms is Amos Nur.

Amos Nur is a Scientist at Stanford University in California. Nur researched the fall of a host of civilisations in the Eastern Mediterranean at the end of the Bronze Age 1200 BC.

He compared the locations of 47 ancient cities that were destroyed with maps of earthquake epicentres from the past 80 years. Almost all the cities were in areas that today suffer the most intense seismic shaking.

A complicated junction of tectonic plates, with Africa diving under Europe has created a maze of faults. The connected faults cause periods of intense earthquakes in Turkey.

The Storms appears in a cyclic pattern of 400 years. The Romans recorded a cluster in the 4th century. The same happened in the 8th and the 15th century. At this moment a new Storm is activated. The City of Istanbul is the primary target of the next step. This will create a major disaster and will affect very important old buildings like the Aya Sophia.

Another Earthquake Storm is moving along the Pacific Plate. The Storm is becoming more dangerous. Southern California is long overdue for having its next catastrophic earthquake along the Pacific-North American Plate Boundary.

A region with maximum severity is the San Jacinto Fault Zone in the Inland Empire, which acts as the pressure relief valve for the Southern San Andreas Fault Zone. The Government will be organizing one of the biggest simulations in history soon. The Model that was developed shows that one of the biggest problems will be the Water-Supply of the Big Cities in California.

Another Earthquake Storms is moving along in Korea. The Storm has the same frequency and timing of the Cycle in Turkey.

Big Earthquakes trigger “small” Earthquakes Storms. U.S. researchers who have studied earthquakes with magnitudes greater than 7 have found that the “Big Ones” trigger smaller earhquakes thousands of miles away including on the opposite side of the planet and in areas not prone to quakes.


The strong waves are propageted all over the world and trigger small running Storms. Big Earthquake Storms (“Earthquake Tornado’s“) affect the “Earthquake Weather” all over the World.

Earthquakes are related to the Electro Magnetic Field of the Earth. The NASA-scientist Freund discovered this effect but Russian Scientists found the relationship already in 1979.

Russian Scientists discovered the Electro Magnetic Effects when they launched the Intercosmos-19 satellite in 1979. It detected an unusual low-frequency noise in a large area centred near the epicentre of an earthquake that occurred a few hours later.

It becomes clearer and clearer that the Weather in the Ionosphere and all the lower Spheres of the Earth including the Spheres that are in the “Underworld” are highly related. They are influenced by the Tidal Waves and the Electro Magnetic Waves in the Universe.

Strange Weather is related to Earthquake Storms and Earthquake Storms are like all the other processes on Earth related to Astronomical and Astrological Patterns. Not only Earth but the other Planets are moving into a Highly Instable Pattern. A very special astronomical event will trigger all the area’s of the Ring of Fire.

This special event happened long time ago and caused the end of Atlantis. We are warned by the Survivors of this Spectacular Disaster in many ways. They “generated” the prophecies but they also constructed calendars like the Mayan Calender.

The Turbulent Storms on Jupiter could also create a Spectacular Flare. The likelyhood of this Event is increasing.

Research shows that the number of natural disasters stemming from geological reasons such as Earthquakes, Volcanoes and Tsunamis increased from an annual average of one incident in the 1950s to two in the 2000s.


The number of natural calamities arising from weather-related reasons including floods, storms and draughts jumped from an annual average of two to seven over the same period.

A recent report released by international aid agency Oxfam suggested a similar trend. The agency said that natural disasters have quadrupled in the past two decades. The number of occurrences in the early 1980s stood at 120 a year, while it skyrocketed to about 500 these days.

Unfortunately, Asia has been the hardest-hit area. About 800 cases of natural disasters have occurred in the Asian region since 2001. In particular, the most populous countries, such as Indonesia, China and India, suffered the biggest damage.

All three countries are sitting on fault lines. A number of mountains and rivers in Asian countries are prone to landslides and floods. Moreover, the coastal areas are directly exposed to tropical storms.

The United States has suffered 222 cases of natural disasters since 2001, following Asia. The country has been frequently battered by capricious and unpredictable natural disasters such as hurricanes and tornadoes. Although the number of Hurricane Katrina victims is pale in comparison to that of Asian cyclones, it was shocking that Hurricane Katrina claimed the lives of more than 1,300 people given that the number of hurricane victims has rarely exceeded 100.

In contrast, Europe is classified as the safest region in the world. The European continent has witnessed a total 180 natural disasters since 2001. Most of them were wild fires. Meanwhile, as many as 50,000 people were killed by scorching heat waves that swept through France, Italy and Portugal in 2003, and Greece and Rumania in 2007.

The Disaster Pattern is highly connected to the Sun Cycle. This Cycle is in its most dangerous zone around 2012. This date is the End Date of the Mayan Calender. This Calendar ends when a very rare Astrological Event (A Conjunction) will appear.

Many People don’t believe in Astrology. They also think the Mayan Scientists were a way behind our own Scientists. They don’t know that Astrology is looking at the Gravitational Influences of the big Masses that are surrounding us. The effect of the of the Moon on Earth and the (Female) Human is easy to see.

The Strange thing that is happening is that Our current Scientists are coming to the same conclusion as the Old Fashioned Mayas. Both of them are aware of the (complicated) cyclic patterns in Nature.

The funny thing is that the “unbelievers” also don’t want to believe Science. Perhaps they are afraid to find out that the old predictions are right. Perhaps they don’t want to accept that we, the Humans, are not able to control Nature.

We are not the managers of the Universe. We are just a part of Nature, highly influenced by the same forces that are affecting Animals, Plants, Rocks and Stones.


The Relationship between Astrology and Earthquakes

All Kinds of Prophecies 

An Explanation of the Relationship between Astrology and Earthquakes

About the Korean Storm

About Earthquake Storms

The Pattern of the Stock Market looks like the Pattern of Earthquakes

How to Predict Earthquakes

Tuesday, May 20th, 2008

Early in May, NASA Earth scientists monitoring infrared images of the earth noticed unusual patterns in southwestern China. The patterns are explained by Friedemann Freund, a NASA researcher. Freund is able to predict Earthquakes and much more.

Rocks put under enough pressure turn into batteries and produce an Electro-Magnetic (E/M) field. The resulting electrical currents can travel miles into the earth. When the pressure gets too high an earthquake happens. His theory explains other signs related to earthquakes like Lights in the sky, Migraines, Strange animal behavior and Water Changes. Scientists don’t believe the Theory of Freund.

The belief that animals can predict earthquakes has been around for centuries. In 373 B.C., historians recorded that animals, including rats, snakes and weasels, deserted the Greek city of Helice in droves just days before a quake devastated the place. Accounts of similar animal anticipation of earthquakes have surfaced across the centuries since.

