Archive for February, 2008

Why Traveling Time is Really no Problem at All

Wednesday, February 27th, 2008

Human perception is perhaps an illusion. If we understand how the illusion is created we are able to understand what is behind the veil of our senses. When people are is this state the quality of the “calculated” present lowers.

It becomes more vague. This effect “proves” that we are part of a Holographic System. In a Holograpic System the parts contain data about the Whole but when a “part of the parts” is united the quality of the “picture” goes down.

The senses are sampling data at a certain rate. The samples are combined in a “picture” of reality”. In the next step the pictures (Gestalts) are combined into a flow. The senses can be compared with a movie-camera and the brain produces the movie.

Memory is the most important reason why we don’t see what really ”is”. We are extremely biased by our experience of the past. The Gestalts trigger “old movies” that are stored in the long term memory. These old movies are integrated into the projection on our internal screen.

Our Memory is also the main reason why time is slowing down when we get older. When we are not flexible (a rigid or dominant memory) the amount of new experiences slows down and our experience of time changes accordingly.

The basic building block of experience is called the specious time. Its duration is about 1 second (about three notes of music).

The frequency of sampling can be changed. If this happens it looks like “time slows down”. Slowing down time happens when people are in a very distressful situation (an accident) or in a meditative state.

The clock that is managing the sampling process (the Zeitgeber) is synchronized with our external clock, the Sun. The Sun controls the so called Circadian Rhythm in our body.

Not only the senses are managed by a dedicated clock, The Circadian master is the conductor of a huge number of peripheral clocks, including those found in heart, liver, lung, and retina cells (Eyes).

When the circadian rhythm is destroyed organisms display many physiological problems, including infertility, high cholesterol, and conditions that resemble diabetes, obesity, and metabolic disorders.

The location of the master clock can be found in a network of neurons in the hypothalamus called the superchiasmatic nuclei, or SCN. When the connection with SCN is broken the other clocks don’t lose their rhythms. They lose synchrony and start to work alone.

The Zeitgeber of the specious moment are called thalamocortical oscillations. They connect the thalamus (The Clock) with the Cerebral Cortex (The Sensory Motor System). The oscillations are produced by neurons that fire at a rate of about 40Hz. This frequency is called the Gamma Wave. This wave is associated with higher mental activity.

With every tick of the clock a sample is taken but it takes time to “calculate” the result. Images take more time to be “calcaluted: than sound and touch. This is the reason why the time-interval of a Gestalt (a combination of sound, image, …) is much longer than 1 sec.

If something happens that is faster than 1 second (a single note) it has an effect in more than one Gestalt. The very fast “happenings” outside are taken more than once in the calculation.

The existence of the specious moment has created many philosophical problems related to time and consciousness.

The first and most important point is the question of consciousness.

If time consists of independent moments (EVENTS) why do we experience continuity, a flow of time?

The sad answer is that continuity is an illusion. There are only “nows” and a feeling of the past time is a present feeling. The past is a correlation, a similarity of moments. The “feeling” of continuity could be created because the specious moments overlap. The clock ticks but the results of the “calculation” take longer than the time-interval of the clock.

Why is time moving to the future?

Again only a sad answer is available. We are not moving! The movement of time is a construction of our cerebral cortex.

So traveling time is really no problem. The only thing that will be a problem is to detect if we are time-traveling because we are doing it all the time!

The last and probably the most important question is what is there behind the veil of our senses.

I think the answer is : Immense Beauty or the Hyper-Diamond-Feynman-Checkerboard or the Holographic Universe or framed into Group Theory: The Monster.


Everything you want to know about thalamocortical oscillations

About Circadian Rythms

About the Holographic Principle

Monday, February 25th, 2008

Scientists think that Time is Natures way to avoid that Everything happens or happened at once. Time puts everything in a causal sequence.

The big question is if we are traveling the only possible sequence. Is it possible to connect events the way we want them to be connected?

