Posts Tagged ‘imagination’

How to Create Human Scale Tools: About Movers, Memories and Comparators

Wednesday, March 26th, 2008

Humans are the most advanced toolmakers in nature. The main reason is that they are the less specialized organisms. They need tools to survive. People are also the most complex organisms in nature. This complexity makes it possible to invent new possibilities and to work with specialized tools and animals (horse, cow, hammer, car, computer).

All the time people have tried to make a better living by inventing new tools. If the basic needs were met (food, housing, health, safety), people got the time to get their emotional system into balance (love, self-esteem) and satisfy their imagination (play, explore, self-actualization).

At this moment, the amount of leisure-time to enjoy family life, relax, play and explore is going down. The number of people with heavy levels of stress is growing. The pressure on the emotions is increased by the current state of technology. The tools have overlapping functionality, take too much of the attention, do not communicate with each other and dominate the human being.

Tools have to be integrated completely in the cognitive system of the human being. If a tool takes over a part of the sensory-motor system (glasses, hammer, car) the imagination has to learn a new way to create the outside world. In the end, after practicing, people become united with their hammer or their car. They are not aware that they are carrying their glasses. If people have to practice too long or the tool is constantly intervening in their workflow the emotions get involved. They get frustrated and angry.

Tools were first invented to support basic human activities like talking, moving, looking,  hearing, remembering and learning.

In a later stage of development, the use of the tools generated a new space of exploration. In this space, new tools emerged.

The invention of symbols started the exploration of Mental Space. Program Languages, Telecommunication and especially the Internet has opened up a new space to explore, called Cyberspace.

  • Advisor or Master

Advisors and masters involve the emotions. An advisor helps to make a choice or to set priorities. A master (e.g. a physician, teacher, manager) makes a choice for a person. The Cyberspace version of the master and the advisor is the Expert System. It uses advanced ways of pattern-recognition (e.g. Neural Networks).

  • Simulator

Simulators stimulate the imagination. Theaters and movies are examples of passive simulators.  Games are actively involving many people. The Cyberspace version of the active simulator is the Collaborative Computer Game. The passive form can be seen in the Movie and the Television-program.

  • Memory

A memory archives the results of an internal or external dialogue. In the beginning, human communication was only verbal. Important issues to remember were incorporated in stories that were told from one generation to the other. When people specialized their activities, they needed a method (bookkeeping) to keep track of all the transfers. People invented symbols and the external memory to do this.  The writing-symbols made it possible to share and exchange memories (letters, books) without talking. Writing enabled the movement of memories. The library was invented to store the external memories and protect them from fading away. Cyberspace is filled with the versions of static and moving memory called the Electronic Message (Email, Transaction) and the Database.

  • Mover

Movers were the first tools used in human society. A mover is an extension of the muscles. The first generation was invented to help the human move in physical space. Examples are hammers, cows, horses, steam-machines, cars, bicycles and robots. The next generation supported the movement of symbols (e.g. moving numbers) in mental space. The Difference Engine of Charles Babbage was invented to automate the calculation of mathematical tables. The most advance version of the mover, the telecommunication network, enables the movement of external memory’s in cyberspace.

  • Sensor

Sensors transform and filter data. Glasses and hearing aids were invented to support people when they get old.  Humans looked at the stars and invented the telescope. In a later stage very advanced sensors were developed (Radio-telescope, MRI). They use complex statistical calculations to filter and transform the sampled data into pictures or sounds.

  • Comparator

Human survival and learning is based on comparing data and acting on the result. A comparator acts on an exception. To compare data a measurement instrument is needed and a agreement about the object of measure. The invention of this device has provided a bypass pathway that conserves a lot of energy and is guaranteed to put smaller numbers on one’s economy 7 energy meter.

Human beings started to measure time and space a long time ago. It was needed to navigate and to predict the movement of the stars. In the first phase, the human body was used as a measure-instrument of space and the cycle of the sun and the moon as a measurement for time. The big problem with this approach was that every person and every place on earth came up with a different measurement and a different time. \

When the human networks started to connect, standardization on a global level became necessary.  The process of standardization of time and space took many ages. It needed numerous inventions in technology to support the process. The measure-instruments changed from mechanical devices (the clock) to software-devices.

  • Servant (Operating System)

A servant coordinates the activities of sensors, comparators and memories. Servants take over repetitive patterns.  Humans find these activities boring (not imaginative). A servant has to act invisible (a black box).

When the use of a servant is prohibited, humans get frustrated. It has to be there all the time and do its job inconspicuous. With the help of the comparator and the sensor, the servant has to detect events and take appropriate action (coordinated movements, action patterns).

