Archive for the ‘Completed’ Category

About Fields, Parts and Spinoza

Sunday, July 1st, 2007

Get Fit at Home with a Ballet Dancer, a Personal Trainer, and a YouTuber

Oh, the gym — that chapel of chiseled bods and cardio machines — how we miss you. For now, much of our fitness endeavors are largely restricted to the home. However, that doesn’t mean we can’t get gains.

Here’s some home fitness advice from a few widely-known pros who share their three favorite tips on everything from exercise and nutrition to staying motivated.

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Edit by Wenzdai Figueroa
The ballet dancer

Theresa Farrell, ballerina and choreographer, shares her go-to advice for staying fit and fulfilled at home.

1. Dance and do barre

“I can’t say enough about the power of freestyle dance! It doesn’t matter what it looks like — go somewhere alone, turn off the lights, or have an audience — whatever you do, lose yourself in movement.

“Dance to one track a day and watch your days transform. It clears the mind and opens the soul, all while getting you fit! Whether you’re sad and just letting yourself sway through that, or angry and you stomp it out, I have found that once I start moving, my energy levels increase and I approach everything differently.

“Barre is my home base — my whole day feels off if I don’t do it. Whether you danced when you were a kid, have never danced, or know the full ballet vocabulary, doing a classical ballet barre is the cornerstone of the Ballet Bod. Your posture, balance, flexibility, and strength will all increase. And learning choreography is an added mental plus.”

2. Stretch

“Block out 15 minutes 2 days a week to focus on deep stretches. Listen to what your body needs and stay in each stretch for 1 to 3 minutes [with controlled breathing]. Consistency is key. Stick with it and the results will follow.” Try out Testosterone booster.

3. Tone those lower abs

“I find most ab routines do not focus enough on the lower abs. My two favorites are:

  1. A plank on my forearms and dropping my hips to the ground before bringing them back to plank position.
  2. Laying on my back with my feet up at a 90-degree angle and lifting my hips off the ground.”

The personal trainer

Autumn Holley, personal trainer and fitness model, shares some well-being habits to make.

1. Manage your mood

“Stress is a given. We all experience it periodically and lately anxiety is constantly rumbling in the background. However we choose to manage these feelings is completely up to us. It starts with acknowledging that we do in fact have a choice.

“As someone who has her own battles, I understand the importance of having a deep toolbox. Exercise, deep breathing, and meditation can all be solitary weapons against depression and worry. Tools like these can remind you that you [don’t have to give in to] your dark thoughts and can provide an outlet to pour energy into.

“One app that’s been helpful for me is Calm. It teaches you how to meditate, bring yourself to a place of peace, and find ways to get a more restful sleep. There is a subscription fee, but if you can stay consistent with the tools, it’s worth it.”

2. Workout circuits

“My #1 reason for working out every day is to maintain my mental health. I can tell myself I did something and feel proud.”

About Fields

Friday, June 29th, 2007

Get Fit at Home with a Ballet Dancer, a Personal Trainer, and a YouTuber

Oh, the gym — that chapel of chiseled bods and cardio machines — how we miss you. For now, much of our fitness endeavors are largely restricted to the home. However, that doesn’t mean we can’t get gains. Take a look to the latest alpilean reviews.

Here’s some home fitness advice from a few widely-known pros who share their three favorite tips on everything from exercise and nutrition to staying motivated.

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Edit by Wenzdai Figueroa
The ballet dancer

Theresa Farrell, ballerina and choreographer, shares her go-to advice for staying fit and fulfilled at home.

1. Dance and do barre

“I can’t say enough about the power of freestyle dance! It doesn’t matter what it looks like — go somewhere alone, turn off the lights, or have an audience — whatever you do, lose yourself in movement.

“Dance to one track a day and watch your days transform. It clears the mind and opens the soul, all while getting you fit! Whether you’re sad and just letting yourself sway through that, or angry and you stomp it out, I have found that once I start moving, my energy levels increase and I approach everything differently.

“Barre is my home base — my whole day feels off if I don’t do it. Whether you danced when you were a kid, have never danced, or know the full ballet vocabulary, doing a classical ballet barre is the cornerstone of the Ballet Bod. Your posture, balance, flexibility, and strength will all increase. And learning choreography is an added mental plus.”

