The first part of this Blog is about the Triangular numbers, related to the Number 3, the Holy Trinity.
The second part shows that Pascal’s Triangle (called Meru’s Mountain in Mystics), the Binomial Expansion, contains every Possible Mystical Number Pattern (including the Triangular Numbers) you can Imagine.
Pascal Triangle also shows that our Universe is a combinatorial miracle. It explores every possibility, is always in balance, expands and moves back to the beginning which is and was the Void, the Empty Set, the merge of Every Paradox, that is Possible.
About Mystical Number-Patterns
The Sēpher Yəṣîrâh (Book of Formation or Book of Creation, ספר יצירה) is the oldest book on Jewish Mysticism. The Sefer Yetzirah describes how the universe was created by the “God of Israel” through 32 Wondrous Ways of Wisdom.
The Number 32 is the Sum of the 10 Sephirot and the 22 Letters of the Hebrew Alphabet.
The Sephirot is related to the Tetraktys of Pythagoras. The Tetraktys embodies the Four main Greek Cyclical (Platonic) Musical Harmonies: the Fourth (4:3), the Ffth (3:2), the Octave (2:1) and the Double Octave (1:4).
1+2+3+4 = 10. 10 is the 4th Triangular Number. The Nth triangular number is the Sum of the numbers 1 -> N. This Sum is equal to 1/2N(N+1).
Between the 10 Sephirot run 22 Channels or Paths which connect them.
The Sephirot are the Points of the Tetraktys. The Hebrew Letters are the Lines between the Points. The Lines of the Sephirot and the Tetraktys create a Cube (6) at the Top and a Tetrahedron (4) at the Bottom.
The Letters of the Hebrew Alphabet are divided in the 3 Mother Letters (אמש, the Trinity), the Seven Doubles (The Planets) and the Twelve Simples (the Zodiac).

The 22 letters of the Hebrew Alphabet are a combination of the Trinity, the 7 Planets and 12 Signs of the Zodiac.
When you analyse the Sepher Yeshirah the Cube of Space (the Kaaba) appears out of the Hebrew Alphabet. The Kaaba is related to the Seventh Planet, Saturn.
The 3 Axis of the Cube of Space are the Trinity, the 6 (2×3) Faces of the Cube stand for the Planets with the 7th Saturn, the Son of the Central Sun (3+1 (Center)+3) in the Center and the 12 (4×3) Boundary Lines of the Cube represent the 12 Signs of the Zodiac.
As you can see the Number Three, the Triangle, plays an important role. It is the First Structure that is Closed in Itself and is therefore Topological related to the Circle. The Circle (and the Triangle) is able to rotate With and Against the Clock. This property is called Spin in Physics.
It is very important to realize that Everything Rotates in our Universe around a Central Object that rotates around another Central Object. The Central Object Gives Time, determinates the Rythm or Harmonics, of the Rotation Structure.
The Trinity rotates around the Void. The 7 Chakra’s of the Human rotate around the 4th Chakra, the Heart Chakra, ((3+(1)+3)=7).
The Planets rotate around the Sun and the Sun rotates around the Central Black Hole. The arrow of Sagitarius points to this Black Hole.
On a Six Sided Dice the Sum of all the Numbers is Seven (1+6,2+5,3+4). The Sum of the Six Numbers is 3 X 7 = 21. If we add the Center (Saturn) the Number 22 appears.
22/7 is a good approximation of the number π. π relates the Square (and the Cube) to the Circle.
The Cube of Space symbolizes the Playing Board of the Game of Life. On the Playing Board we have a Free Choice to move into the many Paths that are available. Every Path has its own Probability and this Probability can be calculated. If we don’t know what to do we could throw a Dice.
The Cube of Space contains the same six lines that exist in the I Ching. Four of the lines are of equal length, the other two, the diagonals, are longer. For this reason symmetry cannot be statically produced and the Dance (of Shiva) results.
The Circle represents the Cycles of Time of the Matrix of the Demiurg. Behind all the Probabilities of all the Possible Paths lies a Hidden Order.
A Hexagram, represented by the Star of David, is a Two-Dimensional (Orthographic) projection of a Cube. A Symmetric Projection of the Cube creates a Cross.

A Hexagram is a Two Dimensional Cube
One of the many meanings of the first word in the Bible “Bereshit“, is “They (Elohim) created Six” which means that in Six Stages of the Time Cycle the Cube of Space (or the Hexagram) was populated. On the Seventh Day the Center was filled.
The book of Genesis does not describe the creation of the Trinity (They, Elohim, 1+2+3, 1x2x3) itself. This stage was later covered in the Zohar.
In my blog “About the Sum of Things” it is shown that Six Stages are part of an Expansion Pattern governed by the Powers of Two. After 2**6 (64) Expansions (or Compressions) the Same Fractal Pattern repeats itself on a higher level.
64 is the Number of the I Tjing and the Game of Chess. The number 32 of the Sepher Yeshirah is 64/2 and is a Contraction of the I Tjing.
The I Tjing is a contraction of the oldest Divination System in the Word called FA. FA is still used all over the world by the followers of the oldest wisdom-system created by the YOrubA in Africa. The Yoruba lived at the place where the ancient Paradise was situated.