The big problem at this moment is the visibility and the interference of the servant in the human activity. People have to fill in the same form all the time. Processes stop in the middle of a company. The customer has to handover the data to the other processes.

Humans do not like to be emotional involved in boring activities.  Therefore, the needs (their wishes) have to be defined in a very simple way. It must be possible to imagine the behavior of the complete system without knowing how the system is operating.

A good example of a perfect servant is the central heating system. People define their needs (a temperature) and everything works. The temperature is a control variable that represents the performance of the total heating system. People are able to imagine the effect of adjusting the thermostat (a comparator) on the environment they live in. They do not need to know how the servant works. His behavior is hidden. The central heating system is a black box, loosely coupled with another invisible servant-system, the utility-system (gas, electricity).

The servant and its associates were in the first era of IT locked into the physical space of the general-purpose computer controlled by its general purpose operating System. The servants had to stay close together because of the speed of communication. The speed and the capacity of the telecommunication network is going up fast.  This makes it possible to distribute, specialize and connect Servants (now called Appliances).

How to Create Cooperative Networks by Playing Complementary Roles

Wednesday, March 26th, 2008

People have to cooperate to survive. Children need their parents to nurture and teach them. Parents need the help of their children when they are old. The basic principle behind cooperation is long-term reciprocity. People give something voluntary and sometimes for free to others or help the other trusting they get something of the same value back in the future.

To survive people have to have a long-term perspective. They have to sustain their environment and the supporting infrastructures to make sure that there are enough people and tools to help them when they are old.

The need to survive created the basic level concept of cooperation (the tribe). The tribe transformed into higher and more complex levels of cooperation (town, guild, state, corporation) when human society evolved.

To coordinate the complex structures the mental concept of the many leveled hierarchy was formed. This concept fails when the environment of the organizational structure becomes turbulent.

Hierarchies adapt too slowly to their environment. At this moment, hierarchies are falling apart in cooperating self-sustaining specialized network. The networks are gaining control over many activities that are now taking place at the level of the big corporation and the state.

A specialized network produces activities and products that are consumed by other specialized networks. To realize the output people have to play complementary roles.

When we can distinguish six basic roles:

  • Craftsmen (Senses, Patterns)

A craftsman has acquired experience by practicing. Craftsmen do not like too much change. Change requires new practicing and keeps him from producing.  A craftsman loves to make what he sees. He learns by copying. Examples are carpenters, painters, musicians, technicians and programmers. The craftsmen are the producers in the network. In many cases, programmable machines can replace their activities. Craftsmen use specialized tools. If their processes are standardized a process-model can be used to coordinated their activities.

  • Entrepreneur (Senses, Emotions)

An entrepreneur feels what preferences people have. Examples are retailers and brokers. Entrepreneurs sell the products the network is producing and buy products the network needs. They also are the people that negotiate contracts and make connections to other specialized networks. Entrepreneurs use technologies like relationship-management-tools and procurement-systems.

  • Politicians (Emotions, Patterns)

A politician structures collective emotions by creating consensus. He feels the opinions of the collective, has the gift to influence opinions, and gets people into collaborative action.   A politician looks after the social cohesion in the network. He uses opinion polls and media.

  • Creators (Imagination, Patterns)

A creator visualizes the whole of a structure. A creator can balance variety (his imagination) and predictability (the patterns). Examples are composers, architects and designers. A creator designs the machines and the products the network is producing.

  • Motivator (Emotions, Imagination)

A motivator visualizes what makes people move forward. Motivators develop concepts.  Many of them operate in the media (actors, writers, poets and movie-directors). Motivators cannot live without variety. Other examples are coaches and psychiatrist. A motivator looks after the long-term perspective of the network by creating and implementing a shared vision.

  • Inventors (Senses, Imagination)

An inventor makes sense of his imagination. Inventors generate ideas and create prototypes (R&D). They use brainstorming tools and analyze trends.

The roles are not evenly distributed in the network. The majority of the people play the role of the producer, the craftsman.

In the current situation, the basic roles are concentrated in specialized corporations (e.g. media, retail, production-plants) or   staff-department of big corporations. Many high talented people are already leaving the big corporations and take part of specialized networks. The amount of one-person-companies is increasing.

People can cooperate with persons that share with them one of their basic cognitive components. An entrepreneur can convince a craftsman what products people he has to sell. They are both practical people (the senses). A creator (e.g. an architect) can show a craftsman what to make. They share a focus on structure (patterns).

