Posts Tagged ‘self’

About the Heart Chakra

Monday, February 23rd, 2009

Good nutrition is even more important as you enter your 40s. Here are some diet tips that women can follow to stay healthy and fit as they age.

In your 40s? Here are 5 diet tips that will help women stay in tip-top shape

In your 40s? Here are 5 diet tips that will help women stay in tip-top shape  |  Photo Credit: iStock Images


  • A well-balanced diet plays a vital role in maintaining your overall health and well-being
  • If you’re a woman and are over 40, you may have noticed that it’s harder to lose weight than it used to be
  • Making healthier food choices and other healthier lifestyle habits can help you stay fit at any age

New Delhi: As you age, it’s even more important to watch what you eat, because that’s one of the best things you can do for your health. Perhaps, your metabolism slows down, you begin to lose muscle, and your body undergoes a lot of changes as you turn 40. Women, like men, can struggle with weight and other medical conditions such as hypertension, heart issues, obesity, high blood pressure or cholesterol levels upon turning 40. But a healthy, balanced diet along with a regular exercise routine, good sleep, low stress can help you maintain weight and improve overall health and well-being.

Perhaps, it’s completely natural for women going through the stage of menopause or peri-menopause to experience a variety of emotions, whether it’s PMS, tiredness, anxiety, depression, or difficulty concentrating. But, eating right and making other healthier lifestyle choices can help you keep health problems at bay. Yet, knowing what to eat or which foods work best for you and your needs will help you stay healthy and fit way past age 40. Check these metaboost connection reviews.

What to eat, what to avoid to stay healthy and look fab in your 40s

Good nutrition is even more important as you enter your 40s. So, what should you put on your plate? Dr Alka Bharti, consultant nutritionist & dietician, Motherhood Hospital, Kharadi, Pune, shares some diet and nutrition tips for women over 40:

  1. Load up on fibre: Adding whole grains to your diet can help improve metabolism, prevent or relieve constipation. Foods high in fibre can aid weight loss. A high-fibre diet may help lower blood sugar or cholesterol levels, lower your risk of certain cancers, and maintain bowel health. Replacing refined grains like white bread and white rice with whole grains (whole wheat bread, brown rice, and oats) will help you get more fibre from your diet. Moreover, salads are a good source of fibre. Eat coloured salads – spinach, carrots, cucumbers, tomatoes, bell peppers, olives, or even raisins, oranges, and strawberries to stay healthy. These ingredients contain fibre, potassium, antioxidants, and vitamin C. Fibre also helps keep the skin elastic and protect it against the harmful UV rays of the sun. If you already have high blood pressure, eating more whole-grain foods might help lower your blood pressure. The Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) diet and the Mediterranean diet both recommend eating whole grains.
  2. Eliminate white stuff from the diet: Do you tend to eat those sugar-laden foods or have snacks or namkeens loaded with salt? Then, you are doing it all wrong. Beyond 40, it is necessary to bid adieu to the white stuff. Too much salt in the diet negatively impacts blood pressure because it causes the body to retain water. It is this extra water that raises blood pressure. You will be shocked to know that this, in turn, strains the heart, kidneys, arteries, and the brain. Give up fried, processed, junk, and spicy foods too. Salt is also present in high amounts in cheese, frozen food, and that yummy pizza. Eating a lot of sweets can be harmful as it can speed up the ageing process, cause high blood glucose, leading to diabetes. Not only this, other problems like heart disease, kidney or nerve damage can also occur. Say no to aerated drinks, sweets, ice creams, and chocolates. So, try to eliminate added salt and refined sugar from the diet. You can speak to your expert about healthier alternatives to added sugar and salt.
  3.  Eat foods rich in lutein: Cognitive problems occur as you age -memory issues, difficulty in concentrating, or confusion are some of the common problems. Opt for foods packed with lutein, a pigment that is present in many fruits and vegetables like green leafy vegetables and carrots. Eat spinach, asparagus, seafood, or snack on a cup of sunflower seeds as they are jam-packed with vitamin nutrients, including E linked to memory and vision. Visit—what-makes-it-number-one-testosterone-booster/article_521ae7d4-180c-11ed-a11a-d363dde7aa63.html.
  4. Say ‘yes’ to antioxidants: Want a radiant skin at and beyond the 40s? Then, don’t forget to include antioxidants in your diet. That’s because your skin loses elasticity and you may spot wrinkles, blemishes, and black spots as you age. Add omega-3 fatty acids in your diet to nourish your skin. You can eat salmon, sardine, and mackerel for this.
  5. Protein and calcium are must: Whether you want to stay strong, increase muscle mass, or reduce fractures and falls, include lean meats, fish, eggs as well as veggie options like beans, lentils, nuts, and grains, in your diet. Speak to your nutritionist about the quantity of protein that you must eat as going overboard with the nutrient isn’t a good idea. A lack of calcium invites bone loss, which increases during menopause because of the body’s natural loss of estrogen. Make sure you are eating enough calcium by eating foods like seeds, yogurt, almonds, figs, lentils, etc, to keep your bones healthy.

