Archive for the ‘Psychology’ Category

Jane Roberts and Wolfgang Pauli Explain the Bridge between Psychology and Quantum Mechanics

Friday, October 26th, 2007

sethThe books of Jane Roberts (1929-1984) had a deep impact on my “Scientific” insight about the Universe. The books of Seth are still valid and many things that were explained by Seth are now proven to be true.

Jane Roberts was a writer and a channel. In this state she was taken over by an entity called Seth.

I became interested in Seth and Jane when I was a student (Mathematics, Chemistry, Physics, Psychology, Philosophy).

Seth dictated many theories of physics that were at that time (1980) rather unknown. Jane was totally not educated in my field of Science. I wondered how this was possible.

Seth explained that there are four universes where we live in and these four universes are part of a multitude of other universes.

What Seth explained was the so called many-worlds-hypothesis.

It was formulated to explain Quantum Mechanics (The so called Oxford Explanation). Bohr and Heisenberg formulated another explanation (The Copenhagen Explanation).

The four worlds are: the Physical universe, a Dream universe, the Electrical and an Anti-Matter universe (Our Twin Universe). The last one was not explained by Seth. The Twin Universe was outside his Frame of Reference.

Our physical universe is created by the power of our mental projections. When people share the same projections they are able “to Move Mountains”.

You usually think, for example, that your feelings about a given event are primarily reactions to the event itself. It seldom occurs to you that the feelings themselves might be primary, and that the particular event was somehow a response to your emotions, rather than the other way around. The all-important matter of your focus is largely responsible for your interpretation of any events”.

This is an important insight. It is a very powerful tool for change. When a collective projects Peace on Earth or The Restoration of Nature it will happen. The Mass Media could help by projecting “positive thoughts”. At this moment they accomplish the opposite.

Seth also gives an explanation of Time/Space (The Chronotope). Past and Future coexist with the Present. They are created in the Now. This is currently the most interesting theory explaining strange effects (the Bell Tests) in Quantum Physics.

inner selfAll our “Representations (“bodies”)” in Time/Space (the “many worlds“) are in direct contact with something called the Inner Self. The Inner Self is the Observer and it gives “feed-back” to all the representations.

In every representation the Inner Self comes through as Intuition or the “Inner Voice”. It helps its “occurrences” to find Balance or Harmony. Most of the time people are not able to listen. When this happens they move away from their Path (Tao).

The Inner Self also influences our exterior. It gives us Signs. Most people in the West don’t understand or see the Signs.

If they see a Dove in a place where there are no doves (a strange coincedence) they don’t understand that The Higher Self is advising them to follow their Heart and stop Thinking (The Dove is the Symbol of Sufism and Gnostics).

Later in this Blog I want to tell you about Wolfgang Pauli. He was a very intelligent Scientist involved in the creation of Quantum Mechanics. He was gifted with a strange talent called the Pauli Effect.

Everywhere he came “Psycho-Kinetic Effects” started to happen. These effects could not be explained by Science. They were always connected to something Pauli was Trying to Find Out. The Signs contained a Deeper Symbolic Meaning.

Seth explained that to use Jane Roberts he had to shift to another “frequency” in the Universe. His Time/Space was on another “Plane of Vibration“.

To get into contact with Jane he had to create a “Resonance-Pattern (a channel)” with the “Standing-Wave” of Jane Roberts.

When this channel was accomplished he was able to link his Symbols to the Symbols of Jane. Jane was not chosen by accident. Her “State of Mind” was able to resonate with the State of Seth.

When you want to channel your “State” is crucial to the connections you are making in this “strange” Universe. When you’re “wave-length” is “low” you attract “lower” entities of other planes of vibration. They will tell different stories because they are not aware of the “higher” planes.

The same applies to your contacts on Earth. You attract people of the “Same Wavelength“. When you’re wavelength is low this does not mean that You are a Bad Person. It means that something is connected to you that is influencing you’re wavelength.

magicianAlthough this sounds strange people are able to give “their problems” to others. This is a big problem when you are Empathic (from the Heart). I am Empathic and it took me a very long time to understand why I was carrying “Strange Moods” when there was no reason for it.

When you are an Emphat you are able to understand people with ease but when you “move into the other” without any protection the chances are high that you take something over. The Others love you for this. They feel refreshed and happy and You are suddenly in their state.

When we translate channeling in “Getting an In-Spiration” we can see that channeling is not new. It happened in every time in the History of Humanity. An inspiration is received when you are able to Articulate your Intuition. A very important condition is Tension.

When you are looking for an answer and time is running out You suddenly know! Artists use this (called dead-lining) to make sure their expression is the best they can do. They have to wait for the Magic Moment and when this moment appears they are taking over by the Creative Force.

In earlier times these people were called Magicians, Prophets, Druids, See-ers, Artists, Bards and Poets. In our time the distinction is much more difficult to make.

In every place in Society there are people who are equipped with a strong Intuition and/or Empathy. A nice test to find out “What you Really Are” is the Myers Briggs Test.

Many very important discoveries in science appeared when people got into a highly intuitive state induced by Tension. A famous example is the “discovery” of the Benzene Ring by Kekulé.

A very interesting case is Wolfgang Pauli.

ezekielJung (1875-1961) and Pauli (1900-1958) met in 1930 when Pauli asked Jung to help him with his Emotional and Psychological Tensions. Jung reviewed thirteen hundred of Pauli’s dreams and studied a selection from the first four hundred of these. Pauli was a brilliant scientist, highly involved in the creation of Quantum Mechanics.

Jung was never able to understand everything Pauli discovered. He was not a mathematician. What nobody understood at that time was that Pauli was creating the Bridge between Physics and Psychology.

He found this bridge when he started to study Alchemy. He found out that the so called Lumen Naturae (Paracelcus), the Light of Nature, or “Spirit in Matter” was “The manifestation of something deeper, an Unus Mundus that is also the domain of Symmetry“.

He believed that this Light was the Source where “Mind and Matter, Religion and Science originate“.

At this moment Symmetry is the most important issue in Physics. It is needed to solve the “Multi Dimensional String“-equation (The Beta Function) that is played by the Cosmic Violin Player in Super String Theory.

What Pauli discovered was that there are two worlds. The Masculin World of Order (The Circle) and the Female World of Chaos (The Square). When the two worlds connect Synchronicity takes place.

