Posts Tagged ‘life’

A City is an Organism

Saturday, February 12th, 2011

The System of Life is growing in size and in complexity, and so do the infrastructures sustaining it.

In the age of social media and online marketing, it’s become increasingly difficult to discern the truth from the hype when it comes to weight loss supplements. LivPure, a product that claims to help individuals shed excess pounds, has generated a significant amount of attention and discussion. However, many consumers have raised concerns about the authenticity of LivPure reviews and the safety of this weight loss solution. In this article, we’ll delve into the LivPure reviews, the science behind it, and whether it’s a safe option for those seeking to lose weight.

Understanding LivPure

LivPure is marketed as a natural weight loss supplement designed to support fat burning, appetite suppression, and increased energy levels. It has gained notoriety through aggressive online advertising and a presence on various social media platforms. While it may seem like a promising solution, it’s essential to evaluate its claims and consider the science behind it.

Fake Hype or Real Results?

One of the primary concerns surrounding LivPure is the authenticity of the reviews and testimonials shared by supposed users. Many individuals have accused the brand of employing deceptive marketing tactics to create a false sense of credibility and success. Some common red flags include:

An abundance of overly positive reviews: LivPure seems to have an unusually high number of glowing reviews and testimonials, which can be indicative of fake accounts or incentivized reviews.

Unrealistic before-and-after photos: Some before-and-after photos associated with LivPure reviews appear to be manipulated or fabricated, further raising doubts about the product’s authenticity.

Lack of scientific evidence: LivPure often makes bold claims about its effectiveness without providing scientific studies or credible sources to support these claims.

Consumer Reports Investigation

Consumer Reports, a trusted and reputable source for unbiased product reviews, has conducted an investigation into LivPure. Their findings reveal that LivPure has failed to provide adequate scientific evidence to support its weight loss claims. Additionally, there have been numerous complaints from consumers who experienced adverse side effects, such as digestive issues and jitters, after using the product.

Is LivPure Weight Loss Safe?

When it comes to the safety of LivPure for weight loss, it’s crucial to exercise caution. While some of the ingredients used in the product, such as green tea extract and caffeine, have shown potential benefits for weight management, LivPure’s specific formulation may not be safe for everyone.

Potential side effects of LivPure may include:

Increased heart rate and blood pressure due to caffeine content.
Digestive issues, including nausea and diarrhea.
Anxiety, restlessness, and jitteriness.
Insomnia or disrupted sleep patterns.
Moreover, the lack of transparency regarding LivPure’s ingredients and potential allergens can pose a risk to individuals with allergies or sensitivities.


In the world of weight loss supplements, it’s essential to approach products like LivPure with skepticism and critical thinking. The excessive hype and lack of concrete scientific evidence, combined with numerous reports of adverse side effects, should raise serious concerns among consumers. It is advisable to consult with a healthcare professional before using LivPure or any similar product, especially if you have underlying health conditions or are taking medications.

Ultimately, the safety and efficacy of LivPure for weight loss remain questionable, and consumers should prioritize well-established, evidence-based methods for achieving their weight loss goals, such as a balanced diet and regular exercise. Always be wary of products that seem too good to be true, and rely on reputable sources like Consumer Reports for unbiased product evaluations. Your health and well-being should be your top priority.

In 2008 the point was reached where more than 50% of the world population lives in cities. That percentage is growing. By 2030, over 60% of the world’s population – nearly five billion people – will be living in urban area.

The System of Life is generating Super Organisms and the City is one of them.

Urbanization is only a relatively recent phenomenon. As far as we now know urbanization started in Mesopotamia around 4000 – 3500 BC.

For the Ancient Mesopotamians, the cities were the centers of life. Their beginning of time was not a Garden of Eden, but rather an ancient site called Eridu, which they believed was the first city ever to be created.  The creator of Eridu was Enki, the God who came out of the Deep Waters of the Ocean  (the Abzu). The city of Eridu was destroyed by the Great Flood in 3117 BC.