When complementary roles are working in a cooperative environment, they join their forces in an open dialogue. This dialogue has many stages ranging from brainstorming (inventors take the lead) to realizing material structures (craftsman work together with creators).

Politicians, entrepreneurs and motivators can only perform if they are able to observe and express emotions (visual expressions, gestures). To ensure a successful cooperation they have to meet. New technologies like video-conferencing make it possible to cooperate anytime, any-place and anywhere. 

To collaborate people have to communicate face to face. In a competition patents (legal actions) and secrecy (rules and walls) shield ideas to prevent the competitor to take the lead.  In cooperation, ideas are shared to sustain the network.

The most used model in communication is the sender/receiver-model.  People send and receive content (e.g. email, documents, pictures, plans, designs) Specialized networks need advanced content-management systems to support this model of communication.

The sender/receiver-model supposes that the brain converts ideas directly into words and that another person can easily draw out the meaning of the ideas from the words. It assumes little effort to understand or interpret what is being conveyed.

The sender/receiver-model only works if there is a high level of common conceptual understanding (a shared model) between all the people involved in the communication process.

In reality, this is mostly not the case especially when experts (inventors, craftsman and creators) are communicating with laymen (entrepreneurs, motivators and politicians).

The dialogue between an expert and a layman is often a monologue. The expert confuses the layman with all his knowledge and the layman is not capable of asking the right questions. In the end, the layman stops asking questions and accepts the situation. 

The sender/receiver-model reduces a specialized network to a production-process. The model lowers the social cohesion (politicians), reduces the external cooperation (entrepreneurs) and removes the long-term perspective of the network (motivators).

People have to invest time to understand (ask unsophisticated questions) and explain their ideas (inventions) in many ways. It also takes time to generate trust. Ideas of others have to be tried out (in the imagination or in the real world) to understand them.

People have to have the opportunity to fail and learn from their mistakes. Sometimes they generate personal inventions that can be given back to the others to create reciprocity.

Eventually ideas create new personal patterns that can be shown and praised by others.  Collaboration does not take place instantly but evolves in a cycle where the pleasure of finding things out is the motivator.

When people are pessimistic and afraid the other becomes the enemy. They shield themselves from the outside world by creating fixed boundaries (walls).

To make sure that they get something in return they use a threat (e.g. physical force, the legal system). Before they start, they have to spend time to prevent a possible conflict (making contracts, detailed specifications). When people trust each other, they cannot wait to start.

The fear of losing something (possessions, status, existence) changes a collaborative relationship into a battle.

In a competition, the focus is on winning and selfishness. Fear has a negative impact on the senses (tunnel view), the emotions (stress) and the imagination (creativity block).

In a competition, priority is given to stay in front and to prohibited possible actions of the enemies. To win one has to predict and control by defining strict rules and make sure that people obey the rules. Internal and external competition finally kills a cooperative relationship.

To prevent the move from cooperation to competition people have to sustain a free and open communicate-process.

How to Create the Perfect Need-Machine by Analyzing Personal Activity Patterns

Wednesday, March 26th, 2008

In the approach of Taylor and Ford, the employees and customers are treated as programmable machines.  The focus was on a perfect coordination of the senses, the muscles and the production system (the assembly line).  The emotions and the imagination were neglected.

In mass customization, the emotions are involved. In customer innovation, the imagination is imperative. In a demand oriented system all the parts of the human cognitive system have to play a role in a coherent and balanced way.

The human body acts on its environment with messages and action-patterns. The incoming and outgoing messages are observed by the senses and transformed to an internal format. The internal communication system sends the messages to the appropriate place in the body. The emotions are always looking for danger. They want to control the priority of the actions to make it possible for the body to react immediately. The imagination creates an image of the outside world and helps the body to generate scenario’s to improve its action-patterns. 

The senses are the connection to the physical outside world. They shield the human being from the enormous amount of signals that are trying to enter the body. They filter incoming data and transform the data in a standard internal format. When the senses detect an event, it is evaluated by the emotions. If the event is not important, nothing happens. It the event is unusual it becomes aware in the conscious. Events that are highly repeating are not noticed after some time. An internal program (an action-pattern) automates the handling of the event.

The muscles act in physical space. They acquire an enormous amount of reaction-patterns by repeated practicing. Humans learn from their failures. When the senses detect an event, many appropriate patterns are located and enabled. 

When the patterns enter mental space, they change into models. Complicated patterns are compressed into models. Humans use all kinds of compression techniques to make the world compact and therefore more understandable. Static models (e.g. an organization contains employees) compress the world in wholes (nouns) and parts (attributes). They create identities. Dynamic models (the employee sells a product) compress causal chains (event, actor, result). They make it possible to reason.