The Masculin World is controlled by Rhythms, Patterns and Clocks. Many people think this is a Power who is Controlling Human Destiny called God.

In reality it a Power that is Able to Create. It is able to create when We, the Humans, use it. It is the Power Seth talks about when he explains the Power of our Mental Projections.

worldclockOne of the most important dreams of Pauli is the dream of the World Clock: “There is a vertical and a horizontal circle, having a common centre. …

The vertical circle is a blue disc with a white border divided into 4 X 8 — 32 partitions. A pointer rotates upon it.

The horizontal circle consists of four colours. On it stand four little men with pendulums, and round it is laid the ring that was once dark and is now golden (formerly carried by four children).

The world clock has three rhythms or pulses:

1) The small pulse: the pointer on the blue vertical disc advances by 1/32.

2) The middle pulse: one complete rotation of the pointer. At the same time the horizontal circle advances by 1/32.

3) The great pulse: 32 middle pulses are equal to one complete rotation of the golden ring. …It is supported by the black bird“.

It is very clear that Pauli saw a “modern” version of the Vision of Ezekiel.

rosarium03The Female World (the Moon) is the World of the Game played on the Square. It is the World where The Human is a co-creator with a Power that shows Herself as a Trickster. The Male World of the Sun is the world of Control and Order. The Male World defines the Rules that are Played when the Game is created.

She is Playing Games to show the Human that he has aquired Free Choice (not Free Will) and HAS TO USE IT. “God” will never interfere with our Free Choice because Our Free Choice is God. God is the creator of the many paths that are there to explore.

When both World (Male and Female) are in Harmony, the Human Co-Creates with The Creative Force (The Dove, The Holy Spirit) of God and moves unto the Path that is created for him to explore. This Path is there to learn the lessons that his Soul has chosen to learn in the Learning Simulator called Earth.

The Past and the Future are already there and the Now is the starting point to move back and forwards in Time and Up and Down in the Six Multi-Universes that are connected to our Seventh Universe, the Universe of the Heart.

The idea that Future and Past are interacting in the Now is called Wheeler-Feynman Absorber Theory. It predicts that the Future influences the Now.

Jung asked Marie-Louise Von Franz (Number and Time) to research the domains of Pauli he was unable to understand.

When I searched the Internet to find more about Pauli  and Von Franz when I found the website of Remo Roth.

HeartChakraRemo Roth and Marie Louise von Frantz worked together to explore Pauli’s heritage.

It is now 33 years ago that I began to dream and have visions about the Seal of Solomon. In one of the first visions dating from July 1973 I saw two open graves. One of them had a tomb stone with a Christian Cross on its top, the other one a stone with the Seal of Solomon, the Heart Chakra, chiselled into its surface”.

“Further, already in 1974 I read in Marie-Louise von Franz’ book Number and Time about a dream/vision/audition of “a modern physicist” that dealt with the Seal of Solomon and the square – exactly the symbolism also my vision talked about.

Of course I was completely fascinated by this vision and asked Marie-Louise von Franz about the dreamer. She allowed me then to publish his name; it was Wolfgang Pauli“.

In April 24, 1948 the foundation of the C.G. Jung institute took place. When Pauli entered the room, a so-called Pauli effect occurred. Without any outer cause a Chinese vase fell onto the floor and the water poured out, resulting in a flood. Symbolically seen, we can say that this psychokinetic event was a Chinese water flood“.

Pauli had begun to deal with the hermetic alchemist Robert Fludd, who wrote his name in Latin as Robertus de Fluctibus. Therefore, we can conclude that these two events belong to a Synchronicity, the psychic (inner) event of it consisting in the tension in Pauli concerning the dispute between Johannes Kepler and Robert Fludd, the physical (outer) event in this strange psychokinetic anomaly, the Pauli effect of the overturned vase, resulting in a flood“.

robert fluddSymbolically seen we can say that the meaning of this flood is as follows: An archetypal conception which has a lot to do with “Watery” and “Being Liquid”, which was still living in Fludd’s hermetic alchemy, but repressed after Johannes Kepler, wishes to be integrated in the new Zeitgeist of the 21st century (The Age of Aquirius, the Water Bearer)” .

In Robert Fludd’s hermetic alchemy the world soul, the anima mundi, was still the vinculum amoris (ligament of love) of matter and spirit. Thus, we can conclude that a meaning of Pauli’s synchronicity is the challenge of going back behind Kepler to Robert Fludd with the goal of finding a new synthesis of the Divine Male Principle with the Female“.

By means of a symmetrical symbol, the Seal of Solomon, which pursued him in so many dreams and visions, Pauli is now able to define the dark female part, matter, as a mirrored image of the spiritual layer, and vice versa. This material trinity unifies with the spiritual one, leading by this into a new sphere, the psyche which he calls here the “realm of the middle” (i.e., China)”.

What Roth is trying to show is that we are at a “Point of Transition“. We have to stop Male Dominance (Order) but we also have to stop Female Dominance (Chaos, The Trickster, Playing Games). What we have to accomplish is a New Synthesis of the Divine Male and the Divine Female principle (The Holy Wedding). We have to start to act with Spirit and our Soul again. We have to use the Creative Power that comes out of our Heart.

The “Realm of the Middle” has a lot to do with China. The Culture of China was aimed at Harmony. The Seal of Salomon “symbolizes a potential world that contains a new creation”. This New World is the world of Aquirius. When we want to find its foundation we have to Move back in History and Start all over Again. We have to become aware that We Are The Creators and we have to Take the Responsibilty for our Creations.

Raimundus_Lullus_alchemic_pageWe have to move back to the time of Alchemists (Fludd, Paracelsus), the Essenes or when you believe this, even to Le-MU-ria to find the “Old Tools of Creation” (The first Emperors of China came from the Land of MU).

As a psychotherapist and healer I have the possibility to penetrate into the deepest depths of the collective soul. Therefore I can testify that this renewed God-image, the Seal of Solomon, is constellated in many humans of today”. “These observations showed me that all these people were or are already being transformed into a modern mystic, even when they did not know this consciously” (Are You aware of this?).

