Posts Tagged ‘Something’

About Morality and Ethics

Tuesday, August 5th, 2008

Eyal Weizman wrote an article about the Isreali Army. To his surprise they are using the work of Deleuze and Christopher Alexander to define “Post-Modern” tactics. When you read the article you will see how clever the Army uses the insights of people who never had an idea that their insights should be used to kill and terrorize innocent people.

Somehow you Feel that it is Wrong that a “Killing-Machine” is using the theories that were developed to bring Harmony and Beauty (Christopher Alexander) to the world.

Ethics shows itself in two ways Norms and Values. The first part is about Morality. People have developed Rules to determine what is Good and what is Bad Behavior. Rules are prohibiting the Freedom to Act. Every time people override these rules because they have a different theory about Good and Bad or are Forced to Act in a certain Context. Most of the time We Act without Thinking.

There is no reason to subject all the actions we undertake to the criterion: Is it free or not? Freedom is only for certain acts. There are all sorts of acts that do not have to be confronted with the problems of freedom. They are done solely, one could say, to calm our disquietude: all our habitual and machinal acts. We will speak of freedom only when we pose the question of an act capable or not of filling the amplitude of the soul at a given moment” (Deleuze).

Values are part of the Emotions. They are “personal rules” that determine the behavior of humans. Most of the time the values are not known to the person that uses the “rules“. A person = “his values“. They show themselves when he (or she) is Acting.

When we observe a person for a long time or the person observes himself (introspection) the values show themselves. If the values show themselves the person develops a personal ethics, an inner voice, the conscience.

The fundamental question of ethics is not “What must I do?” (which is the question of morality) but rather “What can I do, what am I capable of doing (which is the proper question of an ethics without morality). Given my degree of power, what are my capabilities and capacities? How can I come into active possession of my power? How can I go to the limit of what I “can do“? (Daniel Smith).

The astonishing thing is not that some people steal or that others occasionally go out on strike, but rather that all those who are starving do not steal as a regular practice, and all those who are exploited are not continually out on strike” (Deleuze) .

People are driven by their Emotions AND they are capable to Control their Emotions. They control their Emotions when they apply Norms (Thinking, Morality) or when they use their Conscioussness.

The Primary Emotions, are those that we feel first, as a first response to a situation. If we are threatened, we feel fear or anger. When we hear of a death, we may feel sadness. They are un-Thinking responses that we have. The Primary Emotions are not controlled by our Thinking or our “Inner Voice”. The Primary Emotions are sometimes called Desires or Drives.

The System We Live In has created many situations where our Desires are activated. All the efforts of Marketing are directed at overriding the Consciouss. All the Efforts of Propaganda are used to motivate Soldiers to Kill out of Anger.

“Reason is always a region carved out of the irrational-it is not sheltered from the irrational at all, but traversed by it and only defined by a particular kind of relationship among irrational factors. Underneath all reason lies delirium and drift” (Deleuze).

The Personal Values are overridden when something or someone activates the Desires. Everybody is Able to Kill or Harm another Being if the Right Situation is Created.

Everything that helps me to preserve my existence I take to be Good and everything that goes against my existence or the I take to be Bad. What is good is what is useful, relative to my existence, and what is bad, is what is dangerous, relatively speaking, to my continued existence. My existence or the existence of my family or group is a major priority when I act. The problem arises when different groups are trying to exist in the same context.

Are people doing something Wrong when something is activating something they are not controlling? Are we Responsible for our Desires? I don’t think so.

When we look at the “causal chain” we can see that there are somewhere consciouss people (the “architects“) who have created and perfected “killing-machines” to secure the existence of their people (The Jews). They have used their rational abilities to find a reason why they are doing this. A reason might be to protect their family and their children. They fear (a primary emotion) something is going to happen. They develop technology, methods and scenario’s to prohibit “this” from happening. Again they are “deep within” activated by something they don’t control.

Are they doing something Wrong when something is activating something they are not controlling? The Causal Chain does not give an answer. Everywhere we find the Invisible Power of Desire. Underneath all reason lies delirium and drift. We are a Body and a Soul. In this World we have Live with the Body, the Perfect Desire-Machine.

Pushing to the utmost what one can do is the properly ethical task” (Deleuze).

All one must do is experiment with what is, to create the new. Are the architects of the Army doing their utmost best to prevent a conflict? Are they able to use their technology to make a better use of the available resources?

The principles of Alexander identify the character of Living Systems. The principles are not there to Kill but to make a Living. I am sure the military architects did not fully understand his books. Perhaps they can ask him to help.


The 15 principles of Alexander to Create a Living System


About Coding the Context

Tuesday, May 13th, 2008

According to Bahktin a Code is a deliberately killed Context. In this Blog I try to Code the Context without Killing it.

