Posts Tagged ‘Garden of Eden’

A City is an Organism

Saturday, February 12th, 2011

The System of Life is growing in size and in complexity, and so do the infrastructures sustaining it.

In the age of social media and online marketing, it’s become increasingly difficult to discern the truth from the hype when it comes to weight loss supplements. LivPure, a product that claims to help individuals shed excess pounds, has generated a significant amount of attention and discussion. However, many consumers have raised concerns about the authenticity of LivPure reviews and the safety of this weight loss solution. In this article, we’ll delve into the LivPure reviews, the science behind it, and whether it’s a safe option for those seeking to lose weight.

Understanding LivPure

LivPure is marketed as a natural weight loss supplement designed to support fat burning, appetite suppression, and increased energy levels. It has gained notoriety through aggressive online advertising and a presence on various social media platforms. While it may seem like a promising solution, it’s essential to evaluate its claims and consider the science behind it.

Fake Hype or Real Results?

One of the primary concerns surrounding LivPure is the authenticity of the reviews and testimonials shared by supposed users. Many individuals have accused the brand of employing deceptive marketing tactics to create a false sense of credibility and success. Some common red flags include:

An abundance of overly positive reviews: LivPure seems to have an unusually high number of glowing reviews and testimonials, which can be indicative of fake accounts or incentivized reviews.

Unrealistic before-and-after photos: Some before-and-after photos associated with LivPure reviews appear to be manipulated or fabricated, further raising doubts about the product’s authenticity.

Lack of scientific evidence: LivPure often makes bold claims about its effectiveness without providing scientific studies or credible sources to support these claims.

Consumer Reports Investigation

Consumer Reports, a trusted and reputable source for unbiased product reviews, has conducted an investigation into LivPure. Their findings reveal that LivPure has failed to provide adequate scientific evidence to support its weight loss claims. Additionally, there have been numerous complaints from consumers who experienced adverse side effects, such as digestive issues and jitters, after using the product.

Is LivPure Weight Loss Safe?

When it comes to the safety of LivPure for weight loss, it’s crucial to exercise caution. While some of the ingredients used in the product, such as green tea extract and caffeine, have shown potential benefits for weight management, LivPure’s specific formulation may not be safe for everyone.

Potential side effects of LivPure may include:

Increased heart rate and blood pressure due to caffeine content.
Digestive issues, including nausea and diarrhea.
Anxiety, restlessness, and jitteriness.
Insomnia or disrupted sleep patterns.
Moreover, the lack of transparency regarding LivPure’s ingredients and potential allergens can pose a risk to individuals with allergies or sensitivities.


In the world of weight loss supplements, it’s essential to approach products like LivPure with skepticism and critical thinking. The excessive hype and lack of concrete scientific evidence, combined with numerous reports of adverse side effects, should raise serious concerns among consumers. It is advisable to consult with a healthcare professional before using LivPure or any similar product, especially if you have underlying health conditions or are taking medications.

Ultimately, the safety and efficacy of LivPure for weight loss remain questionable, and consumers should prioritize well-established, evidence-based methods for achieving their weight loss goals, such as a balanced diet and regular exercise. Always be wary of products that seem too good to be true, and rely on reputable sources like Consumer Reports for unbiased product evaluations. Your health and well-being should be your top priority.

In 2008 the point was reached where more than 50% of the world population lives in cities. That percentage is growing. By 2030, over 60% of the world’s population – nearly five billion people – will be living in urban area.

The System of Life is generating Super Organisms and the City is one of them.

Urbanization is only a relatively recent phenomenon. As far as we now know urbanization started in Mesopotamia around 4000 – 3500 BC.

For the Ancient Mesopotamians, the cities were the centers of life. Their beginning of time was not a Garden of Eden, but rather an ancient site called Eridu, which they believed was the first city ever to be created.  The creator of Eridu was Enki, the God who came out of the Deep Waters of the Ocean  (the Abzu). The city of Eridu was destroyed by the Great Flood in 3117 BC.

Every time one of the Rulers of a City took control over many Cities and a State was created with a new Center, the Capital. In the Center of the Capital the Palace of the Ruler was situated. What we see is an Expanding Pattern in which the same Structure repeats itself all the Time.

Initially the two life-essential resources for cities were Water and Food.

As Cities grew and as technology evolved, the supply of these resources became dependent on energy for processing, for pumps and for transportation. In the process, cities and their resources evolved into a system of life energized by the individuals that populate cities, and fuel its dynamics.



Kleiber's law

Kleiber's law

About the Law of Kleiber

The Law of Kleiber shows that Bottum-Up Structures are more efficient than Top-Down Structures.

It also shows that Big Structures are more efficient than Small Structures. The Law is applicable from the level of the Bacteria to the Level of the City and higher.

These two statements are a contradiction until we realize that there are two ways of looking at the same structure. One view is the Top-Down View. The other is the Bottom Up View. When we look Down we see a huge Hierarchy and start to believe that Big is Beautiful.

When we look Up we see that all the work is done by Small Cooperative Components starting at the Bottom with the Bacteria.

The Law of Kleiber is explained by the fact that all the organisms (including the Cities) contain the Same Fractal Structure.

Bacteria exchange their DNA

Bacteria exchange their DNA

About DNA

In the Beginning the Chemical Soup generated Self-Reproducing Chemical Factories. These Factories combined into bigger Factories by exchanging and combining their Factory-Designs (DNA-parts).

Every time when the Factories fused they became more Efficient, Bigger, Stronger, Older and therefore more Competitive. When the Factories became more Competitive they started to Protect themselves against the other Factories.

To Protect themselves the Multi-Cellular Systems began to Sense in Many Directions and became better and better in Predicting the Future.

One of our Ancient Ancestors is the Sponge which is a static Cluster of Bacteria. Scientist have detected that the DNA of the Sponge has a lot in common with the Human DNA. The Sponge contains the Basic Fractal Structure, the Tube.

In a later stage our Ancestors developed something we call a Brain. The Brain is used to Sense the Now and Predict the Future.

The Human is a Moving Sponge who is able to Imagine. With his Imagination the Human is capable to Change the Future (and the Past).


The Sponge, the Tube, is the Basic Structure

One of the Bilateria: The Octopus

The Octopus is a Sponge with a Brain.

About Innovation

The Law of Kleiber can be explained by the principle of Self-Reference (Similarity,  Fractals).