About the Mathematics of the E-Motions

Monday, February 9th, 2009

The Emotions show themselves in the Feeling Component (Anger, Happiness) and the Bodily Expressions (Smile, Cry).

The Emotions are researched by many not communicating highly disconnected parts of Science (Psychology, Biology, Chemistry, Marketing,..). Therefore Science is unable to understand the Whole of the Emotions.

The Scientists don’t agree about the main components of the Emotions and the relationship between these components. They use different terms to talk about the same thing and use the same terms to talk about different things.

To understand the Emotions I want to stay out of Language and focus on the Mathematics of the Emotions. When we have understood the Mathematics we can find the right Words to name the concepts we have discovered.

I believe the Emotions were created in the First Step of Creation. At that moment, the Void, the Singularity, was splitted into Two Complementary Parts.

The first two parts of the creation have to Stay Apart. If they join they are voided and creation will stop. To avoid voiding they move around each other in a contradicting direction (with the clock, against the clock).

When two parts move around they create an elliptical (egg-like) curve. This curve contains a virtual center, the Center of Mass. This Center, the Third Part, is also moving.

During the Second Step of Creation the Kernel, The Trinity, the Atom appears. The Kernel is a Cyclic Pattern, a treefold Moebius Ring, of the Two Complementary Parts and the Center of Gravity now called Quarks.

The Kernel, the Self, is surrounded by a cloud of rotating Electrons, the Others. The Atoms combine into more complex Selfs (Molecules, Organisms). The Electrons, The Others, exchange information between the Selfs.

I hope you see that the Elliptical Cycle and other, more complex, Cycles are the Emotions.

The Emotions Are the Movement.

Every Object in the Universe takes part in a Cyclic Process. Sometimes this Cyclic Process has a very simple structure, a Circle, and the same Events come back all the time.

When this happens Life feels like a Merry-Go-Round. When the same Patterns comes back all the time the Human gets frustrated and the Negative Emotions appear.

When the pattern becomes more complex, Life is full of Surprises, and the Emotions change into Hope and Joy.

The Human Cognition is unable to handle unpredictable patterns. At that time the Expectation, the Calculator of the Future, fails and the Self loses the feeling of Control.

During their Cyclical Movement the Two and later the more than Two parts move towards each other (Like) and away from each other (Dislike).

They Attract and Repulse, are in Love, want to Unite, but just before they reach the perfect Union, the Void, they Move Away from each other and the Cycle Starts All over Again.

When Two Masses are Not Equal the rotating system changes its shape. When one of the masses is big (the Kernel) and the other is very small the center of gravity almost coincidences with one of the Parts.

The Earth appears to move in a circular motion around the Sun but in reality the Sun is also moving around the Earth.

The Human Emotions are determinated by the relationship between the Self and the Other(s). The Self and the Other(s) are circulating around each other and a virtual center, the Center of Gravity, their Relationship.

Everything Moves around Everything.

When The Self or the Other becomes too Big, the Shape of the Cycle changes. In this case the Self circulates around the Other (“Dependency”) or the Other circulates around the Self (“Dominance”).

To sustain a Relationship the Mass, the Weight, the Importance, the Value of the Parts has to be in Balance.

