Posts Tagged ‘China’

About Smart Customer Networks or How Free Love will finally Kill the Big Companies

Wednesday, March 26th, 2008

For many years I read the briefings of This month their trend is named Free Love. It is all about giving away products for free. They show that when you are smart you can get almost everything for free if you are able to cope with the advertisments.

The products are given away for free because somebody else is paying the costs or the consumer is paying for something else. The major trend is to give products for free because they are payed by advertisers.

You have to understand that this is a very dangerous trend. It is a dangerous trend because when you are an intelligent customer you are able to navigate through “free space” and get almost everything you want for free. The “free love”-trend is killing business in the end.

The funny thing is that companies are paying for their own destructing. They don’t see or don’t want to see that somewhere there is a global competitor who is selling their products for a price they are unable to offer without using the same model.

The most interesting part is that the advertisement that they are paying for is not speeding up their sales at all. It is speeding up the desire to get something that looks like what they are selling.

The desire also generates the need to produce new products. To stay in the rat race they have to innovate at an increasing speed to keep up with the market.

The only companies that are able to do this are global companies that are a global brand. A good example is Nike. They produce trendy products and their customers are paying a huge price for a product that is produced for a very low cost (in China). They even give their customers an opportinity to speed up the innovation process of Nike by designing new products.

Nike and other trendy producers aim at customers who are trend-followers. By creating a customer-lab they make use of customers that are trend-generaters. If they are able to connect the trend-generaters to the trend-followers they will stay in business.

If the trend-makers are able to connect to the trend-followers without the Nike-infrastructure Nike is out-of-business. You can see this trend already in software-development. It is called The Open Source movement.

The Open Source Movement give away software for free but let the customer pay for innovation. You only pay when you want something new and you want something new when you are accustomed to something old.

At this moment many customers don’t know how to mis-use the Free Love-trend. They are “stupid” or “lazy” but like every trend in the end the amount of “smart customers” will increase. In the end they will create Smart Customer Networks.

Smart customers become smart citizens when they want to use political pressure to accomplish something. They join or create pressure groups. When a smart customer gets sick he becomes a smart patient.

He searches the Internet to find the cause of his problems, joins a community of people with the same illness, asks an expert for advice and gives all the information he has gathered to his general practitioner or his medical specialist. There he negotiates his treatment. If he does not get the medicine he wants he is able to buy it somewhere on the Internet.

Most of the companies and government agencies cannot capture the smart consumer. He is navigating from vendor to vendor, from one pressure group to another, always looking for the best fit.

The needs of this kind of customer are constantly changing and expanding. Smart customers are not only buying services in the network, they are inventing, developing and selling their own products combining components from different vendors.

Smart customers can save a company and governments a lot of money. They take over the activities of high paid specialists. Vendors that understand this issue, cooperate with the customer in every stage of their processes.

They let them sell the product (through their personal network), make it possible to assemble their own combinations, give them information about the state of the process, help them to enhance their network and skills and let them even participate in the development of new products.

Not everybody has the time, the money, the facilities, the network or the capabilities to make optimal use of all the opportunities of the Internet. The number of smart consumers and the amount of smart customer networks is growing very rapidly. They are leading a new revolution that will change the marketplace and eventually every aspect of our culture.

The Industrial age is the age of mass production. The Taylor school of management dominated the organization of business. Taylor believed one should manage people (and customers) in the same way one manages inanimate assets and the machines on which people work. Mechanization and standardization of components and interfaces, careful supervision of quality standards, and minute division of labor characterize the mass production process itself.

The division of labor was accomplished by breaking down work into simple, repetitive tasks eliminating unnecessary motion and limiting the handling of different tools and parts. The consequent reduction in production time and the ability to replace craftsmen with lower-paid, unskilled workers or even robots resulted in lower production costs and a less expensive final product.

After the phase of mass production, the industry is now in the phase of mass customization. By carefully standardizing it is possible to make a distinction between components that customers like to vary (mostly visible) and parts that are part of the essential (invisible) infrastructure. A good example is the production line of Dell computers where customers can choose their own configuration.

A next step is to involve the customer in the design-process of the product (Customer Innovation). Companies like BMW or Audi give customers already access to innovation platforms where average drivers are invited to create the next generation of cars.

