Archive for the ‘Cycles’ Category

About 2012

Saturday, March 15th, 2008

Venus-Galactic-CrossAt sunrise on December 21, 2012 for the first time in 26,000 years the Sun rises to conjunct the intersection of the Milky Way and the plane of the ecliptic. This cosmic cross is considered to be an embodiment of the Sacred Tree, The Tree of Life a tree remembered in all the world’s spiritual traditions.

Some observers say this alignment with the heart of the galaxy in 2012 will open a channel for cosmic energy to flow through the earth, cleansing it and all that dwells upon it, raising it all to a higher level of vibration.

 The galactic alignment is a core idea in many of the world’s spiritual traditions-especially The Mayas, The Toltecs, The Hopis, Mithraism (The predecessor of Christianity), the Vedic Yuga doctrine, and  Neoplatonic philosophy, all the way up to William Blake.

Time is accelerating. Events that took centuries to take place now take years. Calculations that would have taken decades are now made in minutes. The Internet enables communication that used to take months to happen in seconds. In almost every area of life, change is occurring faster and faster.

So where is all this leading? Some people think we are headed toward what is called a “singularity.” This is the term that mathematicians give to a point when an equation breaks down and ceases to have any useful meaning.

A singularity in mathematic arises when we divide by zero. In the old mathematics this was impossible but in the current state of mathematics a singularity is simply a hole in the “space/time of numbers”.

If we look at the current ideas of time numbers represent an event and all the events are represented by a highly symmetrical structure “the hyper diamond“. This Diamond also called the Hall of Mirrors represents all the Possible Paths we can take in the Multi-Verse.

holycross9Time is speeding up because the Amount of Events per Time-Unit is speeding up. The speeding up is not a linear proces. It follows a Power-Law. When a Power Law is active Speed is Speeding Up (Spiraling). At a certain moment the Spiral will move into the Singularity.

Mathematical Space contains many holes and we are able to navigate avoiding the holes.

There is one very special hole. This hole represents the Primal Void, the Emptiness before any thing was created. Some people call this state God.

According to the Physicist Leshan we can use this hole to Travel Time and Space. Perhaps we will reach the Hole of Leshan in 2012.

In the weird experiments of John Neumann with a Tesla-Time machine 2012 showed itself as a Time-Wall. The experimenters could not pass this wall.

The Experiments of the Psychologist Helen Wambach showed the Same Pattern. Wambach used Regression Therapy to move thousands of people into the Future. It was impossible to jump to the period surrounding 2012. To her surprise many people predicted the same thing. Before 2012 the world will be hit by intense events like the collapse of the banking system, major conflicts, major earthquakes and spectaculair weather-events.


The idea that humanity is heading towards a point of infinitely was explored by Teilhard the Chardin (Point Omega) and in recent times by Terence McKenna in his book The Invisible Landscape. He calls this point Timewave Zero.

McKenna developed a mathematical Fractal Function, which he called the “timewave”, that appeared to match the overall rate of ingression of novelty in the world. “Ingression of novelty” is a term coined by the philosopher Alfred North Whitehead to denote new forms or developments coming into existence.

This timewave is not a smooth curve, but one that has peaks and troughs corresponding to the peaks and troughs of the rate of ingression of novelty across human history.

The most significant characteristic of McKenna’s timewave is that its shape repeats itself, but over shorter and shorter intervals of time.

The curve shows a surge in novelty around 500 BC, when Socrate, Buddha, and Pythagoras created a new Religous Paradigm (“Know Thyself“).

The repeating nature of McKenna’s timewave shows the same pattern occurring in the late 1960s, where it happened sixty-four times faster.

In 2010, the pattern repeats again, sixty-four times faster still.

At December 22, 2012 the timescale is compressed from months to weeks, to days, tending very rapidly toward zero: a point McKenna called “Timewave Zero.” At that moment we have ended our evolutionary journey and will jump to a new state.

Balanced Ternary Tree of 43According to new mathematical models (the Ternary Numbers) and new insights in physics (String Theory) we will re-connect to the Super Mind that created our Universe and re-connect to the invisible parallel universes that started the same time our Universe was created.

We will be able to communicate with all the isolated souls that exist in many disconnected time-lines in many disconnected universes.  

 The time between now and 2012 will be a time when many old Institutions will Die. We can see this already in the Banking Industry. They will be unable to handle the increasing amount of vital events.

In this time frame we will also experience strange Weatherpatterns and a Restructering of Nature.

I hope you can imagine that all the structures we have created will collapse at a certain level of change. The only way to survive will be a state of “Martial Law”. This exactly what the US Time Travellers of Helen Wambach are predicting.

If we accept the idea of the Singularity, Point Omega or Time Wave Zero there are two choices.

The first choice is to withstand the pressure and stay on Earth. The other choice is to Unite the Opposites, Move through the Hole of the Primal Void to our Complementatry Universe (Heaven, The Kingdom).The last choice is only possible if we Know Our Selves. 