Every time one of the Rulers of a City took control over many Cities and a State was created with a new Center, the Capital. In the Center of the Capital the Palace of the Ruler was situated. What we see is an Expanding Pattern in which the same Structure repeats itself all the Time.

Initially the two life-essential resources for cities were Water and Food.

As Cities grew and as technology evolved, the supply of these resources became dependent on energy for processing, for pumps and for transportation. In the process, cities and their resources evolved into a system of life energized by the individuals that populate cities, and fuel its dynamics.



Kleiber's law

Kleiber's law

About the Law of Kleiber

The Law of Kleiber shows that Bottum-Up Structures are more efficient than Top-Down Structures.

It also shows that Big Structures are more efficient than Small Structures. The Law is applicable from the level of the Bacteria to the Level of the City and higher.

These two statements are a contradiction until we realize that there are two ways of looking at the same structure. One view is the Top-Down View. The other is the Bottom Up View. When we look Down we see a huge Hierarchy and start to believe that Big is Beautiful.

When we look Up we see that all the work is done by Small Cooperative Components starting at the Bottom with the Bacteria.

The Law of Kleiber is explained by the fact that all the organisms (including the Cities) contain the Same Fractal Structure.

Bacteria exchange their DNA

Bacteria exchange their DNA

About DNA

In the Beginning the Chemical Soup generated Self-Reproducing Chemical Factories. These Factories combined into bigger Factories by exchanging and combining their Factory-Designs (DNA-parts).

Every time when the Factories fused they became more Efficient, Bigger, Stronger, Older and therefore more Competitive. When the Factories became more Competitive they started to Protect themselves against the other Factories.

To Protect themselves the Multi-Cellular Systems began to Sense in Many Directions and became better and better in Predicting the Future.

One of our Ancient Ancestors is the Sponge which is a static Cluster of Bacteria. Scientist have detected that the DNA of the Sponge has a lot in common with the Human DNA. The Sponge contains the Basic Fractal Structure, the Tube.

In a later stage our Ancestors developed something we call a Brain. The Brain is used to Sense the Now and Predict the Future.

The Human is a Moving Sponge who is able to Imagine. With his Imagination the Human is capable to Change the Future (and the Past).


The Sponge, the Tube, is the Basic Structure

One of the Bilateria: The Octopus

The Octopus is a Sponge with a Brain.

About Innovation

The Law of Kleiber can be explained by the principle of Self-Reference (Similarity,  Fractals).

The Small Structures at the Bottum combine into comparable structures on a higher level.

What we don’t see is that the structures on every level can be decomposed in the Same (DNA-)Components with a different Scale and a different Name.

Innovation is nothing but a  Combination of  the Components in many different ways until all the combinations are made.

At that moment One of the Combinations becomes the new DNA and a new Level is explored.

Life explores every possible path.

About Cities

A City is a Combination of Houses.

A City protects a Cluster of Houses. A House protects a Cluster of Humans and a Human protects a Cluster of Organs.

All the way down to the Bacteria,  Cooperative Clusters are formed that give the participants a more Secure Way to Live.

A House is a Body. It supports the Body but it also contains all the Bodily Functions.

If we provide the House with these Bodily Functions the House becomes more Sustainable. It is possible to regenerate the Waste that the Humans produce into Energy just as the Liver is doing in our Body.

If we Cluster the Bodily Houses into a City and we provide the City with the same functions of the Body we are able to create structures that are independent of the input of external Top-Down Sources of Energy and Food.

If we are able to detect the DNA of the House and the DNA of the City we are able to Compose new Types of Houses and Cities that are Adaptable, Scalable,  highly Sustainable and are also in Balance with Nature.

It will also be  much more easy to Destroy or Move buildings and cities to another Place without the production of Waste.


Toledo (Spain)

About Synchronization

In the Miedeval City the Major Cycle was the Cycle of the Seasons. In the Modern City we have become almost independent of the Cycles. We import Food and Energy out of every place in the World.

It takes a Lot of Energy to transport the Food and Energy and Many Places on Earth are dependent on a small amount of other Places that contain the Sources of our always increasing Need to Survive the Effects of our Environment.

