Posts Tagged ‘Harmony’

About Chaos

Saturday, December 13th, 2008

tornadoHumans are desperately trying to preserve their Identity. To do this they create Order.

Behind every Order is non-Order, Chaos, the creative, destructive, force.

If the Human Order is gone, psychologists, try to Unite the broken pieces of the chaotic Personality.

If the Banking System is extremely volatile Economists believe they are able to repair the System.

If the Ecology is chaotic Biologists are doing the same. All of them believe they found a way to transform Chaos into Order.

Creating Chaos is not very difficult. One act of a small group of terrorists almost destroys the System of Society and the only way to prevent chaos is to create a higher level of order. One Act of God, an earthquake, a tornado or the outbreak of a virus, accomplishes the same.

Chaos and Order are part of the same System and we really don’t know how to unite the two perspectives on Nature.

When we want to keep Internal Order we put Chaos outside the boundaries of our own System. We move out of the chaotic city to the countryside to experience the Harmony of Nature.

We stop reading newspapers and stop watching television because we don’t want to see what is really happening outside. We don’t want to face the reality that the outside reality is a frightful, destructive place to live in but what is most of all frightening us is our own destructive part, the Shadow.

earthquakeSpace has always been the metaphor in which we project our Identity.

Our personality, our house, our job, our relationship, our culture, our country are protective boundaries but at this moment many of these protective boundaries are at stake.

The current crisis forces us to leave our home and our job.

The clash of the many cultures threatens our own culture and even our own country is gone because politicians are creating abstract countries that have no history and still no future.

The concept of Space is changing and with this our idea about our own boundary is changing.

Space is not a static state in which we live. Space is a dynamic process and is created and destructed. Space moves and because space is moving we are moved also. Every time a new order appears but we are not able to understand this order because we are caught in our own order.

A static personality is not able to adapt to the moving outside world. A personality who is not able to move has to stay at the place where he lives. A personality who is not able to be moved by what is happening is without Emotions and the Emotions are Chaotic.

The Chaotic Emotions are in direct contact with Space. They feel what is going to happen. They know when it is time to move but the Order of our personality is telling fairy-tales based on its experience of the Past. The Chaos will certainly change into Order. The Up will always follow the Down but Up and Down are Space-Dependent.

Many people are on the move. They know for sure that their Space/Time is not the Place to be. The order of our personality tells us that we have to protect our secure environment and create a protective or imaginary Wall.

EtnaIf somebody or something attacks our Personal Boundary our re-action is sometimes highly destructive. Our Order is much more important than their Order.

When we are aware of our bad intentions our Order creates a new fairy-tale to silence our Empathic Emotions. We are always able to find a very convincing explanation why we are the good they are the bad.

What we don’t understand is that our Chaotic Component, the Creative Force, is able to find a solution that is out of the existing order.

Mathematicians know for a long time that Order and Chaos are not their opposites. They are different states of the same function. Order and Chaos rise out of recursive or fractal functions.

Order and Chaos are created by an Order but this order is invisible to many people because they don’t know how to look. They look at the world with a view that was abandoned about 2000 years ago. Before that time people knew about the fractal pattern. They used many metaphors out of Nature to explain the pattern.

What is happening?

TsunamiThe fractal pattern is in its chaotic state and is moving to a new enfolding. The new enfolding will be very different from the old enfolding when you look at it through the old lens of Linear Space/Time but it will be a very old-fashioned State when you understand the Fractal Pattern.

What to do?

When the Script of Nature is its chaotic state you can do nothing. The Future is unpredictable when you use the old tools of statistics. They cannot handle fractal systems. In a Chaotic state The Past has no relation with the Future.

When the Script of Nature is its chaotic state you have to believe that Destiny will take care of you. You just Wait and See. If you run to the left order will appear at the right. When you run to the right order will appear at the left. There is no Place to Go.

If you don’t believe in Destiny you have to use the knowledge of the chaotic part of your personality, Intuition. The Intuition moves with the enfolding of the Fractal Pattern and it knows what to do at the right moment. It knows when there is a little bit of order in the chaotic movement and it knows where to go and what to do.

If you don’t believe in Destiny you have to use the destructive part of your Personality, the Creative Force, but you have to balance this part with your Empathy (The Emotions). Both of them emanate from the same Source.


About Dynamic Space

About Boundaries

About the Triple Goddess

Why God is a Topologist

Saturday, November 29th, 2008

god_geometry_bigSometimes I am getting very frustrated when I read spiritual books. I am getting frustrated because those books are a very complicated mixture of many other books that are also very complicated mixtures of other books.

The most complicated spiritual books are the books that use mathematical or physical theories to proof they are Right. The main reason is of course that mathematics and physics is complicated stuff to understand.

