Posts Tagged ‘Pattern’

About Chaos Theory, Pendulums, Emergence and the New Leaders

Tuesday, October 30th, 2007

Chaos theory describes the behavior of nonlinear dynamic system that may exhibit dynamics that are highly sensitive to initial conditions. As the result of this sensitivity, the behavior of these systems appears to be random. The cases of most interest arise when the chaotic behaviour takes place on an Attractor since then a large set of initial conditions will lead to orbits that converge to a region.

The Dutch Scientist Christiaan Huygens observed that clocks always synchronize. They converge to the same rhythm. How this was possible was resolved when Chaos Theory was developed.

The problem of Huygens is now reformulated as “Coupled Oscillators“. When the Parts of a System are more or less “the Same”, they Unite and start to behave as a Collective.

In recent years it has become more and more evident that well organized structures arise out of chaotic states. The functioning of these systems can be maintained only by a flux of energy (and matter) through them.In contrast to man to man-made machines, which are devised to exhibit special structures these structures develop spontaneously they are self-organizing”.

The appearance of Self-organization is called Emergence. Suddenly a new structure emerges out of the blue.

A few years ago I was asked to participate in an event where many people were drumming. We started with our own rhythms. Suddenly a Pattern Emerged. I felt this pattern and started to play the rhythm. Suddenly everybody Synchronized with my pattern. I was in the Lead and started to play Variations. Suddenly a new pattern appeared. This went on for hours.

When I was drumming I felt there was an new ATTRACTOR emerging. The state before the Pattern Emerged was an “In-Between-State”. Many people felt something was Moving but they did not know where the Pattern was going to.

The world is now in an “IN-BETWEEN-STATE”. Many ATTRACTORS are Possible. The ATTRACTOR is dependent on how many People will be “The Same”.

Some people are Sensitive. They feel the new pattern much earlier than others. They can take the Lead and show others where we are heading to.

In Dutch Politics the new Leaders are visible. They preach the War against Islam just like Pim Fortuyn. They use the Fear to Change as an Attractor. In the Media another type of Leader is visible, The Star. She is using Desire (Ego) to Attract.

We are waiting for other types that use Soul, Spirit and Harmony as an attractor. Some of them will come out of the New Religious Movement (The new Mystics) that is very visible in the Netherlands. Others, Artists, will create new Myths and Music. Others will stimulate People to Take Care of the Others (Charitas). Perhaps One of Them is able to Unite Everybody.

Prepare Yourself for a Spectaculair Change

Tuesday, October 16th, 2007

About A year ago I was writing a strategy for a company. Suddenly I got the idea I was writing something I had already written a long time ago. I got the feeling that “History was repeating itself”.

I started to investigate and suddenly I found a Pattern. The pattern I found was the Kondratiev Cycle.

Behind the Kondratiev Cycle another pattern appeared. Kondratiev related the cycle already to the Seasons. The Seasons where at time also a subject I was investigating.

I was very interested in Acupuncture and Chinese Philosophy. I already found a mapping of the World Views to the Seasons and the theory of narratives of Bahktin. With ease I could translated the themes of the Kondratiev Cycle to Major Narratives. I made a picture and started to calibrate. The dates I found where significant.

Another insight appeared when I started to have a look at the website of The Cycles Research Institute. This Institute has gathered a immense amount of data about cycles.

The most interesting document was a document of the Founder of the Institute (Dewey) where he tried to explain strange relationships between cycles that were “independent”. What he found was something he called Harmonics. Harmonics are created when waves are entangeld. They can be compared to overtones in Music.

The last and most dramatic insight came from Ray Tomes. He found a pattern behind the pattern of the harmonics Dewey discovered. This is his main conclusion “The Universe consists of a standing wave which develops harmonically related standing waves and each of these does the same“.

If you are interested in Religion you will you notice that he is writing a very old “mystical” statement. He is writing about what people in India call The Svara.

