Archive for the ‘Completed’ Category

About the Invisible Fascist State

Wednesday, August 29th, 2007

mussertMy father was born in 1909. He lived in a small village in the centre of the Netherlands.

This centre is called the Veluwe (Vale Ouwe, The Sallow Old man).

The Veluwe was the place of shifting sand and hei. At that time the people that lived there were poor. They worked as shepherds and wageworkers.

The people of the Veluwe were very religious. Many of them never attended school.

They had to believe what the Church was telling him.

Close to my fathers hometown was a hill called the Paasberg. It was the place where the Dutch Fascist Socialistic Movement (NSB) got together. Many poor people joined the movement.

They believed the Leader, Mussert, would create a better world. At the end of the war the filthy traitors of the NSB were put into concentration-camps and heavily punished by the angry survivors of the Second World War.

At the Paasberg they were told that the Jews were the cause of all the trouble in the World. The poor people did not hate the Jews. They believed the Leader just like they believed their Ministers.

They never met a real Jew. Jews were not living in a poor area like the Veluwe. They lived in the big cities far away.

The Leader told them terrible stories about what the Jews were doing. They were cheating poor people. The Jews were also the people who killed Jesus. The last argumentation was sufficient for them.

joodBehind the scene the Jews were also controlling the World. They were the prototype of the Cigar Smoking Capitalists. The NSB was using Socialist Language to convince the poor workers in the big cities.

The poor people of the Veluwe never visited the big cities. Their only means of transportation was by foot. They were also not allowed to visit the big cities. In big cities like Amsterdam the Devil was in control. All of them feared the Devil.

Every Sunday the Minister preached about hell and told them that heaven was a place almost nobody could reach.

They were born as sinners and almost every thing they were doing was interpreted as a sin. They lived a life of fear.

Everywhere in the Dark Centre of the Veluwe the Devil and his companions were hiding. Everybody knew where a Witch was secretly living and how the White Ladies of the Sunken Castle of the Solsche Gat appeared at Full Moon.

The Ministers explained them that they always had to obey Government even if the Government was taken over by the Germans. Government was always created by God and they had to obey Him.

Fascist movements always use poor innocent people to do the dirty work. They promise the Holy Land and use an External Enemy to explain why the world is not the way it is.

russian revolutionThey use religion, myth, art, culture and history as a tool. The outside enemy is destroying the old values or is responsible for the terrible state you are in.

He is creating decadent filthy sinful art or is responsible for the defeat of the last battle between the Good and the Bad.

Fascists always find a historic event where they (the Bad Ones) have taken over power.

They use this story to motivate the masses to take revenge.

The communication engine uses all of these tools to tell the message over and over again. The poor victims are programmed and programming is easy.

To create an unambiguous message the independent communication systems are slowly destroyed.

They are decadent or promoting the Bad Ones.

mussoliniThe Fascist system wants to control the schooling system. The most innocent victims are the children. They are trained to become the new elite that will save the Homeland.

The most important skill is to learn to fight the battle and to obey the leaders. Fascists love to teach the children to play with weapons.

Behind the scene the real leaders increase their wealth and more important their power.

Power is not a mean to accomplish something. They are addicted to Power and nothing more.

Now 50 years later all the Fascist Systems are replaced by a democracy and almost everybody believes all the precautionary measures are taken to prevent the comeback of Fascism.

My feeling is that almost nobody is aware of the fact that we are now living in a new type of Fascist State. I call it the Invisible Fascist State.

My argumentation is simple.

The Invisible Fascist State is generating even more power to the people “”behind the scene” than the old Fascist State was doing.

The people “behind the scene” have not changed. Their children, relatives and friends have taken over control. They know everything that is happening but they will never tell the real story.

They are still specialists in cover ups and are creating new ghost stories. All of them are trained in Machiavelli and the other geniuses who perfected the “Art to Stay in Power”.

Let’s see What is Happening.

The amount of innocent not educated people is increasing. The majority is not poor but being poor is not the issue. The only thing the people “behind the scene” don’t want is opposition and the opposition is almost gone.

Many people don’t vote and when they vote nothing changes the System. Even the Parliament is unable to change the System.

osama_bin_ladenThe Media are delivering the message and the independent Media are also almost gone. The Media are commercial and to make money they have to tell the message of the advertisers.

The advertisers are selling the message of Desire and Control. Desire and Control are the two powers Fascists always use to manipulate the Masses.

The Media also promote the new Enemy. Of course all of them are objective but objectivity is not the issue.

Passivity is the goal. A huge majority is watching television, consuming and grumbling. Grumbling is very helpful to mobilize the masses when the masses are needed to keep the System running.

The new Enemy is the Islam and Islam is also the faith of the Terrorists. To destroy the Enemy we have to increase Control. The Evil Arab Terrorist looks a lot like the Jewish Enemies 57 years, a complete Kondratiev Cycle (!!), ago.

To increase Control we have to change the System of Fundamental Laws of Human Rights. Fascists don’t like Human Rights.

Some people are even discussing the issue of one man one vote because the Enemy is increasing in numbers. They tell the people we are on a colliding course and they (the Islamic enemies) soon will take over control. They will create an Islamic State for sure.

Some people in parliament already want to ban the Koran. This increases the grumbling at “the other side”. Fascists always create a situation were two groups of innocent people start to fight.

This is helpful. It increases the tension, the grumbling and the fear. Fascists like to play with fear.

The educational system is producing more and more innocent young people. They want to play fighting games and are drinking more and more alcohol.

Teaching young people to fight is a fascist aim. Alcohol stimulates desire and increases passivity. It also affects the emotions.

Emotions are the real Enemy of the Fascists. Emotions generate Compassion and Compassion is something the Fascists are really afraid of.

The knowledge of young people about almost everything that is necessary to understand what is happening is diminishing with speed.

They have to learn to push buttons because to use the System the only thing you really need to know is to push the right button.

At school the current generation is Copying and Pasting texts they don’t understand. Nobody really cares. The entrance to high level education is lowered and the requirements to obtain a diploma are also lowered. The System is working perfectly.

Are the people behind the scene coordinating everything?

Is there a worldwide conspiracy?

I don’t think so.

The System has perfected itself.

Guantanamo-Bay-prisonersWhat many people don’t realize is that at a certain stage, called Emergence, Systems change into a Self-Reproducing Entity.

Humberto Maturana & Francisco Varela (Autopoiesis), Niklas Luhmann (Social Systems), Richard Kaufmann (The Origins of Order), Heinz Von Foerster (Second Order Cybernetics) and many others have proven this.

The System becomes Conscious and Takes over the Power. People don’t want to believe this because it is really a frightening thought. We want to be in control of everything. Please believe this is impossible. It is a fantasy. Being in control of everything is really the cause of the state we are in.

Jung calls the Invisible System the Collective Unconsciousness. The Invisible Fascists State is a Self-Reproducing Entity and we are unable to beat an invisible Entity. It has turned into a very powerful Ghost. The Ghost penetrates the dream state and generates night mares.

Long before the Fascist took over in Germany many sensitive people dreamed about the concentration camps and the other brutal acts of the Nazi’s. At that time nobody believed the unconsciousness is an Early Warning System. It warns us about the Future. Today we are in the same situation. The Emotional System is highly undervalued.

The Ghost takes his power out of Desire and Control and strangely enough the old religions in Persia called this Ghost the Devil. The Devil has taken over the Power.

The Ministers warned the poor people of the Veluwe of the Power of the Devil. The Devil was tempting them to sin. Don’t you feel this is just what the System is doing just now?

Self-reproducing Systems need the Outside World to take in the necessary Food to replace their components. If the Food is not available the System will eventually die. The Invisible Fascist State needs resources.

bushIt needs a lot of Energy and other Material Components to replace the old parts. The System has eaten almost all the food that is available.

If this happens it will experience signals. The Early Warning System of the Emotions will penetrate the dream state. We are ignoring these signals. We believe the System will take care of us.

In the next stage it will become ill. The System is already ill and we believe the System will cure itself. If the illness is not cured it will die. We believe the System will never die. Eventually it will find a cure for every disease. Do you believe that also?

If we want to change the Invisible System the only thing we can do is to Resist the Temptation. Don’t agree with too much Control and don’t give in to too much Desire.