It looks like that the answer is Yes. We are able to travel time.

Time slows down when we are relaxed and speeds up when we are active. The past moves much more slowly as the present.

Only a few moments or events stay in our active memory and the distance between these events widens when we get older.

When we move back in time or jump one level higher in abstraction the Universe is made more compact, more essential. Perhaps there is one essential structure behind everything.

When we move back in time history seams to repeat itself.

Perhaps the essential structure looks like a circle or a topological variant of a circle, a manifold.

Time moves with different speeds at different levels. Perhaps Events are real and Time is a construction, an Ilusion.

According to Physicists the Time-Line is not a chain but a network of possible lines and it is not clear that the Time-Lines that we Choose are the only time-lines that are realized.

I emphazise the word Choose because Chosing is perhaps an Act of Creation that generates multiple time-lines in which we are divided into parts that are still connected in a whole.

It is possible that every time events takes place we are spit up in many parts that move with every possibility to the future. If this is true there are not only many futures but also many pasts (and many Alter Ego’s).

The possible futures are called multi-verses. For some reason we are not able to connect to our fellow-travellers united in our joint Whole.

A veil is seperating us but ik looks like the veil (of Isis) will be lifted and we will know all our soul-mates in the past, present and future.

Some Physicists imagine there is no time at all. The Universe is a static structure of immense beauty.

Time is an illusion. We (our Senses) are creating this illusion. We are really watching a multidimensional movie and the movie is stored in the Universe (The Akasha).

If this is true The Now, The Past en the Future are already there.

If the Universe is really static and we are the Observers of the Universe the issue of Physics is brought back to solving the problem of the way the data is Stored.

To see a World in a Grain of Sand And a Heaven in a Wild Flower
Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand And Eternity in an hour

The first lines of William’s Blake poem “Auguries of Innocence” describe what is known in Physics as the Holographic Principle.

All the data to compute the actions of our Universe is stored at the surface of a manifold. In physics this manifold can be a very complicated structure, a geometry.

In our world the manifold is often a rotating device (disk, tape). The rotating device is “scanned” and the data is transformed in a signal. At this moment almost all the storage is digital (bits).

A Hologram is created when the reflection-pattern of the beam of light of a laser is aimed a a 3 Dim-Image. The pattern is stored on a 2Dim-surface.

A Hologram has a very special property. A part of the Hologram contains the data of the whole. When parts of the Hologram are used they produce the same image with a lower quality (!!!).

A “grain of sand” could contain the complete image of the Universe but if the grain was a part of a bigger picture the image of the Universe would be very vague. Only if the grain contains the complete structure of the Whole is would show Every Thing.

The “Part produces the Whole”-principle of the Hologram has exited many people. It has produced a mystic theory of Physics that is supported by David Bohm, one of the pupils of Einstein. Later the idea of a Hologram was promoted by Karl Priham to Explain the Brain.

To distinguish the two Holographic principles the last one is called the Strong Holographics principle.

The Holographic Principle is derived out of the correspondence between the Information theory of Claude Shannon and the theory of Boltzmann. Both have created a theory about the concept Entropy.

Entropy is a measure of the structure (or chaos) of a system. Structure turns into chaos when there is no influx of energy. A living system is an example of a system that maintains its structure by the intake of energy (food, air). It reconstructs his structure by permanently replacing the damaged parts (Autopoiesis).

The big difference between the theories of Bolzmann and Shannon is that the Information theory of Shannon is dimensionless. Everything is just bits. When the bits are scanned they (re-)produce the picture (or the sound).

The Holographic principle shows that it is possible to imagine a Universe where the data that is stored in a n-Dimensional surface is able to create a n+1-Dimensional (or n+j j>1) universe. The Universe could be stored in a grain of sand.

The dynamics in the Universe is created by the deepest layer the Vacuum. On the very small level of the Vacuum there is only chaos. This chaos is a result of the Heisenberg uncertainty principle.