The Fourth Day (Sun (4), Moon (5))
About the Triangular Numbers
The Tetraktys contains the Numbers 1, 3, 6 and 10. These numbers are called Triangular Numbers.
The number 21 is also a Triangular Number because it is the Sum of the Sixth Level of the Tetraktys, the Numbers 1 to 6.
The Fifth Level of the Tetractys is related to the Number 15 (1+2+3+4+5). This number connects the Tetractys and the Sephirot to the 3×3 Lo Shu Magic Square also called the Seal of Saturn.
The nth Triangle number T(n) is the number of dots in a triangle with n dots on a side; it is the sum of the n natural numbers from 1 to n. T(n)=n(n+1)/2.
The Triangular Numbers contain the Perfect Numbers. A perfect number is a positive integer that is equal to the sum of its proper positive divisors, that is, the sum of its positive divisors excluding the number itself. Six (1+2+3=1x2x3) is the first Perfect Number and 28 (1+2+4+7+14) is the next.

The Sum of two Triangular Numbers is a Square
The Sum of two adjacent Triangular Numbers T(n) + T(n+1) is a Square Number because Two Triangels can be combined in a Square. 1+3=2**2 and 3+6=3**2.
There are many relationships between the Triangular Numbers. These relationships were the focus of the research of the Mystical Group of the Mathematikoi of Pythagoras.
6 (Bereshit, the Cube, the Hexagram) + the 22 Letters of the Hebrew Alphabet = 28, the Next Perfect Number (1+2+3+4+5+6+7).
28 is like the numbers 6 and 15 also a Hexagonal Number. As you can see in the picture below 28 is the fourth Hexagonal Number. As we have seen before a Hexagon is a Projection of a Cube so 28 represents a Cube in a Cube in a Cube. A Cube in a Cube is called a Tessarect or a HyperCube.

28 is a Hexagonal Number
The first sentence in Genesis (“In the beginning Elohim created Heaven and Eearth“) contains 7 words and 28 letters. This indicates that the Creation Process was already in the 7th stage of the Tetraktys and in its 2nd Fractal Expansion, the Birth of the Material Universe.
The sum of the entire verse is the 73rd Triangular Number. The prime Numbers 37 and 73 are geometrically related. They form the third and the fourth term in the sequence of Star Numbers (1, 13, 37, 73, 121).
Hexagon/Star pairs are closely related to Triangular numbers. Their product is always a Triangle, and they can be symmetrically generated from a Pair of Triangles.
About Pascal’s Triangle
When a number represents a Geometric Structure it is called a Figurative Number.
Every possible figurative number is generated by the Triangle of Pascal.
The Fractal Sierpinsky Triangle is the Triangle of Pascal Modulo 2.
The Triangle of Pascal was known long before Pascal (re)discovered it.
It was known in Ancient India as the Meru Prastara and in China as the Yang Hui. Meru Prastara relates the triangel to a Mystical Mountain called Mount Meru. Mount Meru is also implemented in the Sri Yantra.
The Triangle shows the Coefficients of the Function F(X,Y))= (X+Y)**n. If n=0 F(X,Y)=1 and if n=1 F(X,Y)=X+Y so the Coeffcients are (1,1).
Pascals Triangle is a 2-Dimensional System based on the Polynomal (X+Y)**N. It is always possible to generalize this structure to Higher Dimensional Levels. 3 Variables ((X+Y+X)**N) generate The Pascal Pyramid and n variables (X+Y+Z+….)**N generate The Pascal Simplex.
The rows of the Pascal’s Triangle add up to the power of 2 of the row. So the sum of row 0 is 2**0 and the sum of row 1 is 2**1 =2.
The Sum of the rows of the higher n-dimensional versions of the Triangle is n**N where n is the Amount of Variables and N the level of expansion. So the Sum of Pascal’s Pyramid (3 variables X,Y,Z) is 3**N.

Triangle of Pascal
The most interesting property of the Triangle is visible in the Diagonals.
The First Diagonal contains only 1′s. The Ones represent Unique Objects. They are the Points in the Tetraktys.
The Second Diagonal contains the natural numbers. These Numbers are used to Count Objects that are The Same. The Natural Numbers are the Lines that connect the Points. The Natural Numbers are the Sum of the previous Ones.
The Third Diagonal contains the triangular numbers. The Triangular Numbers are the Sum of the previous Natural Numbers.
This pattern repeats itself all the time.