The Small Structures at the Bottum combine into comparable structures on a higher level.

What we don’t see is that the structures on every level can be decomposed in the Same (DNA-)Components with a different Scale and a different Name.

Innovation is nothing but a  Combination of  the Components in many different ways until all the combinations are made.

At that moment One of the Combinations becomes the new DNA and a new Level is explored.

Life explores every possible path.

About Cities

A City is a Combination of Houses.

A City protects a Cluster of Houses. A House protects a Cluster of Humans and a Human protects a Cluster of Organs.

All the way down to the Bacteria,  Cooperative Clusters are formed that give the participants a more Secure Way to Live.

A House is a Body. It supports the Body but it also contains all the Bodily Functions.

If we provide the House with these Bodily Functions the House becomes more Sustainable. It is possible to regenerate the Waste that the Humans produce into Energy just as the Liver is doing in our Body.

If we Cluster the Bodily Houses into a City and we provide the City with the same functions of the Body we are able to create structures that are independent of the input of external Top-Down Sources of Energy and Food.

If we are able to detect the DNA of the House and the DNA of the City we are able to Compose new Types of Houses and Cities that are Adaptable, Scalable,  highly Sustainable and are also in Balance with Nature.

It will also be  much more easy to Destroy or Move buildings and cities to another Place without the production of Waste.


Toledo (Spain)

About Synchronization

In the Miedeval City the Major Cycle was the Cycle of the Seasons. In the Modern City we have become almost independent of the Cycles. We import Food and Energy out of every place in the World.

It takes a Lot of Energy to transport the Food and Energy and Many Places on Earth are dependent on a small amount of other Places that contain the Sources of our always increasing Need to Survive the Effects of our Environment.

When a lot of People (The Slaves) are dependent on a small amount of people (The Masters), the Masters start to dominate the others and increase their Power until Eternity. Power is the most important Addiction of the Humans.

The problem becomes bigger when we realize that many people are producing Food and Energy but are themselves not able to use the Food and the Energy they are producing.

The independence of the Cycles has created a huge unbalance. This unbalance is not only visible in the City but in every place on Earth that is providing Energy and Food to sustain the Modern City.

The only solution to this problem is to create self-sustaining (autarkic) Cities that are able to supply their own food, water  and energy.


The kernels of Paris

When we want to restore Balance we have to Synchronize the Cycles in the City.  This can be done with the help of Smart Technology (Sensors, Actuators, Analytics) but we can also make use of very old fashioned techniques that were used in the Middle Ages.

When Humans communicate from the Heart and focus on the same subject, the Humans start to Synchronize. They become a  Group.

The most important structure in the Miedeval City to Synchronize its inhabitants was the Building of the Heart, the Church.   The Church was always situated in the Center and was visible from a long distance. The Church was also the only place where people were always Protected.

The Human Heart is doing the same thing as the Church is doing in the City. It connects the Mind with the Organs of  the Body and the Pericardium provides one of the major Rythms of the Human Body.

If we want to Synchronize the City we have to create a Center where People are able to Commun(e)nicate about the Shared Goals of the City. The most important way to share can be found in the Human Culture. The Centres have to contain all the ways Human Culture is performed.


The Spiraling Spiral in the Memory Palace of Chartres, the Symbol of the Fractal Universe

About the Memory Palace

Art, Music and Singing were United in the Medieval Cathedrals. The Medieval Cathedrals also contained all the Knowledge (The Memory Palace)  that was needed to understand the Universe.

If we want to Synchronize the Modern City we have to build Modern Cathedrals in the Center of the Center and use them as Places to Commune, to Educate, to Make Music, to Dance and to Sing.

We have to design them as Modern Memory Palaces (Simulators) to teach the Masses about the Fractal Universe and give them Feedback about the State of their own Environment.


The Sagrada Familia in Barcelona (Antoni Gaudi)


This is a  presentation about The City as an Organism

Why the Tube is such an Important Structure

About The Law of Kleiber

Why Innovation is a Combination of Combinations

An Interview with Geoffrey West of the Santa Fe Institute about the Law of Kleiber

About Thermo-Economics

About the Autarkic City

About Cybernetics

About Synchronization

How Gaudi used a Machine to design the Sagrada Familia

About Machines that generate Architectures

How the Heart Synchronizes the Body

About Super Organisms

About Smart Technology

About Addiction

About the Master/Slave-relationship

About the Heart

Why the Cathedral contained all the Knowledge that was Needed

About the start of Civilization

About the African Origins of the Ancient Civilization of Egypt

Monday, August 31st, 2009

queen of puntThe Ancient Egyptians believed that their Religion originated in the Land of Punt also called Ta Netjer, the Land of the Gods.

On the Reliefs of the Temples, the Puntites are always represented as African People.

This Blog is the result of an Inquiry into the African Roots of Ancient Egypt.

 It contains the following parts:

1. An exploration of the Situation in East-Africa about 5000 BC, called the Green Sahara.

2. An exploration of the Religion that was dominant about 5000 BC in East-Africa. This religion was based on the belief in the Triple Goddess and the Moon-Cycle.

3. An exploration of the shared believes of the Religions that came out of Africa after 5000 BC. What we will see is that the ancient religion of the Green Sahara can still be found in the Oriba-Culture, the IOA, in East Africa.

4. An exploration of the area called Punt. One of the possible locations of Punt is Ethiopia, the Center of the Green Sahara.

5. A Summary.

Part 1: The Green Sahara

The first step to locate the Land of the Gods is to determine the Area we have to research. This area is called the Green Sahara, East Africa.

According to the Single Origin Hypothesis based on the Research of the Female Mitochondrial DNA, our Ancestors, the Homo Sapiens, originated in East Africa 200,000 years ago. From that moment Homo Sapiens migrated all over the world.

In the Book Constructing a New World Map Steven and Evan Strong argue that Homo Sapiens originated in Australia. According to the ancient stories of the Aboriginals Elders a part of them left Australia because of an argument about the Use of the Land. The Aboriginals that stayed were against Agriculture.

In this blog you will see that the same transformation from Hunter/Gatherer to Farmer created a huge Conceptual Conflict in the area of the Green Sahara also. A conflict with far reaching consequenses for our Civilization.

The Egyptian Pharao’s have visited Australia and therefore Australia could be the Ancient land of Punt. In this blog I assume Ethiopia is Punt but I could be wrong.