The chaos of the Vacuum or the Zero-Point-Field generates an enormous amount of potential energy that flows through possible paths (Spin-networks). The temperature of the vacuum is so high that the water that flows through the networks changes into a foam (Spin-foam).

On the deepest level the Universe can be represented as a constant creation and destruction of tiny Soap-bubbles that contain an enormous amount of potential energy. Someone or something has to guide this energy through all the possible pathways that are described by the Magic Hologram.

Just like Julian Barbour in his book “The End of Time“, Michael Lockwood takes the Now very seriously.

In his recent book The Labyrinth in Time he calls the Now Actuality. Actuality is a part of the surface of the Hologram that we (the Sensors, The Observers) are traveling. We are able to move back and forth at the surface. This means that we are able to travel time. The only condition we have to fullfill is that we are closing the loop. We have to close the loop because in the end we always arrive at the beginning.

The Universe is an eternal cycle of expanding and contracting states (The Big Bounce). Loop Quantum Gravity has been able to solve the problem of what happened before the Big Bang. It is also a result of the Holographic principle.

The father of the Holographic principle is John Archibald Wheeler.

He believes we create the Universe through quantum-mechanical acts of observation, a process he calls “genesis by observership”. “The past is theory,” he once wrote. “It has no existence except in the records of the present. We are participators, at the microscopic level, in making that past, as well as the present and the future.”

About the Hyperdiamond

Thursday, February 21st, 2008
The Monster

The Hyperdiamond

The beauty of our Universe is highly related to what mathematicians call symmetry. A structure is symmetric when it is possible to find a function that maps the structure unto itself.

A simple example is mirror-symmetry. In this case the structure looks the same when it is reflected in a mirror. Another example is rotational symmetry. The structure returns when it is rotated.

The symmetries can be combined to create more complex symmetries. For more than a century mathematicians are trying to create a periodic table of elements of all the possible symmetries called symmetry groups.

The “classification theorem” of such groups, also known as the “enormous theorem” (requiring over 15,000 pages to “prove”), states that the periodic table can be classified completely into 5 groups.

In two dimensions the symmetry-group contains 17 types of symmetrical transformations. All of them are visible around the walls of the Alhambra.

One of the five groups is made up of exceptions to the regularity of the others. These exceptional sub-groups are known as sporadic groups.

Attention has long been focused on these 26 exceptional sporadic groups. The largest of these, incorporating 20 of the others, has been named the Monster — the most exceptional finite symmetry group in mathematics.


Packing spheres

It is a giant (hyper)Diamond in 196,884 dimensions composed of more elements than there are supposedly to be elementary particles in the universe (approx. 8 x 10**53).

The Monster is something special but what makes the Monster spectacular is that it showed a strange connection (called Moonshine) with a very different part of Mathematics called Number Theory.

Recently I read a book about this subject by Mark Ronan called Symmetry and the Monster.


The maximum of 12 spheres can be packed in the 3rd dimension

Mathematics and especially Number- and Group theory are very hard to understand even for mathematicians. It is a very special specialization.

Number Theory was one of the most important issues in the Mystical Schools of the Old Scientists.

Pythagorus and of course the mystics in the East were very interested in the patterns behind the Beauty of the Universe. Number was the unifying concept necessary for understanding everything from planetary motion to musical harmony.

They believed the Universe was based on integer numbers (1,2,3,..) and the Monster shows that this could be the case.

One of the magic numbers that would have exited Pythagoras is 24. It is a magic number because the sum of the square-roots of all the numbers 1 to 24 is equal to the square of 70.

The sequence of 1 to 24 is part of a 26-dimensional Lorenz-space that is highly connected to the monster and moonshine. A Lorenz-space is an extension of the space Einstein used called Minskowski space. This space connects space with time. The Monster suggests that we could live in a space of 24 dimensions instead of 3.

The kissing number in 4 dimensions is 24. The cells can be connected to the 24d hyperdiamond.

