Posts Tagged ‘Japan’

About The End of the Dollar

Monday, July 21st, 2008

A well-known scientist once gave a public lecture on astronomy. He described how the earth orbits around the sun and how the sun, in turn, orbits around the center of a vast collection of stars called our galaxy.

At the end of the lecture, a little old lady at the back of the room got up and said: “What you have told us is rubbish. The world is really a flat plate supported on the back of a giant tortoise” The scientist gave a superior smile before replying, “What is the tortoise standing on?” “You’re very clever, young man, very clever,” said the old lady. “But it’s turtles all the way down!”

The Financial System of the World is a special version of “Turtles all the way down“. At this moment one of the pillars of the US Financial System (Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac) is falling and many people hope it will be supported by a financial pillar, the US Government. The two pillars have financed 5.2 trillion dollars of mortgages (

Since 1970, the US Federal Government has run deficits for all but four years (1998-2001) adding to a total debt of 9.5 trillion of dollars (9.500.000.000.000). If you include entitlements such as Social Securityand Medicare the debt is $53 trillion—or $175,000 for every American—andrising.

A huge part of the debt is held by two pillars, the central banks of Japan and China. The Central Banks of China and Japan are slowly moving out of the Dollar. This pillar is falling also.

The Citizens of the US are the only turtles that are left. The US Government could raise taxes, reduce its spending or raise the interest rate. In all the cases the US Economy would fall into a recession. They are unable to do this. The US voters will never elect an American President who is raising taxes or will move its country into a recession. They will always vote for the Big Spender.

Below the last pillar is Emptyness, the Abyss, The Underworld, Hell. The Universe is floating in Nothingness. The Universe is floating because it is moving. Movement is the essence of the Universe.

The problem of Turtles all the Way Down (Infinite Regress) can be solved in a Circular, Rotating, Cyclic model. In a Circular model there is No cause and there is no End. Every point is a Beginning and an End. Every Cause comes back on Itself. In the End the US has to solve its own problems and the only way to solve its problems is to accept a Recession.

The US Financial System has generated a debt for more than 30 years. They were supported by other countries to expand their economy. These countries needed the US as a buyer of their products. They also needed the US to copy their Technology and their Science.

At this moment the Economic Activity in the World is moving to the East. The countries that supported the US the most, Japan and China, are now creating their own Cycle and their own market. This cycle is completed by the addition of India and Russia. In due time they don’t need the US Market, the US Technology and US Science anymore. The US has given them all the opportunities by Outsourcing many of their activities.

Japan and China are becoming friends again and they have their finger on the trigger of the financial gun. When they move into another currency or create their own currency the US financial system dies immedeatly. They don’t need a war to win the war.

What US Time Travellers are Telling about their Future: The Results of the Experiments of Helen Wambach

Monday, October 22nd, 2007

A few years ago a friend advised me to visit a well-known hypnotherapist.

Hypnotherapists know that Future and Past are “known” in the Now. They explore the past because they believe the Now is influenced by the Causal Chain of Time. They believe in Karma. They believe we are in this life to solve something we did “wrong” in an earlier life.

Personally I don’t believe this is the case. I believe our Universe is an immense learning machine that already contains all the possible paths we can travel. This explains why people are able to Travel Time.

It took a very long time before the therapist brought me in the State of Hypnosis. When I was in the state I experienced something I had never ever experienced before. I went back in History and visited former Life’s.

A week later I went on holiday and the effect of his treatment was prolonged. While driving our car I went into trance-states. The holiday became a magical journey. I found out that my wife and I had been connected in history many times in many relationships and that a special theme (loosing our child) was coming back all the time.

In the next meeting with the therapist the effect of the treatment was even more spectacular. Within a few minutes I traveled through space with an enormous speed. I flew into the Eye Of God and experienced Intense Love. I did not want to leave this state. The therapist had to “drag me out of it”.

The Union with God returned many times until I moved into a very special experience. I died and came back alive and went into a trance-state for more than a week in which I was told many things about the Future and the Structure of the Universe. After this experience (a Rising of my Kundalini) my Life changed in many ways. I came into a very special state of Coincedences which I now call My Magical Mystery Tour.