If you are a Mythic, an Artist, you can do much more.

You have to produce a completely new type of Art, the Art of Compassion. You have to act out of the Heart.

HeartChakraThe Fascists used the Symbol of the Heart Chakra, the Seal of Solomon, the Star of David as the Symbol of Evil.

The new type of Art has to move the Collective out of the State of Fear and Apathy.

It has to generate a new Spirit and Soul.

You have to create new types of Education where the people learn simple logical reasoning based on widely available facts.

The data is available on the Internet. This will generate the necessary Awareness.

You have to build new games where cooperation is trained.

You have to create new types of Myths, Movies, Software, News Papers, Music, Buildings, Food, Cloth and Businesses.

To realize your concepts you have learn to cooperate with a new type of Expert, the Consumer.

You also have to learn to work together with all the Cultures in the World to find a new shared foundation.

You can also create the Art the System needs. The old Fascists used the Arts with Intelligence. Perhaps this will bring you wealh and recognition. Perhaps you will be invited to be part of the people behind the scene.

When you are really a Mythic you are able to reflect. When you reflect you will feel you have to leave the System. You have no choice.


Hahahaha Dadadada: About Childisch behavior and Decadence

Money Makes The World go Round

Why Psychiatrist are Unable to Cure their own Mental Disease

About Paths of Change by Will McWhinney

Monday, August 27th, 2007
Will McWhinney

Will McWhinney

The Navajo Pollen Path inspired Will McWhinney to write his book Paths of Change

The Navajo Pollen Path

Oh, beauty before me, beauty behind me, beauty to the right of me, beauty to the left of me, beauty above me, beauty below me, I’m on the pollen path.”

About ten years ago I met Will McWhinney.

Will became the most influential person in my whole life. He died this year.

Will wrote just one book called Paths of Change.

Paths of Change is based on the ancient Navajo Pollen Path.

Will was an expert in the myths and culture of the Ancient Tribes that lived in the Four Corners-area of New Mexico.  Every year he organized a seminar in the Ghost Range for his ex-PHD-students. I visited many of his seminars and fell in love with New Mexico and the ancient cultures (Hopi!) that live in this area.

Will tried to write a second book called Grammars of Engagement. The book is about Coupling or Entrainment.  For about ten years we discussed many of his ideas.

Unfortunately his book was never finished. The reason it was never finished can be found in Paths of Change. Will was not able to apply his own theory. Strangely enough this proves his theory.

Let me try to explain the theory of Will. The theory of Will is based on his reflection about the Practice of Change.

He did not write the book alone. He discussed his intuition with all his colleagues of UCLA (University of Los Angeles).

What they wanted to resolve was a very strange pattern behind the failures of Personal and Organizational Change.

Will and his colleagues found out that the explanation was simple. Human beings don’t think the same. They are unaware of this. Almost everybody is convinced that all humans think the same. This is the main reason why many people don’t believe the theory of Will. This again proves the theory.

Will discovered four basic ways to think. He named them Mythic, Social, Unity and Sensory. The four ways are completely independent.

The consequence of Path of Change is that You reader when you are not of my world will read this article and think you understand what I am trying to say but in reality you understand something else.

The Chinese Pollen Path

The Chinese Pollen Path

When I meet you you will prove this when I ask you to explain what you think I am trying to say. The only way to explain the theory is to detect your worldview and use your language to tell the same thing.

When I do that you will think I am explaining a different theory. Probably you will ask me why I have changed my point of view (= world-view) and I have to explain you in your language that I did not do that. This will cause the same problem. You will think I am inconsistent.

When you are living in a world with only one world view you are according to all the Best Practises in Mental Ilness (Interpersonal Theory) highly disturbed.

Many people are able to think in two world views. They are able to switch from one world view to the other.

The amount of different combinations of Two of the Four Worldviews is Twelve (4×4 = 16 but 4 are the same x the same = the same -> 16-4 = 12). Will named the 12 Duals Games but you can also call them Apostles (with Jezus at the Center 12+1 = 13), Knights (of the Round Table with Arhur at the Center) or Constellations (of the Zodiac with the Sun at the Center).

Some people are able to switch to all of the world views. When you are able to switch to the worldview of the other you are able to explain the same thing differently. You are able to look at the world with a shared view.

The four worldviews in the book of kells

The Four Worldviews in the Book of Kells

When both our worldviews are the same we will agree on everything but both of us will not see the others. This is the main reason why people with shared worldviews join in all kinds of cooperation’s. They join because they need a secure place that shields them from the strange outside world.

It is also the reason why people with different world-views leave a cooperation in due time. They feel the others don’t understand them. Clusters of shared world-views become highly inflexible when the outside world changes.

When you are a Sensory you will say “what I read until now is highly theoretical. I want to see facts and prove. Is the theory of Will tested?”.

Although Path of Change is Best Practice you will not accept what he is writing. You want to experience the theory yourself and perhaps 20 years later you will write a book telling the same thing. You will write a book full of examples because you love examples. You will be convinced it is telling something very different Will was telling. Happily Will has also written a book that uses examples and cases to help You.

Luke the Evangelist, the Social

Luke the Evangelist with the Sheep, the Symbol of the Social

When you are a Social you want to know the opinions of important social scientists and others you feel are of importance. You believe important people are telling important things and you have never heard of McWhinney so his theory is not important to know.

When you are a Unity you want to know the Rules. You want to be told what to do and most of the time you do what the Rules tell you to do. The book Will has written is without Rules it contains concepts and ideas. You think concepts and ideas are not concrete. You even don’t like some of his concepts because they are not according to the concepts you think are true. They are violating your System of Thought. You believe in absolute truth.

When you are a Mythic you believe everything is possible. Life is full of opportunities. You generate ideas and concepts all the time. A Mythic creates his own unique theory and his theory is really a theory about himself. A Mythic is unaware of this. To become aware of this he has to face the facts. He needs to switch to a Sensory world view or accept the view of an other who is able to see the world this way. This is very difficult for a Mythic because a Mythic is very Will-full.

john the evangelist the mythic

John the Evangelist with the Eagle, the Symbol of the Mythic

A Mythic is convinced he is the only person who understands the World and some day the World will understand what a genius he is. This will never happen when he is alive. Mythics become a Myth when they are dead.

A Mythic is also an artist. He produces paintings, poems and even theory but his theory is mostly incomprehensible for others just like poetry.

Only Mythics understand Mythics. They feel the Field of Meaning. A Mythic does not understand that the others don’t understand him because his poetry is `the way it is`. It tells everything there is to say.

Will’s basic patterns were Mythic and Social. He was also able to switch to Unity. His blind spot was Sensory. Although many people were very enthusiastic about his book he did not see the facts about his success.

As a Social he focused on the recognition of important social scientists. At the end of his life he was very sad about this. As a Mythic he was convinced his theory was simple and easy to understand. This created even more sadness. Sadness and depressions are the mental illnesses when a Social becomes too Social.

Why was Will unable to finish his book? A Mythic is a highly creative person. He was constantly generating new ideas and concepts. The book was changing and changing and changing because Will wanted to create the perfect book about Engagement. Every version of the book he created was a jewel of poetry and insight. Will wanted to create the perfect book and striving to perfection is again an act of a Mythic. Will was falling in the trap of his own world-view.

What Will also did not realize that he was really writing to understand himself. Path of Change and Grammars of Engagement were a personal quest to understand the real Will McWhinney.

Mark the Evangelist, Unity

Mark the Evangelist with Lion, the Symbol of Unity

In the last year of his life somebody asked him to write his life-story. He tried to do this. He became aware of the fact that his whole life was centered around one personal quest. He wanted to find harmony. He never found harmony because a Mythic is on a Quest and the Quest never stops because every time when he has found the Grale he will start to look for a new Grale.

In Grammars of Engagement he started to write about Harmony.

A few citations out of his unpublished manuscript:

All communication arises through coupling. All communications are dances that coordinate the rhythmic processes shared among the engaging systems

Communication is not a transmission of information, but rather a coordination of behavior among living organisms through mutual structural coupling. Coupling, the instrument of coordination, is established by the physics of exchange and by traditions that associate both human relations and communications with music: harmony, rhythm, tone and tune”.

