Archive for April, 2008

About Epigenics

Monday, April 14th, 2008

Many people think that Charles Darwin proposed the theory of evolution but they are wrong. The predecessor of Darwin was Jean-Baptiste Lamarck (1744-1829).

In all the textbooks the evolution theory of Lamarck is highly discredited. He was totally wrong and Darwin was absolutely right. Lamarck was a fool. In his days he was blocked by the Ruling Power in Science because he attacked the major paradigm in society, “Only The Best Survive“.

Like Darwin, Lamarck concluded that species change over time by adapting to new environments. Like Darwin, Lamarck concluded that parents pass their traits on to their offspring.

He also founded the principle of use and disuse: If an organ is used, it will become stronger, and if it is not used, it will weaken and may disappear in future generations.

The big difference between the theory of Darwin and Lamarck is the flexibility of the process of evolution. Lamarck believed that evolution reacts to its environment in a much higher speed than Darwin could ever imagine.

People believe the theory of natural selection of Darwin because it fits with the general believe that “Life is a Competition“. This rule was and is the driving force behind educational theories (testing) and economic theories.

It supports the idea of the higher classes and the lower classes and it fuels racial theories (“Don’t Mix a Black and a White“). It also fits with the computer metaphor where the DNA is a database and Life is a Program that reads the Database.

Lamarck’s theory is now proved by a new field of research: Epigenetics. Epigenetics is the study of gene expression independent of DNA mutations. It contradicts the rules of Mendelian inheritance.

The DNA contains many genes that are not used. Until recently they were seen as a sort of waste. They were dumped by the selection process. Recent research shows that these genes are used when the environment changes. The reaction to the environment is much faster than anybody imagined.

In the theories that are educated the controlling mechanism of life is DNA. It contains the code and the code is “clean” and “effective”.

Every time when a new cell has to be created the same procedure is repeated all over again and again. This has proved to be wrong.

The controller of life is not a database and a standard program but a highly differentiated database used by an “intelligent” processor. This processor reacts to the internal and external environment of the organism. It sends out messengers and reacts to messengers.

The most influential messengers are related to the “human imagination”. Our “theories about the inside and outside world”, our belief systems, determine an important part of the adaptive cycle.

The now widely accepted Lamarckian view on evolution in Molecular Biology has a huge impact on science.

The current theories about diseases and aging have to be adapted. In this theory Genes determine diseases, aging and are a very important tool to diagnose and therapy. When genes are adaptive we have to support the process of adaptation instead of interfering in this process.

You can imagine that epigenics disturbs the whole medical profession and of course the pharmaceutical industry. They will use the same tactics that were used to stop the ideas of Lamarck.

Why Extraterrestrials could Exist

Sunday, April 13th, 2008

greyAt September 24, 1947, President Harry Truman created a secret group called the Majestic-12 (MJ12). The task of this group was to investigate the Roswell incident. In July 1947 a UFO crashed at Roswell.

One of the members of MJ12 was Admiral Roscoe Henry Hillenkoetter. He was the first director of the CIA. Hillenkoeter wanted to bring all the facts about UFO’s into the open. He even wrote a letter to US Congress.

He wanted to stop the “official secrecy and ridicule that led many citizens to believe the unknown flying objects are nonsense” because “behind the scenes, high-ranking Air Force officers are soberly concerned about the UFO’s.”, “to hide the facts, the Air Force has silenced its personnelthrough the issuance of a regulation“.

Hillenkoeter did not succeed. The existence of MJ12 and other UFO activities of the US Government are still denied. Documents are highly classified. Sometimes somebody leaks important information but nobody is sure the information is true or given away by counter-intelligence to generate confusion.

ufo_pictureUFO’s exist and there are many theories to explain the UFO’s. They are certainly not natural phenomena (meteors) or caused by humans (planes, satellites). This is excluded in every investigation.

The first theory is that there are no extraterrestrials. UFO’s are a human invention and are part of a “secret technology” that is a “spin-off” from German research during the Second World War.

Many German scientists were transported to the US (and Russia) and went on with their projects (Project Paperclip).