As the well-known Jewish myth researcher Gershom Sholem stresses, the Seal of Solomon or Star of David is not of a specific Jewish origin. This symbol occurs therefore throughout the whole world, in many different cultures, so for example as a symbol of the heart Chakra anahata in the Buddhist and Hindu Tantrism or in the heart of the Sufis of Islam mysticism

This is a citation of Seth: “What we need is a whole new myth of man and his beginnings, one that leapfrogs local gods and places God inside his creatures, within creation. We need a god as blessed or flawed as its creations, a whole new cosmology giving birth to a God that is male and female, Jew, Arab, American, Chinese, Indian; that is within each individual alike; that is not parochial and not man’s alone; a god that is within stones and stars; a god-goddess big enough to be personified as a Buddha, Christ, Isis, Athena, Muhammed-animal god, insect god, tree god; each seen as a local symbol standing for an unexplainable reality that is too super-real to fit our definitions. We need a new myth, imaginative and creative enough to leap above our puny facts


About Robert Fludd & the Magic of the Memory Palace

An Article about the Relationship between Pauli and Jung

An Article about Pauli’s World Clock

The Website about Pauli of Remo Roth

About Gnostics

About Alchemy 

About Alchemy and Logic

About Egyptian Alchemy

About Heliopolis

About Old Fashioned Thinking

About Al-Khemia

What US Time Travellers are Telling about their Future: The Results of the Experiments of Helen Wambach

Monday, October 22nd, 2007

A few years ago a friend advised me to visit a well-known hypnotherapist.

Hypnotherapists know that Future and Past are “known” in the Now. They explore the past because they believe the Now is influenced by the Causal Chain of Time. They believe in Karma. They believe we are in this life to solve something we did “wrong” in an earlier life.

Personally I don’t believe this is the case. I believe our Universe is an immense learning machine that already contains all the possible paths we can travel. This explains why people are able to Travel Time.

It took a very long time before the therapist brought me in the State of Hypnosis. When I was in the state I experienced something I had never ever experienced before. I went back in History and visited former Life’s.

A week later I went on holiday and the effect of his treatment was prolonged. While driving our car I went into trance-states. The holiday became a magical journey. I found out that my wife and I had been connected in history many times in many relationships and that a special theme (loosing our child) was coming back all the time.

In the next meeting with the therapist the effect of the treatment was even more spectacular. Within a few minutes I traveled through space with an enormous speed. I flew into the Eye Of God and experienced Intense Love. I did not want to leave this state. The therapist had to “drag me out of it”.

The Union with God returned many times until I moved into a very special experience. I died and came back alive and went into a trance-state for more than a week in which I was told many things about the Future and the Structure of the Universe. After this experience (a Rising of my Kundalini) my Life changed in many ways. I came into a very special state of Coincedences which I now call My Magical Mystery Tour.

Helen Wambach, started a big research project in the late 1990′s. She defined a protocol and brought many people in a state of hypnosis. In this state she asked them to move into the Future. The results were remarkable. There was a huge consistency in the stories people were telling. They were talking from many perspectives about a shared future.

When she asked people to jump to the near future many of them were unable to do that. They were “incarnated” in a future far ahead (>2100). Only a few could talk about the near future and they experienced terrible conditions related to a major disaster (eartquakes, floods). Experiments done by other researchers showed a comparable pattern.

In 1989 Chet Snow wrote a book about her research called Mass Dreams of the Future, Mc Graw Hill & Co.

This is the general pattern:

1. In the coming years enormous disasters (Earthquakes, Floods, Financial Collapse of the US) will take place. Japan and the US West Coast will disappear. Society will collapse and many people will die. The US will move into a State of Martial Law.

2. After many years most of humanity will live in just four environment types: First: sylvan, ecologically-sound creative and spiritual communities widely scattered in temperate zones; Second: hi-tech cities dependent on domes and other artificial protections against a harsh exterior environment; Third: isolated, rustic settlements of people who have forsaken technological solutions to Earth’s problems, returning to a simpler, less-complex life-style; and Fourth: space-farers who inhabit artificial space stations above the Earth, or build protected colonies on nearby planets like Mars.

3. A period after 2300 AD, known as the “Outward Wave,” when humanity will no longer be bound either by this solar system or by present-day concepts of 3-D reality.

A comparable book is the The Third Reich of Dreams by Charlotte Beradt. The book contains dreams of normal people in Germany that predicted every aspect of the Nazi Regime in every detail. At the end of her book Beradt says that these dreams contain a warning, “the warning that totalitarian tendencies must be recognized before they become overt – before the guise is dropped … before people no longer may speak the word “I” and must guard their tongue so that not even they understand what they say, and before we begin to actually live the “Life Without Walls

The dream states of Helen Wambach’s are taken from normal US Citizens. Just like the dreams of the Third Reich they contain a warning. The warning for a massive decline in the American population caused by a succession of natural and also political disasters. Many of the prophecies are very detailed and already came out. The major disaster seems to be postponed. Let us hope for ever.

This could be related to the fact that the future is not determinated but is related to the collective psyche. It is proved that when many people imagine something it will happen. Perhaps the “knowledge” of the disaster prevented the disaster.

The US Army is spending a lot of money to build a Time Machine and Tele-Portation. They also use (or used) people (Remote Viewers) to travel time (History and Future) to detect unwanted intruders and also act according to these threats. Perhaps they “prevented” the disaster.

In august 2004 the American Army released a report about the possible use of Teleportation and Time Travel. It contains a very special chapter dedicated to the work of Leshan.

An unusual teleportation concept has been proposed by Leshan (1999, 2002), which describes the teleportation of objects throughout our universe by using the geometrical properties of space-time. The proposal posits that there is a “zero-space” that exists outside the boundary of our universe, whereby this zero-space is a “point form” space, where the distance between any two points is always equal to zero. Leshan also calls this space a “hole.”

Further requirements and assumptions of the model are:

  • time does not exist as a property in zero-space
  • the cosmological principle (i.e., there are no privileged frames relative to another place or point in the universe) requires that the boundary or border of the universe must pass through every point of space
  • virtual holes (or zero-space) in space-time must exist at every point of the universe, which are also called “vacuum holes”
  • vacuum holes exist as virtual particles

What Leshan is explaining is that there is place outside the Boundary of our Universe that is the Primal Void, the Emptiness before any thing was created. This Primal Void permeates our Universe at every place and shows itself as Tiny Holes. The Holes are everywhere. We can travel through these Holes to any point in Time and Space.

The Hole in Time/Space was well known in history. It was called a Bindu in the Ancient Science of India and the Sekhem in Ancient Egypt.

At this moment Scientist are developing very powerful instruments to jump through the Wormhole. They think they need a lot of energy to do this.

