Archive for March, 2008

About Subsidies

Thursday, March 6th, 2008
Around 1993 I became responsible for Subsidy Management at ABN AMRO. The whole thing started when the bank contracted a specialized company called PNO. I was asked to coordinate their activities in the Bank.
  • First you have to write a proposal (estimate time (including advisor).
  • When you get a subsidy you have to spend time reporting (estimate time).
  • The sum of both multiplied by the price per hour result in the costs.
  • Multiply the sum of subsidy by the chance you get the subsidy. A simple way to do that is to estimate the amount of contenders. This gives you a simple statistical expectation.
  • If the Estimated sum is lower than the costs don’t spend your time and try to get money in a different way. In general when you are a small company stay out of subsidies.

If you really want to become rich start a company like PNO (Pecunia Non Olet, Money Does Not Stink).

When I met them I soon found out that I was there when the company was created. They started their activities at the same place (Hengelo) and the same building as the company of a friend of mine. This company (Utopics) developed the expert-system they use to track subsidy opportunities.

Until 1993 I did not realize that it was possible to acquire a huge amount of money when you play the game the right way.

The Subsidy Game is played the right way when you combine two things. You have to align your strategy and related projects with the vision of government and you have to create the right level of contacts.

When the local or international government defines a policy they look for instruments to support this policy. One of the instruments they use is subsidies. They pay you to do what they want you to do.

When you want to get a lot of money you have to align your policy with the policy of the government.

It is very important to understand that aligning your policy is a virtual act. You have to show that the policy is written down on paper. If you are clever you don’t have to adjust your plans. In reality you play the same game government is playing. They also act very differently at the inside.

They play the Game of Politics. The game of politics is a combination between the Unity (Plan, Model) and the Social (Emotions, Network) World-View. The game is about persuading people to accept a model or plan or asking an opinion about a plan.

The simple trick is to relate all the projects you are doing to the policies of the Government and translate the project-plan into a proposal for subsidy.

The next step is much more important. You have to influence the network of decision makers. I hope you are not a naive person who believes in an objective government.

Everybody in government can be influenced to do what you want. The only thing that counts is the price you have to pay. Please understand that bribing is possible but this is a very stupid way to get influence because it only influences one person.

To get an optimal result you have become an “important person” in the network of decision makers itself.

To do this you have practice the art of Public Relations (PR). When you are practicing PR you have to know WHO is WHO, visit meetings and parties and give something to receive something.

When the Subsidy-project grew I became involved in PR at a large scale. PR is really fun. You talk a lot, travel a lot, you eat (and drink) a lot and sometimes you make a beautiful deal.

Soon I found out that the power of the Dutch Government was gone. The power was moved to Brussels. I made a proposal the create a special lobby-office in Brussels and to my surprise top-management agreed.

This started a new level of sophisticated manipulation. Getting things done in Brussels is much more difficult that getting things done in the Hague.

Brussels can be compared with Washington and the European Union acts the same as the USA. Many things are decided behind close doors and the most important influencers are the rich companies.

To get some instant experience I visited a few lobby offices and talked with the managers to find out how they were doing “it”.

My most spectacular experience was with IBM. IBM seemed to me the perfect lobby machine. The manager of the Lobby Office was the Minister of Foreign Affairs of IBM and he also had the power to act.

Influencing EG Policy was a very important issue at IBM. You have to understand that the EG is deciding about many standards and the standards have to be built in the products of IBM.

When I got acquainted with the practices of Brussels I discovered many “bribing patterns”. Later they were also detected and many scandals appeared. Yes, High Level Officials of the EG asked for money and they were also payed.

When you are not a high level player in the Subsidy Business I advice you to make use of an advisor. Even if you use an advisor the changes are low. Because of the low changes you are able to make a simple calculation to find out if subsidies are something you have pursue.

Why are all the Bees dying?

Tuesday, March 4th, 2008
Haagen-Dazs is warning that a creature as small as a honeybee could become a big problem for the premium ice cream maker’s business. At issue are the disappearing bee colonies in the United States, a situation that continues to mystify scientists and frighten food-makers.
That’s because, according to Haagen-Dazs, one-third of the U.S. food supply – including a variety of fruits, vegetables and even nuts – depends on pollination from bees.It is now estimated that nearly half of Italy’s 50 billion bee population died last year. Meanwhile, the situation in the U.S., where up to 70% of honey bees have already died, is far worse than in Italy. The worldwide bee epidemic has also hit France, Germany, Britain, Brazil, Australia, and Canada.

