Posts Tagged ‘US’

About The End of the Dollar

Monday, July 21st, 2008

A well-known scientist once gave a public lecture on astronomy. He described how the earth orbits around the sun and how the sun, in turn, orbits around the center of a vast collection of stars called our galaxy.

At the end of the lecture, a little old lady at the back of the room got up and said: “What you have told us is rubbish. The world is really a flat plate supported on the back of a giant tortoise” The scientist gave a superior smile before replying, “What is the tortoise standing on?” “You’re very clever, young man, very clever,” said the old lady. “But it’s turtles all the way down!”

The Financial System of the World is a special version of “Turtles all the way down“. At this moment one of the pillars of the US Financial System (Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac) is falling and many people hope it will be supported by a financial pillar, the US Government. The two pillars have financed 5.2 trillion dollars of mortgages (

Since 1970, the US Federal Government has run deficits for all but four years (1998-2001) adding to a total debt of 9.5 trillion of dollars (9.500.000.000.000). If you include entitlements such as Social Securityand Medicare the debt is $53 trillion—or $175,000 for every American—andrising.

A huge part of the debt is held by two pillars, the central banks of Japan and China. The Central Banks of China and Japan are slowly moving out of the Dollar. This pillar is falling also.

The Citizens of the US are the only turtles that are left. The US Government could raise taxes, reduce its spending or raise the interest rate. In all the cases the US Economy would fall into a recession. They are unable to do this. The US voters will never elect an American President who is raising taxes or will move its country into a recession. They will always vote for the Big Spender.

Below the last pillar is Emptyness, the Abyss, The Underworld, Hell. The Universe is floating in Nothingness. The Universe is floating because it is moving. Movement is the essence of the Universe.

The problem of Turtles all the Way Down (Infinite Regress) can be solved in a Circular, Rotating, Cyclic model. In a Circular model there is No cause and there is no End. Every point is a Beginning and an End. Every Cause comes back on Itself. In the End the US has to solve its own problems and the only way to solve its problems is to accept a Recession.

The US Financial System has generated a debt for more than 30 years. They were supported by other countries to expand their economy. These countries needed the US as a buyer of their products. They also needed the US to copy their Technology and their Science.

At this moment the Economic Activity in the World is moving to the East. The countries that supported the US the most, Japan and China, are now creating their own Cycle and their own market. This cycle is completed by the addition of India and Russia. In due time they don’t need the US Market, the US Technology and US Science anymore. The US has given them all the opportunities by Outsourcing many of their activities.

Japan and China are becoming friends again and they have their finger on the trigger of the financial gun. When they move into another currency or create their own currency the US financial system dies immedeatly. They don’t need a war to win the war.

About Sibel Edmonds or How US Intelligence is Stimulating a War in Central Asia

Thursday, July 17th, 2008

Sibel Edmonds was hired, as a contractor, to work as an interpreter in the translations unit of the FBI on September 2001. She reported various incidents of misconduct and incompetence to her superiors. She was fired on March 22, 2002. In reality she was fired for whistle-blowing. Sibel Edmonds not only discovered incompetence she also discovered interesting facts about covert operations of the US Intelligence in Central Asia.

After the fall of the Soviet Union, the super powers began to fight over control of Central Asia, particularly the oil and gas wealth, as well as the strategic value of the region.

Given the history, and the distrust of the West, the US realized that it couldn’t get direct control. This started more than a decade-long illegal, covert operation in Central Asia using Turkish operatives, Saudi partners and Pakistani allies.

The US Intelligence (CIA) stimulated Radical Islam Movements in East Asia. They were sponsoring the Taliban and al Qaeda. The US Army and his allies (including The Netherlands) are fighting enemies they have created themselves.

The funding of the operations comes out of narcotics trafficking, selling nuclear arms. smuggling weapons and terrorist activities. The US sponsored network manages the heroin industry from the farms in Afghanistan to the streets of London.

The network protects the convoys from Afghanistan through Central Asia to their final destination and they coordinate the laundering of the billions of dollars in Central Asian casinos and financial institutions in Dubai and Cyprus.

The Dutch Government is sending soldiers to Afghanistan to fight the Taliban. The Taliban are paid by the profits that come out of the trade of narcotics, weapons and nuclear arms. The US is still a trusted ally of the Dutch Government. Many people believe there is a hidden agenda but the Government is constantly denying this.

The Dutch Government is copying the behavior of their big Ally. They are suggesting a Noble Cause but everybody knows it all has to do with Power Relations and Economic Policy. The Dutch Government is constantly trying to explain to Dutch Parliament and the public why the war in Afghanistan is so important. To extend the presence in Afghanistan they almost had to force the members of parliament of the three parties in government.

For some reasons the people in parliament, the citizens and the press don’t know or just don’t want to know what is behind Afghanistan. They know about these issues or simply don’t want to believe these things are happening because they are simply absurd. They cannot believe that their ally, a democratic state, is doing all these things.

The case of Sibel Edmons started with an incompetent manager of the translation bureau of the FBI. Many of the translators were unable to translate the information they were receiving.

The manager of the bureau was not only lying to his managers about the competence of his staff, he was also trying to get more personnel by preventing Sibel Edmons to do her work. He destroyed her work to show his manager that he needed more personnel. When you are the manager of more personnel you are getting more status and more salary.