To Travel through you don’t need a lot of energy. To travel Time and Space through the Spiritual Hole you need to develop a very special “attitude”. According to Dzogchen teachings, the energy of an individual is essentially totally formless. However the individual’s mindstream gives rise to two kinds of forms:

  • forms that the individual experiences as his or her body, voice and mind and
  • forms that the individual experiences as an external environment

What appears as a world of apparently external phenomena, is the energy of the individual him or herself. There is nothing external or separate from the individual. Everything that manifests in the individual’s field of experience is a continuum.

When an advanced practitioner successfully completes practices he realizes the Body Of Light or the Rainbow Body. The final goal is to Dissolve in the Void (The Zero Point of Leshan). With the Body Of Light he can travel Time and Space.

The Body Of Light is a spiritual term for the non-physical body, the Body of the Soul.  It is known by many names in different spiritual traditions, such as “the resurrection body” and “the glorified body” in Christianity. “The most sacred body” (wujud al-aqdas) and “supracelestial body” (jism asli haqiqi) in Sufism. “the diamond body” in Taoism. “The body of bliss” in Kriya Yoga and “the immortal body” (soma athanaton) in Hermeticism.

The most important practice is a to learn a special form of Lucid Dreaming, Being Aware in the Dream State. If this happens the Power of the Kundalini Energy Jumps (like what happened to me) and opens up the Light Body. If this happens many “para-normal” abilities show them selves and the person is connected to the Flow of the Tao.

The result of the activity of a hypnotherapist looks a lot like Lucid Dreaming.

Perhaps the people of EllenWambach really traveled time and visited a Highly Possible Future.

I think it is a good advice to pay some attention to the results of Mass Dreams of the Future.

What the theories of Physics also learn is that The Now Influences History And The Future.

Perhaps we can change some things we don’t like together. Let us start a Dialogue about What we Really Want.

About InterPersonal Theory

Saturday, September 22nd, 2007


World Views are Perspectives on the Inner and Outer World. “Every man has his own Universe” so there are so many Perspectives as there are (and were) Humans. To communicate we have to decrease the Amounts of Perspectives.

Will McWhinney has found a model that covers most of the perspectives of the Human Being. It contains Four Perspectives circulating around a Center. His model is Self-Referencial (A Fractal) which means that the Model can be Applied on its Self.

It can be expanded to the Infinite Perspectives of all the Humans on Earth by detecting the Right Enfolding of the Fractal Pattern.

When I was working with Will McWhinney on his theory of World-Views I found many theories that could be mapped to his Theory of Change. The World Views proved to be a generic explanation of almost everything. This was a big surprise.

One of the sciences that interested me the most was Psychology. I studied Philosophy, Psychology, Chemistry, Physics and Mathematics and kept my knowledge of these fields always Up-To-Date.

My main problem with Psychology was the conceptual  mess it was in. I read book after book and all the time new ideas came up. It was fascinating but also frustrating.

Suddenly I found a book that helped me to see everything from one Perspective. The book contained a Model and I was able to Map the model to the World Views with ease.

The book I found was Horowitz, L. M. (2004). Interpersonal foundations of psychopathology. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.

Interpersonal theory looks at the world from the perspective of Relationships.

According to attachment theorists, the infant’s attachment system keeps the child close and connected to the adult, thereby increasing the child’s chances of surviving infancy. As children come to feel sufficiently secure in their attachment to the caretaker, they separate from the caretaker and explore the environment, a first step toward autonomy.

When a person initiates an interaction with another person, the other assumes that the behavior is motivated (purposeful). When an important goal is satisfied, the person experiences a positive emotion; when it is frustrated, the person experiences a negative emotion like sadness or anger.

Internal motivations can be conflicting. This can result in serious mental disorders. The interpretation of the motivation of the other is often ambiguous leading to misunderstanding and even conflict. To resolve these potential conflicts an open dialogue is necessary where people make their motives clear to others (and themselves).

Motivational constructs (desire, motive and personal striving) can be conceptualized in two very broad, abstract categories, namely, Communion and Agency.

A Communal motive is a motive for a connection with one or more others; it is a motive to participate in a larger union with other people. A communional motive can range from Indifferent (no connection) to Love (a complete connection).

An Agentic motive, on the other hand, emphasizes the self as a distinct unit; it focuses on the person’s own individual influence, control, or mastery over the self, other people, and the environment. An agentic motive can range from Dominating to Submitting.

Interpersonal behavior can be described with the so-called Interpersonal Circumplex (a Cycle). This is a widely tested model that predicts the reaction of a person to a Motive (a combination of agency and communion) of the other.

The motivational behavior of a person is more or less determined in his youth. People that are extreme in the connection/agency-matrix (e.g. indifferent to the other, too dependent, very dominant or submissive) are unable to work in a collaborative manner. They are Psychopathic.

Interpersonal Theory is very helpful to understand relationships.


The Interpersonal Circumplex or Interpersonal Cycle suggests that there are Infinite Types of Relationships. Some of them are named (Friendly, Dominant) most of them are not named.

When two persons are reacting according to the complementary expected behavior of the Other they feel “Related“. A highly dominant partner, a Master, needs a highly submissive partner, a Slave,  and vice versa.

By using the World Views Interpersonal Theory can be easily mapped to other Psychological Subjects like Learning. When we use the method of Mapping it can also be transformed to Art, History, Ecology, Mathematics and Physics.

To use the Four World Views (Unity, Sensory, Social and Mythic) we have to Map the Matrix of Horowitz to the Matrix of McWhinney .

Sensory people (Experts) are disconnected from their Self (Ego-istic). They are focused on the Senses (Facts).  An addiction to the Senses is called Schizophrenic.

Mythic (Artist)  is a Union with the Self. Mythic people are highly Imaginative and Creative. An addiction to the imagination is called Histrionic.

Social is a Union with Others. Social people are highly Emotional and influenced by the Other (Status). An addiction to the emotions is called Dependent.

A Unity (Master) is disconnected from the Self. Unity people want to control the Future. They are planning and expecting. An addiction to Control is called Paranoid.

Consciousness, the Observer,  the Center of the Cycle, is a Balance between Communion and Agency. People that are Constantly Out of Balance are called Neurotic.

What is Happening?

Paths of Change explains why Life is a Paradox.  It is a Paradox because the World Views are completely independent. They are valid ways of Looking At the World.