Mathematics contains the essence of Physics. You have to understand a little bit of mathematics to understand elementary Physics. The essence of Mathematics is Geometry. When you understand Geometry the rest of mathematics is just calculation (Algebra).

Geometry started as a very practical science concerned with navigation in space and the measurement of all kinds of forms. Soon the old scientists discovered interesting and unexplainable patterns. They discovered a hidden, sacred, structure behind reality and started to find ways to proof their intuiton was right.

It was not for nothing that Einstein believed God was a Geometer. Much earlier the Mystic School of Pythagoras tried to find the Sacred Geometry behind the Numbers to understand the Whole. At this moment Geometry has advanced a lot in relation to the old days of Pythagoras and even Einstein. Geometry is now called Topology, the Science of Spaces. In terms of Einstein, God was a Topologist.

To proof the theorems of Geometry the concept of congruency was used. Two figures are congruent if they have the same shape and size, but are in different positions or in more difficult language,  if they can be transformed by a combination of translation, rotation and reflection. When two figures are congruent they are “the same” and when things are “the same” you are able to prove theorems.

During the Renaissance to understand perspective drawing, two things are considered the same if they are both views of the same object. In the Renaissance the perspective, looking from a different angle, was added as a “the sameness”. Circles and ellipses became part of one class.

A “the sameness” has a lot to do with Identities and Wholes. When your view on “the sameness” changes you are able to identify a different whole. The new concept of the Perspective made is possible to “see” the Sun as a persistent object instead of an ever changing object.  

During the Renaissance the Sun became the Center of the Whole. The highly confusing worldview of the Middle Ages where something was the same when it really was the same object in reality slowly faded away. The external world became the world of the Eye, the microscope and the telescope.

Topology changed this view dramatically. In topology, any continuous change which can be continuously undone is allowed. So a circle is the same as a triangle or a square, because you just pull on parts of the circle to make corners and then straighten the sides, to change a circle into a square.

In the View of Topology the Sun is nothing but a small part of an ever expanding and contracting Universe. Topology transformed the external World of the Eye into the Internal World of Moving Water, Waves and the Emotions, the Felt Sense.  Topology is the Science that prepares the Way for the Water Bearer, Aquarius.

Topology is just like Geometry not only the science of space. It is also the science of transformation and transformation is also the essence of spirituality.

The major issue of Topology is the Contraction and Expansion of forms and again the essence of spiritual transformation is the Breath of God, the Holy Spirit. Topology has also a lot to do with Harmony or Symmetry and again Realizing Harmony is one of the major issues in Spirituality.

The interesting part of Topology is that you are able to do research on a huge scientific mathematical domain by exploring just one structure which is a representative of all the other structures.


The first object of interest are the Circle and The Line. It is not possible to transform a Circle into a Line without cutting the Cycle in one Point, Infinity.

In a circular, moving world, Infinity is non existent or every Point of the Circle corresponds with Infinity. 

This is an  interesting insight because  almost nobody doubts about the fact that the space we live is a Circular Rotating Space. In the World of the Circle  The very Small and the very Big are the Same.



According to the Physicists our Space is a much stranger Space than a Circular Space.

Our Universe is highly dimensional because the complicated symmetry of our Universe simply does not fit in a lower dimensional space.

The most symmetric object, strangely called the Monster, uses 196,884 dimensions.

We, the Humans, travel a small part of the Monster, because we are not able to see enough perspectives. A perspective is a dimension.

One of the most interesting subjects is Self-Reference. The most simple Self-Referential structure is a Circle.

Topology contains very special Self-Referencial Structures like the Moebius Ring and the Klein-Bottle. The Moebius Ring is a Space without an Outside. It is closed in Its Self. You always travel the same surface.

klein bottle

A Klein Bottle is even stranger. Its surface is Closed in Itself but it has no Inside and no Outside. It simply IS. 

A Moebius Ring exists in our 3-dimensional space.

A Klein Bottle needs 4-dimensional space. The Klein Bottle has a lot in common with a very old concept, the Ouroburos, the Snake who eats Himself. The Snake is a symbol for the Kundalini, the Force of Enlightment.

knotMore complicated topological structures are Knots and to give you a quick insight, the Universe is a Web that was never Woven, a beautiful Veil that is difficult to See when you are travelling a small part of it.

I know this small blog will not help to get an insight but I assure you that when you start to explore Topology You will encounter new Concepts (or Paradigms) that will surprise You.

Topology will  give You a still small but highly extended perspective on the Creation of the One that expanded in so many Harmonic structures.


The History of Topology

About our Limited Perspective and the Limits of Reasoning

About the Topology of Art, a Short Introduction to Bahktin

About Free Will, Time and the Monster

About the Moebius Ring and the Klein Bottle in Philosophy

About Self-Reference in Physics

About Knots in Philosophy

About the Klein Bottle

About the End of the Stock Market

Monday, October 6th, 2008

The Amsterdam Stock Exchange was the first stock exchange to introduce continuous trade in the early 17th century. The Dutch pioneered short selling and every other “modern” instrument. Until the sixties Government and the Big Companies were controlled by about 200 Rich Dutch Families (including the Royal Family). They controlled Society and took care of Stability.