Catfish moving violently, chickens that stop laying eggs and bees leaving their hive have been reported. Countless pet owners claimed to have witnessed their cats and dogs acting strangely before the ground shook-barking or whining for no apparent reason, or showing signs of nervousness and restlessness. Also Humans experience Stress and act Strangely.

Studies of turtles revealed that hatchlings have the ability to sense the direction and strength of Earth’s magnetic field, which they use for navigating along the turtles’ regular migration route. The migration route is hard-wired into the animals’ brains.

In a report published in Science, scientists have discovered a collection of nerve cells in the brains of subterranean Zambian mole rats that enable the animal to process magnetic information used in navigation. The mole rats dig tunnels up to 200 meters (220 yards) long and build their nests in the southernmost tip of their burrows. As the direction of the magnetic field changes, so does the location of the moles’ nests.

Animals and Humans make use of and are influenced by the Earth Magnetic Field. When this Field becomes chaotic Animals and Humans lose track. The effect is severe Stress and Strange Behavior.

Earthquakes have long been accompanied by the appearance of “bright, luminescent, multicoloured sky glows” that can take place any time before, during, or after the seismological event. “fireballs a few metres in diameter often popped out of the ground in a repetitive manner”. There is even Japanese haiku about this phenomenon: “The earth speaks softly, To the mountain, Which trembles, And lights the sky“.

A German dowser, Baron von Pohl, was asked to dowse the small town of Vilsbiburg in 1929, having then the highest per capita cancer death rate in Bavaria at the time. He discovered a 100 per cent correlation between the beds of cancer victims and the paths of black streams passing through the town. He repeated the procedure in Grafenau in 1930, a town with the lowest cancer incidence in the province, and again found a100 per cent correlation. Black streams are places of Geopathic Stress. Geopathic Stress is caused by “abnormal” Electro Magnetic Fields. Dowsers are able to feel the E/M-field.

One of the indicators of Geopathic Stress is Radon. The production of abnormal amounts of Radon is used to predict Earthquakes.

In the US only Radon is responsible for about 21,000 lung cancer deaths every year. Radon can enter homes through cracks in floors, walls, or foundations, and collect indoors. It can also be released from building materials, or from water obtained from wells that contain radon. Radon levels can be higher in homes that are well insulated and tightly sealed. Because of their closeness to the ground, basement and first floors typically have the highest radon levels.

Ley Lines are places where the Earth Magnetic Field is strong. Most of the Ancient Religious Places are situated at Crossings of Ley Lines. The Religious Places produce Spiritual Experiences because they are situated on a Strong Magnetic Field. Strong Magnetic Fields produce Hallucinations and Strange Appearances. UFO’s are often spotted in the area where strong Magnetic Fields exists or Turbulence in the Field is produced.

The Earth Magnetic Field is Changing. The Changing field has an enormouss effect on our mental Health. It produces Stress, Para-Normal Phenomena and Sleep Problems.

Mobile Communication Creates strong E/M-fields and affects our Health. One of the effects is an increase in Cancer.

The US Military are Experimenting with Strong Electro Magnetic Fields. Strong E/M-Fields affect the Weather and Generate Earthquakes. They even build a Time Machine and use it for Mind Control.

The Bees are Dying because of strong E/M-fields. Many more important Animals (Bats) in the Food Chain are dying.

If You have read all the Links I hope You see a Pattern Emerge.

Some of the Scientists that don’t believe Mr. Freund really believe in the Effects of Magnetic Fields on Animals and Humans. For many reasons they don’t tell us the Truth. I am conviced that the major reason behind this is Security. The Budget of Military R&D is very important for many Scientists and Big Research Organizations.

There is no doubt about the fact that our Body is an Electrical-Magnetic Field. Many processes are highy Electrical. There is also no doubt about the fact that we (and Animals and Nature) are highly affected by these Fields. There is also no doubt about the fact that our Fields intermingle and exchange information.

We communicate with Words but we also communicatie with our Body and our Field. The Field can be associated with the Emotions. A disturbance of the general field affects our emotional balance. An increase in the Field stimulates Agression and this is exactly what is happening. Sadly enough it is what the Military want to accomplish.

Magnetic Fields are able to cure Diseases and they cause Diseases. They are able to generate compassion and agression. They affect our Minds, our Body and our Emotions. The effect depends on the Power of the Field. Organisms are capable to exists between Very Small boundaries of the Field. If the Field is outside these boundaries they will experience Stress and later they will Die.

At this moment we are in the Danger Zone. We are in the Danger Zone because of two reasons. We are producing strong fields and the Natural Fields are changing. It is not sure if we are able to stop the Human Interference. We are certainly not able to stop the Natural Processes.

The result of the change in the magnetic field is a changing of your DNA. The Body is able to change its DNA instantly. We and Nature are “Mutating” at a high speed. Many of the mutations will not be able to live. Some of them will survive. It is not sure these organisms will be Humans. Humans are very vulnarable. I bet Insects, Viruses and Bacteria have a much higher chance. Of course a very interesting opportunity is to create “Super-Humans” that are connected to Machines or Artificial Life. The US-Army is experimenting with this possibility. Do you want the Robots to take over power?

You can Protect Your Self against the Influence of Strong Magnetic Fiels. It is possible to Shield you’re House and your Body. Have a look at the PDF about Geopathic Stress and You will know how to do it.

If you read the references You will see that the most important factor is your Believe-System. If You believe you are able to Resist and cure Your Body it will happen.

Human Imagination is able to create a Dying Earth or a Regenerating Earth by changing the cause of its R&D and its Actions.


About the Influence of E/M-fields on Animals

Tesla about Fireballs and E/M-fields

About The Influence of the Mind on your DNA

The Effects of the E/M-fields produced by Mobile Phones

About the Relationship between Radon and Earthquakes


About the End of the Banking System

Sunday, May 18th, 2008

I left the Banking Industry in 1997 because I did not want to be part of an environment where cooperation and compassion was gone. At that time I expected a major crisis. It took ten years until the crisis of the Banking Industry was very visible to everybody.

Until now I don’t think many people are aware of what is really happening and what will finally happen. We are approaching the End of the Banking System. In this blog I will show you that everybody was aware of the reasons behind the crisis. The reasons are extreme greediness and incompetence.

The solution to the crisis is simple. We are able to create a New System with Ease. It is just a matter of time when this will happen.

Let me start with two citations out of an article of Fortune April 1, 2008: “half the huge gains from 2003 to mid-2007 could be attributed to increased leverage – otherwise known as gambling with borrowed money – that magnified earnings in a boom. If a firm’s portfolio is leveraged at 33 to 1, it takes a mere drop of 3% to wipe out its entire capital“. “The compensation system is a fundamental problem. The system rewards swashbuckling behavior by everyone from traders to CEOs“.

