Posts Tagged ‘Ouroboros.’

About Alchemy

Wednesday, December 10th, 2008

alchemyWhen I studied Chemistry at the University of Leiden I wanted to learn more about “Ancient Chemistry“.

At that time I really did not understand the Symbolism behind Alchemy. This changed a few years later when I encountered Jung. Suddenly Alchemy moved to the Social Sciences.

At this moment I am convinced modern Mathematics and Physics are exploring the same issue Jung and many others Alchemists were exploring.

The Material World and the Spiritual World are both based on the same principles. They only operate on different Levels.

When you understand one level it is not so difficult to map this level to another level. The real big problem is to map the simplicity of the parts to the complexity of the Whole.

Human understanding is based on our Imagination. When you are not capable to visualize the Parts and the Whole you are lost. The old Alchemist understood this problem and they produced many visual metaphors to help the explorer of the Spiritual Domain.

ouroborosThe most important unifying concept in Alchemy is represented by the Snake Ouroboros. The Snake is “Eating Itself“.

When you try to imagine what is happening you will understand that the Snake will be spiraling inwards until it simply vanishes.

You also could imagine that the Snake appears again in another “space” where it starts to spiral outwards until it moves back to our reality.

By “eating itself” the Snake is “compressed” into what is now called a “singularity” (A Black Hole).

klein bottleIn the other (Imaginary) world the Snake expands and spirals through another hole (A White Hole) back into Our Reality.

The Imaginary Universe is the Twin Universe of Our Universe.

If the Imaginary Universe is represented by the Complex or Imaginary Numbers there is also an In-Between or Joint Universe.

This Universe existst in a higher dimension. We are able to experience the Real Part of the Numbers. Our Twins only see the Imaginary parts.

The aim of the process of Alchemy is to move through the singularity to another Space/Time. In this Space/Time you are “immortal”. This Space/Time is the Imaginary World of Mathematics, the Complex Plane.

holy weddingTo Reach the World of Immortality You have to Unite the Opposites. Alchemy uses many Metaphors to show how this is accomplished. One of them is the Holy Wedding. In the Holy Wedding the Male and the Female Unite.

It is very important to understand what the Alchemists meant with the Male and the Female. Of course the first interpretation is simply the Human Male and the Human Female.

In this case the Holy Wedding is a sexual metaphor. The Male and the Female Unite when they have Sexual Intercourse.

In Sacred Sexual Intercourse, Tantra, something called the Kundalini, the Serpent Power, is activated.

Awakening the Kundalini without a good Preperation (Psychological Cleaning) and a Good Guidance is very dangerous.

The Rising of the Kundalini will generate tremendous energies (Extreme Heating) and intense Psychological Disturbances, the Kundalini-Syndrome.

Although Sacred Sexual Intercourse is a very powerful tool for Enlightment it is still not the Right Metaphor.

The Male and the Female have to be seen as complementary functions. The Male represents Order/Control and the Female Chaos/Desire. The complementary functions are independent of the sexes. A Female Human is perfectly able to act with a (Dominant) Male Pattern.

Uniting Male and Female is accomplished when you Live on the Edge (in the Middle) of Control/Order and Chaos/Desire (Wu-Wei). When Chaos and Order are in Balance the Union of Both Forces, The Void (also called the Tao), takes over and Synchronicity starts to Happen. The Human Action is Guided by a Higher Force, the Holy Spirit.

pentagleThe Human can also be viewed as a FiveFold Being (The Pentagram). In this case the Human is a combination of Male/Male (Control), Female/Female (Desire) AND Male/Female and Female/Male.

At the Center (In the Middle, At the Cross) of the Four Combinations is always the One, The Void. Most of the time the “new” combinations are called Soul and Spirit.

To Understand this process a little bit better we will change the Metaphor of the Sexes to the Metaphor of the Movements (Up & Down, Inside & Outside). The Opposite Movements are a Tension, that is Voided in the Middle.

Inside Outside
Up Up/Inside (Spirit) Up/Outside (Control)
Down Down/Inside (Soul) Down/Outside (Desire)

When there are Four Movements in Action, there are Six Ways to Integrate the Two Opposites and there are many more ways to combine the Six Ways into a Four Fold Integration. One of the most effectives ways to do this is to travel the Matrix in a Circular Motion(○) With or Against the Clock or by Circulating the Cross following the Pattern of the Moebius Ring (∞) also With or Against the Clock.

