The Banking Business has created the Credit-Crunch. The Banking Business has created the Great Depression. The Banking Business has created many Bubbles. The Banking Business has advised people to buy shares while they knew the shares were highly overvalued. Now the Banking Business is stimulating the Food Crisis in the World. Analysis being carried out [...]
How the Hedge Funds are Starving a 100 Million People
By April 25th, 2008, underA Very Short Introduction to Chemtrails
By April 21st, 2008, underIn August 1996 the US Airforce produced a strategy document called “Owning the Weather“. The aim of this Strategy was to develop tools to modify the weather. At this moment many of the systems defined in this document are in full operation. One of the effects is a phenomenon called Chemtrails. A small citation “A [...]
About the Tree of Life
By April 20th, 2008, underThe Tree of Life is a concept that can be found in almost every culture. The Tree of Life describes the Process of Creation. Let’s begin with Egypt. The Tree of Life is constructed out of nine entities. That’s why the tree of life is called Pesedjet (Nine) later translated in Ennead. The top of [...]
About Worldwide Disaster Planning
By April 17th, 2008, underFor more than five years I was responsible for the Security of a big bank. One of the responsibilities of Security is Disaster Planning. Disaster Planning is very easy until you want to implement the disaster plan. You just sit down with a small group of creative people and imagine everything that could happen to [...]
About Music as a Utility, The Vision of Ger Leonard
By April 15th, 2008, underThe Utility as a concept is hot. Many visionaries predict “something” will be sold and consumed like “Water, Gas or Electricity”. It will flow through the Internet directly into our User-Interface (Mobile Phone, Television, ..) and we will pay a “flat fee” for every thing. Like all “hot issues”, hypes and trends there is something [...]
About Epigenics
By April 14th, 2008, underMany people think that Charles Darwin proposed the theory of evolution but they are wrong. The predecessor of Darwin was Jean-Baptiste Lamarck (1744-1829). In all the textbooks the evolution theory of Lamarck is highly discredited. He was totally wrong and Darwin was absolutely right. Lamarck was a fool. In his days he was blocked by [...]
Why Extraterrestrials could Exist
By April 13th, 2008, underAt September 24, 1947, President Harry Truman created a secret group called the Majestic-12 (MJ12). The task of this group was to investigate the Roswell incident. In July 1947 a UFO crashed at Roswell. One of the members of MJ12 was Admiral Roscoe Henry Hillenkoetter. He was the first director of the CIA. Hillenkoeter wanted [...]