In the 17th century the Dutch East India Company (VOC) was introduced by the Dutch Government. The VOC was the first multinational in the world and the first company to issue stock. It was the first mega corporation possessing quasi-governmental powers, including the ability to wage war, negotiate treaties, coin money, and establish colonies.

In the 17th century about 200 families, the so called Regenten, were in control of the Netherlands. The families promoted their members in every influential position available.

The Democracy of the Netherlands was in reality an Oligarchy. The “oligarchic way” of decision making, the Dutch Polder Model, is still the most important way to reach consensus in the Netherlands. Everything happens “behind closed doors”.

Until 1917 only the Rich people were allowed to Vote. The Rich Voted with their Money. In the beginning of the 20th century (1917) the universal suffrage for male citizens was introduced in the Netherlands. Two years later (1919) the female part of the country followed.

The Rich not only voted with their money they were also the most important owners of the Stocks. With the power of their stock and their money they helped their families to acquire important positions in the State and the Companies.

Until the Sixties the Rich maintained a very powerful social network based on reciprocity in the Netherlands. This network was not a local network. It was an international network. The influential Dutch Families were connected to comparable networks all over the world.

Around the Seventies the power of the Rich Families went down. They lost their influence in Parliament and in the Companies. The Flower Power Generation took over the Power at every Level of Society. After some time most of them lost their Ideals of Peace and Harmony.

They started to buy houses and shares and were helped by the Rising of the Economic Kondratiev Cycle. In contrary to the Regenten the Baby Boomers acted on their own. They were very Individualistic and never created a Social Network that could support Society.

Around 2000 the stock market started to vibrate and to go down. The same happened in politics. Many voters are now moving from party to party.

Who is controlling Society?

At this moment nobody is controlling Society. Society is taking its own course.

Who is controlling the Stock Market?

At this moment nobody is controlling the Stock Market. The Stock Market is taking its own course.

Not only the Stock Exchange but also the Political System and the Weather System are taking their own course.

Is there and end to this all?

I don’t think so.


We have entered the Downfall of the Kondratiev Cycle. During this Downfall the Old Institutions are destroyed and New Institutions take over the Power. We are in an “In Between State”. In this state everything is On the Move. Everything is Moving Up & Down, Left & Right. What many people don’t see that even the Center is Moving. The State and the Stock Exchange are not able to cope with the excessive amount of Movement.

What will happen at the End of the big Shake Up?

There are two possibilities. The first one is the return to an old center.  My guess is that we will move back to the State of the Renaissance.

The second possibility is “frightening” for many people. We will jump to an unknown state predicted by many Old Civilizations called the Fifth World or the Golden Age.

The Hopis call our time the “The Fourth Age of Man”. According to them the Earth has been wiped clean 3 times already. First by Fire, next by Ice, most recently by the great Flood approximately 11,000-12,000 years ago. We are now entering the last stage of the Fourth Age called “The great day of Purification“. This stage culminates either in total Rebirth or total Annihilation.

The Degree of Violence will be determined by the Degree of Inequity caused among the peoples of the world and in the Balance of Nature. In this crisis Rich and Poor will be forced to struggle as Equals in order to Survive. The beginning of the Fifth World will be heralded by the arrival of a being known as Pahana, or the lost “White Brother“.

If we believe the Prophecy of the Hopi and many other “Spiritual Movements (Gnostics, Sufi’s)” the only way that will save us from total annihilation is the Creation of Balance. We don’t have much time left. The Great day of Purification will happen at the End of 2012. At that time the “Lost White Brother” (The Center) will return.

Is it possible to Balance the Financial System?

 Yes, I think so.

The only thing we have to do is to Unite Shareholders, Customers and Workers and give them an Equal Share in a Company. They have to Share the Power, the Profit or Loss, the Spirit and the Soul. They have to become Enthousiastic about What is Happening (Spirit).

They have to take care of Nature and the Other (Soul). If we do this we will recreate the Social Power Network of the Rich on a Different Scale (Earth) with other Participants. If we Help the Other we don’t need a Pension!

I am sure You want to put Your Savings into a Shared Enterprise. I am also sure that You will Never Regain the Money you will invest in Shares at the Stock Exchange. The Era of the Stock Exchange is Gone for Ever.

Why Religion is an Experience

Friday, August 29th, 2008

If you’re struggling with meal planning and eating healthy right now, you’re not alone. While trying to avoid grocery stores, you may be ordering more take-out than usual or reaching for snacks you normally would not eat due to stress or because healthier choices are not available. It’s completely OK and understandable to cut yourself some slack, but it’s also important to make sure you are getting enough nutrients to support yourself.