Models behave the same way as sensors do in physical space. They shield the mental space of the human being from the enormous amount of ideas that the imagination is producing.

The emotions act on hostile and friendly forces. They shield the body from physical injuries (avoiding pain) and take care of the self re-production process of the body (looking for food and a sexual partner).

The emotional system determines the amount of resources that is allocated to the evaluation and the search for adequate action patterns. If an event is dangerous, all resources in the body are used. The body reacts without thinking and uses a biological inherited and fast pattern (fight, flight, freeze, the primary emotions). If there is enough time to react, the emotional system evaluates its preferences and enables the preferred actions-patterns.

If the preferences are related to a long-term perspective, they enter mental space and the human has a choice to make. In the evaluation of long-term preferences, the other plays an important role. People want to take care of the other (family, friends, children), are afraid to get in to a conflict (dominance, status) and want to be praised by the other for what they are accomplishing.

Humans imagine (by creating pictures connected with feelings) what events they like to happen (a wish). When they are pessimistic, they imagine what events they do not want to happen (a fear).  The imagination is the innovative part of the human mental space that generates all kinds of new connections (ideas). The imagination is also the most free to play with new ideas. People can simulate and practice in their imagination without getting into trouble. The imagination produces the idea of the identity.

The imagination uses visual metaphors to create an understandable world. On the lowest level the metaphors are connect to the action patterns. The image of a cup is connected to picking up the cup, holding the cup and moving the cup. New structures are blended with old familiar structures.

Many metaphors make use of the human understanding of technology.  Freud based his theory of the unconsciousness on his understanding of the steam-machine (“I am steamed up with emotions”). Many theories of the mind are based on the metaphor of the computer. People always relate new phenomena to something they already understand. They sometimes do this (in the eyes of others) in very strange ways.  A skilful teacher knows this and tries to find the bridge (the right metaphor, a story) between his world and the world of the student.

In the human body, all the sub-systems (e.g. the services, the organs) are connected by shared communication-channels. There are fast (the nervous system) and slow reacting shared channels (the endocrine system). All the sub-systems use specific messenger-molecules to communicate their actions and act on incoming messengers.  Messengers materialize with every thought we create and with every emotion we feel. When a messenger enters the boundary of a sub-system, (e.g. a cell) it triggers messengers that are specific for that sub-system.

The action patterns make the muscles move according to a movements-plan that is stored in memory. The movement-plans of the muscles enable people to walk, to work (using tools) and to talk. In this last case, people communicate their intentions. The human communication contains a complicated mix of signals that are related to the emotions (e.g. visual expressions, gestures), the patterns (assertions) and the imagination (visual images, ideas).

People resist change. The patterns they have acquired control their behavior and determine their potential. People do not want to change their patterns dramatically. They want to acquire new patterns (by doing) without noticing the change. Only a major event (a critical moment), mostly with negative impact, can have a radical effect. If this event happens it takes a very long time to recover and get into harmony again. When people have to adjust their patterns too often, they experience stress and on the long run get sick.

If people cannot adjust their patterns, they have to involve the other parts of the cognitive system. When they involve the emotions, they have to set priorities and make a choice. People do not like making choices. They are incapable of evaluating all the possibilities. They can also make use of the senses and look at the real opportunities in the outside world. People are almost incapable of doing this because their imagination produces the images it wants to see. If the imagination really faces the facts, the identity is attacked. It feels powerless and unable to control his path of destiny. The last possibility a human has is to adjust the imagination. He has to realize that the possibilities he imagined were just illusions.

If everything stays the same, people get bored. They hope that an event will occur that relates to their wishes. People are the most satisfied if their environment produces just enough change (a challenge) they can cope with. They want a balance between the will (what they want, the imagination, variation) and their capabilities (what they are able to do, predictability, the patterns, their skills).

In a perfect demand oriented economy, a supplier has to provide a challenge to the customer. To provide this challenge the supplier has to understand the wishes and the fears (the imagination) of the customer, his behavior (the patterns) and the balance between the two parts. If the customer is out of balance the supplier has to help the customer to acquire new patterns (learning), help him to make a choice (advice) or show him the real opportunities (scenario’s) taking care of the customers identity.  

