Posts Tagged ‘balance’

How to Restore The Balance in A Material World

Tuesday, March 3rd, 2009

The Major concept behind our Self-Referencial Universe is Balance. In the beginning the Universe was balanced by the Empty Set (Ø). When the Numbers appeared the Zero (0) became the balancing point. Out of the Empty Set , the Tao, the first Trinity appeared (-1,0,1).

The Tao begot one.
One begot two.
Two begot three.
And three begot the ten thousand things.

The ten thousand things carry yin and embrace yang.
They achieve harmony by combining these forces

(Dao De Jing by Lao Tzu chapter 42)

When the Whole Numbers were created their complementary counterpart, the Names, also came into existence. Numbers are used to Count (1,2,3). They are the representatives of Time. The numbers were created when the Logos, Uttered the Names of the Numbers (“In the beginning was the Logos, and the Logos was with God, and the Logos was God” (John 1:1)). The Names (“alef”, “bet”, “gimel”, ..) are the representatives of Space.

The “Tao” is too great to be described by the name “Tao”.
If it could be named so simply, it would not be the eternal Tao.

Heaven and Earth began from the nameless (Tao),
but the multitudes of things around us were created by names.

We desire to understand the world by giving names to the things we see,
but these things are only the effects of something subtle.

When we see beyond the desire to use names,
we can sense the nameless cause of these effects.

The cause and the effects are aspects of the same, one thing.
They are both mysterious and profound.
At their most mysterious and profound point lies the “Gate of the Great Truth”.

(Dao De Jing by Lao Tzu Chapter 1)

Names and Numbers, Space and Time, are interconnected. Each of them secures the continuity of the other. Space by supplying connection to the fleeting instants of Time, Time by providing elements, Holes, within the Blanks of Space to Speak the Names. Everything is in the end, in its simplest terms, a piece of Space-Time and breaks up therefore into Parts, of which it is the Whole.

To Protect a Whole we have to surround this Whole with a Boundary. Within the Boundary the Parts can be combined in many ways. The basic parts, the Identities of the Whole Numbers, are the Primes. New numbers can be created by applying Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division.

The Qualitative, Numbers, and the Quantitative, Names are complementary concepts that are an Expression of the first split of the Void in Time and Space, Time/Space.

After naming and creating Time/Space the Animals were created by the Logos and named by Adam (“And out of the ground the Lord God formed every beast of the field, and every bird in the air; and brought them unto Adam to see what he would call them: and whatsoever Adam called every living creature, that was the name thereof. And Adam gave names to all cattle, and to the birds in the air, and to every beast of the field;” (Genesis 2:19-20)).

Objects that are Named can be put into a Space with an Artificial Boundary, a Set (“Birds in the Air“, “Beasts in the Field“,”Cattle“). In this case a Law has to be formulated that directs the Parts of the Whole into the Inside and the Outside of the Boundary of the Part.

Clearly the laws of distinction of Adam in the Naming process were Select Mammals, Select Up (Sky, Birds), Select Down (Earth; Beasts and Livestock) and Select Mammals that eat Flesh and don’t eat Flesh, (Beasts & Livestock).

When we have Named Objects we can count the amount of Comparable Parts in a Protected Space (There are Twelve Sheep’s and Two Oxes in the Livestock) and Compare the amounts to create an Order (There are More Sheep’s than Oxes in the Livestock). If we have defined an Order we are able to define a Rules to Balance Space (The Amount of Sheep has to be the same as the Amount of Oxes in the Livestock).

When we are talking of animals we are very far away from the first step in creation, the Creation of the Spiritual World. Animals are a part of the Material World, generated by the Atom (Atum, Pangu, Anu and many other names).

The Balance of Our Reality is not only based on the Void (Ø) it is also based on the middle of the Whole Numbers, the Zero (0). To balance the Atum we have to use the Negative and the Positive Numbers.

When we Apply the Negative Numbers Time is moving Back and Space is Compressed. When Time is Moving Back we are re-Membering. We are using our Memory, Space, to recall the Past. When the Space of Names is compressed we are Abstracting. We are fusing the Parts to recreate the original Whole again.

When we move back in time all the named Animals and even Adam himself moves back into the Earth out if which they were created (“With the hard work of your hands you will get your bread till you go back to the earth from which you were taken: for dust you are and to the dust you will go back.” (Genesis 3:19)).

If we want to balance the Material World with the Numbers we have to bring everything that is created back to its original state. In the end of this process the original parts can be voided again. Space Expands out of the Singularity and compresses into the Singularity. The structures in the Material World are temporary structures. They come and go.

In the Material World Time spirals back and forward in the Cycle of Creation and Destruction. Almost invisible to most of the people the Void is still there. Just like a Black Hole it stays in the Center of the Spiral of Time/Space. The Spiral of Time/Space finally converges into a point and all the material objects simply vanish.

Scientists of the Social Sciences want to be different from the scientists in the Physical Sciences. They think the Human is different from the Atum. In their view the Social Sciences are about the Qualitative and the Physical Sciences are about the Quantitative.

Sadly enough the Social Scientists don’t see that the Quantitative and the Qualitative are highly interconnected. The Names of the Qualitative are an Expression of the Numbers of the Quantitative.

Behind the world of the Senses only the Numbers exists. The Numbers create Beautiful Patterns based on very Simple Rules.

What Happened?