The interpretation of all this in normal language can be found by the relationship of the Monster to a special surface called the Leech Lattice. The Leech Lattice is created when we package spheres.

The Leech Lattice has the highest Kissing Number. This number is 12 in 3 dimensions. In the third dimensions we are able to package spheres that touch other spheres at 12 places.

The Monster connected by Moonshine to Physics (String Theory) shows that our Universe consists of an enormous amount of Bubbles called Quantum Foam. We live in the Universe where the bubbles are touching with the highest kissing number possible. 


About the Universe of Bubbles

About the Symmetry of the Sri Yantra

About Genesis

Sunday, February 17th, 2008
A very interesting principle that helps to shape education is the principle of Genesis. The principle of Genesis can be seen in the development of the human fetus. It follows all the stages of human evolution but the process takes nine months instead of millions of years.

The most interesting scientists that researched genesis can be found in Russia. They lived in the time of Stalin and tried to cope with Marxism.

Their names are Lev Vigotsky, Yury Lotman’s (the Semiosphere), Vernadsky‘s (the Biosphere, now called Gaya) and of course Bakhtin‘s (the Logosphere). All of them felt that we are reaching a new “jump” in the genesis of our “systems” (thinking, living and commun-ication).

Vigotsky believed in the Genesis of Education. To educate a person we have to teach him all the important stages in the development of a certain science. The only thing we have to do is detect the Major Events or “Jumps” or “Phase Transitions” so we can speed up the process.  

Vigotsky argued that the human evolution is largely connected to the development of tools. If we want to learn more about the Major Jumps of  human culture we have to look at the genesis of our instruments including our “tools of the mind”.
The other important issue of Vigotsky is Context.
People learn when they are operating in the same context the science is applied. The major learning process is Exploration, making mistakes and learning from the mistakes.
Education is only successful if the teacher stretches his pupil a little bit. He (or she) has to Push (Challenge) the learner into a higher State of Understanding to make the next step and to explore a new territory of Understanding.

Bahktin, Vigotsky, Vernadsky and Lotman all believed in a Cyclic system that suddenly moves to a new level. At this moment we would classify their science as Chaos Theory.

If Bahktin, Vernadsky and Lotman and Vigotsky are right we have to prepare ourselves for a new step (Gaya, The Semiosphere, The Logosphere, The Internet).

This step will bring Cooperation on a New scale, Earth.It is not very clear if the new cooperative structure will guide us of if we will guide the structure ourselves.

I think the first thing is happening. We are already confronted with the ”New Wave” and the Wave is increasing his strength. It will “Blow Away” all the Old structures like a Tsunami.

If we look at human cultures the same pattern is visible. We have-to move (!) to certain stages to reach the next stage of development. We cannot enforce Democracy on a culture that is in the stage of the Kingdom or the Tribe.

The same happens in the field of economics and the market. The capitalists are enforcing free trade but they protected their own trade when they were in another stage of their development. We have to accept that the development countries are able to protect their trade because we (the West) did the same thing long ago.

About Learning Styles or Why Inventors are Always Bothering an Organization

Saturday, February 16th, 2008
At ABN AMRO I was responsible for one of the biggest training projects ever started. The complete IT-Staff and their customers had to be trained in “the ABN AMRO-way-of-working” after the merger took place.
We were able to use the most advanced people and tools to accomplish this aim. It made it possible to meet “the best minds on earth” and to learn about their vision and experience. Later we used this knowledge in every part of the bank.

One of the major targets we wanted to accomplish was to minimize training. People with IT-Skills are very expensive and every day they spend at a training costs a lot of money.

Minimizing training was translated into “Training on the Job”.

To minimize training we started to investigate where and why people were trained and we found many “hidden costs”.

People (mis-)used other people to learn. One of them was an Expert and the others phoned or mailed the expert to ask questions. The expert loved to do this but by “helping others” he (or she) was unable to their “real job”.