Bankers are Gambling with Your Money. When they Win they get huge bonusses. When they Lose You Pay their Debts. You Pay their Debts because Your Investment has evaporated and/or because You Pay more Taxes.

Related post: Casinos en ligne .

The Investment Bankers know everything that is happening in the Market months before You know What is Happening. They are not allowed to use this knowledge (Chinese Walls) but Bankers are Humans and Sometimes they Forget to Keep their Mouths Shut.

The Chinese Wall is an ethical barrier between different divisions of a financial institution to avoid conflict of interest. A Chinese Wall is said to exist, for example, between the corporate-advisory area and the brokering department to separate those giving corporate advice on takeovers from those advising clients about buying shares. In spite of Chinese Walls, these conflicts of interest allegedly arose during the heyday of the Dot/Com era, when financial research analysts published dishonest positive analysis on companies in which they, or related parties, owned shares.

The U.S. government has since passed laws strengthening the Chinese Wall concept (e.g. Sarbanes-Oxley Act) with the desire to more carefully formalize and prevent such conflicts.The big problem with procedures is that they are imaginary.

In reality people always find a way to avoid procedures. It all comes down to two things Personal Ethics and Transparent Working Methods implemented in “simple” IT-Systems. As you will see later the Personal Ethics is highly surpressed by the Corporate Culture and the IT-Systems are exceptional Complex.

 Now two citations out of an article of Bank Director, Second Quarter 2003 by John R. Engen.

The past few years have witnessed the big-money failures of institutions, due to fraud or risky business strategies“”But L. William Seidman, FDIC chairman in the Reagan and Bush administrations, says regulators shouldn’t be judged too harshly. The industry turned in record profits of $105.4 billion in 2002, up 21% from the previous year“. “To go through the stock-market drop we’ve had, 9/11, and everything else without a major banking problem shows the value of having someone looking over your shoulder“.

The Regulators knew and know about the Fraud and Risky Business Strategies but their Theory is simple. When the Banks make a Profit Everything Works Fine. The Banks earned the Profit by Gambling. The Regulators just watch over the shoulder of the Banks and are Very Happy about the Gambling System. It always Cures Itself. Some People Win, Some People Lose. It is all in the Game. Funny Enough the Winners are Always situated in the environment of the Banking Business and the losers are Small Investors.

A few citations out of an articles about Index Funds in The New York Times (May 17, 2008): “It has been long established that even most active fund managers fail to beat the overall market on a regular basis”"Stock bubbles are examples of huge inefficiencies, in which prices get completely out of whack for months and even years at a time” “We have people investing tens of billions of dollars in index funds and they are getting drawn into bubbles“.

The Stock Market is a Gambling Machine and the Value of your Stocks has nothing the do with the Real value of Your Stocks. Nobody is able to predict the effects of the manipulations of “Greedy” Bankers on the Market. The only people that really profit are the bankers themselves. They create the Stock Bubbles and Collect the Bonuses. The real value of your stocks is the dividend a company pays to his investors. Many Stocks are Highly Overvalued.

Let us move to the Employees. A few citations out of New York Times (May 16, 2008):

You’re seeing a very, very inconsistent message to employees,” “It’s, ‘I don’t know when it’s going to happen, it may be tomorrow, it may be next month; we may be able to keep you, we may not.’ “banks are keeping employees in the dark about the size and timing of layoffs”. “She did not return to her office and ended up asking the bank to send her the photos of her son that she kept on her desk”. “many laid-off employees are not allowed to return to their desks, because the banks fear departing employees will try to take valuable colleagues or clients with them” “Euphemisms for layoffs are making the rounds too. Banks do not just fire people anymore. They engage in “head count reduction,” “reduction in force” and “redundancies.” And gallows humor is rampant. One joke: A banker calls a colleague and asks, “Are you busy? Or are you lying?”

Investment Banks use Fear to Manipulate Their Employees. You Never Know if you are able to Keep your Job. When You Live in Fear You never tell the Truth. You are Busy or you are Lying.

When You have to Perform to keep You’re Job You have to take High Risks. You keep you’re mouth about these Risks because in a Fear Based Culture You never talk about Failures. You hide them and Hope Nobody will See. When You tell Somebody about the big problems that could happen You are Fired because Everybody Knows and Nobody Wants To Know. “Après moi, le déluge” (“After me, the deluge”)(Louis XV).

Again the New York Times (May 17, 2008):

Few employers want us around for 40 years, so our income is likely to have ups and downs and disappear altogether for brief periods between jobs. Saving for retirement is now mostly our responsibility, too. Health insurance, for those of us who have it and manage to keep it, requires increasingly large amounts of money out of our pockets. The list goes on and on”. “As fewer people have pensions and more retirees live longer, an increasing number of people may need financial help from their children” “Financial planners may not have all the answers, or the best answers, all of the time” “Thankfully, a number of Web communities and blogs have grown up around almost every aspect of spending and saving“.

Many more people will be Without a Pension. They have Lost their Investment at the Stock Market. Perhaps You even have to help you’re Parents. To do this You have to Save Money but You don’t know what to do with the Money You have Saved. The best way to get an independent advice is to use Networks of Experienced Customers. Never Ask a Bank to Give you an Advice.

And the Customers. Citations out of the Telegraph (16/05/2008):

The conventional wisdom in financial markets is that the time to move back into bank stocks is just after a slew of rights issues has depressed prices. There are, however, good reasons not to give the banking sector the benefit of the doubt. At the best of times, as Anthony Bolton, the fund manager who ran Fidelity’s Special Situations fund for many years, observes, banks “are the most opaque of all companies”. With a building materials company, you more or less know that, barring fraud, the right amount of stock is there. With a bank, it is much harder for investors to understand the assets on the balance sheet; and in the course of the credit crisis, it has transpired that the banks themselves experienced severe difficulties in this area“.

Nobody Understands the Financial Practises of a Bank. Even the Bankers Themselves don’t Understand what they are Doing. I am not convinced Banks have kept all the Data about You in the Right Order. Someday You will Find Out that You’re Savings are Gone and Nobody Knows Why.

It does not help to create Chinese Walls when Nobody Knows what is really happening. The Controllers are and were unable to understand the complicated financial structures that were created. The Book-Keeping systems are not Covering the Truth. Even very Bright Mathematicians are unable to value the Complicated Financial Transactions. The Effect is that Dealers are able to go their own way without a proper monitoring instrument. This has created many “unexpected” situations where low-level Dealers were able to build High-Risk Positions for a Long Time without the Knowledge of the Management. When the Gambling failed the Bank lost billions.