Before Adam was created Time/Space and the Logos, the First Trinity came into existence. After that the Logos divided Space in Up (Sky) and Down (Earth) and Time in Day and Night. Earth was divided in Wet and Dry land and The Sun, the Moon and the Stars were created to produce the necessary Light to start a new creation process. The Earth of the Dry Land produced grasses, herbs and fruit trees. The Water of the Wet Land (Sea) produced the Fishes and the Whales and the Sky was filled with the Birds.

What we see is that the Logos applied the principle of Voiding. Every part that was created had its counterpart and every part was splitted using the same principle. The Logos (λέγω, Lego, I Speak) was using Logic when he uttered the Earth and the first Man, Adam into existence.

The Act of Naming was not so difficult because Adam could use the principles behind the Act of Creation of the Logos to Name the Animals. The only thing he had to is to Look for a Discriminating Principle everybody could agree on. In this case Every-body was the body of Adam himself. Adam was the only person who was naming. Adam named a Sheep “pushing out to graze“, the Lion “in the sense of violence“and the Hawk “from its flashing speed“.

What Went Wrong?

And the whole earth was of one language, and of one speech. And it came to pass, as they journeyed from the east, that they found a plain in the land of Shinar; and they dwelt there. And they said one to another, Go to, let us make brick, and burn them thoroughly. And they had brick for stone, and slime had they for mortar. And they said, Go to, let us build us a city and a tower, whose top may reach unto heaven; and let us make us a name, lest we be scattered abroad upon the face of the whole earth. And the Lord came down to see the city and the tower, which the children built. And the Lord said, Behold, the people is one, and they have all one language; and this they begin to do; and now nothing will be restrained from them, which they have imagined to do. Go to, let us go down, and there confound their language, that they may not understand one another’s speech. So the Lord scattered them abroad from thence upon the face of all the earth: and they left off to build the city. Therefore is the name of it called Babel; because the Lord did there confound the language of all the earth: and from thence did the Lord scatter them abroad upon the face of all the earth” (Genesis 11:1-9).

At a certain point in time the Created discovered how the Creator, the Logos was creating reality. Adam was only naming the sub-creations the Logos presented to him. Nobody knew the names, the magical invocations, of the big structures. These names were hidden. If someone knew the names of some of the magical invocations, it was forbidden to utter them because they could destroy or disrupt the delicate balance that was woven by the Logos into the fabric of Earth.

Suddenly a part of the created, The Annunaki, wanted to use their own Names to create independent material structures (The Tower of Babylon). To prevent the overtake of the Annunaki the Logos scattered the people and destroyed the Unity of the Magical Language, The Tones of Creation, of the Earth.

To prevent that the Humans started their own process of the creation the Logos created a confusing language-environment. Every thing was named with many different names and the way back to the original structures of creation was veiled. From that time on the Humans started to fight the War of the Words.

What To Do?

If we want to create Balance in our Material World we have to get the Names right again. We have to restore the unified magical language that was there before the Tower of Bable. To get the Names right we have to Remember what the Process of the Creation of the Material World was all about. We have to understand the original Intention behind the Uttering of the First Logos.

The First Logos is a Creator who is observing the enfolding of his own Creation, the Atum. The Atum generates beautiful, harmonic, musical, patterns of numbers that are connected to the Tones of Creation. These patterns can be analyzed to detect the original design or simply enjoyed. The Material World is a Piece of Art and we are here to enjoy the Artwork and to make new Artefacts.

We, The Humans, are part of the enfolding of the Material World. We are here to enjoy the beauty of it and to participate in the creation process. We are the Co-Creators of the Earth but we simply lost the original Blueprint and are desperately trying to repair the highly instable constructions that we have created ourselves.

We could learn a lot from the original Architect but we have lost contact. We feel very alone in the Universe but the only thing we have to do is Ask and He will answer all our Questions.


About Boundaries

About Wholes and Parts

About Nothing

About the War of Words

About Space and Time

About Plato and Harmony

Monday, January 5th, 2009

Sri Yantra

The teachings of Ancient Civilizations are often Self-Referential.

The same knowledge is showed on many levels.

What we see with our Senses is an Illusion. Behind this Illusion lies a deeper structure.

The last and deepest level of the ancient teachings is always related to Numbers, Geometry and the Trinity.

This blog is about one of the most important geometric structures of the Trinity called the Sri Yantra.

In the ancient teachings a problem is defined and the teacher gives a clue how to solve the problem.

If the pupil has solved a problem he is able to move to a deeper level.

The whole idea is that real knowledge, wisdom, is only discovered, when the pupil has solved the puzzle of life him- or herself.

Let’s have a look at a Deeper Level.

A deep level is related to a number called Phi. Phi is called the Golden Ratio or the Divine Proportion. It is the real solution of the quadratic equation x**2-x-1.

It is also a solution of the proportion a:b=b:a+b, the sequence of Fibonacci x(n+2)= x(n+1) + x(n), the geometric structure of the Pentagram, the Fifth Element (the Quintessence, the Ether) and the Logarithmic (Golden)Spiral.

Phi is the pattern behind the Egyptian Pyramids, the Stock Market, Harmony in Music and Architecture and many other fields of science including Physics.

Let us first have a look at the way the old teachers have hidden the knowledge of the Divine Proportion in their teachings.



A beautiful example is Plato.

Plato was an initiate of the Mathematikoi, the Secret Society of Pythagoras. Pythagoras was initiated in the Secrets Societies of Egypt.