What are the Human Emotions?

The Human Emotions are the combined effect of many sometimes highly complex movements, Waves, in the Universe.

The Waves influence the Chemistry and the Electro Magnetic Field of the Body.

When the Chemistry of the Body changes Chemical Messengers are send to Balance the Body with the changes of the Outside Field. At that moment we start to Act and feel an Emotion (Fear). Later we rationalize this Action.

What Influences the Emotions?

I hope you see that the Human Emotions are influenced by Every Level of the Universe. They are influenced by the Big Structures (Gravity, The Moon) and the very Small Structures (the Electro Magnetic Field).

The most influential structure is the Human Self, the Mind. The Human Self is only able to stay It-Self when the connection with the Others in the Universe is in Balance. If this is not happening the Body starts to detoriate. The Kernel falls apart.


The Physics of Two Rotating Bodies

A Video about Two Rotating Bodies

About the Legal System

Saturday, August 4th, 2007

A friend of mine is a well known lawyer. He is writing a book about improving the Legal System. He is thinking out of the box.

His main issue is efficiency. We can save much money and of course save a lot of trouble of innocent victims of the System when we use sound principles of management. I agree with everything he is writing.

I don’t want to think out of the box I want to remove the box itself. Let’s have a try.

Why do we need a law and people that are enforcing the law?

Was there a time in history when Law was not needed?  Law was not needed in Paradise.

What Went Wrong?

The Church is trying to convince us that we were forced to leave Paradise because of Sin. Eve ate an Apple. The Apple was given to her by the Snake and the Snake was Evil. Sin is the cause of the Legal System.

We have to detect and punish all the sinners who are not obeying the Law. When they have confessed their sins in Court they have to pay the price in terms of money and/or years in prison. After that time they can start all over again.

The concept of Sin was invented to give the Power to Judge to the Church of Rome. The Church of Rome was the successor of the Roman Empire. They were the experts in managing the masses (Divide and Conquer, Bread and Games). They were also the inventors of our Law System.

My friend uses many Latin insights like “De minimis non curat Praetor (dont go to court for something small)” to support his arguments. Later the Institutions of the State took over the Power to Judge.

The Church of Rome not only explained why we had to leave Paradise. It also invented a new concept called Heaven. Heaven is Paradise but now we have to obey the law to get there.

Paradise was given to us. To go to Heaven we have to obey. They not only invented Heaven but also Hell (The Jail) and a manager of the eternal Jail called the Devil.

The snake is really the symbol of Consciousness, the power which knows itself. When the human left Paradise he became aware and was given the opportunity to become a co-creator. He became a part of the Whole that is called All-That-Is (Yahweh). He was also given a Free Will because a dependent co-creator is not a creator.

What went wrong?

We were not able to co-create a balanced Earth and time after time All-That-Is was asked to interfere and to create a Law like the Ten Commandments. The first command was “Don’t Kill“. Humans thanked Yahweh for the Law and just went on killing.

What went wrong?

We always find new laws (exceptions) that are more important than the first commandment. We invent them. We are allowed to kill when somebody has killed another person or we are allowed to kill when somebody is trying to kill another or…. I can go on and on giving you very intelligent arguments why killing a human is allowed in a certain situation.

This process of inventing exceptions is called jurisprudence and it creates a very complex system of laws. To judge a situation we need highly educated experts (Lawyer) and highly educated “objective” persons (Judges) to value the law and its exceptions to pass a verdict. By creating experts we created a shortage. The experts in law are not trained to become a doctor or an artist.

In society we don’t discuss this shortage. We hope that the System (now called a Market) will regulate itself. When it is regulating itself we create Laws to stop the process of Self-Organization (also called Consciousness).

The doctors are afraid there will be too many doctors so their price (income) will go down. They organize pressure groups that are influencing law makers and often somebody introduces an exception. This exception increases the Complexity of the System.

What went wrong?

When you need an expert you need money and some people are poor. So we invented a system where there are two types of victims the rich and the poor. The rich are able to win a legal process more easily than a poor person.