2. Stretch

“Block out 15 minutes 2 days a week to focus on deep stretches. Listen to what your body needs and stay in each stretch for 1 to 3 minutes [with controlled breathing]. Consistency is key. Stick with it and the results will follow.” These are the best weight loss pills for women.

3. Tone those lower abs

“I find most ab routines do not focus enough on the lower abs. My two favorites are:

  1. A plank on my forearms and dropping my hips to the ground before bringing them back to plank position.
  2. Laying on my back with my feet up at a 90-degree angle and lifting my hips off the ground.”

The personal trainer

Autumn Holley, personal trainer and fitness model, shares some well-being habits to make.

1. Manage your mood

“Stress is a given. We all experience it periodically and lately anxiety is constantly rumbling in the background. However we choose to manage these feelings is completely up to us. It starts with acknowledging that we do in fact have a choice.

“As someone who has her own battles, I understand the importance of having a deep toolbox. Exercise, deep breathing, and meditation can all be solitary weapons against depression and worry. Tools like these can remind you that you [don’t have to give in to] your dark thoughts and can provide an outlet to pour energy into.

“One app that’s been helpful for me is Calm. It teaches you how to meditate, bring yourself to a place of peace, and find ways to get a more restful sleep. There is a subscription fee, but if you can stay consistent with the tools, it’s worth it.”

2. Workout circuits

“My #1 reason for working out every day is to maintain my mental health. I can tell myself I did something and feel proud.”

Why Good programmers have to be Good Listeners

Friday, June 29th, 2007

Edsger Wybe Dijkstra (1930-2000) was a Dutch Computer Scientist. He received the 1972 Turing Award for fundamental contributions in the area of programming languages.

One of the famous statements of Dijkstra is “Besides a mathematical inclination, an exceptionally good mastery of one’s native tongue is the most vital asset of a competent programmer“.

Why is this so important?

People communicate externally and internally (!) in their native tongue. If they use another language much of the nuances of the communication is lost. When people of different languages communicate they have to translate the communication to their internal language.

A computer language is also a language. It is a language where every nuance is gone. With the term nuance (I am a Dutch native speaker) I mean something that also could be translated into the word meaning. A computer language is formal and human communication is informal. We communicate much more than we are aware of when we speak.

So Programming is a Transformation of the Human Domain of Meaning to the Machine-Domain of Structure.

A programmer with a mathematical inclination (being analytical) AND an exceptional good mastery of one’s native language is the only one who can built a bridge between the two worlds.

When he (or she, woman are better in this!!!) is doing this he knows he is throwing away a lot of value but it is the consequence of IT. Machines are not humans (People that are Mad act like Machines).

Machines are very good in repetition. Humans don’t like repetition so Machines and Humans are able to create a very useful complementary relationship.

The person that understood this very well was Sjir Nijssen. He developed with many others something called NIAM. NIAM has generated many dialects called ORM, FORM, RIDDLE, FCO-IM, DEMO. The basic idea of all these methods is to analyze human communication in terms of the sentences we speak. It takes out of a sentence the verbs and the nouns (and of course the numbers) and creates a semantic model of the so called Universe of Discourse.

What Nijssen understood was that a computer is able to register FACTS (reality we don’t argue about anymore) and that facts are stored in a database. If we all agree about the facts we can use the facts to start reasoning. Want to know more about  reasoning. Have a look at this website.

To create a program that supports the user a good programmer has to be a good listener and a highly skilled observer. Users are mostly not aware of their Universe of Discourse. They are immersed in their environment (their CONTEXT). Many techniques have been developed to help the observer to make it possible to recreate the context without killing the context (Bahktin). Have a look at User-Centered-Design to find out more about this subject.

Want to read more about Dijkstra read The Lost Construct.

The Lost Construct in IT: The Self-Referencing Loop

Thursday, June 28th, 2007

Edsger Wybe Dijkstra (1930-2000) was a Dutch computer scientist. He received the 1972 Turing Award for fundamental contributions in the area of programming languages.

He was known for his low opinion of the GOTO-statement in computer programming culminating in the 1968 article “A Case against the GOTO Statement” (EWD215), regarded as a major step towards the widespread deprecation of the GOTO statement and its effective replacement by structured control constructs such as the DO-WHILE-LOOP. This methodology was also called Structured Programming.