Reactions of readers to this Column:

I still think banks are greedy and lack integrety but they will bounce back because they are essential to a capitalist system” How can anyone believe a word they now say? Furthermore they remain in position, collecting their millions”. “It is the real investors namely pension savers and private investors who have no meaningful say and ultimately pay the price for this corrupt state of affairs, deception and lack of accountability” “Don’t let the politicians throw our money at bailing these irresponsible bankers out” “I am suffering in this downturn, and feel worried about the future. But we all have had a hand in this fiasco and we all can be affected by events (floods, droughts, disease, terrorism, earthquakes, storms and wars) which not wanted by anyone, we must plan for“.

The Customers are Powerless and Very Angry but there is no Alternative. We have to Live with the Greedy, non-Ethical Capitalistic System.

It is wrong to associate Banks with the Capitalistic System. Everywhere in the World people are Saving and Borrowing Money. The fundamental principle that was lost is to take Responsibility for what You are doing with the Money of Others. There is nothing wrong when you Gamble with you’re own money but don’t Gamble with the Money of Others. It is as simple as that.

My Conclusion:

There is Really Nothing that stops Us (the Customers) to start a Bank of our Own. The Technology is there and the Customers are really fed up with the Current System.

There are already Customers who are advising Customers for nothing. It will be very easy to transfer money without the Use of the Banking Payment Systems. If we agree on one principle, “You are trusted until you prove the opposite” it will be very easy to make a loan. There are already Systems Operational who are doing this. They are called Cooperations.

Nobody is taking the initiative to create a new Banking Infrastructure. Everybody is waiting for Everybody.

The Regulators wait and see. They hope the System will recover. I think it has died recently and nothing will help us to revive the dead body.

The Age of Commercial Space Exploration is Near

Wednesday, May 14th, 2008

I am involved in a new company that is selling a new product of Richard Branson called Virgin Galactic. Virgin Galactic is selling suborbital spaceflights for the price of $200.000.

Our principal aim behind this is not to make money. The principal aim is to reinvest any money we make into space exploration,” Branson said. “We expect to double, triple, quadruple the number of astronauts in the next few years that have currently experienced space,” he said.

To date, Branson said, about a 100 pioneers have been willing to pay $200,000 to be the first people to go into space via Virgin Galactic. “These are the kinds of people who are going to enable us to bring the cost of space travel down,” he stated.

Space Tourism is not the primary target of the Company. It wants to be the first commercial company involved in Space Exploration.

Space Exploration is a major theme of Science Fiction. When I was young I read all the books in this Genre I could find. Science Fiction has stimulated Science extensively. Many Scientist got their inspiration out of explorations of the Future. When the Theme was set it was only a matter of time when somebody would realize the Inspiration of the Author.

The step from Idea to Realization is mostly not the issue of a Science Fiction novel. In most cases we have realized all the technology and our just “doing it”. Most of the time the final realization takes much longer than the writer could imagine. Jules Verne put a Man on the Moon about a hundred years ago.

The major theme of Space Exploration in Science Fiction is War. We meet Extraterrestrials and they or we don’t like each other. We are part of a Federation (mostly the Good Ones) and in the end we beat the Bad Ones. Interesting enough many of the Stories related to UFO’s look a lot like the Science Fiction Stories. The only difference is that THEY are visiting US.

In the Renaissance the people in the West started to explore Earth like we want to explore Space. After The Renaissance the Age of Exploitation started, The Industrial Revolution. The Industrial Revolution followed by the Age of Information made Space Exploration finally possible.

History repeats itself so I can imagine what will happen next. Both stages are part of a bigger cycle, the Cycle of Culture. It takes about 1250 years to turn around.

At this moment we are in a situation comparable to the year 758. The only thing that is different from that time is that we have moved to another Level, Earth.

What happened around 750?

At 750 we are in the Middle of the Middle Ages called the Dark Ages. It was the time when the Great Empire of Rome was collapsing because of a huge movement of hungry people. The world was struggling with a sudden change of the Climate. Everywhere States were fighting to expand and defend their territories. Around this time a new Spiritual Leader, Mohammed, created a new Religion. It was the start of the expansion of the Arab World and the Arab Empires..

Conditions in Western Europe slowly began to improve after 700 as Europe experienced an agricultural boom caused by a substantial increase in solar radiation. About 600 years later the Renaissance started.

The Great Empire of the West is currently collapsing because of a huge movement of hungry people. Just like the Roman Empire we are really not aware of the collapse. In the last days Romans spend all their time playing very expensive games and were enjoying life to the extremes. They forced all the other states to pay enormous amounts of taxes to keep the Entertainment Business running. In the End their stable infrastructure collapsed.

I hope you see the relationship.

Replace the Arab Expansion in the Middle Ages by the coming Chinese Expansion in you will know Who’s gone Win.

Millions of people are waiting for the Coming of the new Messiah, the new Spiritual Leader of the World. According to the Cycle He (or She!) will come soon.

In the West we are playing Games. Leslie Benzies, the producer of Grand Theft Auto IV recently revealed in an interview that the amount of money spent on the development of the game was right around $100 million. The budget of the movie Pirates of the Caribbean was $300 million. The development costs of all the movies and games exceeds the budget of the World Food Organization with ease.

Why do we need to move into Space?

The first reason could be to escape Earth. We need another place to live because life on earth is not the way it was. If we do this and Science Fiction is Right at the long term we will move into a comparable situation, Competition on the Level of the Galaxy. We have to learn who are our friends and who are our enemies.

The second reason could be “Spin-Off”. Space Exploration has boosted Science and Technology.

The last reason could be to see Earth as it is. A Beautiful Blue Slowly Turning Globe without any Borders. From Space Earth looks like a Paradise. I imagine the Extraterrestials are seeing this also! This could be the reason they are here!

The Cycle of Civilization is a slow cycle but there are cycles with a much longer periodicity. Many “Old Civilizations” found the Cycle of the Precession of the Equinox and “calculated” the Center of this Cycle, The Mother Goddess situated in the Pleiades.

The coming Years the Very Long Cycle and the Cycle of Civilization are coming into a Conjuction. The Effect of this Conjunction is unknown. Human Civilization has not gathered enough data to make an understandable prediction. The only thing we know is that we are living in a Very Special Time of History.

One of the people that analyzed the very Long Cycle (Terrence McKenna) predicted Time/Space-Travel as a major Novelty that would soon appear. Just like the Mayas and many other Civilizations he knew there is a very cheap alternative, DMT (a psychedelic drug).

The Old Civilizations predicted a return of the (Virgin!) Mother Goddess of the Pleiades (Ises, Mary Magdalene, The Black Madonna, Alcyone). Perhaps She is the New Spiritual Leader many religions are waiting for. I hope the Male Religions don’t mind She is a Female!