Just right’ communication work because it allows systems to exchange energy, thus information, through entrainment. They dance to a just right message. The communication follows from exchanges that take place as the systems draw each other toward a common resonant mode. Systems communicate in the process of being more similar, approaching a harmonious state at least in the domain of the communication. Entrainment stops short of perfect harmony. With perfect harmony there is no exchange. ‘Just right’ is becoming close to harmonizing”.

What Will is describing is a dialogue. Will was always playing with his own thoughts. He was busy with an internal dialogue called Reflexion. Intense reflexion is a Mythic Process. When you only talk with Your Self there will be no difference. You are similar with yourself and the internal dialogue stops. You are in harmony.

matthew bull

Matthew with the Bull, the Symbol of Sensory

To make a difference you have to introduce others like your wife or your mother. People talk internally and externally with many voices. Most of them do this without noticing. They are not aware of the many personalities they are. They are not similar to themselves and therefore “out of balance”.

To become balanced they need to talk. A huge amount of conversations (gossip) are aimed at creating an internal balance. To find internal balance people look for people that are similar. Again they need a secure place that shields them from the strange outside world.

When people are constantly moving in similar environments they will never find their Kernel, The Self. It will be watching unable to interfere in the many dialogues that are taking place.

When the Self is unknown, people will not accept the theory of Will. They will be switching from one theory to the other without finding rest.

When they find themselves they will not need the theory of Will because they will be able to play with all the world-views. This is a paradox. It also proves the theory of Will because Will tried to explain that Life is a Paradox.

Another citation: `The process of coming close to harmonizing is visible in an old example. Automobiles and farm machinery once had clutches. These clutches consisted of two plates, one attached to the driver motor, the other attached to the wheels, thrasher, or rotary saw. When the operator ‘let in the clutch’ the two plates moved flat up against each other. As the clutch ‘comes in,’ the driver plate begins to transfer energy to the follower plate getting thus it to turn. At first, the clutch slips and most of the power goes to grabbing, which produces heat. Increasingly the driving plate turns the follower. With full ‘letting in,’ the two turn together. There is no more heating; they form a unit with no further visible communications. The coupling established at the molecular level joins the material of the driver and follower plates in transmitting power to the wheels and cutting blades. This clutching sequence is a model of entrainment. We can recognize similar entrainment sequences in many other situations: a spoon stirring batter in a bowl, cellular protein molecules latching onto antibodies, two persons entering into conversation, and 100,000 people being captured by Marion Anderson singing God Bless America at the Lincoln Memorial

Will was unable to operate his own clutch. This was really visible when he was driving his car.

The Magician, The Mythic

The Magician, The Mythic

He was a staccato person. He loved to work with steel and stone. He was a sculptor. His art was concrete. He loved to practice what he preached but he always practiced his theory in the outside world. He loved to help others but never wanted to be helped. This is the sad consequence of a Mythic/Social-combination.

Will showed that all the combinations are games and the Mythic/Social-game is the game of creating new games. A Mythic Social is an innovator. He is always on the front-line.

He does not see that his inventions wil be taken over by other World-View combinations that are highly practical like the Unity/Sensory-combination, The Expert.

Expert always think they have invented things themselves and never give the Mythic/Social the credits. This is a fact of life but Mythics don’t accept the facts of Life.

His books are wonderful pieces of English words I never heard of. He was a child of a highly educated family in Boston. His mother and father did not love him. They wanted him to become somebody. At the end of his life he was convinced he had failed to satisfy the ambitions of his parents. He told everybody this was the fatal trap in life.

Will was not only a Mythic but also a Social. Socials are highly influenced by Others. Of course parents play the most important role because a young child is incapable of resisting their influence. The Self of the young child is watching.

The Fifth World Views, The Center, Consciousness

The End of the Pollen Path, The Dove, The Fifth Worldview, Consciousness

In the internal dialogue of Will his mother plaid a very important role. In his external dialogue he looked for a similar person and his wife plaid that role. He was unaware of this. He was constantly fighting the mother in his wife without noticing she was a different person. His wife plaid the same game. Will was her father and she did not notice Will was really looking for love and harmony.

Will promoted ”Just right” because ”With perfect harmony there is no exchange”.

Another citation:”Too Large—Overloads. Highly energetic perturbations overload a system, tearing apart the autocatalytic loops that hold its definition. Too much energy bifurcates the stable basins of a system’s memory and ultimately violates its autopoietic identity. The overly energetic perturbations leave open non-reflecting fragments of nodes: neurons, bits of stories, and social customs. These fragmented networks are no longer able to hold meanings or link to memory traces. Short of total destruction, strong perturbation will wipe out the fine structure of a receiving system, leaving it only able to operate in those sequences enforced by the invasive perturbation. To protect the networks of connections, electrical and mechanical systems have features to handle ‘over-modulation.’ With appropriate design, they digitize signals to compress the spectrum, thereby allows the message to be accepted. Human systems have a variety of means to block or censor invasive signals that violate our senses and psyches. Some at the physiological level block the energy that carries the messages; others receive, understand and reject the overwhelming impact. Blocking and the use of censorship disconnects us from the environment and preempts the discrimination they would our systems had more capacity”.

The Paths of Change of the Hopi

The Path of Change of the Hopi

Wills communication was Too Large.

He was a genius and his wife a normal person. He did not realize this.

His knowledge and experience was so enormous that he overwhelmed everybody.

He was looking for a dialogue but in every dialogue and project he became the leader.

He was a guru but he did not want to be a guru.

He was a child longing for his mother but he never wanted to be touched.

He cared for everybody but not for himself.

He was fighting but he wanted peace.

He wanted to create a better world but the outside world was moving into the wrong direction. He did not accept the Cycle.

He always wanted to cure himself. He wanted to find the eternal youth and searched the whole world for new treatments and medicines. He did not believe in the medical system but at the end of his life he needed the system desperately. He never listened to the experts so they left him alone.

He preached meditation but he could not calm himself.

Will was the prove of his own theory.

He was a living paradox.

What Happened?

The personality and the vision of Will McWhinney attracted many Mythic people. All of them started to play with the theory of Will in their own way. Soon it became very clear that Will had re-discovered a very ancient theory of Life.

A pastor found a relationship between the World Views of Will and the Four Apostles (see pictures in this blog). He  discovered that the Four Books of the Evangelists where written to adress one particular World View of the believers.

We discovered a relationship with the very powerfull psychological theory called Interpersonal Theory, Game Theory, Conflict Theory, the Cycles in History, the Tarot, the Four Humors, the Zodiac, the Four Forces of Nature, the Archtetypes of Jung, the Myers Briggs test, the Big Five, the metaphors of George Lakoff and many many other ancient and modern theories.

Paths of Change has proved to be the perfect meta-theory to map and understand all kinds of different physical and social sciences. It shows without any doubt that a theory of everything is possible.

The most interesting find was the self-referencial nature of the theory. It is possible to map the theory on itself.

This website contains many examples of the remarkable power of Paths of Change to understand what is happening in the World.  Use the tag Will McWhinney to find them all.


A list of comparable models

About Entrainment

About Meta-Perspectives

About a Model that Explains PsychoPathology

About Engagement, A Chapter out of the never published book of Will McWhinney

About the Infinite Game

About the Game of Politics

About the Analytic Game

About the Game of the Market

About the Game of Invention

A PPT Presentation about the Paths of Change of Will McWhinney

A PPT Presentation about the World View of Will McWhinney

Paths of Change in PDF-format

About the Pollen Path

Why Psychiatrist are Unable to Cure their own Mental Disease

Monday, August 20th, 2007

psychiatry wardI have been involved with mental illness all my life.In my fathers family many people were mentally ill.


My grandmother was taken to a mental prison after the birth of her last child and staid there all her life. She died before I was born.

My aunt was sexually abused when she was young. My uncle was a simple friendly person who was only capable of taking care of animals and gardens.

He was really too friendly (not assertive). Many people took advantage of him. He ended his life in a mental prison where he was incapable of doing anything. His friends, the animals and the plants where left out of the prison because there was a shortage in specialists to “help him”.


The only thing he could do was sit, eat and worry. To stop his worrying he had to take pills. Many years later he died of a heart-attack. He never found the harmony nature could provide him with.


My father was a talent in handling people that were mentally disturbed. He understood what they were saying and what they needed. I have inherited his talent.