What do Artists and Military Man have in common?

Thursday, June 28th, 2007

john constableA few months ago I wanted to make an extensive horoscope to learn more about myself, my ex-wife (Merel Visse) and our relationship. I used

There are many choices and I ordered a Jungian Horoscope using a different name. uses Archetypes and I believe in them. They are the language of the Unknown.

Much later I found additional features of One of them is a search for look-a-likes in history, People that have the same astrological pattern. I searched for my wife and myself and our look-a-likes were all Artists or Military Man. This started a lot of reflection.

What do Artists and Military Man have in common?

I have always had the urge to become a military man or (better) a Constable. It is not a coincidence (!) that my name is John Constable. (Dutch name : Johan Konstapel). I carry the name of a very famous English romantic painter. I am a strange combination of an artist and a military man.

Constable quietly rebelled against the artistic culture that taught artists to use their imagination to compose their pictures rather than nature itself. Constable was not painting nature he became nature itself. He inspired the French impressionist of late nineteenth century.

I have a lot in common with him. I love to be immersed in Nature. I have created paintings, poetry and have made music (singing I am a counter tenor). I often wish I knew that it was possible to study Art when I was young.

When I was young I was tested to become a soldier. At that time everybody was obliged to serve in the army. The selection process came up with a spectacular result. They wanted me to become a pilot. Airplanes and especially military airplanes were my hobby. I collected photos of them. I did not enter the Army because my parents were pacifists and at that time I believed in pacifism.

I came to the sad conclusion that pacifism is a dream. War is a human affair and will never go away. I started to read about conflict-resolution. War can be prevented by diplomacy.

I applied for the Foreign Office and was almost hired when the ABN-bank offered me a better proposition. Later I realized that my interest in war and conflict were related to the conflicts in my youth.

I was raised by four parents (Father, Mother, Aunt and Grandfather) who were always fighting. I was the very young diplomat trying to create peace at home. Handling real-life conflicts is still a big problem for me (See also my blog about the Unconnected Child).

turnerWhen I started my company 10 years ago I researched the name Constable. A Constable (Konstapel) is an officer at a Dutch military ship responsible for the canons and the powder.

The aim of the Dutch Military was to explore the world finding places to buy and sell (The famous Dutch Trading Company VOC). They wanted to find new horizons and used weapons to protect themselves. They also used weapons to kill their opponents. The Dutch were really very aggressive people that covered their aggression with religion. This made it very simple to find a name, a logo (ship) and slogan “leave no stone unturned”.

I wanted to help people to discover new horizons in their work and later in themselves. Of course this also applied to me and my wife. The company is a vehicle to support our own process of discovery.

I think I have found the answer to the question.

An artist is an explorer. He explores Inner Space and expresses his findings in Outer Space. A military man explores Outer Space and expresses his findings in Outer Space.

Military man don’t want to fight. They want to play in the War Room with tiny canons, boats and tin-soldiers. The soldiers are not real. They are far away and playing in a movie. When they die they leave the stage and start living again.

straussMilitary man are also romantics. They love to practice in nature. They love uniforms. They bring them back to the time when war was a romantic affair with beautifull ladys dressed in white dancing the night away. They want to be pilots and don’t want to kill anybody. They just want to be free like a bird in the sky.

Military man get stressed when war becomes a major personal conflict. Suddenly they step out of their romantic movie in Reality and don’t know how to handle the situation. They know how to solve conflicts from a distance. They observe many of them, create new theories and help others to solve them.

They get into a personal conflict when their work is more important than their personal relationship. They get stressed and because of the stress their relationship slowly starts to disconnect. They become lonely survivors shouting out for help.

It explains also why many military man have male buddies, their “brothers in arms”. Solving a conflict with your partner creates an eternal band. Solving a conflict with a partner on a distance is impossible.

What can we learn?

Solving a conflict with your partner creates an eternal band. Avoiding a conflict creates a conflict. Many small avoided conflicts ad up to a crisis. A crisis that is not seen as a accident accelalerates into a war. A war destructs everything even the people that win the war. They are left with the memories.