To move from the Mortal to the Immortal, Timeless, Domain we have to apply the Ouroboros-pattern. This is accomplished by connecting the Circulations of the Circle or the Moebius Ring at the Singularity, The Middle of the Cross. The circulations move against or with the Clock.

We are now moving from a 2-dimensional Matrix to a 3-dimensional Cube. To avoid confusion we have to define a third terminology for the two opposite Movements. In many cultures the directions of the Winds are used (East, West, North, South) combined with Up and Down but it is up to You to find other Terms.

It is still possible to visualize this structure in 3-dimensional space. This structure is called by the Topologists, The Klein Botlle. The Klein Bottle is a connection of two complementary Moebius Rings with the Void in the Middle.

There are of course other metaphors available to explain what is “happening”. The most interesting ia a Physical Metaphor. It is called the Holographic Universe.

In the Holographic Universe the Hologram is used as a methaphor. A Hologram is a 3-dimensional picture stored in a rotating 2-dimensional structure. A “grain of sand” could contain the complete image of the Universe.

In the Holographic Universe Time is not Linear or Cyclic. The Now expands into the Past and the Future. We are able to change the Past and the Future with our Imagination. Time Travel is possible if we are able to find the same point in the Multi-Universe we started our Travel. The Humans also exists in many Space/Times at the same Moment, The Now.

We are able to see with our (Higher) Conscioussnes the Complete Network of Time Loops that are enfolding in the weird structure that has no Inside and Outside.

Many people still live in the Hierarchical Word, where the Movements are always going Up. They believe in a beginning and an end and believe that every Cause has an Effect. Some people, The Holists (New Age), moved from the Outside to the Inside. To them everything is Energy and Reality is a Circle. They are the people of Soul and Spirit. The Holists believe in the Wheel of Karma or the Wheel of Destiny.

The new Age of Aquarius will be a completely different world. We, the Humans, are not moving around in the Merry Go Round that is created by the Gods. We will be the Co-Creators of the Creative Force that is in the Center of the Wheel.

We are the Whole AND the Part. We are the Cycle AND we are Not the Cycle. We will take part in a new enfolding of the Self-Reference, that is Whole and Empty.

Hierarchical Cyclic Holographic
Movements are always going Up Movements go Up and Down Self-Reference
Triangle/Pyramid/Cube/Tube Circle/Torus Moebius Ring/Klein Bottle
Causal/Linear Cyclic/Spiraling Closed in Itself
Creation Compression/Expansion Enfolding
Evolution Growth and Decay Continuous Creation
Outside Inside and Outside No Inside and Outside
Part/Whole Wave Fractal
Everything is Different Everything is the Same (Make a) Difference
Individual Collective Whole
Control/Desire Soul/ Spirit Center



About the Kundalini Syndrome

About the Klein Bottle and Alchemy

About our Imaginary Twin Universe

About the Relationship between Alchemy, Tantra and The Gnostics

About the Holy Wedding

All You Want to Know About Alchemy

About Alchemy

The Gnostic Science of Alchemy

Dimension of Apeiron by Steven M. Rosen

Why God is a Topologist

Saturday, November 29th, 2008

god_geometry_bigSometimes I am getting very frustrated when I read spiritual books. I am getting frustrated because those books are a very complicated mixture of many other books that are also very complicated mixtures of other books.

The most complicated spiritual books are the books that use mathematical or physical theories to proof they are Right. The main reason is of course that mathematics and physics is complicated stuff to understand.

Mathematics contains the essence of Physics. You have to understand a little bit of mathematics to understand elementary Physics. The essence of Mathematics is Geometry. When you understand Geometry the rest of mathematics is just calculation (Algebra).

Geometry started as a very practical science concerned with navigation in space and the measurement of all kinds of forms. Soon the old scientists discovered interesting and unexplainable patterns. They discovered a hidden, sacred, structure behind reality and started to find ways to proof their intuiton was right.

It was not for nothing that Einstein believed God was a Geometer. Much earlier the Mystic School of Pythagoras tried to find the Sacred Geometry behind the Numbers to understand the Whole. At this moment Geometry has advanced a lot in relation to the old days of Pythagoras and even Einstein. Geometry is now called Topology, the Science of Spaces. In terms of Einstein, God was a Topologist.

To proof the theorems of Geometry the concept of congruency was used. Two figures are congruent if they have the same shape and size, but are in different positions or in more difficult language,  if they can be transformed by a combination of translation, rotation and reflection. When two figures are congruent they are “the same” and when things are “the same” you are able to prove theorems.