What do you think of this problem-statement:

What are the most perfect bodies that can be constructed, four in number, unlike one another, but such that some can be generated out of one another by resolution? … If we can hit upon the answer to this, we have the truth concerning the generation of earth and fire and of the bodies that stand as proportionals between them (Timaeus 53e)”


Two things cannot be rightly put together without a Third; there must be some bond of union between them. …and the fairest bond is that which makes the most complete fusion of itself and the things which it combines, and proportion (analogia) is best adapted to effect such a union”.


“For whenever in any three numbers, whether cube or square, there is a mean, which is to the last term what the first term is to it, and again, when the mean is to the first term as the last term is to the mean – then the mean becoming first and last, and the first and last both becoming means, they will all of them of necessity come to be the same, and having become the same with one another will be all one [Timaeus 31b-32a]“.

In the last citation Plato is formulating a mathematical problem related to the four bodys A,B,C,D with the three proportions A:B = C:D = (A+B) : (C+D) = (C+D) : (A+B+C+D). This problem is unsolvable if you don’t have a clue where to start.

This problem is solved when you realize that the Divine Proportion has many strange relationships that are very useful to solve the puzzle.

These relationships can be found if you know everything there is to know about Triangles and Triangles are again related to the Trinity (“Two things cannot be rightly put together without a Third“).

The Trinity comes back in the structure of the Dialogues of Plato. They are divided into Three Parts (and an introduction).

The structure of the dialogues relates to itself.

movmetatronThe knowledge of the self-reference of the Dialogues is also a clue to solve more complicated puzzles about the Dialogues themselves.

Just like the famous book of Hofstadter (Goedel, Escher, Bach) the dialogues show a new layer everytime they are read with a new aquired Insight.

The dialogues of Plato are organized according to the model he wants to teach. There are seven layers (-1,-2,-3,0,1,2,3) related to the Seven Mirror-Universes (or Hells and Heavens) of Our Universe (Eight, the Whole) in our Multi-Universe.

The Seven is a combination of Two Trinities with the Zero (The Void) in the middle. The Eight (2**3) State is the Dialog, The Whole, itself.

The Seven layers are divided into Three Sections (the Trinity) so the total amount of clues is 7×3= 21 + 1 (the Whole) = 22.

22 divided by 7 is an approximation of the number π (Pi).

Pi relates the Square to the Circle.

The Square represents the Playing Board of the Universe. On this Board we, the Humans, play our Game of Free Will.

Our Free Will is an Illusion. We are controlled by the Matrix.

The Circle represents the Wheel of Fortune, the Matrix, that Governs the Seven Universes in our Multi-Universe and the Game of Life.

What is Plato Trying to Explain?

golden ratio

The Golden Ratio

The Divine proportion is the basic concept behind Harmony.

The Divine Proportion is Not Symmetrical so Harmony is not related to Balance.

If everything would be balanced the Universe was never created.

Harmony is Balanced Unbalance.

An Architecture is beautiful when there is a slight unbalance in the Design.

This Unbalance shows the Sign of the Creator.

The Universe is created out of an Unbalance between Two Forces, the Positive and the Negative, the Good and the Bad.

The Two forces (-1,0,1) are divided into Four Forces (-2,-1,0,1,2) with the One in the Middle (Five) and are expanded into Seven Levels (-3,-2,-1,0,1,2,3). The Four Forces are “the most perfect bodies that can be constructed, four in number“.

The Seven Levels are related to the Circle. The Four Forces are related to the Square. The Universe oscillates between The Square and The Circle.

When the Square, the Game We Play with the Four Forces and the Circle (The Five Fold Cycle, Our Destiny) are in Balance the Human is in the Tao and Magic happens.

Every division is a split of the Trinity into Trinities until a state of Balance is reached. At that time the process reverses.

mt meru

Mount Meru

The unbalance of the Good (+1) and the Bad (-1) is an Illusion. They Cooperate to Create Harmony (0).

Behind the perceived Unbalance is a balancing principle, the Divine Proportion. This principle brings everything Back into the Balance of the One who is the Void (0).

What we don’t know is to be known if we understand the progression of the Divine Spiral.

The Future, the Third Step, is a Combination of Two Steps in the Past (The Fibonacci Sequence), nothing more.

Is there a Deeper Structure Behind the Divine Proportion?

golden mean spiral2

Golden Mean Spiral

The Four Forces (Control, Desire, Emotion(Compassion) and the Whole of the Trinity, Imagination) and the related sacred geometry were a guiding principle for the Imagination and the E-Motivation of many Western Scientists.

They tried to Control the Chaos of the Desires of the Senses by enforcing the Rules of Scientific Falsification.

The Proces of Falsification destroyed the Human Intuition.

The Western Scientists forgot to look at the Source of Intuition, the Center, the Quintessence (The Fifth, Consciousness).

The principle behind the Quintessence (Ether, Chi, Prana) is related to higher order symmetries and is a solution of a generalization of the generating function of the Divine proportion X**2 -X – 1

This generalization is X**2-pX-q or X(n+2) = pX(n+1) + qX(n). The solutions of this formula are called the Metallic Means.

When p=1 and q =1 the Divine proportion comes back again.

When the p=3 and q=1 a new sequence X**2-3X-1 or X(n+2) = 3*X(n+1) + X(n), the Bronze Mean appears.

The Bronze Mean generates the pattern: 1,1,4,13,43, the pattern of the Sri Yantra.

continued fraction golden meanIt shows a very beautiful pattern of “3″s when the Bronze Mean is evaluated in a Continued Fraction. The Golden Mean is a continued fraction of “1″s.