My father was born in 1909. Just like all his brothers he was a farmer. In 1940 he was taken prisoner by the Germans, escaped and found my mother far away from his home in a city called Leiden. I was born in 1951. I was their only child. His experiences in the War and Childhood had an influence on my childhood. He was never able to talk about it.


My father was never educated so he had to do dirty work. The dirty work generated a lot of stress. To find rest he created a garden. He trained me in his specialism. When he got old he could not work in his garden anymore. Just like his brother he became very depressed. He also died of a heart-attack. Many years later my mother died of Alzheimer.

All the time mental disturbed people appear in my life. They are diagnosed as paranoid, psychotic, schizophrenic, depressed, histrionic, autistic, dependent, Alzheimer, split personality, dissociation, ADHD and many other new terms. I am able to help some of them with my “para-normal” talent.

Later I found out that my grandmother was also gifted with the same talent. It was the main reason why she was put into the mental prison. At that time (1920) “para-normal” people were not liked. They were disturbing the System of Religion.

At the university I took many courses in psychology and philosophy. Psychology has been my main interests all my life.

I became befriended with very capable psychiatrists and psychologists and also with people that were also gifted with a special (para-normal?) talent to cure mental diseases

In this blog I use Self-Reference to show you what is happening in the Mental System. What I am writing about this System is applicable to all Systems. It is just an example.


In the current system you are officially mentally ill when a Mental Engineer decides you are mentally ill.


wardA specialist uses a questionnaire and out of the test comes a mental-illness-term, a procedure and medication how to treat the illness. Mental illness is standardized like many other areas in our society.


Standardization was invented by Winslow Taylor in the beginning of the 20th century. His invention created the factory and of course the computer. Standardization is possible when we look at the world trough the eye of the machine.


Mental illness is a defect in the control system of the machine. Somewhere there is a bug in the software of the mind. When we have detected and repaired the bug we are able to run the system again.


Another solution is to ReProgram the Operating System (Memory) itself with a new version or a completely new operation system. A very effective way to do this is Hypnosis.


The current theory about mental diseases has a lot in common with the Microsoft Operating System. It is very complex, contains a lot of bugs and the outside (the user-interface) is more important than the inside.


To become a Mental Engineer you have to be trained to acquire a certificate.


To get a certificate you need a certificate to enter the training. The process of certification acts like a filtering filter, a quality system. Only the perfect machines are allowed to leave the education factory. Its starts with many. In the end only a few survive.


This causes a shortage and a shortage creates a market. Mental engineers are highly paid like all the specialists that are able to move to the filtering filter.


To-earn-a-lot-of-money is the attractor of the educational factory. Parents that believe earning-a-lot-of-money is the most important thing in life push their children into the system and keep pushing until they are in the right production-line.


To help the System Banks and Governments are providing loans. This helps the System a lot because now the perfect machines have to stay in the System to be able to pay back their loans.


When you are a talent the theory is very different from what you feel you have to do, you become uncertain.


When you start to work in the System and you see that everybody is doing ‘it” you lose your “inner voice” (intuition).


Finally you are ‘one of them” telling others to do what the theory is telling you to do because “ everybody knows it works this way”.  The System is filtering out your talent and the talent of others.


A talent, a person being able to act without training, is most of the time not recognized in our society. When you are a specialized talent you are unable to get a certificate. You are not accepted by the System. Sadly enough some of them become mentally ill. When they go to the System for help they are programmed into a mental patient and they lose their “inner voice” too.


When you are a multi-talent you are able to move to the system with ease. Unfortunately multi-talents are scarce and equipped with a highly analytic mind. They don’t like the theoretical mess caused by the Microsoft Operating System Theory the Social Sciences is using.


When they stay in the System most of them are unable to change the Operating System into a simple system like UNIX. They are blocked by their colleagues. They don’t like to be shown wrong.


The last problem is that psychology is divided into many many separate specialisms (Word, Powerpoint…). The specialisms are related to other branches in science like religion, medicine, physics and mathematics.


They all use their own dialect and are therefore incapable to sustain a dialogue to become “One” system. This is also happening in Computing. There are thousands of computer languages that are unable to “talk” with the other.


On a higher level we see a very peculiar thing happening.


The System protects itself by leaving out everybody who is able to disturb The System.


psyTo put it in other words The System itself is mentally ill and according to its own terminology it is Paranoid. To cure the System we have to find out what helps a Paranoid to become “Normal” again.


To become mentally ill you have to go the specialist with a story and when the story convinces him you are ill.  The simplest way to become ill is that you (the Patient) want to be cured of something.


This something is a negative emotional feeling. You tell the specialist your sad story and if the story is convincing you are ill.


Funny enough the System is not going to a meta-Specialist to be cured. This is again an indication of the mental illness Paranoid. Paranoids want to control everybody and are unable to see what is happening. They use their theories to look at the world.


The only thing that “helps them” is a major event that shows them they are wrong. The System is only cured when it runs into a major crisis.


Funny enough the System is in major crisis but the only thing that is not happening is that the specialists are “feeling” this crisis. The only persons that are ‘feeling” the crisis are the patients and the patients are programmed into a machine. They obey the rules. Something more has to happen.


The specialist translates your negative feeling into a standardized term. This is sometimes very difficult because many emotional terms are not the main entrance to the standard.


There are many types of fear and combined with other issues you are given a different diagnoses and a different treatment. Fear is a simple emotional entrance and treating fear (a negative expectation of the Future) is really simple. Change your expectation and your fear is gone.


A paranoid “fears” change. So to change the System we have to change the positive expectations of the specialist about the Future. We have to show them that we are getting into a major crisis and they will also be troubled by the crisis.


One of the expectations we could show them is something the System believes in. It is called the Budget. We could show them that the amount of mental disturbed people will rise and rise and rise and at a certain point in time they will not be able to get the money to help everybody.


This is happening but again the System has already found a solution. The solution is “not helping everybody”. Not helping everybody is called a “waiting-list” and the length of waiting list is increasing.


To solve this problem the System has created a new specialist to tell the people that they have to wait. These specialists guide the gate of the system. They are called Gate-Keepers.


Sometimes they have to use violence to keep the patients out. In this case the Gate-Keepers employ other specialists called Security people. The Security-business is exploding because many Systems are in a State of War.


They even have invented a very special type of mental ilness that is helping the Security Business to increase their Business called Terrorist. This proves again the System is Paranoid. When a paranoid is threatened he reacts with violence.


When we react with violence the system will not change. The System has found the final prove of its own theory. Paranoid people are always afraid of somebody that will kill them.


Their ultimate fear is the fear of death. When they are confronted with this fear they get totally “out-of-control”. They are insane.


The Mental System is preventing with every thing it is doing to become Insane.


MunchScreamInsane is a state where all structure is gone. Insane is the ultimate state of Chaos. Insane is the state where the Conscious is gone and the Darkness of the Unconscious rules.


The Mental System is desperately preventing it will have to stay the rest of its life in its own Mental Prison. It is taking its own pills and treatments to prevent this.


Now the Darkness of the Unconsciousness is not at all dark. It generates the Light of Insight and Intuition. The Mental System is really afraid of its own intuition that is telling the System it is not working.


To keep the System running the System has to prevent there is time to reflect and to prevent this the System is generating a lot of demand. It is generating demand by “not-working”.


When the System is helping people to cure themselves with ease the demand will go down. When the demand goes down the Shortage will go down. When the Shortage goes down the Salaries will go down.


When the Salaries go down the Educational System will lose its attraction and when the Educational System goes down the only people that are able to solve the problem are talented people.


What I am showing you is something that is called the Cycle. It goes up and down.


autistAt this moment we are in the downfall of the factory-model that is striving to make everything the same. It is aimed at Equality.


The opposite, Uniqueness (Individuality), is rising. Uniqueness has its own mental disease called Autistic. An Autist wants to do “everything on its own”. An Autist is incapable of Cooperation.


What we have to prevent is that when a new System arises it will again fall in its own extreme mental trap. This happens when the people in the System are unaware of the movement of the Cycle.


They start as Innovators and use their Imagination. When they don’t look outside they become highly Conservative people. Extreme Conservative people are by definition Paranoid.


The only way to keep out of a very high Up and Very low Down (called a crisis) is to balance the Extremes.