During the Renaissance to understand perspective drawing, two things are considered the same if they are both views of the same object. In the Renaissance the perspective, looking from a different angle, was added as a “the sameness”. Circles and ellipses became part of one class.

A “the sameness” has a lot to do with Identities and Wholes. When your view on “the sameness” changes you are able to identify a different whole. The new concept of the Perspective made is possible to “see” the Sun as a persistent object instead of an ever changing object.  

During the Renaissance the Sun became the Center of the Whole. The highly confusing worldview of the Middle Ages where something was the same when it really was the same object in reality slowly faded away. The external world became the world of the Eye, the microscope and the telescope.

Topology changed this view dramatically. In topology, any continuous change which can be continuously undone is allowed. So a circle is the same as a triangle or a square, because you just pull on parts of the circle to make corners and then straighten the sides, to change a circle into a square.

In the View of Topology the Sun is nothing but a small part of an ever expanding and contracting Universe. Topology transformed the external World of the Eye into the Internal World of Moving Water, Waves and the Emotions, the Felt Sense.  Topology is the Science that prepares the Way for the Water Bearer, Aquarius.

Topology is just like Geometry not only the science of space. It is also the science of transformation and transformation is also the essence of spirituality.

The major issue of Topology is the Contraction and Expansion of forms and again the essence of spiritual transformation is the Breath of God, the Holy Spirit. Topology has also a lot to do with Harmony or Symmetry and again Realizing Harmony is one of the major issues in Spirituality.

The interesting part of Topology is that you are able to do research on a huge scientific mathematical domain by exploring just one structure which is a representative of all the other structures.


The first object of interest are the Circle and The Line. It is not possible to transform a Circle into a Line without cutting the Cycle in one Point, Infinity.

In a circular, moving world, Infinity is non existent or every Point of the Circle corresponds with Infinity. 

This is an  interesting insight because  almost nobody doubts about the fact that the space we live is a Circular Rotating Space. In the World of the Circle  The very Small and the very Big are the Same.



According to the Physicists our Space is a much stranger Space than a Circular Space.

Our Universe is highly dimensional because the complicated symmetry of our Universe simply does not fit in a lower dimensional space.

The most symmetric object, strangely called the Monster, uses 196,884 dimensions.

We, the Humans, travel a small part of the Monster, because we are not able to see enough perspectives. A perspective is a dimension.

One of the most interesting subjects is Self-Reference. The most simple Self-Referential structure is a Circle.

Topology contains very special Self-Referencial Structures like the Moebius Ring and the Klein-Bottle. The Moebius Ring is a Space without an Outside. It is closed in Its Self. You always travel the same surface.

klein bottle

A Klein Bottle is even stranger. Its surface is Closed in Itself but it has no Inside and no Outside. It simply IS. 

A Moebius Ring exists in our 3-dimensional space.

A Klein Bottle needs 4-dimensional space. The Klein Bottle has a lot in common with a very old concept, the Ouroburos, the Snake who eats Himself. The Snake is a symbol for the Kundalini, the Force of Enlightment.

knotMore complicated topological structures are Knots and to give you a quick insight, the Universe is a Web that was never Woven, a beautiful Veil that is difficult to See when you are travelling a small part of it.

I know this small blog will not help to get an insight but I assure you that when you start to explore Topology You will encounter new Concepts (or Paradigms) that will surprise You.

Topology will  give You a still small but highly extended perspective on the Creation of the One that expanded in so many Harmonic structures.


The History of Topology

About our Limited Perspective and the Limits of Reasoning

About the Topology of Art, a Short Introduction to Bahktin

About Free Will, Time and the Monster

About the Moebius Ring and the Klein Bottle in Philosophy

About Self-Reference in Physics

About Knots in Philosophy

About the Klein Bottle

A Very Strange Way to Explain the Current Crisis

Thursday, September 25th, 2008

I wrote and thought a lot about Time and Time Travel. My investigations made it clear to me that Time Travel must be possible and is also happening. Most people are not aware of the Cyclic Patterns of Time.

They think Time is a Line extending into Infinity. The Cyclic Patterns are moving With the Clock and Counter the Clock. At this moment The Cycles are Reversing in Time. This explains the current Crisis.

The conclusion of my research in Time was that we are traveling through a Vibrating Static Structure, A Fluent Crystal, which contains a huge amount of possible paths. We have Free Choice to travel the many Paths but the Amount of Possible Choices is fixed.