When Sibel Edmons just tried to tell her superiors that she was blocked to do her work she was fired. She was trying to help her country by showing Integrity and Courage. She was blowing a whistle and used the right procedures to blow her whistle.

Now she is very angry about her country and she is getting support of other people in the FBI and the CIA who are fed up with the constant manipulation behind the scene. To help them Sibel Edmons created the National Security Whistleblowers Coalition.

 The US is not the only country where the top management is hiding the incompetence and secret manipulations of their managers. In the Netherlands the same things are happening. They are happening in every highly bureaucratic organization and the Army is certainly one of them.

To move up in a bureaucratic organization you have to please your boss and to please your boss you have to hide the mistakes you are making. A bureaucratic organization is a perfect organization. It is managed by Paper and Procedures. The procedures are not created to manage; they are created to veil reality.

Behind the paperwork a power centre is controlling the organization. Everybody in this power centre knows something about the others. They are committed to each other by the crimes they share. It always starts with a fatal mistake but the cover up that is needed to hide the fatal mistake is a crime. When you have committed one crime the next crime is easier.

Naïve people believe bureaucratic organizations are perfect. They are telling and believing the stories that are told. The power network is using them to do the dirty jobs. Sometimes they wake up and see reality. Many of them are afraid to tell the truth. They fear to lose their pensions or are unable to get a better job.

Others accept the manipulations as a fact of life. They know that politics is really dirty business. They know that to manipulate you need intelligence and counter-intelligence.

They know that to keep the silent majority silent you have to tell the story they want to hear. They know that realistic politics is a game and to win the game to have to deceit. They know that whistleblowers are easily blocked and persecuted.

They keep their mouths shut and wait for the final moment, their retirement, when they are free to do what they really want to do.

When even one American — who has done nothing wrong — is forced by fear to shut his mind and close his mouth, then all Americans are in peril.” Harry S. Truman

Sibel Edmons made one fatal mistake. She believed that Government was created to serve the country. She believed she was helping government by telling the truth. Now she has left government and is doing a much better job. She is trying to stop something Harry Truman feared the most.


More about Sibel Edmonds

How the US created the Taliban

 More about Sibel Edmonds

About the Real Reason Why The US is in Iraq

More about Sibel Edmons

More about Sibel Edmons

A documentary about Sibel Edmons, Canal +, France

About the National Security Whistleblowers Coalition

A Defence Whistleblower in the Netherlands

Why The US has to be Nice, The EU has to Retaliate and the Underdeveloped Countries have to Forgive

Monday, July 7th, 2008

The Bretton Wood agreement was created in 1947 to prevent that nations use their currencies to obtain an unfair advantage.

This was the main cause of World War I en II. The countries were obliged to adopt a monetary policy that maintained the exchange rates of its currency within a fixed value.

President Nixon broke up the Bretton Woods international monetary system on Aug. 15, 1971. The US was unable to keep its finances stable because of the costs of the Vietnam War. Nixon destroyed the Foundation of the World Financial System, the Dollar.

In 1992 the exchange rates of the member states of the EU were fixed. The Euro, a new financial foundation, was born. At this moment the Dollar is not the foundation currency of the world anymore. This position is taken over by the Euro. The EU (and other countries) are paying a high price for the Economic Policy of the US. They are paying the bills of the biggest Debtor in the World.

Many US Citizens are moving into a state of panic. Not only Real Estate and Banks are in big troube. Other highly respected industrial companies like General Motors, Ford and Chrysler are close to a bankruptcy. The Entertainment Business is also on its retreat.

The Big Casino’s are losing their customers and companies like Walt Disney, CBS and Time Warner are getting in trouble. The situation of US Big Companies is so bad that Warrren Buffett, the most succesfull investor in the World, is moving his investments to Europe. He is mainly interested in family-owned companies in Germany.

The FED is unable to lower the Interest Rates. The effective interest is already negative. When they higher the rates the economy will drop into a spectacular recession. Their only hope is a Little Help from their Friends but the amount of Friends of the US is decreasing.

Finally the Climate Issue is proving itself in many ways. The Amount of Natural Disasters (Flooding, Hurricanes) is increasing. The only thing that is still not happening is a major Big Bang Earthquake.

The US Regulators (FED) are trying to stop the Recession by Lowering the Interest Rates. The FED is helping the Banking Industry to recover from the Credit Crunch but it is not helping the rest of the economy at all. The EU Regulators are trying to stop Inflation. They are doing exactly the opposite the US is doing.

Lower interest rates push down the value of the dollar. This prompts the oil-producing countries to push for higher oil prices.

The rising prices of oil and other commodities are also a result of a Rising of the economy in India, China, Russia and other countries. A small part of the World is Going Down and a big part of the world is Going Up. The total effect of this process is a growing demand and a growing demand simply increases the prices.

The growing demand has a huge effect on the World Climate. The rising economies are polluting the environment and the decreasing economies (especially the US) have polluted Earth for a long time already. The Underdeveloped Countries are just doing what the West was doing all the time. The huge change of the World Climate will eventually hit all the economies of the World.

The World is caught in a State of Catch22. Every course of action that is chosen ends in the long term in a Global Disaster.

In reality the World is changing on many levels. We are trying to stop this change. We are unable to do this because we are unable to find a Global Win-Win-situation. To find a Global Win-Win-situation we have to Change Something on Every Level All over the World.