 To balance the extremes we have to find a balance between the need to create a Future that is Predictable (Control), the need for the Human to be Unique, the need of the Poor and Helpless to find Solidarity (Soul) and the need to find New ways to solve New problems by using the Imagination (Spirit).


A cycle is balanced by the Centre. The Centre is the Heart of the Cycle. It uses Empathy, the Mirror of the Other to learn about the Self.


Let’s start by doing it ourselves again and use our own abilities to help the other. When we do this we are in the right State of the Cycle. We move with the Flow.


When you have a multi-talent or a specialized talent just do what you feel you have to do. It will work out fine.


Everybody is equipped with a Talent. You can easily find your talent when you feel a positive emotion when you are doing the thing “you are good at”. You are in the Flow.


You are “good at something” when others become enthusiastic (Spirit) and want to work with you (Soul) to create something Beautifull. You can also join others who generate this feeling of excitement with you.


To create Beauty is al that matters. Beauty is the process where Spirit and Soul are active. Beauty is not the result of a process. Beauty is created when you and others become the Process of Creation itself.

Explaining the Placebo Effect by Counting Stories

Tuesday, August 14th, 2007

The unconscious is a new territory for mathematicians and physicists. Jung one of the inventors of the term unconsciousness was convinced mathematics was the key to understand the Unknown.


At the end of his life he asked one of his female pupils Marie-Louise Von Franz to look for the link between mathematics and the unconsciousness.


She wrote the book “Number and Time”. Later I found an article of the mathematician and physicist William A Tiller about the same issue. It is called “Human Psychophysiology, Macroscopic Information Entanglement and the Placebo Effect”. In the article he explains the so called placebo-effect.

The placebo-effect is a funny thing. A pharmacist is a person who wants to treat a disease with a chemical (mostly toxic) substance (a pill). When something that is not toxic (a placebo) heals the same disease he is sad.

He is sad because he is not able to make a profit and he is sad because he has spent a lot of time doing research for nothing. When the placebo-effect occurs people imagine that they are cured and their imagination cures them.

A citation: “In 1999, Enserink wrote a short but very interesting article concerning how greatly the magnitude of the placebo effect in double-blind pharmacological studies had grown in the previous 15 years. He pointed out that “when companies started testing drugs for obsessive-compulsive disorder back in the mid-1980’s, the placebo responserate was almost zero. As time went on, this response rate began to creep upward, up to a point where one could reasonably conclude that some clinical trials failed because of high placebo response rates. A very recent meta-analysis of 19 antidepressant drug trials revealed that the “placebo effect” on average accounted for 75% of the effect of real drugs”.

What Tiller is saying is that a “depression” was cured by believing it would be cured. This happened when people started to believe there was something (a pill) that could cure them.

Again a citation: “The information bandwidth (in bits per second) of the human unconscious is about 1 million times that of the conscious”. The so called unconscious is capable of finding patterns and its capacity to do this is enormous. The unconscious is more conscious than the conscious. Our “problem” is that our conscious is not able to “understand” the other conscious that is part of us. It uses another “language”.

Another citation: “If one counts the entire duplex space as a 4-space, then the entire multidimensional representation is a 7-space. If instead, we count the duplex space as a unique member of the general 8-space, then our reference frame is eleven-dimensional”.

What Tiller is explaining in his language (mathematics) is that besides our own space there exists an unseen space. It is a space we cannot SEE WITH OUR EYES because the capacity to see patterns with our eyes is incapable of seeing the other world. We use the “third eye” to have a look.

In this space you are able to travel with speed >C (the speed of Light). Perhaps you are getting confused now. You know this is impossible. You have learned this at school.

The mathematical reason behind this statement is that it is “impossible” to take the square root of a negative number.

If you define the square-root of the negative number -1 as the letter “i” (imaginary) your problem is gone. The IMAGINARY, “unseen” world, can be combined with the REAL world we SEE. 2 +4i is an example of a combined number.

Another mathematical problem is “division by zero”. You know again this is impossible. You have learned this also at school. This problem is created when you are moving with the speed of light.

The problem can be avoided if you use another concept of space. Division by zero is called a hole and you just navigate trough space avoiding THE HOLE.

Current physics assumes the space we live in consists of billons of billons of holes.

A funny thing is that 5000 years ago Indian science told the same story. They called the holes the bindu’s. The bindu’s where the holes to another world and out of this world something was transported called PRANA. PRANA is called QI (CHI) in China. QI means the force of life.

You have to believe that many (very expensive) experiments have shown that we are living in a very different space you have learned at school. Perhaps your teacher knew he was he was telling the wrong story. He learned when he was learning to become a teacher that young children are unable to understand the new concept of space.

Funny enough young children experience this space when they are sleeping or day-dreaming. When they are at school they believe the teacher and the teacher is believing his teacher and ….

What the experiments also show is something called ENTANGLEMENT. When something is created out of a WHOLE the parts of the whole stay CONNECTED and the connection travels with a speed >C (the speed of Light).

To explain entanglement physicists have accepted there are MANY UNIVERSES and every time a (UN?)CONSCIOUSNESS OBSERVES (becomes AWARE) a new PARALEL UNIVERSE is created.

In our REALITY we SEE one of the possible universes. In our IMAGINARY state we are able to move to all the others. We are even able to travel time because physicists accept the reality that the PAST and THE FUTURE are created in the NOW. They change with every act of consciousness.

Tiller explains that the 4-dimensional unseen space is created by the EMOTIONS.

Now I want to get back to the book “Time and Number”.

A huge part of the book is about China. Jung studied the I TJING with William Reich and was fascinated by the CYCLE (a rotating CIRCLE) of Lo CHI. Remember CHI means “Force of Life”.

The Lo Chi cycle (5000 years old) is described by a magic 3×3 square where all the numbers add up to 15. It has a 5 in the centre.

The magic Lo Chi magic square and related magic squares play an important role in modern physics. They are related to symmetry and symmetry is related to HARMONY and FIELDS.

Funny. The LO-CHI-cycle is exactly the cycle that is explaining the same thing Tiller is explaining.

The book NUMBER and TIME contains a very interesting observation about story-TELLING. When you count (telling = counting) the major persons in an “old” story (myth, fairy tale) and combine the counting with the flow of the story the Lo CHI CYCLE shows itself.

For some reason story-TELLERS were TELLING the same story all over again and again.

They wanted to make sure the concept of the Cycle was handed over and over and over again generation after generation.

The cycle explains one thing Tiller is proving “Your Imagination is the Creator of Your own Reality”.

The most interesting insight I got is that what Jung calls our unconsciousness is more aware than our consciousness. The Unknown is connected to our Emotions. So if you want to create trust them. Trust your gut-feeling and your imagination because they are doing “IT”. You are the Creator of every Situation and Person you encounter in Your Life. They are the Mirror of Your Self.

About the Legal System

Saturday, August 4th, 2007

A friend of mine is a well known lawyer. He is writing a book about improving the Legal System. He is thinking out of the box.

His main issue is efficiency. We can save much money and of course save a lot of trouble of innocent victims of the System when we use sound principles of management. I agree with everything he is writing.

I don’t want to think out of the box I want to remove the box itself. Let’s have a try.

Why do we need a law and people that are enforcing the law?

Was there a time in history when Law was not needed?  Law was not needed in Paradise.

What Went Wrong?

The Church is trying to convince us that we were forced to leave Paradise because of Sin. Eve ate an Apple. The Apple was given to her by the Snake and the Snake was Evil. Sin is the cause of the Legal System.

We have to detect and punish all the sinners who are not obeying the Law. When they have confessed their sins in Court they have to pay the price in terms of money and/or years in prison. After that time they can start all over again.

The concept of Sin was invented to give the Power to Judge to the Church of Rome. The Church of Rome was the successor of the Roman Empire. They were the experts in managing the masses (Divide and Conquer, Bread and Games). They were also the inventors of our Law System.

My friend uses many Latin insights like “De minimis non curat Praetor (dont go to court for something small)” to support his arguments. Later the Institutions of the State took over the Power to Judge.

The Church of Rome not only explained why we had to leave Paradise. It also invented a new concept called Heaven. Heaven is Paradise but now we have to obey the law to get there.