The word Context is derived from the Latin word con-textere which means Weaving (Textere) together (Con). The word textere is connected to words like Text, Archi-tect (Carpenter), Tech-nology (Craftmanship), Tekhne (Art), Textile, Texture and Textura (Web, Structure).

A Context is Something that Surrounds Something Else, Puts Something on its Place or Relates Something to Something Else that has a stronger Foundation. Other words that are part of the same Family are Frame of Reference, Setting, Environment, Background, Situation, Ambience, Circumstances, Fabric and Framework.

We can Taste, Smell, Feel (the Texture of the Skin), Create (Weaving), Look (Structure) and Emerge in a Context (Become One). Tasting, Hearing, Feeling and Smelling are Context-Independent. When we Taste, Hear, Touch or Smell we are In The Context.

Our Eyes are the Senses that are Context-Dependent. A Context changes when we Move Away from the Context. A Context is highly dependent on our Frame of Reference, our Point of View. If we change our Focus the context becomes vague or changes into another context. If we look at the Right Distance with the Right Angle the context is clear. We have reached the state of Clarity.

When we Move UP a context becomes a Surface. Moving Up changes the Landscape. Many Contexts merge into a One. When we have lost track we have to climb to a point where we can have an Overview. If we leave the Landscape and use an airplane the Landscape changes into a Map.

When we need to have an Overview we have to find the Right Scale. The word Scale means climbing and when we climb we stay in the Landscape that contains the Context we want to Observe.

When we look at a Context we can look at the Whole or we can look at the Parts. When we have no knowledge of the Context we are not able to define the Parts. There are infinite ways of defining the parts and all the time we define parts the Context disappears. The Parts become a context of their own.

If we understand the context we are able to determine the Whole and the Parts. When the context is created by a Human (an Archi-tect, Carpenter) we recognize the Whole by one or more distinctive Parts. A Door or a Window stands for a House. When the context is part of Nature we have no knowledge of the causal chain of creation. Nature is a Wonder, a Web that was never Woven.

If the context was constructed and we know about the Context we are able to arrange the parts and reconstruct the Context. If we have no idea about the genesis of the Context we are unable to reconstruct the Whole. If the context is destroyed we will never be able to repair it. Never deconstruct a context you don’t understand. You will never be able to recreate it.

If the context was created by a Craftsman (Tech-nology) You will always see the Sign of the Craftsman. A Craftsman is the creator of Art (Teckne) and strangely enough a piece of Art is never Perfect. When the Context is made by a Machine it is Perfect.

If we look at a Context we can point to it to show it to Others. We have to realize that the Others have a different Point of View. They see something else.

When we point to the Context and we want to make our point we can utter a sound. The sound can be related to the Whole (“house”) or to a Part (“window”). If the Other understands the Context he will recognize the Pointed Sounds and reply with his own Sounds (“huis”, “raam”). In this way we can reach mutual understanding about the Context. If You know about the Context and the other does not know about the Context he will only recognize the Whole but not the Parts.

We will never be able to utter enough words to describe the Context. A Context is a Picture and “a Picture Paints a Thousand Words”. When you want to explain a Context to Others make a Picture. Don’t use a Map because a Map is the result of a movement Up to get an Oversight. When you move to High you are Abstracting and Nobody will Understand you’re Abstraction. “A Map is not the Territory”

When you Ex-Plain something you are moving something out of “the plain” (a Flat Surface) to the Right Level. You have to move from the flat level of the Map or the Picture to the 3 dimensions of the Earth. Always take people with you to the Context and show them what is really happening out there. An explanation of a Map will never recreate the Experience of the Exploration of the real Territory.

A Context is always connected to the Emotions. You love the Animal. A house remembers you of your Childhood and you feel nostalgia. When you experience Beauty you have discovered the Whole. When the Emotions take you away you are not Focused. Look at the Context with the Eyes of an Innocent Child.

A Context always moves in Time. A house is designed, build, used and destroyed. The influence of Time can only be seen of you visit the Context often. If you are visiting the Context for the first time you can listen to others who tell the Stories that are connected to the Context. Sometimes a Context is a Focal point of many Stories. It has attracted many Visitors and has changed from an Object to a Texture. The Context is weaved by the experiences of many people (Con-textere).

The origin of the word Thinking is Thenkon which means “Making Visible” (I don’t See the Point, Insight). Thinking was also related to “Standing in the Middle” (Understand). To think you have to stop in the Center of the Context (The Right Point Of View). Later the meaning changed. Thinking became related to the Ears and Listening. The word Dumb means Deaf and you are Stupid when you don’t listen to the Person who Knows everything. When Thinking moved to the Head it became without Feeling. Think with you’re Body.

If you want to understand a Context walk around in the Landscape and Observe from the Right Point of View. Listen to the Stories of Others who have already found Clarity. Don’t believe you are Stupid when you’re Ears function. If you lost Oversight climb to the Right Scale but never leave Earth. If you do this the Worlds becomes flat and changes into a Map.