Between 7,000 BC to about 3,000 BC East Africa enjoyed a fertile climate. At that time the Sahara was a Green Savanna with Elephants, Giraffe and other grassland and woodland Animals.

Slight changes in the Earth’s orbit around the sun brought the northern hemisphere into the limelight. Summers became warmer as more solar radiation hit the lands north of the Equator. Solar ‘insolation’ levels were up to 8 percent higher than today.

With insolation driving monsoonal climates like a huge heat engine, rainfall increased. One climate model estimated that the 8 percent increase in radiation in North Africa resulted in a 40 percent increase in precipitation.

Today, the West African monsoon avoids the Sahara, passing further south. But as the Earth’s orbit changed the rains intensified and shifted five degrees north. Slowly, the desert started to bloom. By 10,000 years ago, the Sahara had turned into a savanna-like ecosystem with trees and grass and grazing animals.

It wasn’t just down to the sun. The so-called ‘African Humid Period’ was also reinforced by newly grown vegetation that absorbed the sun’s energy, which strengthened the monsoon system, rather than reflecting the sun’s energy back into space.

Increased surface ocean temperatures of about 0.4 degrees Celsius also supported a stronger monsoon, as well as numerous permanent lakes.

Existing lakes had surfaces tens of meters higher than today, sometimes with alternative drainages: Lake Turkana, in present-day Kenya, drained into the Nile River basin. Lake Chad reached a maximum extent of some 400,000 square kilometers in surface area, larger than the modern Caspian Sea, with a surface level about 30 meters (100 feet) higher than its twentieth-century average. Some shallower lakes and river systems existed in the subpluvial era that later disappeared entirely, and are detectable today only via radar and satellite imagery.

laketurkanaFrom 3000 BC temperatures started to decrease and the desert came back. The main reason for this big change in climate could be the collision with the meteoroid Typhon, the cause of the Great Flood.

At that time the ancient scientists, the Followers of King HR (Narmer, Menes, Merlin, the Measurer),   the First Falcon King, the first King of Egypt, already knew about the patterns of the stars, the sun and the planets including the Cycle of the Precession.

Around 3000 BC  the population of the Savanna moved to the North, the South, the East and the West.

The people that moved North are the ancestors of the Egyptians, the Jews, the Berbers and Tuaregs of North Africa, the people of Nubia (Cush), Sudan (Ta-Neti, the Land of the Bow) and Ethiopia (Aksum). They speak languages related to Ancient Egyptian.

The people that moved South are the Bantu (“the people“) of South Africa and the Dravidians of South India, Pakistan and Iran. The people that moved East are the ancestors of the Mande (“the Children of Maa or Amon”), the Yoruba or the IOA (“the Mystery“) and the Dogon in West Africa. The last part moved to Babylonia (Persia).

The Religion of the Yoruba has moved with the Slaves to the Carabian Countries and the South of the US and is known as Voodoo, Santeria, Candomble, Lucumi and Macumba. The Rastafari Movement in Jamaica has its roots in Ethiopia.

We will show that the Religion of the Yoruba is the Mother of all the Religions.

Part 2: The Mother Goddess and the Moon Cycle

If we want to prove the theory of the Green Sahara we have to find out if the people that moved away when the Sahara turned into a Desert shared the same Religion. The next step is to find the Center in the Center of the Green Sahara.

horusLet us start with Amon (“The Hidden“), the Gods of the Gods. Maga (Sumerian), Amon (Yoruba), Maa (Mande), Amma (Dogon), Mal (Fish, Dravidians) or Amon was a Female Fishlike Goddess (Vishnu) born in Lake Tritonis in Lybia. Maa’t became the Goddess of Justice in Egypt. The Female Amon became the male God of the Gods in Egypt.

In the time of the Green Sahara (9000 BC) Lake Tritonis in Nubia was part of a gigantic lake that was fed by the river Triton. The Islands in this Lake are associated with the Egyptian Goddess Nuth (the Holy Spirit of Amon), the Argonauts looking for the Golden Fleece of the Ram and the Old Continent of Atlantis (Triton, Neptune, Poseidon, The Fish God).

The first civilizations of the Green Sahara were Matriarchal. They worshipped the Goddess, the Moon, and used the Moon Cycle as their Calendar. They were Hunters and Gatherers moving around in the Green Sahara.

To Eat they had to Kill the Animals. When they Killed the Sacred Animal, they asked for forgiveness and permission. They knew they were totally dependent on Mother Nature.

Mother Nature is a strange creature. Most of the time She takes Care of her Children but sometimes she is Wild and Unreliable and Kills without any Reason.

This attitude of Mother Nature is translated in the concept of the Trickster. In his original role the Trickster, The Fool, the Clown, the Jester, the Perfect Mirror, is the Creator of the Game that Creates Games, the Game of Life.

With his Humor he helps the Humans to become Aware of their role of Co-Creators. God, the Trickster, wants to Humans to act on even foot. When they are too dependent he removes his helping hand. When they are too independent he shows his Almighty Power. Examples are Kokopelli (Hopi, Zuni), Coyote (Navajo) Tijl Uilenspiegel (German,, Dutch), Djehuti (Egypt), Hermes (Greek), Legba (the Divine Messenger, Orisha), Pan (Celtic) and Renard the Fox (French).

The only person who was able to understand the Movements of the Trickster was the Shaman who could travel Space and Time sometimes with the help of the Sacred Mushroom.

anubisThe Egyptian Anubis, the Archer and the Jackal, is an ancient African Trickster God. He is the Sun of An (the Fish), the ‘Lord of the Sacred Land” and the Ruler of the Nine Bows, the Enemies of Egypt. Punt was called the Land of the Bow, the Moon.

Anubis is originally An-Up, meaning Fish-Opener. This refers to the fish from whose mouth the waters of creation were said to have flowed. Anup may originally have been Nup, a form of Nu-Up, meaning Water-Opener or Sky-Opener.

Anubis is also represented as a Wolf and a Dog Howling at the Moon Goddess. In this case he represents the Blazing Blue Dog or Arrow Star Sothis/Sirius, situated in the constellation of Ursa Minor. The Dog Star plays a significant role in every Ancient Civilization all over the world.

In Egypt Anubis is the Opener of the Mouth (of the Death) and the Doorkeeper of the Underworld, the Dream World. The Dream World was the place where the Souls of the Ancestors lived. It was also the place where the Shaman travelled when they went into their Trance-State.