“Our bodies need to be nourished to fight infection and disease,” said Marissa Epstein, director of the UT Nutrition Institute. “A team of nutrients in foods work interdependently to strengthen our immune response when our bodies are defending against infection.”

Epstein says the first step in incorporating a more nutritious diet at home is reframing your attitude toward healthy eating by remembering all of your favorite healthy foods that make you happy and feel good. Creating these positive associations can help take off some of the stress around healthy eating — making it feel less intimidating and demanding.

We asked Epstein to share some healthy nutrition tips to inspire our current meal planning.

1. Set a schedule.

You should be taking a break and eating every three to four hours based on your hunger cues — starting with breakfast. Add an appointment on your calendar or set an alarm on your phone to remind yourself when to take snack and meal breaks.

2. Shop wisely.

Grocery shopping is serious business. You need a plan that will get you in and out as quickly as possible with food that lasts until your next trip. The best strategy for this is to make a grocery list. Have some backup food options just in case stores run out of your favorite items. If you’re ordering through a curbside pickup service, check your order against your list to make sure you didn’t miss anything. Check these over the counter Adderall Alternatives.

3. Separate food and work.

Avoid setting up your home office in a place where your kitchen is in plain sight. It’s easy to gaze over your laptop straight into a pantry of snacks, so try your best to avoid the environmental cues tempting you to eat when you’re not hungry. Plan to eat when it’s time to eat and work when it’s time to work. Separating these two activities will help you enjoy your meals more and prevent you from snacking because of stress or boredom.

4. Stay hydrated with food.

Keeping a glass of water at your workstation is a good practice, but drinking water isn’t the only way your body stays hydrated. When you eat foods with high water content such as frozen or fresh fruits and vegetables, your body breaks down the water trapped inside the plant fibers. That water is released into your body slowly — keeping you hydrated for an extended period.

How to Resolve an Infinite Chain of Conflicts

Saturday, August 9th, 2008

Humans attach much greater weight to future losses than to future gains, especially when the former are certain and immediate and the latter are uncertain. Humans take unwise risks to avoid certain and immediate losses.

They don’t want to take risks to pursue gains or will unwisely turn down proposed changes or concessions that offer a mix of gains and losses, even when the promised gains are objectively greater than the losses.

To calculate a loss a Human chooses a personal reference point which is usually the individual’s status quo.

Human beings reject or devalue whatever is freely available to them. They strive for whatever is denied them. They want to fight because when you win a fight you don’t lose a fight. Humans get exited when they have removed an Obstacle.

Without an obstacle Life is Boring. To remove an Obstacle Humans create Imaginary Obstacles. They need a Challenge.

They don’t believe their adversary offers a compromise because when he offers a compromise he is losing. Somewhere behind the compromise is a hidden tactic. The adversary will attack out of the blue and will suddenly win. On the other hand when the compromise is sincere the enemy is getting weaker and it is possible to increase the demands in the negocation.

The total effect is that future compromises and package deals decrease in attractiveness once they are offered especially when they are put there by one’s adversary rather than by a third party (Reactive Devaluation).

The Effect of Future Losses on Human Decision Making is researched in Prospect Theory.

The basic Stategy of Humans is to avoid the Emotions of Loss (Anger, Frustration, Grief, Fear, Sadness, Yearning, Pity, and Sorrow). This is not strange because the Emotions of Loss have a negative impact on the body. They influence the Immune System and are the cause of many ilnesses.

When two parties imagine a joined future where both of them lose they will never cooperate. In terms of the prisoners dilemma this is called a lose/lose-situation.

When two parties have seen a win/win situation and the realization changes into a lose they are in conflict. They have to envision a new win/win or break the cooperation.

Sometimes it is impossible to break a cooperation because both parties share vital resources or don’t know how to divide the assets of the former cooperation. In this case they are in a the win/lose-mode of the (Iterated) Prisonners Dilemma, constantly switching between losing and winning.

When a party wants to move from a lose to a win he has to apply the tactic of Tit-for-Tat. When you apply Tit-for-Tat you simply copy the behaviour of the other. When one of the parties sustains his unwillingness to cooperate both of them are in an Infinite Chain of Conflicts.

When two parties were united it is very difficult to recreate independent disconnected units. Many of the joined activities where performed without negotiation and were never formalized. When two parties cooperate they are acting as one Mind and one Soul.

Moving out of a Cooperative Relationship needs a Cooperative Relationship. When this relationship is broken two parties are needed who enter into a Cooperative Relationship to resolve the Cooperative Relationship on the lower level. When this Cooperative Relationship fails another level has to be created. If all the levels fail they are in an Infinite Chain of Conflicts.

