Posts Tagged ‘Lamarck’

About Epigenics

Monday, April 14th, 2008

Many people think that Charles Darwin proposed the theory of evolution but they are wrong. The predecessor of Darwin was Jean-Baptiste Lamarck (1744-1829).

In all the textbooks the evolution theory of Lamarck is highly discredited. He was totally wrong and Darwin was absolutely right. Lamarck was a fool. In his days he was blocked by the Ruling Power in Science because he attacked the major paradigm in society, “Only The Best Survive“.

Like Darwin, Lamarck concluded that species change over time by adapting to new environments. Like Darwin, Lamarck concluded that parents pass their traits on to their offspring.

He also founded the principle of use and disuse: If an organ is used, it will become stronger, and if it is not used, it will weaken and may disappear in future generations.

The big difference between the theory of Darwin and Lamarck is the flexibility of the process of evolution. Lamarck believed that evolution reacts to its environment in a much higher speed than Darwin could ever imagine.

People believe the theory of natural selection of Darwin because it fits with the general believe that “Life is a Competition“. This rule was and is the driving force behind educational theories (testing) and economic theories.

It supports the idea of the higher classes and the lower classes and it fuels racial theories (“Don’t Mix a Black and a White“). It also fits with the computer metaphor where the DNA is a database and Life is a Program that reads the Database.

Lamarck’s theory is now proved by a new field of research: Epigenetics. Epigenetics is the study of gene expression independent of DNA mutations. It contradicts the rules of Mendelian inheritance.

The DNA contains many genes that are not used. Until recently they were seen as a sort of waste. They were dumped by the selection process. Recent research shows that these genes are used when the environment changes. The reaction to the environment is much faster than anybody imagined.

In the theories that are educated the controlling mechanism of life is DNA. It contains the code and the code is “clean” and “effective”.

Every time when a new cell has to be created the same procedure is repeated all over again and again. This has proved to be wrong.

The controller of life is not a database and a standard program but a highly differentiated database used by an “intelligent” processor. This processor reacts to the internal and external environment of the organism. It sends out messengers and reacts to messengers.

The most influential messengers are related to the “human imagination”. Our “theories about the inside and outside world”, our belief systems, determine an important part of the adaptive cycle.

The now widely accepted Lamarckian view on evolution in Molecular Biology has a huge impact on science.

The current theories about diseases and aging have to be adapted. In this theory Genes determine diseases, aging and are a very important tool to diagnose and therapy. When genes are adaptive we have to support the process of adaptation instead of interfering in this process.

You can imagine that epigenics disturbs the whole medical profession and of course the pharmaceutical industry. They will use the same tactics that were used to stop the ideas of Lamarck.