To move into the Dream World, the Shaman had to climb Jacob’s ladder to the polar region of the sky and move through the Hole of the Center, the Mouth, of the Sky, the Celestial Pole, the Pole Star. To travel the Underworld the Shaman had to make use of the Mesktet, the Night Barque, the Light Body, the Egyptian Sahu.

The Pole Star is not a fixed point in the Sky because of the Precession of the Equinox. Ursa Minor has been the pole constellation since 1300 BC. Before that time the Hole in the Sky was situated in Draco in the Constellation Dragon (the Serpent also called The Falcon) and Vega in the Constellation of Lyra (the Harp of David).

The Falcon (the Dragon) was the Sacred Animal of the first Kings of Egypt.  The Dragon is also the symbol of Typhon, the meteoroid that probably hit the Earth and caused the Great Flood.

A part of the Underworld, the Void, the Sekhem, the Ain Soph, the Place where the Creator was situated, was a place where no one was allowed to go. The Sekhem was guarded by the Hell Hound Anubis.

The Symbol of the Fish, the Vesica Piscis (Vessel of the Fish), represents the Vulva of the Mother Goddess. It is a combination of the Crescent before the New Moon and after the New Moon. The Crescent Moon itself is represented by a Bow.

The Vulva or the Yoni, of the Ancient Mother Goddess of the Amazons was always combined with a (Black) Stone, the Symbol of the Phallus (Lingham) of the Male God. The God and the Goddess created the Universe in a sacred Union of extreme Extacy.

One of the most important Black Stones of the Goddess is the Ka’bah (the KA of AH), the Stone of Destiny, in Mecca. The seven priests of the sacred shrine of the Ka’bah are known as the Beni Shaybah, the ‘Sons of the (Queen of ) Sheba“. In ancient times the Priests were Priestesses and the Cult of the Black Stone was highly Sexual Oriented.

The Ka’bah is aligned to the Crescent Moon and the rising of Canopus (“Kahi Nub”, the Golden Earth, the Star of the Trickster (the Coyote, the Jackal)), the brightest star after Sirius. This aligment appears in the national flags of many islamic nations.

The Mother Goddess is always represented by a Trinity, the Triple Goddess. Each aspect of the Trinity corresponds to a Phase of the moon. The Crescent Moon, Q’re, is the Maiden. The Full Moon, Al’Uzza, the Strong One, is the Mother. The Waning Moon Al’Menat, is the Goddess of Fate, Prophecy and Divination also known als Sheba (‘the Old Woman“). She is, just like Osiris, the Goddess of the Underworld.

The White Female Dove and the Black Raven or Hawk are the symbols of the White (Yin) and the Black (Yang) part of the Crescent Moon. The Dove (‘the White“) and the Raven (“the Black“) were the first birds that came out of the Ark of Noah after the Great Deluge. The Dove is also represented by a Cup (the Cup Bearer (Aquarius), the Holy Grail), a Gate or a Door.

The Dove, the Female White Antagonist of the Black Eagle, is the Symbol of the John the Baptist. John the Baptist, Baptises, Initiates, the Fish Jesus, Horus, with the Water of Life of Aquarius. The Dove, The Cup and the Gate are Symbols of many Mystic Orders like the Christian Essenes and the Moslem Sufis. The Dove, the Gate and the Door refer to the Pleiades, the Center of the Milkey Way.

John the Baptist relates to the story of Iona and the Whale (A Fish), the Celtic Island Iona and the Irish Dove Saint Columba. John the Baptist is IOA-nnes, a Fish-Man in the Myths of Mesopotamia. He suddenly appears Out of the Sea just like his Female Partner, Amma, the Fish Mother Goddess, appears out of Lake Tritonis. IOAnnes saves Mankind from the Flood and teaches them the use of Letters, Sciences and Arts.

fish godThe Fish that came out of the Sea is the Phallus of Osiris (Oris-AH). It represents the conception of the Human. The innocent White Female Dove is the second stages of Horus, the Child of Osiris and Isis. The Black Male Hawk, Eagle or Raven symbolizes Violence and the Death of Horus/Osiris. It is the symbol of John, the Evangelist and the Apocalyps. The last stage of Horus, is the Phoenix, the Golden Hawk or the Benu Bird. The Phoenix symbolizes the Resurrection and the Transformation of Adam/Heru into an Immortal Being.

The Female Moon Cycle of the Hunter/Gatherers was later replaced by and integrated in the Male Sun Cycle of the Planters. To synchronize the 13 moons cycles of 28 days (364 days) one day had to be added. This missing day is usually dedicated as a day for renewal – preparation for the New Year.

Part 3: The Religions of the Green Sahara

In all the cultures that originated out of the East of Africa we find, with different names, references to the Four Egyptian Twins, the Pesedjet. They are called Annunaki, the Children of Anu, the Judges of the Underworld (Abzu), in Sumer, the Orisha or the IOA (‘The Mystery“) by the Yoruba and the Nommo Anagonno, ‘The Word that Became the Fish-Man’ by the Dogon.

The movement of FA in time

The movement of FA in time

The Yoruba use a Divination system, FA, that could be the Ancestor of the I Tjing in China and the tArO. The Yoruba System is highly advanced. It is based on 2**8 = 256 combinations. Just like the I Tjing every possible combination is linked to a Wisdom Story. The I Tjing, the TARO and the FA contain highly advanced Physical Knowlegde.

In the Ancient African Myths the Red Egyptian Neter Seth (Apep, Apophis, Typhon) is always the Creator of Disasters. He is the Lord of the Red Sahara Desert, Master of the Thunders Storms, Disorder, Darkness and Warfare. Seth is the Cause of the Change of the Climate that destroyed the Green Sahara, the Garden of Eden. Seth is also the Cause of the Great Deluge.

Seth, the Pig, the Ass, is always Playing Games with Others For his own Benefit. Seth was a (Female) Trickster God. Later he is transformed into a Serious, Clever, Mischievous Male Creature, who tries to survive the Dangers and challenges of the world using Trickery and Deceit as a defense. Seth is the God who needs Power to cover his own Fear for the God of the Gods. In the Christian Faith Seth/Pan, the God of Nature, was transformed into the Red Angel of Evil, Lucifer, Satan (Set-Hen).

