The Emotions show themselves in the Feeling Component (Anger, Happiness) and the Bodily Expressions (Smile, Cry).
The Emotions are researched by many not communicating highly disconnected parts of Science (Psychology, Biology, Chemistry, Marketing,..). Therefore Science is unable to understand the Whole of the Emotions.
The Scientists don’t agree about the main components of the Emotions and the relationship between these components. They use different terms to talk about the same thing and use the same terms to talk about different things.
To understand the Emotions I want to stay out of Language and focus on the Mathematics of the Emotions. When we have understood the Mathematics we can find the right Words to name the concepts we have discovered.
I believe the Emotions were created in the First Step of Creation. At that moment, the Void, the Singularity, was splitted into Two Complementary Parts.
The first two parts of the creation have to Stay Apart. If they join they are voided and creation will stop. To avoid voiding they move around each other in a contradicting direction (with the clock, against the clock).
When two parts move around they create an elliptical (egg-like) curve. This curve contains a virtual center, the Center of Mass. This Center, the Third Part, is also moving.
During the Second Step of Creation the Kernel, The Trinity, the Atom appears. The Kernel is a Cyclic Pattern, a treefold Moebius Ring, of the Two Complementary Parts and the Center of Gravity now called Quarks.
The Kernel, the Self, is surrounded by a cloud of rotating Electrons, the Others. The Atoms combine into more complex Selfs (Molecules, Organisms). The Electrons, The Others, exchange information between the Selfs.
I hope you see that the Elliptical Cycle and other, more complex, Cycles are the Emotions.
The Emotions Are the Movement.
Every Object in the Universe takes part in a Cyclic Process. Sometimes this Cyclic Process has a very simple structure, a Circle, and the same Events come back all the time.
When this happens Life feels like a Merry-Go-Round. When the same Patterns comes back all the time the Human gets frustrated and the Negative Emotions appear.
When the pattern becomes more complex, Life is full of Surprises, and the Emotions change into Hope and Joy.
The Human Cognition is unable to handle unpredictable patterns. At that time the Expectation, the Calculator of the Future, fails and the Self loses the feeling of Control.
During their Cyclical Movement the Two and later the more than Two parts move towards each other (Like) and away from each other (Dislike).
They Attract and Repulse, are in Love, want to Unite, but just before they reach the perfect Union, the Void, they Move Away from each other and the Cycle Starts All over Again.
When Two Masses are Not Equal the rotating system changes its shape. When one of the masses is big (the Kernel) and the other is very small the center of gravity almost coincidences with one of the Parts.
The Earth appears to move in a circular motion around the Sun but in reality the Sun is also moving around the Earth.
The Human Emotions are determinated by the relationship between the Self and the Other(s). The Self and the Other(s) are circulating around each other and a virtual center, the Center of Gravity, their Relationship.
Everything Moves around Everything.
When The Self or the Other becomes too Big, the Shape of the Cycle changes. In this case the Self circulates around the Other (“Dependency”) or the Other circulates around the Self (“Dominance”).
To sustain a Relationship the Mass, the Weight, the Importance, the Value of the Parts has to be in Balance.
What are the Human Emotions?
The Human Emotions are the combined effect of many sometimes highly complex movements, Waves, in the Universe.
The Waves influence the Chemistry and the Electro Magnetic Field of the Body.
When the Chemistry of the Body changes Chemical Messengers are send to Balance the Body with the changes of the Outside Field. At that moment we start to Act and feel an Emotion (Fear). Later we rationalize this Action.
What Influences the Emotions?
I hope you see that the Human Emotions are influenced by Every Level of the Universe. They are influenced by the Big Structures (Gravity, The Moon) and the very Small Structures (the Electro Magnetic Field).
The most influential structure is the Human Self, the Mind. The Human Self is only able to stay It-Self when the connection with the Others in the Universe is in Balance. If this is not happening the Body starts to detoriate. The Kernel falls apart.
The Physics of Two Rotating Bodies
A Video about Two Rotating Bodies