The move from Mass Production to Smart Customer Networks is the move from one united production and sales model aimed at the customer, to a network-model involving the customer in all stages. The challenge is to combine large-scale mass-production with small-scale user-involvement. It will be impossible to coordinate all the processes from one single point of control. Many coordinators have to synchronize their activities.

Manufacturers, retailers and customers have to act together in a collaboration network. Retailers and suppliers have to maintain customer relationships by sharing customers, margins, and intangibles like brand, as well as jointly planning marketing, merchandising, and sales activities and becoming more like companions (in a good marriage) than master and servant.

Mass Customization and Customer Innovation puts a high strain on the customer. The amount of choices a customer has to make is constantly increasing. The number of possible combinations of components that relate to a product and to a combination of components of different products will soon surpass the complexity a human being can handle. People simply do not have the time and the cognitive capacity to make all the choices that are needed. This problem can only be resolved when product-developers take the capabilities of the complete human cognition system into account.

Mass Customization and Customer Innovation give the customer a small stake in the business cycle. The customer is treated as a consumer and not as a co-producer. All the major design-decisions are still made by the executives in the corporation. In the future customers want to be treated on an even footing.

If customers really get frustrated, they can generate an enormous collective power. With this power, they can change the policies of a corporation (e.g. the Brent Spar affair of Shell) or even take over the complete business cycle.

A war between consumers united in Smart Customer Networks and the Big Corporations is not in the benefit of both the competitors. They have to cooperate and combine their expertise. The big problem is that organizations, supply chains and their supporting systems were never designed to be demand driven. The challenge is to find an evolutionary path where a new fully collaborative infrastructure cooperates with the existing legacy-systems and business-processes.

What Terrence McKenna forgot to Look at: The Final Explanation of what is Happening in 2012?

Wednesday, March 26th, 2008

I have spent a lot of time this week to analyze Time Wave Zero of Terrence McKenna. I have developed my own cycle model. When somebody else has developed such a model I want to find out what the differences are. Suddenly I got a flash of insight and was able to map my model to Time Wave Zero. I will try to explain what I did.

timewavezeroThe cycle is really a (logaritmic) spiral that is closed in itself. It has to be closed in itself because otherwise the spiral would move into infinity. 

Infinity is a concept that has created many problems in mathematics.

The Dutch mathematician Brouwer created a mathematics without infinity and he proved to be right.

George Lakoff proved the same thing by showing that mathematics only works when you are able to visualize a concept. Humans need a metaphor to reason and the metaphor has be connected to their material existence in space.

When a pattern is logaritmic and closed in itself it is a self-referencial system and a self-referential system is a fractal.

The cycle I discovered emerged when I was studying Chinese Philosphy. To understand Chinese Philosophy I went back in history and discovered the Yellow River Map.

The Yellow River Map was created by the first Emperor of China and is in essence a magic square where the sum of all the numbers is 15. The magic square has a 5 in the middle. The first Emperor of China came from the land of MU. MU or Lemuria is an old civilization that existed before Atlantis. The science of MU was aimed at Creation, Harmony and Beauty.

Out of the Yellow River Map came the I Tjing and the I Tjing was the basis of Time Wave Zero.

What Terrence McKenna did not see is that the cycle moves through five stages. The Chinese called them Wood, Earth, Fire, Water and Metal. In other systems different names where used. The most simple model that is you can use to understand the Cycle is the model of the Seasons.

The names of the phases are really not important they are principles or metaphors. Fire is the principle of Expansion and Wind (or Air or Wood) is the principle of Compression. I named the principles Plan, Performance, Protection, Potential and Possibility.

It is very difficult to imagine or understand the principle of self-reference. Self-reference means that a pattern is repeating on every level. When Self-reference is closed in itself the principle is also repeating itself.

The last thing you have to understand is the principle of resonance. Cycles can be seen as Waves and Waves interfere. Long Cycles interfere with Short Cycles. Short term cycles are “riding the waves of” a long term cycle. When Waves are seen as Music the Cycles produces Overtones. When many cycles are in the same stage they are creating a conjunction and the principle of the Wave is amplified.

In essence the Waves are related to Music.

What is Happening?