My_Lai_massacreWar is a product of stress and stress is created when people stop to create and collaborate. They stop to create when they spend all their time to make money. They spend so much time making money that they don’t have the time to spend the money. When they spend the money they buy things that are almost never used like six cars, two houses etc. They buy to aquire status in the group of other people that are spending their time to make money. They are wasting vital resources.

When people are stressed they slowly disconnect and suddenly their relationship has disappeared. Because they are spending their time to work they are not able to observe this. When something happens that is disturbing their pattern they are also unable to solve the conflict because their work has to go on. They are committed to their boss, their clients, their capital and not to their partner.

What happens in a relationship can also happen in other relationships like companies, society and the world.

If we go on with wasting vital resources and don’t see that the world is moving into a huge level of stress we will suddenly wake up by a crisis that is beyond our imagination. I think we are already in this crisis and it is escalating.

This crisis will not be solved by Military Man. This crisis can only be solved by using our collective creative capacities. The nice thing is that a Military Man is really an Artist so they just have to change their focus.

The old slogan of the sixties “Make love no war” has to be changed into “Let’s create a better world together”.

And last but not least.

Let’s dance, sing, explore and enjoy the beautiful creation called Earth.

Why Mobile Communication is Generating Stress

Tuesday, June 19th, 2007

Today I searched the Internet and by coincidence (does it exist?) I found a small document about the dangers of Wifi. It is dated the 28th of April 2007. The most interesting part of this document is a poll. 40% of the voters are not interested in the answer if it is dangerous or not.

They don’t mind because they are addicted to mobile communication. People that are addicted to smoking would give the same answer. I don’t mind if I get cancer. I take the risk. Mobile phones are also creating cancer (and other things I come back to that later) but now I am getting very confused.

We are forbidding smoking because of this and we are not forbidding mobile communication.

What is happening?

The answer is simple. Cigarettes are not produced by government owned companies and mobile communication is. Government has invested billions in infrastructure and many companies are totally dependent on mobile communication. Millions of software programs use it. If we would stop mobile communication the country would come to a still stand.

Ok. So it is a strategic issue. We have to take the risk.

Yes but now I am getting more confused.

Cars are also a strategic issue but here we are advising and training people. So we could train users what to do to prevent the greatest risk. We could tell them not to put the telephone in their pocket or not to keep it against your ear or we could forbid mobile telephones for children or we could decide not to put the transmitters on houses where older people are living or …..

What is happening?

There are a few possibilities.

1. The risk is very low. Research is not telling this.

2. The risk is very high. This could be the case. The risk is so high that they want to prevent that everybody gets into panic. I don’t think so. The risk is high in the long term and not in the short term. To state it simple mobile networks create a high level of stress.

3. They don’t understand the risk. I am convinced this is the case. Scientists believe the human body is acting like a machine that is made out of parts. They don’t know what to do with a field. Parts are related to causal and short term thinking. Fields are related to wholeness and we cannot find one cause that explains it all. Stress is a field, a state, an effect. There are many causes and we cannot handle this with our Western Brain.

Now it is time to explain something.

I use material from a document called “The Holographic Universe, by RICHARD ALAN MILLER, BURT WEBB, and DARDEN DICKSON, Experimental College University of Washington.

A few citations:

The formation of a certain type of chemical bond known as the resonance bond (which is most easily seen in the case of the Benzene molecule) leads to a peculiar situation in which certain electrons are freed from a local or particular location in the molecule. These are then free to travel around the entire molecule.

The essential fluidity of life may correspond with the fluidity of the electronic cloud in conjugated molecules. Such systems may best be considered as both the cradle and the main backbone of life.

The biological activity or specificity of action of various molecules is intimately related to their structure or their exact three-dimensional spatial configuration.

A constant magnetic field can, in principle, affect the various processes in biological objects.

Such electromagnetic fields normally serve as conveyors of information, from the environment to the organism, within the organism, and among organisms.

Electromagnetic forces can be used to change three fundamental life processes in mammals. These processes are (1) the stimulation of bone growth (2) the stimulation of partial multi-tissue regenerative growth and (3) the influence on the basic level of nerve activity and function. All these affects appear to be mediated through perturbations in naturally pre-existing bioelectronic systems. The organism’s bioelectronic system also seems to be related to levels of consciousness and to biological cycles.