But I say unto you that the Kingdom is Within You, and it is among you. When ye come to Know Yourselves, then others will know you, and ye will know that ye are all children of the living Father. But if ye will not know yourselves, ye dwell in poverty and ye are yourselves that poverty” (Gospel of Thomas, Logion 3). “When ye make the Two One, and when you make the Inside like unto the Outside and the Outside like unto the Inside, and that which is Above like unto that which is Below, and when ye make the Male and the Female one and the same, …..then will ye enter into the Kingdom.” (Gospel of Thomas, Logion 22).

The Dream of the World Clock

In the language of the Toltecs we have to fool the Eagle to get at the other Side. After we Die The Eagle “eats our experience” and brings us back to Earth without a memory of what has happened.

The Eagle creates a Veil that covers the “real world, the World of the Senses”. There is a Pathway to Pass the Hole of the Eagle and Leave 3-Dimensional space.

To pass the Eagle we have to forget our Experiences and become Innocent again.

When the Amount of Events increases we will reach a point where the Senses will simply collaps of the huge amount of Stress.

Between Now and 2012 we have to make a choice. We can go on to the bitter End (The Apocalyps) or we can use our Consciousness, the Gift of the Great Spirit.


About the Apocalyps

About the Super Mind

About 2012 and Time Travel

About Strange Weatherpatterns

About the End of the Banking System

About the Cycle of History

About the Experiments of Helen Wambach

About the Time Machine of Tesla and von Neumann

About Time Travel

About Magic and Plato




About Genesis

Sunday, February 17th, 2008
A very interesting principle that helps to shape education is the principle of Genesis. The principle of Genesis can be seen in the development of the human fetus. It follows all the stages of human evolution but the process takes nine months instead of millions of years.

The most interesting scientists that researched genesis can be found in Russia. They lived in the time of Stalin and tried to cope with Marxism.

Their names are Lev Vigotsky, Yury Lotman’s (the Semiosphere), Vernadsky‘s (the Biosphere, now called Gaya) and of course Bakhtin‘s (the Logosphere). All of them felt that we are reaching a new “jump” in the genesis of our “systems” (thinking, living and commun-ication).

Vigotsky believed in the Genesis of Education. To educate a person we have to teach him all the important stages in the development of a certain science. The only thing we have to do is detect the Major Events or “Jumps” or “Phase Transitions” so we can speed up the process.  

Vigotsky argued that the human evolution is largely connected to the development of tools. If we want to learn more about the Major Jumps of  human culture we have to look at the genesis of our instruments including our “tools of the mind”.
The other important issue of Vigotsky is Context.
People learn when they are operating in the same context the science is applied. The major learning process is Exploration, making mistakes and learning from the mistakes.
Education is only successful if the teacher stretches his pupil a little bit. He (or she) has to Push (Challenge) the learner into a higher State of Understanding to make the next step and to explore a new territory of Understanding.

Bahktin, Vigotsky, Vernadsky and Lotman all believed in a Cyclic system that suddenly moves to a new level. At this moment we would classify their science as Chaos Theory.

If Bahktin, Vernadsky and Lotman and Vigotsky are right we have to prepare ourselves for a new step (Gaya, The Semiosphere, The Logosphere, The Internet).

This step will bring Cooperation on a New scale, Earth.It is not very clear if the new cooperative structure will guide us of if we will guide the structure ourselves.

I think the first thing is happening. We are already confronted with the ”New Wave” and the Wave is increasing his strength. It will “Blow Away” all the Old structures like a Tsunami.

If we look at human cultures the same pattern is visible. We have-to move (!) to certain stages to reach the next stage of development. We cannot enforce Democracy on a culture that is in the stage of the Kingdom or the Tribe.

The same happens in the field of economics and the market. The capitalists are enforcing free trade but they protected their own trade when they were in another stage of their development. We have to accept that the development countries are able to protect their trade because we (the West) did the same thing long ago.

Are we Heading at a Total Collapse of all Systems?

Monday, December 17th, 2007
When I finished my blog about the Great Depression in 1929 I wanted to write about the Great Depression of 2008. I was convinced this would happen again. I am not the only one. Many known and unknown people are warning about a worldwide economic disaster (a deep recession).

The Central Banks are pumping money into the market to prevent this to happen but to their big surprise the market is not able to use this money because the banks are afraid to lend money to other banks because there is no trust at all.

They want to revive the system but the system is in a very special and dangerous state called StagFlation. It is slowing down AND speeding up in terms of prices and the creation of money. Stagflation is something the Economist cannot handle. It is a Catch 22-situation. What you do, it always works against you.

Another problem is caused by the collective believe that things are going wrong. People stop to invest and to buy which generates a downward spiral. You can lower the interest rates to zero but when many people are afraid to buy they don’t need a credit.