Again we created a shortage. The shortage is wealth and we invented a tool to “objectify” wealth called money. Poor people are in need of money and rich people have an abundance of money. We created a system called a Bank to regulate the flow of money. We created systems to regulate Banks. Regulating regulators never stops.

What went wrong?

The rich people have influence by themselves. We try to prevent this but behind the scene people with influence are making deals with the Law. We all know that.

We create Laws to prevent this but as you all know now people don’t like to obey rules. This opportunity was given them when they left Paradise. It was called Free Will. We are constantly trying to control Free Will (Our co-creating Creativity).

What went wrong?

At some point in time the masses became too powerful. They were on the verge of a take-over. To stop this democracy was invented. This went wrong when the masses started to vote for themselves. To prevent them doing this the consumer market was invented. The masses (now called citizens) could vote with their money.

Now the consumers (the masses) are taking over the Power again and the consumer market is destroying Earth (our Paradise).

We are inventing new concepts like Media and Games (Bread and Games) to silence them.

We also create new ways to “divide and conquer” called Sound Management Principles and Compliance but will it help us?

What went wrong?

The main point I am trying to show you that things always go wrong. We are compensating a fatal error with a fatal error.

This is a meta-problem and I can go on phrasing meta-meta-meta questions and in the end things are always are going wrong. Is there something totally wrong behind all this?

We started with the gift of consciousness, the power which knows itself. This power gave us a Free Will and Free Will is Co-Creativity. The Co is very important Co means Co-Operation.

Are we really using the Power to Know Ourselves? If we would know ourselves we would know what was Right and what was Wrong. We would act out of Knowing instead of out of our Impulses. We would not need an outside Law. We would be carrying the Law in Our Selves.

Why are we not using our Consciousness?

People use their Consciousness all the time. It is a voice that is talking in their heads asking them Why?

Why is starting the process of Reflection. To reflect we need a Mirror and the Mirror is the Other. If you were the other, would you like to be treated like You are treating the Other?

What people do most of the time is the opposite of Reflexion called Projection. Projection is telling others not to do what You are doing all the time.

You are a Priest working in the Army. You tell others that they are not allowed to kill but when there is a war you pray to God for help to win the war.

Projection is the cause of all the trouble we are in. Projection is Judging others without starting to Judge yourself.

Ask yourself the question. Is it wrong to ask for food when you are hungry? The Law in the Bible tells you to give shelter, food and care to the poor and the sick.

Why are we not doing this?

We are doing this because when we give money our account is going down and perhaps we need the money later when we are in trouble. But when everybody is helping everybody we don’t need to save money.

We don’t believe others will do this and therefore we are not doing it our selves. This is projection. We are projecting our behavior on others.

Is it wrong to ask for a shelter when you are poor? Again “giving something” causes problems because when we give we are also have to take.W

We think Life is a zero-sum-game.  We are imagining a shortage. Shortage is a fantasy, an Illusion created by our Thinking Process.

Our Thinking is projecting(!) troubles into the future and acts in the Now like they are real. It wants to control something that is still not there.

We have created the Illusion of State, Law, Money, Inflation, Interest, Budget, Time and many other Illusions of Control. They are bothering us now in everything we want to do.

Life is really a non-zero-sum-game when we share and collaborate. The solutions for the big problems in the world are known. We don’t apply them. We are projecting, projecting and projecting. Let’s stop this Evil Game.

Let us start to observe our selves.

Let us use our imagination and create new possibilities.

We don’t have to move far away. Let us start in our own environment, our family, our friends, our colleagues, our neighbors. If everybody is doing this we will solve many problems.

In the end we will still need a Law and a Judge but the amount of Laws, Jurisprudence and Lawsuits will dramatically go down. The System will be very simple and  a lot cheaper. It will cure and clean itself.


About Lady Justice

About Ethics

About the Foundations of Mathematics

Friday, August 3rd, 2007
Bertrand Russell

Bertrand Russell

In the beginning of the 20th century the mathematicians Bertrand Russell and Alfred North Whitehead wanted to define the eternal foundation of Mathematics.

To build a foundation Mathematicians always start with defining what they “mean”. They use a symbolic language called Logic to do this.