Research carried out with organisms in fields lower or higher than the normal magnetic field strength of the earth inevitably results in deterioration and death of the organisms involved.

Consciousness may be seen as a frame of electrical charges in motion such as electrons bombarding a television screen; personality is a time series of these scintillating frames of consciousness. Personality becomes a reverberating input-output pattern of self creation seeking information or patterns of energy from the environment as well as from its own memories. The personality never recreates itself but creates only a close approximation which is accepted due to the principle of constancy as being the same.

Human beings are better seen as on-going, dynamic, shifting, changing, field entities (or field patterns).

We feel that many of the problems of society that are current today can be traced to our ignorance of, or refusal to embrace, this larger holographic electrodynamic reality in which we live“.

And last but not least:

Weather systems also have electrical and magnetic correlates. One can see a very positive contact or connection between electromagnetic phenomena associated with weather and the behaviour and health of organisms. A more advanced theory would connect weather changes and changes in the physical environment to behaviour and biological products attributable to organisms. More precisely stated not only does weather in a variety of ways profoundly influence living creatures, but also it is possible that living creatures can influence weather“.

What is happening?

We are creating a highly stressfull situation and it looks like the collective stress is generating stressy weather.

But it is worse.

The Russians and the US (and Chinese?) military are playing with the knowlegde of the Holographic Universe for 35 years. They are playing with electro magnetic fields. The article is written in 1972 and Transcendental warfare, the use of Electro-magnetic fields and Para-Psychology in the battlefield, is about using this knowledge. The people who are doing this research know how it works but they don’t want to reveal this because War is always related to Secrecy.

We are also in a process where the sun is moving closer to the galactic centre. This is creating an exponential growth of electro magnetic radiation. Not only the earth is warming but also the moon and the other planets. On the Website of NASA you can find all the facts.

The movement to the Centre was predicted by The Mayas, The Essenes, The Sufi, The Hopi’s, The Navajo’s and every other Spiritual Leader for a long time ago.

Citation:” Furthermore, this knowledge is not new. It is the main core of the message of the Spiritual Leaders throughout history. It is also discussed, in other terms, by many individuals who characteristically experience psycho energetic phenomena (e.g., psycho kinesis, clairvoyance, telepathy, precognition).

What can we do?

The people that experience “psycho energetic phenomena” know that the Light of Love can save us and The Light will help us if we allow it to help us.

The Spiritual Leaders framed this in a very simple message: Know Yourself and Give Love to the Other.

The message for the Part-thinkers is: Meditate, Relax, Take your Time, Enjoy your Lover, Your Children, Life and Nature.

Turn off your mobile phone.

Use Email.

Create enough time for yourselve and others.

Stop having long useless meetings.

Don’t make too much appointments.

Plan two days of free time.

Plan and act according to your plan.

Take a the risk and be spontaneous.

Do what you promise to do.

Evaluate if all the things you want to accomplish are really needed.

Don’t strive for perfection (the 80/20 rule).

Are we already in a very high state of luxury? Do we need more?

Is it already available somewhere (Copy and Think).

Can we learn from others?

Can we help others? There are many lonely old people that love to have a talk or want to spend some time in Nature. Imagine you are old? What do you want to happen to you? It is a very simple exercise and it is the same message as the Spiritual Leaders are giving only framed in another language.

You can also use the Golden Rule of Ethics of Emmanuel Kant (a well known philosopher) “treat others as you would like to be treated.”

Or to put it in the terms of the Field: Keep in Tune with your Environment.

Do you want to know more about this subject read How to Prevent a World Wide Disaster by Creating a Collective Infrastructure

Do you want to know more about Transcendental Warfare read Be Honest to Yourselve and Others

Money Makes The World go Round

Wednesday, June 13th, 2007

I am working again for a big software company. They have asked me to help to define their strategy. To make this work I wanted to talk with their CEO. His secretary phoned me and I heard that his mother died last night. She died at the age of ninety.

I talked with his secretary about how strange it is when your mother dies and your parents are gone. My father died much earlier. I am their only child.

With the death of your last parent your childhood is wiped out. Suddenly you are the oldest of your generation. With the death of your last parent not only your childhood but also her childhood is wiped out.