We are in the Compressing Phase of the Cycle of Time (Male). The Compressing Phase means that Time is Speading Up and we are reaching the Zero Point.

In every step of the compression we see the same fractal appearing and the fractal moves through the five stage but in an excellarating speed.

When we have reached the Zero Point the Wave will Move Back in Time. We will see the same stages appear but the Cycle will be reversed. It will move through the same stages but in a different order.

Until today the Cycle is moving according to what the Chinese call the Destructing Cycle. When we move back in time we will be controlled by the Generating Cycle. This is the Cycle of Creation.

2012 will be the big turning point in many cycles. It will be a major conjunction and in this conjunction one aspect of all the cycles (Essence, The Centre, Harmony, Beauty) will be extremely amplified. We are reaching a moment of Pure Beauty and Extreme Harmony.

After that the Cycle will move back. It will be in the expanding mode (Female).

But before we reach this point Zero we will experience all the stages in an excellerating mode.

We will Expand, Compress, Find Balance, Move Up and Move Down until we have reached the Top the final point of Total Compression of Every Thing, The Alpha and the Omega.

It will be a very “Bumpy Ride” and many people will experience the compression as a Major Crisis. Many (Male) Believe-Systems will fale. At the end we will be without any model to explain what will happen. The Male-principle of Total Control will fail. Science will be without any answer.

The Emotions, the Unconsciousness,  and the Imagination (Spirit) already know what is going to happen. We will be ONE for a short infinite moment of time.

Why are all the Bees dying?

Tuesday, March 4th, 2008
Haagen-Dazs is warning that a creature as small as a honeybee could become a big problem for the premium ice cream maker’s business. At issue are the disappearing bee colonies in the United States, a situation that continues to mystify scientists and frighten food-makers.
That’s because, according to Haagen-Dazs, one-third of the U.S. food supply – including a variety of fruits, vegetables and even nuts – depends on pollination from bees.It is now estimated that nearly half of Italy’s 50 billion bee population died last year. Meanwhile, the situation in the U.S., where up to 70% of honey bees have already died, is far worse than in Italy. The worldwide bee epidemic has also hit France, Germany, Britain, Brazil, Australia, and Canada.

Bees are responsible for the pollination of fruits, nuts, vegetables; such as, carrots, cucumbers, broccoli, onions, pumpkins, squash, apples, blueberries, avocados, almonds or cherries. Many animals and insects are dependent on these products. In the end the only thing that is left for us to eat is grain and seafood.

The wheat supplies around the world are at their lowest level in thirty years and the demand for seafood is also much bigger than the amount of fish that is produced. The effect is a permanent rise of the prices. At the end only the Rich people (We) are able to buy food. The rest of the World has to find other solutions. Don’t you think this will create a lot of conflicts?

Scientists are “mystified” by what they call Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD).

 Bees use the sky and the earth’s magnetic field to navigate. They communicate this information to their mates by the famous bees’ waggle dance on the honeycomb. Researchers at Landau University in Germany designed a simple experiment. They exposed bee-hives to the radiation of DECT-stations. Of course they also used a control group that was not exposed. For two microwave-exposed hives no bees at all returned. To one hive only six returned.

I think it is strange that a simple explanation is not accepted. When bees vanish there can be only one reason. They move out and are unable to find their way back. Because their navigation system depends on “the sky and the earth magnetic field” there must be something wrong with this field.

 Honeybees are one of the most sensitive indicator species for all the environmental pollution and dangerous technologies we perpetrate.

When honeybees disappear, we too, shall follow in due time.I have written more than once about the big changes that are taking place in the Magnetic Field of the Earth. Some changes are caused by external influences (the Sun Cycle) but most of the changes are caused by ourselves. We are polluting the sea, the earth and the sky.

Not only the telecommunication-industry is producing electro-magnetic pollution. The Military (US, Russia, China) have produced very powerfull Electro-Magnetic Weapons. This network is build by the US-Army is now covering the US. It produces so called ELF (Extreem Low Frequency) waves. It is proved that these network change the Magnetic Orientation with 10 degrees. ELF networks are also capable of influencing the Emotions.

I know that the policy-makers are aware of the problems. They know already for a very long time about the hazards. They don’t know what to do because we are now about a 100% dependent on the “mobile”-infrastructure. They don’t want to admit they told “lies” to the public.