When a lot of People (The Slaves) are dependent on a small amount of people (The Masters), the Masters start to dominate the others and increase their Power until Eternity. Power is the most important Addiction of the Humans.

The problem becomes bigger when we realize that many people are producing Food and Energy but are themselves not able to use the Food and the Energy they are producing.

The independence of the Cycles has created a huge unbalance. This unbalance is not only visible in the City but in every place on Earth that is providing Energy and Food to sustain the Modern City.

The only solution to this problem is to create self-sustaining (autarkic) Cities that are able to supply their own food, water  and energy.


The kernels of Paris

When we want to restore Balance we have to Synchronize the Cycles in the City.  This can be done with the help of Smart Technology (Sensors, Actuators, Analytics) but we can also make use of very old fashioned techniques that were used in the Middle Ages.

When Humans communicate from the Heart and focus on the same subject, the Humans start to Synchronize. They become a  Group.

The most important structure in the Miedeval City to Synchronize its inhabitants was the Building of the Heart, the Church.   The Church was always situated in the Center and was visible from a long distance. The Church was also the only place where people were always Protected.

The Human Heart is doing the same thing as the Church is doing in the City. It connects the Mind with the Organs of  the Body and the Pericardium provides one of the major Rythms of the Human Body.

If we want to Synchronize the City we have to create a Center where People are able to Commun(e)nicate about the Shared Goals of the City. The most important way to share can be found in the Human Culture. The Centres have to contain all the ways Human Culture is performed.


The Spiraling Spiral in the Memory Palace of Chartres, the Symbol of the Fractal Universe

About the Memory Palace

Art, Music and Singing were United in the Medieval Cathedrals. The Medieval Cathedrals also contained all the Knowledge (The Memory Palace)  that was needed to understand the Universe.

If we want to Synchronize the Modern City we have to build Modern Cathedrals in the Center of the Center and use them as Places to Commune, to Educate, to Make Music, to Dance and to Sing.

We have to design them as Modern Memory Palaces (Simulators) to teach the Masses about the Fractal Universe and give them Feedback about the State of their own Environment.


The Sagrada Familia in Barcelona (Antoni Gaudi)


This is a  presentation about The City as an Organism

Why the Tube is such an Important Structure

About The Law of Kleiber

Why Innovation is a Combination of Combinations

An Interview with Geoffrey West of the Santa Fe Institute about the Law of Kleiber

About Thermo-Economics

About the Autarkic City

About Cybernetics

About Synchronization

How Gaudi used a Machine to design the Sagrada Familia

About Machines that generate Architectures

How the Heart Synchronizes the Body

About Super Organisms

About Smart Technology

About Addiction

About the Master/Slave-relationship

About the Heart

Why the Cathedral contained all the Knowledge that was Needed

About the start of Civilization

About Morality and Ethics

Tuesday, August 5th, 2008

Eyal Weizman wrote an article about the Isreali Army. To his surprise they are using the work of Deleuze and Christopher Alexander to define “Post-Modern” tactics. When you read the article you will see how clever the Army uses the insights of people who never had an idea that their insights should be used to kill and terrorize innocent people.

Somehow you Feel that it is Wrong that a “Killing-Machine” is using the theories that were developed to bring Harmony and Beauty (Christopher Alexander) to the world.

Ethics shows itself in two ways Norms and Values. The first part is about Morality. People have developed Rules to determine what is Good and what is Bad Behavior. Rules are prohibiting the Freedom to Act. Every time people override these rules because they have a different theory about Good and Bad or are Forced to Act in a certain Context. Most of the time We Act without Thinking.

There is no reason to subject all the actions we undertake to the criterion: Is it free or not? Freedom is only for certain acts. There are all sorts of acts that do not have to be confronted with the problems of freedom. They are done solely, one could say, to calm our disquietude: all our habitual and machinal acts. We will speak of freedom only when we pose the question of an act capable or not of filling the amplitude of the soul at a given moment” (Deleuze).