It is very difficult for a supplier to get accurate information. Most people are unable to make their behavioral patterns conscious. When people are asked about their opinion (an aspect of the emotions), they often do not want to offend the other and give proper answers. People only want to share their most secret wishes with people they trust (partner, family, friends). Correct information about the customer can only be acquired by carefully observing and analyzing the activities of the customer (what he is doing).  It is completely impossible for a company to observe the activities of all their customers. The only one who can do this is the customer himself.

Customers can observe their activities if they were able to gather personal activity-patterns, get the opportunity to analyze their behavior, and share their activity-patterns with others to get an advice. Most of the needed data is somewhere already available (patient records, buying behavior, payments etc) or can be made available by making connections to the tools the consumer is using in his personal- and work-environment (Emails, Content). The only thing that has to happen is that companies and government agencies make these patterns, which are most of the time privately owned by the customer, available.

It can be envisioned that all personal data is kept in a private space. Only the customer (the owner) can make the data available to others. This approach would prevent many problems in the current situation (e.g. spam).

The last step in a perfect rational demand oriented system is reached when the personal activity-patterns are automatically transformed in standardized need-messages that are sent out to appropriate providers.

What would You do when You were able to Create your own Reality?

Monday, February 11th, 2008
If you believe that you are creating your own reality you are responsible for your own diseases. This sounds like a logical conclusion but is this really the case?  The first thing you have to question is if you would create a disease if you could create everything you wanted. The answer is no.  When people are asked to make three (why three?) wishes they always wish good health.

If a disease is not what we want why are people getting sick?

Sickness is a sign of unbalance. When you are sick something in your body is unable to cope with the sickness. The part that unable to cope with is your immune-system. This system is highly connected to your centre or your consciousness. In the Chines theory of acupuncture this centre is connected to the spleen. 

If you are not conscious your immune-system gets into trouble. This gives a first answer to the question.  

When you get sick you are the cause of your own sickness because you have been neglecting the signs of your body that there was a severe unbalance.

Some people will argue that it was impossible to do something about it because external circumstances (virusses, husband, work, etc) where so strong that they unable to do something about it.

When you analyze these situations you will always find that people are able to change the situation but they did not want to take the consequences.

They felt powerless.

Now there is one issue that complicates this discussion and that is death.

At a moment we all die and the dying is caused by something (a sickness?) and this sickness is something else because we have to die some moment.

Perhaps dying is not caused by a sickness but the way we die and the moment we die is programmed in our system.

Perhaps we are able to speed up this moment of death by not keeping our balance.

I think there is a case to make that you are really responsible for all the diseases you get but you are not responsible for the your death if you take the responsibility of keeping your balance.

Death is a fact of life itself.

If we move one level higher things become more complicated. If we move to the level of the soul things change heavily.

They change in two aspects. You have to believe the human being is a soul that is using a vessel called our body and you have to believe that the soul makes a plan when he occupies the vessel. In this plan sickness plays a role.

The main story about the soul is that we are veiled when we enter to body. We forget the plan and we even forget the fact that we are a “soul in a vessel”.

The last point I really doubt. The story of the soul is widespread and is told in a very similar way in all the cultures of the earth. You must have heard about it.

Why is it questioned?

It is questioned by Science because there is no proof. Many people have a knowledge about former life’s. This is not sufficient to imagine that there is something that persists.

If the story of the soul is true the answer to the question becomes even more simple. The answer is that you have chosen to experience what you experience only the part of you that has chosen this experience is not You but something You are on another level.

Would it help if we could discover our plan?

I think this would help a lot because when you know the plan you have finally broken the veal and you are free to do what you want to do.

What would you do?

Let us start with three wishes.

About the Infinite Game

Thursday, February 7th, 2008

In the Western World many people play the Analytic Game. The Analytical Game resolves the conflict between the Facts of the Senses and the  Models, Rules and Norms of the Human Prediction System, the Expectation (often called Thinking).

The complementary Game is what Will McWhinney and his friend Burkhard Sievers, called the Game that Creates New Games.

James P. Carse (A Vision of Life as Play and Possibility) calls this game the Infinite Game. Perhaps a much better name would be the Game of Life.

Life is a Journey

Infinite players play with rules and boundaries. They include them as part of their playing. They aren’t taking them serious, and they can never be trapped by them, because they use rules and boundaries to play with.

The players are always busy to continue the Game of Life by creating new Games.

They love to play but the aim is not to win because winning ends the game.

The Infinite Game is a Game where the Imagination and the Emotions are playing their roles. The Emotions e-valua-te and the Imagination creates.

A very important distinction between the two Games is Context. The Analytic Game is “above the Context”.

It uses the Abstractions of Maps and Diagrams. When you use a map to travel you will never see the real territory.