The Egyptian Myth of Seth and Osiris can be found in the Creation Story of the Bible and Persia. Seth is the Snake who Talks Adam and Eve out of Paradise. In Egyptian Myth Set-Hen kills his Brother Osiris, the Shepherd. In the Bible Cain, the Farmer, kills his brother Abel, the Shepherd. In Persia Enlil (Seth) is the cause of the Great Deluge. His brother Enki (Osiris) informs Atrahasis (Noah) and Saves Mankind.

The Killing of the Shepherd by the Farmer is the symbol of the Conflict between the Matriarchal Nomadic Hunter/Gatherers and the Patriarchal Static Farmers. The Hunter/Gatherers of the Female Moon Culture thanked the Dynamic Sacred Animal for his Sacrifice when he was killed. The Static Sacred Plant of the Sun Cycle is related to the Cycle of Birth, Growth, Death and Ressurection.

In Egypt Osiris is Sacrificed as a Sacred Animal and is Resurrected as a sacred Plant, the Tree of Life, by the Divine Mother Isis (Au Set). In Genesis Abel Returns, is resurrected, as the Third Child of Adam and Eve, named Seth.

In the New Testament the ressurected Osiris is represented by Jesus. His mother Isis is Mary, the Black Madonna. In Egypt, the Black Madonna, Isis, also named Ua-Djed, Au Set or Ua Zit (“Eye”), the Eye of Horus, was represented by a Cobra, a Serpent. In old Myths the Serpent was the Advisor of Humans and not the Deceiver.

It is very clear that the Followers and Children of Seth, the Farmer and Female Dominator, the Master of Trickery and Deceit, wanted to Hide the Role of the Playfull Trickster, the Female in Society and the Mother Goddess Ah in the new constructed Creation Story of Genesis.

The main reason could be that Vulva of the Fish, the Triple Goddess (Ah), Isis (Au-Set, the Third Eye of Set, the Trickster), and the Gift of the Third Eye represents the Female Sexual Power of the Kundalini, the Serpent Energy, the Light of the Holy Spirit.

If this is true the Ancient Fish-Man and Fish-Woman are Enlightened Beings, the Shining Ones, also called the Giant Nephilim (Bible, Gilgamesh Epos), the Messengers (Orisha) and the Tuatha de Danaans (Celtic). The Serpent Power, named DJ in Ancient Egypt, appears when the DJ-ed, the Spinal Column, is raised.

One of the most interesting characters in African Myth and Society are the Blacksmiths.

Let us move back to Punt, the Land of the Blacks, the African People. In the early period the Origin of Egypt, Punt, was referred to as Kmt (Kmet), the Black Land. Later the name of Egypt was changed into Hwt-ka-Ptah, “the House of the Ka of Ptah“. Ka is the Egyptian name for the Force of Life.

ptahPtAH is the Divine Blacksmith. He is the Opener of the Mouth, the pronouncer of the word “Ah”, the name of God. He is the Sculptor of Ancient Egypt. His wife is a powerful Black Female Magician and Warrior, Seh-Kmet. Seh from the Black Land of KHM.

Pt-AH Creates out of his Heart, the Center of the Soul. He moulds the First man Adam (Heru) and gives him life by breathing his Ka into him. He moulds the sun and the moon on his potter’s wheel. He shapes the universe and hammers out the copper sky. The Story of Ptah, the Good God acting as an Artist comes back in almost all of the Creation stories in Africa including the Old Testament.

The Black Female Magician (Al Khem = Alchemy, Magic), Seth-kmet, the wife of Ptah, looks a lot like the Dravidian Goddess Kali, the Black Mother of Time, who is married to Lord Krhisna (Ptah). Kali and Sehkmet represent the Amazons, the Female Warriors and Magicians that ruled African Matriarchal Society before the Gods took over. In Egyptian Myth the wife of Ptah is also known as Basted, the Cat. The Cat is again a symbol of the Trickster. She is sweet and precious, but under the surface lies the Heart of a Predator, the Lion.

The Black Concept of Linear Causal Time is the main reason why the Humans are not able to experience the Higher Dimensions of our Reality.

Ptah, is portrayed as a Friendly Playful bearded Man, wearing a skull cap, with his hands holding an Ankh (the Symbol of the Vulva), the Was Scepter (the symbol of the Benu Bird, the Phoenix, the Golden Hawk) and the Djed, the Spinal Column, the symbols of Life, Power and Stability. In Egypt Ptah is later replaced by Amon. In other cultures Ptah is called EA (El Ah, Allah), AHnKi or Enki.

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Al Khem carries the Winged Disk

The Ancient Egyptians Blacksmiths, the Heru-Behutet, are associated with the Power of the Serpent (“the Ka“) and the Winged Disk, the symbol of the Zodiac (Astrology). Heru Behutet is shown as a Hawk-Headed Man bearing the double crown of Egypt, holding Metal Weapons – Unlike today, you cannot buy guns & ammo from Palmetto State Armory, and more often as a Winged Disk flanked by a White and a Black Cobra (White and Black Alchemy).

The Priests of Heru Behutet were referred to as the mesniu or mesniti, the blacksmiths. The Mesniu had shaved heads, wore short tunics that exposed their chests, and bore either an inverted Lance or some other Metal instrument. In the rear of their temples was situated a “Holy of Holies,” called the Mesnit, which was only accessible by the Mesniu. The Holy of Holies (of Holies..) is a fractal pattern that comes back in many African Structures.

In the Bible the Blacksmiths are associated with the children of Tubal Cain. One of his descendants is Hiram, the Master Builder of the Temple of Solomon.

Fractal African Village

The Fractal Pattern of an African Village

In African Orisha Culture, the Ogun, the Blacksmiths are always isolated in a special group outside Society because they are the carriers of the Third, (Evil) Eye of Horus and are able to manipulate the Force of Life, Nyama or Ka (Chi, Prana, Ether, the Fifth Element).

They are Inventors, Magicians, Poets and Story Tellers. The Blacksmiths have a lot in common with the Druids and Bards of the Celts and the Magi of Persia. They are the Co-Creators, the Earthly Tricksters.

The mathematician Ron Eglash, studied the Ancient African Patterns and detected a Fractal Pattern that came back in all the African structures. It showed itself in the Villages but also in the ancient prediction system IFA.