Paradise was given to us. To go to Heaven we have to obey. They not only invented Heaven but also Hell (The Jail) and a manager of the eternal Jail called the Devil.

The snake is really the symbol of Consciousness, the power which knows itself. When the human left Paradise he became aware and was given the opportunity to become a co-creator. He became a part of the Whole that is called All-That-Is (Yahweh). He was also given a Free Will because a dependent co-creator is not a creator.

What went wrong?

We were not able to co-create a balanced Earth and time after time All-That-Is was asked to interfere and to create a Law like the Ten Commandments. The first command was “Don’t Kill“. Humans thanked Yahweh for the Law and just went on killing.

What went wrong?

We always find new laws (exceptions) that are more important than the first commandment. We invent them. We are allowed to kill when somebody has killed another person or we are allowed to kill when somebody is trying to kill another or…. I can go on and on giving you very intelligent arguments why killing a human is allowed in a certain situation.

This process of inventing exceptions is called jurisprudence and it creates a very complex system of laws. To judge a situation we need highly educated experts (Lawyer) and highly educated “objective” persons (Judges) to value the law and its exceptions to pass a verdict. By creating experts we created a shortage. The experts in law are not trained to become a doctor or an artist.

In society we don’t discuss this shortage. We hope that the System (now called a Market) will regulate itself. When it is regulating itself we create Laws to stop the process of Self-Organization (also called Consciousness).

The doctors are afraid there will be too many doctors so their price (income) will go down. They organize pressure groups that are influencing law makers and often somebody introduces an exception. This exception increases the Complexity of the System.

What went wrong?

When you need an expert you need money and some people are poor. So we invented a system where there are two types of victims the rich and the poor. The rich are able to win a legal process more easily than a poor person.

Again we created a shortage. The shortage is wealth and we invented a tool to “objectify” wealth called money. Poor people are in need of money and rich people have an abundance of money. We created a system called a Bank to regulate the flow of money. We created systems to regulate Banks. Regulating regulators never stops.

What went wrong?

The rich people have influence by themselves. We try to prevent this but behind the scene people with influence are making deals with the Law. We all know that.

We create Laws to prevent this but as you all know now people don’t like to obey rules. This opportunity was given them when they left Paradise. It was called Free Will. We are constantly trying to control Free Will (Our co-creating Creativity).

What went wrong?

At some point in time the masses became too powerful. They were on the verge of a take-over. To stop this democracy was invented. This went wrong when the masses started to vote for themselves. To prevent them doing this the consumer market was invented. The masses (now called citizens) could vote with their money.

Now the consumers (the masses) are taking over the Power again and the consumer market is destroying Earth (our Paradise).

We are inventing new concepts like Media and Games (Bread and Games) to silence them.

We also create new ways to “divide and conquer” called Sound Management Principles and Compliance but will it help us?

What went wrong?

The main point I am trying to show you that things always go wrong. We are compensating a fatal error with a fatal error.

This is a meta-problem and I can go on phrasing meta-meta-meta questions and in the end things are always are going wrong. Is there something totally wrong behind all this?

We started with the gift of consciousness, the power which knows itself. This power gave us a Free Will and Free Will is Co-Creativity. The Co is very important Co means Co-Operation.

Are we really using the Power to Know Ourselves? If we would know ourselves we would know what was Right and what was Wrong. We would act out of Knowing instead of out of our Impulses. We would not need an outside Law. We would be carrying the Law in Our Selves.

Why are we not using our Consciousness?

People use their Consciousness all the time. It is a voice that is talking in their heads asking them Why?

Why is starting the process of Reflection. To reflect we need a Mirror and the Mirror is the Other. If you were the other, would you like to be treated like You are treating the Other?

What people do most of the time is the opposite of Reflexion called Projection. Projection is telling others not to do what You are doing all the time.

You are a Priest working in the Army. You tell others that they are not allowed to kill but when there is a war you pray to God for help to win the war.

Projection is the cause of all the trouble we are in. Projection is Judging others without starting to Judge yourself.

Ask yourself the question. Is it wrong to ask for food when you are hungry? The Law in the Bible tells you to give shelter, food and care to the poor and the sick.

Why are we not doing this?

We are doing this because when we give money our account is going down and perhaps we need the money later when we are in trouble. But when everybody is helping everybody we don’t need to save money.

We don’t believe others will do this and therefore we are not doing it our selves. This is projection. We are projecting our behavior on others.

Is it wrong to ask for a shelter when you are poor? Again “giving something” causes problems because when we give we are also have to take.W

We think Life is a zero-sum-game.  We are imagining a shortage. Shortage is a fantasy, an Illusion created by our Thinking Process.

Our Thinking is projecting(!) troubles into the future and acts in the Now like they are real. It wants to control something that is still not there.

We have created the Illusion of State, Law, Money, Inflation, Interest, Budget, Time and many other Illusions of Control. They are bothering us now in everything we want to do.

Life is really a non-zero-sum-game when we share and collaborate. The solutions for the big problems in the world are known. We don’t apply them. We are projecting, projecting and projecting. Let’s stop this Evil Game.

Let us start to observe our selves.

Let us use our imagination and create new possibilities.

We don’t have to move far away. Let us start in our own environment, our family, our friends, our colleagues, our neighbors. If everybody is doing this we will solve many problems.

In the end we will still need a Law and a Judge but the amount of Laws, Jurisprudence and Lawsuits will dramatically go down. The System will be very simple and  a lot cheaper. It will cure and clean itself.


About Lady Justice

About Ethics

About the Foundations of Mathematics

Friday, August 3rd, 2007
Bertrand Russell

Bertrand Russell

In the beginning of the 20th century the mathematicians Bertrand Russell and Alfred North Whitehead wanted to define the eternal foundation of Mathematics.

To build a foundation Mathematicians always start with defining what they “mean”. They use a symbolic language called Logic to do this.

In Logic “=” means Being the Same“. If we would use the mathematical “=” in human languages we would say things like “a House is a House“.

These statements are without any meaning. We believe them but they are not adding something to our knowledge of the world we live in. “=” is called a Tautology in Logic. It is the only statement that is always true.

Mathematics is about changing the left hand and the right hand of the tautology without changing the truth. Mathematicians are always proving that the left and the right in what they mean are the same (=).

To speed up the process of proving, Mathematicians define new symbols that are “based on” other symbols. They use the foundation of “lower” symbols to define higher symbols. This process of mapping is called Abstraction (going UP). A Number is abstracted into the symbol A, called a variable.

Human languages are different from Logic. Depending on the language, the context and the person, terms have a different meaning. Mathematicians don’t like that.

The term Foundation is a Latin term (fundus). In the English language “Foundation” means “stable layer“. In the Dutch language “Foundation” is translated into the term “grond-slag“. “grond-slag” means “hitting” (slag) a pole (paal) into the Earth to build a house on. A foundation is something that is connecting a foundation (Poles) to another foundation (Earth). In human language the right and the left are equal AND not equal. They have something “in common“.

When we talk about a foundation most of us See a House. When we communicate we share this picture unconsciously. If we have not lived in a context where houses are build we are not able to share meaning. When a Dutch person “wants to fund” he has “to hit the pole“. In other places “Laying a Foundation” is a much more gentle process.

Human languages differ from Logic in many ways. The left and the right have something in common but are also different. The symbols (words) in human languages are connected to real pictures. A very important difference is the principle of truth. In mathematics we want to be certain. Mathematical truth is binary, Yes or NO. In human languages we have to believe and believing is an Emotion.

Believing is Seeing and Feeling. We have abstracted a thing that is Seeing and Feeling. It I situated in our body. We call it Mind. Mind is a Latin word (“mental“) and it means Spirit and Soul.

Spirit is connected to the Imagination and Soul is connected to the Emotions. We Feel with our Soul and we See with our Spirit (Inspiration, Inspire). Our Soul moves to something it likes and it moves away from something it dis-likes. Our Spirit takes us away. Suddenly we get a Flash of In-Sight and we Have to Move. Soul is gentle. Spirit hits us, like we hit a pole.

Russell used a “Thing called a Set” to create the eternal basis of Mathematics. He defined many operations on the Set. In the end he believed he had succeeded.

