Posts Tagged ‘everybody’

How to Make Everybody Happy

Monday, December 8th, 2008

Obama wants to stimulate the US Economy by investing a Huge amount of Dollars in Infrastructure. He is not worried about the US Deficit. Big Spending is needed to create jobs and creating jobs is priority number one. If he is not worried about the Deficit I would advice him to change his plan and just give everybody in the US enough money to buy what they want. This would really boost the Economy in a very short time.

The US Deficit is rising and because of many factors (mainly the Baby Boomers) the deficit will rise to almost US Dollars.

It is possible for the US to go on spending without taking care of its budget?

If nobody wants the US to pay back his debt Everything is Possible. If the US Citizens start to consume every country in the World will benefit because every country in the World wants to sell its products to the US.

Why don’t we give a lot of money to the Underdeveloped Countries too? Many people are starving to death.

He could do that too. Obama is the President of the US and the US is the biggest power in the World. He is able to do everything he wants to do and everybody will like his plan. If your are the President of the US you have to ACT BIG.

Why don’t we give everybody in the Whole World what they really want?

He could do this too. In a few years Everybody in the Whole Wide World will be Happy. This is really the Big Thing.

But wait.

The US is still the biggest Military Power in the World. The US is spending about $1 trillion per year to finance its Defense Budget. Obama wants to spend about $700 billion to boost the economy. When everybody is happy you don’t need an army. This would save $300 billion to help the poor people in the Word. If everybody is happy all the other countries don’t need an army too. This would save even more money. Making everybody in the World Happy is a good plan.

But wait.

If the US is not paying for an Army many people in the US and other countries will be out of work. It will also kill the Weapon Industry. They have to find another job. Perhaps they could find a job in Healthcare.

But wait.

If everybody is happy the amount of sick people will decrease. This will have an impact on the Pharmaceutical Industry and many other Industries. They have to find another job. Perhaps they could find a job in the Media.

But wait.

If everybody is happy the Media will lose jobs because Bad News is always Good News. They have to find another job. Perhaps they could find a job in Agriculture or Education.

But wait.

If people are happy they produce less children and we need the Children to give the Teachers something to do. We will need less food and if you work in Agriculture you don’t need much Education. They have to find another job.

Sorry. I will stop.

I don’t think it is a good plan to spend money to make everybody happy in the World. If everybody is happy the problems get bigger and bigger. I now understand why people are consuming. They are consuming because they are not happy. The US needs Enemies to keep the US Citizens Consuming.

But wait.

If the Enemies of the US are not happy they will ask the US to balance its budget. So someday Obama has to do something.


Increase the Budget of the Army.

Good plan! ( A Video about the future US Deficit).

About Fools, Pyramids and Bubbles

Saturday, December 1st, 2007

foolsDuring the so called E-Commerce Bubble allmost everybody believed that when you sell something on the Internet you will become an instant multi-biljonair.

I did not believe this at all. The funny thing was that almost nobody believed me. I waited for the Bubble to burst.

To my surprise the E-Commerce Bubble became the biggest bubble I ever experienced. At a certain moment I even started to believe I was wrong and something really special was happening, The New Economy.

Later I discovered the reason why the Bubble was able to grow to an extreme proportion. The Long Term Economic Cycle called the Kondratieff-Cycle was at that time in an UP-mode. The Economy was expanding and many people were looking for a nice investment opportunity.

When the Bubble exploded the Kondratieff was moving Down and the Exploding Bubble excellarated the downfall.The Kondratieff will start to rise again around 2020. Until that time we will be in a state of Recession.

The people that promoted E-Commerce believed that Commerce was all about Communication. Just Tell Everybody You are There and Business will Come. But When Everybody is telling Everybody that they are selling Something Nobody will Find you. To find you they have to know what they are looking for. People used a search-engine to find what they were looking for.

E-Commerce created a new problem. The problem was “how to Manipulate a Search-Engine”. The problem was solved by the Search-Engine itself. Just Pay us and we Put You on top of the List. At that time I did not realize that the biggest money-maker in E-Commerce would be the creation of a “fraudulent” search-engine.

At that time we believed the only type of company that would benifit from E-Commerce was a Mail-Order Company. Amazon.COM was our favorite example.