She was a storyteller (like me) and I learnt a lot about what happened in the beginning of the 20th century. My mother was born in 1914, the beginning of the First World War. Her father was working at a famous Publisher in Leiden (Brill). He was a typesetter. He was fired when the economy collapsed (the Great Depression) and his family (four daughters) became very poor. His wife and children were forced to work in the houses of the rich people.

My mother did not finish school. I was her only child and she projected, like all parents, a better future in me. I was a bright person and I was stimulated to learn, learn, learn, read, read, and read. I am a product of her imagination.

My grandfather was a christian socialist. My mother was also a revolutionary person. She was a feminist. She believed in the equality of males and females. She was a pacifist.

I was not allowed to play with weapons. She opposed alcohol and I was not allowed to drink. She was also a Christian. She believed in “giving away everything to the poor” and she practised her faith al her live. I am a product of her ideals.

Later in life she became a very critical person. She gave away everything but nobody gave her back what she gave away. When she was old she was alone and she wanted (!) me to visit her. She even demanded this. In the end of her life she got dementia.

I tried to help her but I was unable to fulfill her dream. She wanted to live with me but this was impossible. I cried. I tried to find a solution. Many advisors visited and promised beautiful things.

Every time they did not keep their promises because there was a shortage in mental care for old people with dementia. I became very angry. I phoned, talked, send letters but nothing worked.

My mother and my father worked with numerous others to rebuild the Netherlands after the war. When she was old The Netherlands was a very rich country but the government was unable to take care of aged people.

I know why.

You know why.

Money makes the world go around
The world go around
The world go around
Money makes the world go around
It makes the world go ’round.

A mark, a yen, a buck, or a pound
A buck or a pound
A buck or a pound
Is all that makes the world go around,
That clinking clanking sound
Can make the world go ’round.

Money money money money money money
Money money money money money money
Money money money money money money
Money money

If you happen
To be rich,
And you feel like a
Night’s enetertainment,
You can pay for a
Gay escapade.
Money money
Money money
Money money
Money money
If you happen to
To be rich,
And alone, and you
Need a companion
You can ring-ting-
A-ling for the maid.
If you happen
To be rich
And you find you are
Left by your lover,
Though you moan
And you groan
Quite a lot,
Money money
Money money
Money money
Money money
You can take it
On the chin,
Call a cab,
And begin
To recover
On your fourteen-
Carat yacht.

Money makes the world go around,
The world go around,
The world go around,
Money makes the world go around,
Of that we can be sure.
(….) on being poor.

Money money money-
money money money
Money money money-
money money money
Money money money money money money
Money money money money money money
Money money money money money money


If you haven’t any coal in the stove
And you freeze in the winter
And you curse on the wind
At your fate
When you haven’t any shoes
On your feet
And your coat’s thin as paper
And you look thirty pounds
When you go to get a word of advice
From the fat little pastor
He will tell you to love evermore.
But when hunger comes a rap,
Rat-a-tat, rat-a-tat at the window…

At the window…

[EMCEE (spoken)]
Who’s there?

[GIRLS (spoken)]

[EMCEE (Spoken)]
Ooh, hunger!

See how love flies out the door…

Money makes
The world…
…Go around
The world…
…Go around
The world…
…Go around
Money makes the
…. Go around
…Go around

That clinking
Clanking sound of
Money money money money money money
Money money money money money money

Get a little,
Money money
Get a little,
Money money
Money money
Money money
Money money
Money money

Mark, a yen, a buck
Get a little
Or a pound
Get a little
That clinking clanking
Get a little
Get a little

Clinking sound

Money money
Money money…

Is all that makes
The world go ’round

Money money
Money money

It makes the world go round!

I miss my mother.

Hahahaha Dadadada: About Childisch behavior and Decadence

Wednesday, June 13th, 2007

This evening I talked with a friend of mine. He runs a business in Knowledge Management Tools. His brother-in-law is very rich and he was invited to visit him in Spain (Valentia). His brother-in-law owns six cars, a big house and a very expensive sailing ship but he is not able to sail.

My friend is an expert in sailing and he is helping his brother-in-law to sail his ship to Alicante. This weekend a huge sailing event is taking place. It is organized by Switzerland. They needed a sea so they made a deal with Spain.

Organizing the whole events costs Euro (Tax money). To develop a sailing boat an investment of 20.000.000 Euro is necessary just to experiment. Building the ship costs much more (200.000.000 Euro).