The Western World is not accustomed to a Way Down. It believes Everything will go UP all the time. A Recession is a temporary state down between to rising states.

The Eastern World has a completely different World View. They believe the World is governed by Cycles. We have to accept the process of UP and Down because it is the Will of God. The Eastern world believes in Destiny. Eastern people are not afraid to die. Western people fear death.

In the Western World a Human is the Centre of the Universe. In the Eastern World the Human is a Part of a Whole. The Whole is much more important than the Individual. Western Democracy is trying to Unite Individuals. In the Eastern Culture it is much easier to Move the Masses.

The population in the Western World is decreasing. The population in the rest of the World is increasing. The Culture of the Eastern World will simply take over the World just by the numbers. They are the Majority and their Majority will grow. If the World would be an immense democracy The West would be without any power. The Democratic Party of the East would win every Election.

The only way for the West to stay in power is to use military technology. The US is already doing this and it is not helping us and the US at all. The fight againgst Terrorism is seen as a fight against the people of the Underdeveloped Countries. When you are hungry you do everything to get food. When your family is killed you fight back and kill the enemy. For many people in the World it is very clear that the West is the real Enemy.

If we look at the Strategy of the Financial Regulators we can see that the US Financial Regulators are Nice to the Banks and the EU Financial Regulators are Retaliating. The US Regulators are hoping the actors (mainly the Banks) in the US will start to cooperate. The EU Regulators are defecting the same Actors. Both of them are very Clear about what they want to accomplish. Both of them want to keep on moving UP.

This is for many reasons an impossible option. To keep the World in balance the West has to Go Down. His has to go Down in a controlled Action or it has to Go Down in a Forced Action. The West will be Forced by the East or it wil be Forced by Nature itself.

The Citizins of the West have be Informed about this Situation. They have to be Informed by Politicans, Writers, The Press and they have to Educate themselves. For many reasons Everybody is Hiding the News because in the West we only want to hear the Good News.

The Banks are controlling US Government and the FED is afraid to retaliate. They are afraid that the complete US Banking system will collapse.The situation is so bad that officials of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) have informed the FED about a plan that would have been unheard-of in the past: a general examination of the US financial system.

The IMF’s board of directors has ruled that a so-called Financial Sector Assessment Program (FSAP) is to be carried out in the United States. It is nothing less than an X-ray of the entire US financial system. As part of the assessment, the Fed, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), the major investment banks, mortgage banks and hedge funds will be asked to hand over confidential documents to the IMF team.

They will be required to answer the questions they are asked during interviews. Their databases will be subjected to so-called stress tests – worst-case scenarios designed to simulate the broader effects of failures of other major financial institutions or a continuing decline of the dollar.

The IMF is charged with the supervision of the international monetary system. Roughly two-thirds of IMF members – but never the United States – have already endured this painful procedure. For seven years, US President George W. Bush refused to allow the IMF to conduct its assessment. Even now, he has only given the IMF board his consent under one important condition. The review can begin in Bush’s last year in office, but it may not be completed until he has left the White House.

A Win-Win-situation is a state of a game called the Prisoners Dilemma. Life can be seen as a long chain of Prisoners Dilemma’s called an Iterated Prisoner’s Dilemma. The Iterated Prisonners Dilemma can be won when one of the prisoners is not aimed at long term cooperation. In this case he has to cheat the other prisonner and kill him to avoid revenge. If the prisonners need each other in the future another scenario is neccesary. This scenario is called Tit-for-Tat. 

Robert Axelrod (The Evolution of Cooperation (1985)) created a computer program called, “Tit-for-Tat“. The program always wins an Iterated Prisoner’s Dilemma by simply copying the behavior of the others.

Tit-for-Tat uses the following strategies:

  1. Be Nice. Start by cooperating, and never be the first to defect.
  2. Be Retaliatory. If the other player defects inflict a cost on him or her which is at least as severe – otherwise you open yourself to exploitation.
  3. Be Forgiving. If your opponent mends his ways after defecting, restore cooperation as quickly as possible, so that you can both get back to scoring highly on each round.
  4. Be Clear. Since there is no way to beat the Nice, Retaliatory and Forgiving strategy, if your opponent knows you are following it, there is no incentive for him or her to seek advantage – it will only destroy his or her score as well as yours.

Michael Liebreich applied the Tit-for-Tat strategy on the Climate Issue. He shows that we are able to solve the Climate issue when the players change their strategy. His advice is that the US needs to start being Nice, Europe needs to learn to Retaliate, and the developing world needs to Forgive. All players need to improve the Clarity with which they communicate their strategies.

At this moment the US Government is Nice to the Financial System that is braking down. It is not Nice to the rest of the World when the World Climate is at stake. The EU is still Nice to the US although the EU is paying for the braking of the US Financial System. The Developing Countries have to Forgive the US but it is very difficult to forgive somebody who is defecting the Game all the time. When you play Tit-for-Tat you have to retaliate in this stage.

When you define a Clear strategy you have to be Realistic. The world is on many levels highly unbalanced. Everybody knows that an unbalanced state will always move to a balanced state in due time. The West has to accept that the East is trying to move to the same State as the West. The West also has to accept that this is simply impossible. The Earth is incapable to provide the necessary Energy and Food. A Realistic Strategy is to Lower the West so the East is capable to Move Up.