Values are part of the Emotions. They are “personal rules” that determine the behavior of humans. Most of the time the values are not known to the person that uses the “rules“. A person = “his values“. They show themselves when he (or she) is Acting.

When we observe a person for a long time or the person observes himself (introspection) the values show themselves. If the values show themselves the person develops a personal ethics, an inner voice, the conscience.

The fundamental question of ethics is not “What must I do?” (which is the question of morality) but rather “What can I do, what am I capable of doing (which is the proper question of an ethics without morality). Given my degree of power, what are my capabilities and capacities? How can I come into active possession of my power? How can I go to the limit of what I “can do“? (Daniel Smith).

The astonishing thing is not that some people steal or that others occasionally go out on strike, but rather that all those who are starving do not steal as a regular practice, and all those who are exploited are not continually out on strike” (Deleuze) .

People are driven by their Emotions AND they are capable to Control their Emotions. They control their Emotions when they apply Norms (Thinking, Morality) or when they use their Conscioussness.

The Primary Emotions, are those that we feel first, as a first response to a situation. If we are threatened, we feel fear or anger. When we hear of a death, we may feel sadness. They are un-Thinking responses that we have. The Primary Emotions are not controlled by our Thinking or our “Inner Voice”. The Primary Emotions are sometimes called Desires or Drives.

The System We Live In has created many situations where our Desires are activated. All the efforts of Marketing are directed at overriding the Consciouss. All the Efforts of Propaganda are used to motivate Soldiers to Kill out of Anger.

“Reason is always a region carved out of the irrational-it is not sheltered from the irrational at all, but traversed by it and only defined by a particular kind of relationship among irrational factors. Underneath all reason lies delirium and drift” (Deleuze).

The Personal Values are overridden when something or someone activates the Desires. Everybody is Able to Kill or Harm another Being if the Right Situation is Created.

Everything that helps me to preserve my existence I take to be Good and everything that goes against my existence or the I take to be Bad. What is good is what is useful, relative to my existence, and what is bad, is what is dangerous, relatively speaking, to my continued existence. My existence or the existence of my family or group is a major priority when I act. The problem arises when different groups are trying to exist in the same context.

Are people doing something Wrong when something is activating something they are not controlling? Are we Responsible for our Desires? I don’t think so.

When we look at the “causal chain” we can see that there are somewhere consciouss people (the “architects“) who have created and perfected “killing-machines” to secure the existence of their people (The Jews). They have used their rational abilities to find a reason why they are doing this. A reason might be to protect their family and their children. They fear (a primary emotion) something is going to happen. They develop technology, methods and scenario’s to prohibit “this” from happening. Again they are “deep within” activated by something they don’t control.

Are they doing something Wrong when something is activating something they are not controlling? The Causal Chain does not give an answer. Everywhere we find the Invisible Power of Desire. Underneath all reason lies delirium and drift. We are a Body and a Soul. In this World we have Live with the Body, the Perfect Desire-Machine.

Pushing to the utmost what one can do is the properly ethical task” (Deleuze).

All one must do is experiment with what is, to create the new. Are the architects of the Army doing their utmost best to prevent a conflict? Are they able to use their technology to make a better use of the available resources?

The principles of Alexander identify the character of Living Systems. The principles are not there to Kill but to make a Living. I am sure the military architects did not fully understand his books. Perhaps they can ask him to help.


The 15 principles of Alexander to Create a Living System


About the Tree of Life

Sunday, April 20th, 2008

The Tree of Life is a concept that can be found in almost every culture. The Tree of Life describes the Process of Creation.

enneadLet’s begin with Egypt. The Tree of Life is constructed out of nine entities. That’s why the tree of life is called Pesedjet (Nine) later translated in Ennead.

The top of the tree is called Atum. Atum masturbated and gives birth to two children called Shu (Air) and Tefnut (Moisture). Shu and Tefnut give birth to Geb (Earth) and Nut (Sky). Geb and Nut produce four children Isis, Nephthys, Osiris, and Set.