In Logic “=” means Being the Same“. If we would use the mathematical “=” in human languages we would say things like “a House is a House“.

These statements are without any meaning. We believe them but they are not adding something to our knowledge of the world we live in. “=” is called a Tautology in Logic. It is the only statement that is always true.

Mathematics is about changing the left hand and the right hand of the tautology without changing the truth. Mathematicians are always proving that the left and the right in what they mean are the same (=).

To speed up the process of proving, Mathematicians define new symbols that are “based on” other symbols. They use the foundation of “lower” symbols to define higher symbols. This process of mapping is called Abstraction (going UP). A Number is abstracted into the symbol A, called a variable.

Human languages are different from Logic. Depending on the language, the context and the person, terms have a different meaning. Mathematicians don’t like that.

The term Foundation is a Latin term (fundus). In the English language “Foundation” means “stable layer“. In the Dutch language “Foundation” is translated into the term “grond-slag“. “grond-slag” means “hitting” (slag) a pole (paal) into the Earth to build a house on. A foundation is something that is connecting a foundation (Poles) to another foundation (Earth). In human language the right and the left are equal AND not equal. They have something “in common“.

When we talk about a foundation most of us See a House. When we communicate we share this picture unconsciously. If we have not lived in a context where houses are build we are not able to share meaning. When a Dutch person “wants to fund” he has “to hit the pole“. In other places “Laying a Foundation” is a much more gentle process.

Human languages differ from Logic in many ways. The left and the right have something in common but are also different. The symbols (words) in human languages are connected to real pictures. A very important difference is the principle of truth. In mathematics we want to be certain. Mathematical truth is binary, Yes or NO. In human languages we have to believe and believing is an Emotion.

Believing is Seeing and Feeling. We have abstracted a thing that is Seeing and Feeling. It I situated in our body. We call it Mind. Mind is a Latin word (“mental“) and it means Spirit and Soul.

Spirit is connected to the Imagination and Soul is connected to the Emotions. We Feel with our Soul and we See with our Spirit (Inspiration, Inspire). Our Soul moves to something it likes and it moves away from something it dis-likes. Our Spirit takes us away. Suddenly we get a Flash of In-Sight and we Have to Move. Soul is gentle. Spirit hits us, like we hit a pole.

Russell used a “Thing called a Set” to create the eternal basis of Mathematics. He defined many operations on the Set. In the end he believed he had succeeded.

Suddenly a nasty problem arose. The set of all sets created a paradox (The Russell Paradox). It contained itself and it did not contain itself. To solve this paradox he defined a new rule (an axiom) that a set had to contain itself. Later others proved that this was not helping him at all. The foundation of Russell proved to be completely unstable.

The reason he failed was related to the boundary of the set. The boundary is not nothing. It can be open or closed to its environment (other sets). An open boundary looks-like your skin. A closed boundary looks-like an armor. Somewhere the set of sets (of sets of ..) had to close itself but the Set of the Whole could not be found.

Ludwig Wittgenstein

Ludwig Wittgenstein

One of the companions of Russell, Ludwig Wittgenstein, totally changed its views about mathematics. He did not believe in logic and a foundation any more.

He showed that we are playing games with language. Language is context-dependent. It’s meaning changes all the time.

He also showed that many sciences are simply impossible because they belong to the domain of the emotions. Examples are Ethics and Esthetics. Formalizing emotions is impossible. We all know what is right and wrong and beauty is a personal experiences. Nobody is able to tell you what you have-to-like.

Later the Dutch Mathematician Brouwer proved that everything we cannot imagine always leads to a paradox.

Later Gödel created a new problem. Gödel proved that an abstraction (a higher layer) is unable to explain every part of a lower layer. If we go UP we always loose meaning. The Set of Sets of … cannot contain all sets.

Later Lakoff and Nunez proved that the language of Mathematics acts in the same way as human languages. Mathematical Truth is not only connected to Seeing (Brouwer) but also to Feeling. The emotion of believing is necessary to believe mathematics.