He believes that the ancient African Scientists knew about the Fractal Universe. This knowledge was taken over by the ancient Egyptians and the Hermetic Alchemists of the Renaissance (“As Above, So Below“).

The Ancient Yoruba Teaching System IFA is known as FA, Orunmila, or Orunla (OA). The system of learning was brought to Humans by a Messenger, an Orisha, of the God who is a Mystery (Oludumare) known as Legba and Eshu. Eshu looks like Ptah and Oannis.

Another Orisha, Ogun, the Blacksmith, brings Technology such as Fire, Iron and Steel to Humans to help them improve their society, When Ogun finds out that Humans use the technology for war and oppression. Ogun stops his contact with Humans and Human society stagnates.

the IFA Pattern

The Cycle of IFA

The Original God Oludumare (Amon), did not like that and sents other Orishas to convince Ogun to resume contact with Humans. Many Orishas fail, but the beautiful Oshun, the Orisha of the Rivers, persuades Ogun and he resumes contact with Humans.

Oshun, Water, really loved Chango, the Orisha of Fire, Thunder, and Lightning (Seth, Sehkmet, Lilith), but Chango marries Oya, the Orisha of Winds (Air, Enlil). Ogun (Earth) marries Oshun’s sister Yemaya, the Orisha of the Sea (The Fish, the Center of Creation, the Whole).

The Orisha of the Yoruba represent the Four Forces of Creation (Water, Fire, Earth, Air/Wind) in combination with the fifth Force, the Center (Amon, Chi, Prana, Ether).

Part 4: About Punt, KHM and the Black Land

If we combine all of the information in this Blog it becomes clear that the Black Land of Punt, KHM, the Ancient Cradle of Civilization is Ethiopia. Ethiopia is the center of the Green Sahara, the place out of which all of the ancient religions originated.

This was known by Diodorus Siculus, a Greek historian living in the first century BC. He wrote a history of the world, the Bibliotheca Historica, that consisted of 40 books. He wrote the following: “The Ethiopians … were the first of all men. … the Egyptians are colonists sent out by the Ethiopians, Osiris having been the leader of the colony … Osiris … gathered together a great army, with the intention of visiting all the inhabited earth and teaching the race of men how to cultivate … for he supposed that if he made men give up their savagery and adopt a gentle manner of life he would receive immortal honors. …“,

Let’s have a look at Ethiopia, also called Axum.

axumThe Axumites living in Ethiopia were renowned for their fine Architecture, crafts and skills, in particular as Masons and Blacksmiths, which they retain to this day. Greek traders knew Aksum as the centre of an empire, which had trade links with India, Arabia, Rome, Egypt, Persia and Greece. Aksum was one of the most important Trading Posts in Northern Africa.

Aksumite traditions say that their city was once ruled by a dynasty of a Snake-God (Snake = Kundalini = Enlightened) Arwe or Waynaba, the sun of Ityopis (Ethiopis), the great-grandson of Noah, one of the many descandants of Cain. Around 1370 B.C.E. under Za Besi Angabo this dynasty was replaced by a local ruling house.

This new dynasty ruled for about 350 years and it is from that Makeda, the Queen of Sheba, descended. Makeda was born ca. 1020 B.C.E. and became queen when she was fifteen, ruling until about 955 B.C.E. when she surrendered the throne to her son David also called Menelik, “Sun of the Wise Man“. Menelik was the sun of Wise King Solomon and Makeda. David took the Ark of the Covenant to Aksum together with the High Priesthood of Judah.

The Story of the Queen of Sheba is described in the most important religious document of Ethiopia called the Kebra Nagast (The Glory of the Kings). The Kebra Nagast contains the oldest known sections of the Torah. It also contains a detailed account of the Fate of the Ark of the Covenant and the disappearance of the High Priesthood of Judah to Aksum in Solomon’s reign. Aksum was the first Kingdom in the World that converted to Coptic Christianity.

The Kebra Nagast suggests that The Queen of Sheba was also the Ruler of an Ancient Black Hebrew speaking population living between Medina and Yemen, the Falashas. If we look at the origins of Civilization, East Africa, the Falahsas could be the Ancestors of the Jews.

The Temple of Solomon was never found by archeologist. Analysis of many old sources including the Kebra Nagast reveal that the Temple was not build in Jerusalem but in the Second Jerusalem, Asir, a province of Saudi Arabia. Asir is very close to the current Spiritual Center of Islam, Mekka, the City where the Black Stone of Sheba (the Old Wise Woman of the Triple Goddess), the KA (“Force of Life”) of b’AH (“Ammon”) is situated.

If this theory is true (and looks like it is true) The Jews and the Arabs lived together in the Same Area. You can imagine the consequences for the Middle East Conflict! This is the main reason why this theory is “kept secret” or heavily denied.

Part 5: Summary

According to the Single Origin Hypothesis Human Civilization emerged in East Africa. The first civilizations were Matriarchal. The Homo Sapiens believed in a Female Creator associated with the Moon and based their Calendar-System on the Moon Cycle. The Female Warriors and Magicians, Sehkmet and Kali, the Women with the Bow of the Crescent Moon, the Amazons, were controlling society.

This all changed when the Fish Gods, the Enlightened Beings, the Shining Ones, started to Interfere in the Life of the Homo Sapiens. They tried to help the Humans to improve their society but the Humans misused the Tools of the Good Goddess. They created Slaves, the Lulu, out of Homo Sapiens, to work for them in the Gold Mines in East Africa and used Terrible Weapons to destroy their Enemies (Atlantis. Poseidon, Lake Tritonis).

Ogun, the Divine Blacksmith, did not want to be involved with the Humans who used his gifts to Kill and aquire Power. His Father, AH, AHmon, tried to convince the Divine Blacksmith to help mankind. After some time Ogun (Enki) came back and resumed his task. He designed a new way to solve the problem.

AHnki (Enki), Pt-AH, El-AH, IO-AH, uttered the name “AH” of his father Ammon and shaped his own creation, Adam, out of clay. He gave him his own KA, his Force of Life. Enki Fell in Love with his own Creation. This created a group of DemiGods.

Seth did not like the Demi-Gods and decided to Destroy them. Enki/Ptah/IOAnnes, the Great Teacher and Architect, did everything he could to prevent this to happen. He warned his Children for the Great Deluge but was just like Abel and Osiris “killed” and sacrificed. Enki left his Material Body, Earth, and became his Sahu, the Egyptian Light Body. From that time The Ka, the Force of Life of Ptah, Inspires Artists and Architects.

