About The Consumer Cycle

By Hans Konstapel April 9th, 2008, under Business, Completed

When I was young my parents were unable to buy a television. To watch television we visited a friend of my father who had to work day and night to pay for this feature. At home we played games, listened to the radio and read books.

My parents always went to the same small shops around the corner. The owners knew my parents very well.

About Time Wave Zero

By Hans Konstapel April 7th, 2008, under Completed, Cycles

The amount of Ideas (Novelty) is increasing exponential. This is predicted by Timewave Zero of Terrence McKenna. The model predicts a singularity at December 21, 2012. At that moment we will jump to a completely new level of Consciousness. The most interesting prediction of McKenna is that in 2012 we will be able to Travel [...]

About Mayan Symbols

By Hans Konstapel April 6th, 2008, under Completed, Cycles, History

The roots of the Mayan civilization can be traced back thousands of years to the Olmecs, an earlier civilization that inhabited an area along the Gulf of Mexico. The Olmec date back to at least 4000 BC.


About the Dark Middle Ages

By Hans Konstapel April 5th, 2008, under Completed, History

There are many theories about the sudden end of the Mayan culture. One of the most evident theories is associated with a change of the climate. Mayan culture ended around 800 BC. At that time the world was suffering from the Medieval Warm Period. At the time of the collapse of Mayan Culture the Culture [...]

About The Industrial Revolution

By Hans Konstapel April 3rd, 2008, under Completed, History

The Industrial Revolution started with the mechanization of the textile-industry (1740-1790) in England. A new collaboration concept the Mill, later translated in the Factory, is invented. The Industrial Revolution is preceded by the Renaissance. The Renaissance is a Creative Phase. The Industrial Revolution is a Social phase. A Social phase changes the way people cooperate. Small scale cooperation [...]

Why Employees are the best Salesman

By Hans Konstapel April 3rd, 2008, under Business, Completed

The parts of most organization are not only internally disconnected by the trap op the Tower of Babel. The internal dialogue has stopped.

About the Business Cycle

By Hans Konstapel April 2nd, 2008, under Business, Completed

A business starts when an isolated craftsman makes a unique product with his unique tools for his unique customers. To find out what the customer needs the craftsman and the customer start a dialogue. They are inventing new possibilities. Out of the process of invention new tools and new approaches emerge.

About the Renaissance

By Hans Konstapel April 2nd, 2008, under Completed, History

The Renaissance was a Cultural Movement that spanned roughly the 14th through the 17th century. It started in Italy in the late Middle Ages and later spread to the rest of Western Europe.  After the Dark Middle Ages, controlled by the Church of Rome, aimed at the Inside (Spirit and Soul), many people wanted to [...]