In the second theory extraterrestrials really exist and UFO accidents happen. The big military powers reengineered alien technology and/or made a treaty with them in which the aliens handed over their technology. There are many types of aliens called the Greys, the Reptilians, the Nordics, the Pleiadeans, the Hathors, …

Some of the aliens want to destroy human civilization or use human genetic material to “enhance their own genes“; Others, The Galactic Federation (Pleiades), want to help and are protecting Earth. Many people have produced an enormous amount of books and reports to prove this theory.

enkiThe interference on Earth of an outside civilization is a well known theme. The most famous case is described in the Gilgamesh Epic and the much older Atra-Hasesa-epic (1600 BC). These epics are cited in the Book Genesis of the Bible.

The Atra-Hasesa creation myth is about the Sumerian gods Anu, Enlil and Enki, gods of sky, wind and water. Heaven is ruled by Anu, earth by Enlil, and the sea by Enki.

Enlil assigned junior gods to do farm labor and maintain the rivers and canals, but after forty years they rebelled and refused to do hard labor. Instead of punishing the rebels, Enki, who is also the kind, wise counselor to the gods, suggested that humans be created to do the work. They are created by shaping clay figurines mixed with the flesh and blood of a slain god.

When there is an overpopulation of humans, the god Enlil sends famine and drought at intervals of 1200 years to reduce the population. In the end the total population is destroyed by a flood and only one human Atrahasis (“Extremely Wise“) is warned by Enki, builds a boat and life on earth is preserved. Enki and Enlil agree on other means for controlling the human population.

popol-vuhThe story of the Atra-Hasis can also be found in the Popol Vuh written in a completely different area of the world South-America. It relates to the Toltec. The most important person Quetzalcoatl looked like a reptilian.

Many cultures, including the Hopi’s and the Maori’s, claim they are descendents of the Pleiadians. Their task is to keep the Earth safe. Their forefathers gave them a warning that the earth will be destroyed when the Sixth Sun will appear. This will be around 2012. In their creation story the Greys (called Ant People) play an important role.

The Reptilians (Serpents, Naga, Djinn, …) appear in many myths all over the world. They live underground and interact with human beings on the surface. In some legends they came from a continent in the Indian Ocean that sank beneath the waves after a great flood almost destroyed the earth (Atlantis, Mu).

Many new legends about aliens share many details of the old legends. The new aliens also warn about a coming disaster and want to help mankind to survive.

What do I believe?

I believe old civilizations existed on earth. There is much evidence that old civilizations used advanced technologies.

I believe we are “not alone in the Universe”. There is much evidence that there are many systems in the Universe that are comparable to Earth.

I believe the travel of Time/Space will be possible or is already possible. The new physics predicts (worm) holes that are a gate to another place in time and even to a completely different universe.

I believe the big Governments (US, Russia, ..) are not telling everything they know. One of the reasons could be that they don’t want to create a panic or they are afraid to lose control.

I believe many people are making up stories.

I believe we will know the truth when the “good ones” finally are coming to rescue Earth. It is highly needed.


A Very Interesting Document of Courtney Brown, A MUST READ

The Book Fingerprints of the Gods by Graham Hancock, A MUST READ.



About The Consumer Cycle

Wednesday, April 9th, 2008

When I was young my parents were unable to buy a television. To watch television we visited a friend of my father who had to work day and night to pay for this feature. At home we played games, listened to the radio and read books.

My parents always went to the same small shops around the corner. The owners knew my parents very well.

My parents had to pay attention to their financial budget all the time. To buy a television or another expensive product they had to save money for many years. When something broke down it was always repaired. People reused almost everything.

My parents did not have any idea about the outside world. The world ended at the border of my hometown (Leiden, The Netherlands). One week in a year we went to visit the brothers and the sister of my father in Gelderland about 60 kilometers away from Leiden. We went there by train. His brothers were farmers. They never went on a holiday. They had no idea how the countries outside the Netherlands looked like.

