Posts Tagged ‘mystical religions’

How to Cure Diseases with the Power of the Mind

Tuesday, June 24th, 2008

Our universe contains an unseen fifth force called the Aether. Aether is the carrier of something that was called the Force of Live in old Civilizations. The concept of the Aether was part of Science until Albert Einstein introduced the General Relativity Theory. At that time the Aether was abandoned and Space became Empty.

In reality Space contains something that could be used to cure diseases and to generate an unlimited amount of Energy. The consequences of the new and old theory of the Aether are violating almost everything we believe in Western Society.

Albert Einstein and Niels Bohr (Quantum Mechanics) have been in conflict all their lifes. Bohr believed in Statistics and Coincedence. Einstein believed in Fundamental Laws and Geometry (“God is Geometer”, “God is not throwing dice“).

Einstein was a Jew and although he was not religious deep in his hart he believed in a Creating Power. Bohr was more inclined to the Chinese Philosophy of the Tao. Niels Bohr adopted the the yin-yang symbol as his family coat of arms after a trip to China in the 1930s as he felt it symbolized the concept of wave-particle complementarity.

Until now scientists are looking for the unifying Theory of Everything. One of the most interesting candidates is String Theory. Behind String Theory is the Beta Function representing a multidimensional string.

The String is producing the Music of the Spheres (Pythagoras, Egypt). Behind every Theory of Physics we can find an old Religious System.

The man and woman in the street are incapable of understanding their physical environment. All they know is that Science has proved that the Universe was created by a Big Bang. They have found a completely Mechanical Explanation of the Universe. The Scientists are trying to prove that we don’t need a Self Aware Consciousness to explain our Reality.

Everybody is Religious in some way. The main reason is that we all are going to die and almost nobody believes everything ends at that moment. Many people have experienced religious moments and they are looking for an explanation.

At this moment Science is destroying Religion but Science is also proving many things the Religions of the World were explaining a long time ago. It looks like there is a Shared Religion behind all the Religions of the World.

They centainly share the belief in a Self Aware Consciousness that created Every Thing. There are many Scientists (like Capra, The Tao of Physics) who are trying to unite Science and one of the Religions of the World. Their number is growing.

We are in a stage of the Cycle where Religion is becoming more important to many people. We have to find a Union between Science and Religion and the Union is really not difficult to find. If we don’t find a Union the man and woman in the street will be without a long term perspective. They will be litterrally lost in (empty) space.

The old Aether Theory suggested a very simple model of the Universe. Every Force is a Stage of the Aether and the Aether operates on many Levels.

The Universe started with a Consciousness that was Aware of itself. The Self-Aware Consciousness unfolded itself at lower levels. At every Level the same structure is visible. The Universe is a self-referential system, a Fractal. We are One and we are Different.

Experiments in Physics have shown a huge influence of the Observer of the Experiment. In the Medical Field this is called the Placebo Effect. The Consciousness of the Human has a strange influence on his physical environment including his material Body.

If the Universe is a Self-Reference it is not strange to believe that a Consciousness is involved on Every Level. It also implies that our Cells (a lower part of the unfolding) are Conscious.

Science has very big problems with the Role of the Conscioussness in the Universe. The Idea of something that could be called God is frightening because in the Western Culture God is a Strict Father. He is punishing his children when they are not obeying his Laws. We are Sinners. The idea of a Nurturing Mother taking care of her children has completely disappeared.

The believe that Everything in the Universe is conscious has many more implications. When we eat, Somebody has killed Something that has a lot in common with Us. We don’t want to become aware of this fact because when this is true we are bothered by our Empathy. We don’t want to be responsible for killing something that Looks like Us.

Soldiers are killing Human Beings but they are doing this because The Enemy is Bad and we are the Good Ones. We always find a very intelligent explanation to get rid of the thought that we are doing something the Strict Father called God is forbidding. We are not responsible. They are! But sadly enough the Strict Father is aware of everything. There is no place to hide.

The only thing we can do is to deny the Strict Father. We are not religious and we are able to explain everything without the need of a Strict Father. Science is helping us to Blind the Strict Father. Science is doing this to create a highly complex system, a Veil no one can penetrate.

Our Bodies are Chemical Factories and Electro-Magnetic Structures (Fields). They are also influenced by our Consciousness and the Consciousness of Others on Our Level and on a Higher Level.