Perhaps Richard Branson should start a new Company soon, Virgin TimeTravel. She Will Love It.

Wait and See.

About Coding the Context

Tuesday, May 13th, 2008

According to Bahktin a Code is a deliberately killed Context. In this Blog I try to Code the Context without Killing it.

The word Context is derived from the Latin word con-textere which means Weaving (Textere) together (Con). The word textere is connected to words like Text, Archi-tect (Carpenter), Tech-nology (Craftmanship), Tekhne (Art), Textile, Texture and Textura (Web, Structure).

A Context is Something that Surrounds Something Else, Puts Something on its Place or Relates Something to Something Else that has a stronger Foundation. Other words that are part of the same Family are Frame of Reference, Setting, Environment, Background, Situation, Ambience, Circumstances, Fabric and Framework.

We can Taste, Smell, Feel (the Texture of the Skin), Create (Weaving), Look (Structure) and Emerge in a Context (Become One). Tasting, Hearing, Feeling and Smelling are Context-Independent. When we Taste, Hear, Touch or Smell we are In The Context.

Our Eyes are the Senses that are Context-Dependent. A Context changes when we Move Away from the Context. A Context is highly dependent on our Frame of Reference, our Point of View. If we change our Focus the context becomes vague or changes into another context. If we look at the Right Distance with the Right Angle the context is clear. We have reached the state of Clarity.

When we Move UP a context becomes a Surface. Moving Up changes the Landscape. Many Contexts merge into a One. When we have lost track we have to climb to a point where we can have an Overview. If we leave the Landscape and use an airplane the Landscape changes into a Map.

When we need to have an Overview we have to find the Right Scale. The word Scale means climbing and when we climb we stay in the Landscape that contains the Context we want to Observe.

When we look at a Context we can look at the Whole or we can look at the Parts. When we have no knowledge of the Context we are not able to define the Parts. There are infinite ways of defining the parts and all the time we define parts the Context disappears. The Parts become a context of their own.

If we understand the context we are able to determine the Whole and the Parts. When the context is created by a Human (an Archi-tect, Carpenter) we recognize the Whole by one or more distinctive Parts. A Door or a Window stands for a House. When the context is part of Nature we have no knowledge of the causal chain of creation. Nature is a Wonder, a Web that was never Woven.

If the context was constructed and we know about the Context we are able to arrange the parts and reconstruct the Context. If we have no idea about the genesis of the Context we are unable to reconstruct the Whole. If the context is destroyed we will never be able to repair it. Never deconstruct a context you don’t understand. You will never be able to recreate it.

If the context was created by a Craftsman (Tech-nology) You will always see the Sign of the Craftsman. A Craftsman is the creator of Art (Teckne) and strangely enough a piece of Art is never Perfect. When the Context is made by a Machine it is Perfect.

If we look at a Context we can point to it to show it to Others. We have to realize that the Others have a different Point of View. They see something else.

When we point to the Context and we want to make our point we can utter a sound. The sound can be related to the Whole (“house”) or to a Part (“window”). If the Other understands the Context he will recognize the Pointed Sounds and reply with his own Sounds (“huis”, “raam”). In this way we can reach mutual understanding about the Context. If You know about the Context and the other does not know about the Context he will only recognize the Whole but not the Parts.

We will never be able to utter enough words to describe the Context. A Context is a Picture and “a Picture Paints a Thousand Words”. When you want to explain a Context to Others make a Picture. Don’t use a Map because a Map is the result of a movement Up to get an Oversight. When you move to High you are Abstracting and Nobody will Understand you’re Abstraction. “A Map is not the Territory”

When you Ex-Plain something you are moving something out of “the plain” (a Flat Surface) to the Right Level. You have to move from the flat level of the Map or the Picture to the 3 dimensions of the Earth. Always take people with you to the Context and show them what is really happening out there. An explanation of a Map will never recreate the Experience of the Exploration of the real Territory.

A Context is always connected to the Emotions. You love the Animal. A house remembers you of your Childhood and you feel nostalgia. When you experience Beauty you have discovered the Whole. When the Emotions take you away you are not Focused. Look at the Context with the Eyes of an Innocent Child.

A Context always moves in Time. A house is designed, build, used and destroyed. The influence of Time can only be seen of you visit the Context often. If you are visiting the Context for the first time you can listen to others who tell the Stories that are connected to the Context. Sometimes a Context is a Focal point of many Stories. It has attracted many Visitors and has changed from an Object to a Texture. The Context is weaved by the experiences of many people (Con-textere).

The origin of the word Thinking is Thenkon which means “Making Visible” (I don’t See the Point, Insight). Thinking was also related to “Standing in the Middle” (Understand). To think you have to stop in the Center of the Context (The Right Point Of View). Later the meaning changed. Thinking became related to the Ears and Listening. The word Dumb means Deaf and you are Stupid when you don’t listen to the Person who Knows everything. When Thinking moved to the Head it became without Feeling. Think with you’re Body.

If you want to understand a Context walk around in the Landscape and Observe from the Right Point of View. Listen to the Stories of Others who have already found Clarity. Don’t believe you are Stupid when you’re Ears function. If you lost Oversight climb to the Right Scale but never leave Earth. If you do this the Worlds becomes flat and changes into a Map.

Act like a Crafsman. Use the Tech-nology of Your Body (Senses, Emotions, Imagination,Expectation) to Create Art (Tehkne). Never strive for perfection but improve Your Self. Weave (Textere) Beautifull Stories that bring Clarity to people that Think they are Dumb but cannot See.

Enjoy The Web (Textura) that was never Woven.


How to Kill a Context (in Dutch)

About Bhaktin

About the War of Words

Monday, May 12th, 2008

The amount of people that are confused or are creating confusion is growing. It all has to do with Language. New words are created. Languages and Cultures are mixing. New Inventions and Theories are Created and Destroyed. We are in a highly creative phase, the End Game of Time Wave Zero. Is it possible to find the pattern behind this pattern?

The Encyclopedia Britannica is the oldest English-language encyclopedia still in print. It was first published between 1768 and 1771 in Edinburgh and quickly grew in popularity and size. The Brittanica expanded from 3 volumes in 1768 to 32 volumes today.

In France Diderot created the first French encyclopedia in 1745. It started as a translation of the English Cyclopedia of Ephraim Chambers. When he and his co-editor, mathematician Jean d’Alembert, were finished, they created a new work, the ‘Encyclopedie’. At that time it contained everything that was necessary to known about the Western World.

Its aim was “to collect all the knowledge that now lies scattered over the face of the earth, to make known its general structure to the men among we live, and to transmit it to those who will come after us,” to make men not only wiser” but also “more virtuous and more happy“.