Lakoff showed also that in human languages the process of abstraction has an end. It ends when we are unable to imagine what we are talking about (see Brouwer). When we use highly abstract words like “relation” or “furniture” we reason with a part of the set (a prototype) we are using. We use a chair or a table when we use “furniture“. Abstraction without visibility again creates confusion (a paradox).

Now I want to apply the flashes of insight of all the people to show you something about the abstraction called Mind.

(1) Russell: If you think your Mind is a closed environment you’re wrong. You are using the concept of the Set. Your mind is open to other Minds.

(2) Brouwer: If you cannot imagine a Mind it does not exist. Many people see the Brain when they imagine the Mind. The Brain is controlling everything in our body. If we use (1) we have to find a way of explaining how the mind is communicating with other minds. Scientists found the solution. The mind is producing words (speaking).

(3) Wittgenstein showed that speaking is not a reliable tool of communication. Behind words we are exchanging pictures and emotions. Wittgenstein showed that it is impossible to reason about emotions. We cannot reason about the emotional part of the Mind (Soul).

(4) Gödel: Your mind is an abstraction and therefore Your mind is unable to explain everything You Are.

(5) Lakoff: Mind is an abstraction without an image. When you reason about your mind you use a visual (!) sub-set of the Mind. The visual subset we use is “Actor”. Your Cold Analytical Mind (An Actor) controls Your Warm Body. You are a Walking Thinking Mind that is desperatly trying to manage the Instable Fluctuating Emotions (now called Desire) and the Imagination (now called Fantasy). We are back to You again.

The best thing to do is to skip the whole concept of Mind and start to look for something else.

George Lakoff has a theory that is able to give you some insight.

When we are born we come out of a Body and we become a new Body. The Body has to learn to crawl. Crawling gives us the feeling  that we were moving-away (Mother) and moving to-something (Mother?). Crawling is an emotion.

Our most difficult learning process is to learn to stand-”up” and to “keep balance“. In all cultures “Up” is more important than “Down“. Management is always on the upper floor and God is Up  in the heavens and the Devil is Down in hell.

The feeling of “Up” is basically a bias. We are so dominated by our difficult childhood learning process that we Evaluate many things with our “Up-feeling“. Thinking with the “Up” is getting you Down. It kills self-confidence. We believe that we think Up with our head (Brain) and the Brain (Mind) is the manager.

Let’s get back to what You are. You are your Body and your Body is open to its environment.

Lakoff found that the sentences we speak contain metaphors. Many metaphors are connected to the body. We use our organs to define the types of truth. We feel with our heart (com-passion). We feel with our bellies (In-tuition, inner teaching). We also feel with our stomach. Our stomach tells us that we want to express something. Funny enough these places in the Body (the Chakra’s) are independent of Culture. The reason is that every human shares the same body.

When you believe something you will feel this with your heart. You will feel excitement. The rythm of your heartbeat will change. When somebody is explaining something and you don’t see the picture with your inner eye (your imagination) don’t believe him. Ask somebody to draw what he is trying to explain. If your stomach protests ask a question. If you want to do something with what you believe you will feel it in your solar plexus (Navel). Don’t hesitate Act.

Now I want to come back to the foundation Russell was looking for. When you use your body the basic level to reason with is Earth. What we See on Earth is what is and what is does not need an explanation. Trees grow without any theory. The clouds move without any theory.

If you want to develop a theory start to look with attention (Focus). Be aware and watch what is happening on Earth. What is happening on Earth is always Cyclic. The Earth moves around the Sun. The Moon moves around the Earth. The Planets move around the Sun. Seeds turn into flowers and produces seeds again.

When we try to predict these movements we find patterns. These patterns are stages in a cyclic process of enfolding. The patterns are waves and waves are strongly related to Music (Pythagoras). The patterns in Music create overtones. They interfere. Short term Cycles are part of long term cycles. You’re body is a Standing Wave and it resonates with other Standing Waves with the same wavelength.

Out of the analyses of these patterns mathematics was created. Mathematics is about Music and Beauty. A mathematical theory has to be beautiful. If it is not beautiful it is not correct. This is simple. You have to feel enlightened when you understand mathematics. If you don’t get this feeling your teacher does not understand what he is explaining.