At this moment we ignore the Field and the Mind completely. We are also ignoring the Force that is Aware of itself. We don’t believe in her Love and Care. We want to solve our own problems and we are capable of doing this because the Intelligent People that are Scientists just need a little more time and money.

Plasma Cosmology shows the big influence of the Electro-Magnetic Field in the Universe. Epigenetics shows the influence of the Mind and The Field on our Body. Our Believe Systems are managing our Body.

Electro-Magnetic Therapy (or Energy Therapy or Radionics or Orgone Therapy or Psionics or..) is according to the current state of Medical Science a fraud. It has a positive influence on some of the patients and it fails with many others.

If you look at the influence of the Mind on the Body and you know that many sick people are convinced they are sick and can only be cured by an intervention in the Chemical Factory of the Body you can easily understand why this is happening. They really don’t believe the Field is able to cure and what they believe will happen.

We are proving what we don’t want to prove and we don’t want to believe what we are proving because when we become aware of the impact of the prove our believe system falls apart.

We don’t want to believe that we are able to cure ourselves because we want to feel alone in the Universe. We are left alone by our Strict Father who promised so much and nothing came through of his promises. We really don’t like Him at all.

We are desperately looking for our Nurturing Mother who was unable to do what she wanted to do. She was restricted by her Strict Husband.

Our Nurturing Mother, the Force of Life, The Aether, is everywhere available but we are making so much noise that we don’t hear her voice.

She is able to cure and to give unlimited energy but we really don’t want that.

We want to be the Victims of The Strict Father.

We want to keep on suffering because suffering really feels good because it feels bad.

We love to punish ourselves so we can believe that the Strict Father is doing this to punish us for the Sins we are really committing.

We are very strange organisms.


About Epigenetics and Cancer

About Epigenetics and the effect of Electro-Magnetic Fields on the Body

About Epigenetics and Aging

About Acupuncture

Saturday, September 22nd, 2007

Christopher Alexander wrote many beautiful books about Architecture. His book about Pattern Languages had a huge impact on Architectures in IT. When I searched the Internet I found a review of the books A Pattern Language, The Nature of Order and The Phenomenon of Life written by Dr. Mae-Wan Ho.

The review appeared in the Journal of her own Foundation “Science IN Society”. I visited her website and I became very exited about every document I read. Here are a few statements of her about Beauty and Harmony. Read more about exipure benefits.

A breaking wave in the sea has a kind of life that moves us, so does the ripple on a tranquil pond. A clear mountain pool has life, as opposed to a stagnant pond. Marble feels alive, as wood does, more so than polymerized stone dust or chipboard“.

There’s degree of life in human events, and it correlates with the quality of freedom. Or should I say spontaneity: an unplanned, unpremeditated coherence of action“.

Alexander captures the ideal of spontaneity and freedom that describes the sublime moment of creation in Chinese art and poetry, that I identified with the state of perfect (quantum) coherence with the universe; but he sees it also in the most ordinary living transactions”.

The freedom which arises when life is at its most spiritual, and also most ordinary, arises just when we are “drunk in God”, as the Sufis say – most blithe and most unfettered. Under these circumstances, we are free of our concepts, able to react directly to the circumstance we encounter, and least constrained by affectations, concepts, and ideas. This is the central teaching of Zen and all mystical religions.

Now I want to move to one of the many articles that are available on her website. The article is about Acupuncture. Again a few citations. If you don’t want to read them move to the end where I will give a brief summary.

Practically all living processes are organised in cycles. The organism is thick with biological rhythms ranging from periods of split seconds for electrical activities of brain cells to seconds such as the heart-beat and respiration, to periods which are circadian and circannual. But no one has ever been able to explain why that should be.

The answer is provided by thermodynamics. It turns out that symmetrically coupled cycles are the key to both the conservation of coherent energy and compensation (or cancelling out) of entropy within the system so that living organisation is maintained.

As one cycle of activity is running down, it is charging up a second cycle, so that the role can be reversed later. Similarly, as disorder is created in some part of the system, a kind of superorder appears in elsewhere, which can restore order to the first part”.