The Game of Life is “in the Context”.  In this game Life is a Journey. You will meet people you will never meet when your life is completely planned and you will see places nobody has seen before.

Life Above the Context is dull and predictable.

Life In the Context is an Adventure and Full of Risks.

Evaluation is a Context-Dependent Process. It takes into account that every Situation is unique and needs a unique approach.

The Game of Life is an Improvisation

The Game of Life is about Improvisation. You listen to the Rythm and the central Theme and start your own variation that is “in line with the flow”.

Sometimes you are the person who starts a new rhythm and a new theme and others follow you. You are there at the right time and the right moment.

Timing is essential in the Game of Life.

The Game of Life is about the Tao and Synchronicity. Things happen by accident but the events are meaningful. They are created by the Imagination.

The Game of Life is about Magic. You are the creator of your own reality and your creation bounces back on you. Reality produces signs but the signs are the result of your own creation.

Your personal Magic becomes much stronger when you have a vision and you believe in this vision.

The Game of Life is about belief and not about truth. You know there is no eternal truth because everything changes but behind the changes is an emerging pattern.

The pattern is chaotic and structured. It arise out of the Whole and moves back into the Whole.

The Game of Life is the game of AND. Life is a contradiction, an eternal conflict, a dilemma because meaning is created by “making the difference‘. It is the Comm-Union of Diversity.

The Game of Life is about Spirit (Imagination) and Soul (Emotion).

The Game of Life is Immortal. When the Fire of the compassion of your soul and the Light of your spirit becomes One with the stream of Creation  you will live for ever.

The Game of Life is eternal and new Games are created all the time.

The Games are not competitive but collaborative.

The Game is fueled by Ideas and Ideas are abundant. Some of them stay for a long time. Other ideas just arise and move away like clouds in the Wind.

The Game is Life is a Field. It contains (Standing) Waves and Waves merge without any problem.


The Game of Life is the Game of Music, Dance and Poetry. It does not force. It gives you the freedom of your own interpretation, your own mood.

The Game of Life is a Spiraling Spiral.

The Game of Life is about Values and Quality.

Your personal Values help you to evaluate and Quality is what you want to accomplish.

Quality is the complement of Quantity.

It is something the Numbers and the Names are unable to Express.


About the theories of Will McWhinny

About Buckert Sievert

About the Infinite Game of James P. Carse

About Boundaries

About Context

About Adventure

About Synchronicity

About Collaboration

About Fields

About (Standing) Waves

About Music

About Poetry

About the Spiraling Spiral

About Values and Quality

About the Game of Chess

Friday, October 12th, 2007

radha-krishna_chessI want to tell you something about Games. What I want to show is that behind many Games there is a simple structure.

If we understand this structure we are more aware of “What the game is telling You” or “What Game is playing ME” or “How can I leave the Game and create my Own Game“.

Chess originated in ancient India and was known as Chatur-Anga – Meaning 4 bodied, as it was played by 4 players. The Sanskrit name Chaturanga was also used to describe the Indian army of Vedic times in which a platoon had four parts: one elephant, one chariot, three soldiers on horseback, and five foot-soldiers. The board was known as the ‘ashtapada’ (eight-square).

The ancient Game of Chess represented a very old structure, the Four with the Fifth (The Playing Board) in the Middle.

The Game was a Scenario Game. The Players could explore the Fixed Structure of the Universe (The Cycle) implemented in the Playing Board using the Roles (The Pawns) that are available in Our Reality that is controlled by the Matrix.  

 Every ancient game has a “mystical meaning“. It was not only used to play but also to learn about “the Game of Life”.

Every “old game” can be mapped to a “Standard-Model”.

The most comprehensive model is the TAROT. The Tarot is the basic framework for all the old Card Games.

It contains 3 levels where every level is an enfolding of a higher level. The Four Forces with the Five (Consciousness) in the Center are expanded into a level of 22 (Higher Arcana) and a lower level of 56 cards (Lower Arcana).

The structure of the Tarot, Chess, the TORAh, the I TJING can also be mapped to modern physics.

Will McWhinney used the Four World Views (with the Fifth in the Center) to define Game Levels. The lowest level he defined was the Analytical Game. It is a combination of Unity (Models, Rules) and Sensory (Reality). This game is about Mapping A Model into Reality or Testing a Model with Reality.

In the Mystical explanation this is the Fight (or Tension or Conflict) between Control (Model) and Desire (Reality, What we See with our Eyes).