In the West Politicians need Votes to stay in Power. To keep the majority of the Voters happy they have to Move UP the Economy. Almost nobody of the current leaders has the courage to tell the voters that the West is at the end of its cycle and has to move Down. We are taken by Destiny. The effect of the current Policy is a continuation of the Status Quo.

To move out of the Status Quo Politicians are looking for extreme certainty when they decide to change their policies. They need the backup of Scientists to show the voters that what they are Doing is the Right Thing to Do.

Science is unable to provide this certainty. The complexity of the Economic and the Ecological System of the Earth is so big that nobody is able to comprehend what is really happening and what will be the effect of a decision on the long term.

Prof. Mort Webster writes that climate policy decisions are normally made as sequential decisions over time under uncertainty – given the magnitude of uncertainty in both economic and scientific processes, the decades-to-centuries time scale of the phenomenon, and the ability to reduce uncertainty and revise decisions along the way.

Although staging climate change policy decisions over time would seem to make sense, he points out that the tendency of U.S. and international policy to change extremely slowly requires front-loading the painful decisions. Everybody knows we are moving in the wrong direction but nobody knows in detail what we have to do.

Webster shows that the best thing to do is to Prepare and Act for the Worst and change the policy for the Better in a later state. We have to take the bitter pill fast.


About Stagflation

About the US Policy and Bretton Woods

About the effects of Bretton Woods


How to Predict Earthquakes

Tuesday, May 20th, 2008

Early in May, NASA Earth scientists monitoring infrared images of the earth noticed unusual patterns in southwestern China. The patterns are explained by Friedemann Freund, a NASA researcher. Freund is able to predict Earthquakes and much more.

Rocks put under enough pressure turn into batteries and produce an Electro-Magnetic (E/M) field. The resulting electrical currents can travel miles into the earth. When the pressure gets too high an earthquake happens. His theory explains other signs related to earthquakes like Lights in the sky, Migraines, Strange animal behavior and Water Changes. Scientists don’t believe the Theory of Freund.

The belief that animals can predict earthquakes has been around for centuries. In 373 B.C., historians recorded that animals, including rats, snakes and weasels, deserted the Greek city of Helice in droves just days before a quake devastated the place. Accounts of similar animal anticipation of earthquakes have surfaced across the centuries since.

Catfish moving violently, chickens that stop laying eggs and bees leaving their hive have been reported. Countless pet owners claimed to have witnessed their cats and dogs acting strangely before the ground shook-barking or whining for no apparent reason, or showing signs of nervousness and restlessness. Also Humans experience Stress and act Strangely.

Studies of turtles revealed that hatchlings have the ability to sense the direction and strength of Earth’s magnetic field, which they use for navigating along the turtles’ regular migration route. The migration route is hard-wired into the animals’ brains.

In a report published in Science, scientists have discovered a collection of nerve cells in the brains of subterranean Zambian mole rats that enable the animal to process magnetic information used in navigation. The mole rats dig tunnels up to 200 meters (220 yards) long and build their nests in the southernmost tip of their burrows. As the direction of the magnetic field changes, so does the location of the moles’ nests.

Animals and Humans make use of and are influenced by the Earth Magnetic Field. When this Field becomes chaotic Animals and Humans lose track. The effect is severe Stress and Strange Behavior.

Earthquakes have long been accompanied by the appearance of “bright, luminescent, multicoloured sky glows” that can take place any time before, during, or after the seismological event. “fireballs a few metres in diameter often popped out of the ground in a repetitive manner”. There is even Japanese haiku about this phenomenon: “The earth speaks softly, To the mountain, Which trembles, And lights the sky“.

A German dowser, Baron von Pohl, was asked to dowse the small town of Vilsbiburg in 1929, having then the highest per capita cancer death rate in Bavaria at the time. He discovered a 100 per cent correlation between the beds of cancer victims and the paths of black streams passing through the town. He repeated the procedure in Grafenau in 1930, a town with the lowest cancer incidence in the province, and again found a100 per cent correlation. Black streams are places of Geopathic Stress. Geopathic Stress is caused by “abnormal” Electro Magnetic Fields. Dowsers are able to feel the E/M-field.

One of the indicators of Geopathic Stress is Radon. The production of abnormal amounts of Radon is used to predict Earthquakes.

In the US only Radon is responsible for about 21,000 lung cancer deaths every year. Radon can enter homes through cracks in floors, walls, or foundations, and collect indoors. It can also be released from building materials, or from water obtained from wells that contain radon. Radon levels can be higher in homes that are well insulated and tightly sealed. Because of their closeness to the ground, basement and first floors typically have the highest radon levels.

Ley Lines are places where the Earth Magnetic Field is strong. Most of the Ancient Religious Places are situated at Crossings of Ley Lines. The Religious Places produce Spiritual Experiences because they are situated on a Strong Magnetic Field. Strong Magnetic Fields produce Hallucinations and Strange Appearances. UFO’s are often spotted in the area where strong Magnetic Fields exists or Turbulence in the Field is produced.

The Earth Magnetic Field is Changing. The Changing field has an enormouss effect on our mental Health. It produces Stress, Para-Normal Phenomena and Sleep Problems.