The sequence of the process of birth of all the deities generates a structure. The first step is a triangle. The second step is a square and the last step is also a square. If we connect all the stages a patterns of 22 connections emerges that is visible in all the other trees of life.

luriaThe Jewish tree of life is strongly related to the Kabbalah. The Kabbalah originated in the middle ages (the 12th Century) but the source of the Kabbalah is much older. Perhaps it originated in Egypt when Ra-Moses moved the priests of Aten (inspired by Ra) to the Holy Land.

The top of the structure in the Kabbalah is called Keter (Crown), “the most hidden of all hidden things“. The concept of the Keter has a lot in common with the concept of Atum. Atum and Kether are both “self-reproducing structures”.

In the Yggdrasil the top is called Asgard. It is the place where Odin(Ygg) lives. Asgard contains Walhalla (“heaven“). At the bottum of the tree we find Hel located in Niflheim. Midgard or Middle Earth, the world of mortals, is located in the middle.

It is very clear that the story of the Yggdrasil contains many distortions caused by influences of Christianity (Hell) and many authors who gave their “artistic interpretations” without knowing the “old” foundation.

Yggdrasil2The Axis Mundi is perhaps the oldest representation of the Tree of Life. It is represented by a mountain (Mount Meru, Mount Olympus) surrounded by other “impressive” structures of nature. Meru has a lot in common with the Old Continent of Mu. Many stories that are connected with the Tree of Life tell about the disaster of the Great Flood and predict a comparable end of the world (the Gotdammerung).

What happened?

It is very clear that many stories are “mixed up”. The story of Mu and Atlantis are mixed up with the knowlegde about the origin of creation (the self-reference that is closed in itself), interference of the Church of Rome (Heaven and Hell), the creative power of poets and old knowlegde of the Sacred Geometry of Life.

The Kabbalah and especially the Zohar contains (in my opinion) one of the purest representations of first stage (the Triangle) of the Tree of Life.

Read this poem and you know everything you have to know! It is about the Ein Sof, The Primal Void.



Before the beginning of creation was only the Highest

All full filling light


Fulfillment, no emptiness

Only endless, equal light

Circled everything

Then He decided to create worlds and creatures

So that He revealed His perfection

Reason for creating the worlds

He restricted Himself in His center

Pressed the light together and withdraw

Free place stood behind, empty space filled with endless

Around the center

Equally pressed

So this empty place became a circle

So the light restricted Him self

And see

After compressing

In the central of the space filled with endless light

Forms His self a round emptiness


A place appeared

Where creation and creatures can exists

And see

A strait forward ray forms itself from endless light

From above to below descended He in the empty place

Reached out His self, descended per ray to below

Endless light

All the worlds were perfect

In this empty space

For the worlds the Endless was

In His perfection outstanding

No creature has strength to grasp His perfection

Concrete form cannot reach Him

For Him there is no place, no border, no time

And via the ray the light descended

To worlds

In black empty space were everything is

And each circle

Of each world

Near the light – is worthy

To our world of material in the center

Within all circles in the center of endless emptiness

Expelled from endless – further then all the worlds

Material so eternal low -

He is within all the circles -

In the middle center of the endless emptiness…..


About the Infinite Game

Thursday, February 7th, 2008

In the Western World many people play the Analytic Game. The Analytical Game resolves the conflict between the Facts of the Senses and the  Models, Rules and Norms of the Human Prediction System, the Expectation (often called Thinking).

The complementary Game is what Will McWhinney and his friend Burkhard Sievers, called the Game that Creates New Games.

James P. Carse (A Vision of Life as Play and Possibility) calls this game the Infinite Game. Perhaps a much better name would be the Game of Life.

Life is a Journey

Infinite players play with rules and boundaries. They include them as part of their playing. They aren’t taking them serious, and they can never be trapped by them, because they use rules and boundaries to play with.

The players are always busy to continue the Game of Life by creating new Games.

They love to play but the aim is not to win because winning ends the game.

The Infinite Game is a Game where the Imagination and the Emotions are playing their roles. The Emotions e-valua-te and the Imagination creates.

