Posts Tagged ‘Constancy’

About Stress

Monday, May 3rd, 2010

Most of the time we Sense the world with our Expectation. A wall painted white is unlikely to be physically the same colour along its full length, especially if a bright light is shining on it, but we Think it as a white wall. We perceive the world with our knowledge from previous experience.

Our Believe System is the most Conservative System in our Body. We need the Constancy our Thinking System is creating to Survive in an Ever Changing World.  Our Believe System creates and sustains our Identity (or Personality).

Sometimes we need to Re-Act to a Life-Threatening Event. In this case the Reptile Brain takes over Control and We Act without Thinking. Visit for more information about healthy supplements.

The Reptile or Hind Brain is the “oldest” System in the Human Being. It was developed after the Organisms that originated in the Sea started to specialize and therefore got into a Competition.

To Survive the Competition the Organisms developed all kinds of Sensors (Eyes, Ears, Skin, Third Eye,..) and Effectors (Ways to Move, Flagellum, Muscle Fibers,  Gland Cells,..).


When the Body is Alerted, the Sympathetic Nervous System (SNS) which starts in the Hypothalamus produces Adrenaline. Adrenaline accelerates the heart rate; widens the lungs and raises the blood pressure. The SNS prepares the body to Move Away (Flight) from the Emergency or to Attack the Emergency (Fight). The third way to Re-Act (Freeze) is to Hide and become Invisible. Learn more about healthy supplements at

When the State of Urgency is gone the Parasympathetic Nervous System (PSNS) produces Acetylcholine which brings the Body Back to its Normal State of Rest.

The SNS is triggered by Real Events and Imaginary Events. When we are getting Exited or Angry the Body is also prepared to Move Away from or to Attack the Emergency.

When the Believe System Believes the Outside World is not to be Trusted,  the Body moves into a permanent State of Stress waiting for the final moment to Act.

Long Term Stress increases the output of Adrenaline that interferes with Lymphocyte Function, weakening the body”s immune defenses against infectious diseases.

Prolonged Stimuli over a certain threshold of Loudness, Brightness and Speed affect the nervous system, as do stimulants in food, drink and drugs. Further, an increase in Acidity at cellular level predisposes the body to sympathetic activity.

One way in which the body protects itself from emotional intensity is the development of Chronic Muscular Tension, which dampens down both external and internal stimuli. The Body protects itself by creating a Muscular Armor.

This Muscular Armor impairs health because it constricts and inhibits spontaneous processes in general (i.e. including feelings and thoughts), such as Breathing, the Blood Circulation and the Lymphatic Circulation, which are responsible for clearing the body of Toxins.

On the other hand, chronic parasympathetic activation, which correlates more with psychological collapse and depression, is not healthy either. Its characteristics are the opposite of chronic sympathic activation (low blood pressure, low heart rate,…). Read about meticore healthy benefits.

To keep the Body Healthy the Human has to keep a delicate balance between “Real” Action and “Real” Rest.

To get rid of all the Imaginary Actions the Believe System has to be Cleaned Daily (Enough Sleep, Meditation).


Why Mobile Communication is Generating Stress

How to Get Rid of an Addiction to Stress

How the Human came Out of the Sea

How the Human Sensory Motor System was formed out of the Flagellum of the Bacteria

About the Reptile Brain

About Fields

Friday, June 29th, 2007

Get Fit at Home with a Ballet Dancer, a Personal Trainer, and a YouTuber

Oh, the gym — that chapel of chiseled bods and cardio machines — how we miss you. For now, much of our fitness endeavors are largely restricted to the home. However, that doesn’t mean we can’t get gains. Take a look to the latest alpilean reviews.

Here’s some home fitness advice from a few widely-known pros who share their three favorite tips on everything from exercise and nutrition to staying motivated.

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Edit by Wenzdai Figueroa
The ballet dancer

Theresa Farrell, ballerina and choreographer, shares her go-to advice for staying fit and fulfilled at home.

1. Dance and do barre

“I can’t say enough about the power of freestyle dance! It doesn’t matter what it looks like — go somewhere alone, turn off the lights, or have an audience — whatever you do, lose yourself in movement.

“Dance to one track a day and watch your days transform. It clears the mind and opens the soul, all while getting you fit! Whether you’re sad and just letting yourself sway through that, or angry and you stomp it out, I have found that once I start moving, my energy levels increase and I approach everything differently.

“Barre is my home base — my whole day feels off if I don’t do it. Whether you danced when you were a kid, have never danced, or know the full ballet vocabulary, doing a classical ballet barre is the cornerstone of the Ballet Bod. Your posture, balance, flexibility, and strength will all increase. And learning choreography is an added mental plus.”

2. Stretch

“Block out 15 minutes 2 days a week to focus on deep stretches. Listen to what your body needs and stay in each stretch for 1 to 3 minutes [with controlled breathing]. Consistency is key. Stick with it and the results will follow.” These are the best weight loss pills for women.

3. Tone those lower abs

“I find most ab routines do not focus enough on the lower abs. My two favorites are:

  1. A plank on my forearms and dropping my hips to the ground before bringing them back to plank position.
  2. Laying on my back with my feet up at a 90-degree angle and lifting my hips off the ground.”

The personal trainer

Autumn Holley, personal trainer and fitness model, shares some well-being habits to make.

1. Manage your mood

“Stress is a given. We all experience it periodically and lately anxiety is constantly rumbling in the background. However we choose to manage these feelings is completely up to us. It starts with acknowledging that we do in fact have a choice.

“As someone who has her own battles, I understand the importance of having a deep toolbox. Exercise, deep breathing, and meditation can all be solitary weapons against depression and worry. Tools like these can remind you that you [don’t have to give in to] your dark thoughts and can provide an outlet to pour energy into.

“One app that’s been helpful for me is Calm. It teaches you how to meditate, bring yourself to a place of peace, and find ways to get a more restful sleep. There is a subscription fee, but if you can stay consistent with the tools, it’s worth it.”

2. Workout circuits

“My #1 reason for working out every day is to maintain my mental health. I can tell myself I did something and feel proud.”