Act like a Crafsman. Use the Tech-nology of Your Body (Senses, Emotions, Imagination,Expectation) to Create Art (Tehkne). Never strive for perfection but improve Your Self. Weave (Textere) Beautifull Stories that bring Clarity to people that Think they are Dumb but cannot See.

Enjoy The Web (Textura) that was never Woven.


How to Kill a Context (in Dutch)

About Bhaktin

About Music as a Utility, The Vision of Ger Leonard

Tuesday, April 15th, 2008

The Utility as a concept is hot. Many visionaries predict “something” will be sold and consumed like “Water, Gas or Electricity”. It will flow through the Internet directly into our User-Interface (Mobile Phone, Television, ..) and we will pay a “flat fee” for every thing.

Like all “hot issues”, hypes and trends there is something wrong and something right. Finding out “what’s wrong” gives us an idea about the reality of the vision.

I want to concentrate this blog on the future of Music or Music 2.0, a free downloadable book of visionair Gerd Leonard. In his book he has formulated eight trends.

1. Music Like Water: Music is no longer a product but a service. Music became a product with the advent of recording (records, tapes, CDs) and the formation of an industry that quickly fig­ured out that selling the bottle can make a lot more money than only selling the wine. For the future, think of a “record label” as a “music utility company.”

2. A Bigger Pie, but Cheaper Slices: Today’s music pricing schemes will be completely eroded by digital music services (legal and, mostly, otherwise) and by stiff competition from other entertainment products. A “liquid” pricing system will emerge, involving subscriptions, bundles of various content types, multi-channel/multi-access charges, and countless add­ed-value services.

3. Diverse and Ubiquitous: A wide range of music will be eve­rywhere, and music will be part of everything that used to be “images only”: from rich media advertising to interactive slide­shows to car software to MMS and digital cameras, to advertis­ing in magazines (!), the audiovisual use of music will soar, and the licensing revenues will explode along with it.

4. Access to Music will Replace Ownership: Soon, consumers will have access to “their” music anytime, anywhere, and the physical possession of it will in fact be more of a handicap, or a knack of collectors. Music will feel (and act) like water.

5. Multi-point Access to Music will be the Default Environ­ment, allowing consumers to fill up their music devices at air­ports, train stations, and in coffee shops and bars, using all kinds of wireless connections as well as other on-demand and ad-hoc networking technologies.

6. Go Direct: Major artists will increasingly rely on their own “brandability” and – via their managers – go direct to the con­sumers, using their own in-house marketing, branding, and promotion teams.

7. The Software Pro: The (performing) rights organizations (PROs) as we know them will likely fade away. Complete tech­nology solutions comprised of watermarking and fingerprint­ing, so-called DRM and (better) CRM components, monitor­ing, admin/accounting, and instant payment solutions will do the job quicker, cheaper, and, of course, with complete trans­parency.

8. Mobile Mania: Cell phones and other wireless devices will eventually utilize and suck up more “content” than any Inter­net service or P2P client ever has. Real-music ringtone offer­ings, Multi-Media SMS (MMS), Java-based games, wireless streaming audio and video, i-Mode type applications, and other cell-phone based offerings will proliferate very quickly, at first in Europe and Asia, followed by the U.S.

What wrong with his predictions?

His vision is based on the fact that we are able to digitize something (music) and transport this something through a pipeline (a broadband network) and re-digitize it with a specialized device.

The first thing that is special in his vision is that there is really nothing that relates to Music.

It is applicable to Anything that is Digitizable. Let’s call them Dthings. Dthings are the Inputs for our Senses. The Dthing-model is a highly used model. It supposes that the Human Being is a Computer (or perhaps better a Robot).

What everybody forgets are aspects of Human Beings like Emotions, Imagination and Context. These aspects have to be balanced. Emotions (or Mood, Taste) play a special role in Music. Music triggers the Emotional part of the Human. The emotions are highly context-dependent. Classical Music in a Beat Environment doesn’t fit.

Music is not confined to the Ears. The whole body is capable of listening. An Ear-plug gives only a part of the sensation music can give you.

Does an extended model of the Human Being prohibit something in the Vision of Gerd Leonard?

Yes and No.

It must be possible to expand the Devices into a complete Music-environment (A Digital Theatre). Digital Theatres are already on the market. It will only block his 8th part of his vision, Mobile Mania.

Digital Theatres are unable to replace a Real Performance of an Artist. In a real performance not only the music, the musicians and the environment but also the public plays an important role. The right combination of all of them generates Spirit (Enthusiasm). The need to experience the “real thing” will rise when “Music as Water” will be available.

The next thing that will cause a lot of trouble is Indexing. It will be impossible to categorize all the Dthings in the Musical Jukebox Leonard will create. Even worse, indexing will start the “Google-effect”. Artist (or their representing companies) will have to pay to get attention.