Denis Diderot was one of the originators and interpreters of the Age of Enlightenment. This 18th-century movement was based on the belief that Reason could find True Knowledge.

During the Enlightment many scientists hoped that it would be possible to find the Eternal Truth, The Simple set of Rules that would Explain Every Thing. It was just a Matter of Time.

What they did not realize was that Truth is Highly Context Dependent. It is dependent on the Spirit of the Time, the Knowledge and Interpretation of the Writer of the Context, The Status of the Writer and the Genesis of Science.

Not only Knowledge changes but also Words change their meaning all the time. Everything Changes and the only thing that is left is to accept this Fact of Life.

The awareness of the problem of the Eternal Truth has created Cynicism. Scientists especially in the Social Sciences (Post-Modernism, Deconstruction) don’t believe it will be possible to find any objective general accepted pattern or explanation. They are fighting the goals of the highly rational Enlightment with very complicated rational arguments of their own.

When the exponential rise of Novelty predicted by Time Wave Zero (and other comparable models) reaches the Point Omega we will be literally lost in Space. Innovations that took centuries to happen in history will happen in a few days.

It is really true that there are no general Explanations possible? Is Everything Context Dependent?

The problem that the Eternal Change of our primary communication vehicle, Language, is creating is analyzed by many great minds in history. Perhaps the greatest genius was Wittgenstein. At the end of his life his students put all his Observations (he did not believe in Theory) in something called The Blue and Brown Books. In these books he is teaching the Art of Clarification.

Wittgenstein invented a new way of looking at the world called a Family Resemblance. If we gather together members of the same Family, they probably Look Alike, although there is no Distinctive Feature that they all share in Common. A brother and a sister might have the same dark eyes, while that sister and her father share a slightly turned-up nose.

They share a group of features, some of which are more distinctly present in some members of the family, while some features are not present at all. Wittgenstein argues that the different uses of one word and rules share the same Family Resemblance.

A Family is a Vague Set of Relationships that have something in Common but the parts of the set are Different. A Family is a unique set of permutations of distinctive features.

The only way to recognize a Family is to meet the members and create an intuition, a feeling. To do this we have to leave our study room and walk around in Reality. We have to move into the Context instead of floating above The Context.

Floating above the Context is called Imagining. There is nothing wrong with imagining. The imagination (Spirit) is the Mother of Art. Changing Art into a Science Destroys the Beauty of the Work of Art. Just like a Family a Piece of Art shows a pattern but is also shows exceptions of the pattern. The exceptions show a pattern but this pattern also contains a pattern. The world is a self-reference, a Fractal.

Scientists don’t realize that they are creating Fiction. When they would realize that they are producing Fiction they would certainly improve their Style. Scientific Fiction (a Genre) is mostly unreadable for other Scientists and especially for “Normal” people like me.

There are Many Families and there are even Families of Families. Some people have been born with a Talent to Observe one Family. Others are aware of completely different Families. All of them share features but it will never be possible to find The Set of all Sets of features. Finding the set of sets created a huge problem in Mathematics. It was the main reason why Wittgenstein changed his “theory”. He left the field of Mathematics, spend years in complete isolation (he was a teacher) until the people of Cambridge begged him to come back.

It does not help to spend a lot of time to discuss a joint Family. It only creates a War of the Words or a nicer term of Wittgenstein, A Language Game. A major part of Scientific Fiction is about the Quest to find the general Definitions of the set of all sets, The Holy Grail of Science… When we spend too much time to Fight we will never See.

The quest of Objectivity shows itself in the Use of Statistics. Scientists are unable to find the right Context (a Family) but they are also unaware of the Fractal Structure of the Universe. They are also completely unaware about the boundaries of Statistics. They accept the General Truth of Statistics without any awareness of the background.

What is the solution to all these problems?

The fist step is to accept the Spiraling Spiral and Self-Reference as the fundamental Fractal of the Universe. It is really a simple clarifying explanation.

The next step is to determine the Level and the Phase of the Spiral You are in (Style, Chronotope, Family, Network, Field of Reference, Bias). It determines what You are able to See and Do. It defines the Place in Time/Space you are Watching. If You want to move to another Level or State change the State of Your Awareness.

The last step is to feel the Movement of the Force of Life, The Tao,  and connect to this Movement. If you have accomplished this all the Clarifications you are looking for are given to you by the Great Force of Creation, Inspiration.

About the Pleiades

Wednesday, May 7th, 2008

pleiadesIn every civilization there is a reference to the Seven (visible) Stars of The Pleiades.

The Seven Stars are connected with  the Female Principle, the Symbol of Peace and Love, The Heart, The Center of the Galaxy and the Precession of the Equinox.

The Pleiades are also related to water and the start of the rainy season, a theme associated with them around the world. Water is the essential of Aquirius (The Water Bearer). We are entering this Constellation.

The Pleiades are an important reference point in Calenders. The famous Mayan Calender the Tzolkin was based on the cycle of the Pleiades. The Pleiades were seen as the tail of a rattlesnake called, Tz’ab (the Milky Way).

The Mayas and other Civilizations are highly interested in a very special conjunction of the Cross of the Zodiac and the Center of our Creation, the Pleiades. They believed like many other ancient Civilizations that the Humans originated from the Pleiades.

dresdencodexlastpageThe main cycle of the Pleiades was the Cycle of the Precession of the Equinoxes. The Pleiades were also associated with a 52 year cycle (The Kondratiev Cycle).

The Mayas believed that the world would end by a Flood at the end of a 52-year cycle in the beginning of November (All Saints Day). When this moment was passed they started the Fire Ceremoney.

On this evening, priests and a warrior chosen by the King began their 20 kilometer procession to the Hill of the Star. At the proper moment of alignment in the heavens, wood bundles representing the past 52 year cycle were lit, the heart sacrifice of the warrior was enacted and the new fire built on his chest.

Watching from afar, the citizens also cut and bled themselves and celebrated as the fire was brought back to the Great Temple. Priests and emissaries from outlying towns came to fetch the fire to bring back to their people, so that all could share in the marking of the time.

The Mayans and the Aztecs knew the world was already destroyed and re-created Four Times in the past and waited for the Fifth destruction.

The Heart, Fire and Blood are the Symbols of the Holy Spirit and the Resurrection.

DenderahcThe Temple of Hathor in the ancient city of Denderah was dedicated to the goddess of Love and the stars of Hathor: the Pleiades.

A star clock in the Temple celebrates the Pleiades, marking the greater center on which our solar system revolves, taking 25,827.5 years to complete one cycle.

In Egypt, in the year 2170 BC, on the first day of spring, at precisely midnight. the Pleiades were visible through the south passageway of The Great pyramid. Cheops contains fascinating mathematical correlations to the Pleiades including, the seven mystical chambers.