We gave them “time to help” but we started to investigate why (and how) one person became an expert and why the others did not spend much time to “learn the trade themselves”.

Experts are people who Explore everything in their own way. They have an internal priority to find out for themselves “how-it-works”. Experts are Explorers.

The others needed to be programmed (or a better term Instructed) and the best way to do this was (of course) Programmed Instruction. The funny thing is that “programmed instruction” can be programmed in a program.

When you create software you are able to create a kind of “meta-layer” that helps (it is called Help) the user. Creating a user-friendly help-system is very difficult to do. You have to balance between compact (Do This) and Extended Information (Why?).

When you develop a software-system the best way to do is to design the “help-software” first and the “real software” later.

Another category of “users” are the Inventors. They are sending a new Idea or Enhancement every day. Inventors are a burden to the organization because they are “way ahead” of the others and the “others” are a majority.

Most of the Inventors are “technology-watchers” and want “new gadgets” build into the System. With Inventors you have to apply the 80/20-rule. Skip 20% of their specification and the essence appears.

If you read this blog I have showed something called “Learning Styles”. Some people have to be Programmed to learn others Invent or Explore.

Learning Styles are created by combining the “Internal Organs” of the Human Being.

These organs are the Imagination, the Emotions, the Sensory-Motor System and the Cognition (“Thinking”). The fifth organ, Consciousness, monitors the balance between the other organs. It acts as the Observer.

When you combine the Four Organs you are able to create six (or twelve) combinations. When you want to put your Ideas in Practice you are an Inventor and when you want Apply the Rules you want to be Programmed.

The six combinations can be combined in a pattern (a triangle, a square) and if you arrange the people with different learning styles in the right pattern they can Help the others to learn.
If you arrange this pattern in the “wrong way” your Organ-ization will stagnate and Innovation will stop.
Perhaps the best way is to “let it go the way is goes” (the flow) but this is something Managers, People who want to Instruct, don’t like at all.

About Learning Styles

Friday, February 15th, 2008

E-Learning is one of the results of the E-Commerce Bubble. During the E-Commerce Bubble everything you can imagine would be changed into a booming business if it was combined with The Internet (a Website).

When you would use the Internet you could learn Everywhere at Every place at Any time. Every “old-fashioned” system that was supporting an Educational Institution was E-ed. It was provided with a “web-site”-interface. Behind this interface nothing changed.

The “old-fashioned” E-Learning packages were designed to automate a professional educational environment. The only thing that changed was that the books (or the PPT’s) were put on a screen.

E-Learning is an example of a technological view on Education. Every new technology that emerges has-to-be used because they (the learners) use it and because they use it it will help them to be educated.

We HAVE TO use the mobile phone and wiki and forums and web-cams and 3-D and games and web 2.0 (or 3.0) and …. If we don’t do that we will be out of the competition..

The big question is are new technologies really helpful to improve the current learning environment?

My answer is that it matters and it does not matter. It matters because we have to stay in contact with “real life”" and it does not matter because an effective learning environment has nothing to do with technology in general.

We learn by practicing and every environment that is related to the practice we want to acquire works fine. So if you want to become an account-manager and to sell you need an mobile-phone you have to learn to use a mobile phone.

But when you want to learn how to fight terrorists you need to learn to use other tools also.

Is it possible to learn “how to design” on a computer?
Is it possible to learn to meditate on a computer?
Is it possible to learn “to be creative” on a computer

We don’t learn to play the piano on a mobile phone and we don’t learn to use a mobile phone on a piano but a computer (or better software) could be programmed to simulate a piano.

Is it possible to learn mathematics on a computer?

I ask you these questions because I hope you feel that they are related to different “fields” of learning.

You could learn “how to meditate” on a computer but practicing meditation is something else.

You could use the computer to create but painting and singing and making poetry needs something else.

They need an “internal tool” that has to develop itself. This internal tool could be called a talent and a talent is a “given thing”. We are (by definition) born with a talent. Goethe called the “internal” tools organs.