There are many more “Metallic Means” (other p’s and q’s). They are related to all kinds of symmetries and fractal patterns.

The Bronze Mean shows that behind the Trinity of the Golden Mean lies another Trinity (and another Trinity and …).


Penrose Tiling

The Bronze Mean is the generator of so called QuasiCrystals.

Quasy Crystals play a very important role in the Electro Magnetic Structures of our Body, the Collagens.  Collagens are the most abundant protein in mammals,making up about 25% to 35% of the whole-body protein content. The Collagens in our body explain the Ancient Chinese Science of Acupuncture.

Quasi Crystals are “normal” Crystals with a very complex symmetry.

They are ordered AND not-ordered.

One of the most beautiful examples of the patterns behind Quasi Crystals are the Penrose Tilings.

They were developed by the famous physicist Roger Penrose. He used the tilings to show his insights about consciousness.

Penrose believes that Our Universe is just like our Body a Quasi Crystal, a Hall of Mirrors. We the Souls travel all the Paths of this Magnificent Fluent Crystal.

Was the Bronze Mean Known by the Ancient Architects?



The most important implementation of the Bronze Mean can be seen in the Sri Yantra (“Sacred Device”).

The Sri Yantra is related to the Red Triple Goddess of Creation, Tripura also named Lalita (“She Who Plays“).

The Sri Yantra is generated out of the FiveFold Pattern or Creation and the Four Forces of Destruction.

It contains  9 interlocking isoceles triangles. 4 of them point upwards and represent the female energy Shakti, while the other 5 point downwards, representing the male energy Shiva.

The standard form of the Sri Yantra  constitutes a total of 43 triangles. The centre of the Yantra has a Bindu which represents the Void.

The FiveFold Pattern of Creation moves with the Clock. A pattern that moves with the clock is a  generating pattern.

It moves away from the void and generates space. The FiveFold Pattern is the pattern of the Universe. It creates Universes, Galaxies and Planets. The Pattern moves around the Cellestial Center of Creation,  the Black Hole.

The FourFold Pattern moves Against the Clock and is a destructing pattern. It dissolves space and moves back to the void.  The FourFold pattern is the pattern of the Human Being and Earth.

The combination of both patterns is a Moebius Ring (the symbol of infinity) with the celestial Centre in the Middle. The FiveFold/Four Fold pattern resembles the Ninefold Egypian Pesedjet and the Ninefold Chinese Lo Shu Magic Square.

From the fivefold Shakti comes creation and from the fourfold Fire dissolution. The sexual union of five Shaktis and four Fires causes the chakra to evolve” (Yogini Hridaya (Heart of the Yogini Tantra)).

In Pakistan the Mother Goddess (Sharika) is represented by a diagram that contains “one central basic point that represents the core of the whole cosmos; 3 circles around it and 4 gates to enter, with 43 triangles shaping the corners“.

The Penrose Tilings and many other quasi crystals can also be found in Ancient Roman, Islamic and Christian Architecture (Pompei, Alhambra, Taj Mahal, Chartres). The tilings are an expression of the Game of Life and were used to build Educational Buildings (Pyramids, Cathedrals,..) to teach and show the old teachings.


Keplers Model of the Solar System

Kepler (1570-1640), a German Mathematician and Astronomer (The Cosmographic Mystery) and Albrecht Durer (1471-1528), a German Painter, knew about the Penrose Tilings but until the discovery of the Penrose Tilings nobody knew that they knew.

The new scientists (re)discovered old patterns that were known by the old scientist

What is the Meaning of the Bronze Mean?

The Bronze Mean shows the effect of a continuous division of the Universe in Trinities.

It shows that the Universe (and other levels) is suddenly moving from an ordered state to a chaotic state.

This chaotic, not predictable, state is not chaotic at all when you understand the patterns behind chaos.

In our Universe chaos is always ordered. Chaos is an effect of something that is happening in a higher (not Sensible) Dimension or A Higher Consciousness.


The Two Brains of Paul Steinhardt

The writer of an important article about Penrose Tilings and Islamic Art, Paul Steinhardt is like Roger Penrose a well known physicist.

He has created a new theory about the Universe based on Four Forces AND the Quintessence.

In this theory the Universe is Cyclic. It is expanding and contracting.

The expansion of the Universe ends when the Two Major Structures (-1,0, 1) in the Universe, called Membranes or Branes, are in Balance with the Center (0, the Void).

The membranes are higher dimensional Squares that are in parallel.

The Braines at both sides split into many similar cell-like structures. We live in one of the Cells of the Universe.


Adam Kadmon

The Others, our Twins, live on the other membranes and are not aware of our existence until the Brains are getting into Balance.

At that moment the Twin Universes are Connected.

Scientists don’t know when this will happen but the Old Scientists who could travel the Multi-Universe with their United Brains knew.

It would happen at a very special Alignment of the Five Fold Center of Creation of the Milky Way with the FourFold Cross of the Destruction of Earth.

The Bronze mean is the Master-Pattern of our Multi-Universe.

The pattern 1,1,4,13,43 is in its 42nd enfolding and soon we will experience the 43th step, a Merge of the Left and the Right Brain of the Super Conscioussness, Adam Kadmon.