Mobile Communication Creates strong E/M-fields and affects our Health. One of the effects is an increase in Cancer.

The US Military are Experimenting with Strong Electro Magnetic Fields. Strong E/M-Fields affect the Weather and Generate Earthquakes. They even build a Time Machine and use it for Mind Control.

The Bees are Dying because of strong E/M-fields. Many more important Animals (Bats) in the Food Chain are dying.

If You have read all the Links I hope You see a Pattern Emerge.

Some of the Scientists that don’t believe Mr. Freund really believe in the Effects of Magnetic Fields on Animals and Humans. For many reasons they don’t tell us the Truth. I am conviced that the major reason behind this is Security. The Budget of Military R&D is very important for many Scientists and Big Research Organizations.

There is no doubt about the fact that our Body is an Electrical-Magnetic Field. Many processes are highy Electrical. There is also no doubt about the fact that we (and Animals and Nature) are highly affected by these Fields. There is also no doubt about the fact that our Fields intermingle and exchange information.

We communicate with Words but we also communicatie with our Body and our Field. The Field can be associated with the Emotions. A disturbance of the general field affects our emotional balance. An increase in the Field stimulates Agression and this is exactly what is happening. Sadly enough it is what the Military want to accomplish.

Magnetic Fields are able to cure Diseases and they cause Diseases. They are able to generate compassion and agression. They affect our Minds, our Body and our Emotions. The effect depends on the Power of the Field. Organisms are capable to exists between Very Small boundaries of the Field. If the Field is outside these boundaries they will experience Stress and later they will Die.

At this moment we are in the Danger Zone. We are in the Danger Zone because of two reasons. We are producing strong fields and the Natural Fields are changing. It is not sure if we are able to stop the Human Interference. We are certainly not able to stop the Natural Processes.

The result of the change in the magnetic field is a changing of your DNA. The Body is able to change its DNA instantly. We and Nature are “Mutating” at a high speed. Many of the mutations will not be able to live. Some of them will survive. It is not sure these organisms will be Humans. Humans are very vulnarable. I bet Insects, Viruses and Bacteria have a much higher chance. Of course a very interesting opportunity is to create “Super-Humans” that are connected to Machines or Artificial Life. The US-Army is experimenting with this possibility. Do you want the Robots to take over power?

You can Protect Your Self against the Influence of Strong Magnetic Fiels. It is possible to Shield you’re House and your Body. Have a look at the PDF about Geopathic Stress and You will know how to do it.

If you read the references You will see that the most important factor is your Believe-System. If You believe you are able to Resist and cure Your Body it will happen.

Human Imagination is able to create a Dying Earth or a Regenerating Earth by changing the cause of its R&D and its Actions.


About the Influence of E/M-fields on Animals

Tesla about Fireballs and E/M-fields

About The Influence of the Mind on your DNA

The Effects of the E/M-fields produced by Mobile Phones

About the Relationship between Radon and Earthquakes


The Age of Commercial Space Exploration is Near

Wednesday, May 14th, 2008

I am involved in a new company that is selling a new product of Richard Branson called Virgin Galactic. Virgin Galactic is selling suborbital spaceflights for the price of $200.000.

Our principal aim behind this is not to make money. The principal aim is to reinvest any money we make into space exploration,” Branson said. “We expect to double, triple, quadruple the number of astronauts in the next few years that have currently experienced space,” he said.

To date, Branson said, about a 100 pioneers have been willing to pay $200,000 to be the first people to go into space via Virgin Galactic. “These are the kinds of people who are going to enable us to bring the cost of space travel down,” he stated.

Space Tourism is not the primary target of the Company. It wants to be the first commercial company involved in Space Exploration.

Space Exploration is a major theme of Science Fiction. When I was young I read all the books in this Genre I could find. Science Fiction has stimulated Science extensively. Many Scientist got their inspiration out of explorations of the Future. When the Theme was set it was only a matter of time when somebody would realize the Inspiration of the Author.

The step from Idea to Realization is mostly not the issue of a Science Fiction novel. In most cases we have realized all the technology and our just “doing it”. Most of the time the final realization takes much longer than the writer could imagine. Jules Verne put a Man on the Moon about a hundred years ago.

The major theme of Space Exploration in Science Fiction is War. We meet Extraterrestrials and they or we don’t like each other. We are part of a Federation (mostly the Good Ones) and in the end we beat the Bad Ones. Interesting enough many of the Stories related to UFO’s look a lot like the Science Fiction Stories. The only difference is that THEY are visiting US.

In the Renaissance the people in the West started to explore Earth like we want to explore Space. After The Renaissance the Age of Exploitation started, The Industrial Revolution. The Industrial Revolution followed by the Age of Information made Space Exploration finally possible.

History repeats itself so I can imagine what will happen next. Both stages are part of a bigger cycle, the Cycle of Culture. It takes about 1250 years to turn around.

At this moment we are in a situation comparable to the year 758. The only thing that is different from that time is that we have moved to another Level, Earth.

What happened around 750?

At 750 we are in the Middle of the Middle Ages called the Dark Ages. It was the time when the Great Empire of Rome was collapsing because of a huge movement of hungry people. The world was struggling with a sudden change of the Climate. Everywhere States were fighting to expand and defend their territories. Around this time a new Spiritual Leader, Mohammed, created a new Religion. It was the start of the expansion of the Arab World and the Arab Empires..

