Posts Tagged ‘pesedjet’

About the PeseDJet

Monday, July 20th, 2009

Tips for a Healthy Eating Lifestyle

Woman in pain hold her lower back with her hand

One size does not fit all when it comes to healthy eating. Yet anyone can follow some simple tips to create patterns that will help them eat well and reap the benefits of a long-term healthy eating lifestyle.

Dr. Hooman Yaghoobzadeh, a cardiologist at NewYork-Presbyterian/Weill Cornell Medical Center, says there’s real value to doing a “deep dive” into how we eat. Visit Washingtoncitypaper.

“Several dietary patterns are linked to good health,” he says, “including a plant-based whole foods diet and a Mediterranean diet. Other patterns, like a highly processed foods diet and a Southern diet, are linked to disease such as diabetes and heart disease.”

Although controversy exists as to what constitutes the ideal diet, there is little controversy about the healthy patterns in the American Heart Association’s diet and lifestyle recommendations, Dr. Yaghoobzadeh says.

Here, Dr. Yaghoobzadeh offers recommendations to get started on a healthy eating pattern, with four essential goals to lead the way: reduce sugar, increase fiber, reduce processed foods, and reduce saturated fat.

“If you can master these tips for a month, then at least you will carry some, if not all, of the habits long term,” Dr. Yaghoobzadeh says. “They are a start — but remember that having fun with tasty fresh foods and the joy that eating with loved ones brings is also essential.”

  1. Eat mostly plant-based whole foods (85%) and some seafood (10%) as foundational parts of your diet and save highly processed foods and animal products (desserts, cheese, your favorite “whatever”) as treats (5%). These are the best prodentim reviews.Whole foods such as beans, nuts, seeds, grains, fruits, vegetables, herbs, tubers (for example, potatoes and yams), and fungi (mushrooms) are high in fiber, have many health benefits, and are linked to lower rates of various diseases while promoting weight loss. These foods are also rich in nutrients and vitamins; have less saturated fat and more polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats than most animal proteins; and rarely require limits on caloric intake.
    Another plus is that eating mostly plants leads to diversity in your diet, which leads to diversity of your gut microbiome, which is also linked to health. It’s hard to pick three or four whole plant foods that will satiate all your needs and, unlike some strict diets, you won’t have to stick to a food. The beauty of that is that chickpeas have different fibers, micronutrients, vitamins, etc., from black beans, which are different from lentils, which are different from fava beans.
  2. Minimize toxic foods like sugar and soda. Sugar increases inflammation and, research suggests, tumor growth as well. Soda, including diet soda, is linked to weight gain, diabetes, and a host of other medical problems. Make dark chocolate — at least 70% cacao — your go-to dessert. Meanwhile, maximize herbs such as dill, parsley, cilantro, tarragon, and spices like turmeric, cinnamon, saffron, and cumin. Herbs are high-octane sources of vitamins, nutrients, and anti-inflammatory substances. Read more about at
  3. Don’t fret about getting enough protein or any specific nutrients. On a diversified diet that combines whole foods and seafood, you will get enough protein, omega-3s, which are essential fatty acids found mainly in fish oils, and calcium from foods like seafood, legumes, seeds, nuts, and greens.
  4. Look at the carb-to-fiber ratio when eating processed foods. Visible on processed food labels you can see “Total Carbs” — just divide by “Total Fiber” to get a ratio. Whole foods typically have carb-to-fiber ratios that are less than 8, and the lower the ratio the better. You can use this baseline to compare pastas, bread, bars, cereals, and chips.
  5. Don’t panic about “what am I supposed to eat?” There are many consumer services that will deliver healthy foods to your door, as well as websites with guidance and sample menus. Here is a sample dinner salad idea that Dr. Yaghoobzadeh suggests to his patients.
  6. Avoid meat/dairy replacers. They tend to be highly processed, use saturated fats, and have unproven health benefits. Dr. Yaghoobzadeh says he avoids supplements unless there is a proven deficiency, and in that situation increasing whole-food sources in the diet is usually beneficial. B12 (prevalent in foods like milk, eggs, and meat) is the one exception; a B12 supplement may be necessary if your levels are too low. But, for the most part, supplements should be avoided as much as possible.
  7. Incremental steps are proven to have incremental benefits. Although a monthlong trial of a diet rich in plant-based whole foods can be very instructional, you don’t need to take an all-or-nothing approach. And if you fall off the wagon for a meal or a day, just get right back to it as quickly as possible.