Is there something “on the market” that will replace “Music like Water”?


Let’s call it “Instant Mood”.

Many people take drugs (Alcohol, Pills) to enhance the Experience of Music.

The connection between the device and the body will be improved. In the end there will be a direct connection between the brain and the outside. People will take a simple neural plug-in that will connect them to a Mood-Simulator.

If people want to Get into a Mood why will they need Music if the connector is able to generate every mood they want?

This development is called Mind Control and Mind Control is “On Its Way”. It is already used in the Army and it will find its way into business soon.

Many problems I have mentioned are gone. We don’t need Artists anymore. The Amount of Choice will reduce dramatically so a Classification System is not needed.

Instant Mood will really Flow like the Waves of Emotion.

There is only one little problem.

Mind Control can be used to manipulate Every Body into Every State. So if Instant Mood is operational we have to Prevent this to Happen.


Every body will be Happy all the Time.

We are finally in Paradise.

About Smart Customer Networks or How Free Love will finally Kill the Big Companies

Wednesday, March 26th, 2008

For many years I read the briefings of This month their trend is named Free Love. It is all about giving away products for free. They show that when you are smart you can get almost everything for free if you are able to cope with the advertisments.

The products are given away for free because somebody else is paying the costs or the consumer is paying for something else. The major trend is to give products for free because they are payed by advertisers.

You have to understand that this is a very dangerous trend. It is a dangerous trend because when you are an intelligent customer you are able to navigate through “free space” and get almost everything you want for free. The “free love”-trend is killing business in the end.

The funny thing is that companies are paying for their own destructing. They don’t see or don’t want to see that somewhere there is a global competitor who is selling their products for a price they are unable to offer without using the same model.

The most interesting part is that the advertisement that they are paying for is not speeding up their sales at all. It is speeding up the desire to get something that looks like what they are selling.

The desire also generates the need to produce new products. To stay in the rat race they have to innovate at an increasing speed to keep up with the market.

The only companies that are able to do this are global companies that are a global brand. A good example is Nike. They produce trendy products and their customers are paying a huge price for a product that is produced for a very low cost (in China). They even give their customers an opportinity to speed up the innovation process of Nike by designing new products.

Nike and other trendy producers aim at customers who are trend-followers. By creating a customer-lab they make use of customers that are trend-generaters. If they are able to connect the trend-generaters to the trend-followers they will stay in business.

If the trend-makers are able to connect to the trend-followers without the Nike-infrastructure Nike is out-of-business. You can see this trend already in software-development. It is called The Open Source movement.

The Open Source Movement give away software for free but let the customer pay for innovation. You only pay when you want something new and you want something new when you are accustomed to something old.

At this moment many customers don’t know how to mis-use the Free Love-trend. They are “stupid” or “lazy” but like every trend in the end the amount of “smart customers” will increase. In the end they will create Smart Customer Networks.

Smart customers become smart citizens when they want to use political pressure to accomplish something. They join or create pressure groups. When a smart customer gets sick he becomes a smart patient.

He searches the Internet to find the cause of his problems, joins a community of people with the same illness, asks an expert for advice and gives all the information he has gathered to his general practitioner or his medical specialist. There he negotiates his treatment. If he does not get the medicine he wants he is able to buy it somewhere on the Internet.

Most of the companies and government agencies cannot capture the smart consumer. He is navigating from vendor to vendor, from one pressure group to another, always looking for the best fit.

The needs of this kind of customer are constantly changing and expanding. Smart customers are not only buying services in the network, they are inventing, developing and selling their own products combining components from different vendors.

Smart customers can save a company and governments a lot of money. They take over the activities of high paid specialists. Vendors that understand this issue, cooperate with the customer in every stage of their processes.

They let them sell the product (through their personal network), make it possible to assemble their own combinations, give them information about the state of the process, help them to enhance their network and skills and let them even participate in the development of new products.

Not everybody has the time, the money, the facilities, the network or the capabilities to make optimal use of all the opportunities of the Internet. The number of smart consumers and the amount of smart customer networks is growing very rapidly. They are leading a new revolution that will change the marketplace and eventually every aspect of our culture.

The Industrial age is the age of mass production. The Taylor school of management dominated the organization of business. Taylor believed one should manage people (and customers) in the same way one manages inanimate assets and the machines on which people work. Mechanization and standardization of components and interfaces, careful supervision of quality standards, and minute division of labor characterize the mass production process itself.

The division of labor was accomplished by breaking down work into simple, repetitive tasks eliminating unnecessary motion and limiting the handling of different tools and parts. The consequent reduction in production time and the ability to replace craftsmen with lower-paid, unskilled workers or even robots resulted in lower production costs and a less expensive final product.