The proper translation of the word Svara is the current of life-wave. It is that wavy motion which is the cause of the evolution of cosmic undifferentiated matter into the differentiated universe, and the involution of this into the primary state of non-differentiation, and so on, inand out, for ever and ever. The Svara is the manifestation of the impression on matter of that power which in man is known to us as the power which knows itself“.

The pattern behind “History Repeating itself” was the Current of Life Wave.

What I also found out is that the numbers behind the pattern were related to multiples of 5. I started to calculate “Important dates” and “Major Overtones (Harmonics)” and went back as far as 5000 BC. The pattern fitted. I was completely overwhelmed by the regularity of the clocks and the many levels that were in Motion. The Universe was playing Music, The Music of the Spheres.

The last thing I did was to use the pattern and move forwards in Time. I found a remarkable date (2012). It was the date where many many cycles of history would harmonize (A major conjunction) and “start to swing back“. At that time I did not know about the predictions of the Maya’s and others. I learnt about that a year later.

I can tell you one thing.

Prepare yourself for a very spectaculair time ahead.

Nothing will stay the same.

About Fields

Friday, June 29th, 2007

Get Fit at Home with a Ballet Dancer, a Personal Trainer, and a YouTuber

Oh, the gym — that chapel of chiseled bods and cardio machines — how we miss you. For now, much of our fitness endeavors are largely restricted to the home. However, that doesn’t mean we can’t get gains. Take a look to the latest alpilean reviews.

Here’s some home fitness advice from a few widely-known pros who share their three favorite tips on everything from exercise and nutrition to staying motivated.

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The ballet dancer

Theresa Farrell, ballerina and choreographer, shares her go-to advice for staying fit and fulfilled at home.

1. Dance and do barre

“I can’t say enough about the power of freestyle dance! It doesn’t matter what it looks like — go somewhere alone, turn off the lights, or have an audience — whatever you do, lose yourself in movement.

“Dance to one track a day and watch your days transform. It clears the mind and opens the soul, all while getting you fit! Whether you’re sad and just letting yourself sway through that, or angry and you stomp it out, I have found that once I start moving, my energy levels increase and I approach everything differently.

“Barre is my home base — my whole day feels off if I don’t do it. Whether you danced when you were a kid, have never danced, or know the full ballet vocabulary, doing a classical ballet barre is the cornerstone of the Ballet Bod. Your posture, balance, flexibility, and strength will all increase. And learning choreography is an added mental plus.”

2. Stretch

“Block out 15 minutes 2 days a week to focus on deep stretches. Listen to what your body needs and stay in each stretch for 1 to 3 minutes [with controlled breathing]. Consistency is key. Stick with it and the results will follow.” These are the best weight loss pills for women.

3. Tone those lower abs

“I find most ab routines do not focus enough on the lower abs. My two favorites are:

  1. A plank on my forearms and dropping my hips to the ground before bringing them back to plank position.
  2. Laying on my back with my feet up at a 90-degree angle and lifting my hips off the ground.”

The personal trainer

Autumn Holley, personal trainer and fitness model, shares some well-being habits to make.

1. Manage your mood

“Stress is a given. We all experience it periodically and lately anxiety is constantly rumbling in the background. However we choose to manage these feelings is completely up to us. It starts with acknowledging that we do in fact have a choice.

“As someone who has her own battles, I understand the importance of having a deep toolbox. Exercise, deep breathing, and meditation can all be solitary weapons against depression and worry. Tools like these can remind you that you [don’t have to give in to] your dark thoughts and can provide an outlet to pour energy into.

“One app that’s been helpful for me is Calm. It teaches you how to meditate, bring yourself to a place of peace, and find ways to get a more restful sleep. There is a subscription fee, but if you can stay consistent with the tools, it’s worth it.”

2. Workout circuits

“My #1 reason for working out every day is to maintain my mental health. I can tell myself I did something and feel proud.”