I knew that the Old Companies were unable to create a Website with a connection to the Back Office. Their Legacy Systems would block them.

I reseached Logistics, Languages, Legal and Fiscal Issues and the big Cultural differerences between the many Countries in the World you could reach with one simple Website.I found out that there are a lot of questions you could ask about Commerce that many people never asked because Normal Commerce was “Just Happening”. We are immersed in Commerce and take many things for granted.

I got in contact with people in the US that where doing the same research. We decided to create a European CommerceNet. The EG asked me to participate in a big effort to solve the problems of SME’s in E-Commerce. We identified many issues that had be resolved.

Finally the Bubble exploded.

the-foolEconomic Bubbles are happening all the time. The simplest explanation for the appearance of a Bubble is The Bigger Fool Theory. When you buy something and your investment becomes questionable you believe you will always find a “a bigger fool” who pays the price of your life. Humans are positive thinkers. They believe they will always make a profit.

The bigger fool theory is an example of a positive feedback mechanism. Everybody feels things will go up. If this happens they want to become part of the tremendous success. What many people don’t realize is that positive feedback has to be compensated by a negative feedback.

Everything in the Universe is expanding and contracting. People who are entering in the beginning of the rise make a lot of money. People that join when the decline starts lose everything. A Bubble is a very complicated, unbalanced, unfair and sometimes even fraudulent exchange-mechanism. A fraudulent exchange mechanism is called a Pyramid-scheme or a Ponzi-Scheme. A Bubble is a Ponzi-Scheme where nobody is playing Mr.Ponzi.

In the E-Commerce Bubble many people used the Ponzi-Scheme to make a lot of money. I don’t want to offend my collegueas but I am convinced many financial advisors knew the Bubble would burst some day and did not tell this to the people they were advising. They did not tell the truth for many reasons.

They were completely ignorent about the technology and the effect of the technology on companies but the most important reason was sadly enough the fact that they were making a lot of money themselves. They became greedy. Greed is the Fatal Attractor behind all the Ponzi-schemes.

Economic Theorists proved that the Ponzi-Scheme can also be applied to other areas of our society like The Housing Market and the Government Pension System. All of them will finally end in a Bursting Bubble. The people that will win are always first users. The Housing Market Bubble is already exploding, The Pension Bubble is on its way.


About Entrainment and Bubbles

How the Baby Boomers stopped their own Revolution

Tuesday, September 18th, 2007
The Baby Boomers when they were Young

The Baby Boomers when they were Young

When I started to work in 1976 I never heard of something called HRM. My boss hired me.

He discussed my salary and gave me the assignments.

The salary of my colleagues was a secret. I also did not know why my salary was raised. It just happened.

Three years later I was promoted to manager (group leader). I was very surprised this happened.

My new manager (called a section leader) handed me the files of my employees. I had to take care of them.

They contained many secret documents about what the former managers thought about the employee. At that time the managers talked about the employees in complete secrecy.

We, the New Managers, did not like that. We opened up the secret files, destroyed the ”not-objective” data, standardized the data and put the data in a Database later called a HRM-System.

Suddenly I was the one who was responsible for hiring and firing. Every group-leader was different. I was always very open to my employees. We worked as a team to create and maintain software-systems.

I loved to program and design and I never felt the need to stop this. Managing my group was simple. It took about 1 day a week. In this day I had to attend meetings with other managers.

Other group-leaders (mostly much older) were spending all of their time managing their group. I soon found out that they were really managed by their group. They were unable to resist the informal power of some of their employees. When the new salaries were fixed some of them got a lot of money. This became known in my group and I got into trouble.

Why is he paid more than I am paid? He is really doing nothing!

I went to talk with my colleague but he did not want to talk. I talked with my section-leader and I found out that my colleague was his personal friend. He “covered his ass“.

At that time there was a big difference between an employee and a manager. When you became a Manager you became part of an Elite with its own Privileges and Culture. The most important Rule was that people of this Elite always covered the ass of the other members. We, the New Managers, did not like that and we started to destroy the Old Management Culture.

The other group-leaders experienced the same situation. We started to talk about this issue at our Section-meeting. After many discussions we went to talk one level higher (the director). The end result of all our actions was a revolution. We removed all the old powers and took over.