After the phase of mass production, the industry is now in the phase of mass customization. By carefully standardizing it is possible to make a distinction between components that customers like to vary (mostly visible) and parts that are part of the essential (invisible) infrastructure. A good example is the production line of Dell computers where customers can choose their own configuration.

A next step is to involve the customer in the design-process of the product (Customer Innovation). Companies like BMW or Audi give customers already access to innovation platforms where average drivers are invited to create the next generation of cars.

The move from Mass Production to Smart Customer Networks is the move from one united production and sales model aimed at the customer, to a network-model involving the customer in all stages. The challenge is to combine large-scale mass-production with small-scale user-involvement. It will be impossible to coordinate all the processes from one single point of control. Many coordinators have to synchronize their activities.

Manufacturers, retailers and customers have to act together in a collaboration network. Retailers and suppliers have to maintain customer relationships by sharing customers, margins, and intangibles like brand, as well as jointly planning marketing, merchandising, and sales activities and becoming more like companions (in a good marriage) than master and servant.

Mass Customization and Customer Innovation puts a high strain on the customer. The amount of choices a customer has to make is constantly increasing. The number of possible combinations of components that relate to a product and to a combination of components of different products will soon surpass the complexity a human being can handle. People simply do not have the time and the cognitive capacity to make all the choices that are needed. This problem can only be resolved when product-developers take the capabilities of the complete human cognition system into account.

Mass Customization and Customer Innovation give the customer a small stake in the business cycle. The customer is treated as a consumer and not as a co-producer. All the major design-decisions are still made by the executives in the corporation. In the future customers want to be treated on an even footing.

If customers really get frustrated, they can generate an enormous collective power. With this power, they can change the policies of a corporation (e.g. the Brent Spar affair of Shell) or even take over the complete business cycle.

A war between consumers united in Smart Customer Networks and the Big Corporations is not in the benefit of both the competitors. They have to cooperate and combine their expertise. The big problem is that organizations, supply chains and their supporting systems were never designed to be demand driven. The challenge is to find an evolutionary path where a new fully collaborative infrastructure cooperates with the existing legacy-systems and business-processes.

What would You do when You were able to Create your own Reality?

Monday, February 11th, 2008
If you believe that you are creating your own reality you are responsible for your own diseases. This sounds like a logical conclusion but is this really the case?  The first thing you have to question is if you would create a disease if you could create everything you wanted. The answer is no.  When people are asked to make three (why three?) wishes they always wish good health.

If a disease is not what we want why are people getting sick?

Sickness is a sign of unbalance. When you are sick something in your body is unable to cope with the sickness. The part that unable to cope with is your immune-system. This system is highly connected to your centre or your consciousness. In the Chines theory of acupuncture this centre is connected to the spleen. 

If you are not conscious your immune-system gets into trouble. This gives a first answer to the question.  

When you get sick you are the cause of your own sickness because you have been neglecting the signs of your body that there was a severe unbalance.

Some people will argue that it was impossible to do something about it because external circumstances (virusses, husband, work, etc) where so strong that they unable to do something about it.

When you analyze these situations you will always find that people are able to change the situation but they did not want to take the consequences.

They felt powerless.

Now there is one issue that complicates this discussion and that is death.

At a moment we all die and the dying is caused by something (a sickness?) and this sickness is something else because we have to die some moment.

Perhaps dying is not caused by a sickness but the way we die and the moment we die is programmed in our system.

Perhaps we are able to speed up this moment of death by not keeping our balance.

I think there is a case to make that you are really responsible for all the diseases you get but you are not responsible for the your death if you take the responsibility of keeping your balance.

Death is a fact of life itself.

If we move one level higher things become more complicated. If we move to the level of the soul things change heavily.

They change in two aspects. You have to believe the human being is a soul that is using a vessel called our body and you have to believe that the soul makes a plan when he occupies the vessel. In this plan sickness plays a role.

The main story about the soul is that we are veiled when we enter to body. We forget the plan and we even forget the fact that we are a “soul in a vessel”.

The last point I really doubt. The story of the soul is widespread and is told in a very similar way in all the cultures of the earth. You must have heard about it.

Why is it questioned?

It is questioned by Science because there is no proof. Many people have a knowledge about former life’s. This is not sufficient to imagine that there is something that persists.

If the story of the soul is true the answer to the question becomes even more simple. The answer is that you have chosen to experience what you experience only the part of you that has chosen this experience is not You but something You are on another level.

Would it help if we could discover our plan?

I think this would help a lot because when you know the plan you have finally broken the veal and you are free to do what you want to do.

What would you do?

Let us start with three wishes.

Are we Heading at a Total Collapse of all Systems?

Monday, December 17th, 2007
When I finished my blog about the Great Depression in 1929 I wanted to write about the Great Depression of 2008. I was convinced this would happen again. I am not the only one. Many known and unknown people are warning about a worldwide economic disaster (a deep recession).