We are not only equipped with fysical organs but are also equipped with other non-fysical organs. They make it possible to see and to hear. Organs or talents are specialized structures or functions that are there when you are born. They have to be trained by invoking them.

They are invoked by giving them a challenge. Sometimes the challenges is a “cognitive” challenge (mathematics, patterns) but others need a “manual” challenge. They are “handy”.

When “handy” people are forced to do “cognitive” training they are not challenged and they fail.

The current System is not aimed at developing a talent. Some Systems are specialized in certain talents (Art, Top Sport) but some talents are not recognized. They are not recognized and even “killed” by the System.

I was born with a Mathematical Talent. Later I found out that this talent was inherited from my mothers family (Van Biezen). My talent was merely killed by the System.

It was killed because my talent is a specialization and a specialization implies also short-comings. One of my short-comings is my memory. I am able to remember (and recognize) patterns but I am not able to remember lists. I failed school because I was unable to learn the lists in foreign languages.

The strange thing is that I don’t have problems learning to speak a language. A language is not a list of words and learning a language is not about learning a list that maps words. If translating one language in the other was that easy the perfect translator would be on the market for a long time.

The fact that people are different creates a big problem when you want to create an educational factory. The factory is only able to do its job when the Input is “the same”.

If the input is divers you have to create a diversity of production-lines and you have to navigate the resources through these lines at the right moment.

When everybody is different the problem is unsolvable but when we are able to determinate a limited amount of differences current logistic approaches are capable of solving the problem.

The current logistic system in the Educational Factory is aimed at optimizing the activities of the Teacher (Class, Subject). He (or she) is the most important asset and the pupils have to follow the planning of the Logistic System.

If we would change the priority and put the learner in the centre and we would recognize that the development of a talent is the most beautifull thing a human being is able to do we have to change the logistics. Computers are beautifull tools to help to accomplish this.

The interesting point is that it is possible to determine a limited amount of “learning-styles” related to certain classes of talents. To my surprise nobody is using this knowledge. Just one learning style is used called Instruction (Telling “How-to-do-it”).

About “Just-in-Time”-Learning or Why we are still Waiting for Educational Simulators

Thursday, February 14th, 2008

Learning is an autonomous process. Human beings (and other organisms) respond to a change in their internal or external environment. We are not able to adapt to every change but small and gradual changes are implemented without noticing.

When you play the piano and pay attention to the notes your fingers are playing, your fingers will remember the notes they are playing. After some time you are able to find the notes by “letting your fingers go their way“.

Education is forced learning. We want somebody to acquire knowledge or a practice in the timeframe we have defined. Some people are able to do this with ease others fail.

In the old days children were educated in the context they lived in. Most of the time they copied the activities of their parents. The girls became a mother and the boys took over the practice of their father. Some of them failed and went their own way.

At this moment children are unable to learn in the context they live in. School is a completely artificial context where people are forced to learn what the “policy-makers” have defined.

Children learn without any force outside the school-environment and in certain situations this environment is an environment the “policy-makers” don’t like. Children learn to survive in a ghetto and are trained to become a thief or a seller of drugs.

What we see is a conflict between “real life” and “constructed or abstract life“. In about a hundred years we have created a highly abstract environment and this environment needs workers to sustain itself.

The abstract environment changes with an increasing speed. When somebody is trained to repair a car the car is changed into a highly computerized system and repairing is only possible when the computer tells the mechanic what to.

Adding numbers and multiplying numbers was educated at school. The calculating machine changed the game. The only thing you have to learn is to use the calculator.

The educational system is far behind the abstract world we are creating. It is forcing young people to learn things but they are unable to motivate why. The industry needs people to operate the machines but when they have trained their employees the world has changed.

The outside (abstract or imaginary world) is distancing itself from the internal world of human being and the real world they live in. The communication industry creates its own imaginary world that is shown in movies and games.