The collective believe-system is the most important factor. When the Central Bank is lowering the rates it is telling two stories at the same time. The first story is that it is doing something to help but it also confirms the believe that something is really wrong.

The second story is more powerful than the first story. People don’t believe in the financial system anymore. It has destroyed itself. What the people need is self-confidence and a way to solve their own problems but The System that is there to help them is in trouble itself.

The only way out is that people start to cooperate without the “interference” of the big complex dying systems. The Rich could simply lend their money directly to the “poor” entrepreneurs. There are enough people available to create new businesses but they are simply stopped by the incomprehensible System that has lost its own Entrepreneurship long ago.

The Rich, the Investors, don’t want do this because they don’t know how to trust an Entrepreneur. They want to be helped by experts who really don’t know what they are talking about because they are way beyond the practices of real life. The experts live in a highly abstract world that is dominated by Models and Models have nothing to do with Reality. They are a product of the Imagination. To solve our problems we have to move back to Earth and become Practical again.

In a blog I explained to so called Domino-effect. When one domino falls all the domino’s fall. At this moment all the banking-domino’s are preventing the domino-effect to take place. They are afraid they will lend something to another bank that will fall.

The banks are unable to show their credibility because they are unaware of their own risks. The financial structure of a bank has become incomprehensible because of the very complex products based on expectations and the failing IT-Systems that are unable to show what is really happening. Everything is connected to everything. The financial community is a highly complicated knot.

Many people are trying to comprehend the current situation but they are missing the right theory. Suddenly I remembered the Resilience Alliance (RA). They have created a beautiful theory to explain ecologies. It is not difficult to see that the financial system is an ecology.

RA has defined an adaptive cycle with four distinct phases: growth, conservation, collapse and reorganization. The cycle contains two major phases, the fore-loop (growth and conservation) and the back-loop (collapse and reorganization).
At that time an Innovation in Religion came into the World. This innovation can be summarized by the famous statement of Socrate Know Thyself. When we Know Our Selves we will be inspired by our Inner Light. Know Thyself has been translated into many practical approaches like Socratic Learning, Socratic Decision Making (Sociocracy) and of course the Cooperation.

The most important point is not to believe in the Apocalyps but to understand that a collapse is always followed by growth and conservation but on a new level. Believing in the End will generate the End. Our collective imagination is one of the strongest forces on Earth. Look for the signs of the new structure that will enfold out of the old one. Join people that are driven by Spirit and Soul. They are everywhere.

The back-loop is a rapid phase. During the fore-loop wealth is slowly accumulated and competitive processes lead to a few dominant species. The fore-loop destroys diversity. This is what happening in nature and it looks like the same thing is happening in other human ecologies. When most of the diversity is gone the ecology is highly connected and vulnerable to external influences. When something unexpected happens the total ecology collapses.

My feeling is that we are now in a state were many ecologies are collapsing at the same moment. They are collapsing because Nature is collapsing at an impressive speed. We are not heading for a Great Depression but we are heading for the Big Collapse.

The back-loop is a rapid phase. Suddenly the Weather changes with an incredible speed. Suddenly the Financial Market is evaporating and we are unable to do anything. Suddenly major conflicts start and we are unable to manage them with the current systems.

According to RA after the collapse the ecology reorganizes itself by jumping back to a “hidden” state that was stored in its memory a very long time ago.

How far back do we have to go in history to find our rescue? In another blog I wrote about the destructing cycle that was caused by a new insight that was given to the world by Socrate and the Buddha.

About Fools, Pyramids and Bubbles

Saturday, December 1st, 2007

foolsDuring the so called E-Commerce Bubble allmost everybody believed that when you sell something on the Internet you will become an instant multi-biljonair.

I did not believe this at all. The funny thing was that almost nobody believed me. I waited for the Bubble to burst.

To my surprise the E-Commerce Bubble became the biggest bubble I ever experienced. At a certain moment I even started to believe I was wrong and something really special was happening, The New Economy.

Later I discovered the reason why the Bubble was able to grow to an extreme proportion. The Long Term Economic Cycle called the Kondratieff-Cycle was at that time in an UP-mode. The Economy was expanding and many people were looking for a nice investment opportunity.

When the Bubble exploded the Kondratieff was moving Down and the Exploding Bubble excellarated the downfall.The Kondratieff will start to rise again around 2020. Until that time we will be in a state of Recession.

The people that promoted E-Commerce believed that Commerce was all about Communication. Just Tell Everybody You are There and Business will Come. But When Everybody is telling Everybody that they are selling Something Nobody will Find you. To find you they have to know what they are looking for. People used a search-engine to find what they were looking for.

E-Commerce created a new problem. The problem was “how to Manipulate a Search-Engine”. The problem was solved by the Search-Engine itself. Just Pay us and we Put You on top of the List. At that time I did not realize that the biggest money-maker in E-Commerce would be the creation of a “fraudulent” search-engine.

At that time we believed the only type of company that would benifit from E-Commerce was a Mail-Order Company. Amazon.COM was our favorite example.