Normal” people combine Two or more Worldviews and are able to Switch from one View to the Other but they always look with one View at the Time.

Normal” people are mentally ill but we don’t see their illness because they are Switching all the time.

The Switch is called a Relation in Interpersonal Theory.  It connects two parts that are disconnect and will always be disconnect.

Is there a Structure behind this Structure?

Behind the Four WorldViews lies a much simpler structure. This structure contains just Two Views, the View of Control and the View of Desire.

Control is the proces of Compression. Control makes thing simple and essential. It brings everything back to the Void, the state of Infinite Potential.

Desire is the process of Expansion. Expansion makes things more complex. It generates an infinite amount of new combinations. It moves away from the Infinite Potential.

Control and Desire are Complementary Powers. When they join they are annihilated. If this happens They combine and become the Void again.

Control and Desire are constantly moving around the Void to A-Void that they move back to the state of the No-Thing, that is Every Thing.

The Four Views are nothing but Four Combinations of the Two that are Avoiding the Void which is the Center, the Connector, the Relation, the Switch, between Every Thing.


A website about Interpersonal Theory

About the Interpersonal Circumplex

About Learning and Interpersonal Theory

About WorldViews

About the Void and The Logic of Creation

About Wordviews and the History of Literature

About WorldViews and the Cycle of History

About Mapping

Why Psychiatrist are Unable to Cure their own Mental Disease

Monday, August 20th, 2007

psychiatry wardI have been involved with mental illness all my life.In my fathers family many people were mentally ill.


My grandmother was taken to a mental prison after the birth of her last child and staid there all her life. She died before I was born.

My aunt was sexually abused when she was young. My uncle was a simple friendly person who was only capable of taking care of animals and gardens.

He was really too friendly (not assertive). Many people took advantage of him. He ended his life in a mental prison where he was incapable of doing anything. His friends, the animals and the plants where left out of the prison because there was a shortage in specialists to “help him”.


The only thing he could do was sit, eat and worry. To stop his worrying he had to take pills. Many years later he died of a heart-attack. He never found the harmony nature could provide him with.


My father was a talent in handling people that were mentally disturbed. He understood what they were saying and what they needed. I have inherited his talent.


My father was born in 1909. Just like all his brothers he was a farmer. In 1940 he was taken prisoner by the Germans, escaped and found my mother far away from his home in a city called Leiden. I was born in 1951. I was their only child. His experiences in the War and Childhood had an influence on my childhood. He was never able to talk about it.


My father was never educated so he had to do dirty work. The dirty work generated a lot of stress. To find rest he created a garden. He trained me in his specialism. When he got old he could not work in his garden anymore. Just like his brother he became very depressed. He also died of a heart-attack. Many years later my mother died of Alzheimer.

All the time mental disturbed people appear in my life. They are diagnosed as paranoid, psychotic, schizophrenic, depressed, histrionic, autistic, dependent, Alzheimer, split personality, dissociation, ADHD and many other new terms. I am able to help some of them with my “para-normal” talent.

Later I found out that my grandmother was also gifted with the same talent. It was the main reason why she was put into the mental prison. At that time (1920) “para-normal” people were not liked. They were disturbing the System of Religion.

At the university I took many courses in psychology and philosophy. Psychology has been my main interests all my life.

I became befriended with very capable psychiatrists and psychologists and also with people that were also gifted with a special (para-normal?) talent to cure mental diseases

In this blog I use Self-Reference to show you what is happening in the Mental System. What I am writing about this System is applicable to all Systems. It is just an example.


In the current system you are officially mentally ill when a Mental Engineer decides you are mentally ill.


wardA specialist uses a questionnaire and out of the test comes a mental-illness-term, a procedure and medication how to treat the illness. Mental illness is standardized like many other areas in our society.


Standardization was invented by Winslow Taylor in the beginning of the 20th century. His invention created the factory and of course the computer. Standardization is possible when we look at the world trough the eye of the machine.


Mental illness is a defect in the control system of the machine. Somewhere there is a bug in the software of the mind. When we have detected and repaired the bug we are able to run the system again.


Another solution is to ReProgram the Operating System (Memory) itself with a new version or a completely new operation system. A very effective way to do this is Hypnosis.


The current theory about mental diseases has a lot in common with the Microsoft Operating System. It is very complex, contains a lot of bugs and the outside (the user-interface) is more important than the inside.


To become a Mental Engineer you have to be trained to acquire a certificate.


To get a certificate you need a certificate to enter the training. The process of certification acts like a filtering filter, a quality system. Only the perfect machines are allowed to leave the education factory. Its starts with many. In the end only a few survive.


This causes a shortage and a shortage creates a market. Mental engineers are highly paid like all the specialists that are able to move to the filtering filter.


To-earn-a-lot-of-money is the attractor of the educational factory. Parents that believe earning-a-lot-of-money is the most important thing in life push their children into the system and keep pushing until they are in the right production-line.


To help the System Banks and Governments are providing loans. This helps the System a lot because now the perfect machines have to stay in the System to be able to pay back their loans.


When you are a talent the theory is very different from what you feel you have to do, you become uncertain.


When you start to work in the System and you see that everybody is doing ‘it” you lose your “inner voice” (intuition).


Finally you are ‘one of them” telling others to do what the theory is telling you to do because “ everybody knows it works this way”.  The System is filtering out your talent and the talent of others.


A talent, a person being able to act without training, is most of the time not recognized in our society. When you are a specialized talent you are unable to get a certificate. You are not accepted by the System. Sadly enough some of them become mentally ill. When they go to the System for help they are programmed into a mental patient and they lose their “inner voice” too.


When you are a multi-talent you are able to move to the system with ease. Unfortunately multi-talents are scarce and equipped with a highly analytic mind. They don’t like the theoretical mess caused by the Microsoft Operating System Theory the Social Sciences is using.


When they stay in the System most of them are unable to change the Operating System into a simple system like UNIX. They are blocked by their colleagues. They don’t like to be shown wrong.


The last problem is that psychology is divided into many many separate specialisms (Word, Powerpoint…). The specialisms are related to other branches in science like religion, medicine, physics and mathematics.


They all use their own dialect and are therefore incapable to sustain a dialogue to become “One” system. This is also happening in Computing. There are thousands of computer languages that are unable to “talk” with the other.


On a higher level we see a very peculiar thing happening.