A very important distinction between the two Games is Context. The Analytic Game is “above the Context”.

It uses the Abstractions of Maps and Diagrams. When you use a map to travel you will never see the real territory.

The Game of Life is “in the Context”.  In this game Life is a Journey. You will meet people you will never meet when your life is completely planned and you will see places nobody has seen before.

Life Above the Context is dull and predictable.

Life In the Context is an Adventure and Full of Risks.

Evaluation is a Context-Dependent Process. It takes into account that every Situation is unique and needs a unique approach.

The Game of Life is an Improvisation

The Game of Life is about Improvisation. You listen to the Rythm and the central Theme and start your own variation that is “in line with the flow”.

Sometimes you are the person who starts a new rhythm and a new theme and others follow you. You are there at the right time and the right moment.

Timing is essential in the Game of Life.

The Game of Life is about the Tao and Synchronicity. Things happen by accident but the events are meaningful. They are created by the Imagination.

The Game of Life is about Magic. You are the creator of your own reality and your creation bounces back on you. Reality produces signs but the signs are the result of your own creation.

Your personal Magic becomes much stronger when you have a vision and you believe in this vision.

The Game of Life is about belief and not about truth. You know there is no eternal truth because everything changes but behind the changes is an emerging pattern.

The pattern is chaotic and structured. It arise out of the Whole and moves back into the Whole.

The Game of Life is the game of AND. Life is a contradiction, an eternal conflict, a dilemma because meaning is created by “making the difference‘. It is the Comm-Union of Diversity.

The Game of Life is about Spirit (Imagination) and Soul (Emotion).

The Game of Life is Immortal. When the Fire of the compassion of your soul and the Light of your spirit becomes One with the stream of Creation  you will live for ever.

The Game of Life is eternal and new Games are created all the time.

The Games are not competitive but collaborative.

The Game is fueled by Ideas and Ideas are abundant. Some of them stay for a long time. Other ideas just arise and move away like clouds in the Wind.

The Game is Life is a Field. It contains (Standing) Waves and Waves merge without any problem.


The Game of Life is the Game of Music, Dance and Poetry. It does not force. It gives you the freedom of your own interpretation, your own mood.

The Game of Life is a Spiraling Spiral.

The Game of Life is about Values and Quality.

Your personal Values help you to evaluate and Quality is what you want to accomplish.

Quality is the complement of Quantity.

It is something the Numbers and the Names are unable to Express.


About the theories of Will McWhinny

About Buckert Sievert

About the Infinite Game of James P. Carse

About Boundaries

About Context

About Adventure

About Synchronicity

About Collaboration

About Fields

About (Standing) Waves

About Music

About Poetry

About the Spiraling Spiral

About Values and Quality

About Acupuncture

Saturday, September 22nd, 2007

Christopher Alexander wrote many beautiful books about Architecture. His book about Pattern Languages had a huge impact on Architectures in IT. When I searched the Internet I found a review of the books A Pattern Language, The Nature of Order and The Phenomenon of Life written by Dr. Mae-Wan Ho.

The review appeared in the Journal of her own Foundation “Science IN Society”. I visited her website and I became very exited about every document I read. Here are a few statements of her about Beauty and Harmony. Read more about exipure benefits.

A breaking wave in the sea has a kind of life that moves us, so does the ripple on a tranquil pond. A clear mountain pool has life, as opposed to a stagnant pond. Marble feels alive, as wood does, more so than polymerized stone dust or chipboard“.

There’s degree of life in human events, and it correlates with the quality of freedom. Or should I say spontaneity: an unplanned, unpremeditated coherence of action“.

Alexander captures the ideal of spontaneity and freedom that describes the sublime moment of creation in Chinese art and poetry, that I identified with the state of perfect (quantum) coherence with the universe; but he sees it also in the most ordinary living transactions”.

The freedom which arises when life is at its most spiritual, and also most ordinary, arises just when we are “drunk in God”, as the Sufis say – most blithe and most unfettered. Under these circumstances, we are free of our concepts, able to react directly to the circumstance we encounter, and least constrained by affectations, concepts, and ideas. This is the central teaching of Zen and all mystical religions.