About the Tree of Life

Sunday, April 20th, 2008

The Tree of Life is a concept that can be found in almost every culture. The Tree of Life describes the Process of Creation.

enneadLet’s begin with Egypt. The Tree of Life is constructed out of nine entities. That’s why the tree of life is called Pesedjet (Nine) later translated in Ennead.

The top of the tree is called Atum. Atum masturbated and gives birth to two children called Shu (Air) and Tefnut (Moisture). Shu and Tefnut give birth to Geb (Earth) and Nut (Sky). Geb and Nut produce four children Isis, Nephthys, Osiris, and Set.

The sequence of the process of birth of all the deities generates a structure. The first step is a triangle. The second step is a square and the last step is also a square. If we connect all the stages a patterns of 22 connections emerges that is visible in all the other trees of life.

luriaThe Jewish tree of life is strongly related to the Kabbalah. The Kabbalah originated in the middle ages (the 12th Century) but the source of the Kabbalah is much older. Perhaps it originated in Egypt when Ra-Moses moved the priests of Aten (inspired by Ra) to the Holy Land.

The top of the structure in the Kabbalah is called Keter (Crown), “the most hidden of all hidden things“. The concept of the Keter has a lot in common with the concept of Atum. Atum and Kether are both “self-reproducing structures”.

In the Yggdrasil the top is called Asgard. It is the place where Odin(Ygg) lives. Asgard contains Walhalla (“heaven“). At the bottum of the tree we find Hel located in Niflheim. Midgard or Middle Earth, the world of mortals, is located in the middle.

It is very clear that the story of the Yggdrasil contains many distortions caused by influences of Christianity (Hell) and many authors who gave their “artistic interpretations” without knowing the “old” foundation.

Yggdrasil2The Axis Mundi is perhaps the oldest representation of the Tree of Life. It is represented by a mountain (Mount Meru, Mount Olympus) surrounded by other “impressive” structures of nature. Meru has a lot in common with the Old Continent of Mu. Many stories that are connected with the Tree of Life tell about the disaster of the Great Flood and predict a comparable end of the world (the Gotdammerung).

What happened?

It is very clear that many stories are “mixed up”. The story of Mu and Atlantis are mixed up with the knowlegde about the origin of creation (the self-reference that is closed in itself), interference of the Church of Rome (Heaven and Hell), the creative power of poets and old knowlegde of the Sacred Geometry of Life.

The Kabbalah and especially the Zohar contains (in my opinion) one of the purest representations of first stage (the Triangle) of the Tree of Life.

Read this poem and you know everything you have to know! It is about the Ein Sof, The Primal Void.



Before the beginning of creation was only the Highest

All full filling light


Fulfillment, no emptiness

Only endless, equal light

Circled everything

Then He decided to create worlds and creatures

So that He revealed His perfection

Reason for creating the worlds

He restricted Himself in His center

Pressed the light together and withdraw

Free place stood behind, empty space filled with endless

Around the center

Equally pressed

So this empty place became a circle

So the light restricted Him self

And see

After compressing

In the central of the space filled with endless light

Forms His self a round emptiness


A place appeared

Where creation and creatures can exists

And see

A strait forward ray forms itself from endless light

From above to below descended He in the empty place

Reached out His self, descended per ray to below

Endless light

All the worlds were perfect

In this empty space

For the worlds the Endless was

In His perfection outstanding

No creature has strength to grasp His perfection

Concrete form cannot reach Him

For Him there is no place, no border, no time

And via the ray the light descended

To worlds

In black empty space were everything is

And each circle

Of each world

Near the light – is worthy

To our world of material in the center

Within all circles in the center of endless emptiness

Expelled from endless – further then all the worlds

Material so eternal low -

He is within all the circles -

In the middle center of the endless emptiness…..