This also happened when I was a student. I was part of the baby-boom-generation that reorganized society. We were the revolutionaries that wanted to create a better society based on the principles of the new age of Aquarius.

Now almost 30 years later my old colleagues and I have created a System that is blocking everything they stood for. Just like my section-leader they want to stay in power.

The Baby Boomers when they were Young

The Baby Boomers when they were Young

The big difference between 30 years ago and now is that the New Revolutionaries have to change a (Software) System. It is impossible to detect the Human Cause of all Evil.

We,  the Baby-Boom Managers have standardized almost everything. The Systems have taken over Control and the Sad Thing is that almost nobody knows what the Systems are really doing. They live a Life of their Own.

It is almost impossible to reach consencus because many many specialized managers are involved and they all defend their own territory. The Sad Thing is that almost nobody knows what their Territory really is about.

Everything is Magically connected to Everything Else by the PatchWork of Overlapping Systems. A Problem in One Area suddenly comes back in a completely different Area.

The only way to accomplish something is to play the Game of Politics. To play the Game of Politics you need to make friends and you have to stay in the right coalition.

To do this you sometimes have to abandon your friends to reach the Goal. The effect is that nobody trusts nobody anymore or friends are covering the Ass of their friends. The effect is that many incidents are covered up. The effect of the cover up is that many people don’t know what is really happening or (worse) many people know what is happening but discuss the issues in a secret place.

The effect of this is that many people are not working at all. They are gossiping all the time. The effect is a loss of productivity and the only Solution we can think of is to implement more Systems.

The most important effect is a Change of Focus. The focus is directed inside the Company and not outside the Company. Outside the Company somebody is providing the money to play the Game. He or She is called the Customer.

The Systems have transformed the Customer into a Standardized Object stored into a Computer.

The Systems have completely Blocked the View on the most important Asset of a Company, the Human.

What Happened?

We developed a system that wanted to treat Everybody the Same Way.

How did we do that?

Step 1: Classify what everybody is doing (programming, designing, project-management …).

Question: When somebody is capable of everything (a talent) what do you do?

Answer: Always start with the lowest classification in this way people believe work is moving Up.

Step 2: Define a Career Path.

Step 2.1. Define Low (junior), Normal and High (senior). Take care that this is a normal distribution. If you do that people keep the believe that a Senior is better than a Junior!

Step 2.2. Define importance. A designer is more important than a programmer. Manager is more important than designer.

Question: Why is a something more important than something else?

Answer: Something is more important when we pay a higher salary. If we do that people start to believe that money is the most important motivator.

Effect: Everybody wants to become a manager because a manager is the best! The negative effect is that a manager does not like the employees in his department who are better. They are his competitors.

Step 3: Define a test to prove you are allowed to move to the next level.

Question: What defines a talented programmer?

Answer: He has finished his training.

Effect: Employees have to spend a lot of time to pass exams. Training becomes more important than experience. People start to act out of the book.

Step 4: Create specialized departments (Training, Security, Data Management, ..).

To save money we started to train people outside the company. The teachers did not have any experience. They knew what was written in the books that were written by people that did not have any experience in the field they were teaching.

Later the teachers changed into consultants and started to tell the employees and the managers how to do it. Doing the trick is easy. Inventing new tricks and implementing the new tricks becomes very difficult. You have to convince many managers.

Effect: Innovation is tricky bussiness. You have to take a risk and when you fail you are out of the carreer-race. Old approaches are implemented with a different name.

Step 5: Create departments that are testing if the employees are doing what the trainers told them to do (Quality Management). When they don’t do what the trainers told them to do we just don’t promote them.


Everybody is Equal.

I hope you see what I am trying to show you. By treating everybody the Same Way we finally have created the Same People. The top (talent) and the bottom (sick, problems at home …) are gone.

We have Equalized the Population.

The steps 1 to 5 are not the only steps. The System has improved itself all the time.

Before the division employees took care of other employees. We have designed a special approach to take care of the sick and other causalities. This has given them a negative status. The effect is that some of them deteriorate and others are afraid to tell what the matter is. They go one when they are sick or they ignore the problems at home. The effect is more problems at home and/or stress-related diseases (Burn-Out).