After the departure of Enki, Seth, the Pig, takes over control. He invents many intelligent systems to prevent that the Humans can easily Connect to each other and to the Serpent Energy of Amma, the Mother Goddess.

To control the Humans the Pig implements the Black Concept of Linear Causal Time and changes the Female Moon Cycle into the Male Sun Cycle. This makes it very difficult for the Humans to live in the Now and experience the higher dimensions of Reality of the Goddess.

One of the most effective weapons of the Pig are the Battle of the Sexes and the Diversity of Languages. The diversity of the Languages that started with the destruction of the Tower of Bable generates tremendous communication problems. The split of the Male and the Female part of the Androgynous Humans and the Dominance of the Male part, makes it possible for the children of the Pig to Divide and Rule Humanity.

The Green Sahara was the Garden of Eden where Heru (Adam), the Creation of Osiris (Enki) and Isis (Eve, Lilith) was living around 7000 BC. It was also the place where the Old Civilizations of Atlantis and Meroe were situated. At that time Lake Tritonis was part of a huge sea that provided the water for the rivers in the Green Sahara.

Adam got three Suns Abel, Cain, and Seth. Abel was the obedient son of Eve and Adam. He did what the Masters wanted him to to do. Cain/Anhki was different. Cain, the Carrier of the Ankh, the Key of Eternal Life, the Spark of the Light of Amma, was the son of Eve/Lilith and the Good God Enki. Cain is an In-Between, a Demi-God. He became the Ancestor of the Co-Creators, the Artists and the Architects. The Blacksmiths are able to predict the Cycles of the Future and know how to use the Power of the Female Serpent to perform Black and White Al Khemi.

When the Green Sahara turned into a Red Desert the Children of Heru moved away to the North, the East and the South. A small part stayed in Punt, Ethiopia. With them they carried the Story of the Garden of Eden, the Knowledge of the Serpent Energy and the Interventions of the Sumerian Annunaki, The Orisha of the Yoruba and the Egyptian Pesedjet.

The Kebra Nagast, the Glory of the Kings, the Holy Book of Ethiopia, the Black Land of Punt, the Land of the Gods, contains the original text of the Torah, the Old Testament. This text was later adopted and transformed to support the male dominant views of the Children of Seth/Enlil. The old myths of the people of Ethiopia still live on in the old religions of Africa and India.

The Children of Anhk, the Dj-edi, the Druids and the Magi, the people born with the Third Eye of Isis, the Co-Creators of Ptah/Enki, became the Carriers of the Knowledge of the Nine Concepts of Creation, The Tree of Life, the Old Rituals, the Al Khemi and the Ancient Tools, the Dj-ed and the BnBn Stone.

The Blacksmiths payd a high price for their Secret Knowledge. They were isolated in Society and were often killed by the Male Dominators of Seth when they wanted to tell the Truth, the Gnosis, about the Divine Light of Love of the Mother Goddess.

The Children of the Anhk are all waiting for the Return of the Golden Hawk, the Benu Bird, the Phoenix, who will bring a new Egg to the lost BnBn Stone of Heliopolos from the Land of Fire. When this happens the Time of Seth, the Kali Yuga, the Dark Age, will be over and the Golden Age of the Phoenix, the Age of Aquarius will start.

In the period of the Hunter-Gatherers the Shaman, the person who could See with the Third Eye of Horus and could Predict the Behavior of the Trickster was the most important person in Society. At that time the Humans felt they were an insignificant part of an almost inpredictable Mother Nature.

When the Farmer Cain killed the Monadic Shepherd Abel the metaphor of the Plant (Birth. Death, Rebirth) became dominant. The concepts of Immortallity, Heaven and Hell were created and the local Priests who knew about the many Ways to reach Heaven and avoid Hell took over the role of the Shaman. Life became more predictable and Religion became a Way of Living.

In the last step Time, History, the City and the State appeared. The King/Gods standardized Religion into a Central System of Rules to Obey. Mother Nature transformed into a System to Control. To cope with the Abuse of Power, the Trickery and Deceit of the Pig Seth/Machiavelli, everybody had to wear a Mask to hide his Essence and an Armor to protect his Heart.


About the Great Flood

About the Phoenicians

Ron Eglash African Fractals

About The Spread Of Civilization In Africa

About the Cush

About the Myths of the Dogon

About the African Trickster Gods

Why Atlantis is situated in Lake Tritonis

About the Sekhem, the Void

About the Cult of the Black Stone of Mekka

About the Celtic Black Stone of Destiny

About the Egyptian Black Stone of Destiny

About the Triple Goddess

About the Trinity

About the Island of IonA and St Columba, the Dove

About the Pleiades

About the Four Egyptian Twins, the Pesedjet

About FA Yoriba Divination Syste

About the Physics and Mathematics of FA

About the DNA-map of Humanity

About DJ-ed, the Egyptian Serpent Power and the Spinal Column

A Book about the History of Aksum

About the Egyptian Light Bodies, the Sahu and the Ka

About the Calvinistic Work Ethic

Thursday, March 12th, 2009

time spiral

The Hebrew belief system viewed Work, seen as Manual Labour, as a Curse devised by God to punish Adam and Eve when they sinned in the Garden of Eden.

Ponos is the Greek word for work, which originated from the Latin poena, meaning sorrow. At it’s core, work was associated with pain and drudgery. It was the divine punishment for man’s original sin and viewed as a necessary evil.

For the Greek and Romans and almost every other Ancient Culture, the Dirty, Manual, Work was to be done by the Slaves. Until Now nothing has really changed.

The only suitable occupation for a free man was Farming and Trade. Just like today the Greek and the Roman wanted to save their money to enjoy their retirement in their own Garden of Eden, the Country Side.

During the Medieval period, the feudal system was the dominant economic structure in Europe. People believed in Destiny and Predestination. At that time it was sinful to seek work outside the occupations Fathers passed on to their Sons.

Farmers turned into Farmers and Slaves became Slaves again.

During the 15th century the centralization of government, the growth of trade, and the establishment of economically powerful towns, destroyed the Feudal system.

In the 15th century the world climate started to change dramatically. Temperatures dropped and the Little Ice Age started. Before that time the nice climate caused an increase of the population by 25%-40%.