Conditions in Western Europe slowly began to improve after 700 as Europe experienced an agricultural boom caused by a substantial increase in solar radiation. About 600 years later the Renaissance started.

The Great Empire of the West is currently collapsing because of a huge movement of hungry people. Just like the Roman Empire we are really not aware of the collapse. In the last days Romans spend all their time playing very expensive games and were enjoying life to the extremes. They forced all the other states to pay enormous amounts of taxes to keep the Entertainment Business running. In the End their stable infrastructure collapsed.

I hope you see the relationship.

Replace the Arab Expansion in the Middle Ages by the coming Chinese Expansion in you will know Who’s gone Win.

Millions of people are waiting for the Coming of the new Messiah, the new Spiritual Leader of the World. According to the Cycle He (or She!) will come soon.

In the West we are playing Games. Leslie Benzies, the producer of Grand Theft Auto IV recently revealed in an interview that the amount of money spent on the development of the game was right around $100 million. The budget of the movie Pirates of the Caribbean was $300 million. The development costs of all the movies and games exceeds the budget of the World Food Organization with ease.

Why do we need to move into Space?

The first reason could be to escape Earth. We need another place to live because life on earth is not the way it was. If we do this and Science Fiction is Right at the long term we will move into a comparable situation, Competition on the Level of the Galaxy. We have to learn who are our friends and who are our enemies.

The second reason could be “Spin-Off”. Space Exploration has boosted Science and Technology.

The last reason could be to see Earth as it is. A Beautiful Blue Slowly Turning Globe without any Borders. From Space Earth looks like a Paradise. I imagine the Extraterrestials are seeing this also! This could be the reason they are here!

The Cycle of Civilization is a slow cycle but there are cycles with a much longer periodicity. Many “Old Civilizations” found the Cycle of the Precession of the Equinox and “calculated” the Center of this Cycle, The Mother Goddess situated in the Pleiades.

The coming Years the Very Long Cycle and the Cycle of Civilization are coming into a Conjuction. The Effect of this Conjunction is unknown. Human Civilization has not gathered enough data to make an understandable prediction. The only thing we know is that we are living in a Very Special Time of History.

One of the people that analyzed the very Long Cycle (Terrence McKenna) predicted Time/Space-Travel as a major Novelty that would soon appear. Just like the Mayas and many other Civilizations he knew there is a very cheap alternative, DMT (a psychedelic drug).

The Old Civilizations predicted a return of the (Virgin!) Mother Goddess of the Pleiades (Ises, Mary Magdalene, The Black Madonna, Alcyone). Perhaps She is the New Spiritual Leader many religions are waiting for. I hope the Male Religions don’t mind She is a Female!

Perhaps Richard Branson should start a new Company soon, Virgin TimeTravel. She Will Love It.

Wait and See.

About Free Energy

Wednesday, April 30th, 2008

One of the people that almost realized Free Energy (“Radiant Energy“) was Tesla. In 1899 he developed a Magnifying Transmitter at Shoreham, Long Island (Wardenclyffe).

He was “helped” by J.P. Morgan one of the biggest crooks in recent financial history. J.P. Morgan was not aware of the real purpose of the transmitter. He thought it would be a radio transmitter.

When Morgan found out what Tesla wanted he stopped his help and “suddenly” the transmitter was burned to the ground. From that time forward other financial backers were not to be found. Morgan was powerful enough to black list Tesla.

J.P.Morgan was one of the most influencial financial crooks at that time. Later he and his sun (same name) orchestrated the Great Depression and almost took over the power in the US with the American Legion. He also financed Hilter and Mussoluni. The House of Morgan is still very powerfull. It has changed its name to Morgan Stanley and has a huge influence in the World Bank

The creation of Free Energy by the way of a Perpetual Motion has a very long history. It always failed. The machine just stops because of friction. New approaches make use of Vacuum Energy and are Motionless.

The Story of Tesla and the History of Perpetual Motion are examples of a normal “Free Energy Story”. The machines don’t work , the machines work but are destroyed or the inventor is blocked or even killed.

Tom Bearden is propagating Free Energy from the Vacuum. His website contains many interesting “Free Energy Stories”. One of them is crucial to understand the real impact of Free Energy. It is a story about Antoine Prioré.

In the 1960′s and 1970′s, in France, Antoine Prioré built and tested electromagnetic healing machines of startling effectiveness. In hundreds and hundreds of strictly controlled tests with laboratory animals, Prioré’s machine cured a wide variety of the most difficult kinds of terminal, fatal diseases known today. Funded by millions of dollars, Prioré’s machines concretely demonstrated a nearly 100% cure of all kinds of terminal cancers and leukemias, in thousands of rigorous laboratory tests with animals. These results were shown to medical scientists as early as 1960″. “In 1974, a change of local government lost Prioré his government supporters, his support and funding were lost, and subsequent attempts to restore his technology into the public domain were viciously suppressed”

Prioré used the same concept to cure diseases! Free Energy from the Vacuum not only affects the Energy Business. It also affects the Medical Business.

The story of Antione Prioré repeated itself in my environment when I met a briljant engineer who was a top R&D manager of Philips Medical Systems. He re-invented the machine of Prioré and was totally blocked to implement his very cheap device that cured many diseases (including HIV). He was a Christian and wanted to help Mankind.