It is a well known fact that when many people are compromised they just wait and see and hope for something that will save from a downfall when everybody starts to realize we are moving into a fatal disaster and they knew it all the time (!).

Not only the politicians are not acting. The users (Civilians and Soldiers) are also watching and using their beautifull gadgets. They are addicted and don’t realize that electro-magnetic infrastructures are also killing the Immune-system and affect our Emotional States.

The Military don’t mind about this. Destructing the Enemy is their Goal.

When you read this Blog please realize that You are again informed about a new step in the Destruction of Your own Environment.

If we go on this way we will be sick (Auto-Immune Diseases), poor and hungry (Shortage of Food) in due time.

 We will be poor because the financial system is crashing because of the spectacular amount of financial speculation. Speculation in Commodities is one part of a very big picture that shows that the Financial Industry is gambling on a very large scale. Speculation is one the most important factors for the rise of all the prices in commodities.

Sometimes we have to stop something and start all-over again. I am afraid we have to stop mobile communication almost immedeatly and move back to the old way of telecommunication using cables. I am sure we will find low-intensity solutions for Mobile Communication. There is really no need to send Movies and Pictures by the mobile network.There is abundance of Glass Fiber!

We also have to stop all the large scale “experiments” with Electro Magnetic Fields that are going on in the Weapon Industry. There is no need for more advanced highly destructive weapons. 

About Pan and Anarchy

Thursday, September 20th, 2007

panIn 2002 the book Panarchy: Understanding Transformations in Human and Natural Systems, (Gunderson, L.H and Holling, C.S (eds)) was published. To my knowledge this is one of the most important books of our time.

Panarchy is the first theory that is able to explain the behavior of complex ecosystems. It is an integration of many former theories in economics, biology, ecology, sociology, mathematics, psychology and other sciences.

Have a look at RA to learn more about Panarchy. You will be surprised by the amount of interesting articles and insights.

In this blog I will use long citations: “The world has not collapsed because natural ecological systems have the resilience to experience wide change and still maintain the integrity of their functions.

The world also has not collapsed because of human behavior and creativity. People do learn, however spasmodically. Change and extreme transformations have been part of humanity’s evolutionary history. People’s adaptive capabilities, have made it possible not only to persist passively, but to create and innovate when limits are reached.

The controls determined by each set of biotic structuring processes within terrestrial ecosystems are remarkably robust and the behaviors resulting are remarkably resilient. That robustness comes from functional diversity and spatial heterogeneity in the species and physical variables that mediate the key processes that structure and organize patterns in ecosystems and landscapes.

The stability domains that define the type of system (e.g. forest, savanna, grassland, or shrub steppe) are so large that external disturbances have to be extreme and/or persistent before the system flips irreversibly into another state. Except under extreme climatic conditions, Mother Nature is not basically in a state of delicate balance. If She were, the world would indeed have collapsed long ago“.

panarchy model

The books starts with a description of the five metaphors or world-views that are used to look at Nature. These metaphors are the same metaphors Bhaktin uses to describe the proces of the evolving narratives in human culture.

The World-Views are connected to Mathematical Models that are commonly used in Science to explain an Ecology. The authors show that every model has its consequences. The most beautifull thing they show is that these models are not wrong. They are needed to keep the Cycle of the Ecology running.

panarchy levels

What they also show is that a Panarchy-cycle uses a memory when the Ecology is collapsing. Somewhere a small area is preserved. It contains the “seeds” of the new Cycle. We have to look back when we want to move foreward. We also have to look back to learn feom our mistakes. “People do learn, however spasmodically”. Learning is not copying. We have “to create and innovate when limits are reached”.

Somewhere in History the Seeds of the New Cycle are available. A beautifull example is the Sacred Groove. It is a place where very old trees are preserved by the local community. They need the trees to aquire medicine to cure deseases or snake bites.

Because the new Cycle has to be based on Harmony I feel you have to have a look at China. China is not only the Economy Power that is able to destroy the World when it moves on the way it moves. It is also the Culture where Harmony was the basic Concept. When you read my blogs you will see that I use many Chinese Concepts to explain.