We have divided managers in groups. Some of them manage resources (!) other use the resources. The effect is the loss of the team-mentality.

We have divided resources into internal and external resources. We hire them from a specialized company. The effect is a loss of company-pride a higher level of the team-mentality.

We have automated almost everything to speed up efficiency. The effect is that we have to know the number (the unique identifier) to know about people. We are unable to enter unique information about a person. They are standardized on a higher level.

We have created a special department called HRM. They are managed top-down. The effect is that at every level we are unable to create a unique solution for a unique situation.

The Baby Boomers when they were Young

The Baby Boomers when they were Young

What To Do?

Work in teams.

Start to talk with the employees again. Be honest and open.

When you feel somebody is special give him a special treatment. Explain this to everybody.

Don’t be afraid to take responsibility for what you have done. Admit mistakes.

Don’t store everything in a database. Forgetting something is a positive thing. It makes is possible to start all over again.

Don’t specialize too much. Get rid of all the departments that are too far away from your primary process, servicing the customer.

Rotate. Don’t keep a person too long in a specialized job. Give experienced people a change to teach or to specialize but never keep them in this job for long.

Stop politics. Never allow that people are playing games with people. Fire people who are playing dirty games.

Surprise people. Don’t plan careers. Give everybody the idea that everything is possible.

Stop the gossiping. Give everybody a change to tell what they don’t like and listen.

Demote. When somebody is incapable to do his job give him the job he is capable of and give him the salary of the job. This stops the expectation that everything always has to move up. When somebody gets into trouble when he is demoted make an exception.

Give employees a chance and the time to help other employees.

Don’t hire too much people outside your company. Give priority to teach your own employees to learn the trick of the outside specialists.

Give your own people the time and the tools to innovate.

Hire outside specialists to do the things that are already stable and repeatable or better automate these activities. They are most of the time very boring. This is a very usefull indication to use IT.


About Long Term Cycles

About Vocation

About the Calvinistic Work Ethic

How to Destroy your Company by Implementing Packages

How the Baby Boomers were Educated

About Knowledge Workers

About the Effects of the French Revolution

Why the Industrial Revolution was a Social Revolution

About the Struggle of the Classes

Why Psychiatrist are Unable to Cure their own Mental Disease

Monday, August 20th, 2007

psychiatry wardI have been involved with mental illness all my life.In my fathers family many people were mentally ill.


My grandmother was taken to a mental prison after the birth of her last child and staid there all her life. She died before I was born.

My aunt was sexually abused when she was young. My uncle was a simple friendly person who was only capable of taking care of animals and gardens.

He was really too friendly (not assertive). Many people took advantage of him. He ended his life in a mental prison where he was incapable of doing anything. His friends, the animals and the plants where left out of the prison because there was a shortage in specialists to “help him”.


The only thing he could do was sit, eat and worry. To stop his worrying he had to take pills. Many years later he died of a heart-attack. He never found the harmony nature could provide him with.


My father was a talent in handling people that were mentally disturbed. He understood what they were saying and what they needed. I have inherited his talent.


My father was born in 1909. Just like all his brothers he was a farmer. In 1940 he was taken prisoner by the Germans, escaped and found my mother far away from his home in a city called Leiden. I was born in 1951. I was their only child. His experiences in the War and Childhood had an influence on my childhood. He was never able to talk about it.


My father was never educated so he had to do dirty work. The dirty work generated a lot of stress. To find rest he created a garden. He trained me in his specialism. When he got old he could not work in his garden anymore. Just like his brother he became very depressed. He also died of a heart-attack. Many years later my mother died of Alzheimer.

All the time mental disturbed people appear in my life. They are diagnosed as paranoid, psychotic, schizophrenic, depressed, histrionic, autistic, dependent, Alzheimer, split personality, dissociation, ADHD and many other new terms. I am able to help some of them with my “para-normal” talent.

Later I found out that my grandmother was also gifted with the same talent. It was the main reason why she was put into the mental prison. At that time (1920) “para-normal” people were not liked. They were disturbing the System of Religion.

At the university I took many courses in psychology and philosophy. Psychology has been my main interests all my life.