The Central Banks are pumping money into the market to prevent this to happen but to their big surprise the market is not able to use this money because the banks are afraid to lend money to other banks because there is no trust at all.

They want to revive the system but the system is in a very special and dangerous state called StagFlation. It is slowing down AND speeding up in terms of prices and the creation of money. Stagflation is something the Economist cannot handle. It is a Catch 22-situation. What you do, it always works against you.

Another problem is caused by the collective believe that things are going wrong. People stop to invest and to buy which generates a downward spiral. You can lower the interest rates to zero but when many people are afraid to buy they don’t need a credit.

The collective believe-system is the most important factor. When the Central Bank is lowering the rates it is telling two stories at the same time. The first story is that it is doing something to help but it also confirms the believe that something is really wrong.

The second story is more powerful than the first story. People don’t believe in the financial system anymore. It has destroyed itself. What the people need is self-confidence and a way to solve their own problems but The System that is there to help them is in trouble itself.

The only way out is that people start to cooperate without the “interference” of the big complex dying systems. The Rich could simply lend their money directly to the “poor” entrepreneurs. There are enough people available to create new businesses but they are simply stopped by the incomprehensible System that has lost its own Entrepreneurship long ago.

The Rich, the Investors, don’t want do this because they don’t know how to trust an Entrepreneur. They want to be helped by experts who really don’t know what they are talking about because they are way beyond the practices of real life. The experts live in a highly abstract world that is dominated by Models and Models have nothing to do with Reality. They are a product of the Imagination. To solve our problems we have to move back to Earth and become Practical again.

In a blog I explained to so called Domino-effect. When one domino falls all the domino’s fall. At this moment all the banking-domino’s are preventing the domino-effect to take place. They are afraid they will lend something to another bank that will fall.

The banks are unable to show their credibility because they are unaware of their own risks. The financial structure of a bank has become incomprehensible because of the very complex products based on expectations and the failing IT-Systems that are unable to show what is really happening. Everything is connected to everything. The financial community is a highly complicated knot.

Many people are trying to comprehend the current situation but they are missing the right theory. Suddenly I remembered the Resilience Alliance (RA). They have created a beautiful theory to explain ecologies. It is not difficult to see that the financial system is an ecology.

RA has defined an adaptive cycle with four distinct phases: growth, conservation, collapse and reorganization. The cycle contains two major phases, the fore-loop (growth and conservation) and the back-loop (collapse and reorganization).
At that time an Innovation in Religion came into the World. This innovation can be summarized by the famous statement of Socrate Know Thyself. When we Know Our Selves we will be inspired by our Inner Light. Know Thyself has been translated into many practical approaches like Socratic Learning, Socratic Decision Making (Sociocracy) and of course the Cooperation.

The most important point is not to believe in the Apocalyps but to understand that a collapse is always followed by growth and conservation but on a new level. Believing in the End will generate the End. Our collective imagination is one of the strongest forces on Earth. Look for the signs of the new structure that will enfold out of the old one. Join people that are driven by Spirit and Soul. They are everywhere.

The back-loop is a rapid phase. During the fore-loop wealth is slowly accumulated and competitive processes lead to a few dominant species. The fore-loop destroys diversity. This is what happening in nature and it looks like the same thing is happening in other human ecologies. When most of the diversity is gone the ecology is highly connected and vulnerable to external influences. When something unexpected happens the total ecology collapses.

My feeling is that we are now in a state were many ecologies are collapsing at the same moment. They are collapsing because Nature is collapsing at an impressive speed. We are not heading for a Great Depression but we are heading for the Big Collapse.

The back-loop is a rapid phase. Suddenly the Weather changes with an incredible speed. Suddenly the Financial Market is evaporating and we are unable to do anything. Suddenly major conflicts start and we are unable to manage them with the current systems.

According to RA after the collapse the ecology reorganizes itself by jumping back to a “hidden” state that was stored in its memory a very long time ago.

How far back do we have to go in history to find our rescue? In another blog I wrote about the destructing cycle that was caused by a new insight that was given to the world by Socrate and the Buddha.

About Memory

Thursday, November 29th, 2007

There are three types of memory very-short (sensory), short and long term memory. All the memories are indexed. Long-term memory is semantically indexed. The bridge between short- and long term memory is sleep.

When the body sleeps all the power of the Human Computer is used to index and compress the data that is gathered during the day.

Memory acts in two ways. It produces data when you want to retrieve the data and it produces data you don’t want to recall (remembering). Sometimes you remember something you don’t want to remember. It is even possible to remember something that never happened or to create memories about something that never happened.

If you read the previous lines in an observer-mode you will see that almost all the language I use is related to a “Computer Metaphor”.

Thinking about memory (and many more issues) is highly influenced by the way we build computers.

