Posts Tagged ‘plasma cosmology’

How to Cure Diseases with the Power of the Mind

Tuesday, June 24th, 2008

Our universe contains an unseen fifth force called the Aether. Aether is the carrier of something that was called the Force of Live in old Civilizations. The concept of the Aether was part of Science until Albert Einstein introduced the General Relativity Theory. At that time the Aether was abandoned and Space became Empty.

In reality Space contains something that could be used to cure diseases and to generate an unlimited amount of Energy. The consequences of the new and old theory of the Aether are violating almost everything we believe in Western Society.

Albert Einstein and Niels Bohr (Quantum Mechanics) have been in conflict all their lifes. Bohr believed in Statistics and Coincedence. Einstein believed in Fundamental Laws and Geometry (“God is Geometer”, “God is not throwing dice“).

Einstein was a Jew and although he was not religious deep in his hart he believed in a Creating Power. Bohr was more inclined to the Chinese Philosophy of the Tao. Niels Bohr adopted the the yin-yang symbol as his family coat of arms after a trip to China in the 1930s as he felt it symbolized the concept of wave-particle complementarity.

Until now scientists are looking for the unifying Theory of Everything. One of the most interesting candidates is String Theory. Behind String Theory is the Beta Function representing a multidimensional string.

The String is producing the Music of the Spheres (Pythagoras, Egypt). Behind every Theory of Physics we can find an old Religious System.

The man and woman in the street are incapable of understanding their physical environment. All they know is that Science has proved that the Universe was created by a Big Bang. They have found a completely Mechanical Explanation of the Universe. The Scientists are trying to prove that we don’t need a Self Aware Consciousness to explain our Reality.

Everybody is Religious in some way. The main reason is that we all are going to die and almost nobody believes everything ends at that moment. Many people have experienced religious moments and they are looking for an explanation.

At this moment Science is destroying Religion but Science is also proving many things the Religions of the World were explaining a long time ago. It looks like there is a Shared Religion behind all the Religions of the World.

They centainly share the belief in a Self Aware Consciousness that created Every Thing. There are many Scientists (like Capra, The Tao of Physics) who are trying to unite Science and one of the Religions of the World. Their number is growing.

We are in a stage of the Cycle where Religion is becoming more important to many people. We have to find a Union between Science and Religion and the Union is really not difficult to find. If we don’t find a Union the man and woman in the street will be without a long term perspective. They will be litterrally lost in (empty) space.

The old Aether Theory suggested a very simple model of the Universe. Every Force is a Stage of the Aether and the Aether operates on many Levels.

The Universe started with a Consciousness that was Aware of itself. The Self-Aware Consciousness unfolded itself at lower levels. At every Level the same structure is visible. The Universe is a self-referential system, a Fractal. We are One and we are Different.

Experiments in Physics have shown a huge influence of the Observer of the Experiment. In the Medical Field this is called the Placebo Effect. The Consciousness of the Human has a strange influence on his physical environment including his material Body.

If the Universe is a Self-Reference it is not strange to believe that a Consciousness is involved on Every Level. It also implies that our Cells (a lower part of the unfolding) are Conscious.

Science has very big problems with the Role of the Conscioussness in the Universe. The Idea of something that could be called God is frightening because in the Western Culture God is a Strict Father. He is punishing his children when they are not obeying his Laws. We are Sinners. The idea of a Nurturing Mother taking care of her children has completely disappeared.

The believe that Everything in the Universe is conscious has many more implications. When we eat, Somebody has killed Something that has a lot in common with Us. We don’t want to become aware of this fact because when this is true we are bothered by our Empathy. We don’t want to be responsible for killing something that Looks like Us.

Soldiers are killing Human Beings but they are doing this because The Enemy is Bad and we are the Good Ones. We always find a very intelligent explanation to get rid of the thought that we are doing something the Strict Father called God is forbidding. We are not responsible. They are! But sadly enough the Strict Father is aware of everything. There is no place to hide.

The only thing we can do is to deny the Strict Father. We are not religious and we are able to explain everything without the need of a Strict Father. Science is helping us to Blind the Strict Father. Science is doing this to create a highly complex system, a Veil no one can penetrate.