The problem of the Set of Sets can now be solved easily. The Whole is part of itself. The Whole is One but also Two. It is OBSERVING itself. It is conscious.

Perhaps now you understand why the Ears are the place in the Body that controls your Balance. Close your Eyes and Listen to the Rhythms in your Body and Nature. Erase your non-existing Mind. Get back to the level of You, Your Body. Observe your Self. Become conscious. Feel the warmth of your skin. Let the images come and observe them without touching them. Feel your gentle Soul move in and out when you breathe. Concentrate on your Belly (the level of In-tuition). Suddenly you get an Insight. Spirit has hit you. You feel full of Joy about the beauty of the Whole. You found the foundation Russell was looking for. Its You.


About the Axiomatic Foundations of mathematics

A video interview with Bertrand Russell

About the Unconnected Child

Tuesday, June 5th, 2007

cryingchildHumans are the most advanced toolmakers in nature. The main reason is that they are the less specialized organisms. They need tools to survive.

People are also the most complex organisms in nature. This complexity makes it possible to invent new possibilities and to work with specialized tools and animals (horse, cow, hammer, car, computer) and of course other humans.

To create new tools we use the sequence Copy, Experiment and Adjust. We use “What is available”, “Try things out” and and “Improve the Tool”. There is a Limit to the Process of Improvement. At a certain point in time the tool cannot be improved. The next step is that the tool is split up into an infrastructure and features. The featurers are again improved. A good example is the Car. Its Essential infrastructure is finished. All cars are “The Same Inside”.

Humans are great copiers and in childhood we copy the behaviour (the tools) of our parents.

A very sad situation is created when Our parents are not Connected. They are having arguments and conflicts. They are in competion and in competition there are a few Winners and many Losers.

The unconnected child operates from inner turmoil. Down deep this child feels something important is missing in his self and he is angry about it. This feeling may continue into adulthood. This void is likely to reveal itself as anger toward himself and parents, placing everyone at risk for becoming an angry family.

The connected child, growing up with a sense of well- being will get angry, but he learns to handle the anger in such a way that it does not take over his personality.

Connected parents know their children well, so they are less likely to create situations that provoke them and their children to anger. Attached parents know they don’t have to be harsh to be in control. They stimulate Experimentation and are happy when the child Adjusts its Behaviour. They are collaborating and know that the Playing the Infinite Game is much more important than Winning The Game.

When the unconnected child is an adult he will look at every situation out of an Unconnected Perspective. He will do everything to prevent that the people surrounding him will get out of connection. He will be a perfect peacemaker or coach.

But deep within he is unconnected to himself, his Essential Infrastructure. He will do everything to solve this and in the end he becomes a perfectionist demanding almost incomprehensible energies of himself to show that he is doing the right thing.

If this goes on the unconnected child will collapse. The Stress of demanding too much will take the body into a state of disconnection. First his body will generate Signals (Tired, Headache) but he will ignore them because he has to go on. If he ignores the signals the body will start to use its internal Resources to compensate. If these Resource are gone the body will be burnt-out and severe diseases will appear.

How can the unconnected child help himself?

The best way is to reverse in time and start all over again.

First disconnect with the parents that were disconnected.

Give their troubles back to them but with Love.

Then connect to the Child before it was Born and give it the Love it Deserves. After that the process of Copy, Experiment and Adjust can start but now he can Copy the Tools of people that are Playing the Infinite Game.

They know that The State of Perfection is never reached and new features will always be created.

Be your own Father and Mother and Love the Child Within.

How to Remove The Mask We are Waring

Wednesday, May 23rd, 2007

Things You Should Do Before a Workout to Maximize Results

person stretching outside

Exercise: Whether you love it or hate it, we can all agree that if you’re going to do it, it should be as beneficial and effective as possible. It doesn’t matter if you’re working out for the mental stability and positive endorphins it can provide or you’re trying to get rid of a few extra pounds—we all want to feel that our time spent in the gym was completely worthwhile.