The System protects itself by leaving out everybody who is able to disturb The System.


psyTo put it in other words The System itself is mentally ill and according to its own terminology it is Paranoid. To cure the System we have to find out what helps a Paranoid to become “Normal” again.


To become mentally ill you have to go the specialist with a story and when the story convinces him you are ill.  The simplest way to become ill is that you (the Patient) want to be cured of something.


This something is a negative emotional feeling. You tell the specialist your sad story and if the story is convincing you are ill.


Funny enough the System is not going to a meta-Specialist to be cured. This is again an indication of the mental illness Paranoid. Paranoids want to control everybody and are unable to see what is happening. They use their theories to look at the world.


The only thing that “helps them” is a major event that shows them they are wrong. The System is only cured when it runs into a major crisis.


Funny enough the System is in major crisis but the only thing that is not happening is that the specialists are “feeling” this crisis. The only persons that are ‘feeling” the crisis are the patients and the patients are programmed into a machine. They obey the rules. Something more has to happen.


The specialist translates your negative feeling into a standardized term. This is sometimes very difficult because many emotional terms are not the main entrance to the standard.


There are many types of fear and combined with other issues you are given a different diagnoses and a different treatment. Fear is a simple emotional entrance and treating fear (a negative expectation of the Future) is really simple. Change your expectation and your fear is gone.


A paranoid “fears” change. So to change the System we have to change the positive expectations of the specialist about the Future. We have to show them that we are getting into a major crisis and they will also be troubled by the crisis.


One of the expectations we could show them is something the System believes in. It is called the Budget. We could show them that the amount of mental disturbed people will rise and rise and rise and at a certain point in time they will not be able to get the money to help everybody.


This is happening but again the System has already found a solution. The solution is “not helping everybody”. Not helping everybody is called a “waiting-list” and the length of waiting list is increasing.


To solve this problem the System has created a new specialist to tell the people that they have to wait. These specialists guide the gate of the system. They are called Gate-Keepers.


Sometimes they have to use violence to keep the patients out. In this case the Gate-Keepers employ other specialists called Security people. The Security-business is exploding because many Systems are in a State of War.


They even have invented a very special type of mental ilness that is helping the Security Business to increase their Business called Terrorist. This proves again the System is Paranoid. When a paranoid is threatened he reacts with violence.


When we react with violence the system will not change. The System has found the final prove of its own theory. Paranoid people are always afraid of somebody that will kill them.


Their ultimate fear is the fear of death. When they are confronted with this fear they get totally “out-of-control”. They are insane.


The Mental System is preventing with every thing it is doing to become Insane.


MunchScreamInsane is a state where all structure is gone. Insane is the ultimate state of Chaos. Insane is the state where the Conscious is gone and the Darkness of the Unconscious rules.


The Mental System is desperately preventing it will have to stay the rest of its life in its own Mental Prison. It is taking its own pills and treatments to prevent this.


Now the Darkness of the Unconsciousness is not at all dark. It generates the Light of Insight and Intuition. The Mental System is really afraid of its own intuition that is telling the System it is not working.


To keep the System running the System has to prevent there is time to reflect and to prevent this the System is generating a lot of demand. It is generating demand by “not-working”.


When the System is helping people to cure themselves with ease the demand will go down. When the demand goes down the Shortage will go down. When the Shortage goes down the Salaries will go down.


When the Salaries go down the Educational System will lose its attraction and when the Educational System goes down the only people that are able to solve the problem are talented people.


What I am showing you is something that is called the Cycle. It goes up and down.


autistAt this moment we are in the downfall of the factory-model that is striving to make everything the same. It is aimed at Equality.


The opposite, Uniqueness (Individuality), is rising. Uniqueness has its own mental disease called Autistic. An Autist wants to do “everything on its own”. An Autist is incapable of Cooperation.


What we have to prevent is that when a new System arises it will again fall in its own extreme mental trap. This happens when the people in the System are unaware of the movement of the Cycle.


They start as Innovators and use their Imagination. When they don’t look outside they become highly Conservative people. Extreme Conservative people are by definition Paranoid.


The only way to keep out of a very high Up and Very low Down (called a crisis) is to balance the Extremes.


 To balance the extremes we have to find a balance between the need to create a Future that is Predictable (Control), the need for the Human to be Unique, the need of the Poor and Helpless to find Solidarity (Soul) and the need to find New ways to solve New problems by using the Imagination (Spirit).


A cycle is balanced by the Centre. The Centre is the Heart of the Cycle. It uses Empathy, the Mirror of the Other to learn about the Self.


Let’s start by doing it ourselves again and use our own abilities to help the other. When we do this we are in the right State of the Cycle. We move with the Flow.


When you have a multi-talent or a specialized talent just do what you feel you have to do. It will work out fine.


Everybody is equipped with a Talent. You can easily find your talent when you feel a positive emotion when you are doing the thing “you are good at”. You are in the Flow.


You are “good at something” when others become enthusiastic (Spirit) and want to work with you (Soul) to create something Beautifull. You can also join others who generate this feeling of excitement with you.


To create Beauty is al that matters. Beauty is the process where Spirit and Soul are active. Beauty is not the result of a process. Beauty is created when you and others become the Process of Creation itself.

What do Artists and Military Man have in common?

Thursday, June 28th, 2007

john constableA few months ago I wanted to make an extensive horoscope to learn more about myself, my ex-wife (Merel Visse) and our relationship. I used

There are many choices and I ordered a Jungian Horoscope using a different name. uses Archetypes and I believe in them. They are the language of the Unknown.

Much later I found additional features of One of them is a search for look-a-likes in history, People that have the same astrological pattern. I searched for my wife and myself and our look-a-likes were all Artists or Military Man. This started a lot of reflection.

What do Artists and Military Man have in common?

I have always had the urge to become a military man or (better) a Constable. It is not a coincidence (!) that my name is John Constable. (Dutch name : Johan Konstapel). I carry the name of a very famous English romantic painter. I am a strange combination of an artist and a military man.

Constable quietly rebelled against the artistic culture that taught artists to use their imagination to compose their pictures rather than nature itself. Constable was not painting nature he became nature itself. He inspired the French impressionist of late nineteenth century.

I have a lot in common with him. I love to be immersed in Nature. I have created paintings, poetry and have made music (singing I am a counter tenor). I often wish I knew that it was possible to study Art when I was young.