I knew that the Old Companies were unable to create a Website with a connection to the Back Office. Their Legacy Systems would block them.

I reseached Logistics, Languages, Legal and Fiscal Issues and the big Cultural differerences between the many Countries in the World you could reach with one simple Website.I found out that there are a lot of questions you could ask about Commerce that many people never asked because Normal Commerce was “Just Happening”. We are immersed in Commerce and take many things for granted.

I got in contact with people in the US that where doing the same research. We decided to create a European CommerceNet. The EG asked me to participate in a big effort to solve the problems of SME’s in E-Commerce. We identified many issues that had be resolved.

Finally the Bubble exploded.

the-foolEconomic Bubbles are happening all the time. The simplest explanation for the appearance of a Bubble is The Bigger Fool Theory. When you buy something and your investment becomes questionable you believe you will always find a “a bigger fool” who pays the price of your life. Humans are positive thinkers. They believe they will always make a profit.

The bigger fool theory is an example of a positive feedback mechanism. Everybody feels things will go up. If this happens they want to become part of the tremendous success. What many people don’t realize is that positive feedback has to be compensated by a negative feedback.

Everything in the Universe is expanding and contracting. People who are entering in the beginning of the rise make a lot of money. People that join when the decline starts lose everything. A Bubble is a very complicated, unbalanced, unfair and sometimes even fraudulent exchange-mechanism. A fraudulent exchange mechanism is called a Pyramid-scheme or a Ponzi-Scheme. A Bubble is a Ponzi-Scheme where nobody is playing Mr.Ponzi.

In the E-Commerce Bubble many people used the Ponzi-Scheme to make a lot of money. I don’t want to offend my collegueas but I am convinced many financial advisors knew the Bubble would burst some day and did not tell this to the people they were advising. They did not tell the truth for many reasons.

They were completely ignorent about the technology and the effect of the technology on companies but the most important reason was sadly enough the fact that they were making a lot of money themselves. They became greedy. Greed is the Fatal Attractor behind all the Ponzi-schemes.

Economic Theorists proved that the Ponzi-Scheme can also be applied to other areas of our society like The Housing Market and the Government Pension System. All of them will finally end in a Bursting Bubble. The people that will win are always first users. The Housing Market Bubble is already exploding, The Pension Bubble is on its way.


About Entrainment and Bubbles

How Socrate changed the Cycle of Western Civilization

Tuesday, October 16th, 2007

SocrateMany people Project their Knowledge of the Now to History. They Think that People Thought the same Thoughts many years ago.

To understand the Spirit of The Time we have to understand the Historical Context People lived in. One way of doing this is to look at a shared foundation and study the Historical Variations on the Central Theme.

This idea corresponds with the Insights of Micheal Bahktin. He called the central theme The Chronotope, “The place where the knots of narrative are tied”. I used his theory to have a look at the Cultural Cycle of History.

I combined the theory of Bahktin with the Economic Cycle Theory of Kondratiev. To my big surprise Kondratiev and Bahktin use a different periodicity (50, 250 years) of the Cycle but the stages of the Cycle were the same.

What surprised me more what that the periodicities of the Cycles where related by the factor Five. When you know the basic periodicity the only thing you have to do is multiply or divide by five and the same pattern, the Basic Fractal of History, emerges. The Five or the Pentagram shows itself in every culture on Earth. When we transform this structure in three dimensions it shows itself as a Spiral or a Moebius Ring.

A beautiful example of a projection of the Now on History was a visit to the Cave of Lascaux in France. An anthropologist was explaining to us what we were seeing.

The Cave contained many Spiraling Abstract Paintings. She told us that the Cave was used for rituals and the many pictures we saw had a symbolic meaning. I did not believe that because the theory of symbolism was “invented” by de Saussure (1857-1913).

The people that lived in the Cave had no idea of Symbolisms and Symbols. They just painted what they “saw” in the Outside World and the Inside World. If I place myself in their Context I cannot Imagine they were Thinking a lot. I feel they were Experiencing Nature in all his states of Wonder and Terror. Imagine what a beautifull Sky they were experiencing every Night and you will understand why the Sky Father was the major Force they felt.

The people that lived at the time of the Cave of Lascaux always situated their Holy Places at the crossings of important Ley Lines. These Ley Lines represent the Spiraling Knots of the Electro Magnetic Field of the Earth (the Earth Grid) .

Highly sensitive people can still feel the PowerPlaces and it is not strange to assume that the sensitive people at that time (“the Sjamans”) could do the same. Just like the Current Sjamans they could travel Space/Time by performing Rituals (Spinning, Chanting the Sacred Tones), Lucid Dreaming or by eating Sacred psychoactive plants like the Peyote and the Amanita Muscaria (the Soma).

Symbolism was a theme of the Spirit of the Time of a stage in the development of the Kondratiev Wave that operated between 1890 and 1940. It was the time of Standardization (Control, Plan).

