Posts Tagged ‘Julian Barbour’

About Balfour and the End of Time.

Monday, July 21st, 2008

Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz lived between 1646 and 1716. He was a universal scientist and made contributions to mathematics, philosophy, technology and social sciences. Leibniz did not believe Time and Space were real. Current developments in Physics prove that Leibniz was right. We are approaching the End of Time and Space.

The observation that time is a linear chain of events moving from the past to the future is wrong. Our believe-system makes a selection out of an infinite amount of (disconnected) Events.

The events are part of a very complex Framework, a Fluent Crystal, which is slightly out of balance. With every change of the Crystal new Shapes, or Configurations, are formed but the Crystal, the Structure, The Geometry, is not changed.

According to Leibniz Our world is the world which is at the same time the Simplest in hypotheses and the Richest in phenomena. There are many other possible worlds because there is an infinity of possible laws. Some of the laws are proper to one world, others proper to another. Each possible individual of a world includes the laws of its world in its notion.



The Universe of Leibniz is filled with Individual Monads (Souls) who are Observing. A Monad is pregnant with the future and laden with the past of his own World. Past and Future are folded up within the Monad.

A Monad is always in the Now. We are part of a Monad and the Monad is part of Us. We are One Mind that is fragmented by a Cosmic Accident. All the Minds contain the Sparkle of the Whole and are desperatly trying to Unite.

Leibniz does not believe in cause and effect (Time). They are a way to explain what we See. The Universe is What it Is. It contains a Pre-Established Harmony. We are a product of Our Senses and the Senses are creating a very Narrow View of the Universe. We Think the Universe is What We See and create Theories that prove that we are Right but all the Theories until now contain a fatal error.

They are proving that Time is Linear and Space is Distance. We are unable to travel Space because we are not able to exceed the limit of Light. The prove of all these theories is based on Infinite Regress and Infinite Regress is a logical mistake. Our Universe is not “Turtles on Turtles“, “Particles all the Way Down”.The Universe is a Fixed Structure and we (the Monads) are exploring this Stucture.

Every monad mirrors the Whole of the Universe in that it expresses every other monad, but no monad has a window through which it could actually receive or supply causal influences. A monad cannot be influenced, there is no way for a monad to be born or destroyed. All Monads are Eternal. They are always Watching the Others. The only thing that changes is the Way they Watch, Their Point of View. The Monads are Alone but they are also Together because Every Monad is an Expression of the Same Principle, Harmony, Beauty or Love, The Fluent Crystal, That IS.

When a Monad is Watching it is capable of having an infinite number and complexity of perceptions. We (our Brain, Our Senses) are not conscious of all these “little perceptions” (Events), as Leibniz calls them. We connect some of them, create a “stream of consciousness” and make up a convincing story. We are constantly filtering our perceptions. The Filter is our Believe System. A huge part of What we See is not Seen but Projected on the Outside World. We See what we want to See.

The main characteristic of Our Universe is Varity. We are constantly generating new Insights of the Whole. Our Universe is a Field that is creating New Exiting Combinations that are Creating New Exiting Combinations. It always Changes because we the Observers are Changing our Point of View.  Our Universe is a Creative Universe.

The independent physicist Julian Barbour used the philosophy of Leibniz to create a completely new vision on our Universe. His vision can be found in his book “the End of Time”.

In a blog I wrote about Seth. Seth is a Monad who uses channeling (an Exchange of Energy) to explain the Physical Universe. Seth shows how we are Creating our Own Reality and what we can do to create the Reality we really want. A few days ago I found Elias. Elias is also a channeling Monad. Elias uses the Concepts of Seth to explain what is Happening at this Moment.

A small citation:

You all notice a change in consciousness of your world. Even those who are unaware notice a changing shift in consciousness“.

“The action of your shift in consciousness encompasses the entirety of your globe. It is not limited to any group, any family, any selectivity of consciousness within this dimension. It is all-encompassing”.

You have chosen, within this dimension, a new experience in creativity. You have chosen, within what you term to be your history, certain actions and experiences for long time periods, in your terms. These have been purposeful for those experiences. You presently move away from your religious era, which has continued for quite some physical time period, into a new awareness in consciousness, to allow you an expanded creativity and allow you to utilize your abilities of essence within physical focus. You are expanding your reality to encompass more of essence and more of your own creative abilities

What Elias is explaining is what Leibniz (and Balbour) are explaining but he explains Much More. He explains Why we are moving into what the Old Scientists called The Golden Age. We are moving into the Golden Age because we are bored by the Way we are looking at the Fluent Crystal.

We have explored every part we are able to See. We are blocked by all the Hierarchical Systems (Religion, Science, Politics, Banking) that are not based on a Solid Foundation. The Foundation of the World is not based on Hierarchy but on Relationship. We want something New. Something that gives US, the Monad of this Possible Universe, the Opportunity to Explore and use OUR Creativity.

The Golden Age will be a time when the Financial System of the Earth will collapse, War, Aging and Sickness will disappear and traveling Time/Space will become possible. The Doors of Perception will open wide and many new parts of the Beautiful Crystal will become visible. The most important potential of the Golden Age will be Unlimited Creativity.

The huge change in Focus on a completely New Part of the Crystal Field will destroy all our current Believe-Systems. This will create an enormous amount of Chaos and Trauma but in the end we will live in something we now would consider Paradise.