Bees are responsible for the pollination of fruits, nuts, vegetables; such as, carrots, cucumbers, broccoli, onions, pumpkins, squash, apples, blueberries, avocados, almonds or cherries. Many animals and insects are dependent on these products. In the end the only thing that is left for us to eat is grain and seafood.

The wheat supplies around the world are at their lowest level in thirty years and the demand for seafood is also much bigger than the amount of fish that is produced. The effect is a permanent rise of the prices. At the end only the Rich people (We) are able to buy food. The rest of the World has to find other solutions. Don’t you think this will create a lot of conflicts?

Scientists are “mystified” by what they call Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD).

 Bees use the sky and the earth’s magnetic field to navigate. They communicate this information to their mates by the famous bees’ waggle dance on the honeycomb. Researchers at Landau University in Germany designed a simple experiment. They exposed bee-hives to the radiation of DECT-stations. Of course they also used a control group that was not exposed. For two microwave-exposed hives no bees at all returned. To one hive only six returned.

I think it is strange that a simple explanation is not accepted. When bees vanish there can be only one reason. They move out and are unable to find their way back. Because their navigation system depends on “the sky and the earth magnetic field” there must be something wrong with this field.

 Honeybees are one of the most sensitive indicator species for all the environmental pollution and dangerous technologies we perpetrate.

When honeybees disappear, we too, shall follow in due time.I have written more than once about the big changes that are taking place in the Magnetic Field of the Earth. Some changes are caused by external influences (the Sun Cycle) but most of the changes are caused by ourselves. We are polluting the sea, the earth and the sky.

Not only the telecommunication-industry is producing electro-magnetic pollution. The Military (US, Russia, China) have produced very powerfull Electro-Magnetic Weapons. This network is build by the US-Army is now covering the US. It produces so called ELF (Extreem Low Frequency) waves. It is proved that these network change the Magnetic Orientation with 10 degrees. ELF networks are also capable of influencing the Emotions.

I know that the policy-makers are aware of the problems. They know already for a very long time about the hazards. They don’t know what to do because we are now about a 100% dependent on the “mobile”-infrastructure. They don’t want to admit they told “lies” to the public.

It is a well known fact that when many people are compromised they just wait and see and hope for something that will save from a downfall when everybody starts to realize we are moving into a fatal disaster and they knew it all the time (!).

Not only the politicians are not acting. The users (Civilians and Soldiers) are also watching and using their beautifull gadgets. They are addicted and don’t realize that electro-magnetic infrastructures are also killing the Immune-system and affect our Emotional States.

The Military don’t mind about this. Destructing the Enemy is their Goal.

When you read this Blog please realize that You are again informed about a new step in the Destruction of Your own Environment.

If we go on this way we will be sick (Auto-Immune Diseases), poor and hungry (Shortage of Food) in due time.

 We will be poor because the financial system is crashing because of the spectacular amount of financial speculation. Speculation in Commodities is one part of a very big picture that shows that the Financial Industry is gambling on a very large scale. Speculation is one the most important factors for the rise of all the prices in commodities.

Sometimes we have to stop something and start all-over again. I am afraid we have to stop mobile communication almost immedeatly and move back to the old way of telecommunication using cables. I am sure we will find low-intensity solutions for Mobile Communication. There is really no need to send Movies and Pictures by the mobile network.There is abundance of Glass Fiber!

We also have to stop all the large scale “experiments” with Electro Magnetic Fields that are going on in the Weapon Industry. There is no need for more advanced highly destructive weapons. 

Why the Old Magic is Still Possible: About Franz Bardon and Quantum Superposition

Monday, March 3rd, 2008

Until recently many people believed in Occult Powers. These powers are acting for the good (Angels) or for the bad (Devils). White and Black Magician used these powers to influence the course of causal time.

Magic and Magicians have left the stage of History. The stage is taken over by fake magicians (like Uri Geller) who use tricks to deceit their public. I believe the Old Magic is still possible.

