Posts Tagged ‘LINK’

How to get Very Rich during a Depression

Thursday, November 27th, 2008

The Kondratiev Wave predicts the long term behavior of the Economy. If you look at the Kondratiev Wave, the next stage after the Depression (Winter) is called Spring. Spring is the Time of the Seeds (new Ideas). They where harvested in Autumn. During the time of the Winter the seeds are dormant.

When the Harvest was rich, Winter is a time of Contemplation and Rest. Nature hibernates. Plants, Trees and many Animals sleep and are in the state of the Unconsciousness. When the Harvest was poor, Winter is a time of big trouble.

There will be shortages of Food and Fuel. When the Harvest was poor Winter is a time of Social Unrest and even Social Conflict. During the Kondratiev Winter Big Wars are fought and the Dark Side of the Unconscioussness shows itself in the extreme rise of Psychological Problems (Stress, Addictions, Paranoid) and Dark Religious Movements.

During Winter Shares, Paper money and other Imaginary forms of Wealth are worthless. When you want to buy something you have to deliver real value (Cash, Gold, Silver).

It is very clear that You can Make Big Money during a cold winter when you have gathered a huge pile of primary commodities (“raw materials”). During Winter raw materials are exchanged for other raw materials. When you don’t have access to these materials the only thing that is left for you is Charity.

When you are the owner of raw materials and you are making a lot of money you are Making Use of the Situation. During a cold winter you have to give to the poor and the sick. To make it very clear Making Big Money during a Depression is a Crime.

When you are Rich you can accumulate Social Value by giving away your Material Wealth to Others. During a Depression Material Wealth has to be transformed into Social Wealth to prevent a Social Conflict. This investment will pay back with a lot of social interest during Spring and Summer.

Unconditional Giving, Charity,  is a very old fashioned concept. At this moment we “give” a loan for equipment financing or whatever reason, and we “ask”  interest but “giving and asking” are really “demanding”. We want to make sure that what we give will be returned in the same state. More Money for Money, an Two Eyes for an One Eye.

When we don’t want to deepen the down path of the Depression we have to leave behind the Behavior of the Expansion phase of the Cycle, Summer. When the Economy expands it is “easy” to accumulate Wealth. Loans and interest are helpful to bridge a temporary dip in the flow of cash. Summer is a time of fast moving Ups and Downs in the Economy (Recessions).

It is not strange that we are copying the behavior of the Summer. Long Term Cycles just like very fast moving Cycles are not noticed by the Human. They are generational. The pattern repeats every 50 to 60 year so the people that must be Aware of the current situation are Old. They are the grandmothers and the grandfathers, the older people (>75).

Moving through a Depression needs Wisdom and a Long Term View. A Depression is the time to Listen to the Older Generation. Hopefully they have Learned from their Mistakes at that time.


About the Kondratiev

About Time Wave Zero

Monday, April 7th, 2008

The amount of Ideas (Novelty) is increasing exponential. This is predicted by Timewave Zero of Terrence McKenna. The model predicts a singularity at December 21, 2012. At that moment we will jump to a completely new level of Consciousness.

The most interesting prediction of McKenna is that in 2012 we will be able to Travel Space/Time. This will make it possible to move back in Time and travel the many Time Loops.

We will also be able to leave Earth and Travel to the Seven Parallel Universes that are until now veiled for most of the people on Earth. Only the Shaman (the Mystics) were able to do this until now. They knew how to move through the Void into Space/Time.

To do this they have to Cheat the Raven (or the Eagle or the Demiurg), the Creator of the Matrix that generates the current state of Linear Causal Time.

A new Phase of Time Wave Zero will start at 2010. At that time we will move into a very high state of acceleration.

Perhaps you think Time Wave Zero is barely nonsense but you have to admit innovation is speeding up in an incredible way.

When you are an employee you don’t know what is happening. Perhaps  you suppose that your boss or the management will take care of you. Suppose they are also completely in the Dark about the Future.

When you are completely in the Dark about the Future you are reacting on impuls to everything that is treatening your company. This is called “muddling through“.

The effect of “muddling through” is that many projects fail or are stopped before they are finished. To muddle you need a lot of money. When your company is in trouble the money is gone and the only impulse that is left is to fire people. This starts a downward spiral.

Imagine the next four years innovation will speed up with a speed nobody has seen in the history of the world. If this happens your company will move into a State of Chaos.

Not only your company will end in a State of Chaos you will also get stressed to a level that your body will get out of balance. You will get sick.