When I was young I was tested to become a soldier. At that time everybody was obliged to serve in the army. The selection process came up with a spectacular result. They wanted me to become a pilot. Airplanes and especially military airplanes were my hobby. I collected photos of them. I did not enter the Army because my parents were pacifists and at that time I believed in pacifism.

I came to the sad conclusion that pacifism is a dream. War is a human affair and will never go away. I started to read about conflict-resolution. War can be prevented by diplomacy.

I applied for the Foreign Office and was almost hired when the ABN-bank offered me a better proposition. Later I realized that my interest in war and conflict were related to the conflicts in my youth.

I was raised by four parents (Father, Mother, Aunt and Grandfather) who were always fighting. I was the very young diplomat trying to create peace at home. Handling real-life conflicts is still a big problem for me (See also my blog about the Unconnected Child).

turnerWhen I started my company 10 years ago I researched the name Constable. A Constable (Konstapel) is an officer at a Dutch military ship responsible for the canons and the powder.

The aim of the Dutch Military was to explore the world finding places to buy and sell (The famous Dutch Trading Company VOC). They wanted to find new horizons and used weapons to protect themselves. They also used weapons to kill their opponents. The Dutch were really very aggressive people that covered their aggression with religion. This made it very simple to find a name, a logo (ship) and slogan “leave no stone unturned”.

I wanted to help people to discover new horizons in their work and later in themselves. Of course this also applied to me and my wife. The company is a vehicle to support our own process of discovery.

I think I have found the answer to the question.

An artist is an explorer. He explores Inner Space and expresses his findings in Outer Space. A military man explores Outer Space and expresses his findings in Outer Space.

Military man don’t want to fight. They want to play in the War Room with tiny canons, boats and tin-soldiers. The soldiers are not real. They are far away and playing in a movie. When they die they leave the stage and start living again.

straussMilitary man are also romantics. They love to practice in nature. They love uniforms. They bring them back to the time when war was a romantic affair with beautifull ladys dressed in white dancing the night away. They want to be pilots and don’t want to kill anybody. They just want to be free like a bird in the sky.

Military man get stressed when war becomes a major personal conflict. Suddenly they step out of their romantic movie in Reality and don’t know how to handle the situation. They know how to solve conflicts from a distance. They observe many of them, create new theories and help others to solve them.

They get into a personal conflict when their work is more important than their personal relationship. They get stressed and because of the stress their relationship slowly starts to disconnect. They become lonely survivors shouting out for help.

It explains also why many military man have male buddies, their “brothers in arms”. Solving a conflict with your partner creates an eternal band. Solving a conflict with a partner on a distance is impossible.

What can we learn?

Solving a conflict with your partner creates an eternal band. Avoiding a conflict creates a conflict. Many small avoided conflicts ad up to a crisis. A crisis that is not seen as a accident accelalerates into a war. A war destructs everything even the people that win the war. They are left with the memories.

My_Lai_massacreWar is a product of stress and stress is created when people stop to create and collaborate. They stop to create when they spend all their time to make money. They spend so much time making money that they don’t have the time to spend the money. When they spend the money they buy things that are almost never used like six cars, two houses etc. They buy to aquire status in the group of other people that are spending their time to make money. They are wasting vital resources.

When people are stressed they slowly disconnect and suddenly their relationship has disappeared. Because they are spending their time to work they are not able to observe this. When something happens that is disturbing their pattern they are also unable to solve the conflict because their work has to go on. They are committed to their boss, their clients, their capital and not to their partner.

What happens in a relationship can also happen in other relationships like companies, society and the world.

If we go on with wasting vital resources and don’t see that the world is moving into a huge level of stress we will suddenly wake up by a crisis that is beyond our imagination. I think we are already in this crisis and it is escalating.

This crisis will not be solved by Military Man. This crisis can only be solved by using our collective creative capacities. The nice thing is that a Military Man is really an Artist so they just have to change their focus.

The old slogan of the sixties “Make love no war” has to be changed into “Let’s create a better world together”.

And last but not least.

Let’s dance, sing, explore and enjoy the beautiful creation called Earth.

Be Honest to Yourselve and Others

Monday, June 11th, 2007

This afternoon an old friend of mine told me a funny story. He told me that he was treated by a doctor. As a child he could do all kind of tricks like getting out of his body and getting into others and explore them from the inside. He was lying on the coach and suddenly for fun he moved into the doctor and explored him. He found many interesting things about him and his patients. Suddenly he realized he was exploring a very private environment and moved out.

He did not tell me what he found out but let’s suppose he did and later by accident I found out that the doctor was a friend of a friend and for fun I told my friend what I knew and later he told his friend for fun what he heard. What am I trying to show here is that by accident and for fun we get to know a lot about others.

People (Yes Females and Males) are always gossiping so beware of the fact that if you have a secret in the end people will find out.

It is not necessary to use a paranormal ability. People talk, mail, chat, sms, write letters and everything you want to keep secret arrives at a certain moment at the wrong person by accident (Murphy’s law).

Modern technology is making it worse.

You are talking with a friend in the train using your mobile phone and you get into a very private conversation about a deal and you forget you are in the train. Just a few meters behind you somebody is listening and by accident he is of the competition. Bingo. He knows everything and two days later your world falls apart. They have taken it all. When I was driving to Brussels (I was doing lobbying for a big bank) I heard all the private conversations of politicians and their friends about what they were trying to accomplish.

You send a private email to a friend and he sends it to somebody else. Almost nobody uses the so called Internet Ettiquette. You put a very extensive text in your Email (“This message contains confidential information and is intended only for the individual named.”) to prevent this and the person who is sending it to somebody else does not know that he is liable for the consequence.

Or you are using Google Desktop and you don’t know that it is recording all your private chats with your lover and at a certain moment your wife wants to search something and she finds them.

Or worse imagine Google is storing your private chats on their computers and years later You Are Running For President and they phone you. You don’t need Google. All the data of the Internet is stored in the Internet Archive.

Or worse imagine A person called Hitler is taking over power and takes over the archives and you are arrested because you are a threat to them,

Or worse imagine somebody makes a mistake and you are selected as a possible terrorist and you behavior fits the profile and you are arrested and taken to Cuba and they use advanced techniques to find out what you were doing and to stop the pain you confess.

I think you got the message.

Now I want to get back to the beginning.

On April 28 2001 Commander L. R. Bremseth of the United States Navy wrote a private recommendation to the government. It’s called Unconventional Human Intelligence Support: Transcendent and Asymmetric Warfare Implications of Remote Viewing. The document can be found on the Internet.