The consumer in the fifties (I was born in 1951) were what I call Balanced Consumers. The majority of the consumers had to reflect and to save money before they could buy a product. Products were constructed to stay alive for a long time. The counterpart of the balanced consumer was the isolated craftsman or the isolated local businessman. Most of the shops and the companies were one (wo)man shows. They were owned and operated by a family. The children were more or less forced to help their parents.

Suddenly the first supermarket appeared. It was created by a local entrepreneur. Soon he repeated the concept in many other towns. The supermarket was the next step in a scaling process that went up and up. The producers had to move the same way. Slowly they destroyed the “one man shows” in every area of society.

My uncles had to stop their “one wo(man)” farms because the local market stopped to function. The only way to survive was to get a contract from a meat-producer. In a short time the producer almost owned their farms and kept lowering the prices he wanted to pay. At the end my uncles had to stop farming.

The big supermarkets started to buy their products on a very large scale. In the first step they bought their products on a local level but soon they started to globalize. This stimulated international transport (boat and airplane).

What happened to the customer?

The customer changed from a human being into a concept. The marketing departments of the big companies designed classifications and the consumer was put into a classification. Companies started to specialize to produce for a special target group.

They also started to advertise. Customers started to standardize themselves. The artificial group constructed by the marketeers became a real-life group. The customers started to behave the way the marketeers predicted.

To keep the production-systems running the next innovation in marketing had to be constructed. The impulses of the customer were highly stimulated. The impulses are highly volatile. They react on trends and hypes. The needs of the customer started to fluctuate on a large scale. In the end the market became almost unpredictable. The only way to react was to scale up again, lower the costs of manual production, to automate and to standardize.

The impulsive customer is just one type of customer. They are the target of the producers. The impulsive customer is mostly young.

The creative, conservative, social and conscious customer are forgotten. They are mostly older. The social customers are group-oriented, cooperative and empathic. The creative customers are intelligent. They know how to buy almost everything for free. The conservative customers want to stay in the past. They don’t like impulse-marketing. The conscious customers know that the producers are wasting nature. The complement of the impulsive customer is a forgotten majority.

The producers try to create a very intelligent production/marketing-machine to sell old fashioned, creative, cheap, trendy, social, green products. This is almost impossible. The one-to-one shops, the craftsman and the old fashioned farmer are coming back. People stop to watch television and start to read a book or play a game. Radio is on its return. The economy is moving down. Inflation is speading up. People have to look at their budget again. The amount of customers that are buying second hand articles is increasing. The Balanced Customer is on its return.

We have moved full cycle.

About Time Wave Zero

Monday, April 7th, 2008

The amount of Ideas (Novelty) is increasing exponential. This is predicted by Timewave Zero of Terrence McKenna. The model predicts a singularity at December 21, 2012. At that moment we will jump to a completely new level of Consciousness.

The most interesting prediction of McKenna is that in 2012 we will be able to Travel Space/Time. This will make it possible to move back in Time and travel the many Time Loops.

We will also be able to leave Earth and Travel to the Seven Parallel Universes that are until now veiled for most of the people on Earth. Only the Shaman (the Mystics) were able to do this until now. They knew how to move through the Void into Space/Time.

To do this they have to Cheat the Raven (or the Eagle or the Demiurg), the Creator of the Matrix that generates the current state of Linear Causal Time.

A new Phase of Time Wave Zero will start at 2010. At that time we will move into a very high state of acceleration.

Perhaps you think Time Wave Zero is barely nonsense but you have to admit innovation is speeding up in an incredible way.

When you are an employee you don’t know what is happening. Perhaps  you suppose that your boss or the management will take care of you. Suppose they are also completely in the Dark about the Future.

When you are completely in the Dark about the Future you are reacting on impuls to everything that is treatening your company. This is called “muddling through“.

The effect of “muddling through” is that many projects fail or are stopped before they are finished. To muddle you need a lot of money. When your company is in trouble the money is gone and the only impulse that is left is to fire people. This starts a downward spiral.

Imagine the next four years innovation will speed up with a speed nobody has seen in the history of the world. If this happens your company will move into a State of Chaos.

Not only your company will end in a State of Chaos you will also get stressed to a level that your body will get out of balance. You will get sick.