The stage before this stage (1850-1890) was related to Energy (Ego, Self, Desire, Fire). It was the time when the Steel Mills were created, the research in Chemistry started and Alexander Noble invented Dynamite. I was able to map every phase of the Kondratiev Cycle to the Cycle of Bahktin.

The 5 phases of the Kondratiev Cycle (5×50 =250 years) could be summarized at a higher level, the Industrial Revolution. I found out that the Industrial Revolution was a Social Movement. A Social Movement is always preceded by a Spiritual Movement, the Renaissance.

I started to map the Cycle again with a periodicty of 250 years. The time-interval between 1450 and 1700 is called Renaissance. It is the stage of the Spirit and Ideas. The model fitted.

I went back 5×250 years (200-450). In this time Christianity was created by the Roman Emperor Constantine I. He used the widespread Cult of Mithras to introduce Christianity in the Roman Empire. Again we are in the stage of the Spirit. The Model fitted.

I jumped to a higher level of the Cycle (The Cycle of Civilizations) and travelled further back in time. I arrived at the time of the Cave of Lascaux. At that time many caves contained “abstract pictures”. The pictures look like Spiraling Spirals.

Later the spirals where placed in a Medicine Wheel and connected to Animals (Eagle, Bull). The same animals appear in the Medieval Cathedrals but now they are related to the Apostles. Even the medicine wheel (a labyrinth) can be found there.

If you walk this wheel in the Cathedral it will point you to all the important stories that are told. Just like the Medicine Wheel the Cathedrals (build by the (Free) Masons) where an educational tool to tell about the Spiral of Life. Suddenly I saw the big picture.

Every step in the Cycle was nothing but a new way to show the “same thing” again and again. The spiralling spiral came back all the time but on a different level.

What happened around 550 BC?

At that time an Innovation in Religion came into the World. This innovation can be summarized by the famous statement of Socrate Know Thyself. The same statement can be found in the Gospel of Thomas and is also the central theme of the teachings of the Buddha. The Gospel of Thomas is a part of the Dead Sea Scrolls, a Gnostic Library of the Essenes, dated 50 BC.

Jesus said: Whoever knows the All but fails to know himself lacks everything . . . But the Kingdom is within you and it is without you. If you will know yourselves, then you will be known and you will know that you are the sons of the Living Father. But if you do not know yourselves, then you are in poverty and you are poverty“.

Boeddha became an Inspiration in the East. Socrate and Jezus were killed. From that time on an enormous amount of people were killed in the West when they wanted to Know Themselves, find the Whole in their Inner World.

They could not experience the Roman Religion through A System. Know Thyself was a huge threat to the Rulers of Western Civilization. Constantine simply took over Christianity to preserve the power and made it into a Roman System. A system of Laws to Obey. He practiced the old Roman trick of Divide and Conquer to save his Empire.

Between 1450 and 1700, the Renaissance, the tides started to turn. It took another 250 years (1950) before the people in Europe started to find their own Identity again. We are now in the Stage of Individuality of the Cycle and are slowly entering the state of Empathy. It shows itself in the many attempts to create Networks (Communities). The Internet is one of the major Western technological inventions to support this.

The Cycles of East and West (and North and South) are coming together. The Eastern Cultures embrace Western Culture and the Western Culture embraces Eastern Culture. We can create Harmony by a fuse of everything the Human Race has Learnt when a new cycle started around 550 BC.

The Cycle of The Earth is almost at The Breaking Point. According to many environmental scientists we will soon experience a very fast Reorganization on the Level of Earth. The long term cycle of Earth is restoring itself.

Not only Earth will restore itself. The original Spirituality of the civilization of MU, will be restored. An ancient Bhuddist prophesy speaks of the darkest hour of the Dark Age, when the rivers of materialism burst their banks, and plague, famine, greed and warefare beset desperate people everywhere.

That Dark Age will soon end and the new Golden Age will appear. Many living buddhas are now here to bring the precious healing Dharma to anyone ready to receive it.

About Pan and Anarchy

Thursday, September 20th, 2007

panIn 2002 the book Panarchy: Understanding Transformations in Human and Natural Systems, (Gunderson, L.H and Holling, C.S (eds)) was published. To my knowledge this is one of the most important books of our time.

Panarchy is the first theory that is able to explain the behavior of complex ecosystems. It is an integration of many former theories in economics, biology, ecology, sociology, mathematics, psychology and other sciences.

Have a look at RA to learn more about Panarchy. You will be surprised by the amount of interesting articles and insights.

In this blog I will use long citations: “The world has not collapsed because natural ecological systems have the resilience to experience wide change and still maintain the integrity of their functions.

The world also has not collapsed because of human behavior and creativity. People do learn, however spasmodically. Change and extreme transformations have been part of humanity’s evolutionary history. People’s adaptive capabilities, have made it possible not only to persist passively, but to create and innovate when limits are reached.