Our Bodies are Chemical Factories and Electro-Magnetic Structures (Fields). They are also influenced by our Consciousness and the Consciousness of Others on Our Level and on a Higher Level.

At this moment we ignore the Field and the Mind completely. We are also ignoring the Force that is Aware of itself. We don’t believe in her Love and Care. We want to solve our own problems and we are capable of doing this because the Intelligent People that are Scientists just need a little more time and money.

Plasma Cosmology shows the big influence of the Electro-Magnetic Field in the Universe. Epigenetics shows the influence of the Mind and The Field on our Body. Our Believe Systems are managing our Body.

Electro-Magnetic Therapy (or Energy Therapy or Radionics or Orgone Therapy or Psionics or..) is according to the current state of Medical Science a fraud. It has a positive influence on some of the patients and it fails with many others.

If you look at the influence of the Mind on the Body and you know that many sick people are convinced they are sick and can only be cured by an intervention in the Chemical Factory of the Body you can easily understand why this is happening. They really don’t believe the Field is able to cure and what they believe will happen.

We are proving what we don’t want to prove and we don’t want to believe what we are proving because when we become aware of the impact of the prove our believe system falls apart.

We don’t want to believe that we are able to cure ourselves because we want to feel alone in the Universe. We are left alone by our Strict Father who promised so much and nothing came through of his promises. We really don’t like Him at all.

We are desperately looking for our Nurturing Mother who was unable to do what she wanted to do. She was restricted by her Strict Husband.

Our Nurturing Mother, the Force of Life, The Aether, is everywhere available but we are making so much noise that we don’t hear her voice.

She is able to cure and to give unlimited energy but we really don’t want that.

We want to be the Victims of The Strict Father.

We want to keep on suffering because suffering really feels good because it feels bad.

We love to punish ourselves so we can believe that the Strict Father is doing this to punish us for the Sins we are really committing.

We are very strange organisms.


About Epigenetics and Cancer

About Epigenetics and the effect of Electro-Magnetic Fields on the Body

About Epigenetics and Aging

About Radiant Energy

Tuesday, June 17th, 2008

Nicolas Tesla met Swami Vivekanaka at the 1893 Chicago’s Worlds Fair. He became very interested in the knowlegde of the Swami about the Kalpas (the Cycles), Prana (the Breath of Life) and the Akasha (Space). Tesla used the Old Indian Science to explain his Electro-Magnetic Experiments.

 The talks with Viveknaka helped him to understand what happened during his experiments with Electro-Magnetic Plasma. Tesla recognized that all perceptible matter comes from a primary substance filling all space called the Akasha. At the end of his life he formulated the Dynamic Theory of Gravity. Instead of the term Akasha he used the Greek version of the Akasha called Aether.

The term Aether was used by the Greek to describe the fifth state of the Universe (the quintessence). The other states are called Water (Jala, Liquid), Fire (Agni, Plasma), Earth (Pritvhi, Solid) and Air (Vayu, Gas). The five elements are used in every ancient culture all over the world.

Michelson and Morley tried to measure the effect (the friction) of the Aether in 1887. The negative result of the experiments was totally not expected. After the experiments the concept of the Aether was abandoned.  Space (the Vacuum) was empty.

The Speed of Light became the Maximum Speed, a universal constant and a dogma of science. In essence the experiments did not tell anything about the Speed of Light outside the context of the Earth.

The maximum speed created many problems when Quantum Mechanics showed strange effects between two Very Distant places in the Universe. The solution for this problem was to define a “shortcut“, “tiny (black) holes” in Space. The interesting point is that the Akasha in the Old Indian Science at the (lowest) physical plane was represented as a cluster of very small holes or bubbles (Mulaprakriti).

At this moment the concept of the Aether is on its return and the Speed of Light seems to be variable. The speed is dependent on the “phase” or density of the Aether. There are really five (!) types of Aether. This was already discovered by Tesla when he experimented with Radiant Energy.

The old Indian Science helped Tesla to understand the theory behind his experiments. If you have a close look at the theory of Tesla and the old

Indian Science you will find that it contains much more knowledge and this knowlegde is slowly proved to be right. One of the most interesting parts of Old Indian Science are the Levels in the Universe.