What can you do to survive the last four years of history?

To find balance you have to become an Observer. Watch the outside but don’t react on impulse. Reflect about what is happening. Use your analytic capabilities and face the facts.

Many people wan’t see a pattern.  When you don’t see a pattern you get overloaded.

Your intuition knows the pattern but is unable to explain the pattern. You feel something is going on but don’t know what it is but it is getting stronger. When you use your intuition you know how to react to a situation. It feels good or it feels bad.

Always follow the good feeling and have the guts to trust this feeling. It will lead you to to right path. When you are on the path, the path will take you.

You will be in the Tao. The path you will find will be the path of your heart and the path of your talent. Use your talent it will be needed because you are on this world to learn and to grow.

When you feel the Spirit you will receive the right ideas and you will meet the right people at the right time. They are your soul-brothers and soul-sisters. Respect them and value their talents. We will only survive the Singularity when we Cooperate.

Use all the resource that are available but don’t exceed the limits. Take time to enjoy your friends, your wife or husband and enjoy nature.

Nature is a place where you will find rest. Listen to and make music. Music will bring you in a state of Harmony.

When the time comes don’t be afraid to Jump To the Next level. The next phase will not be a disaster. It will be a phase were we will be able to Co-Create with the Spirit, the Creative Force of Life.


About Time Wave Zero

What Terrence McKenna did not See

About 2012

About Mayan Symbols

Sunday, April 6th, 2008

The roots of the Mayan civilization can be traced back thousands of years to the Olmecs, an earlier civilization that inhabited an area along the Gulf of Mexico. The Olmec date back to at least 4000 BC.

The Maya and the Olmecs achieved a spectacular understanding of astronomy and mathematics.

They used a very advanced calendar system that was able to predict the movements of the Sun, the Moon and the planets.

They were also aware of many other astronomical objects like star systems and the centre of the Galaxy. Time was viewed as an endless web of cycles within cycles, all connected by an infinite spiral, the Zuvuya (the Rope).

The Maya understood that everything comes from and returns to One Source. They recognized that each being is linked back to a larger frame of reference, Kuxan Suum, “the Road to the Sky Leading to the Umbilical Chord of the Universe“.

Their counting system is based on the number 5 and contains very advanced features to calculate with very large numbers. It also contains the number 0. The zero is represented by a picture of the centre of the Galaxy, the Cosmic Egg.

The Mayan word “ge” symbolizes the beginning, the source from which all life manifests. Ge represents the egg and the number zero. The spiral form of the G symbolizes the source of our existence, the Milky Way. The G stands for the “One Giver of Movement and Measure“.

Based on the letter G (or “ge”) words were constructed like ge-o (world), ge-ne (egg with tail), or ge-oba (cosmic egg). T (“te”) represents the tree of life, air, the wind and the breath of God (teol) and O(l) is the symbol of consciousness.

The Mayas also created a model of the body that is highly related to the chakras in India. It consist of “the seven powers of Quetzalcoatl“. The power that is used is called K’u (meaning Pyramid or Sun God).

K’u can be compared with Chi or K’i (China) and Prana (India). The place where the (K’u) enters the body is called K’u-L(vibration)-tan(place)-lil(vibration)-ni(nose) (kultanlilni).

If you compare the symbols of the Maya with other “old” symbols it is very obvious that they are based on the same “model”. It is the model of the cycle-in-the-cycle that is closed in itself (spiraling spirals).

Many scientists don’t understand how the Olmecs could gather the knowlegde they aquired. They can’t find the nessecary instruments.

In the “old science” the inside of the Human is a mirror of the outside. If you explore your consciousness you also explore the Galaxy. I know the scientists don’t want to accept this explanation. It is not based on facts and experiments.

Perhaps they could except the facts and the experiments of the Olmecs.


Secrets of Mayan Science /Religion by Hunbatz Men (1990)

About the Dark Middle Ages

Saturday, April 5th, 2008

mayanThere are many theories about the sudden end of the Mayan culture. One of the most evident theories is associated with a change of the climate. Mayan culture ended around 800 BC. At that time the world was suffering from the Medieval Warm Period.

