Posts Tagged ‘magnetic field changes’

How to Predict Earthquakes

Tuesday, May 20th, 2008

Early in May, NASA Earth scientists monitoring infrared images of the earth noticed unusual patterns in southwestern China. The patterns are explained by Friedemann Freund, a NASA researcher. Freund is able to predict Earthquakes and much more.

Rocks put under enough pressure turn into batteries and produce an Electro-Magnetic (E/M) field. The resulting electrical currents can travel miles into the earth. When the pressure gets too high an earthquake happens. His theory explains other signs related to earthquakes like Lights in the sky, Migraines, Strange animal behavior and Water Changes. Scientists don’t believe the Theory of Freund.

The belief that animals can predict earthquakes has been around for centuries. In 373 B.C., historians recorded that animals, including rats, snakes and weasels, deserted the Greek city of Helice in droves just days before a quake devastated the place. Accounts of similar animal anticipation of earthquakes have surfaced across the centuries since.

Catfish moving violently, chickens that stop laying eggs and bees leaving their hive have been reported. Countless pet owners claimed to have witnessed their cats and dogs acting strangely before the ground shook-barking or whining for no apparent reason, or showing signs of nervousness and restlessness. Also Humans experience Stress and act Strangely.

Studies of turtles revealed that hatchlings have the ability to sense the direction and strength of Earth’s magnetic field, which they use for navigating along the turtles’ regular migration route. The migration route is hard-wired into the animals’ brains.

In a report published in Science, scientists have discovered a collection of nerve cells in the brains of subterranean Zambian mole rats that enable the animal to process magnetic information used in navigation. The mole rats dig tunnels up to 200 meters (220 yards) long and build their nests in the southernmost tip of their burrows. As the direction of the magnetic field changes, so does the location of the moles’ nests.

Animals and Humans make use of and are influenced by the Earth Magnetic Field. When this Field becomes chaotic Animals and Humans lose track. The effect is severe Stress and Strange Behavior.

Earthquakes have long been accompanied by the appearance of “bright, luminescent, multicoloured sky glows” that can take place any time before, during, or after the seismological event. “fireballs a few metres in diameter often popped out of the ground in a repetitive manner”. There is even Japanese haiku about this phenomenon: “The earth speaks softly, To the mountain, Which trembles, And lights the sky“.

A German dowser, Baron von Pohl, was asked to dowse the small town of Vilsbiburg in 1929, having then the highest per capita cancer death rate in Bavaria at the time. He discovered a 100 per cent correlation between the beds of cancer victims and the paths of black streams passing through the town. He repeated the procedure in Grafenau in 1930, a town with the lowest cancer incidence in the province, and again found a100 per cent correlation. Black streams are places of Geopathic Stress. Geopathic Stress is caused by “abnormal” Electro Magnetic Fields. Dowsers are able to feel the E/M-field.

One of the indicators of Geopathic Stress is Radon. The production of abnormal amounts of Radon is used to predict Earthquakes.

In the US only Radon is responsible for about 21,000 lung cancer deaths every year. Radon can enter homes through cracks in floors, walls, or foundations, and collect indoors. It can also be released from building materials, or from water obtained from wells that contain radon. Radon levels can be higher in homes that are well insulated and tightly sealed. Because of their closeness to the ground, basement and first floors typically have the highest radon levels.

Ley Lines are places where the Earth Magnetic Field is strong. Most of the Ancient Religious Places are situated at Crossings of Ley Lines. The Religious Places produce Spiritual Experiences because they are situated on a Strong Magnetic Field. Strong Magnetic Fields produce Hallucinations and Strange Appearances. UFO’s are often spotted in the area where strong Magnetic Fields exists or Turbulence in the Field is produced.

The Earth Magnetic Field is Changing. The Changing field has an enormouss effect on our mental Health. It produces Stress, Para-Normal Phenomena and Sleep Problems.

Mobile Communication Creates strong E/M-fields and affects our Health. One of the effects is an increase in Cancer.

The US Military are Experimenting with Strong Electro Magnetic Fields. Strong E/M-Fields affect the Weather and Generate Earthquakes. They even build a Time Machine and use it for Mind Control.

The Bees are Dying because of strong E/M-fields. Many more important Animals (Bats) in the Food Chain are dying.

If You have read all the Links I hope You see a Pattern Emerge.

Some of the Scientists that don’t believe Mr. Freund really believe in the Effects of Magnetic Fields on Animals and Humans. For many reasons they don’t tell us the Truth. I am conviced that the major reason behind this is Security. The Budget of Military R&D is very important for many Scientists and Big Research Organizations.

There is no doubt about the fact that our Body is an Electrical-Magnetic Field. Many processes are highy Electrical. There is also no doubt about the fact that we (and Animals and Nature) are highly affected by these Fields. There is also no doubt about the fact that our Fields intermingle and exchange information.

We communicate with Words but we also communicatie with our Body and our Field. The Field can be associated with the Emotions. A disturbance of the general field affects our emotional balance. An increase in the Field stimulates Agression and this is exactly what is happening. Sadly enough it is what the Military want to accomplish.

Magnetic Fields are able to cure Diseases and they cause Diseases. They are able to generate compassion and agression. They affect our Minds, our Body and our Emotions. The effect depends on the Power of the Field. Organisms are capable to exists between Very Small boundaries of the Field. If the Field is outside these boundaries they will experience Stress and later they will Die.

At this moment we are in the Danger Zone. We are in the Danger Zone because of two reasons. We are producing strong fields and the Natural Fields are changing. It is not sure if we are able to stop the Human Interference. We are certainly not able to stop the Natural Processes.

The result of the change in the magnetic field is a changing of your DNA. The Body is able to change its DNA instantly. We and Nature are “Mutating” at a high speed. Many of the mutations will not be able to live. Some of them will survive. It is not sure these organisms will be Humans. Humans are very vulnarable. I bet Insects, Viruses and Bacteria have a much higher chance. Of course a very interesting opportunity is to create “Super-Humans” that are connected to Machines or Artificial Life. The US-Army is experimenting with this possibility. Do you want the Robots to take over power?

You can Protect Your Self against the Influence of Strong Magnetic Fiels. It is possible to Shield you’re House and your Body. Have a look at the PDF about Geopathic Stress and You will know how to do it.

If you read the references You will see that the most important factor is your Believe-System. If You believe you are able to Resist and cure Your Body it will happen.

Human Imagination is able to create a Dying Earth or a Regenerating Earth by changing the cause of its R&D and its Actions.


About the Influence of E/M-fields on Animals

Tesla about Fireballs and E/M-fields

About The Influence of the Mind on your DNA

The Effects of the E/M-fields produced by Mobile Phones

About the Relationship between Radon and Earthquakes