Helen Wambach, started a big research project in the late 1990′s. She defined a protocol and brought many people in a state of hypnosis. In this state she asked them to move into the Future. The results were remarkable. There was a huge consistency in the stories people were telling. They were talking from many perspectives about a shared future.

When she asked people to jump to the near future many of them were unable to do that. They were “incarnated” in a future far ahead (>2100). Only a few could talk about the near future and they experienced terrible conditions related to a major disaster (eartquakes, floods). Experiments done by other researchers showed a comparable pattern.

In 1989 Chet Snow wrote a book about her research called Mass Dreams of the Future, Mc Graw Hill & Co.

This is the general pattern:

1. In the coming years enormous disasters (Earthquakes, Floods, Financial Collapse of the US) will take place. Japan and the US West Coast will disappear. Society will collapse and many people will die. The US will move into a State of Martial Law.

2. After many years most of humanity will live in just four environment types: First: sylvan, ecologically-sound creative and spiritual communities widely scattered in temperate zones; Second: hi-tech cities dependent on domes and other artificial protections against a harsh exterior environment; Third: isolated, rustic settlements of people who have forsaken technological solutions to Earth’s problems, returning to a simpler, less-complex life-style; and Fourth: space-farers who inhabit artificial space stations above the Earth, or build protected colonies on nearby planets like Mars.

3. A period after 2300 AD, known as the “Outward Wave,” when humanity will no longer be bound either by this solar system or by present-day concepts of 3-D reality.

A comparable book is the The Third Reich of Dreams by Charlotte Beradt. The book contains dreams of normal people in Germany that predicted every aspect of the Nazi Regime in every detail. At the end of her book Beradt says that these dreams contain a warning, “the warning that totalitarian tendencies must be recognized before they become overt – before the guise is dropped … before people no longer may speak the word “I” and must guard their tongue so that not even they understand what they say, and before we begin to actually live the “Life Without Walls

The dream states of Helen Wambach’s are taken from normal US Citizens. Just like the dreams of the Third Reich they contain a warning. The warning for a massive decline in the American population caused by a succession of natural and also political disasters. Many of the prophecies are very detailed and already came out. The major disaster seems to be postponed. Let us hope for ever.

This could be related to the fact that the future is not determinated but is related to the collective psyche. It is proved that when many people imagine something it will happen. Perhaps the “knowledge” of the disaster prevented the disaster.

The US Army is spending a lot of money to build a Time Machine and Tele-Portation. They also use (or used) people (Remote Viewers) to travel time (History and Future) to detect unwanted intruders and also act according to these threats. Perhaps they “prevented” the disaster.

In august 2004 the American Army released a report about the possible use of Teleportation and Time Travel. It contains a very special chapter dedicated to the work of Leshan.

An unusual teleportation concept has been proposed by Leshan (1999, 2002), which describes the teleportation of objects throughout our universe by using the geometrical properties of space-time. The proposal posits that there is a “zero-space” that exists outside the boundary of our universe, whereby this zero-space is a “point form” space, where the distance between any two points is always equal to zero. Leshan also calls this space a “hole.”

Further requirements and assumptions of the model are:

  • time does not exist as a property in zero-space
  • the cosmological principle (i.e., there are no privileged frames relative to another place or point in the universe) requires that the boundary or border of the universe must pass through every point of space
  • virtual holes (or zero-space) in space-time must exist at every point of the universe, which are also called “vacuum holes”
  • vacuum holes exist as virtual particles

What Leshan is explaining is that there is place outside the Boundary of our Universe that is the Primal Void, the Emptiness before any thing was created. This Primal Void permeates our Universe at every place and shows itself as Tiny Holes. The Holes are everywhere. We can travel through these Holes to any point in Time and Space.

The Hole in Time/Space was well known in history. It was called a Bindu in the Ancient Science of India and the Sekhem in Ancient Egypt.

At this moment Scientist are developing very powerful instruments to jump through the Wormhole. They think they need a lot of energy to do this.

To Travel through you don’t need a lot of energy. To travel Time and Space through the Spiritual Hole you need to develop a very special “attitude”. According to Dzogchen teachings, the energy of an individual is essentially totally formless. However the individual’s mindstream gives rise to two kinds of forms:

  • forms that the individual experiences as his or her body, voice and mind and
  • forms that the individual experiences as an external environment

What appears as a world of apparently external phenomena, is the energy of the individual him or herself. There is nothing external or separate from the individual. Everything that manifests in the individual’s field of experience is a continuum.