Now I want to move to one of the many articles that are available on her website. The article is about Acupuncture. Again a few citations. If you don’t want to read them move to the end where I will give a brief summary.

Practically all living processes are organised in cycles. The organism is thick with biological rhythms ranging from periods of split seconds for electrical activities of brain cells to seconds such as the heart-beat and respiration, to periods which are circadian and circannual. But no one has ever been able to explain why that should be.

The answer is provided by thermodynamics. It turns out that symmetrically coupled cycles are the key to both the conservation of coherent energy and compensation (or cancelling out) of entropy within the system so that living organisation is maintained.

As one cycle of activity is running down, it is charging up a second cycle, so that the role can be reversed later. Similarly, as disorder is created in some part of the system, a kind of superorder appears in elsewhere, which can restore order to the first part”.

The connective tissues of our body include the skin, bones, tendons, ligaments, cartilege, various membranes covering major organs and linings of internal spaces. We tend to see them as serving purely mechanical functions to keep the body in shape, or to act as packing material. Actually, connective tissues may also be largely responsible for the rapid intercommunication that enables our body to function effectively as a coherent whole, and are therefore central to our health and well-being.

The clue to the intercommunication function of connective tissues lies in the properties of collagen, which makes up 70% or more of all the proteins of the connective tissues. Connective tissues, in turn form the bulk of the body of most multicellular animals. Collagen is therefore the most abundant protein in the animal kingdom

But collagens are not just mechanical fibres and composites. Instead, they have dielectric and electrical conductive properties that make them very sensitive to mechanical pressures, pH, and ionic composition and to electromagnetic fields. The electrical properties depend, to a large extent, on the bound water molecules in and around the collagen triple-helix“.

A major factor contributing to the efficiency of intercommunication is the structured, oriented nature of collagen liquid crystalline fibres. Each connective tissue has its characteristic orientation of fibrous structures which are clearly related to the mechanical stresses and strains to which the tissue is subject. This same orientation may also be crucial for intercommunication. Aligned collagen fibres in connective tissues provide oriented channels for electrical intercommunication, and are strongly reminiscent of acupuncture meridians in traditional Chinese medicine“.

The special energy relationship in the organism, therefore, is what enables it to mobilize energy at will, whenever and wherever required and in a perfectly coordinated way. In the ideal, the organism can be conceived as a quantum superposition of coherent activities, with instantaneous (nonlocal) noiseless intercommunication throughout the system. The flow of qi in meridian theory corresponds rather well to the mobilisation of coherent energy. Coherent energy is vital energy, and it is arises because the organism is especially good at capturing energy, storing and mobilising it in a coherent form“. Check out the latest Exipure reviews.

I have argued that a body consciousness possessing all the hallmarks of consciousness – sentience, intercommunication and memory – is distributed throughout the entire body. Brain consciousness associated with the nervous system is embedded in body consciousness and is coupled to it“.

Traditional Chinese medicine based on the acupuncture meridian system places the emphasis of health on the coherence of body functions which harmonizes brain to body. This makes perfect sense if one recognizes the brain as part of the body. Western medicine, by contrast, has yet no concept of the whole, and is based, at the very outset, on a Cartesian divide between mind and brain, and brain and body. Because there is no concept of the organism as a whole, there is, in effect, no theory of health, only an infinite number of disease models, each based on the supposed defect of a single molecular species. There is an urgent need to develop a theory of health for proper delivery of healthcare in the next millenium“.

What Mae-Wan Ho is explaining in all her articles is (more a less) that the old Scientists (!) in the East were right. She uses the new terminology of Physics and Mathematics to explain the same thing.

The Body is an “Electro-Magnetic Field” (A Whole) and connected to all the other Electro-Magnetic Fields (Wholes) in the Universe by “Symmetrically Coupled Cycles“. The Cycles balance the Wholes.