At the time of the collapse of Mayan Culture the Culture of Europe was in what was called the Dark Ages. The Dark Ages are part of a longer period called the Middle Ages.

Between 450 and 700 the Chinese Empire is surrounded by the most impressive wall ever built in human history. The wall was built to stop the invasions of the Huns.

The Medieval Warm Period had a big impact on the Huns. They were unable to enter China to take the food they needed. They moved along the Wall to the West.

HunsThe Huns were superior in warfare and drove many tribes deep into the declining Roman Empire. These tribes invaded Europe and started to create their own territories. Between 700 and 950 the territories are transformed into stable kingdoms. The tribes changed their nomad culture and settled.

The only stable power at that time is the Church of Rome. Because of the famous rule and divide policy of the Roman Empire they did not destroy the Kingdoms but created alliances.

The Church of Rome gave the new leaders worldly and spiritual power. The believe systems of the “barbarian cultures” were fused with the believe system of the Roman Church. The Christian Saints replaced the old Gods and the Old rituals were replaced by Christian Rituals.

plagueDuring the late Middle Ages everything went wrong. The climate changed again dramatically. It became terribly cold (the Little Ice Age). The Plague killed 60% of the population. The Kingdoms expanded and got into conflict and the Church of Rome became internally divided. This ended with a schism.

As you see history is highly influenced by the Climate.  A warm climate causes big problems with the water supply and the production of food. Many tribes started or were forced to move. The Huns and the warm climate destroyed the Roman Empire. The warm climate also destroyed the Mayan Empire.

renaissance artWhen the temperature went down a stage of compression started. The tribes settled and compressed into kingdoms. The kingdoms compressed into Empires (The Holy Roman Empire, France, England, Spain). At the end of this compression the Renaissance started. With the start of the Renaissance the temperature started to rise again.

There is a huge correlation between the rise and fall of empires and the rise and fall of temperature. It is not clear what causes what. The periodicity of the Cycle of the Climate and the Cycle of Culture (about 1200 years) is the same.

Many people now believe that the rise of cultures causes the rise of temperature. They call it global warming and believe C02 is the enemy.

Perhaps it is the other way around.

Imagine global temperature is rising the next decades. This will cause the movement of many “tribes”. Just like the Huns they will avoid the Economic and Military walls that are created. When there is no place to go they have no choice. The choice is a certain death or a possibility to take part in the rich Western Culture. The West is still able to buy all the food that is needed although the prices of commodities are rising like hell.

How will we be able to stop them?  Are we able to see them perish? Do we have to build a Chinese Wall again?

Imagine we are entering a little or a even big Ice Age. This will affect the Western Culture the most. There is new data out now that show that the mean global temperature has fallen one full degree Fahrenheit since last year. In fact, global average temperature over the last twenty years peaked ten years ago (in 1998).

What can we do to save the West? When we perish who will help us?

About The Industrial Revolution

Thursday, April 3rd, 2008

industrial revolutionThe Industrial Revolution started with the mechanization of the textile-industry (1740-1790) in England.

A new collaboration concept the Mill, later translated in the Factory, is invented. The Industrial Revolution is preceded by the Renaissance.

The Renaissance is a Creative Phase.

The Industrial Revolution is a Social phase. A Social phase changes the way people cooperate.

Small scale cooperation structures were destroyed and replaced by large-scale cooperation structures.

The Industrial Revolution not only changed the way people cooperated in labour. It also changed the way Cities and Countries cooperated.

At the end of this phase (the Second World War) Europe and the World (UN, China, and India) started to Unite. Cooperation on the Level of the World became possible but was finally not realized.

The French Revolution (1789) breaks the power of the Aristocracy. The Bourgeois (the merchants, the entrepreneurs, the middle class) use the Mill to produce cheap standardized products on a large scale. They became the new Rulers of Society.

The mill and later the factory not only destroyed the Aristocracy.

It also destroyed the Small Scale Collaboration Structure of the Guilds. The Guilds, operating on the level of the City, took care of almost everything at that time.