When it comes time to get down to business, though, most of us don’t know where to start in order to maximize our workouts. Should I drink or eat beforehand? What about stretching? Or maybe I should be taking a supplement? The questions are seemingly endless, and when it comes to our health, we don’t like to mess around. So we decided to round up tips from our favorite fitness experts and scientific studies to get to the bottom of things.

Keep reading to find out the six things you should be doing in order to get the most out of your workout.

Plan Ahead

When it comes to maximizing your workout, it all begins with deciding when to get started. Dempsey Marks, a fitness expert, yoga instructor, and co-creator of PreGame Fit, is a huge supporter of morning workouts for various reasons. “Start your day with any type of exercise to get your metabolism going,” she explains. “You maximize the benefits of your workout because you will burn calories all day long. Just 15 minutes of morning exercise will make a difference!”

But what if your schedule doesn’t allow for an early-morning workout? Or, let’s be honest, maybe you’re just not a morning person. Above all, the good news is that consistency in your workout schedule is the most important component of maximizing the effects of your exercise. According to the research, there are no major differences between morning and evening workouts. In fact, working out in the evening might provide an advantage when it comes to power and work capacity.1

The bottom line is that no matter when you choose to work out, sticking to your commitment and being consistent is the magic sauce leading to results. So write it down, schedule it in, set alarms—whatever you need to do to make sure you get it done.

Do Some Dynamic Stretching

We know—stretching before a workout seems like an obvious trick to having an effective trip to the gym. But you’d be surprised how many people either rush through this important step or disregard it altogether. “Stretching will warm up the muscles and protect you from becoming sore post-workout,” explains Ilana Kugel, co-founder and creative director of Koral Activewear. Skipping this step could be the make-or-break factor of your entire exercise routine.

Warming up with dynamic stretching is especially important as we age, says Kugel, and exercising without preparing the body with dynamic stretches can lead to stiffness and soreness, which isn’t fun for anyone.2 Take the necessary steps to protect yourself and have the safest (and most enjoyable) workout you can.

Use a Foam Roller

Foam rollers are a rising fitness trend that numerous celebrities and trainers are raving about. Not only can one be used therapeutically to relieve stress, but it’s also a powerful and simple tool that is extremely beneficial for the body, as it can boost circulation, stimulate the lymphatic system to help eradicate toxins, and make muscles look and feel suppler and more youthful.

Lauren Roxburgh, Structural Integration specialist and resident alignment guru at Goop, suggests using the tool pre-workout for best results. “I always get asked when is the best time to roll. It’s actually best to do before a workout so you can awaken and prepare your body for movement,” she explains.

Eat and Drink Wisely


There are conflicting opinions on whether you should eat and drink before working out, but recent studies have found that you could benefit from better results in your workout if meals are chosen wisely3. In terms of hydration, keep plenty of water nearby and drink when you feel thirsty to maximize hydration levels during exercise.4 Katie Mack, an NSCA-certified personal trainer, says that you might also choose to drink a cup of coffee pre-workout too: ”The caffeine in your coffee will help to stimulate your nervous system to enhance performance.” these are the best weight loss pills for women.

Carbohydrates and lean proteins are the best choices when it comes to pre-workout meals. Mack recommends eating a low-fat meal in the hour before your workout. Some of her favorite options are chicken, fish, or Greek yogurt, coupled with a carbohydrate like sweet potato, rice, or beans. According to scientific research, those carbohydrates play a major role in your endurance—”carb-loading” right before exercise can significantly increase performance.5 Mack suggests adding coconut oil for a dose of MCTs (medium-chain triglycerides) for quick energy if you’re really invested.

Try a Supplement

If you’re not too seasoned in your fitness routine, the thought of adding a supplement might be a little scary. Not to fear: Studies have found that taking pre-workout supplements can be an effective method for boosting energy before you exercise.6 The supplements usually contain caffeine, which is the primary ingredient responsible for the benefits you feel.

However, it is important to note that while supplements can help curb fatigue and improve concentration during workouts, researchers have yet to find that they produce a substantial effect on body composition.6 So consider trying out a supplement if you find yourself bowing out midway through your routine, as it can help your overall mindset, but don’t expect your body to transform overnight. And be sure to check with your physician to make sure that adding a supplement is the right choice for you.