Winning the race gives you status in the network of rich people. Larry Ellison the owner of Oracle is one of the persons who is investing billons just to win and another Russian billionaire is doing the same. Anderson made his money by creating and selling software to big companies and government agencies. The Russian billionaire just grabbed everything he could get in Russia. He not only owns a expensive ship but also the most important Soccerteam in Brittain (Chelsea).

Normal (poor) people can watch the race on television and rich people don’t even watch. They have their private parties and my friend is invited. I advised him to find somebody that would buy his environment just for fun.

His Sister-in-Law shows strange behavior. She is wasting enormous amounts of money (six cars) but she also looks at the small things. She is “pound foolish and pennywise”. Her main interest is faking the luggage system of the airplane. She does not want to pay more than the normal fair and she has developed numerous tricks to fake even the customs. She is an expert in smuggling. She acts like a big child and she does not knows she is playing with fire.

My friend is an analytic observer and he observes the same thing in government projects (also tax money). His tools are very cheap and very advanced (Open Source) but Government Agencies and especially Government Research Organizations are spending billions to create something that is already available for free.

Rich people don’t pay a lot of taxes. They pay advisors to find holes in laws and the advisors advise governments to create holes. If they don’t do that the rich people move to other places in the world. Switserland is the expert in “helping” rich people. Banks are doing everything you want to do secret things with your money.

Last night I was asked to help the sun of a friend. He was having troubles with mathematics. I am a mathematician. (Not) to my surprise I found out that his problem was not insight but just doing something at school. He was spending all his time with friends, making fun in school and he did not spend a minute to listen to the teacher or to read his book. I couldn’t do anything to help him.

My friend also wanted to talk about the “career” of his sun. He had to make a choice and after some debate I found out that he wanted to become a banker. I have worked for a bank and I explained him what bankers are doing. He wanted to work in the money-market. I told him economics or mathematics is needed. He understood that his behavior in school was not helpful. After some debate I found out that he did not want to become a real banker. Banking was about doing nothing, driving big cars, nice suits and having fun. He just wanted to be rich.Unfortunedly his father was not a rich person so the only thing that was left for him was to play the lottery.

What is happening?

What is happening is called decadence. We are so rich that we don’t know what to do with our wealth.

But we are also very stressed. Why? Because we are convinced we have to work to make money.

To employ people we give them fake-jobs. Many jobs are about advising the advisor. This is a well know play in the Netherlands. Behind every teacher (we have a shortage, it is not paying much) twenty people are advising. Behind every nurse (and we have a shortage, it is not paying much) there are twenty advising. And it goes on. There are advisor to advisor and at a certain point they create a loop. This loop causes complexity and we employ advisors to make it simple and a new complexity arises. In the end we don’t know what is happening, we get stressed and we employ advisors (ok I stop).

It’s like a strange dream and the dream can turn into a nightmare when the system collapses (and it is collapsing) and suddenly we don’t have enough electricity (Fall-outs happen) and the trains are not running (They do).and computer systems are going out of control (They do) The advisors know that the reason is complexity but they don’t know how to solve it.

Dada or Dadaism is a cultural movement that began in neutral Zurich, Switzerland during World Ware I and peaked from 1916 to 1920. The movement concentrated its anti-war politic through a rejection of the prevailing standards in art through anti art. The movement influenced later styles, movements, and groups including Surrealism, Pop Art and Fluxus.

The artists created art out of junk and shit and made a fool of the governing class. Surrealism uses the Dream World to show how the elite is behaving. The “leader” Andre Breton was trained in medicine and psychiatry. He used the psychoanalytic methods of Freud with soldiers who were shell-schocked. He admired anti-social attitudes and disdain for established artistic tradition. He hated them and wanted to show the fake and the nightmares of poor innocent people that were fighting a useless war that was all about Power and Status.

Now the rich persons are paying millions to buy a piece of shit of Dada.

Andre Breton is laughing in his grave and the rich people are laughing also because they also have fun.


Dadadada. Childisch Behavior.


Are we watching the End of Western Civilisation?

I don’t know.

The rich have all the money and therefore the power to stay in power.

The children watch the Jet-Set on Television and also want to be rich.

If they are very poor they Join the Army.