The controls determined by each set of biotic structuring processes within terrestrial ecosystems are remarkably robust and the behaviors resulting are remarkably resilient. That robustness comes from functional diversity and spatial heterogeneity in the species and physical variables that mediate the key processes that structure and organize patterns in ecosystems and landscapes.

The stability domains that define the type of system (e.g. forest, savanna, grassland, or shrub steppe) are so large that external disturbances have to be extreme and/or persistent before the system flips irreversibly into another state. Except under extreme climatic conditions, Mother Nature is not basically in a state of delicate balance. If She were, the world would indeed have collapsed long ago“.

panarchy model

The books starts with a description of the five metaphors or world-views that are used to look at Nature. These metaphors are the same metaphors Bhaktin uses to describe the proces of the evolving narratives in human culture.

The World-Views are connected to Mathematical Models that are commonly used in Science to explain an Ecology. The authors show that every model has its consequences. The most beautifull thing they show is that these models are not wrong. They are needed to keep the Cycle of the Ecology running.

panarchy levels

What they also show is that a Panarchy-cycle uses a memory when the Ecology is collapsing. Somewhere a small area is preserved. It contains the “seeds” of the new Cycle. We have to look back when we want to move foreward. We also have to look back to learn feom our mistakes. “People do learn, however spasmodically”. Learning is not copying. We have “to create and innovate when limits are reached”.

Somewhere in History the Seeds of the New Cycle are available. A beautifull example is the Sacred Groove. It is a place where very old trees are preserved by the local community. They need the trees to aquire medicine to cure deseases or snake bites.

Because the new Cycle has to be based on Harmony I feel you have to have a look at China. China is not only the Economy Power that is able to destroy the World when it moves on the way it moves. It is also the Culture where Harmony was the basic Concept. When you read my blogs you will see that I use many Chinese Concepts to explain.

The theory is a Self-Referencial (“Fractal“) theory and uses the Moebius Ring as the central concept. You understand why I was flabbergasted when I found Panarchy on the Internet.

The last thing that made me very enthousiastic is the name Panarchy. It is based on the name of the Old Greek God of Joy and Nature, Pan.

Pan was “Goat-legged, enthusiastic, a lover of ectacy, dancing among the stars, weaving the harmony of the Cosmos into playfull song” (The Orphic Hymns). The myth was told in Early Creece that he had left the Earth. It is of a high urgency that we ask Pan to come back. We can only save Mother Nature when we become enthusiastic again to weave Harmony all over the World.

Pan is also the God of Dance and Rythm:

Complex natural systems work in rhythms – with a front-loop phase of slow, incremental growth and accumulation, and a back-loop stage of rapid reorganisation leading to renewal, to, collapse. The front-loop phase is more predictable with higher degrees of certainty.

In both the natural and social worlds, it maximises production and accumulation. The consequence of this is an accumulation and concentration of wealth, but also emergence of greater vulnerability, due to the increasing number of interconnections that link that wealth, and those that bear it, in efforts to sustain it.

Little time and few resources are available for alternatives that explore different visions or opportunities. Emergence and novelty is inhibited. This growing connectedness leads to increasing rigidity in its goal to retain control, and the system becomes ever more tightly bound together. This reduces resilience and the capacity of the system to absorb change, thus increasing the threat of abrupt change.

We can recognise the needs for change but become politically stifled in our capacity to act effectively. Wealth and broadening wealth accumulated to lead to our present vulnerability on a world stage.

We are entering the back loop of re-organisation that entails the collapse of accumulated connections, the release of bound up knowledge and capital. But it also opens a creative potential and the opportunity for ‘creative destruction“.

The World and Our Society is now in the non-predictable back-loop stage of rapid reorganisation, creative destruction, collaps and renewal. It will soon jump back to an early stage where the Seeds of the New Cycle of Creation are Stored.

Because the Long Term Cycle of Earth is now Collapsing we have to look back for a long time to find the Seeds. The most impressive collaps of our World happened when the Great Flood appeared at 3117 BC.

Strangely enough 3117 BC is the start of the Mayan Calendar and the Indian Kali Yuga (“The Dark Age“).  Before that time the Humans lived in the Green Sahara also called Paradise. At that time Pan, the God of Nature,  was still there.

Do we have to move back to Paradise to Start All over Again?


About Panarchy

About the Great Flood

About Social Cohesion

About World View

About Chinese Concepts

About the Fractal Universe

About the Green Sahara and Paradise

Why Psychiatrist are Unable to Cure their own Mental Disease

Monday, August 20th, 2007

psychiatry wardI have been involved with mental illness all my life.In my fathers family many people were mentally ill.


My grandmother was taken to a mental prison after the birth of her last child and staid there all her life. She died before I was born.

My aunt was sexually abused when she was young. My uncle was a simple friendly person who was only capable of taking care of animals and gardens.