What can you do to survive the last four years of history?

To find balance you have to become an Observer. Watch the outside but don’t react on impulse. Reflect about what is happening. Use your analytic capabilities and face the facts.

Many people wan’t see a pattern.  When you don’t see a pattern you get overloaded.

Your intuition knows the pattern but is unable to explain the pattern. You feel something is going on but don’t know what it is but it is getting stronger. When you use your intuition you know how to react to a situation. It feels good or it feels bad.

Always follow the good feeling and have the guts to trust this feeling. It will lead you to to right path. When you are on the path, the path will take you.

You will be in the Tao. The path you will find will be the path of your heart and the path of your talent. Use your talent it will be needed because you are on this world to learn and to grow.

When you feel the Spirit you will receive the right ideas and you will meet the right people at the right time. They are your soul-brothers and soul-sisters. Respect them and value their talents. We will only survive the Singularity when we Cooperate.

Use all the resource that are available but don’t exceed the limits. Take time to enjoy your friends, your wife or husband and enjoy nature.

Nature is a place where you will find rest. Listen to and make music. Music will bring you in a state of Harmony.

When the time comes don’t be afraid to Jump To the Next level. The next phase will not be a disaster. It will be a phase were we will be able to Co-Create with the Spirit, the Creative Force of Life.


About Time Wave Zero

What Terrence McKenna did not See

About 2012

About the Hyperdiamond

Thursday, February 21st, 2008
The Monster

The Hyperdiamond

The beauty of our Universe is highly related to what mathematicians call symmetry. A structure is symmetric when it is possible to find a function that maps the structure unto itself.

A simple example is mirror-symmetry. In this case the structure looks the same when it is reflected in a mirror. Another example is rotational symmetry. The structure returns when it is rotated.

The symmetries can be combined to create more complex symmetries. For more than a century mathematicians are trying to create a periodic table of elements of all the possible symmetries called symmetry groups.

The “classification theorem” of such groups, also known as the “enormous theorem” (requiring over 15,000 pages to “prove”), states that the periodic table can be classified completely into 5 groups.

In two dimensions the symmetry-group contains 17 types of symmetrical transformations. All of them are visible around the walls of the Alhambra.

One of the five groups is made up of exceptions to the regularity of the others. These exceptional sub-groups are known as sporadic groups.

Attention has long been focused on these 26 exceptional sporadic groups. The largest of these, incorporating 20 of the others, has been named the Monster — the most exceptional finite symmetry group in mathematics.


Packing spheres

It is a giant (hyper)Diamond in 196,884 dimensions composed of more elements than there are supposedly to be elementary particles in the universe (approx. 8 x 10**53).

The Monster is something special but what makes the Monster spectacular is that it showed a strange connection (called Moonshine) with a very different part of Mathematics called Number Theory.

Recently I read a book about this subject by Mark Ronan called Symmetry and the Monster.


The maximum of 12 spheres can be packed in the 3rd dimension

Mathematics and especially Number- and Group theory are very hard to understand even for mathematicians. It is a very special specialization.

Number Theory was one of the most important issues in the Mystical Schools of the Old Scientists.

Pythagorus and of course the mystics in the East were very interested in the patterns behind the Beauty of the Universe. Number was the unifying concept necessary for understanding everything from planetary motion to musical harmony.

They believed the Universe was based on integer numbers (1,2,3,..) and the Monster shows that this could be the case.

One of the magic numbers that would have exited Pythagoras is 24. It is a magic number because the sum of the square-roots of all the numbers 1 to 24 is equal to the square of 70.

The sequence of 1 to 24 is part of a 26-dimensional Lorenz-space that is highly connected to the monster and moonshine. A Lorenz-space is an extension of the space Einstein used called Minskowski space. This space connects space with time. The Monster suggests that we could live in a space of 24 dimensions instead of 3.

The kissing number in 4 dimensions is 24. The cells can be connected to the 24d hyperdiamond.

The interpretation of all this in normal language can be found by the relationship of the Monster to a special surface called the Leech Lattice. The Leech Lattice is created when we package spheres.

The Leech Lattice has the highest Kissing Number. This number is 12 in 3 dimensions. In the third dimensions we are able to package spheres that touch other spheres at 12 places.

The Monster connected by Moonshine to Physics (String Theory) shows that our Universe consists of an enormous amount of Bubbles called Quantum Foam. We live in the Universe where the bubbles are touching with the highest kissing number possible. 


About the Universe of Bubbles

About the Symmetry of the Sri Yantra