If a Conflict of Interest arises the first action is to avoid the conflict or to speed up the conflict. In the last case the Primary Emotions (Desire, The Emotion of Loss) are bothering them. To avoid a Conflict we have to Articulate our Emotions at the Right Moment in a Respectful Way. We have to Communicate.

Most Conflicts in Nature are violent. Humans have found a way to abstract from Violence. We have created Imaginary Violence. We Fight our Case in Court. We don’t fight our Case in the Court Yard. We have replaced the material Sword of Iron by the Imaginary Silver Sword of Words.

If both parties are unable to define the conflict in a coherent model the conflict will not resolve. They need help to do this. If the advisors of the two parties are unable to do this the conflict has to move to a higher level of abstraction. When the conflict is resolved on this level somebody has to translate the consistent model to the lower level. When this is not possible the conflict starts again. They are in an Infinite Chain of Conflicts.

When an Abstract Model is always Moving Up and Down, the Model is not in Harmony. Harmoniouss Models are applicable on Every Level of Abstraction. Models that are The Same on Every Level are Self-Referencial. When a Conflict is Modelled as a Conflict it will never be solved.

The solution to this problem is to Extend the Context of the Conflict until a Balance has been found. Both Parties have to Widen their Perspective. They have to step out of the Status Quo and Imagine a Bright Future. A Future where the Darkness of the Night has been replaced by the Light of the Day. They have to wake up out of their joint Nightmare and Face Reality.

A Conflict is resolved when all the parties that are involved are Satisfied. They are satisfied when they experience a Balancing of their Emotions. A Victim is satisfied when his Emotion of Revenge is resolved. The Killer is Killed or put into prison for many years. The Emotion of the Killer is balanced by the Emotion of his Victim(s).

To Balance Emotions we have to Objectify Emotions. When we are buying a Car we have to pay Money. The Car is an Objectified Emotion (The feeling of the Freedom to Move) and Money is an Objectified Emotion (The feeling of Freedom to do what we want to Do). The Potential of Money is balanced by the Potential to Move. When we buy we are balancing Potentials.

Humans use Mental Accounting to define what their Potential is. They divide their Potential in many “Isolated” boxes and are unable to combine the boxes. A savings account is meant to save money and not to spend money. If Humans put their Potentials in “closed” Boxes they are Poor although they are Rich.

When they feel Poor they will experience every potential solution of a conflict as a loss. When a Human accepts that the Future is not the Past he will realize that there are many possibilities he has never seen. When a Human accepts that his Potential is his Creativity he is able to negociate with an Open Mind.

Many people believe the Juridical System is the most objective system in our Society. Sadly enough this is not true. The Law is highly confusing. Judges don’t have the background to understand what has really happened. Lawyers are telling their own biased story and most of the cases are very complex. The System is a System of Last Resort. It is used when many future and current losses are accumulating.

The Judicial System is meant to resolve Infinite Chains of Conflict without Applying Violence. This is accomplished by Balancing Emotions by Objectifying Emotions by Articulating the Emotions in Words by Combining the Words into a Model by comparing the Model with an Abstract Juridical Model by Solving the Conflict Applying this Model by Translating the Model to a lower Level by Explaining the Model to the Parties hoping they will Agree so the Emotions are Balanced so both Parties are Satisfied.

If this is not happening the whole process starts all over again until somebody (a Judge, Somebody who Speaks Law) utters a Solomon’s Verdict.

I hope You see why it is much better to settle a Conflict on a Lower Level.


Papers about Conflict Resolution

About Prospect Theory

About Prospect Theory and the Financial Market

About Morality and Ethics

Tuesday, August 5th, 2008

Eyal Weizman wrote an article about the Isreali Army. To his surprise they are using the work of Deleuze and Christopher Alexander to define “Post-Modern” tactics. When you read the article you will see how clever the Army uses the insights of people who never had an idea that their insights should be used to kill and terrorize innocent people.

Somehow you Feel that it is Wrong that a “Killing-Machine” is using the theories that were developed to bring Harmony and Beauty (Christopher Alexander) to the world.

Ethics shows itself in two ways Norms and Values. The first part is about Morality. People have developed Rules to determine what is Good and what is Bad Behavior. Rules are prohibiting the Freedom to Act. Every time people override these rules because they have a different theory about Good and Bad or are Forced to Act in a certain Context. Most of the time We Act without Thinking.

There is no reason to subject all the actions we undertake to the criterion: Is it free or not? Freedom is only for certain acts. There are all sorts of acts that do not have to be confronted with the problems of freedom. They are done solely, one could say, to calm our disquietude: all our habitual and machinal acts. We will speak of freedom only when we pose the question of an act capable or not of filling the amplitude of the soul at a given moment” (Deleuze).

Values are part of the Emotions. They are “personal rules” that determine the behavior of humans. Most of the time the values are not known to the person that uses the “rules“. A person = “his values“. They show themselves when he (or she) is Acting.