About the Divine Trinity Pattern

How to Raise the Djed

About the Nine-Fold Pattern of the Egyptian Pesedjed

Everything you want to know about the Divine Proportion

About The Indefinite Dyad and the Golden Section: Uncovering Plato’s Second Principle

About the Self-Referential Structure of the Dialogues of Plato

About the Law of Three of Gurdjieff

About Sharika, the Mother Goddess

About the Metallic Means

Paul Steinhardt, About Penrose Tilings and Ancient Islamic Art

About Penrose Tilings and the Alhambra

About the Geometric Patterns in Ancient Structures

An interview with Roger Penrose about the relationship between Conscioussness and Tilings

A lot of information (including simulations) about the Cyclic Universe of Paul Steinhardt

A simple model for the formation of a complex organism

How life emerged out of one Quasy Crystal

About Quasy Crystals and Sacred Geometry



About Chaos

Saturday, December 13th, 2008

tornadoHumans are desperately trying to preserve their Identity. To do this they create Order.

Behind every Order is non-Order, Chaos, the creative, destructive, force.

If the Human Order is gone, psychologists, try to Unite the broken pieces of the chaotic Personality.

If the Banking System is extremely volatile Economists believe they are able to repair the System.

If the Ecology is chaotic Biologists are doing the same. All of them believe they found a way to transform Chaos into Order.

Creating Chaos is not very difficult. One act of a small group of terrorists almost destroys the System of Society and the only way to prevent chaos is to create a higher level of order. One Act of God, an earthquake, a tornado or the outbreak of a virus, accomplishes the same.

Chaos and Order are part of the same System and we really don’t know how to unite the two perspectives on Nature.

When we want to keep Internal Order we put Chaos outside the boundaries of our own System. We move out of the chaotic city to the countryside to experience the Harmony of Nature.

We stop reading newspapers and stop watching television because we don’t want to see what is really happening outside. We don’t want to face the reality that the outside reality is a frightful, destructive place to live in but what is most of all frightening us is our own destructive part, the Shadow.

earthquakeSpace has always been the metaphor in which we project our Identity.

Our personality, our house, our job, our relationship, our culture, our country are protective boundaries but at this moment many of these protective boundaries are at stake.

The current crisis forces us to leave our home and our job.

The clash of the many cultures threatens our own culture and even our own country is gone because politicians are creating abstract countries that have no history and still no future.

The concept of Space is changing and with this our idea about our own boundary is changing.

Space is not a static state in which we live. Space is a dynamic process and is created and destructed. Space moves and because space is moving we are moved also. Every time a new order appears but we are not able to understand this order because we are caught in our own order.

A static personality is not able to adapt to the moving outside world. A personality who is not able to move has to stay at the place where he lives. A personality who is not able to be moved by what is happening is without Emotions and the Emotions are Chaotic.

The Chaotic Emotions are in direct contact with Space. They feel what is going to happen. They know when it is time to move but the Order of our personality is telling fairy-tales based on its experience of the Past. The Chaos will certainly change into Order. The Up will always follow the Down but Up and Down are Space-Dependent.

Many people are on the move. They know for sure that their Space/Time is not the Place to be. The order of our personality tells us that we have to protect our secure environment and create a protective or imaginary Wall.

EtnaIf somebody or something attacks our Personal Boundary our re-action is sometimes highly destructive. Our Order is much more important than their Order.

When we are aware of our bad intentions our Order creates a new fairy-tale to silence our Empathic Emotions. We are always able to find a very convincing explanation why we are the good they are the bad.

What we don’t understand is that our Chaotic Component, the Creative Force, is able to find a solution that is out of the existing order.

Mathematicians know for a long time that Order and Chaos are not their opposites. They are different states of the same function. Order and Chaos rise out of recursive or fractal functions.

Order and Chaos are created by an Order but this order is invisible to many people because they don’t know how to look. They look at the world with a view that was abandoned about 2000 years ago. Before that time people knew about the fractal pattern. They used many metaphors out of Nature to explain the pattern.

What is happening?

TsunamiThe fractal pattern is in its chaotic state and is moving to a new enfolding. The new enfolding will be very different from the old enfolding when you look at it through the old lens of Linear Space/Time but it will be a very old-fashioned State when you understand the Fractal Pattern.

What to do?

When the Script of Nature is its chaotic state you can do nothing. The Future is unpredictable when you use the old tools of statistics. They cannot handle fractal systems. In a Chaotic state The Past has no relation with the Future.

When the Script of Nature is its chaotic state you have to believe that Destiny will take care of you. You just Wait and See. If you run to the left order will appear at the right. When you run to the right order will appear at the left. There is no Place to Go.

If you don’t believe in Destiny you have to use the knowledge of the chaotic part of your personality, Intuition. The Intuition moves with the enfolding of the Fractal Pattern and it knows what to do at the right moment. It knows when there is a little bit of order in the chaotic movement and it knows where to go and what to do.

If you don’t believe in Destiny you have to use the destructive part of your Personality, the Creative Force, but you have to balance this part with your Empathy (The Emotions). Both of them emanate from the same Source.


About Dynamic Space

About Boundaries

About the Triple Goddess

How to Resolve an Infinite Chain of Conflicts

Saturday, August 9th, 2008

Humans attach much greater weight to future losses than to future gains, especially when the former are certain and immediate and the latter are uncertain. Humans take unwise risks to avoid certain and immediate losses.

They don’t want to take risks to pursue gains or will unwisely turn down proposed changes or concessions that offer a mix of gains and losses, even when the promised gains are objectively greater than the losses.