The theory is a Self-Referencial (“Fractal“) theory and uses the Moebius Ring as the central concept. You understand why I was flabbergasted when I found Panarchy on the Internet.

The last thing that made me very enthousiastic is the name Panarchy. It is based on the name of the Old Greek God of Joy and Nature, Pan.

Pan was “Goat-legged, enthusiastic, a lover of ectacy, dancing among the stars, weaving the harmony of the Cosmos into playfull song” (The Orphic Hymns). The myth was told in Early Creece that he had left the Earth. It is of a high urgency that we ask Pan to come back. We can only save Mother Nature when we become enthusiastic again to weave Harmony all over the World.

Pan is also the God of Dance and Rythm:

Complex natural systems work in rhythms – with a front-loop phase of slow, incremental growth and accumulation, and a back-loop stage of rapid reorganisation leading to renewal, to, collapse. The front-loop phase is more predictable with higher degrees of certainty.

In both the natural and social worlds, it maximises production and accumulation. The consequence of this is an accumulation and concentration of wealth, but also emergence of greater vulnerability, due to the increasing number of interconnections that link that wealth, and those that bear it, in efforts to sustain it.

Little time and few resources are available for alternatives that explore different visions or opportunities. Emergence and novelty is inhibited. This growing connectedness leads to increasing rigidity in its goal to retain control, and the system becomes ever more tightly bound together. This reduces resilience and the capacity of the system to absorb change, thus increasing the threat of abrupt change.

We can recognise the needs for change but become politically stifled in our capacity to act effectively. Wealth and broadening wealth accumulated to lead to our present vulnerability on a world stage.

We are entering the back loop of re-organisation that entails the collapse of accumulated connections, the release of bound up knowledge and capital. But it also opens a creative potential and the opportunity for ‘creative destruction“.

The World and Our Society is now in the non-predictable back-loop stage of rapid reorganisation, creative destruction, collaps and renewal. It will soon jump back to an early stage where the Seeds of the New Cycle of Creation are Stored.

Because the Long Term Cycle of Earth is now Collapsing we have to look back for a long time to find the Seeds. The most impressive collaps of our World happened when the Great Flood appeared at 3117 BC.

Strangely enough 3117 BC is the start of the Mayan Calendar and the Indian Kali Yuga (“The Dark Age“).  Before that time the Humans lived in the Green Sahara also called Paradise. At that time Pan, the God of Nature,  was still there.

Do we have to move back to Paradise to Start All over Again?


About Panarchy

About the Great Flood

About Social Cohesion

About World View

About Chinese Concepts

About the Fractal Universe

About the Green Sahara and Paradise

About Guanxi

Friday, July 27th, 2007

Guanxi is a Chinese term, generally translated as “networks” or “connections”. Although guanxi is often characterized as uniquely Chinese, similar relationships occur in other nations, especially in East Asia.

In China guanxi has become especially significant in the last fifty years because it provides individuals with a patterned, structured set of relationships that to some extent replace the social networks of family, village, and clan that are more difficult to maintain in the face of population relocations, urbanization, and Westernization.

Guanxi is a mechanism for dealing with social uncertainty in a complex social environment.

Guanxi has been a significant element in Chinese business relationships for several hundred years. Wide webs of guanxi tie Chinese businessmen and Chinese firms into a cohesive and functioning economy. The success and even survival of many businesses rests on the establishment and maintenance of guanxi.

For Western businesspeople, the idea of guanxi is a useful reminder that trust, understanding, and personal knowledge can be vital components of economic relationships.

The development of guanxi is not something that takes place instantly, and this can be one of the frustrating aspects of doing business in China for non-Asians who are accustomed to striking a deal and moving on.

Most guanxi relationships are based on individuals’ having something in common, a phenomenon called tong in Chinese. The commonalities may be the fact of having attended or graduated from the same school, having the same place of employment, working in the same industry, or coming from the same village or region. Guanxi relationships have a strong emotional element, something easily overlooked by outsiders.

The essence of guanxi is that each relationship carries with it a set of expectations and obligations for each participant. A guanxi relationship may lead a person to feel obligated to help someone. Those who meet these obligations gain face and status and expand their guanxi network. Refusing to help is a sign of inhumanity and can bring disgrace. Guanxi involves the notion of honor and respect, two core values in Chinese society.