Why are all these innovations blocked?

It is very simple to imagine what would happen when we were able to produce Free Energy and a Simple and Cheap way to Cure Diseases. It would simply Destroy Western Economy and it would Destroy the Power Balance in the World.

Free Energy and Free Medical Care is a Disaster Scenario for many Big companies, Governments and Rich Investors.

It is the main reason why all the people that are busy with this issue are blocked, killed or ridiculed.

The History of the Perputum Mobile helps a Lot. Every time when somebody comes up with a proposal the Science Community will laugh. They laugh because the Inventor is simply not aware of the current understanding of Science. The interesting point is that many people in the Science Community don’t know what is happening in Science. They are all heavily specialized and are unable to understand what the others are doing. At this moment there is not a shared view, a common Paradigm.


Science is not blocking Free Energy. It can be proved that Free Energy must be possible. Science is also not blocking a Simple Cure for Diseases and other so called “Alterative Treatments”. There is Enough Evidence available. Almost Nobody is able to See the Total Picture of the Self-Referential Universe.

There is another interesting story to tell.

Many investigations in “Secret Operations” of the Military in Russia and the US show that they have accepted the theory and are using it to develop new advanced weaponsystems.

The Vacuum can be used to Kill and to Cure. It is used to create advanced systems of Mind Control and Weather Control. It will take a long time before the Vacuum (Chi, Prana, Ether) will be used to help Mankind. If it will be used we will have to pay a Lot of Money to use it. I think we have to wait until The Mind Control Systems are fully operational. At that moment we will believe everything they are telling US.



About Tesla and John von Neumann

About Tesla and Wilhelm Reich

How we Walked Around for Thousands of Years with Our Eyes Blinded

Thursday, April 24th, 2008

Pi or π is one of the most important mathematical constants. It represents the ratio of any circle to its diameter. The quest for the value of π is very old.

The oldest way to determine the value of π is to inscribe a circle within a regular polygon.

Archimedes of Syracuse (287-212 BCE) determinated that the value π was between 3 + 1/7 (22/7) and 3 + 10/71. He started with a hexagon and worked his way up to a polygon with 96 sides.

The numbers 3, 22 and 7 play an important role in the calculations of the old mathematicians. They found a relationship with music, colors and of course the planets.

The 3 stands for the “Law of Balance“, the Trinity. Two forces (Yin/Yang, Male/Female) expand and compress the center (-1, 0, 1). Everything expands and compresses.

The number 22 symbolized the circle and the cycle. This is reflected in the twenty-two letters in the cyclic Hebrew alphabet or the twenty-two cards in the cyclic Major Arcana of the Tarot.

There are 7 cycles and they are according to the law of balance divided in expansions and compressions on a “higher and lower level”.

(Mirror (-4),-1(-3(-1, 0, +1), -2(-1, 0, +1), -1(-1, 0, +1)), 0, +1(1(-1, 0, +1), 2(-1, 0, +1), 3(-1, 0, +1)), Mirror (+4)).

The 0 or the Void is the Mirror of the Mirror, the Self-Awareness, the Area, the Boundary, where the Cycle “Bounches Back“.

The relationship with music can be found when you have a look at the “Tones“. There are 7 “intervals” in an Octave (8) and 22 is the number of notes in three consecutive octaves.

The octaves contain a “deeper” pattern. Other numbers appear.

4 is the number of base-notes (Do), in three consecutive octaves. 8 is the number of fundamental notes in a single octave. The 3 octaves are each sub-divisible into 3 octaves apiece, giving an inward formula of 9 octaves, or 64 notes. So 8 is the constant and 64 is the square of it.

The deeper pattern can be understood if we look at a well-known measure, the Golden Measure. This measure can be written as F(n) = F(n-1) + F(n+1). As you see it shows the fundamental Law of Balance again.

The Golden Mean is called the Fibonacci series. The Fibonacci series can be seen in almost every part of Nature. The numbers of Fibonacci can be put into a spiral pattern (the logarithmic spiral).

Is there a Pattern that Explains Everything?

The most important concept to understand is the principle of Self-Reference. Self-reference can be seen in a Fractal but is also visible in the formula of the Golden Mean.

If “Everything is Fractal” we are able to explain everything with just two “laws”, the Pattern of the Fractal and the Enfolding of the fractal-patterns on different Scales. The Enfolding of the Fractal has to behave like the Fractal Pattern. It this way we have reached perfect Symmetry.

At this moment many scientists are looking for the “Basic Fractal Pattern“, the Grail of Science.

In essence they are rediscovering the knowledge of the “Old Mathematicians”. Many of them are aware of this. Old examples are David Bohm (“the Implicate Order”) and of course Einstein (“God is a Geometer”).

New examples are Luciano Pietronero and Laurent Nottale. They use the Logaritmic Spiral to explain the Fractal Structure behind Nature.

In February 1971 NASA (Pioneer 10 and 11) send a message to other civilizations in the Galaxy. The message was engraved on a gold anodized aluminum plague. Scientist tried to envision how they could show “What we are” and “Where we are”. They used fundamental laws to show a correlation between US and the Universe.

At this moment scientists are encrypting the message of old civilizations. More and more they discover that “The Old Ones” knew more about the fundamental laws than we know at this moment.

