Many people today and in history (Nostrodamus, Edgar Cage,…) are predicting a Large Scale Disaster the Coming years.
There are two Major Issues, a Giant Worldwide Earthquake and the Collapse of a Big outside Object (Meteor, Planet X) into the Earth. This Blog is about Earthquakes.
Personally I don’t believe in the “Meteor” theory. A huge Solar Flare related with the Maximum of the coming Sun Cycle in 2012 is much more likely.
The Solar Flare will influence the Earth Magnetic Field and virtually destroy most of the current Infrastructures in the Western World. A Flare could start the “switch of the Magnetic Pole” and trigger Earthquakes.
The most predicted and documented Major Disaster is a Huge Earthquake Sequence in the Area of what is called the Ring of Fire.

The Ring of Fire
This Sequence is started by Extreme Electro Magnetic and Gravitonial Effects (Tidal Waves) related to the Cycle of the Sun and the Movement of the Planets.
The Earth consists of a thin upper crust and molten lava, magma. The inner crust is semi-solid and hot. Like tidal waves, this molten lava is also influenced by tidal currents. The moment the high tide pull is more, it breaks open the crust and earthquakes occur. If the crust breaks completely, it results in a volcanic eruption.
The most potent quakes occur when the Sun, Jupiter, Saturn, and the Moon are in mutual potent positions like 0º, 90º, 180º, and 360º. The gravitational pull exerted on the Earth by this movement induces a change in momentum, mass and velocity of the molten lava, creating disturbances.
The Tidal and Electro Magnetic Waves start so called Earthquake Storms. The Scientist who discovered Earthquake Storms is Amos Nur.
Amos Nur is a Scientist at Stanford University in California. Nur researched the fall of a host of civilisations in the Eastern Mediterranean at the end of the Bronze Age 1200 BC.
He compared the locations of 47 ancient cities that were destroyed with maps of earthquake epicentres from the past 80 years. Almost all the cities were in areas that today suffer the most intense seismic shaking.
A complicated junction of tectonic plates, with Africa diving under Europe has created a maze of faults. The connected faults cause periods of intense earthquakes in Turkey.
The Storms appears in a cyclic pattern of 400 years. The Romans recorded a cluster in the 4th century. The same happened in the 8th and the 15th century. At this moment a new Storm is activated. The City of Istanbul is the primary target of the next step. This will create a major disaster and will affect very important old buildings like the Aya Sophia.
Another Earthquake Storm is moving along the Pacific Plate. The Storm is becoming more dangerous. Southern California is long overdue for having its next catastrophic earthquake along the Pacific-North American Plate Boundary.
A region with maximum severity is the San Jacinto Fault Zone in the Inland Empire, which acts as the pressure relief valve for the Southern San Andreas Fault Zone. The Government will be organizing one of the biggest simulations in history soon. The Model that was developed shows that one of the biggest problems will be the Water-Supply of the Big Cities in California.
Another Earthquake Storms is moving along in Korea. The Storm has the same frequency and timing of the Cycle in Turkey.
Big Earthquakes trigger “small” Earthquakes Storms. U.S. researchers who have studied earthquakes with magnitudes greater than 7 have found that the “Big Ones” trigger smaller earhquakes thousands of miles away including on the opposite side of the planet and in areas not prone to quakes.
The strong waves are propageted all over the world and trigger small running Storms. Big Earthquake Storms (“Earthquake Tornado’s“) affect the “Earthquake Weather” all over the World.
Earthquakes are related to the Electro Magnetic Field of the Earth. The NASA-scientist Freund discovered this effect but Russian Scientists found the relationship already in 1979.
Russian Scientists discovered the Electro Magnetic Effects when they launched the Intercosmos-19 satellite in 1979. It detected an unusual low-frequency noise in a large area centred near the epicentre of an earthquake that occurred a few hours later.
It becomes clearer and clearer that the Weather in the Ionosphere and all the lower Spheres of the Earth including the Spheres that are in the “Underworld” are highly related. They are influenced by the Tidal Waves and the Electro Magnetic Waves in the Universe.
Strange Weather is related to Earthquake Storms and Earthquake Storms are like all the other processes on Earth related to Astronomical and Astrological Patterns. Not only Earth but the other Planets are moving into a Highly Instable Pattern. A very special astronomical event will trigger all the area’s of the Ring of Fire.
This special event happened long time ago and caused the end of Atlantis. We are warned by the Survivors of this Spectacular Disaster in many ways. They “generated” the prophecies but they also constructed calendars like the Mayan Calender.
The Turbulent Storms on Jupiter could also create a Spectacular Flare. The likelyhood of this Event is increasing.
Research shows that the number of natural disasters stemming from geological reasons such as Earthquakes, Volcanoes and Tsunamis increased from an annual average of one incident in the 1950s to two in the 2000s.
The number of natural calamities arising from weather-related reasons including floods, storms and draughts jumped from an annual average of two to seven over the same period.
A recent report released by international aid agency Oxfam suggested a similar trend. The agency said that natural disasters have quadrupled in the past two decades. The number of occurrences in the early 1980s stood at 120 a year, while it skyrocketed to about 500 these days.
Unfortunately, Asia has been the hardest-hit area. About 800 cases of natural disasters have occurred in the Asian region since 2001. In particular, the most populous countries, such as Indonesia, China and India, suffered the biggest damage.
All three countries are sitting on fault lines. A number of mountains and rivers in Asian countries are prone to landslides and floods. Moreover, the coastal areas are directly exposed to tropical storms.
The United States has suffered 222 cases of natural disasters since 2001, following Asia. The country has been frequently battered by capricious and unpredictable natural disasters such as hurricanes and tornadoes. Although the number of Hurricane Katrina victims is pale in comparison to that of Asian cyclones, it was shocking that Hurricane Katrina claimed the lives of more than 1,300 people given that the number of hurricane victims has rarely exceeded 100.
In contrast, Europe is classified as the safest region in the world. The European continent has witnessed a total 180 natural disasters since 2001. Most of them were wild fires. Meanwhile, as many as 50,000 people were killed by scorching heat waves that swept through France, Italy and Portugal in 2003, and Greece and Rumania in 2007.
The Disaster Pattern is highly connected to the Sun Cycle. This Cycle is in its most dangerous zone around 2012. This date is the End Date of the Mayan Calender. This Calendar ends when a very rare Astrological Event (A Conjunction) will appear.
Many People don’t believe in Astrology. They also think the Mayan Scientists were a way behind our own Scientists. They don’t know that Astrology is looking at the Gravitational Influences of the big Masses that are surrounding us. The effect of the of the Moon on Earth and the (Female) Human is easy to see.
The Strange thing that is happening is that Our current Scientists are coming to the same conclusion as the Old Fashioned Mayas. Both of them are aware of the (complicated) cyclic patterns in Nature.
The funny thing is that the “unbelievers” also don’t want to believe Science. Perhaps they are afraid to find out that the old predictions are right. Perhaps they don’t want to accept that we, the Humans, are not able to control Nature.
We are not the managers of the Universe. We are just a part of Nature, highly influenced by the same forces that are affecting Animals, Plants, Rocks and Stones.
The Relationship between Astrology and Earthquakes
An Explanation of the Relationship between Astrology and Earthquakes
The Pattern of the Stock Market looks like the Pattern of Earthquakes