An Interview with Julian Barbour about the End of Time

An Article of Julian Barbour about the Philosophy of Leibniz

The Philosophy of Leibniz

About the Shift that is happening at this moment, The Website contains all the material of Elias


About the Holographic Principle

Monday, February 25th, 2008

Scientists think that Time is Natures way to avoid that Everything happens or happened at once. Time puts everything in a causal sequence.

The big question is if we are traveling the only possible sequence. Is it possible to connect events the way we want them to be connected?

It looks like that the answer is Yes. We are able to travel time.

Time slows down when we are relaxed and speeds up when we are active. The past moves much more slowly as the present.

Only a few moments or events stay in our active memory and the distance between these events widens when we get older.

When we move back in time or jump one level higher in abstraction the Universe is made more compact, more essential. Perhaps there is one essential structure behind everything.

When we move back in time history seams to repeat itself.

Perhaps the essential structure looks like a circle or a topological variant of a circle, a manifold.

Time moves with different speeds at different levels. Perhaps Events are real and Time is a construction, an Ilusion.

According to Physicists the Time-Line is not a chain but a network of possible lines and it is not clear that the Time-Lines that we Choose are the only time-lines that are realized.

I emphazise the word Choose because Chosing is perhaps an Act of Creation that generates multiple time-lines in which we are divided into parts that are still connected in a whole.

It is possible that every time events takes place we are spit up in many parts that move with every possibility to the future. If this is true there are not only many futures but also many pasts (and many Alter Ego’s).

The possible futures are called multi-verses. For some reason we are not able to connect to our fellow-travellers united in our joint Whole.

A veil is seperating us but ik looks like the veil (of Isis) will be lifted and we will know all our soul-mates in the past, present and future.

Some Physicists imagine there is no time at all. The Universe is a static structure of immense beauty.

Time is an illusion. We (our Senses) are creating this illusion. We are really watching a multidimensional movie and the movie is stored in the Universe (The Akasha).

If this is true The Now, The Past en the Future are already there.

If the Universe is really static and we are the Observers of the Universe the issue of Physics is brought back to solving the problem of the way the data is Stored.

To see a World in a Grain of Sand And a Heaven in a Wild Flower
Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand And Eternity in an hour

The first lines of William’s Blake poem “Auguries of Innocence” describe what is known in Physics as the Holographic Principle.

All the data to compute the actions of our Universe is stored at the surface of a manifold. In physics this manifold can be a very complicated structure, a geometry.

In our world the manifold is often a rotating device (disk, tape). The rotating device is “scanned” and the data is transformed in a signal. At this moment almost all the storage is digital (bits).

A Hologram is created when the reflection-pattern of the beam of light of a laser is aimed a a 3 Dim-Image. The pattern is stored on a 2Dim-surface.

A Hologram has a very special property. A part of the Hologram contains the data of the whole. When parts of the Hologram are used they produce the same image with a lower quality (!!!).

A “grain of sand” could contain the complete image of the Universe but if the grain was a part of a bigger picture the image of the Universe would be very vague. Only if the grain contains the complete structure of the Whole is would show Every Thing.

The “Part produces the Whole”-principle of the Hologram has exited many people. It has produced a mystic theory of Physics that is supported by David Bohm, one of the pupils of Einstein. Later the idea of a Hologram was promoted by Karl Priham to Explain the Brain.

To distinguish the two Holographic principles the last one is called the Strong Holographics principle.

The Holographic Principle is derived out of the correspondence between the Information theory of Claude Shannon and the theory of Boltzmann. Both have created a theory about the concept Entropy.

Entropy is a measure of the structure (or chaos) of a system. Structure turns into chaos when there is no influx of energy. A living system is an example of a system that maintains its structure by the intake of energy (food, air). It reconstructs his structure by permanently replacing the damaged parts (Autopoiesis).

The big difference between the theories of Bolzmann and Shannon is that the Information theory of Shannon is dimensionless. Everything is just bits. When the bits are scanned they (re-)produce the picture (or the sound).

The Holographic principle shows that it is possible to imagine a Universe where the data that is stored in a n-Dimensional surface is able to create a n+1-Dimensional (or n+j j>1) universe. The Universe could be stored in a grain of sand.

The dynamics in the Universe is created by the deepest layer the Vacuum. On the very small level of the Vacuum there is only chaos. This chaos is a result of the Heisenberg uncertainty principle.

The chaos of the Vacuum or the Zero-Point-Field generates an enormous amount of potential energy that flows through possible paths (Spin-networks). The temperature of the vacuum is so high that the water that flows through the networks changes into a foam (Spin-foam).

On the deepest level the Universe can be represented as a constant creation and destruction of tiny Soap-bubbles that contain an enormous amount of potential energy. Someone or something has to guide this energy through all the possible pathways that are described by the Magic Hologram.

Just like Julian Barbour in his book “The End of Time“, Michael Lockwood takes the Now very seriously.

In his recent book The Labyrinth in Time he calls the Now Actuality. Actuality is a part of the surface of the Hologram that we (the Sensors, The Observers) are traveling. We are able to move back and forth at the surface. This means that we are able to travel time. The only condition we have to fullfill is that we are closing the loop. We have to close the loop because in the end we always arrive at the beginning.

The Universe is an eternal cycle of expanding and contracting states (The Big Bounce). Loop Quantum Gravity has been able to solve the problem of what happened before the Big Bang. It is also a result of the Holographic principle.

The father of the Holographic principle is John Archibald Wheeler.

He believes we create the Universe through quantum-mechanical acts of observation, a process he calls “genesis by observership”. “The past is theory,” he once wrote. “It has no existence except in the records of the present. We are participators, at the microscopic level, in making that past, as well as the present and the future.”