The idea to send a message to civilizations in the Time/Space-continuum is also not new. It was one of the major activities of the people that knew that their civilization would end by a cosmic catastrophe. They were the inhabitants of Mu and Atlantis.

They build huge structures like the Pyramids and engraved their message on Mother Earth. For thousands of years we just walked around and were unable to see them. Now finally just four years before the next catastrophe we are able to understand a little bit of what they wanted to tell us.

All of their knowledge was Encrypted and Stored in thousands of artifacts and stories. They were warning us but they also gave us entrance to their tools to survive, the Tools of Creation. They are hidden in the “Music of the Spheres” and can be translated into powerful magical incantations.

Those incantations can only be used by Magicians who have Cleaned themselves.

They have to be “Pure”, just like the White Light of the ONE hat emanates out of the SEVEN Colors of the Rainbow that are constructed out of THREE Basic Colors.

A Very Short Introduction to Chemtrails

Monday, April 21st, 2008

In August 1996 the US Airforce produced a strategy document called “Owning the Weather“.

The aim of this Strategy was to develop tools to modify the weather. At this moment many of the systems defined in this document are in full operation. One of the effects is a phenomenon called Chemtrails.

A small citation “A global, precise, real-time, robust, systematic weather-modification capability would provide war-fighting CINCs with a powerful force multiplier to achieve military objectives. Since weather will be common to all possible futures, a weather-modification capability would be universally applicable and have utility across the entire spectrum of conflict. The capability of influencing the weather even on a small scale could change it from a force degrader to a force multiplier“.

In 1998 Edward Teller, the “mad scientist” behind de H-bomb and many other weaponsystems talks about a Sunscreen for Planet Earth to stop Global Warming. His statement: “Injecting sunlight-scattering particles into the stratosphere appears to be a promising approach. Why not do that?”

In 1999 Clifford E. Carnicom starts to investigate what the content is of the Chemical Aerosols the Sky Spiders (Codename of this project) are spraying in New Mexico. The Airforce uses Boeing KC-135 tanker planes. Later people in other countries see and experience the effects of the Sky Spiders.

On of his statements “The conclusion to be reached from this study is that the microscopic air particle count in the state of New Mexico in 1999 is significantly different from that of the preceding three years, and that this difference is directly correlated with the observations of aerial spraying that have taken place during this same time period“.

Sometimes information is “leaked” by an Official of the Airforce. “there are aerial spraying experiments. One involves aluminium oxide spraying related to global warming and the other involves barium stearate and has to do with high-tech military communications“. The High-Tech experiment is often related to the HAARP-project.

Until today the spraying of chemicals is going on and on. They influence the weather and other things. Perhaps they influence your mind and they certainly influence your health and nature. The strange cloud patterns that are produced by the airplanes are called Chemtrails.

The Airforce describes the chemtrail theory as a “hoax” and the chemtrails are added to the long list of so called conspiracy theories. The explanation of the Airforce is simple. The trails are produced by “normal” airplanes or are “normal cloud formations”.

What do I think of this?

My father was a farmer and he explained me everything he knew about the weather. Knowledge of the weather is crucial to a farmer.

A few years ago I looked at the sky and perceived strange patterns in the clouds. They were created by airplanes. The trails produced a “haze” in the Sky.

I live close to Schiphol, Amsterdam and I never see trails coming out of airplanes. The Planes that are producing the trails, the KC-135 Tanker Planes, are never flying commercial airroutes. They start and stop elsewhere (Germany??).

Later I discovered the “Chemtrail Conspiracy Theory” and started to investigate this issue.

Sadly enough I think the Chemtrail Conspiracy theory is right. It is possible to “make a mess of the weather” and if Edward Teller suggests “something” I am convinced he is also experimenting with this “something”. Los Alamos, the huge research-lab, of the Army, is situated in New Mexico.

Sadly enough I am also starting to believe that other “Conspiracy Theories” are right. I am sometimes secretly informed by high level government officials. They inform me about issues I really don’t want to believe!

I know what NATO was doing in Yugoslavia and what they are really doing in Afghanistan. I also know that Government knows that Mobile Communication is a huge health risk.

What is Happening?

We are preparing for a Future War and War is related to Secrecy. If the Enemies knows what we know he will do the same and we have to create something to avoid this to happen. Anticipation of Enemy Behavior generates Paranoid Behavior.

Until the end of the Cold War the Enemy was one Entity (Russia). The US lost the war in Vietnam because of the fact that the Concept of the Single Enemy failed.

Everybody is a Potential Enemy.

At the time of the War in Vietnam the Enemy was Outside the Homeland. Terrorists are Enemies Inside the Homeland.

We, the Citizins, are now the Potential Enemy of our own Government.

Of course We are divided in the Good ones and the Bad ones. Just like real life it is often impossible to determine Who’s Who. The Bad Ones appear the be the Good Ones and vice-versa. To win the War on Life you have to Suspect Everybody. To win the War of Life you have to Act on Your Own.

Watch out! I Feel Government Wants to Commit Suicide. SHE is developing Weapons that are directed at the People She Wants to Protect and Loves. SHE is preparing for a War against Her Self. Let’s give Her the Attention she really Needs. SHE is trying to do her utmost best to help US, the Good Ones to Survive.