I became befriended with very capable psychiatrists and psychologists and also with people that were also gifted with a special (para-normal?) talent to cure mental diseases

In this blog I use Self-Reference to show you what is happening in the Mental System. What I am writing about this System is applicable to all Systems. It is just an example.


In the current system you are officially mentally ill when a Mental Engineer decides you are mentally ill.


wardA specialist uses a questionnaire and out of the test comes a mental-illness-term, a procedure and medication how to treat the illness. Mental illness is standardized like many other areas in our society.


Standardization was invented by Winslow Taylor in the beginning of the 20th century. His invention created the factory and of course the computer. Standardization is possible when we look at the world trough the eye of the machine.


Mental illness is a defect in the control system of the machine. Somewhere there is a bug in the software of the mind. When we have detected and repaired the bug we are able to run the system again.


Another solution is to ReProgram the Operating System (Memory) itself with a new version or a completely new operation system. A very effective way to do this is Hypnosis.


The current theory about mental diseases has a lot in common with the Microsoft Operating System. It is very complex, contains a lot of bugs and the outside (the user-interface) is more important than the inside.


To become a Mental Engineer you have to be trained to acquire a certificate.


To get a certificate you need a certificate to enter the training. The process of certification acts like a filtering filter, a quality system. Only the perfect machines are allowed to leave the education factory. Its starts with many. In the end only a few survive.


This causes a shortage and a shortage creates a market. Mental engineers are highly paid like all the specialists that are able to move to the filtering filter.


To-earn-a-lot-of-money is the attractor of the educational factory. Parents that believe earning-a-lot-of-money is the most important thing in life push their children into the system and keep pushing until they are in the right production-line.


To help the System Banks and Governments are providing loans. This helps the System a lot because now the perfect machines have to stay in the System to be able to pay back their loans.


When you are a talent the theory is very different from what you feel you have to do, you become uncertain.


When you start to work in the System and you see that everybody is doing ‘it” you lose your “inner voice” (intuition).


Finally you are ‘one of them” telling others to do what the theory is telling you to do because “ everybody knows it works this way”.  The System is filtering out your talent and the talent of others.


A talent, a person being able to act without training, is most of the time not recognized in our society. When you are a specialized talent you are unable to get a certificate. You are not accepted by the System. Sadly enough some of them become mentally ill. When they go to the System for help they are programmed into a mental patient and they lose their “inner voice” too.


When you are a multi-talent you are able to move to the system with ease. Unfortunately multi-talents are scarce and equipped with a highly analytic mind. They don’t like the theoretical mess caused by the Microsoft Operating System Theory the Social Sciences is using.


When they stay in the System most of them are unable to change the Operating System into a simple system like UNIX. They are blocked by their colleagues. They don’t like to be shown wrong.


The last problem is that psychology is divided into many many separate specialisms (Word, Powerpoint…). The specialisms are related to other branches in science like religion, medicine, physics and mathematics.


They all use their own dialect and are therefore incapable to sustain a dialogue to become “One” system. This is also happening in Computing. There are thousands of computer languages that are unable to “talk” with the other.


On a higher level we see a very peculiar thing happening.


The System protects itself by leaving out everybody who is able to disturb The System.


psyTo put it in other words The System itself is mentally ill and according to its own terminology it is Paranoid. To cure the System we have to find out what helps a Paranoid to become “Normal” again.


To become mentally ill you have to go the specialist with a story and when the story convinces him you are ill.  The simplest way to become ill is that you (the Patient) want to be cured of something.


This something is a negative emotional feeling. You tell the specialist your sad story and if the story is convincing you are ill.


Funny enough the System is not going to a meta-Specialist to be cured. This is again an indication of the mental illness Paranoid. Paranoids want to control everybody and are unable to see what is happening. They use their theories to look at the world.


The only thing that “helps them” is a major event that shows them they are wrong. The System is only cured when it runs into a major crisis.


Funny enough the System is in major crisis but the only thing that is not happening is that the specialists are “feeling” this crisis. The only persons that are ‘feeling” the crisis are the patients and the patients are programmed into a machine. They obey the rules. Something more has to happen.