When we go back in time we find that memory was related to something called a Locus. A locus is a location or place. A beautiful example is a “Memory Palace“. You create a building and fill it with rooms and the rooms with attributes. Every room and attribute is related to something you want to remember. The technique of the Memory Palace produces spectacular results.

David Grove is a very innovative therapist. He discovered that the best way to help his patients was to ask 9 questions that would least influence the patient in their metaphorical journey. His technique was called Clean Language.

David has since developed his work through Clean Space (moving clients on by literally moving them around in space) and Clean Worlds (which explores the boundaries between spaces). When you use Clean Space you just map your Journey on a (Psycho-) Landscape and visit the LOCI you Feel you Have to Visit. When you feel you are at the Right Location you ask “what do you know now, from that space there? And the answer comes immediately.

The Sanskrit word Akasha means “Space”. According to a very old Indian theory we, the Humans, are not the carryers of memory att all. Everything that happens and will happen is stored in Space.

With the current knowlegde of Science we would say that Memory is stored in an Electro-Magnetic Field. The method of Storage is comparable to a Hologram. Almost nobody believes this is possible. I think they don’t believe it is possible because they don’t know “How it Works”.

Holographic datastorage is recently introduced in the Market. Everybody believes it will work. Almost nobody knows “How it Works”.

Humans are Funny Creatures. We are always looking for NEW LOCI and forget what we have stored at the OLD LOCUS until somebody asks us to stop and look around.

How the Baby Boomers stopped their own Revolution

Tuesday, September 18th, 2007
The Baby Boomers when they were Young

The Baby Boomers when they were Young

When I started to work in 1976 I never heard of something called HRM. My boss hired me.

He discussed my salary and gave me the assignments.

The salary of my colleagues was a secret. I also did not know why my salary was raised. It just happened.

Three years later I was promoted to manager (group leader). I was very surprised this happened.

My new manager (called a section leader) handed me the files of my employees. I had to take care of them.

They contained many secret documents about what the former managers thought about the employee. At that time the managers talked about the employees in complete secrecy.

We, the New Managers, did not like that. We opened up the secret files, destroyed the ”not-objective” data, standardized the data and put the data in a Database later called a HRM-System.

Suddenly I was the one who was responsible for hiring and firing. Every group-leader was different. I was always very open to my employees. We worked as a team to create and maintain software-systems.

I loved to program and design and I never felt the need to stop this. Managing my group was simple. It took about 1 day a week. In this day I had to attend meetings with other managers.

Other group-leaders (mostly much older) were spending all of their time managing their group. I soon found out that they were really managed by their group. They were unable to resist the informal power of some of their employees. When the new salaries were fixed some of them got a lot of money. This became known in my group and I got into trouble.

Why is he paid more than I am paid? He is really doing nothing!

I went to talk with my colleague but he did not want to talk. I talked with my section-leader and I found out that my colleague was his personal friend. He “covered his ass“.

At that time there was a big difference between an employee and a manager. When you became a Manager you became part of an Elite with its own Privileges and Culture. The most important Rule was that people of this Elite always covered the ass of the other members. We, the New Managers, did not like that and we started to destroy the Old Management Culture.

The other group-leaders experienced the same situation. We started to talk about this issue at our Section-meeting. After many discussions we went to talk one level higher (the director). The end result of all our actions was a revolution. We removed all the old powers and took over.

This also happened when I was a student. I was part of the baby-boom-generation that reorganized society. We were the revolutionaries that wanted to create a better society based on the principles of the new age of Aquarius.

Now almost 30 years later my old colleagues and I have created a System that is blocking everything they stood for. Just like my section-leader they want to stay in power.

The Baby Boomers when they were Young

The Baby Boomers when they were Young

The big difference between 30 years ago and now is that the New Revolutionaries have to change a (Software) System. It is impossible to detect the Human Cause of all Evil.

We,  the Baby-Boom Managers have standardized almost everything. The Systems have taken over Control and the Sad Thing is that almost nobody knows what the Systems are really doing. They live a Life of their Own.

It is almost impossible to reach consencus because many many specialized managers are involved and they all defend their own territory. The Sad Thing is that almost nobody knows what their Territory really is about.

Everything is Magically connected to Everything Else by the PatchWork of Overlapping Systems. A Problem in One Area suddenly comes back in a completely different Area.

The only way to accomplish something is to play the Game of Politics. To play the Game of Politics you need to make friends and you have to stay in the right coalition.

To do this you sometimes have to abandon your friends to reach the Goal. The effect is that nobody trusts nobody anymore or friends are covering the Ass of their friends. The effect is that many incidents are covered up. The effect of the cover up is that many people don’t know what is really happening or (worse) many people know what is happening but discuss the issues in a secret place.

The effect of this is that many people are not working at all. They are gossiping all the time. The effect is a loss of productivity and the only Solution we can think of is to implement more Systems.