The Analytical Game is the game of Western Civilization. It can be been seen on every level. In Society it is the fight between the State (Control, Laws) and Companies and Citizens who want to exceed the Limits of the Law. The Analytical Game is also the Game of Competition and War (Winner takes all).

If you are Played By this Game you are Out of Control. You are driven by your Ego (Desire) and/or by the Fear to lose Control.

If You are Different there are two other forces called Spirit (Mythic, I AM, Imagination) and/or Soul (Social, YOU ARE, Empathy) that are playing a Role in the Game of Your Life.

You are playing the Game of the Market (Desire/Impuls vs Soul/Emotion), the Game of Politics (Soul/Emotion vs Control) or the Game of Innovation (Spirit/Imagination vs Action/Desire).

The highest Game, The Infinite Game, is the Game of Spirit AND Soul. It is the Game to Keep on Playing by Creating New Games.

At this level You are Co-Creating with a Spirit on a higher Level (I AM WHAT I AM). It is a Game without Words and Logic. It is the Game of the Gnōsis (Knowing and Being).

When the game of Chess was transformed into a game of Two Players it changed into an Analytical Game. The aspect of Cooperation (Soul, Green) and Creation (Spirit, Yellow) were removed. The Colors Red, Blue, Yellow and Green turned into Black and White.

I know many of you think this an interesting way to explain something but Imagine (Spirit) that this was done “On Purpose” (Control).

Imagine there is a Force (Ahriman, the Fear to Lose Control, Mind, Thinking, Air, Wind) that is cooperating with the force of Desire (Lucifer, Fire) to take over.

rainbowIt does not want his Expectations of the Future to Fail. The Fear to Lose Control changed the many Games Levels into one level of Play.

It changed the Spherical Field of the Multicolor Rainbow of Existence into a 2-dimensional Black and White World of Crossing Lines, the Plane of Cause and Effect.

It even made it very difficult for people who “Feel, Care and Love (Nurses, Priests)” and/or “See the Light (Prophets, Artists)” to make a living. Imagine You are equipped with one or even two of the faculties this Force is trying to disturb.

What can you do?

I am very interested in History. All my life I have spent a lot of time to find out “what happened”. One of my searches brought me to the level of Religion.

Religion is the game of Spirit AND Soul. It is about the Experience of Beauty and the Whole. It can be changed into an Analytical Game by enforcing Control, Telling people How to Believe.

magiA part of the History of Christianity can be traced back to the Cult of Mithras  and earlier the teachings of Zoroaster . The three Magi who came to see Jezus where of the faith of Zoroaster.

Founded in Persia Zoroastrianism is the world’s oldest religion (3500 B.C). Parsis, most of whom have made Mumbai their home, are the followers of this religion. Parsis can also be found in Karachi, Pakistan, and Shiraj, in Iran. Its founder, Zoroaster, was born in Mazar-I-Sharif in Afghanistan!

To understand more about Zoroaster I ordered a book called The Teaching of Zoroaster and the Philosophy of the Parsi Religion by S.A. Kapadia. This small book is one of the most beautifull religious books I ever read. The book is about Love. It is about the Eternal Love of Man and Wife, The love for Childeren, The love for the Sick and the Poor, the Love of Mankind and The Love of Nature.

In this book the Teachings of Zoroaster are translated into 3 simple statements:

Good Thoughts, Good Words and Good Deeds.

Explaining the Placebo Effect by Counting Stories

Tuesday, August 14th, 2007

The unconscious is a new territory for mathematicians and physicists. Jung one of the inventors of the term unconsciousness was convinced mathematics was the key to understand the Unknown.


At the end of his life he asked one of his female pupils Marie-Louise Von Franz to look for the link between mathematics and the unconsciousness.


She wrote the book “Number and Time”. Later I found an article of the mathematician and physicist William A Tiller about the same issue. It is called “Human Psychophysiology, Macroscopic Information Entanglement and the Placebo Effect”. In the article he explains the so called placebo-effect.

The placebo-effect is a funny thing. A pharmacist is a person who wants to treat a disease with a chemical (mostly toxic) substance (a pill). When something that is not toxic (a placebo) heals the same disease he is sad.

He is sad because he is not able to make a profit and he is sad because he has spent a lot of time doing research for nothing. When the placebo-effect occurs people imagine that they are cured and their imagination cures them.

A citation: “In 1999, Enserink wrote a short but very interesting article concerning how greatly the magnitude of the placebo effect in double-blind pharmacological studies had grown in the previous 15 years. He pointed out that “when companies started testing drugs for obsessive-compulsive disorder back in the mid-1980’s, the placebo responserate was almost zero. As time went on, this response rate began to creep upward, up to a point where one could reasonably conclude that some clinical trials failed because of high placebo response rates. A very recent meta-analysis of 19 antidepressant drug trials revealed that the “placebo effect” on average accounted for 75% of the effect of real drugs”.