There are a variety of customs and practices in the West that reflect concepts similar to those used to explain guanxi, concepts and rules that define the relationship between individuals and groups. For example, traditionally European etiquette required a person to be introduced by a mutual acquaintance, never simply to strike up a conversation with a stranger, even at a private event.

Nonetheless, in the West ties tend to be less strong, less structured, and less based on expectations. Old or distant relationships are also less important in the West than they are in China.

The main reason is that Western People are acting on the short term. They want to strike a deal and move on.They still have not learnt from the results that came out of a tournament that was organised to solve the so called iterated Prisoners Dilemma.

The Prisoners Dillema is a game in which two players may each “cooperate” with or “defect” (i.e. betray) the other player. If two players play the Prisoner’s dilemma more than once in succession (that is, having memory of at least one previous game), it is called iterated Prisoner’s dilemma. Robert Axelrod created popular interest in his book The Evolution of Cooperation (1984).

The best strategy was Tit for Tat, developed by Anatol Rapoport. It was the simplest of any program entered. When you use Tit for Tat the only thing you have to do is offer cooperation. If the other is not cooperating retaliate, forgive and start to cooperate all over again.

I think you understand what I want to show. If we involve the Chinese notions of honor and respect, offer cooperation, forgive and (this is very important) leave people that don’t do this out of our networks we will create a cohesive and functioning economy.

It is simple! Just as simple as the Strategy of Tit-for-Tat and just as simple like many other things in life.


About the Extended Family

About Social Cohesion

Why is Western Civilization so Extreme Violent?

Wednesday, May 30th, 2007

Violence can be seen in every area of life.

We converted people to the Christian Faith of “Love thy Neighbor” with Violence.

We cure Diseases with Violence (Opening the Body, Taking Toxic medicine), we use Violence to create Food and now we even use Violence to Enforce (!) Peace (Afghanistan, Iraq).

Violence to enforce Peace is the last invention of what a friend of mine calls the Dark Dreamers.

Dark Dreamers are people that cannot handle Love and Compassion. They are afraid to Lose Control.

To Stay in Power they have to Suppress Others. To suppress others they need Violent People (Killers, Soldiers, Food for Cannons).

Violence is a reaction to suppression and the most effectual suppression is the suppression of sexuality.

In “The History of Sexuality“, Foucault states that Western Culture has long been fixated on Sexuality.

In China, Japan, India and the Roman Empire sexuality has been seen as an “Ars Erotica”, “Erotic Art“, a special experience.

Sexuality is something to Enjoy like good food, music and theater.

In Western Society something completely different has been created, “Scientia Sexualis“, the Science of Sexuality.

It is based on a phenomenon diametrically opposed to Ars Erotica: the Confession. The pleasure of Sexuality has to be confessed and examined in every detail to find the traces of SIN.

The confession of sin creates a power relation between preacher and confessant.

Foucault writes: “We are an extraordinarily confessing society. Confession has spread its effects far and wide: in the judicial system, in the army, in medicine, in pedagogy, in familial relations, in amorous relationships, in everyday life and in the most solemn rituals; crimes are confessed, sins are confessed, thoughts and desires are confessed, one’s past and one’s dreams are confessed, one’s childhood is confessed; one’s diseases and problems are confessed”.

The main focus of the confession was on regulating the sexuality of the married couple, ignoring other forms of sexual relations.

Therefore the body of women was sexualized because of its role as a child bearer.

The concept “hysteria” was invented and seen as a result of sexual problems.

To prevent that children experience sexuality as a pleasure parents are warned about the dangers inherent in masturbation and other sexuality.

The sexuality of adults becomes an object of study and all forms of “perverse” aberrations are seen as dangers.

Foucault emphasizes that the aim of these moral codes was not to abolish all forms of sexuality, but to protect health and the purity of the race.

What can we do to stop this violence?

Don’t Confess Anymore. Talk Freely about everything you Enjoy even Sexuality and consider life as a beautiful experience.

Make Love not War.

Leave the System of Violence and join The System of Love and Compassion.

If you want to bring Peace to the World go to the under-development countries and help to build Roads, Schools, and Houses.

The people over there are Not Violent (Remember this is the Message of the Mass Media) they want to Enjoy Life Like You.