In the West we are trying to explain everything on one level, the Material Level. In the East the Universe contains Seven Levels or Seven Rays. They are the enfolding of the Creative Force that Knows Itself.

The old Scientists did not need very expensive experiments to find out how the Universe was “working”. They travelled to the inside of their “minds” to find the outside.

One of the things they are telling is that we are at the end of the Kali Yuga (“the dark Age“). This phase in the human existence is caused by a very long cycle where our Sun is moving around his twin star (The Dark Star, Sirius). The period of this cycle is about 24.000 years and related to the precession of the equinoxes.

At the end of the dark part of the cycle we will see a breakdown of the idea of a material world and a growing consciousness of the underlying unity of peoples, energy and nature. Almost everybody is hoping this time will come soon.


About The Myth of the Big Bang

Sunday, June 15th, 2008

On May 22, 2004 an Open Letter to the Scientific Community was published in New Scientist. It was an open attack against the Big Bang Theory.

Many scientists that are proposing alternative theories and related experiments are simply blocked by the “Big Bang Mafia”.

The most interesting alternative to the Big Bang Theory is Plasma Cosmology. Plasma Cosmology uses the Electro-Magnetic Field as an explanation.

The big bang relies on a growing number of hypothetical entities, things that we have never observed– inflation, dark matter and dark energy are the most prominent examples.

Without them, there would be a fatal contradiction between the observations made by astronomers and the predictions of the big bang theory.

In no other field of physics would this continual recourse to new hypothetical objects be accepted as a way of bridging the gap between theory and observation. It would, at the least, raise serious questions about the validity of the underlying theory.

The big bang is not the only framework available for understanding the history of the universe. Plasma cosmology and the Steady-State Model both hypothesize an evolving universe without beginning or end.

These and other alternative approaches can also explain the basic phenomena of the cosmos, including the abundances of light elements, the generation of large-scale structure, the cosmic background radiation, and how the redshift of far-away galaxies increases with distance.

They have even predicted new phenomena that were subsequently observed, something the big bang has failed to do.

Plasma cosmology is a theory generally attributed to Nobel Price winner Hannes Alfven that attempts to explain the development of the visible universe through the interaction of electromagnetic forces on astrophysical plasma.

Plasma is a state of matter in which atoms and molecules are so hot, that they have ionized  by breaking up into their constituent parts, negatively charged electrons and positively charged ions. Because the particles are charged, they are strongly influenced by Electro-Magnetic Forces.

Plasma is almost everywhere. At least ninety-nine percent of the known universe is, in fact, matter in its plasma state. The Sun is a giant ball of plasma.

Plasma in space consists entirely of ions and electrons, and is thus very energetic or ‘hot’.  Only when cooled does it form the matter to which we are familiar here on Earth: solids, liquids, and gases.

Because plasma remains electrically charged in space, it is influenced more by electromagnetic forces than gravity. In fact space, once considered mostly empty, has been found to be alive with plasma. Vast flows of charged particles have been discovered spanning hundreds-of-thousands of light years across interstellar space.

The influence of the Electro-Magnetic Force is highly undervalued in many areas of Science. A holistic view on the effect of these forces on many levels (Earth (Earthquakes, Weather)), The Human (Emotions, Memory)) is called the Electric Universe.

Recent interdisciplinary studies raise the possibility that the earth experienced a high-energy-density auroral storm towards the end of the Neolithic age, possibly peaking at around 3100 BCE, which human cultures have recorded in the form of petroglyphs, geoglyphs and a class of rituals and myths conveniently described as ‘creation myths’.

The spectacular lively shapes caused by the instabilities in the plasma could have been remembered by the ancients as gods, ancestors or dragons, whose mysterious antics in the celestial world constituted the destruction and creation of worlds.


About Plasma Mythology

How the Electric Universe is generating Earthquakes

About the Electric Universe

About the Electric Universe

Examples of Myths that are related to Plasma Effects are:

Jacob’s Ladder and the World Tree

 The Sacred Marriage

About Thundergods (Zeus, Thor)