To calculate a loss a Human chooses a personal reference point which is usually the individual’s status quo.

Human beings reject or devalue whatever is freely available to them. They strive for whatever is denied them. They want to fight because when you win a fight you don’t lose a fight. Humans get exited when they have removed an Obstacle.

Without an obstacle Life is Boring. To remove an Obstacle Humans create Imaginary Obstacles. They need a Challenge.

They don’t believe their adversary offers a compromise because when he offers a compromise he is losing. Somewhere behind the compromise is a hidden tactic. The adversary will attack out of the blue and will suddenly win. On the other hand when the compromise is sincere the enemy is getting weaker and it is possible to increase the demands in the negocation.

The total effect is that future compromises and package deals decrease in attractiveness once they are offered especially when they are put there by one’s adversary rather than by a third party (Reactive Devaluation).

The Effect of Future Losses on Human Decision Making is researched in Prospect Theory.

The basic Stategy of Humans is to avoid the Emotions of Loss (Anger, Frustration, Grief, Fear, Sadness, Yearning, Pity, and Sorrow). This is not strange because the Emotions of Loss have a negative impact on the body. They influence the Immune System and are the cause of many ilnesses.

When two parties imagine a joined future where both of them lose they will never cooperate. In terms of the prisoners dilemma this is called a lose/lose-situation.

When two parties have seen a win/win situation and the realization changes into a lose they are in conflict. They have to envision a new win/win or break the cooperation.

Sometimes it is impossible to break a cooperation because both parties share vital resources or don’t know how to divide the assets of the former cooperation. In this case they are in a the win/lose-mode of the (Iterated) Prisonners Dilemma, constantly switching between losing and winning.

When a party wants to move from a lose to a win he has to apply the tactic of Tit-for-Tat. When you apply Tit-for-Tat you simply copy the behaviour of the other. When one of the parties sustains his unwillingness to cooperate both of them are in an Infinite Chain of Conflicts.

When two parties were united it is very difficult to recreate independent disconnected units. Many of the joined activities where performed without negotiation and were never formalized. When two parties cooperate they are acting as one Mind and one Soul.

Moving out of a Cooperative Relationship needs a Cooperative Relationship. When this relationship is broken two parties are needed who enter into a Cooperative Relationship to resolve the Cooperative Relationship on the lower level. When this Cooperative Relationship fails another level has to be created. If all the levels fail they are in an Infinite Chain of Conflicts.

If a Conflict of Interest arises the first action is to avoid the conflict or to speed up the conflict. In the last case the Primary Emotions (Desire, The Emotion of Loss) are bothering them. To avoid a Conflict we have to Articulate our Emotions at the Right Moment in a Respectful Way. We have to Communicate.

Most Conflicts in Nature are violent. Humans have found a way to abstract from Violence. We have created Imaginary Violence. We Fight our Case in Court. We don’t fight our Case in the Court Yard. We have replaced the material Sword of Iron by the Imaginary Silver Sword of Words.

If both parties are unable to define the conflict in a coherent model the conflict will not resolve. They need help to do this. If the advisors of the two parties are unable to do this the conflict has to move to a higher level of abstraction. When the conflict is resolved on this level somebody has to translate the consistent model to the lower level. When this is not possible the conflict starts again. They are in an Infinite Chain of Conflicts.

When an Abstract Model is always Moving Up and Down, the Model is not in Harmony. Harmoniouss Models are applicable on Every Level of Abstraction. Models that are The Same on Every Level are Self-Referencial. When a Conflict is Modelled as a Conflict it will never be solved.

The solution to this problem is to Extend the Context of the Conflict until a Balance has been found. Both Parties have to Widen their Perspective. They have to step out of the Status Quo and Imagine a Bright Future. A Future where the Darkness of the Night has been replaced by the Light of the Day. They have to wake up out of their joint Nightmare and Face Reality.

A Conflict is resolved when all the parties that are involved are Satisfied. They are satisfied when they experience a Balancing of their Emotions. A Victim is satisfied when his Emotion of Revenge is resolved. The Killer is Killed or put into prison for many years. The Emotion of the Killer is balanced by the Emotion of his Victim(s).

To Balance Emotions we have to Objectify Emotions. When we are buying a Car we have to pay Money. The Car is an Objectified Emotion (The feeling of the Freedom to Move) and Money is an Objectified Emotion (The feeling of Freedom to do what we want to Do). The Potential of Money is balanced by the Potential to Move. When we buy we are balancing Potentials.

Humans use Mental Accounting to define what their Potential is. They divide their Potential in many “Isolated” boxes and are unable to combine the boxes. A savings account is meant to save money and not to spend money. If Humans put their Potentials in “closed” Boxes they are Poor although they are Rich.

When they feel Poor they will experience every potential solution of a conflict as a loss. When a Human accepts that the Future is not the Past he will realize that there are many possibilities he has never seen. When a Human accepts that his Potential is his Creativity he is able to negociate with an Open Mind.

Many people believe the Juridical System is the most objective system in our Society. Sadly enough this is not true. The Law is highly confusing. Judges don’t have the background to understand what has really happened. Lawyers are telling their own biased story and most of the cases are very complex. The System is a System of Last Resort. It is used when many future and current losses are accumulating.