The Yang Hui is an ancient Chinese version of the Triangle of Pascal. This Triangle contains Nine (3x3) Levels.
The Fourth Diagonal contains the tetrahedral numbers (Pyramid Numbers) and the Fifth Diagonal, the pentatope numbers.
Fermat stated that Every Positive Integer is a Sum of at most three Triangular numbers, four Square numbers, five Pentagonal numbers, and n n-polygonal numbers.
The Tetrahedron with basic length 4 (summing up to 20) can be looked at as the 3-Dimensional analogue of the Tetraktys.

A Tetrahedral Number represents a 3D-version of the Tetraktys.
The Diagonals of the Triangle of Pascal contain every Possible 2-Dimensional Figurative Number (and Structure).
These Numbers are Projections of Higher Dimensional Numbers and Higher Dimensional Structures.
The Higher Dimensional Versions of the Triangle (the Pascal Pyramid, The Pascal Simplex) contain these structures.
The Rows of the Triangle Sum to the Powers of Two (2 Dimensions). These Powers control the Levels of Expansion.
Every 7th step the Fractal Pattern of the Triangle repeats itself on a higher Level.
The Figurative Numbers are the Geometric Shapes that are created by the Lines of the Natural Numbers that are connecting the Points of the One.
Pascal’s Triangle also contains the numbers of the Fibonacci Sequence (“The Golden Spiral“).
When we take the Modulo 9 (the Digital Root of Pythagoras) of the Numbers of Fibonacci a repeating patterns of 24 steps shows itself that can be represented by a Star Tetrahedron or Stella Octangula. The Star Tetrahedron is a Three Dimensional Star of David.

The StarTetrahedron, shows the Pattern behind the Sequence of Fibonacci.
Every Figurative Number N is the Sum of the Figurative Numbers N-1. Every Geometric Shape is a combination of all the Previous Geometric Shapes.
This means that Every Geometric Shape is in the end The Sum of the Sum of the Sum of …. Triangels, Trinities (Elohim) or Triangular Numbers and therefore an Extension of the Tetractys of Pythagoras.
The Expansion of the Whole is a (Fractal) Combination of Combinations.
The Triangle of Pascal is related to the so called Binomial Theorem which is used in Combinatorics and Probability Theory to describe the Amount of Combinations of a Set of Objects.
The rows of the Triangle of Pascal also shows the Bell Shaped Pattern of the Normal Distribution.
The Probability Distribution of the Triangle of Pascal converges to the Normal Distribution because of the Central Limit Theorem. Every Row has a Mean of N/2 and a Variance of (N**1/2)/2 which means that with every new row the Mean and the Variance become Bigger and Bigger.
The Triangle of Pascal and therefore the Figurative Numbers describe Everything that is Possible but every Expansion of the Triangle is less Likely to Occur.

The Triangle of Pascal Mod 3 represents the Tetraktys in the Tetraktys in the .....
Because of the Fractal Expansion/Contraction Pattern The Cube of Space, related to the Element Earth, explains Everything there is to Know on Our Level of Existence, Mother Earth.
The interesting part of the Figurative Numbers is that they representent Visual Patterns with which we can Reason.
We don’t need complex formulas because we can See what is Possible.
The interesting part of the Triangle of Pascal is that we can See that the Complex Figurative Structures are created out of a very Simple Structure, the Triangle.
If we want to understand our Reality we have to begin with looking at the Beginning and not start somewhere in the Middle.
If we look at the Fractal Expansion Pattern of the Triangle we See that Every new Stage is an Expansion Out of the Middle.
The Expansion of the Human, the Next Step in our Evolution, is therefore an Expansion Out of the Heart, the Balance of Father Sky and Mother Earth.
Life is not only about Me and the Other.
Life is also about the Relationship between Me and the Other.
If we don’t Collaborate the Next stage in our Evolution will never happen.
The Content of the Sepher Yesirah
About the Cube of Space and Psychology
About the Sepher Yesirah and the I Tjing
A correspondence table of the Cube of Space
About the Sri Yantra and Plato
About the Lo Shu and the I Tjing
All kind of strange relationships between Triangular Numbers
A website about Mystical Number Theory
About Combining the Combinations
About the Golden Spiral and Plato
About Pascal’s Triangle and the Normal Distribution
A complete course in elementary Number Theory
About the Psychology of the Cube of Space
About the Tetraktys and the Zodiac
About the Process Theory of Paul Young
About the Theory of Dewey B. Larsson
Mysteries of the Equilateral Triangle