The specialist translates your negative feeling into a standardized term. This is sometimes very difficult because many emotional terms are not the main entrance to the standard.


There are many types of fear and combined with other issues you are given a different diagnoses and a different treatment. Fear is a simple emotional entrance and treating fear (a negative expectation of the Future) is really simple. Change your expectation and your fear is gone.


A paranoid “fears” change. So to change the System we have to change the positive expectations of the specialist about the Future. We have to show them that we are getting into a major crisis and they will also be troubled by the crisis.


One of the expectations we could show them is something the System believes in. It is called the Budget. We could show them that the amount of mental disturbed people will rise and rise and rise and at a certain point in time they will not be able to get the money to help everybody.


This is happening but again the System has already found a solution. The solution is “not helping everybody”. Not helping everybody is called a “waiting-list” and the length of waiting list is increasing.


To solve this problem the System has created a new specialist to tell the people that they have to wait. These specialists guide the gate of the system. They are called Gate-Keepers.


Sometimes they have to use violence to keep the patients out. In this case the Gate-Keepers employ other specialists called Security people. The Security-business is exploding because many Systems are in a State of War.


They even have invented a very special type of mental ilness that is helping the Security Business to increase their Business called Terrorist. This proves again the System is Paranoid. When a paranoid is threatened he reacts with violence.


When we react with violence the system will not change. The System has found the final prove of its own theory. Paranoid people are always afraid of somebody that will kill them.


Their ultimate fear is the fear of death. When they are confronted with this fear they get totally “out-of-control”. They are insane.


The Mental System is preventing with every thing it is doing to become Insane.


MunchScreamInsane is a state where all structure is gone. Insane is the ultimate state of Chaos. Insane is the state where the Conscious is gone and the Darkness of the Unconscious rules.


The Mental System is desperately preventing it will have to stay the rest of its life in its own Mental Prison. It is taking its own pills and treatments to prevent this.


Now the Darkness of the Unconsciousness is not at all dark. It generates the Light of Insight and Intuition. The Mental System is really afraid of its own intuition that is telling the System it is not working.


To keep the System running the System has to prevent there is time to reflect and to prevent this the System is generating a lot of demand. It is generating demand by “not-working”.


When the System is helping people to cure themselves with ease the demand will go down. When the demand goes down the Shortage will go down. When the Shortage goes down the Salaries will go down.


When the Salaries go down the Educational System will lose its attraction and when the Educational System goes down the only people that are able to solve the problem are talented people.


What I am showing you is something that is called the Cycle. It goes up and down.


autistAt this moment we are in the downfall of the factory-model that is striving to make everything the same. It is aimed at Equality.


The opposite, Uniqueness (Individuality), is rising. Uniqueness has its own mental disease called Autistic. An Autist wants to do “everything on its own”. An Autist is incapable of Cooperation.


What we have to prevent is that when a new System arises it will again fall in its own extreme mental trap. This happens when the people in the System are unaware of the movement of the Cycle.


They start as Innovators and use their Imagination. When they don’t look outside they become highly Conservative people. Extreme Conservative people are by definition Paranoid.


The only way to keep out of a very high Up and Very low Down (called a crisis) is to balance the Extremes.


 To balance the extremes we have to find a balance between the need to create a Future that is Predictable (Control), the need for the Human to be Unique, the need of the Poor and Helpless to find Solidarity (Soul) and the need to find New ways to solve New problems by using the Imagination (Spirit).


A cycle is balanced by the Centre. The Centre is the Heart of the Cycle. It uses Empathy, the Mirror of the Other to learn about the Self.


Let’s start by doing it ourselves again and use our own abilities to help the other. When we do this we are in the right State of the Cycle. We move with the Flow.


When you have a multi-talent or a specialized talent just do what you feel you have to do. It will work out fine.


Everybody is equipped with a Talent. You can easily find your talent when you feel a positive emotion when you are doing the thing “you are good at”. You are in the Flow.


You are “good at something” when others become enthusiastic (Spirit) and want to work with you (Soul) to create something Beautifull. You can also join others who generate this feeling of excitement with you.


To create Beauty is al that matters. Beauty is the process where Spirit and Soul are active. Beauty is not the result of a process. Beauty is created when you and others become the Process of Creation itself.