When we observe a person for a long time or the person observes himself (introspection) the values show themselves. If the values show themselves the person develops a personal ethics, an inner voice, the conscience.

The fundamental question of ethics is not “What must I do?” (which is the question of morality) but rather “What can I do, what am I capable of doing (which is the proper question of an ethics without morality). Given my degree of power, what are my capabilities and capacities? How can I come into active possession of my power? How can I go to the limit of what I “can do“? (Daniel Smith).

The astonishing thing is not that some people steal or that others occasionally go out on strike, but rather that all those who are starving do not steal as a regular practice, and all those who are exploited are not continually out on strike” (Deleuze) .

People are driven by their Emotions AND they are capable to Control their Emotions. They control their Emotions when they apply Norms (Thinking, Morality) or when they use their Conscioussness.

The Primary Emotions, are those that we feel first, as a first response to a situation. If we are threatened, we feel fear or anger. When we hear of a death, we may feel sadness. They are un-Thinking responses that we have. The Primary Emotions are not controlled by our Thinking or our “Inner Voice”. The Primary Emotions are sometimes called Desires or Drives.

The System We Live In has created many situations where our Desires are activated. All the efforts of Marketing are directed at overriding the Consciouss. All the Efforts of Propaganda are used to motivate Soldiers to Kill out of Anger.

“Reason is always a region carved out of the irrational-it is not sheltered from the irrational at all, but traversed by it and only defined by a particular kind of relationship among irrational factors. Underneath all reason lies delirium and drift” (Deleuze).

The Personal Values are overridden when something or someone activates the Desires. Everybody is Able to Kill or Harm another Being if the Right Situation is Created.

Everything that helps me to preserve my existence I take to be Good and everything that goes against my existence or the I take to be Bad. What is good is what is useful, relative to my existence, and what is bad, is what is dangerous, relatively speaking, to my continued existence. My existence or the existence of my family or group is a major priority when I act. The problem arises when different groups are trying to exist in the same context.

Are people doing something Wrong when something is activating something they are not controlling? Are we Responsible for our Desires? I don’t think so.

When we look at the “causal chain” we can see that there are somewhere consciouss people (the “architects“) who have created and perfected “killing-machines” to secure the existence of their people (The Jews). They have used their rational abilities to find a reason why they are doing this. A reason might be to protect their family and their children. They fear (a primary emotion) something is going to happen. They develop technology, methods and scenario’s to prohibit “this” from happening. Again they are “deep within” activated by something they don’t control.

Are they doing something Wrong when something is activating something they are not controlling? The Causal Chain does not give an answer. Everywhere we find the Invisible Power of Desire. Underneath all reason lies delirium and drift. We are a Body and a Soul. In this World we have Live with the Body, the Perfect Desire-Machine.

Pushing to the utmost what one can do is the properly ethical task” (Deleuze).

All one must do is experiment with what is, to create the new. Are the architects of the Army doing their utmost best to prevent a conflict? Are they able to use their technology to make a better use of the available resources?

The principles of Alexander identify the character of Living Systems. The principles are not there to Kill but to make a Living. I am sure the military architects did not fully understand his books. Perhaps they can ask him to help.


The 15 principles of Alexander to Create a Living System


About Balfour and the End of Time.

Monday, July 21st, 2008

Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz lived between 1646 and 1716. He was a universal scientist and made contributions to mathematics, philosophy, technology and social sciences. Leibniz did not believe Time and Space were real. Current developments in Physics prove that Leibniz was right. We are approaching the End of Time and Space.

The observation that time is a linear chain of events moving from the past to the future is wrong. Our believe-system makes a selection out of an infinite amount of (disconnected) Events.

The events are part of a very complex Framework, a Fluent Crystal, which is slightly out of balance. With every change of the Crystal new Shapes, or Configurations, are formed but the Crystal, the Structure, The Geometry, is not changed.

According to Leibniz Our world is the world which is at the same time the Simplest in hypotheses and the Richest in phenomena. There are many other possible worlds because there is an infinity of possible laws. Some of the laws are proper to one world, others proper to another. Each possible individual of a world includes the laws of its world in its notion.



The Universe of Leibniz is filled with Individual Monads (Souls) who are Observing. A Monad is pregnant with the future and laden with the past of his own World. Past and Future are folded up within the Monad.

A Monad is always in the Now. We are part of a Monad and the Monad is part of Us. We are One Mind that is fragmented by a Cosmic Accident. All the Minds contain the Sparkle of the Whole and are desperatly trying to Unite.

Leibniz does not believe in cause and effect (Time). They are a way to explain what we See. The Universe is What it Is. It contains a Pre-Established Harmony. We are a product of Our Senses and the Senses are creating a very Narrow View of the Universe. We Think the Universe is What We See and create Theories that prove that we are Right but all the Theories until now contain a fatal error.