When an advanced practitioner successfully completes practices he realizes the Body Of Light or the Rainbow Body. The final goal is to Dissolve in the Void (The Zero Point of Leshan). With the Body Of Light he can travel Time and Space.

The Body Of Light is a spiritual term for the non-physical body, the Body of the Soul.  It is known by many names in different spiritual traditions, such as “the resurrection body” and “the glorified body” in Christianity. “The most sacred body” (wujud al-aqdas) and “supracelestial body” (jism asli haqiqi) in Sufism. “the diamond body” in Taoism. “The body of bliss” in Kriya Yoga and “the immortal body” (soma athanaton) in Hermeticism.

The most important practice is a to learn a special form of Lucid Dreaming, Being Aware in the Dream State. If this happens the Power of the Kundalini Energy Jumps (like what happened to me) and opens up the Light Body. If this happens many “para-normal” abilities show them selves and the person is connected to the Flow of the Tao.

The result of the activity of a hypnotherapist looks a lot like Lucid Dreaming.

Perhaps the people of EllenWambach really traveled time and visited a Highly Possible Future.

I think it is a good advice to pay some attention to the results of Mass Dreams of the Future.

What the theories of Physics also learn is that The Now Influences History And The Future.

Perhaps we can change some things we don’t like together. Let us start a Dialogue about What we Really Want.

Why is Western Civilization so Extreme Violent?

Wednesday, May 30th, 2007

Violence can be seen in every area of life.

We converted people to the Christian Faith of “Love thy Neighbor” with Violence.

We cure Diseases with Violence (Opening the Body, Taking Toxic medicine), we use Violence to create Food and now we even use Violence to Enforce (!) Peace (Afghanistan, Iraq).

Violence to enforce Peace is the last invention of what a friend of mine calls the Dark Dreamers.

Dark Dreamers are people that cannot handle Love and Compassion. They are afraid to Lose Control.

To Stay in Power they have to Suppress Others. To suppress others they need Violent People (Killers, Soldiers, Food for Cannons).

Violence is a reaction to suppression and the most effectual suppression is the suppression of sexuality.

In “The History of Sexuality“, Foucault states that Western Culture has long been fixated on Sexuality.

In China, Japan, India and the Roman Empire sexuality has been seen as an “Ars Erotica”, “Erotic Art“, a special experience.

Sexuality is something to Enjoy like good food, music and theater.

In Western Society something completely different has been created, “Scientia Sexualis“, the Science of Sexuality.

It is based on a phenomenon diametrically opposed to Ars Erotica: the Confession. The pleasure of Sexuality has to be confessed and examined in every detail to find the traces of SIN.

The confession of sin creates a power relation between preacher and confessant.

Foucault writes: “We are an extraordinarily confessing society. Confession has spread its effects far and wide: in the judicial system, in the army, in medicine, in pedagogy, in familial relations, in amorous relationships, in everyday life and in the most solemn rituals; crimes are confessed, sins are confessed, thoughts and desires are confessed, one’s past and one’s dreams are confessed, one’s childhood is confessed; one’s diseases and problems are confessed”.

The main focus of the confession was on regulating the sexuality of the married couple, ignoring other forms of sexual relations.

Therefore the body of women was sexualized because of its role as a child bearer.

The concept “hysteria” was invented and seen as a result of sexual problems.

To prevent that children experience sexuality as a pleasure parents are warned about the dangers inherent in masturbation and other sexuality.

The sexuality of adults becomes an object of study and all forms of “perverse” aberrations are seen as dangers.

Foucault emphasizes that the aim of these moral codes was not to abolish all forms of sexuality, but to protect health and the purity of the race.

What can we do to stop this violence?

Don’t Confess Anymore. Talk Freely about everything you Enjoy even Sexuality and consider life as a beautiful experience.

Make Love not War.

Leave the System of Violence and join The System of Love and Compassion.

If you want to bring Peace to the World go to the under-development countries and help to build Roads, Schools, and Houses.

The people over there are Not Violent (Remember this is the Message of the Mass Media) they want to Enjoy Life Like You.