He was really too friendly (not assertive). Many people took advantage of him. He ended his life in a mental prison where he was incapable of doing anything. His friends, the animals and the plants where left out of the prison because there was a shortage in specialists to “help him”.


The only thing he could do was sit, eat and worry. To stop his worrying he had to take pills. Many years later he died of a heart-attack. He never found the harmony nature could provide him with.


My father was a talent in handling people that were mentally disturbed. He understood what they were saying and what they needed. I have inherited his talent.


My father was born in 1909. Just like all his brothers he was a farmer. In 1940 he was taken prisoner by the Germans, escaped and found my mother far away from his home in a city called Leiden. I was born in 1951. I was their only child. His experiences in the War and Childhood had an influence on my childhood. He was never able to talk about it.


My father was never educated so he had to do dirty work. The dirty work generated a lot of stress. To find rest he created a garden. He trained me in his specialism. When he got old he could not work in his garden anymore. Just like his brother he became very depressed. He also died of a heart-attack. Many years later my mother died of Alzheimer.

All the time mental disturbed people appear in my life. They are diagnosed as paranoid, psychotic, schizophrenic, depressed, histrionic, autistic, dependent, Alzheimer, split personality, dissociation, ADHD and many other new terms. I am able to help some of them with my “para-normal” talent.

Later I found out that my grandmother was also gifted with the same talent. It was the main reason why she was put into the mental prison. At that time (1920) “para-normal” people were not liked. They were disturbing the System of Religion.

At the university I took many courses in psychology and philosophy. Psychology has been my main interests all my life.

I became befriended with very capable psychiatrists and psychologists and also with people that were also gifted with a special (para-normal?) talent to cure mental diseases

In this blog I use Self-Reference to show you what is happening in the Mental System. What I am writing about this System is applicable to all Systems. It is just an example.


In the current system you are officially mentally ill when a Mental Engineer decides you are mentally ill.


wardA specialist uses a questionnaire and out of the test comes a mental-illness-term, a procedure and medication how to treat the illness. Mental illness is standardized like many other areas in our society.


Standardization was invented by Winslow Taylor in the beginning of the 20th century. His invention created the factory and of course the computer. Standardization is possible when we look at the world trough the eye of the machine.


Mental illness is a defect in the control system of the machine. Somewhere there is a bug in the software of the mind. When we have detected and repaired the bug we are able to run the system again.


Another solution is to ReProgram the Operating System (Memory) itself with a new version or a completely new operation system. A very effective way to do this is Hypnosis.


The current theory about mental diseases has a lot in common with the Microsoft Operating System. It is very complex, contains a lot of bugs and the outside (the user-interface) is more important than the inside.


To become a Mental Engineer you have to be trained to acquire a certificate.


To get a certificate you need a certificate to enter the training. The process of certification acts like a filtering filter, a quality system. Only the perfect machines are allowed to leave the education factory. Its starts with many. In the end only a few survive.


This causes a shortage and a shortage creates a market. Mental engineers are highly paid like all the specialists that are able to move to the filtering filter.


To-earn-a-lot-of-money is the attractor of the educational factory. Parents that believe earning-a-lot-of-money is the most important thing in life push their children into the system and keep pushing until they are in the right production-line.


To help the System Banks and Governments are providing loans. This helps the System a lot because now the perfect machines have to stay in the System to be able to pay back their loans.


When you are a talent the theory is very different from what you feel you have to do, you become uncertain.


When you start to work in the System and you see that everybody is doing ‘it” you lose your “inner voice” (intuition).


Finally you are ‘one of them” telling others to do what the theory is telling you to do because “ everybody knows it works this way”.  The System is filtering out your talent and the talent of others.


A talent, a person being able to act without training, is most of the time not recognized in our society. When you are a specialized talent you are unable to get a certificate. You are not accepted by the System. Sadly enough some of them become mentally ill. When they go to the System for help they are programmed into a mental patient and they lose their “inner voice” too.


When you are a multi-talent you are able to move to the system with ease. Unfortunately multi-talents are scarce and equipped with a highly analytic mind. They don’t like the theoretical mess caused by the Microsoft Operating System Theory the Social Sciences is using.


When they stay in the System most of them are unable to change the Operating System into a simple system like UNIX. They are blocked by their colleagues. They don’t like to be shown wrong.


The last problem is that psychology is divided into many many separate specialisms (Word, Powerpoint…). The specialisms are related to other branches in science like religion, medicine, physics and mathematics.


They all use their own dialect and are therefore incapable to sustain a dialogue to become “One” system. This is also happening in Computing. There are thousands of computer languages that are unable to “talk” with the other.


On a higher level we see a very peculiar thing happening.


The System protects itself by leaving out everybody who is able to disturb The System.


psyTo put it in other words The System itself is mentally ill and according to its own terminology it is Paranoid. To cure the System we have to find out what helps a Paranoid to become “Normal” again.


To become mentally ill you have to go the specialist with a story and when the story convinces him you are ill.  The simplest way to become ill is that you (the Patient) want to be cured of something.