A citation: “Concerned that a psychical (PSI) gap existed between U.S. and Soviet paranormal research efforts, the CIA sponsored discreet research into paranormal phenomena commencing in 1972. …..Over the succeeding twenty-three years, the U.S. military and intelligence services were actively involved in paranormal research and operations involving a process known as remote viewing. Remote viewing, which produced specialized human intelligence support, served as part of overall military and government organizations’ intelligence collection efforts“.

Remote viewing is what my friend did for fun (getting information by entering a person).

Commander L. R. Bremseth’s advice:

Establish a new, broad-based paranormal research program within a highly selective, military or intra-agency organization, employing the strictest screening procedures used by SRI, CIA, DIA and INSCOM in selecting/identifying remote viewing candidates and support personnel.

Model the new program from the best features of the remote viewing program, but do not limit research to remote viewing alone.

Explore a myriad of phenomena having potential military applications with the goal of developing transcendent and asymmetrical warfare approaches.

We are now 5 years later and research has advanced. I can imagine there must be transcendent wapensystems operational because research-companies like SRI need the money and researchers want to explore deeper and deeper into the human mind and even the human Soul..

Later they wake up (like Oppenheimer) and realize what they have given to the world. I can imagine that also!

Do you want to know more about this subject? Have a look at this website


The Document of Bremseth

Catching the Light: About Steiner, Goethe and The Placebo Effect

Wednesday, June 6th, 2007

When I was working at ABN-bank I was doing a project to reorganize the Archives of the bank. One of my colleagues was heavily inspired by the work of Rudolph Steiner. He was very busy to create a new type of bank based on his ideas (now The Triodos-Bank). 


At the same time I met people that were practicing his ideas in the process of automation and organizational change processes. I loved what they were doing so I started to read his Books. 


Steiner came back in my life when I wanted to know more about Colors. I bought the Color Theory of Goethe and I found out that Goethe was the person that inspired Steiner the most. 


Goethe and Steiner became a force of Inspiration for Me and my Wife. She started to do Art-courses and I saw that she loved it. She even considered to become an Art-Therapist. We visited the Goetheaneum in Dornach (Zwitserland). We found an Antroposophic general practitioner. She uses Homeopathic medicine. I practiced Eurhythmics and lately I got a treatment to strengthen my “boundaries” where they use the Essential Oil of Flowers.


Arthur Zajonc is a well known Professor of Physics. He is also inspired by Rudolph Steiner and Goethe. Many people think the ideas of Steiner are weird and non-scientific but as you see even a professor of Physics knows that what he is saying to the world is of tremendous value. 


Arthur Zajonc wrote a beautifull book called “Catching The Light”. The book tries to explain Light.  It uses two perspectives. The perspective of Physics and the perspective of Steiner.


Zajonc shows that Science and Spirituality are basically telling the same story. Mind, Spirit and Soul are seeing the same thing but use different words to describe the same phenomenon.


 The most interesting part of the book is about the Imagination. Experiments show that we don’t see with our eyes. We see the world through our Imagination. 


Experiments in Physics show also that our Imagination (Our Creative Power) is controlling the Material world. Matter (Photons) is doing what the Imagination wants them it to do. We Get what we See.


Many people don’t understand the impact of this. They Think we are controlled by an outside Force (Fate) and they don’t realize that everything they are encountering in Life is created by Themselves. They don’t want to see that the Outside World is reflecting their personal creative process. If things go wrong they don’t realize that they want them to go wrong.


How can we make things go right? It’s simple. Imagine they are going right. Think positive.

Do you know why Medicine is working? 

Because we Believe its Working. 

I Love the Placebo effect!

About the Unconnected Child

Tuesday, June 5th, 2007

cryingchildHumans are the most advanced toolmakers in nature. The main reason is that they are the less specialized organisms. They need tools to survive.

People are also the most complex organisms in nature. This complexity makes it possible to invent new possibilities and to work with specialized tools and animals (horse, cow, hammer, car, computer) and of course other humans.

To create new tools we use the sequence Copy, Experiment and Adjust. We use “What is available”, “Try things out” and and “Improve the Tool”. There is a Limit to the Process of Improvement. At a certain point in time the tool cannot be improved. The next step is that the tool is split up into an infrastructure and features. The featurers are again improved. A good example is the Car. Its Essential infrastructure is finished. All cars are “The Same Inside”.

Humans are great copiers and in childhood we copy the behaviour (the tools) of our parents.

A very sad situation is created when Our parents are not Connected. They are having arguments and conflicts. They are in competion and in competition there are a few Winners and many Losers.

The unconnected child operates from inner turmoil. Down deep this child feels something important is missing in his self and he is angry about it. This feeling may continue into adulthood. This void is likely to reveal itself as anger toward himself and parents, placing everyone at risk for becoming an angry family.

The connected child, growing up with a sense of well- being will get angry, but he learns to handle the anger in such a way that it does not take over his personality.

Connected parents know their children well, so they are less likely to create situations that provoke them and their children to anger. Attached parents know they don’t have to be harsh to be in control. They stimulate Experimentation and are happy when the child Adjusts its Behaviour. They are collaborating and know that the Playing the Infinite Game is much more important than Winning The Game.

When the unconnected child is an adult he will look at every situation out of an Unconnected Perspective. He will do everything to prevent that the people surrounding him will get out of connection. He will be a perfect peacemaker or coach.

But deep within he is unconnected to himself, his Essential Infrastructure. He will do everything to solve this and in the end he becomes a perfectionist demanding almost incomprehensible energies of himself to show that he is doing the right thing.

If this goes on the unconnected child will collapse. The Stress of demanding too much will take the body into a state of disconnection. First his body will generate Signals (Tired, Headache) but he will ignore them because he has to go on. If he ignores the signals the body will start to use its internal Resources to compensate. If these Resource are gone the body will be burnt-out and severe diseases will appear.

How can the unconnected child help himself?

The best way is to reverse in time and start all over again.

First disconnect with the parents that were disconnected.

Give their troubles back to them but with Love.

Then connect to the Child before it was Born and give it the Love it Deserves. After that the process of Copy, Experiment and Adjust can start but now he can Copy the Tools of people that are Playing the Infinite Game.

They know that The State of Perfection is never reached and new features will always be created.

Be your own Father and Mother and Love the Child Within.