The Seven visible stars of the Pleiades have been referred to by many names, such as the Seven Sisters, Krittika, Kimah, Flock of Doves, Hens, Virgins of Spring, Sailor’s Stars and the seven Atlantic Sisters. The Seven Sisters are Alcyone (Queen who wards off evil), Asterope(Twinkling), Electra (Flowing), Maia (Grandmother), Merope (Bee-Eater), Taygeta (Long-necked) and Celaeno (Swarthy). Their father was Atlas, The Axis Mundi, The World Pole.

The Dove is the symbol of Sufism and other Gnostic Believe Systems. The Dove was also the symbol of early Christianity until it was taken over by the Cult of Mitrash (The Male Principle). The Dove is the Holy Spirit or the Shekinah in Hebrew. In India the Pleiades are related to Agni (The Holy Fire) and another magical bird, The Peacock, the Egyptian Benu Bird. The Benu Bird was the Bird of the Egg of Creation of a new Universe.

In the Bible the Pleiades are called the Seven Stars. They are mentioned Seven Times in the Old and the New Testament. In Hebrew the Pleiades are called Kimah which means Tablet, or Cup. The Sumerian name for the Pleiades is dimmena, which means Foundation or Faithful.


The Pleiades represent the Spirits of Seven Churches in Asia Minor, which existed when John wrote the Revelation. Interesting enough the pattern of the Seven Churches looks like the pattern of the Pleiades. The map of the Pleiades is painted in the first Churches of Christ.

The Pleaiades are also associated with the Seven Golden Lampstands. The original Jewish Lampstand, the Menorah, contains 7 branches.

The number 7 (-3,-2,-1, 0, 1,2,3) is the symbol of the Trinity that voids itself in the Center, The Foundation. 7X7=49 means 13 (=4, The Four Forces) in the counting system of the Bible that is based on 9.

Amos 5:8 is the key. It associates the Pleiades with the resurrection (turning the shadow of death into the morning). Orion is associated with the darkness (occultism) that darkens even the day. The last player in the Biblical Story of the Pleiades is the Bear. As we will see later the Bear is the Symbol of Control.

kesil the foolThe Pleiades are now part of the constellation of the Bull. The Bull contains the Orion-System which is called Kesil, the Fool, In Hebrew. It is said that once the constellation may have referred to the Messiah, but that Nimrod (Orion, The Hunter, The Trickster, The Fool) took it to himself.

Nimrod, King Menes, created his own Religion after the Great Flood. In this Religion the God of Love was replaced by the God of Revenge.

It seems that the Pleiades are the Center of the Influence of Peace, Compassion, Love and Water. This influence was removed by a Fool who moved the Constellation of the Pleiades into the Bull.

Mitrash was the fighter of the Bull. He was related to the Sun and later to the Archangel Michael. The Cult of Mitrash took over Eearly Christianity. All the Symbols and procedures of Mitrash can be found in the Symbols and Procedures of the Church of Rome.

Mitrash was the Cult of the Soldiers of the Roman Empire. Its history goes back to the time of Zoroaster (Persia). Mitrash was the Governor of the Cycle of the Sun.

The theme of the Fool shows itself in many civilizations. In a myth of the Maori one of the Seven Sisters was raped by the fool Kidili. In the Myths of the Greek the same story is told.

 One day the Great Hunter Orion saw one of the Pleiades (Merope) as they walked through the countryside. He pursued here for Seven Years, until Zeus (Anu) answered her prayers for delivery. He transformed Merope and her Sisters into Doves and placed them among the Stars. Later on, when Zeus killed Orion, he was placed in the Underworld.

artemisMerope married a mortal man, Sisyphus, and hid her face in shame at being the only one not married to a god and from shame at the deed; she alone of the sisters hides herself in the sky (the star does not shine). Sisyphus founded the city of Ephyre (Corinth).

Merope (also called Melissa) is a Bee-Eater and is most likely to have been a little She-Bear, a representative of Artemis. The goddess was pictured primitively with a she-bear’s head herself, and the bear remained sacred to Artemis into classical times. At a festival called the Brauronia, pre-pubescent girls were dressed in honey-colored yellow robes and taught to perform a bear dance. Once they had briefly served Artemis in this way, they would be ready to be married.

Merope is a Young Female Bear (a Virgin) who is raped by the Big Bear. The Big Bear and the Little Bear relate to two Starsystems Ursa Major (The Big Dipper) and Ursa Minor (The Little Dipper).

The Little Dipper contains The Pole Star. The Pole Star was the “Old” center of the Galaxy until the scientists of the old civilizations discovered the Precession Cycle. At that time the Sun Cycle and the Cycle of the Axis Mundi were balanced.

hesperidesIn early Greek mythology, the seven stars of the Little Dipper were considered to be the Hesperides, also daughters of Atlas. They were Nymphs who were protecting the Seven Apples in Paradise. Someday a Fool (Heracles) stole the Apples and the World got into big trouble because Atlas could not hold it anymore.

The Old Center of the Universe, the Pole Star, was Moved into the Bull by a Fool.

The central star of the System is called Alcyone. Many ancient traditions state that Alcyone was the Central Spiritual Sun, the Mother Sun that emits creative Light, that which births great teachers of Light into the world.

The early Arabs called her Al Jauz, the Walnut; Al Jauzah or Al Wasat, the Central One; and Al Na’ir, the Bright One; In Babylonia she was called Temennu, the Foundation Stone. The Mayas call her the Goddess. She is related with Compassion and the Womb (Rebirth).

HalcyoneAlcyone was a Greek goddess who was changed into a kingfisher by the gods after she threw herself into the sea upon finding the body of her drowned husband Ceyx washed up on the shore. Ceyx was also transformed into a kingfisher.

Cherokee myth describes the kingfisher as a wannabe water bird without webbed feet or a good fishing bill; the animals held a council and decided to give the bird a long sharp spear with which to fish. They fastened the spear onto the front of the bird’s mouth, and the kingfisher used it to dive from the trees and catch fish, becoming the best fisher of all.

A myth from the Andaman Islands off the coast of Thailand has the kingfisher stealing Fire (The Holy Ghost) from the gods and bringing it to the people.

Another legend claims the kingfisher was the second bird Noah sent to scout for land (the first was a dove), but she flew too high and scorched her breast, thus accounting for her blue back and rust-colored breast feathers.

Noah, exhibiting his wrath in the grand tradition of his Old Testament god, punishes her by making her catch her food from the water: thus the bird’s beauty and skill become a bad thing. Note that in this particular legend the bird is specifically female: kingfisher males do not have rust-colored breast feathers.