What Tiller is saying is that a “depression” was cured by believing it would be cured. This happened when people started to believe there was something (a pill) that could cure them.

Again a citation: “The information bandwidth (in bits per second) of the human unconscious is about 1 million times that of the conscious”. The so called unconscious is capable of finding patterns and its capacity to do this is enormous. The unconscious is more conscious than the conscious. Our “problem” is that our conscious is not able to “understand” the other conscious that is part of us. It uses another “language”.

Another citation: “If one counts the entire duplex space as a 4-space, then the entire multidimensional representation is a 7-space. If instead, we count the duplex space as a unique member of the general 8-space, then our reference frame is eleven-dimensional”.

What Tiller is explaining in his language (mathematics) is that besides our own space there exists an unseen space. It is a space we cannot SEE WITH OUR EYES because the capacity to see patterns with our eyes is incapable of seeing the other world. We use the “third eye” to have a look.

In this space you are able to travel with speed >C (the speed of Light). Perhaps you are getting confused now. You know this is impossible. You have learned this at school.

The mathematical reason behind this statement is that it is “impossible” to take the square root of a negative number.

If you define the square-root of the negative number -1 as the letter “i” (imaginary) your problem is gone. The IMAGINARY, “unseen” world, can be combined with the REAL world we SEE. 2 +4i is an example of a combined number.

Another mathematical problem is “division by zero”. You know again this is impossible. You have learned this also at school. This problem is created when you are moving with the speed of light.

The problem can be avoided if you use another concept of space. Division by zero is called a hole and you just navigate trough space avoiding THE HOLE.

Current physics assumes the space we live in consists of billons of billons of holes.

A funny thing is that 5000 years ago Indian science told the same story. They called the holes the bindu’s. The bindu’s where the holes to another world and out of this world something was transported called PRANA. PRANA is called QI (CHI) in China. QI means the force of life.

You have to believe that many (very expensive) experiments have shown that we are living in a very different space you have learned at school. Perhaps your teacher knew he was he was telling the wrong story. He learned when he was learning to become a teacher that young children are unable to understand the new concept of space.

Funny enough young children experience this space when they are sleeping or day-dreaming. When they are at school they believe the teacher and the teacher is believing his teacher and ….

What the experiments also show is something called ENTANGLEMENT. When something is created out of a WHOLE the parts of the whole stay CONNECTED and the connection travels with a speed >C (the speed of Light).

To explain entanglement physicists have accepted there are MANY UNIVERSES and every time a (UN?)CONSCIOUSNESS OBSERVES (becomes AWARE) a new PARALEL UNIVERSE is created.

In our REALITY we SEE one of the possible universes. In our IMAGINARY state we are able to move to all the others. We are even able to travel time because physicists accept the reality that the PAST and THE FUTURE are created in the NOW. They change with every act of consciousness.

Tiller explains that the 4-dimensional unseen space is created by the EMOTIONS.

Now I want to get back to the book “Time and Number”.

A huge part of the book is about China. Jung studied the I TJING with William Reich and was fascinated by the CYCLE (a rotating CIRCLE) of Lo CHI. Remember CHI means “Force of Life”.

The Lo Chi cycle (5000 years old) is described by a magic 3×3 square where all the numbers add up to 15. It has a 5 in the centre.

The magic Lo Chi magic square and related magic squares play an important role in modern physics. They are related to symmetry and symmetry is related to HARMONY and FIELDS.

Funny. The LO-CHI-cycle is exactly the cycle that is explaining the same thing Tiller is explaining.

The book NUMBER and TIME contains a very interesting observation about story-TELLING. When you count (telling = counting) the major persons in an “old” story (myth, fairy tale) and combine the counting with the flow of the story the Lo CHI CYCLE shows itself.

For some reason story-TELLERS were TELLING the same story all over again and again.

They wanted to make sure the concept of the Cycle was handed over and over and over again generation after generation.

The cycle explains one thing Tiller is proving “Your Imagination is the Creator of Your own Reality”.

The most interesting insight I got is that what Jung calls our unconsciousness is more aware than our consciousness. The Unknown is connected to our Emotions. So if you want to create trust them. Trust your gut-feeling and your imagination because they are doing “IT”. You are the Creator of every Situation and Person you encounter in Your Life. They are the Mirror of Your Self.