The Judicial System is meant to resolve Infinite Chains of Conflict without Applying Violence. This is accomplished by Balancing Emotions by Objectifying Emotions by Articulating the Emotions in Words by Combining the Words into a Model by comparing the Model with an Abstract Juridical Model by Solving the Conflict Applying this Model by Translating the Model to a lower Level by Explaining the Model to the Parties hoping they will Agree so the Emotions are Balanced so both Parties are Satisfied.

If this is not happening the whole process starts all over again until somebody (a Judge, Somebody who Speaks Law) utters a Solomon’s Verdict.

I hope You see why it is much better to settle a Conflict on a Lower Level.


Papers about Conflict Resolution

About Prospect Theory

About Prospect Theory and the Financial Market

About Virtue and Wisdom

Tuesday, July 8th, 2008

When you lend somebody something you assume he (or she) will give the item back in due time. To lend you have to Trust somebody. There are many ways to create a trusted relation. When a long term trusted relationship grows out of a long chain of interactions the Iterated Prisoners Dilemma is at stake. The Chinese are the Masters of Playing this Game.

In some situations it is very clear that a try-out is not necessary. If we look at the cultures of the Earth we can see that the concept of Family or Tribe more or less guaranties a trustful relationship. In a Family it is not needed to create very complicated arrangements like contracts, procedures, laws and judges. The Family uses it own rules.

The consequence of the Concept of the Family and the Tribe is a formalization of relationships based on a Place in a Hierarchy. Everybody has to know its place.

A King has to play the role of the King and a Father has to play the role of the Father. In a Family or an Extended Family (Tribe) you are trained to play the roles you have to play in your life.

Confucius (551-479 BC) saw the universe and all living things in it as a manifestation of a unifying force called the Doe (translated as the Truth, Unity, or the Way). Doe constitutes the very essence, basis, and unit of life that perpetuates order, goodness, and righteousness.

It manifests itself in the harmonious opposition of yin (“feminine, gentle“) and yang (“masculine, strong“), and in humans through duk (“virtue“). Virtue is a gift received from Heaven.

It is through Virtue that a person is able to know the Heavenly Truth and it is the “locus where Heaven and I meet“. Virtue can be realized through self-cultivation. It provides the fundamental source of insight and strength to rule peacefully and harmoniously within oneself, one’s family, one’s nation, and the world.

There are two inter-related aspects of virtue: in (“Human-hearted-ness“) and ui (“Rightness“).

The basis of individual and humanity is the Human-heartedness. Human-heartedness is essentially relational and it involves loving, sacrificing and taking care of others. Individuals are born with Human-heartedness and experience Human-heartedness through the sacrifice and devotion of their parents.

The second concept, ui (“rightness“), notes that an individual is born into a particular family with a particular status. Rightness articulates that individuals must perform and fulfil their duties as defined by their particular status and role.

Confucius considered family and society to be hierarchically ordered, necessitating that everyone fulfil their duties. Fulfilling one’s given role as a father, mother, child, elder, teacher, or politician is considered a moral imperative and not a matter of personal choice.

Confucius considered society to be socially ordered and that each person has beun (“portion or place“) in life. Each beun had attached roles and duties, and each person must fulfil these roles and duties. Duties and obligations of each beun are prescribed by yea (“propriety“).

Propriety articulates expectations, duties, and behavior of each individual according to his or her status and role. For example, chemyon (“social face“) need to be maintained by a person of social stature defined by his or status, regardless of his or her personal preference.

Social order and harmony are preserved when people observe their place in society and fulfil their required obligations and duties.

The fourth concept is ji (“knowledge“). Knowledge allows us to understand the virtues of Human-heartedness and Rightness and to follow these virtues through Propriety. It is the basis of the development of Wisdom.

By the applying the principles of Confucius Chinese Society became a Well Oiled Machine. Every action that was taken was pre-programmed by all levels of education. Every part in the machine knew its role. Life was highly predictable and everybody accepted its place in Society. There was Harmony and Peace in the world.

If there be righteousness in the heart, there will be beauty in character,

If there be beauty in character, there will be harmony in the home.

If there be harmony in the home, there will be order in the nation.

If there be order in the nation, there will be peace in the world.

The big changes of Chinese Society came Out of the West. The English Empire destroyed the Heavenly Order by selling large quantities of Opium. The huge underclass of China was a beautiful target for the people who followed the theories of Lenin.

The Upperclass was destroyed and a new Upperclass, The Communist Party, took over. The culture of China has not changed. People still know their place and the Doe (The Way It Is) is now proclaimed by the Party. The new upperclass knows it has to keep the underclass in harmony.

The Party decided to create a higher standard of living by importing capitalistic principles from the West. It is now moving in high speed to the level of the Consumer Society. The West is paying for this move by buying Chinese products for a very low price.

In this way China has accumulated an enormous amount of money (mostly dollars). They are able to buy what they want. With the enormouss stock of dollars they are able to manipulate US Government. China is able to destroy the US Financial System in one fast move. They certainly will not do that.

The Chinese people are experts in strategy. They know how to acquire power without fighting. They keep a social face and play the game others want them to play. They are experts in applying the Iterated Prisoners Dilemma. They know Confucius and his predecessors were Wise man. They knew how to move with The Cycle, the Tao.

Western Society has lost its cultural foundation. The principles of Confucius don’t sound very strange to us. They are easily translated into Christianity.

When the West lost the basic principle of Christianity, Human-hearted-ness (in) one of the two pillars of Trust was lost. The West rationalized Empathy (Compassion, Emotion). I Think, therefore I Am (Descartes) became the basis of the Self.