A Human Being is able to connect to every Whole by something called “quantum superposition“. It is a term used in Quantum Mechanics and it defines a state of “Harmony“, “Coupling” or “Entrainment”. When we are entrained to the Whole of the Wholes or or the Web that was never Woven (the Tao, Chinese) or the Centre of the Centres (Alexander) we are “drunk in God” (Sufi). We experience Oneness.

The Body stores something called “Coherent energy“. The Chinese call this Qi (The Force of Life). This coherent energy is transported in the Body by the Tissues. The Tissues consist of Collagen.

Collagen is organized in liquid crystalline Fibres. The Fibres are the Meridians of Acupuncture. The collagens are highly influenced by Electromagnetic fields. When the fields are “too strong” the System breaks down.

The System is also highly dependent on the special structure of the water molecules (the Hydrogen Bond). That’s why we have to drink a lot of water to get rid of the negative effect of the current Electro-Magnetic Fields. Water is also the Carrier of Information.

In many places she is warning us about the huge impact of electro-magnetic fields on the Body and the Mind. The effects are felt in the Body and the Mind because the Body IS the Mind or The Mind Is the Body. They are a WHOLE and the WHOLE is connected to other WHOLES. Just like the Centres of Christopher Alexander. Both of them are telling the Same Story.


About Acupuncture

About Themodynamics and Intelligent Design

About Thermodynamics and Radical Innovation

About Plato and Collagen

Why is Western Civilization so Extreme Violent?

Wednesday, May 30th, 2007

Violence can be seen in every area of life.

We converted people to the Christian Faith of “Love thy Neighbor” with Violence.

We cure Diseases with Violence (Opening the Body, Taking Toxic medicine), we use Violence to create Food and now we even use Violence to Enforce (!) Peace (Afghanistan, Iraq).

Violence to enforce Peace is the last invention of what a friend of mine calls the Dark Dreamers.

Dark Dreamers are people that cannot handle Love and Compassion. They are afraid to Lose Control.

To Stay in Power they have to Suppress Others. To suppress others they need Violent People (Killers, Soldiers, Food for Cannons).

Violence is a reaction to suppression and the most effectual suppression is the suppression of sexuality.

In “The History of Sexuality“, Foucault states that Western Culture has long been fixated on Sexuality.

In China, Japan, India and the Roman Empire sexuality has been seen as an “Ars Erotica”, “Erotic Art“, a special experience.

Sexuality is something to Enjoy like good food, music and theater.

In Western Society something completely different has been created, “Scientia Sexualis“, the Science of Sexuality.

It is based on a phenomenon diametrically opposed to Ars Erotica: the Confession. The pleasure of Sexuality has to be confessed and examined in every detail to find the traces of SIN.

The confession of sin creates a power relation between preacher and confessant.

Foucault writes: “We are an extraordinarily confessing society. Confession has spread its effects far and wide: in the judicial system, in the army, in medicine, in pedagogy, in familial relations, in amorous relationships, in everyday life and in the most solemn rituals; crimes are confessed, sins are confessed, thoughts and desires are confessed, one’s past and one’s dreams are confessed, one’s childhood is confessed; one’s diseases and problems are confessed”.

The main focus of the confession was on regulating the sexuality of the married couple, ignoring other forms of sexual relations.

Therefore the body of women was sexualized because of its role as a child bearer.

The concept “hysteria” was invented and seen as a result of sexual problems.

To prevent that children experience sexuality as a pleasure parents are warned about the dangers inherent in masturbation and other sexuality.

The sexuality of adults becomes an object of study and all forms of “perverse” aberrations are seen as dangers.

Foucault emphasizes that the aim of these moral codes was not to abolish all forms of sexuality, but to protect health and the purity of the race.

What can we do to stop this violence?

Don’t Confess Anymore. Talk Freely about everything you Enjoy even Sexuality and consider life as a beautiful experience.

Make Love not War.

Leave the System of Violence and join The System of Love and Compassion.

If you want to bring Peace to the World go to the under-development countries and help to build Roads, Schools, and Houses.

The people over there are Not Violent (Remember this is the Message of the Mass Media) they want to Enjoy Life Like You.