They are proving that Time is Linear and Space is Distance. We are unable to travel Space because we are not able to exceed the limit of Light. The prove of all these theories is based on Infinite Regress and Infinite Regress is a logical mistake. Our Universe is not “Turtles on Turtles“, “Particles all the Way Down”.The Universe is a Fixed Structure and we (the Monads) are exploring this Stucture.

Every monad mirrors the Whole of the Universe in that it expresses every other monad, but no monad has a window through which it could actually receive or supply causal influences. A monad cannot be influenced, there is no way for a monad to be born or destroyed. All Monads are Eternal. They are always Watching the Others. The only thing that changes is the Way they Watch, Their Point of View. The Monads are Alone but they are also Together because Every Monad is an Expression of the Same Principle, Harmony, Beauty or Love, The Fluent Crystal, That IS.

When a Monad is Watching it is capable of having an infinite number and complexity of perceptions. We (our Brain, Our Senses) are not conscious of all these “little perceptions” (Events), as Leibniz calls them. We connect some of them, create a “stream of consciousness” and make up a convincing story. We are constantly filtering our perceptions. The Filter is our Believe System. A huge part of What we See is not Seen but Projected on the Outside World. We See what we want to See.

The main characteristic of Our Universe is Varity. We are constantly generating new Insights of the Whole. Our Universe is a Field that is creating New Exiting Combinations that are Creating New Exiting Combinations. It always Changes because we the Observers are Changing our Point of View.  Our Universe is a Creative Universe.

The independent physicist Julian Barbour used the philosophy of Leibniz to create a completely new vision on our Universe. His vision can be found in his book “the End of Time”.

In a blog I wrote about Seth. Seth is a Monad who uses channeling (an Exchange of Energy) to explain the Physical Universe. Seth shows how we are Creating our Own Reality and what we can do to create the Reality we really want. A few days ago I found Elias. Elias is also a channeling Monad. Elias uses the Concepts of Seth to explain what is Happening at this Moment.

A small citation:

You all notice a change in consciousness of your world. Even those who are unaware notice a changing shift in consciousness“.

“The action of your shift in consciousness encompasses the entirety of your globe. It is not limited to any group, any family, any selectivity of consciousness within this dimension. It is all-encompassing”.

You have chosen, within this dimension, a new experience in creativity. You have chosen, within what you term to be your history, certain actions and experiences for long time periods, in your terms. These have been purposeful for those experiences. You presently move away from your religious era, which has continued for quite some physical time period, into a new awareness in consciousness, to allow you an expanded creativity and allow you to utilize your abilities of essence within physical focus. You are expanding your reality to encompass more of essence and more of your own creative abilities

What Elias is explaining is what Leibniz (and Balbour) are explaining but he explains Much More. He explains Why we are moving into what the Old Scientists called The Golden Age. We are moving into the Golden Age because we are bored by the Way we are looking at the Fluent Crystal.

We have explored every part we are able to See. We are blocked by all the Hierarchical Systems (Religion, Science, Politics, Banking) that are not based on a Solid Foundation. The Foundation of the World is not based on Hierarchy but on Relationship. We want something New. Something that gives US, the Monad of this Possible Universe, the Opportunity to Explore and use OUR Creativity.

The Golden Age will be a time when the Financial System of the Earth will collapse, War, Aging and Sickness will disappear and traveling Time/Space will become possible. The Doors of Perception will open wide and many new parts of the Beautiful Crystal will become visible. The most important potential of the Golden Age will be Unlimited Creativity.

The huge change in Focus on a completely New Part of the Crystal Field will destroy all our current Believe-Systems. This will create an enormous amount of Chaos and Trauma but in the end we will live in something we now would consider Paradise.


An Interview with Julian Barbour about the End of Time

An Article of Julian Barbour about the Philosophy of Leibniz

The Philosophy of Leibniz

About the Shift that is happening at this moment, The Website contains all the material of Elias


About Virtue and Wisdom

Tuesday, July 8th, 2008

When you lend somebody something you assume he (or she) will give the item back in due time. To lend you have to Trust somebody. There are many ways to create a trusted relation. When a long term trusted relationship grows out of a long chain of interactions the Iterated Prisoners Dilemma is at stake. The Chinese are the Masters of Playing this Game.

In some situations it is very clear that a try-out is not necessary. If we look at the cultures of the Earth we can see that the concept of Family or Tribe more or less guaranties a trustful relationship. In a Family it is not needed to create very complicated arrangements like contracts, procedures, laws and judges. The Family uses it own rules.

The consequence of the Concept of the Family and the Tribe is a formalization of relationships based on a Place in a Hierarchy. Everybody has to know its place.

A King has to play the role of the King and a Father has to play the role of the Father. In a Family or an Extended Family (Tribe) you are trained to play the roles you have to play in your life.