They operated hospitals, educational facilities and insurance. When the mills turned into factories many people lost their job. The big cities were populated with very poor and hungry people.

Nobody took care of the sick and the old. They became the Prolitariat, the Under-Class. The existence of the Prolitariat produced a huge tension in society.

russian revolution2This tension was resolved when many pressure groups or movements (Conservatives, Liberals, Socialists, and Communists) finally agreed upon new large scale institutions.  

The State, Parliament, Democracy, Voting, and The Union came into existence.

The Social Welfare State was constructed. Government took care of almost everybody.

The first Cotton Mill was opened in 1742. In 1762 Hargreaves invents the spinning jenny. It was operated by hand.

With the invention of the steam-machine (1769, Watt) manual labour was not needed anymore.

In 1785 the first mill was opened that used a steam-machine (the power loom).

The Steam Machine became a Major Paradigm. It highly influenced Physics (ThermoDynamics, Entropy) and Psychology (Freud).

steam_engineIn 1781 Kant wrote his book Kritik der reinen vernunft. He excluded the Imagination (illusions) and the Emotions (love, care, values, quantity) out of reasoning and introduced the concept of mechanized thinking (Logic). Kant excluded Art (Imagination) and Religion (the Emotions) and invented Science.

Mechanized (Scientific) Thinking was used to Optimize the Mill. Slowly it grew into a (big) factory. At the end of the Industrial Revolution Logical reasoning produced its most briljant artefact, the All Purpose Computer. The Computer became a major Paradigm.

The-Railroads-Of-The-World-124Between 1790 and 1840 the world was covered with Railroads. They facilitated the spread of the Industrial Revolution.

Cities flourished and died according to the distance to a railroad station (A node). Many infrastructures were created in this period (Telephone, Sewers, Water, Gas, and Electricity). Later the concept of the railroad was implemented in Traffic (Highway) and Computers (networks, hubs, servers). The Railroad Network became a major Paradigm.

Mechanic thinking resulted in Standardization. Between 1890 and 1940 Mass-production, Mass-consumption and Mass-media dominated society.

TFordThe first step was set by Henry Ford and Frederick Winslow Taylor with the production of the T-Ford. The theories of Taylor are until now (most of the time not recognized) used in many forms to optimize work-processes.

The end of optimization is reached when everything is turned into a Utility. A Utility is a Network that operates without Human Beings and transports Objects.

When we look at the Industrial Revolution from a higher perspective we can see the elements of the Cycle at work.

A phase of Creativity is followed by a Social Phase. It is the phase of Power Conflicts (Competition) and the construction of new Movements, new Groups and finally of new Institutions (The State, The Corporation).

The Hierarchy was the major control paradigm of this period. Everybody wanted to move to “the Top”. The Race to the Top was also visible in architecture. The SkyScraper with the Management at the Top became the Symbol of Power.

watching tvThe Industrial Revolution gave the Masses, the Slaves of the Middle Ages a better place. They changed from a Slave into a Consumer.

The Slave was dominated by his Owner. A Consumer is dominated by his Senses. On the Macro-level we see a move from the world-view of Control/Social (Master/Slave) to a Sensory/Social-pattern.

Will Mc Whinny called the Game of Sensory/Social The Game of the Market. The Industrial Revolution produced the Game of the Market.

At the end of this period the Masses controlled the Market. We are now in a demand oriented economy. This created a big problem for the mass-producers.

They controlled the masses and are desperatly trying to keep their position by Manipulation of the Media.

What is Going to Happen?

stock marketOn the level of the Kondratiev-cycle (Period 50 years) a phase of Creativity and the Individual was started in 1950.

This phase ended around 2000.

The move to the Individual challenged the structures of Mass-Production. People wanted to be treated as a Unique Human Being.

Industry found a solution to this need. They invented Mass Customization and User Involvement and went on with the Game of the Market.

This phase is now followed by a Social Phase (Start 2000). The Customer (the new Ruler) is organizing itself in Smart Customer Networks.