Why do young people have to spend so much time in a constructed environment that is totally disconnect from every part of the outside world it was aimed at?

The solution to this problem was invented a very long time ago and it is was called Life-Long-Learning. If we start to learn something we really need we learn without any problem.

Why is life-long-learning or “just-in-time”-learning not implemented?

Why are policy-makers writing big documents about this issue but are not implementing their vision?

The main reason is that they want to implement this concept in the “old fashioned educational system” using the old fashioned tools and the old fashioned employees.

The world has changed everywhere but the Educational System is still in the state of 50 years ago. This is really a very strange situation.

The first problem we have to solve is when “just-in-time“-learning has to start in life. Let us pick an age. Say 13 or 14. It is the time when many children start to have a job.

In the vision of “just-in-time-learning” this is the moment to give them the opportunity to make mistakes and ask questions that are “to-the-point”.

When children change (= learn) and are “adapted” we could change their environment and add complexity. In the end some of them could become even brilliant scientists. There are many examples in history of “self-made” scientists (Faraday).

I can imagine that you have a lot of arguments to show that this is a totally unpractical solution.

We could do something else. We could simulate “real-life’ and change the educational environment into a game.

Again I ask you why this has not been done until today. Well the first answer is that it has been done and there are already very effective educational games on the market. Some of them are even for free.

The second answer is that they are blocked by the educational publishers that make a lot of money by selling books and of course they are blocked by the teachers who don’t know what to do when children are learning without them.

Why the Education Factory is Producing Products Nobody Wants to Buy Anymore

Wednesday, February 13th, 2008

I have been involved with the Education System in many roles. I have been responsible for the education of children and adults and I have advised many companies and institutions (including the Dutch Ministry of Education) about education.I want to write a few blogs about this issue. This is the first one.

The first issue I want to write about is the System itself. I think the System is at the end of his life-cycle. It is dying.

The current System was created just after the war to handle many children (now called the baby-boomers). It’s focus was efficiency.

To be efficient the System was organized according to the paradigms that where part of the “Spirit of the Time” at that time. The main paradigm was the Factory.

The main product of the Factory is of course a product and the product has to be tested (exams).

There are many product-lines and they deliver products of high (University) and low quality.

The product-lines produce workers who are prepared to work in the product-lines of the next step, the real product-lines in the factories.

They deliver the norms for the previous step. At this moment the factories are using robots and we don’t need human robots anymore.

The current educational factories don’t know what product they have to deliver.

One serious problem is the Input. The Input has become more conscious every year. When I was at school we were accustomed to being programmed. We listened to the teacher and tried to do our utmost best.

This attitude changed of course when we got older and created big problems in the state of puberty. The state op puberty (resistance to power) now starts at a very early age. Females are much earlier in this state than males.

The big problem now is motivate children to learn something. They are easily bored and need an exiting environment to become motivated.

This environment is provided by commercial companies. They attract and manipulate young people with ease and provide them with goals in life that are very unrealistic. They also provide them with tools (games) that are much more exiting (and educational??) than what they are getting at school.

The last point is that we live in a highly materialistic society. This society provides simple goals that are related to making a lot of money. Many parents support their children in these goals and “making a lot of money” determines the major choices made in school.

At the end of the assembly-line the product looks around and is very dissapointed. There is no work available  or the speed in which they are able to reach their materialistic goals is much to slow. The effect is a mid-life-crisis at thirty.

If you read this blog you see that the Educational System has to compete with the Mass Communication Industry and this Industry is very wealthy and global.

The Educational System is local and poor and is not using the Marketing tricks of the Mass Communication Industry. It is certainly not able to follow the speed of innovation in this industry. The current Schooling System is completely out of tricks.

To solve their problems we have to restructure the System but this is not possible for the simple reason that Old Systems are resistant to change. The only thing we can do is to wait for is a total collapse.

What can we do to change the Factory Scholing System?

We have to Speed Up the process of dying.


By creating exciting educational games!


How to create Educational Games