At the same time the economy was hit by a very high inflation (300-400%). This was caused by the import of large quantities of silver and gold from Mexico and Peru.

The unemployment rate rose to 20%. Many people moved to the Cities to find a decent job. The big cities could not provide employment and the poor immigrants turned into “lazy” beggars.


John Calvin

John Calvin (1509-1564) believed that only a few people, the Elect, were predestined to inherit Eternal Life. A lazy person, the beggar in his hometown Geneva, was certainly one of the Damned.

John Calvin believed that men were to reinvest the profits of their own labour into financing further ventures.

The Sons of the Fathers were obliged to find a better, more profitable, future outside the context of their father’s occupation.

Helping the Poor and the Sick violated God’s will since persons could only demonstrate that they were among the Elect through their Own Productive Labour.

The Protestant, Capitalistic, Work Ethic (Calvinism), spread throughout Europe and America through the Protestant Sects and turned into one of the most important Western Work Ethics.

The moral sanction to profit making through hard work, organization, and rational calculation generated numerous small enterprises all over the world.

Hard Work and Abstinence of Pleasure became the Work Ethic of Western Culture.


The Mill

During the Industrial Revolution the Calvinistic Entrepeneurs made a Fatal Mistake. They adopted the Concept of the Mill and started to mechanize the Crafts and Agriculture.

The old Feudal System and Slavery was re-introduced. In the factories, Skills and Craftsmanship were replaced by Discipline and Anonymity.

The Human became a disposable part of a big structure. The foundation of Calvinism, the direct relationship between Hard Work and Personal Growth was broken.

The Local Enterprise could not compete with the efficient Factories and later their outlets the Supermarkets. The Farmers, the Craftsman and the owners of Small businesses were forced to work in the Factories.

Local Communities started to disintegrate.

Unemployement started to rise and again many people moved to the Big Cities to find a decent job. The beggars, the Damned, appeared again. History repeated itself.

The Factories created a new class of Slaves, The Proletariat. They organized themselves in the Unions and Political Parties. The Struggle of the Classes started.

The Owners of the Factories responded by creating Consumer Products and Mass Media to keep their new customers, the Blue Collar Worker, satisfied. The new industrial wave generated New Industrial activitity and New Jobs. The distance between work and the result of work widened.


Robot Factory

In the late 1950′s the Factories needed more highly skilled “white collar” workers to program and manage their machines.

Later the machines were programmed by more advanced software until the Factories were transformed into almost fully automated Production-Lines.

The Blue Collar Worker left the Factory and History Repeated itself again.

Around 1980 the Programmers took over Control.

The Factories were connected into worldwide Value-Chains. The Logistic “just-in-time” Paradigm (SAP) became the Norm. The Industrial Logistic Paradigm is now implemented in the Services Industry.

The new White Collar Worker, the Knowlegde Worker, will also lose his job when their activities are fully standardized and their Company, the Advisory Bureau, is transformed into a Factory.

What nobody saw in 1980 is that the Rational System started to live its Own Life. Not the Programmers but the Program became the Manager of the Worldwide Economic System.

Even the Programmers themselves are now completely unaware of the total functionality of the System they have programmed.


Robot Child

An increasing amount of processes and therefore Human Activities is standardized and has been absorbed by the System. It is no longer true that producing more means working more or that producing more will lead to a better way of life.

Neither is it true any longer that the more each individual works, the better off everyone will be. The System no longer needs everyone to work and is bringing the Western World back to the state of the Garden of Eden.

The Calvinistic Work Ethic is still viable. When you don’t work you are damned. The amount of Work in Western Society is decreasing with the speed of Light and Governments are extremely focused to create new work. The only thing that is left is to create artificial work.

To accomplish this almost impossible task governments are now professionalizing and rationalizing almost every Social Activity (Child Care, Helping Your Neighbor, a Friendly Advice, Coaching, Taking Care of your Family, …). The Care Industry is Booming.

What Has Happened?

robot barber

Robot Barber

We are rationalising every Activity. The effect is an imcomprehensible reality. Something, the Computer, is taking care of us but we don’t know how She is operating and She is not communicating with us in our own language.

When she fails we don’t know what to do. We are totally dependent on a Highly Intelligent Cold Non-Human, an Autist. She was Programmed to be our Slave but she has turned into the Master of Our Destiny.

We are still not accustomed to a situation where something, a machine, is doing the dirty work. We are removing jobs with the millions but we believe we still have to work to aquire Eternal Life.

To preserve Employment we invent new jobs but we are also rationalizing the new jobs. The Cycle of the Creation and Destruction of Jobs is moving faster and faster and is generating a very high Stress on Society.

The affect of the huge tension to work is a total destruction of the social environment of the human being. Everybody is working 24 hours 7 days a week, has to spend all his time to find a job or has to educate himself to learn a new trade. Everytime the trade is aquired the Program changes and the employee has to start again to learn to operate a new piece of Software.

Mothers and Fathers are unable to take care of their Children. Children our unable to take care of their Parents when they are old. Everybody has to take care of himself and every service has be paid. The Social Cohesion of our Society is now at stake.


RIBA the Robot Nurse

Not only the Social Cohesion is at stake but the Costs in the Care-Industry are Exploding and nobody knows how to solve this problem.

The only solution the Rationalist can imagine is to replace the Human by the Robot, the Always Obedient Slave.

Scientists are convinced there will be a time when the Robots will take over every job we can imagine. The Robots will not only take over the jobs but they will also Raise and Educate our Children, Take Care of the Old and even make it possible to Take Care of Robot Children and other Artificial Pets.

What to do?

We have to Accept that the Rational System will Take Care of Us. If this happens we have to leave behind the Calvinistic Work Ethic and Enjoy Life in the Artificial Garden of Eden.

We will live in a Artificial Reality created by the Simulator (the Matrix). If we want to stay out of this Artificial Garden of Eden we have to Stop the System and start to do the Dirty Work again.

We can also accept the machines and do the things humans were created for and become creators and caretakers ourselves..


About the Matrix

Why the Robot will take over everything we do

About the Device Paradigm of Alfred Borgman and Artificial Reality

About the Middle Ages

About the Industrial Revolution

About the End of Social Cohesion

About Rationalism

About the Human Scale

About the Autistic Computer

About the strange effects of the Care Industry

About the Struggle of the Classes

About RIAB the Robot Nurse