The most important effect is a Change of Focus. The focus is directed inside the Company and not outside the Company. Outside the Company somebody is providing the money to play the Game. He or She is called the Customer.

The Systems have transformed the Customer into a Standardized Object stored into a Computer.

The Systems have completely Blocked the View on the most important Asset of a Company, the Human.

What Happened?

We developed a system that wanted to treat Everybody the Same Way.

How did we do that?

Step 1: Classify what everybody is doing (programming, designing, project-management …).

Question: When somebody is capable of everything (a talent) what do you do?

Answer: Always start with the lowest classification in this way people believe work is moving Up.

Step 2: Define a Career Path.

Step 2.1. Define Low (junior), Normal and High (senior). Take care that this is a normal distribution. If you do that people keep the believe that a Senior is better than a Junior!

Step 2.2. Define importance. A designer is more important than a programmer. Manager is more important than designer.

Question: Why is a something more important than something else?

Answer: Something is more important when we pay a higher salary. If we do that people start to believe that money is the most important motivator.

Effect: Everybody wants to become a manager because a manager is the best! The negative effect is that a manager does not like the employees in his department who are better. They are his competitors.

Step 3: Define a test to prove you are allowed to move to the next level.

Question: What defines a talented programmer?

Answer: He has finished his training.

Effect: Employees have to spend a lot of time to pass exams. Training becomes more important than experience. People start to act out of the book.

Step 4: Create specialized departments (Training, Security, Data Management, ..).

To save money we started to train people outside the company. The teachers did not have any experience. They knew what was written in the books that were written by people that did not have any experience in the field they were teaching.

Later the teachers changed into consultants and started to tell the employees and the managers how to do it. Doing the trick is easy. Inventing new tricks and implementing the new tricks becomes very difficult. You have to convince many managers.

Effect: Innovation is tricky bussiness. You have to take a risk and when you fail you are out of the carreer-race. Old approaches are implemented with a different name.

Step 5: Create departments that are testing if the employees are doing what the trainers told them to do (Quality Management). When they don’t do what the trainers told them to do we just don’t promote them.


Everybody is Equal.

I hope you see what I am trying to show you. By treating everybody the Same Way we finally have created the Same People. The top (talent) and the bottom (sick, problems at home …) are gone.

We have Equalized the Population.

The steps 1 to 5 are not the only steps. The System has improved itself all the time.

Before the division employees took care of other employees. We have designed a special approach to take care of the sick and other causalities. This has given them a negative status. The effect is that some of them deteriorate and others are afraid to tell what the matter is. They go one when they are sick or they ignore the problems at home. The effect is more problems at home and/or stress-related diseases (Burn-Out).

We have divided managers in groups. Some of them manage resources (!) other use the resources. The effect is the loss of the team-mentality.

We have divided resources into internal and external resources. We hire them from a specialized company. The effect is a loss of company-pride a higher level of the team-mentality.

We have automated almost everything to speed up efficiency. The effect is that we have to know the number (the unique identifier) to know about people. We are unable to enter unique information about a person. They are standardized on a higher level.

We have created a special department called HRM. They are managed top-down. The effect is that at every level we are unable to create a unique solution for a unique situation.

The Baby Boomers when they were Young

The Baby Boomers when they were Young

What To Do?

Work in teams.

Start to talk with the employees again. Be honest and open.

When you feel somebody is special give him a special treatment. Explain this to everybody.

Don’t be afraid to take responsibility for what you have done. Admit mistakes.

Don’t store everything in a database. Forgetting something is a positive thing. It makes is possible to start all over again.

Don’t specialize too much. Get rid of all the departments that are too far away from your primary process, servicing the customer.

Rotate. Don’t keep a person too long in a specialized job. Give experienced people a change to teach or to specialize but never keep them in this job for long.

Stop politics. Never allow that people are playing games with people. Fire people who are playing dirty games.

Surprise people. Don’t plan careers. Give everybody the idea that everything is possible.

Stop the gossiping. Give everybody a change to tell what they don’t like and listen.

Demote. When somebody is incapable to do his job give him the job he is capable of and give him the salary of the job. This stops the expectation that everything always has to move up. When somebody gets into trouble when he is demoted make an exception.

Give employees a chance and the time to help other employees.

Don’t hire too much people outside your company. Give priority to teach your own employees to learn the trick of the outside specialists.

Give your own people the time and the tools to innovate.

Hire outside specialists to do the things that are already stable and repeatable or better automate these activities. They are most of the time very boring. This is a very usefull indication to use IT.


About Long Term Cycles

About Vocation

About the Calvinistic Work Ethic

How to Destroy your Company by Implementing Packages

How the Baby Boomers were Educated

About Knowledge Workers

About the Effects of the French Revolution

Why the Industrial Revolution was a Social Revolution

About the Struggle of the Classes