Magic is still to be found in Books, Games and Movies. The new magicians use advanced technology to create special and impressive effects. The old fashioned magicians used much more simple devices like a wand, a mirror and of course spells.

Science has succeeded to convince us that “the old magicians” where just like the stage-magicians. They just fooled everybody or used invisible technology (mirrors).

I am convinced that this is not true. The Power of the Will is tremendous and there is also a scientific story to tell that proofs that Angels en Devils are still there. We just call them differently.

The Angels and the Devils are translated in the language of Science. They are now called Forces or Fields.

The Holographic Universe is an enfolding self-referential structure. The Holographic Universe can be reformulated in the Consciouss Universe. In this Universe there are levels of enfolding that are acting like Angels and Devils. At this moment we call these levels of enfolding Fields or Forces.

It is possible to make a connection with a Field or Force by quantum superposition. Other terms that are used are entrainment or coupling.

Human beings entrain when they are in dialogue or take part of a big exiting event (soccer). Entrainment has also a lot to do with trances. When you are in a deep trance state you are able to create a Quantum Superposition (a becoming one with) a Power that is on another consciouss level than you are.

A Magician used tools to get into the right trance state and used his Will and Imagination to define a path in the network of events that we call time.

Some stage magicians also use trance states. They put the public and/or their “victims” in a hypnotic state.

When you want to read more about Magic have a look at.

My favourite books about Magic are written by Franz Bardon.


About Free Will and Free Choice

Saturday, March 1st, 2008
melting clocksThe Causal, Linear, chain of Time as a Flow is an Illusion.
We are Moving in a Network of Events with each “event”, having its own measure of location, and its own measure of time, with reference to other events.
We are living in a Universe where every point in Space is represented by an Event.
We are always in the Now. Past and Future are a construction of our internal Calculation Engine (the Cerebral Cortex).
The Universe is also equipped with a memory and the memory of the Universe is Moved By the Potential Energy of the Vacuum. Because the Universe also contains the Material world Every Thing is conscious.

dali willWe, the Humans, are “more conscious” than the Universe because we have a faculty called a Will.

The Will of the Human Being makes him (or her) very different from every thing else in the Universe. We are able to Want Something.

We are able to Strive for Something (a Goal). The rest of the Universes is governed by Rules, the Laws of Nature.

The first problem we encounter is that experiments show that an Intention (an act of the Will) is not created in what psychologists call the Consciousness. An Intention starts in the Unconsciousness (also called The Emotions).

This problem can be easily solved by accepting that the Unconsciousness is more conscious than the Consciousness.

What are The Emotions Striving for?

Love, Unity, Harmony.

Strange this is same thing the Universe is “striving for”. In the terminology of the Universe Love, Harmony and Unity are called Symmetry. We share the same strivings as the Universe.

Dali deadPerhaps we are different because we Live. The Universe (Matter) is dead.

We are capable to be aware of the environment, to adapt to the environment, to manipulate and to move in our environment.

We also have the ability to have “offspring”.

Of course we are not able to fully understand what environment the Universe sees. The quantum potential of the Vacuum, the Zero-Point-Field, contains influences from many other Universes.

Universes are aware of other Universes in the Multi-Verse. It shows all the other aspects of Life also. It is born (Big Bang) and it dies (Big Crunch) and it even produces off-spring.

So are we Created or are we Creating?

Do we have a Free Wil?

The answer is NO.

We are created by the Universe and behave like the Universe. We are an enfolding of the Universe just like our cells are an enfolding and Galaxies are an enfolding. All of them are “look alikes”.

We behave in the same way. If we look outside we see the same as we look inside. The Universe and Human Beings are Self-Referential!

dali-galatea_of_the_spheresIn our context we have a Free Choice (not free Will) to travel one of the many (246 * 320 * 59 * 76 * 112 * 133 * 17 * 19 * 23 * 29 * 31 * 41 * 47 * 59 * 71) paths the Universe has made available for us to explore. 

A “Thing” is conscious if It contains a Memory. Without a Memory there is nothing to compare. When there is nothing to compare Every Thing Is (=) and Every Thing is just One (1).

The Universe would be One and completely unaware of itself. It would not exist.

So to be conscious we have to “Make a Difference”.

We (Humans and Organisms) are “Moving Memories” and Our Memories are “Moved by Events”.