Suddenly a nasty problem arose. The set of all sets created a paradox (The Russell Paradox). It contained itself and it did not contain itself. To solve this paradox he defined a new rule (an axiom) that a set had to contain itself. Later others proved that this was not helping him at all. The foundation of Russell proved to be completely unstable.

The reason he failed was related to the boundary of the set. The boundary is not nothing. It can be open or closed to its environment (other sets). An open boundary looks-like your skin. A closed boundary looks-like an armor. Somewhere the set of sets (of sets of ..) had to close itself but the Set of the Whole could not be found.

Ludwig Wittgenstein

Ludwig Wittgenstein

One of the companions of Russell, Ludwig Wittgenstein, totally changed its views about mathematics. He did not believe in logic and a foundation any more.

He showed that we are playing games with language. Language is context-dependent. It’s meaning changes all the time.

He also showed that many sciences are simply impossible because they belong to the domain of the emotions. Examples are Ethics and Esthetics. Formalizing emotions is impossible. We all know what is right and wrong and beauty is a personal experiences. Nobody is able to tell you what you have-to-like.

Later the Dutch Mathematician Brouwer proved that everything we cannot imagine always leads to a paradox.

Later Gödel created a new problem. Gödel proved that an abstraction (a higher layer) is unable to explain every part of a lower layer. If we go UP we always loose meaning. The Set of Sets of … cannot contain all sets.

Later Lakoff and Nunez proved that the language of Mathematics acts in the same way as human languages. Mathematical Truth is not only connected to Seeing (Brouwer) but also to Feeling. The emotion of believing is necessary to believe mathematics.

Lakoff showed also that in human languages the process of abstraction has an end. It ends when we are unable to imagine what we are talking about (see Brouwer). When we use highly abstract words like “relation” or “furniture” we reason with a part of the set (a prototype) we are using. We use a chair or a table when we use “furniture“. Abstraction without visibility again creates confusion (a paradox).

Now I want to apply the flashes of insight of all the people to show you something about the abstraction called Mind.

(1) Russell: If you think your Mind is a closed environment you’re wrong. You are using the concept of the Set. Your mind is open to other Minds.

(2) Brouwer: If you cannot imagine a Mind it does not exist. Many people see the Brain when they imagine the Mind. The Brain is controlling everything in our body. If we use (1) we have to find a way of explaining how the mind is communicating with other minds. Scientists found the solution. The mind is producing words (speaking).

(3) Wittgenstein showed that speaking is not a reliable tool of communication. Behind words we are exchanging pictures and emotions. Wittgenstein showed that it is impossible to reason about emotions. We cannot reason about the emotional part of the Mind (Soul).

(4) Gödel: Your mind is an abstraction and therefore Your mind is unable to explain everything You Are.

(5) Lakoff: Mind is an abstraction without an image. When you reason about your mind you use a visual (!) sub-set of the Mind. The visual subset we use is “Actor”. Your Cold Analytical Mind (An Actor) controls Your Warm Body. You are a Walking Thinking Mind that is desperatly trying to manage the Instable Fluctuating Emotions (now called Desire) and the Imagination (now called Fantasy). We are back to You again.

The best thing to do is to skip the whole concept of Mind and start to look for something else.

George Lakoff has a theory that is able to give you some insight.

When we are born we come out of a Body and we become a new Body. The Body has to learn to crawl. Crawling gives us the feeling  that we were moving-away (Mother) and moving to-something (Mother?). Crawling is an emotion.

Our most difficult learning process is to learn to stand-”up” and to “keep balance“. In all cultures “Up” is more important than “Down“. Management is always on the upper floor and God is Up  in the heavens and the Devil is Down in hell.

The feeling of “Up” is basically a bias. We are so dominated by our difficult childhood learning process that we Evaluate many things with our “Up-feeling“. Thinking with the “Up” is getting you Down. It kills self-confidence. We believe that we think Up with our head (Brain) and the Brain (Mind) is the manager.

Let’s get back to what You are. You are your Body and your Body is open to its environment.

Lakoff found that the sentences we speak contain metaphors. Many metaphors are connected to the body. We use our organs to define the types of truth. We feel with our heart (com-passion). We feel with our bellies (In-tuition, inner teaching). We also feel with our stomach. Our stomach tells us that we want to express something. Funny enough these places in the Body (the Chakra’s) are independent of Culture. The reason is that every human shares the same body.

When you believe something you will feel this with your heart. You will feel excitement. The rythm of your heartbeat will change. When somebody is explaining something and you don’t see the picture with your inner eye (your imagination) don’t believe him. Ask somebody to draw what he is trying to explain. If your stomach protests ask a question. If you want to do something with what you believe you will feel it in your solar plexus (Navel). Don’t hesitate Act.

Now I want to come back to the foundation Russell was looking for. When you use your body the basic level to reason with is Earth. What we See on Earth is what is and what is does not need an explanation. Trees grow without any theory. The clouds move without any theory.

If you want to develop a theory start to look with attention (Focus). Be aware and watch what is happening on Earth. What is happening on Earth is always Cyclic. The Earth moves around the Sun. The Moon moves around the Earth. The Planets move around the Sun. Seeds turn into flowers and produces seeds again.

When we try to predict these movements we find patterns. These patterns are stages in a cyclic process of enfolding. The patterns are waves and waves are strongly related to Music (Pythagoras). The patterns in Music create overtones. They interfere. Short term Cycles are part of long term cycles. You’re body is a Standing Wave and it resonates with other Standing Waves with the same wavelength.

Out of the analyses of these patterns mathematics was created. Mathematics is about Music and Beauty. A mathematical theory has to be beautiful. If it is not beautiful it is not correct. This is simple. You have to feel enlightened when you understand mathematics. If you don’t get this feeling your teacher does not understand what he is explaining.

The problem of the Set of Sets can now be solved easily. The Whole is part of itself. The Whole is One but also Two. It is OBSERVING itself. It is conscious.

Perhaps now you understand why the Ears are the place in the Body that controls your Balance. Close your Eyes and Listen to the Rhythms in your Body and Nature. Erase your non-existing Mind. Get back to the level of You, Your Body. Observe your Self. Become conscious. Feel the warmth of your skin. Let the images come and observe them without touching them. Feel your gentle Soul move in and out when you breathe. Concentrate on your Belly (the level of In-tuition). Suddenly you get an Insight. Spirit has hit you. You feel full of Joy about the beauty of the Whole. You found the foundation Russell was looking for. Its You.


About the Axiomatic Foundations of mathematics

A video interview with Bertrand Russell


Friday, August 3rd, 2007

Have you ever met a friend that suddenly was acting like a Machine? He is repeating the same “exiting” story all the time. He has found IT and IT is about self-empowerment. I am sure he has invited you to come to a free seminar.

He will tell you that he is learning to become a coach. He has to learn the trade and the trade is learnt from the bottom up. That’s why he is a volunteer. He has aquired many new friends (Buddies) who are also volunteers. You have to meet them! They will tell the same exiting story about becoming a new empowered person.

Probably he did not tell you that he has already spend an enormous amount of money. He will not tell you that to reach the next levels he needs more and more money. Perhaps he is even lending money because this is the best investment there is. It will be payd back with interest when he is at the top of the pyramid.

In the pyramid game you let people pay to sell the product they already use. They are so motivated that their enthusiasm will motivate you also and the first try is always for free! It is called a pyramid because the first person who starts the pyramid makes the most out of IT.

Brainwashing is a result of a long history of training (and torturing) English Children and English soldiers. The English training system was so successful that it was copied all over the world. It used verbal manipulating, bull baiting, confronting, frightening, confessing and group-pressure.

The System uses a person called a Bully (Drill-Sergeant). The Bully is surrounded by potential heros. They are being prepared to go to a war called Life. If you show that you are a coward the bully uses you to show the others how strong they are. In the first phase you have to pass many tests.

You fail when you cry, shout, vomit and even shit in your trousers. If this happens all the potential heros laugh at you. They look when the Bully is doing the dirty work. He is responsible and they are just taking the orders.

A very interesting verbal manipulating technique was copied out of the old art of Rhetoric’s. It is now called Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP). NLP chains arguments that are proven right in isolation into a highly convincing chain of words.

People that are not educated in reasoning cannot find the flaw in the argument. When they have found the flaw the Bully uses his tricks and they just stop asking nasty questions.