This something is a negative emotional feeling. You tell the specialist your sad story and if the story is convincing you are ill.


Funny enough the System is not going to a meta-Specialist to be cured. This is again an indication of the mental illness Paranoid. Paranoids want to control everybody and are unable to see what is happening. They use their theories to look at the world.


The only thing that “helps them” is a major event that shows them they are wrong. The System is only cured when it runs into a major crisis.


Funny enough the System is in major crisis but the only thing that is not happening is that the specialists are “feeling” this crisis. The only persons that are ‘feeling” the crisis are the patients and the patients are programmed into a machine. They obey the rules. Something more has to happen.


The specialist translates your negative feeling into a standardized term. This is sometimes very difficult because many emotional terms are not the main entrance to the standard.


There are many types of fear and combined with other issues you are given a different diagnoses and a different treatment. Fear is a simple emotional entrance and treating fear (a negative expectation of the Future) is really simple. Change your expectation and your fear is gone.


A paranoid “fears” change. So to change the System we have to change the positive expectations of the specialist about the Future. We have to show them that we are getting into a major crisis and they will also be troubled by the crisis.


One of the expectations we could show them is something the System believes in. It is called the Budget. We could show them that the amount of mental disturbed people will rise and rise and rise and at a certain point in time they will not be able to get the money to help everybody.


This is happening but again the System has already found a solution. The solution is “not helping everybody”. Not helping everybody is called a “waiting-list” and the length of waiting list is increasing.


To solve this problem the System has created a new specialist to tell the people that they have to wait. These specialists guide the gate of the system. They are called Gate-Keepers.


Sometimes they have to use violence to keep the patients out. In this case the Gate-Keepers employ other specialists called Security people. The Security-business is exploding because many Systems are in a State of War.


They even have invented a very special type of mental ilness that is helping the Security Business to increase their Business called Terrorist. This proves again the System is Paranoid. When a paranoid is threatened he reacts with violence.


When we react with violence the system will not change. The System has found the final prove of its own theory. Paranoid people are always afraid of somebody that will kill them.


Their ultimate fear is the fear of death. When they are confronted with this fear they get totally “out-of-control”. They are insane.


The Mental System is preventing with every thing it is doing to become Insane.


MunchScreamInsane is a state where all structure is gone. Insane is the ultimate state of Chaos. Insane is the state where the Conscious is gone and the Darkness of the Unconscious rules.


The Mental System is desperately preventing it will have to stay the rest of its life in its own Mental Prison. It is taking its own pills and treatments to prevent this.


Now the Darkness of the Unconsciousness is not at all dark. It generates the Light of Insight and Intuition. The Mental System is really afraid of its own intuition that is telling the System it is not working.


To keep the System running the System has to prevent there is time to reflect and to prevent this the System is generating a lot of demand. It is generating demand by “not-working”.


When the System is helping people to cure themselves with ease the demand will go down. When the demand goes down the Shortage will go down. When the Shortage goes down the Salaries will go down.


When the Salaries go down the Educational System will lose its attraction and when the Educational System goes down the only people that are able to solve the problem are talented people.


What I am showing you is something that is called the Cycle. It goes up and down.


autistAt this moment we are in the downfall of the factory-model that is striving to make everything the same. It is aimed at Equality.


The opposite, Uniqueness (Individuality), is rising. Uniqueness has its own mental disease called Autistic. An Autist wants to do “everything on its own”. An Autist is incapable of Cooperation.


What we have to prevent is that when a new System arises it will again fall in its own extreme mental trap. This happens when the people in the System are unaware of the movement of the Cycle.


They start as Innovators and use their Imagination. When they don’t look outside they become highly Conservative people. Extreme Conservative people are by definition Paranoid.


The only way to keep out of a very high Up and Very low Down (called a crisis) is to balance the Extremes.


 To balance the extremes we have to find a balance between the need to create a Future that is Predictable (Control), the need for the Human to be Unique, the need of the Poor and Helpless to find Solidarity (Soul) and the need to find New ways to solve New problems by using the Imagination (Spirit).


A cycle is balanced by the Centre. The Centre is the Heart of the Cycle. It uses Empathy, the Mirror of the Other to learn about the Self.


Let’s start by doing it ourselves again and use our own abilities to help the other. When we do this we are in the right State of the Cycle. We move with the Flow.


When you have a multi-talent or a specialized talent just do what you feel you have to do. It will work out fine.


Everybody is equipped with a Talent. You can easily find your talent when you feel a positive emotion when you are doing the thing “you are good at”. You are in the Flow.


You are “good at something” when others become enthusiastic (Spirit) and want to work with you (Soul) to create something Beautifull. You can also join others who generate this feeling of excitement with you.


To create Beauty is al that matters. Beauty is the process where Spirit and Soul are active. Beauty is not the result of a process. Beauty is created when you and others become the Process of Creation itself.