Confucius (551-479 BC) saw the universe and all living things in it as a manifestation of a unifying force called the Doe (translated as the Truth, Unity, or the Way). Doe constitutes the very essence, basis, and unit of life that perpetuates order, goodness, and righteousness.

It manifests itself in the harmonious opposition of yin (“feminine, gentle“) and yang (“masculine, strong“), and in humans through duk (“virtue“). Virtue is a gift received from Heaven.

It is through Virtue that a person is able to know the Heavenly Truth and it is the “locus where Heaven and I meet“. Virtue can be realized through self-cultivation. It provides the fundamental source of insight and strength to rule peacefully and harmoniously within oneself, one’s family, one’s nation, and the world.

There are two inter-related aspects of virtue: in (“Human-hearted-ness“) and ui (“Rightness“).

The basis of individual and humanity is the Human-heartedness. Human-heartedness is essentially relational and it involves loving, sacrificing and taking care of others. Individuals are born with Human-heartedness and experience Human-heartedness through the sacrifice and devotion of their parents.

The second concept, ui (“rightness“), notes that an individual is born into a particular family with a particular status. Rightness articulates that individuals must perform and fulfil their duties as defined by their particular status and role.

Confucius considered family and society to be hierarchically ordered, necessitating that everyone fulfil their duties. Fulfilling one’s given role as a father, mother, child, elder, teacher, or politician is considered a moral imperative and not a matter of personal choice.

Confucius considered society to be socially ordered and that each person has beun (“portion or place“) in life. Each beun had attached roles and duties, and each person must fulfil these roles and duties. Duties and obligations of each beun are prescribed by yea (“propriety“).

Propriety articulates expectations, duties, and behavior of each individual according to his or her status and role. For example, chemyon (“social face“) need to be maintained by a person of social stature defined by his or status, regardless of his or her personal preference.

Social order and harmony are preserved when people observe their place in society and fulfil their required obligations and duties.

The fourth concept is ji (“knowledge“). Knowledge allows us to understand the virtues of Human-heartedness and Rightness and to follow these virtues through Propriety. It is the basis of the development of Wisdom.

By the applying the principles of Confucius Chinese Society became a Well Oiled Machine. Every action that was taken was pre-programmed by all levels of education. Every part in the machine knew its role. Life was highly predictable and everybody accepted its place in Society. There was Harmony and Peace in the world.

If there be righteousness in the heart, there will be beauty in character,

If there be beauty in character, there will be harmony in the home.

If there be harmony in the home, there will be order in the nation.

If there be order in the nation, there will be peace in the world.

The big changes of Chinese Society came Out of the West. The English Empire destroyed the Heavenly Order by selling large quantities of Opium. The huge underclass of China was a beautiful target for the people who followed the theories of Lenin.

The Upperclass was destroyed and a new Upperclass, The Communist Party, took over. The culture of China has not changed. People still know their place and the Doe (The Way It Is) is now proclaimed by the Party. The new upperclass knows it has to keep the underclass in harmony.

The Party decided to create a higher standard of living by importing capitalistic principles from the West. It is now moving in high speed to the level of the Consumer Society. The West is paying for this move by buying Chinese products for a very low price.

In this way China has accumulated an enormous amount of money (mostly dollars). They are able to buy what they want. With the enormouss stock of dollars they are able to manipulate US Government. China is able to destroy the US Financial System in one fast move. They certainly will not do that.

The Chinese people are experts in strategy. They know how to acquire power without fighting. They keep a social face and play the game others want them to play. They are experts in applying the Iterated Prisoners Dilemma. They know Confucius and his predecessors were Wise man. They knew how to move with The Cycle, the Tao.

Western Society has lost its cultural foundation. The principles of Confucius don’t sound very strange to us. They are easily translated into Christianity.

When the West lost the basic principle of Christianity, Human-hearted-ness (in) one of the two pillars of Trust was lost. The West rationalized Empathy (Compassion, Emotion). I Think, therefore I Am (Descartes) became the basis of the Self.

When people started to do the “wrong thing” the second pillar of Trust, Integrity (ui, Rightness) dropped. Politicians were not Playing the Role of the Politician and Managers were not Playing the Role of Manager. They lost their Virtue.

Finally the Doe (Unity) of Western Society was gone. Families broke up. Everybody was Left on its Own and started to act on a Short-Term Perspective.

The Interated Prisoners Dilemma changed into a chain of disconnected attempts to leave the Prison. The best way to win such a Game is to defect. You always win but your victory is never a Win-Win. On the long term Everybody changes into a potential Enemy.

The West entered the State of Individualism and even Egoism. In this state it is almost impossible to act out of Unity. Everybody is going its Own Way or is Competing with the Other. This makes it even easier for the Chinese Masters to create a new Machine to support their Extended Family.