The Very Long Cycle (Precession, Period 25.000 years) and the Cycle of Culture (Periodicity 1250 year) is also changing its focus.

On the level of Culture we are moving to the Centre. We are converging on a new and unknown level, Earth. During the Social Phase of the Industrial Revolution huge collaboration structures were formed (EG, UN, NATO, China, India, …). These structures are challenged by the Individual in the Next Phase. The solution of this conflict is a network of small local structures that is part of a large global network (“Think Global, Act Local”).

The precession cycle is moving from the Dark Phase into the Light. This is the most interesting and unknown development. Current Human history has never experienced a shift from the Kali Yuga to the Golden Age. The Golden Age is a period of intense spiritual development, a movement to a New Level of Conscioussness.

It shows itself in a move to religion and mysticism but also in a new awareness about what is really happening in the world.  This new awareness is frightening to most of the people. They cannot understand the major changes that are visible. The predictable future is gone. Everything is on the move and the movement is excellerating culminating in Point Omega, the Big Leap into Nothingness.  

Long Term Phases always dominate short term phases. The effect of this will be tremendous and almost unpredictable.  An unpredictable future is a Future without a Perspective.

Some people expect a dramatic negative change. They are waiting for the Apocalyps. Some people expect the Return of Paradise and a jump to a higher consciousness.

I really don’t know what will happen.

If you read my blogs I am constantly trying to find the solution of this very complex conjunction of cycles. I keep you informed. 

Why Employees are the best Salesman

Thursday, April 3rd, 2008

The parts of most organization are not only internally disconnected by the trap op the Tower of Babel. The internal dialogue has stopped.

Most organizations are also externally disconnected to their primary source of wealth, the customer. If the organization of the customer is in the same state of confusion the problem seems to be unsolvable.

The solution to this problem is really easy. To solve the problem we have to leave behind the concept of the hierarchical organization.

We have to realize that an organization is a network of human beings and this network is connecting many organizations.

It is proven that every human on earth is connected by a chain that has a maximum of seven steps. When we look at a specialized network the amount of steps is much lower (in general three). Most of the managers don’t realize this.

The consequence of this shift in paradigm is that every employee of every organization is a potential customer and a salesman.

A programmer is selling to programmers, a trainer is selling to trainers, a manager is selling to managers and a CEO is selling to CEO’s. They all tell a different story but the story they tell is understood by their partners in the Network. If we are able to connect all the different stories by organizing a dialogue of understanding, a generic story will be created. Creating a joint story (a myth) takes time but it is not necessary to wait for the perfect story. Every story that resonates is a good story.

It is not wise for a programmer to spend all his time in selling. His main task is to program. The solution to this problem is to combine “working and selling”. When a programmer works in the organization of the customers, doing his job, he is selling. A good performing motivated programmer sells without selling.

A software package is easily sold if the employees of the company use their own tools and are enthusiastic about the use of the tools.

The consequence of this insight is that a software company has to use his own product all the time and focus itself on “doing joint projects”. A combination of employees of the customer and employees of the software company will speed up the dialogue.

A very important point is to create short-term and long-term feedback-mechanisms. We have to close the cycle at every level as soon as possible.

The effect of feed-back is that every action of every employee returns on himself when the cycle is closed. The employee is able to take responsibility, learn from his mistakes and improve his behavior. If this is done on every level, the organization will spiral. It will move up without loosing the whole.

Now we have to find out what connection will be the most effective. It is the area where we have to focus the efforts of the specialists in selling. Again we have to look at the cycle of business. We have to find the generator of business in society. If we find this generator it will propagate the package in every network if the myth of the package runs like a fire.

Everybody knows that the generator in business is the Small and Medium Enterprise (SME). Selling to SME’s is simple when you are able to convince the entrepreneurs. Big companies are also networks of SME’s. The priority of sales has to be given to the entrepreneurs in business. Most of the time they are situated in what is called the Business Unit in a Big Company.

To sell you need to talk the language (tell the story) of the Entrepreneur. The consequence of this Insight is that Sales People have to be former entrepreneurs in Business that are still acting in their network. These people are called charismatic leaders or boundary spanners.