The connective tissues of our body include the skin, bones, tendons, ligaments, cartilege, various membranes covering major organs and linings of internal spaces. We tend to see them as serving purely mechanical functions to keep the body in shape, or to act as packing material. Actually, connective tissues may also be largely responsible for the rapid intercommunication that enables our body to function effectively as a coherent whole, and are therefore central to our health and well-being.

The clue to the intercommunication function of connective tissues lies in the properties of collagen, which makes up 70% or more of all the proteins of the connective tissues. Connective tissues, in turn form the bulk of the body of most multicellular animals. Collagen is therefore the most abundant protein in the animal kingdom

But collagens are not just mechanical fibres and composites. Instead, they have dielectric and electrical conductive properties that make them very sensitive to mechanical pressures, pH, and ionic composition and to electromagnetic fields. The electrical properties depend, to a large extent, on the bound water molecules in and around the collagen triple-helix“.

A major factor contributing to the efficiency of intercommunication is the structured, oriented nature of collagen liquid crystalline fibres. Each connective tissue has its characteristic orientation of fibrous structures which are clearly related to the mechanical stresses and strains to which the tissue is subject. This same orientation may also be crucial for intercommunication. Aligned collagen fibres in connective tissues provide oriented channels for electrical intercommunication, and are strongly reminiscent of acupuncture meridians in traditional Chinese medicine“.

The special energy relationship in the organism, therefore, is what enables it to mobilize energy at will, whenever and wherever required and in a perfectly coordinated way. In the ideal, the organism can be conceived as a quantum superposition of coherent activities, with instantaneous (nonlocal) noiseless intercommunication throughout the system. The flow of qi in meridian theory corresponds rather well to the mobilisation of coherent energy. Coherent energy is vital energy, and it is arises because the organism is especially good at capturing energy, storing and mobilising it in a coherent form“. Check out the latest Exipure reviews.

I have argued that a body consciousness possessing all the hallmarks of consciousness – sentience, intercommunication and memory – is distributed throughout the entire body. Brain consciousness associated with the nervous system is embedded in body consciousness and is coupled to it“.

Traditional Chinese medicine based on the acupuncture meridian system places the emphasis of health on the coherence of body functions which harmonizes brain to body. This makes perfect sense if one recognizes the brain as part of the body. Western medicine, by contrast, has yet no concept of the whole, and is based, at the very outset, on a Cartesian divide between mind and brain, and brain and body. Because there is no concept of the organism as a whole, there is, in effect, no theory of health, only an infinite number of disease models, each based on the supposed defect of a single molecular species. There is an urgent need to develop a theory of health for proper delivery of healthcare in the next millenium“.

What Mae-Wan Ho is explaining in all her articles is (more a less) that the old Scientists (!) in the East were right. She uses the new terminology of Physics and Mathematics to explain the same thing.

The Body is an “Electro-Magnetic Field” (A Whole) and connected to all the other Electro-Magnetic Fields (Wholes) in the Universe by “Symmetrically Coupled Cycles“. The Cycles balance the Wholes.

A Human Being is able to connect to every Whole by something called “quantum superposition“. It is a term used in Quantum Mechanics and it defines a state of “Harmony“, “Coupling” or “Entrainment”. When we are entrained to the Whole of the Wholes or or the Web that was never Woven (the Tao, Chinese) or the Centre of the Centres (Alexander) we are “drunk in God” (Sufi). We experience Oneness.

The Body stores something called “Coherent energy“. The Chinese call this Qi (The Force of Life). This coherent energy is transported in the Body by the Tissues. The Tissues consist of Collagen.

Collagen is organized in liquid crystalline Fibres. The Fibres are the Meridians of Acupuncture. The collagens are highly influenced by Electromagnetic fields. When the fields are “too strong” the System breaks down.

The System is also highly dependent on the special structure of the water molecules (the Hydrogen Bond). That’s why we have to drink a lot of water to get rid of the negative effect of the current Electro-Magnetic Fields. Water is also the Carrier of Information.

In many places she is warning us about the huge impact of electro-magnetic fields on the Body and the Mind. The effects are felt in the Body and the Mind because the Body IS the Mind or The Mind Is the Body. They are a WHOLE and the WHOLE is connected to other WHOLES. Just like the Centres of Christopher Alexander. Both of them are telling the Same Story.


About Acupuncture

About Themodynamics and Intelligent Design

About Thermodynamics and Radical Innovation

About Plato and Collagen