Let’s start the SEMINAR

The seminar will take many days in an isolated expensive location. It will be full of long (6 hour(!)) Pep Talks. You are not allowed to ask stupid questions, eat, drink and go to the toilet without permission. When you are asking clever questions you are asked to show your intelligence on stage. The super bull (the Coach) will show you that you are stupid.

Members of the gang (Volunteers) are watching the behavior of the trainees all the time. The only thing you are allowed is to do is to agree with the Coach on stage. You have to show your approval by clapping or stamping with your feet. The Coach will tell you when this has to happen. You will rise very early and you will go to bed very late but you are strong.

This will not break your resistance. You know that in the end you will feel EMPOWERED. The Coach has literally blown your mind. You are transformed in a happy mindless person.

Silence. Attention please. The coach is talking.


I’ll tell you everything there is to know about life,” “What is, is, and what ain’t, ain’t.” And that’s about all there was. True enlightenment, is knowing you are a MACHINE“.

To understand you are a machine you are treated like a machine and the result is a human machine that is able to sell the concept to the next victim who is not aware he is a machine. He is still conscious, thinking, feeling, creating and sensing and this is utterly stupid.

The only one who is allowed to feel, think, sense, create is Your TEACHER. He is the programmer and the only thing you have to do is run his programs.

Remember all the problems in your life are caused by fear, the fear of failure, rejection, ridicule and humiliation. He will show you your fears. He will reject you, ridicule your stupid questions, force you to admit all your failures he has invented for you and he will humiliate you all the time.

Embrace your fears. If your relationship ends what do you do? You can dwell on it, crawl into yourself, withdraw, and surrender. Shit happens but you can learn from it, grow, develop, be prepared for a better relationship in the future. Stop being afraid.

Look at him. He is strong. He is The Father, Your only Friend, the Cowboy, The Perfect Lover, The Entrepeneur. He is rich. His relationships are perfect. Confess you are poor because you are creating your own reality and you are doing something wrong.

Confess you have left your partner because you are unable to give. Confess your parents did not treat you the way you needed to be treated because of You! You are the reason of all the shit in your whole life.

Forget your past. Live in The Now. Give your love to Him. He is the Stage Magician. He will show you all his tricks. The only thing you have to do is believe him. Somewhere in the future you will find the perfect relationship. This will be another machine, your BUDDY, your mate.

It’s Up to You.

In the end the Coach will have total control over your MIND. Than he will tell you the final message: “YOU ARE WHAT YOU ARE“. Finally You are Perfect. You are his little machine and he will Love You For That.

In 1960 John Rosenberg left his wife and children. He went to St. Louis, changed his name into Werner Erhard and sold cars. Until 1971 he was selling and managing salespersons. Suddenly he got “IT (Latin “EST”)”. He could make a lot of money in the self-empowerment movement and created Erhard Seminar Training. The first seminar was held in October, 1971, at the Jack Tar Hotel in San Francisco with nearly a 1,000 trainees in attendance.

During the first year, Erhard himself led all the trainings, since he was the only one who had mastered the hours of materials he had stitched together from his Sales Experience (Napoleon Hill’s Think and Grow Rich), Freud, Hinduism, Maslow, Hubbards Scientology, Mind Dynamics, Dale Carnegie, Maxwell Maltz Psycho-cybernetics, Carl Rogers Client Centered Therapy, Alan Watts Zen Buddhism and anything else that Erhard’s intuition told him would work in the exploding human potential market.

After a while others bounded onto the stages to repeat the same lines and deliver the same material. Always they conducted the EST training exactly the way Erhard had done. They trained countless hours to do it the way he told them to. The trainers are salesman. They are paid commissions for the number of people they recruit and train, not for the number of people they truly help.

Erhard loved to play the drill-sergeant. A huge part of the seminar consisted of a nonstop barrage of verbal insults, taunting the participants in the straight-backed chairs, insisting they were all worthless human beings who clung to beliefs about themselves and their own lives that were rooted in ridiculous notions about reason, logic, and understanding.

Don’t give me your goddamn belief system, you dumb motherfucker!” one of Erhard’s est trainers once thundered at a man who had raised his hand on the first day with a question about the need to believe in something, in anything. What Erhard left out of the training was any sense of human compassion and emotion. He and his trainers angrily rejected such trivialities in the training sessions. Compassion, after all, was something reserved for life’s “victims.” In the world of est, as in the world of Werner Erhard, there were no victims.

It is estimated that some 700,000 people did the training before the seminars were halted in 1991. EST was transformed in the Landmark Forum. Harry Rosenberg, Erhard’s brother, heads Landmark Education Corp. (LEC), which does some $50 million a year in business and has attracted some 300,000 participants. LEC is headquartered in San Francisco, as was EST, and has 42 offices in 11 countries.

One of the trainees of an EST seminar asked Werner Erhard the question he was waiting for. “I don’t get it“. Werner answered the stupid question with the perfect answer. “There’s nothing to get so you got it”. “I get it” the trainee said, “So getting it is whatever you get” “If that’s what you got.” Got it?

You get what you want when you got it. That is the only thing you have to learn. You got it when you sell the seminar to your family and friends. You hope that things will go the way you want and if they don’t go the way you want, you still have not understood that:






About Guanxi

Friday, July 27th, 2007

Guanxi is a Chinese term, generally translated as “networks” or “connections”. Although guanxi is often characterized as uniquely Chinese, similar relationships occur in other nations, especially in East Asia.

In China guanxi has become especially significant in the last fifty years because it provides individuals with a patterned, structured set of relationships that to some extent replace the social networks of family, village, and clan that are more difficult to maintain in the face of population relocations, urbanization, and Westernization.

Guanxi is a mechanism for dealing with social uncertainty in a complex social environment.

Guanxi has been a significant element in Chinese business relationships for several hundred years. Wide webs of guanxi tie Chinese businessmen and Chinese firms into a cohesive and functioning economy. The success and even survival of many businesses rests on the establishment and maintenance of guanxi.

For Western businesspeople, the idea of guanxi is a useful reminder that trust, understanding, and personal knowledge can be vital components of economic relationships.

The development of guanxi is not something that takes place instantly, and this can be one of the frustrating aspects of doing business in China for non-Asians who are accustomed to striking a deal and moving on.

Most guanxi relationships are based on individuals’ having something in common, a phenomenon called tong in Chinese. The commonalities may be the fact of having attended or graduated from the same school, having the same place of employment, working in the same industry, or coming from the same village or region. Guanxi relationships have a strong emotional element, something easily overlooked by outsiders.

The essence of guanxi is that each relationship carries with it a set of expectations and obligations for each participant. A guanxi relationship may lead a person to feel obligated to help someone. Those who meet these obligations gain face and status and expand their guanxi network. Refusing to help is a sign of inhumanity and can bring disgrace. Guanxi involves the notion of honor and respect, two core values in Chinese society.

There are a variety of customs and practices in the West that reflect concepts similar to those used to explain guanxi, concepts and rules that define the relationship between individuals and groups. For example, traditionally European etiquette required a person to be introduced by a mutual acquaintance, never simply to strike up a conversation with a stranger, even at a private event.

Nonetheless, in the West ties tend to be less strong, less structured, and less based on expectations. Old or distant relationships are also less important in the West than they are in China.

The main reason is that Western People are acting on the short term. They want to strike a deal and move on.They still have not learnt from the results that came out of a tournament that was organised to solve the so called iterated Prisoners Dilemma.

The Prisoners Dillema is a game in which two players may each “cooperate” with or “defect” (i.e. betray) the other player. If two players play the Prisoner’s dilemma more than once in succession (that is, having memory of at least one previous game), it is called iterated Prisoner’s dilemma. Robert Axelrod created popular interest in his book The Evolution of Cooperation (1984).

The best strategy was Tit for Tat, developed by Anatol Rapoport. It was the simplest of any program entered. When you use Tit for Tat the only thing you have to do is offer cooperation. If the other is not cooperating retaliate, forgive and start to cooperate all over again.

I think you understand what I want to show. If we involve the Chinese notions of honor and respect, offer cooperation, forgive and (this is very important) leave people that don’t do this out of our networks we will create a cohesive and functioning economy.

It is simple! Just as simple as the Strategy of Tit-for-Tat and just as simple like many other things in life.


About the Extended Family

About Social Cohesion