When people started to do the “wrong thing” the second pillar of Trust, Integrity (ui, Rightness) dropped. Politicians were not Playing the Role of the Politician and Managers were not Playing the Role of Manager. They lost their Virtue.

Finally the Doe (Unity) of Western Society was gone. Families broke up. Everybody was Left on its Own and started to act on a Short-Term Perspective.

The Interated Prisoners Dilemma changed into a chain of disconnected attempts to leave the Prison. The best way to win such a Game is to defect. You always win but your victory is never a Win-Win. On the long term Everybody changes into a potential Enemy.

The West entered the State of Individualism and even Egoism. In this state it is almost impossible to act out of Unity. Everybody is going its Own Way or is Competing with the Other. This makes it even easier for the Chinese Masters to create a new Machine to support their Extended Family.

About the Old Egyption Concept of Justice, Ma’at

Friday, July 4th, 2008

maat_goddessofjustice1Ma’at was one of the Egyptian Neteru (a Goddess). She represented the concept of Justice. Just like Lady Justice she carries a scale in her hands. Ma’at was also the keeper of the Afterworld.

The dead person’s heart was placed on a scale, balanced by the Feather of Ma’at. If the deceased had been found not to have followed the concept of Ma’at during his life (if he had lied or cheated or killed) his heart was devoured by a demon and he died the final death and was reincarnated. If the heart weighed the same as Ma’at, the deceased was allowed to go on to the eternal afterlife.

Ma’at was an important Neteru and important Neteru are bisexual. Ma’at was created by Amon (later named Ra, The Sun) and was one of the four bisexual primal forces in the Universe. Ma’at was the Breath of Life. Through Ma’at the Cycle of the Seasons and every other Cycle was moving around. Ma’at represented the Rythm of the Universe.

Later the bisexual Neteru were split into a male and a female part. Ma’at became female and her companion was represented by a Baboon. Later the Baboon changed into Thoth, The Scribe. Thoth (or Set) was the creator of language and writing. He was also a very powerfull Magician.

Behind the many transformations lies a very important story. It is the story of the Creation of Man. Man was a creation of a Neteru and his creation was a big mistake. His creation was not according to the Plan of Amon. The Plan of Amon was to keep Ma’at, Balance, Rythm and Order.

Man was created out of the secret fusion between one of the Neteru (Seth, Thoth, Enlil) and a “Chattering” Baboon. Three times the fusion failed and in the end Enlil decided to destroy his creations by the Great Flood. The Fusions between Ape and God was creating a gigantic cosmic Unbalance.

One of the Talking Baboons (Atrahasis, Noach) and all the (not-talking) Organisms were saved by the intervention of one of the other male Neteru (Enki, The Wise, The Water God). The Words of the Organisms (Seeds, DNA?) were put into a boat (The Ark). To keep the overpopulation of Humans in balance a System of Cycles of Creation and Destruction was created.

On the level of the Soul Man is a bisexual being. The Soul is incarnated in a Male and a Female body until he is able to leave the Cycle. He is able to leave the Cycle when his heart weights the same as the Feather of Ma’at. All he has to do is to live a life of Justice. He has to act out of the Heart.

A Human is capable of Injustice because he carries the “genes” of one of the male Neteru who stood up against Amon. If his heart is Heavy Like a Stone he is taken over by the Demon and has to return to the Material World to try again and again until he has learned his lesson (Reincarnation). The Demon has many tricks to keep the Soul into the material plane. His most important trick is Language.

Ancient Egyptian law dates from 3000 BC. It was based on the concept of Ma’at, rhetorical speech, social equality and impartiality. Around the 2200 BC the first law code based on casuistic statements (“if… then…”) was developed in Persia. Around 1760 BC, King Hammurabi further developed Babylonian law by codifying and inscribing it in stone.

About 5000 years later many people believe the Ancient people were barbaric. Objective Law and its Institutions are one of the beautifull inventions of Western Culture. Western Culture was a product of the old Greek Civilizations. The Romans perfected the System of Law.

Almost nobody knows that the old Creek Scientists copied all their knowlegde out of Egypt. The Greeks named the concept of Ma’at, Logos. The early Christians adopted this concept as you can see in the first line of the Gospel of John (“In the beginning was the Logos ,and the Logos was with God”). In the Gnostic Tradition of Christianity Ma’at was called Sophia (Wisdom).

The effect of the Gene of the deficient Neter later called the Devil has increased in Time. The split of the Male and the Female part resulted in a Male Dominance in every area part of Society. The Afterworld changed into an Underworld. The Power of the Heart has diminished.

The concept of Ma’at has lost his place. Ma’at has been blinded and her Feather has changed into a Sword. The amount of Rules has increased tremendously. The Chattering Baboon has produced many Words of Justice. The Talking Baboon has taken over the Power. His Words have finally killed Amon. Ma’at is not needed anymore. The Baboons are able to Stear the Stars themselves.

Nobody knows that we are still silently governed by Ma’at. We have to move to the Dark Cycle to restore the Golden Age of the Gods. In the Golden Age the Light of Amon (The Sun) will Shine Again.

Truth, Integrity, Honesty, Goodness and Balance brings one closer to the spiritual essence that is all pervasive in the Universe. There was nothing more sacred or important to the practitioner of the Ancient Egyptian Religion. The cosmic order that is Ma’at connects everything in the ageless dance of beauty and motion giving meaning to existence on all levels.