When we are traveling and return at the same point we started our traveling, we have gone through a Cycle.

When you go to work in the morning and return at home in the evening and repeat this sequence day after day you are moving through a very simple cycle. When you Repeat the Same Mistakes all the Time you are moving through a Cycle. When you are Born and Die you are moving through a Cycle called Life.

Cycles can be very complex. They are sometimes so complex that you are not aware you are repeating the same pattern all the time. You are experiencing the Feeling of Freedom of Choice because you are not Observing Your Path.

When you are Capable of Observing Your Path the Cyclic Behavior Ends. You Watch the Cycle but you are not In the Cycle. You are freed from the Cycle when you don’t make a Choice at all. This is what the Chinese Masters call the Tao.

Cycles basically move in two directions. They move With the Clock and Counter the Clock. Our Clocks move With the Clock so we assume that Time is moving With the Clock. When we move Counter the Clock we are moving Back in Time.

Cycles With the Clock, are Positive, Generating, Cycles.

Cycles Counter the Clock , are Negative, Destructive, Cycles.

The direction of a rotation is called Spin.

If we combine two Cycles that are moving With AND Counter the Clock an interesting structure appears. This Structure is called the Moebius Ring and is often used to represent the Symbol of Infinity, the Lemniscate or Ourobouros (A Snake).

The Moebius Ring is a very interesting structure because it does not have an Above and an Under. When you are traveling the Boundary you are always traveling the Same Surface. The Moebius Ring is easily constructed by connecting the two ends of a strip of twisted paper.

To Change the Direction of a Cycle you have to introduce a Twist.

To Travel Time you to have to Twist Time.

The Twist is an interesting concept. One of the Questions you could ask is if You would experience a Twist when it happened. The answer is Yes and No. Yes, when the Twist is an Up or Down Peak (An Event). No, when the Twist is a smooth path.

The most interesting Peak Experience in Life is Death. At that time the Cycle of Life is closed and another Cycle with a different Spin starts. Many cultures believe the Cycle of Death is real. In Western Society many people believe the Cycle of Death is non existent. Scientists are spending a lot of time to prove that the moment of Death is the End of Everything.

History is moving through Cycles. At some point in time many people feel History is Repeating Itself. Most of the time people believe the Cycles are moving into a certain direction. They are moving UP and DOWN. When you look at the Economic Cycles the data show that the Economic Cycles are Moving UP.

In reality the UP Cycle behind the Economic Cycle is another Cycle that is in its UP-state. Behind this Cycle is another (Long-Term) Cycle and another Cycle and …but somewhere the Cycle of Cycles (A Spiral) is Closed in Itself (A Spiraling Spiral). Just like the Moebius Ring there is no Above and Under. We are (Time-)traveling a Boundary that is closed in itself.

I don’t think many people will disagree with the concept of Cycles in History. The Theory of Economic Cycles has proven itself without any Doubt.

I don’t think many people understand that Cycles are moving in two directions. They believe the Cycles are moving With the Clock. If you believe Cycles move With the Clock it is easy to see that the Seasons are a beautiful Metaphor to understand Cyclic Behavior.

But what will happen when the Cycles of History move Counter the Clock???

If we would move through time Counter the Clock History would repeat itself just like History is Repeating Itself when we move With the Clock but the Stages of the Cycle (The Seasons) would show themselves in a Different Order.

If the Cycle With the Clock is an UP Cycle, the Cycle Counter the Clock would be a Down Cycle.

If you read the references in this Blog you will see that Western Culture is (or was) moving Counter The Clock, a CYCLE of DESTRUCTION.

The Cycle of Destruction (Capitalism, Materialism) was seen as a positive Cycle by many People but now they are becoming Aware of Reality. Western Culture is destructing Nature. It is not only destructing Nature but it is also destructing Human Culture.

At a certain point in time the Cycle HAS TO REVERSE. This TWIST is a Peak Experience, a Major Crisis. I hope You now See what is really Happening. We are Reversing the Cycle and the new Cycle is a GENERATING CYCLE. We are really Moving UP into a new state of Consciousnesa. This new state is not the state people who love materialism and capitalism (and War and Destruction and Greed and Control and Desire and …) will like.


About The Twist in History

 About the Twist in Literature

About Cyclic Behavior in History

About Cyclic Behavior in History

Using the Seasons to Understand Cycles