In Arthurian myth, the Holy Grail is held in a remote castle by a custodian known as the Fisher King. The Fisher King is wounded through the groin. He cannot be healed until the Grail (the Cup, The Pleiades) is brought back into the world.

fisher kingThe Symbol of the Bear returns into the figure of King Arthur (the Bear) and his Twelve Knights. The magician Merlyn is forced to play the role of Thoth but he refuses. Merlyn is a White Magician who did not wanted to use the Black Magic of Morgan Le Fey.

The seven days preceding the Winter Solstice and the seven days after it are know as the Halcyon Days, named after Alcyone.

It was during this time, according to ancient Greek mythology, that Alcyone kept the Waters Peaceful and calm so that she could build her nest upon the surface of the sea and sit on it until her Eggs hatched.

BlackMadonnaThe last link I want to make is the link to Mary Magdalena. Mary is of the town Magdela or Migdal which was known as the Village of the Doves, a place where Sacred Doves were bred for the Goddess Temple of Isis.

Isis has many names like : The Brilliant One in the Sky, The Star of the Sea and She Who Knows How To Make Right Use of the Heart. Her dance of the Seven veils corresponds with the seven stars of the Pleiades.

The worship of Isis was merged into the Church of Rome by the worship of Mary and Mary Magdalena, the Black Madonna. In contrast with the male dominance of the Cult of Mitrash the cult of Isis was open to the “lower classes (the poor)” and females.

Again we see a relationship between the number Seven, Water, Fish (Christianity), The lost Female principle and an Evil force that has killed the Fisherman. The Fisher King is a symbol of Christ.

A very important event is the Great Flood, the moment when the Anunaki’s tried to destroy mankind. Christ, The Force of Love, is waiting until somebody finds the lost Cup, The Grail, The Pleiades.

This Force will return when the three cycles of the Sun (Mitrash, Church of Rome), the Pole Star (The Star of the Shaman in Siberia) and the Pleiades (The Mother Goddess) are balanced. According to the Mayas this will happen in 2012.

There is much more to say about the other (five) sisters of the Pleiades. The stories of all of them weave a complicated web of hidden codes. At this moment I don’t want to explain all of them. I want to “jump to a conclusion“.

What happened???

luriaTo find out what happened we have to move to a brilliant Cabbalist called Luria.

Rabbi Isaac Luria (1534-1572) was a Jewish Mystic in Safed.

At the moment of creation the Ein Sof (Without Ending) concentrated (Tzimtzum) Himself. From this concentration proceeded the Infinite Light. This Light enfolded itself into ten circles or vessels (kelim) called the Sefirot, (Circled Numbers).

The Three outermost circles were able to bear the light, the inner six were unable to do so, and burst.

As a result of this cosmic catastrophe, the Sefirot, are shattered and out of place, and the world within which we reside, is composed of the shards of the broken values. Six of the Ten Sefirot were fully shattered. Malchut (Earth), the 7th vessel was broken partially.

Humans are on this Earth to repair the Universe. We are here to raise the sparks of the Light (our Souls) to repair the broken vessels.

heart chakraWe raise the sparks when we act out of Love, our Heart. The Sparks are a symbol for our relationship with the Infinite Light.

The Sparks are also represented by the Flames of a Menorah.

The Sparks are helped by the Holy Spirit (In-Spiration).

The First Triangle is in balance but the next step in the Tree of Life, The Square is out of balance.

The Square is a symbol of the Four Forces and represents The Infinite Game of Creation.

The four Forces act on all the Levels. I want to move to the level of the Human to give you a “complete” picture.

The Four Forces are moving around the Centre. The Centre of the Human is the Heart. The Seven Sisters are implemented in the Seven Chakra’s. The Heart Chakra is in the Middle.

ursa minorThe Center of Control is situated in the “Head”.

When we want to Control we want to manage our Expectation (Hope) and be sure that everything happens according to our plans.

We are without any Faith about the Future. We are Thinking all the Time. The Head and the Governor can be found in the Star System The Great Bear or Ursa Major.

The Chinese astrologers named Ursa Minor “Prime Minister“, “Big Sun Governor“, “Minister of State“, “the 3 Dukes“, “Factory Chief“, along with many other ministers, chiefs, generals and people of high rank within the Imperial Court. The Bear is the symbol of Control.

When the vessels were broken the link between two forces called Control (The Sun, Mitrash, Apollo, Artemis, The Great Bear (Ursa Major)) and Desire (Ego, The Bull, Orion, Black Magic) became unstable. Mitrash is always Fighting the Bull. The Bull Fights in Spain are a simulation of this Fight. Humans are afraid to lose Control and when this feeling of Fear increases they become Paranoid.

mithrasIn the myth of Mitrash the Bull was finally killed. Control took over Control.  Many of the Religions that emerged out of Mitrash forced their members (all male!) to do many rituals to get rid of Desire.

The Roman Church invented the concept of Sin and Penetance to force the believers to fight their Impulses. The force of Desire is related to the Impulses and the lower chakras. It is about Sex without Love, Violence and all kinds of Addictions.

The Force of Control defines Rules and the force of Desire (the Ego) fights the Rules. Both of them are Extremes. They are Male/Male and Female/Female.

The two other forces are Male/Female. They are bisexual and related to Spirit (The Force of Creation) and Soul (The Force of Love, The Pleiades). They are not aggressive and unable to fight because they are non-violent.

The Star System of the Pleiades is sending the Force of Love and this Force is not a Strong Force. It Knocks at the Door of Your Soul and it Whispers in your Ear. It asks you to take care of Your Self and the Other. It asks you to become Conscious and to look at the World. It only asks you to act in you’re own context and to give unconditional love.

I end with a Piece of Poetry send by Paul to the City of Merope, Corinth; It will Help her to find Rest and to forget the acts of the Big Bear of Control who lost his temper when he was taken by the Bull of Desire. She and her six Sisters have to lead us back to Paradise.

If I speak in the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal.

If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have a faith that can move mountains, but have not love, I am nothing.

If I give all I possess to the poor and surrender my body to the flames, but have not love, I gain nothing.

Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud.

It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs.

Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth.

It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.

Love never fails.

But where there are prophecies, they will cease; where there are tongues, they will be stilled; where there is knowledge, it will pass away.

For we know in part and we prophesy in part, but when perfection comes, the imperfect disappears.

When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child.

When I became a man, I put childish ways behind me.

Now we see but a poor reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face.

Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known.

And now these three remain: faith, hope and love.

But the greatest of these is love.

(1 Corinthians 13:1-13)


About the Heart Chakra

About the Mayan Calender and the Great Flood

Many myths about disasters connected to the Pleiades

About the “Old” Constellations

Myths of the Pleiades

About the Kondratiev Cycle